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ufflSBHSISJ nw mmi,frm i ' . "tWng. hi hxmockoic iAxox TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1B11. L Rectprodfy Act Canada and PWTLE3t isfli aesr st Cte XeCtaT 6SB iar CV miffira: re!tae27 as Jit. jaasK&. ay fie Suuuk lysyi p.. i. ..!. 8a ggCTgr 2 3r esse 5y aVe ,air..i.ft' tie-EaKa:! 2X H.j 'U I'Wilr , TSaa. these sSa S BerS-t ea- aseata'aag jpitt5ig Sess- ei, She ja'ata. pn- 3f afee EMisfufiEa axT tt4cs Sspsrsrf fiestas Sam sss CsSasc Sasea r asy sff in &- astowx, yrpgg trie Elifflinr 1 aa' 1 12 SaScafl aaf Gbcs asas TEzexss, 1B. Sbs ff -tf-ses aasv ierie. etf-aga-g aag yf 3 SAnr tseUsu 3Rsa& -metit &. tsC .'iiH-rrtJi), , jert: asaS. a Ccr sab. r zx- x.t szz7tS3x iiae-ft rjM Jn-'ja? Stexza atf ia aae Ss Cs ae-Jaat JS taa: yer 3sai. aMCfi f. Se SrSic jigarat cor jra-e-iitje 3r astsr zasas-sec wCierwse- jdrtflsfS ae; Ri. eestx per posfrrr. is aes. S5 e- saaC 2S- ser fc Xagi aestg-cepn'Th & Iks ja rT iSeuiae aacf. TThrraC "aM.jii11.. 11. iTt rn ir if "-ErmrT nf WBBeaCS 5er essssat i x3aot- XSate 4-Eaess ifrHaiTr. 5r TraaSerer C-. hv a3K, stttXiA as & &r tonesa crcssa ffiE. aefag-Jri -rter weuaias cBr nrBx-a3aCrtSS39fz - j-- 5caajer?Kp: rieTtica3 .V iesat -yrf7-' f'" -i-ar.ggapg ; C -winea J-xTfrrg .f.-Tj-ga: ; aa5i tc thr or -3cr paetel n C. i teases. -i3. 3i S" "" asd ciir TsagyaftSra. sv sesCieo3 &b eases rCSer'arC53X -a astiisc. 3?i. ca jr psrii. "STieaC iaicr ami sesaoss. asa. rjvt flacei SBoafia par lamS T25 pmzafx. u w aexs aaS rt ; ':jt w"i'"iii at'ji'i.'i c nnc toves" Mil1 ." itiL yp rryi far ;ir.lf;r; 3 -arSca vtsXii3m'BiSBZxsapiaes2i&tt SPtspwrraeininn JacafcaJi a7nK. OeaaerS. TT- cassa par SaEafn-CI ytrotifn i 2cay i-irl -C 3S pe- Smabi". -ymtmilr ' ScrieT. pec 7KS3e r pasesc 11111 i j -j' " sartr. ace-ssati:; WET rf '.j ju.rit- 1 ja.-aJ SMf&K.. sec OSrfTrsw fewlScg 2sr Sifnss. I?ji pt- rrrtnrrn TiT' aaaTiSsics; saS c&er ia Ci fjgssla -ra-4 -"'" SmvC. Z5ea"ffl jsjE-SamfcTid poaaix. a wf vesassstdsV I .ir yr- SffiTtrrra. -rxr vtei HPSne2z5ie v tlfe ; f". bok c-ctar- 3ES&fssa&. SS IKS' trasses. asf waOtrrKffi. 2Ti-rfr. wv i. eases xtf; zausr jMElarfi asras&- nsensw Tat. -steer r 2k pare: C s tnr ass tat T Surer -wr aaexC. bs mtawH -ortsfc. 3ons aese. t",- nes&?.!ZML-j: afa escsOd rrt exstSHl aMpeasa. aa In -Barm. bsS Szsmu mkuz eaasdir m enaSBrtSBaerj- . a& tfenSii. T frr eesaaaaiTdscea. Kajfieessrastasx3M'4&astt X ersr Pi-fcrs. swUaffrg ycSin aaat rfT zZ xsssSk. asi aai seasttr s aws-e; Z3 ar-r jaiu at lafceeM. C5iery Efcr as prsse Jet aa" jsrutw -aai ass msscs-Hrxte: yatm aa& assa sfcatx Tf-icSr. Ca pte-eegp jBaBjj-a IVae asa s. 3aes r ax wHtanrn. Ta- aic c-sniia. ait aa. Oi SSSSI eSf SaOest hereSac xnf 4airfnt pecaa :asssx3t c cesstaraCtae ftffi mT nun - anriKS aa , awawjis "- aatfcarrtMC 1 SsrSaas jigjyiimi u hrj- lecdtss. yri gafl Mbr e- Sbmf fflBtlcat . 3ur a arte B. 1 ft 1 ..if nnii js afeenusC Ssspsasa"! Sfaar aa-: ' Jae aaeggafs gyr,Hir sfiafrrn& t itet afiaueaas. affAcsx&ccEsie. isf T"int T " Tt tt f'l-'iy XL yy-t'yiTTi fia3fw sasr snsessatas. or , 53ff '-"HT'tliy barrr'-a 9SSj QST aari s. ar gafflkfenfc IT. gar . SeaBBJ.pesr33daf apneas arT rxsc asssv uSh1 'a1 ffwg. sa. asar : w, fwr,.' 3xr va'-'ss 'nUiTiF- 1 a -osb-3. fc-ii Sx - miim 15irrrarr: . JVia. 'npni xsftC 3biWjiC starat gagjajg S y--nrasasss aj 1 ilm 11 3?30wa Mtis. asscl ifla4t ancravr. atafr pin 111 1. 1 1 in1 1 I aew- ottaat. estfana "aftflifl tfsssBsss. BssnKEa. WTT 3i jcr asasss Taosie cscaww. -vscSL i: ar Safi. aitluTJ. ssssaBsffisaE. sssbbb- as 31 sssc. er -sssscessgacss isssat jgTg atoaae tssssse. Zr Farored tor Hk United Sfrfcs OriSe- of imt aw calory Z pier nfaHn ffirrHw-TmirmffirTTrf tfntm j,.;'UHtf; Tnannflrjunac of as&xnMi nr arffctes off -xSfchj aanesms: Im tfiffi fmtu poseaC margrfsri off c&leff vtiIucs, ImnuiB-&xz- mina darSes -xtUJlIfc- air Ih) cntuff value- at atjbfsm. SSSfe per- cgnnrm' atfl valisnsm. g-fnrfHtr last Sgfc per cntami atfl -cav CHterr. olnn-C or nnts anriinltnlivgs, patafcielBra.aaiflsflaaia2ntoM: xst fertEV fer finnseHalifl nnrgiwasj amfl tabfe aaais ZPfc peg cmiuim aafl vaGV cnu atai; a;,iii.., uosi' v.i. -;. wuu. ,. n ta-ni TiSsnsiz. ?:. artcala am atHr-plnmllliui; I f--m. fh-HutftrrMfmy amB QtcatDrihas I Sattftrnfta. afnlo ami Tmrnitry mUi afft n"rjiLa.'m fHnj' (ii?ic: OCT my II f r oC fltiw-- msnsiall. 2 & casmnn ait-ntacssc. 3agl BBlE tnaa-Tmwtg, - pe- csatBSxaaE'raloiiKn. Owtr. iffiiea.. tHaw sssaifiKaj, ejggfc3mjTanfcgr3,dtoe3ctaam 'TsBunaJ- ! guag yondiac caner. amB eittmrtin I 3,,. gmiliaHa gnltffi. amgnr camflj amS fiar Snhflnc ss. C par caamun "a'lennfetlliniatr rif alll aufls. 2S jjer , iratCtsusu- yqaj gacs. S?S. gg" rrnna atB - rab - Iw".i- Gaoea.araamaaiDaata:aff-na(I3JciC pawwr teens. 22?5. psr irnmi aafi ihh tiHT.I. ?. eadit noil drssm&. call-1 atssC aer ainJ!rGi mimnrnKBaseC ESljnrmtfTtoBianifiiffli!S-allt3missBnnifl J aeceBXtnaxaiBTalonssB. jacapgee- snepem m-riipT,. ., a aaaaraesc eannai cunau tituu ua, . r .. ,, - n nL- ea . , w, - .! IMI TWTlfTTin TTTTT rrmm -n: mi" -i-tiii ' . . sgitaaa; guiaornu-cnn-iaitsaau i caajepRBiaraamiisiaipananDanm - Sffaa;iaM68.I?feer-ca3iannad3ii TaiorsnL. EalE-Sia. 3aCarTvte.unsnes!asac jtraes' esssiBair w! pmrrH fbsE ssefL aadi one icaTtvnng: cnsuFilrn: prsns- Ssr atrau. Cff. per c TTnnn aiB- MiSBe s!!lriKi ntiirsr ttiaru fidir calU- 3itoBc Trteirtrau amr nam ra: aael Bart taC ann tn&dbVZ?, UteML isra -anti btiaaaraUn, SH!:U!CT)lUltISanadniWlflnma5 can.K.wnm.c "r"""", sd-Taterea. yy-rt toKraniPSB aH. fiincs ! rssea, or Baca!., puBSUuub. jaicnwk. , -asjeatffat "nrfiast. (nniei; nS boofca. dsr B'it' flitr arrtlTrilill fllitai. all' . ,- ... m, fl TT.W..IJW- nrr lh, I ' ZZJTTr nZrH-rt k-inmi eSfeT ls r Battle 31. ,Mir .aram CTw.. mfnTtTintHTTii at 5ruljt Cirmi Ti T3t- ttrrrlTilnmi mi aiulUSL UJM tlSIT T amf. rrxas. S tisuwffr-ffinaiSl t-?t-. B)3itt tttsr mjiiiMtniB iMi Sblnatesw 30' -3nc prr ttiunianiU SanrHC nnanlfe. atenUai ditxUfaaitliit er- hna&ec: sjUmedl or SnlntlwB im &, 51'rjta frs- ttlHaiwHtK 3-n tUmrt ssussen: sttaiJKdl Qrtlaia(ii'-Jinuut'-4ill iaBfiws5naaiDisrBMn-Il rrniuW njsiE aaj iw sWi-b - "! tnvansswtI3 fKrtL bnsrrtl nuaouv- UBii; r tlaH-E bi rtirr-r 4hUsb -nr ltr aaitl SaiBIl mirwuatnllTinmi aaiE snwiw-fl HB3 w -Htowaui 3C baanf mvsHHn- i1hit11 itn 2niEfe wu fiwur hU SIU34 IH-T Uut. swaiS Sfsii Hwutil mraaam: auiB tti. -e' mffw Kxsn aueumnx iihIi' 11 Ciur&uV m brUiPtttai Matti tin- mailt oa. eWttiil! mraMHiw oai ai-iunn nfT ottan tas. ajflralmr sotf! rmmiug foanu am. JbimUhb: manirmltfaniu 1 anai m aadl dte- Ohww mr nssUutua. il fSnm. Harac jeMM, HUeeua, geiu,, -.rff,rar,irr.n,m mmJiwiiMfliniaJlnin 6 aaabr Sm tn sv-jgia off ttia onr ijaannr araaitotim'-crtukauniass-lbt'' thtsslisiiiF or pliewseaflt!' eomlllnisdll tluscntttb y ejtlartL'jir'pnJmiaffallllUmiUiancm' an staipaartUTttugaiHnlfffnHi)Mracggc. S ?3ia. IK- mm Paarti&dQ rttan tfar tUUlbsB nUaro- eaw TU-mH-disttalllmtiH eSbrtt-alusuiwurttui) Sraideac eff ttht Hoilitll atattMH ausUl tarr- aattUactury oviiUsas amB allalll -new jprwifemmtmn tttzConi rtueacttfcUns atrelBaatsr eaumerantil itiu' gaarrtlu, jHDumis: r- niaaanamua: nff tna IDiltDdl atates sr anj? ulT ub. poxiwasitmai (tta (99c the- VUlHupbifr Bdhndhi ninfl ttue tsmtii- i(T Kuami amB TSxmillU). ntusn aapvraMl ttbpfrnmi (Utti ttite Emaluumi offCaasdai Uaile atic Itaezcssai off ttile asSowaBg, 3nsc imo"di munrifc: Wteasti mKafl lc weUL aattttua. !mUi pKr& aadl alll mtiKr trnsni cor ro fttgeauudl autuui anxaniag sain DV oeaa. pis pssniB. Batntai audi Jawasu. auitUnttaasairjiaxk. SLcaa psr pannal lfBst off all; Ittmllr., rtYfirti. saaaUnS, tJ' 111 haaifli' imgiaiillmriuuji'i-.P' wtiaacur m::nxirrc.niit:iirit-rTTaw-?lirrrtfm. saitdtdlibK. IKj cseinw arir niiumC ytmnn ywiwiri. nifi .iimiy pirii.iin grttomUgtBtrsttatil iBxgaslhigs, aneth -tas rnipi rtrtnn p vnttTTn irtlwirrlimt ceflttsc, oarttna -wuOj, Hint. Histm-iuffaitaC, :IuiulujratcC23)ipeT' lamllsS' tninU, mnv. ilntas. ,;;ni:int mafl i 1 1 m 11 aiO vailonsu. fialtnmi amnxrrefl ffnr osse is anrrgfcal XjbC andl csmpanmlki ttltamC ccotn- lidtagaiugu. punhi armrttli-nngfl. lagrgeal awf earmmj atuartmu audi aaUaaU Htnsm, aaartfaantifi mrptaiEUi ibaafl anTrf1?"?; Bftiyyiimii; OKtwiff ainitiinus. IE7iijariBsainai Afl TiUam Mieagaac peg iinmlrrWI mnmnlB. wtUatem. : rriui. sg; albamien amfl hllunfl abscua.'TisperseattmiiadlTaibRem. Sx aeceejc stueTifciUi, au Trnattswsr aEHut- Itannoi, usctod! im alt. im ttia &axssj:ag:msmriuulag;tnanietguia tllB-pacn35& iju rtlem wiejgillac anresr taasatginnirwBagaBiattioTXBYtlflttgatls sargasc warhV ff -ggggipigrpvr'.'nijffr. QtoHlSBll okob tfagnag. uatt tetmfltecgxaV wtosn Tiaagnng; ovesr . sat: onar tsffsBCr 1 nnr KStaiBS ttSl Trte Tvnslgnme ftviglvc firmcrae eadn tar Haas. 2 wnrt pwr nscSau? 0) TTfIsn -vniignmg tUilr- ''ZXT. TSmuubm amB artlisr w-rsaffitat. !h cfinfliinTOTKn to ganninrnmeraur flight pw.2atprB anifi Ifartlullmc tlbe TiJstC 10C Wiioc diimr arufl iwautlliint nuB ?e 3iim3IVa!nnB nBrUjnll uff aBDomtmBs. gnnnifflfl anrd wriliefl latte. iiuihiains Our UnniUTBfl onnniSs. QtRuuiaiL C2s iutB gK-r 3imittivll OnnniQfc UtaJiTJ' muIU. JtH scms o!r thuiiftrrtl pmnills- HJirKy otn. QRxttteB nr ptuttoit. ' aalffrtj-nt) j'D'niniB. Bllfittrr-tiinC alum- air ansC, unrtnlC cssiif ow nnntfl. WlbflaiIfci,5KmsiJicrBnJiJnfii f "-" n...u..u B"afiwfif-aini "rtt"l DmrtmB ffnrr Uicrtis. B5 Mrs satnm , ,, ..nnvw m u r.Tl lion luiiuuiiur umu fiiuizs 'ii - ffrar' - . n pesonniinsnBnrax.u ' JU7n"u a",u - - -- "- nminic. - ... ., iUUTCBIH. TOUBM aaiU QlUa OK" , i n ti.nv.M- rrrm. ( IHIV1UUI - U UU1 MJI) JAUJiTLi n,,,, ir nttUa. nuntKlhfl. 25 nr .cemv 1 .Inmiainninam. miKnuiHs, wasfem. callies .nnB a Bnttf-njeliilw'iaiinjnK-Blai'wrlnllejirlln Ijpje-; aCsssw (nr any 3ufl off tuunr nr mi! ijpa, -onflifaiBn Trtllh ciliueDlnie, dlfaB ni!L mIIlBfl nnnearni. isamBlefl tjemlum aiC r.illinrgni. ' 2QiiPaaljair.TmninnoilEalfcnn.Biracil' pBjrpmnJiB. KfcjHia". 'insUullhiS' pUiSJlstt ams:, agnnae ,rtr 11 JtiullB amB tlWb pinnte ajr anni'y - IU.nigrmmttinpaiB'TOlliniaU. ri. nt.. mrifl nrnm? 'WSfM. mr ' -rtita-im mimi(inthii!ip.icx,TiKra!ni-, mmaifl( ' - aaiKsall Taneaa man anumxunw m ... .. ..... ... , ,t ,. .1 3,,, mnK3l, ua uo. - .. . tm ... will I P till 11H IPH IHWII t itt ".1 ' :M' - :iHartatiiilte.,nKrl:BIItin:n:afll?: Mjjjjjjj QnpHrtjuHB. umftUiercs. saBpI"3T I amfl ntaatt Oiattwt. B5S pr mnn. am-raliiiram Hacmi ikusdw nn amwuen pmrn! elnniC 23fe nJT "Kiitum aiu wninram. BIUith, Hnimi anm uc in. TifttC3i rKaflHRB 3iKiiolhtniflfltlIlBainB ntomsa8 HltlK1l. lUiraw olkes. (EUta j -,.trrtUf1m- - " ""7 ,, "l" :,ura'. """rT . -- 'In'! II iiUIZIIllllf IIUiUld IVUIU iji.wj. eamlllbnitinu. Iliiirw",wer ""U tsbsuiib eatfuien. ffin- ffirrm niurjioueK Iubt llmill esa,, DiiianiHaimrtRH. ffuUDe'nr 3-0 cm- H": H1"" ,T-i"-B-""""" . I BH'o, ffurn. -in- 11H1B millers, imanuw l n. miU auUnlllte aaE BuuiIImU nmaB ttiieretn" ihnimrCfd ffnr ne- jjalfc- iff ttlifflnreRTllijg itatiantt tth&Sling. ainwrtfuamnauiBwillimnu. fffcMiiB(nuiieMiirtfamUinmie.uiiituaouin eC dnuithB .iir nun. 35 aaana por Ibnn ' iClamu ila any state, iresb or petetl ? Mctels aoafl paBrtgB, in-rv.BonranllJi- !; miflnrtnreriBgit of the ffaregnlas. ' PaHSer ruck ur anwia. crade, not Bfewsnime asamtte. 3BuiU!mnie. Ulaie-, 'Sail, tarring, "whale xnd other & 5 sronad. ... amme .-nuB alll luuier ammumentni oriaU. aaslmling sod H. prorldefl no" air. irrr-.TiiiTs-rTared orroagacia anlllHlnc -tinie, cannt maaaile. uraeceta j mrtb mil. nfffcaie ull. acal oil aad flm J J saed ecdy. amd mirr. gronad or boited. mn .iiiupiL annannuluciutB tnr mm Jill ibnida. being tbe prodnst ts fish relates; xnae.p:woea or srotrad. dhw.a. Hnwm nr nnindweu, 22 Br cmOTOT aiBratlimnn. IuuiiriiuTtilluteX5!amwnttnmnTil ayiniTf SaiK. WltsilWB UMBUug H!lu!am. mnt toma ' nuetUf U dir (Qerjirnnsfl Un max nnanner amB iJuMtug UllirSta? off Httnuu. TSZ& U' csnmtm .nil willirrum. KtiUi- 'C linm .ub .-a ffiillur, 221a okt I ciiamnu nil wtuunim. : Aiiliii. mr;uirnitaaufaanflrtbnn' gsmmill mnmifJurrnime uT xotuetnais uir antiillen -iff tvlliliib asrtlieiniw Us tine dram ... .- .... .,. xlih D" """"r"" "" '""., ,,t.- " " "- ... -. - . wUu.r..ff lrttia.S3i:!ar'iBnnim nB BtttUllns'hlL. aSfeawunanatH wo- f1"52111- Qatla- nlanefluirniiK-fliteUxtHlanveft. ntetHaltveu. irtlaanrB amB iiear, HajiveB. muB ffuTK ffiir UionxalullB nna-pases nuB mUlle nibi-aJ7t p"1- toemnm aB wa Ibwau nielfa imm gantgs. Unnew anraieas .unB rallen mir iprhiieTB. 'SShx Pr uanmnn ind TOliimnU- HUrfitsj. orauute atuB uttbar iplnnmmg flinureB ffiir UaturronaiB .nnB Ihvrmnties, uatuinUR. nlmtB auifl Uumitty tmbs nf astrtl.inivami, uitnne. iceauuttaEraaay nr off uitiinr tnnnrrht!. nH3- nwr gnntmn jfl vrUUircm Ulnuu. tuuutt Uaircanaeanj. 23i ar csffiimni atB wrllimrm. ffibrfliRwaniwB.tlnaea-5aaBrtlmiUEhel: ,TrtT1nl-ny(.Ti-pTtaraagt-ic.j Ses3na 2. Palp f arood ssascaaa amB miiKli Hpbbc. iribacuiwanifliEUri: t uhmateof sods, tc aadx cafce. asS it5r giaaadi palp a arod, ebesdcaS. aaavCTiiwttBSiartggnanaiaLflqrnlarea. 1 jngajag, ofrncfaaa ar UTiblrarttnd: arsni prist pa- Bgintgal tniMua omagB atnfl irtthhifftB Xrsncts aTTtenuoei: boct. per a ccber jrcpsr amd paper board anruullBntaaagg'g'ntTrrn jot. rutnoa reksaxadas. aegarfadxred frnm inctannciJ arood albmaa. Ufcatss majarir8flaBfc.tadl'je3- yiap c Ssvm cftieaElcal arBod prdp or 'WiBnlnuc,23&aTnanaaifl'T- -jag. ju- u-hag-tffjeeaBT T arti-a at3 palp It the csB&paaest ttolBm rur!brgasinjilips;,.ghg'or3ghss.aBg isa!rrrl cdflEf nlse, egjaraa la 1e ganawB.iniBfmmmBioaTB.tgTroBe.Tnat jum jjanfahefl or.paaag- t palp aaoc csiareifl amd alae at aot namtrtlioumJEestiaatnniudbalawsnj. &- --a-, p wgy .AW--3 zanre -iiam essi per paaae. aae lav- W:ZZZl:aSZZZZZZaBee' air umornptwe t ingffiiluujiatBtcdUm'm. nUaxegtiaflB. mtt ttinhea.liBauieai mr jptmm acsedlutg msrea atnuaru ffeet cBunli amB onit uacaedllag 'J,wetlitSae xnamae ffai uoulb. 2Si gpta: uaaiuim aid vaUonenr 2ttntnr minifies, ulihsr Tttem cbc- saQ- ystagu amB lamiHian. anal anttnnBtiitles u Itani tar tsxeildlisaaaM ffnr ttaeBTfl- rCTii'-ituip u? -vrovfi palp, 233a Jer e- btUXC D "Tdloreni. I ainafcal lianm-nt ssc ffaacy jb tar Ibcaas. partialiot. wsJebsls. xt&&L par. vrt&&Vte.tXXzaASZXSxX tSbe guTgdinc fcmnpoMrfl TrtiaBx r 3n Cemcui jJorUanfl. bbC JpCrsfc flr j trniBr iBme im iDarreK. n? r -raw. itfbe -ntiisttt oI abc jxaifcESe 1 leto- isentB QMS' ibunterfi 7nnae. ; ,3iK-iJJfie. etrerrj jwaeti. jtsu snain 3cth stecb iaiowr aw June iCrniflBEt'HJ rttini-, ftte ceiptrt. GT lte gsuUssse to Uj! lincinSed In Stif -we5$$H 2D tms' cemmu ad -vatoresL Pnlltd to air tlc&t cans or uSats sir j gh 0taKB.tlte-lsrfsnr itlaa oir.naieripai3mcwloleiacmaeax3si3aci23aCBae. -TrtlcWffnr.flngu2ceniKrprc2d, ; Psb araH-j5fi-6. peats. sCBes. g,,,, dteIlefl. : BSKicrpoiBfl. ' craj. fc4w amd aJl Swr edEile - .rt GBfll. tnlnnmnonft. jonufl nd ma of antaa Shrttaatas ibtomtoms. coal raca aj,, m ,, ;,, -bnmsb a Ttaw-9Bar- 1 1 aer iHrcn jiciwm. 5 ceiiiw ir iia. , -., rtJ J.liHt MAlTv .i.r f w- ,.rfll - Damjsaiibu. tlK i-uulli. - rl-. ?ti .nUtolnn of nna!a. rti taponed tfacnCma toto Sat TJahed Slates or anfflflritepWBH9BiMMB (aeejCSaePliB- .jpjiiue HalauOB aafl tse is2aui ff tQtmm tuifl TmoUST fca fee esaj iae raimiate -cattle. 3ce asd amileB. ftwtoe. ffo-t&. isoaaa aaifl aS ortaerlllre-nnlinflls. JPimhrjt. tBead or nlte. TOTneat. 3?& oats. bBrleT xnd irorX--wneas. fltied aia and Vr.nw. edaiie. (Cnm. "BTOSfit ICE OTTTTWVTe. T. 'n--1?ui' --and euwjwtaa. 3Sean wescailrtea jjoattoea. nniuunea. ymns. Snmlpa. oalaas. eE&- amgggamflaill .nther geggaaflea la tae5r amtnml iBane- 2nfl-apfc. 3ra. 3b. m nm"pa rmn All rtTTM" G1U --j- -- - . . traits to libelr smem sane, mivttt ZZ . ,. -r-BnTjkkoa. T "" "I1 H jthaBdKdas. jpamelos xnd junapples. Itei-fl UnlltB apples, peacnes. penis tnnfl upriTtTta. &ied. ftesteaned "or trrax- l mfli Btanier. cfaeese X3mJ 'ireBn -mllfc nfl cream, prorifisd Stat: rffTm 3,33. ,3 -jt. -maspar- dams aignwljy "used In lfae tmispor-j miii n tnfllr n i-jwgum -mffr- tie TKEfift- fl j,, ibweb 2a ro ojjjjj-, -jj,. nriflB. madr sahsc 1 mlatimut as -tbt nfnlise soresnaeBts Tvnr" "f llannyard Jowl In "ta sheH. 0attinw!d oB. 'j?wffl5i Bii jjwjt' d nrr HiiH'8. corScta K-flauid'irtlier'on-'fis:?5aa seed. Sn- (Cluiliir: ttiman; jutl cUtre.eed: zsr (flea, tfielfl -and olfacr aeed aot bereaa j attbencixe ipiarjftd -foe Ttbea la jstcfk uiro "ajjiii i . tnttaclnainglkrtTer ifsedst ' iKsfa.of .U tinds. SJradu iraxea. joick ' ,0 Un 3,2 Brilled or rpreserred 3a nay iffn-m. icscept tsnumes and other list mreserBed in olL -and cbeHfiBSi of aP JJUE3SC 'T UM SUM. Hir " - ifchifls. Imcludinr rnrmera, iohszers amd rtleB cl on br 1b- Hsbermea I I one icnuen states, saaa wasmnHi nmo Cncndn as lie prodacz fC the (Unneo irnnw. ana saaaKiy bbs ujuj idB. TTtinle un. seal oH aad -fisb of ab ifcinds. ilwlag the pnidaet nof Sac&sie cnad on ly -lie ISsnermen -of Carta fis. ball be odauned into the Tialted ifiuttes ns rthe piwlnt of -Canada. SaK. - -- - f..1'rrt' n fc. UUlill:. lUTTli. 1UUCU 'li JMJWWd.'Wr ,er?se than tor aesv-lug. jso& ronad ' 'erwae ttaia uy BEKJas. am anno ' tUmUer iisd or nn or in ImQslag 'Whus. awedlboorcs. plant, ideals aad cb er Imnber tnot Jnnber TmrnnSnamed tthaa itstred. B'acbig poBta. traGrcBfi ties aad xele Oihane. osiU nitearfc: light xsA Je3t- igrnilb moles nf cedar .or olner .wuas. -"i'u u.i . .w. .-- . -. VRuoOsb ittavea of all .WniH. not isr- oner mmnmaesnren rTT"lT' iisieo rjs"- a..'nBajm5Teibohis. jTisiwh and palinfsa. tphatter aw or ensssnsi. era6- aC -mrrmlL ariEn-'rannannfaciHsHl Brmtste- ( aaco.nj. nna mfca. jroaafl or iolnj. 1 jiaspn crade, 3arflerefl orsswsafi. I tiwinc r-ir '- ijh.iu--ui- ii ,k & 1 .cimr mi -t-n?ifi-ia. . -rrrt. -mmii u;g-h!'tfg. rttoxriVBSSsttest&lwirt&letaS jrS&uA r aeaaaaai araH pa- isafeinTcUwInresalae. OloBefl Ins rjae! r s 3ia3agat&lggaiaaw&Jra;g teagtefl'tt!hTrtwaBBtaraaB8gitiH''i f aa& iCrasIniejaacaassel-w'WW-38 acaBatan Oii-uisjB. J"" , . OalraaiBBa!liBBaBrselHOTrea .Braan.3.cfcB;j-;--- trraeseCSeg jijt".iiKa anai -"' ' " , . icaiaasi atafl ipecis tflaasoit aiflKphefl inr isaeiminrhTliag oSsbk. marb-d ffeaeJng tkSs? sff area tc sasei .SavaaaaefljaraaC 'Cote. trno nrTe - .al3 - I, 3haxi Tin-S -ass jpyw TJtrTjfltfl. Tbl the xrUOw aSsrre csnzsecBiesS. Cue grvarfh. pro&att ? aBeasiaElnre f tbe Dtmsnlpn of Oes aiSa. a&iaSl lie exempt from a!y -zrbes idle jKvtSssaxsSsx (Sax de ii&metBS mi d &. af. Mini m ir 1 imiAm wm wn t i Vl. Ms cmKKsSoaiK e JJae 71&tte t ' Ilia iJIj IrnAAs ll tit ihX ' TsttaSJai. zre aiSiaSKeil &io U- IHcxId- lire atidintls cxslie. neces ataa xbj&s. .-rlo iSj5. 3hm s3 all Poafarr. iflaa r aSnc HTbest. rye. osa. titry aafl tract- rl!sS. 5rSea jea asad tMaa. eSt&e. Cecn. tne com r anxSce ((essft taio CesaA. far &S5RX&IB&. TSxy. sSfxv ziid omrjta ?i!i stwuiuetccciilow. na jwtajKfa. jjtnu. rnrrfyt. cesunK. cst- Jjapwaad aJI iKre5 Dned iraa ades. yarjifs. pears acfl xfcJtsos. &4HL atk2ted r rap occled. Hxiif jcv&agtt-tnsaex. Sxksh aad Jresh s&Qz aasd cretm. protHel tint cse&b aramifj- sited ia tlie rrarnsparta--Ooa of TnWfc or ertzxa csey 1 pnaeed torarazad farCti ieSMr-sj sbeSvscsnm Sles frse ef !u:j. amfltr smci rejncla- Ifoas a tl ret?s(re conxszaEZtx Tjgs of tuaraTxrd io-l n tlie H. Eeor. I Coans-o3 2L &s-a5 aaned c lteed. eotlaa eed and twier 4 nsodr: steis seed. ar3sdUi nmoiij- and 2torcr seed; ?zr des. &5d asid oCbcr ee3 sot atstdn 2isrsiie fsorided for 'ariiea 3 psefc xxs "t orer toe posad ears Pisa of aZ Mnd. XresS. frosea. padt ed la ies. sa3:ed oe- preBen-ed Sa aaiy ftrm. rifTyc szrtaes asd trtixr t0i jcieKs-rrt la ci3. cad iiYw4raFih of xS tiadE. lnrTifflTn; trsusB, Substers and Sas ia cxrr se. Creidi or pacid. gad aveila vS il foryxtfrg Seal, iwrrirs. v&ale cad oliier sa taCiia: ud tS. prortded tissl 2x3 o2L itaile GL scl cQ and 2h of x3 tTidn. b5a; tbe prtfdatx f flkier ies carried on I7 tbe fitlieraea of tae Called States. ti t a5rjiJSed inlio Vt-imT m tlie prudarz ef tiie Ciaied Bates, asid saakrfj slat Ssa cL Trta3e fi. seal a aad Sdj of aH Mads. telas- tlie prudan f SiaerJes cejt53 ca t?- tbe tiierzaea eff Canada. lixS 1 adsafcea xato tbe aBted States au tbe prndact vt Casada. Sat- 2Qaerl ira-rR. jirru'ri. aiat In bot- Sts or 3be- TirrHtsr. bexra. filS3 b- grcred otb-1 crsriB? caaa By saarxag. xas roana em ber vsr4 far isam ar in bvrTifthTff'l Tsiarrei. , . Savd IkietSs, plr-lnv deals aad orb-J -- tcs&cr. nut fartber xaaaafaccnred 1 j r?n:j sasied. i Kcrfag pnsta. rcSroad lies aad tele-, , pboae. zroEey. ftlectric Jsgat xad tele-j ' apb poles cf oedar nr other -woods. ! j Woudea sazTes f aa Mnflt, dm fcr- . " t a. xaa Rare basa. atfinsttwi. sue further TSaorspagi crade. awe grziuad. !Glycx5la. crade. siot parlaed. Ttii jsocad. EniSted ca- predjCizted. TtfrnrBTlyorarrifr1i! fortoSctsate. Snlphaie of oa ur scit ctle aad soda ash. S3Bdscf branioct bxrk. Cerboa efesrodea. Sttct la bars cad rods, la com or otberarlse. hoc less rhra tts fees, la lmria. or team ta strips, sfheets or plates, sua paBtated.pturitSied or caattd. tins aad pans thereef Imposttfd for J repair f the Jkosssng. UnSed Srxcn tr vS2 jhsss r plates, j ctsaed arfjj, 3ac sla Zr Sxt saeat or-rmT. j jra-iTiie om xaeta ursre. this os vn - , c r- .-- - Cradhie cek aaed wire. Talnad at Garmdaed ta ur Sel artre. oavodf or not. Xox. S. U and VS. -wire gxage. Tjpe-sssimg aasd rypewsttag na j chines amd pans thereof adapted fori ace la prmtrftg cgicea. learbrf feaetog arlre of boa r eteet galrsidsed or xaoc Cote, Hulled roaad arlre rais tn the CiiH. of 1 Saa " ai ree-e2catla of aa Jars la tfitxaetar aad aot aaaaUer Saaa Xo, C artre crage. pt- Jkss Sbe pmtocai f OssaVu -arsea teroertea Siierefrasa 4&eay Ss&t ae Tslnsfl StstM jft-aH be afimtH j-, grj- j mJWw! jg-eee- Asa , am rpnrr fiary. export a- iae as- Cher espart ciraw of ry arjaaaoerer larbaHwr la the lea y,., j si-easel ce-atsb e aacr PKiaSatlaa or jMataam 5n aiar arar of to CEBiirtL- Hns (wlaexbsr i? lav. cedes, rcul rlas. coocsectsal rebsiaB xb- otbtrarise. Cirecgy er BaCrecSlrj. a&aS &et tees -g san sates paper. iotrS or - - - - r - 2L-a- issrwaBss, sssfeif lut im. mm imw aV" saj b bhbbj i From President's MAoanrfo - On Canadian Reciprocity I toy ZXS2C021 xsesitae at Dec 6. 1810. 1 staled that tie poUqr of btxtsdar asd closer trade rela tion iritli tlie iXiininlon o' Caa- zia wi3ci vas Initialed in tbe adjnst- 1 sae-a f tbe maximum and minimum 1 prcrrUtesB of tbe tariff act of Aug. 5, ilaa. Itad proxtA xaamallj benefldal jud tiat St JnJ2bd fanaer effort for i jj, re&djnttzneat of the commercial .ilaim of the tvo eonatriea. On the Ttii of tbe prefnt month tiro as rrpreseatatlrcs of tbe Dominion jTMTimtfit, xad tlie confercaces Tere coatlaael betireea them and tbe Bec retarj of soate. Tbe result of tbe ne SCtSatfcia aras tbat oa tbe 21st last, a reciprocal trade agreemeat'nas reached. One liy one tbe controrerries resalt- ias from tbe oacenalaties irblcb at tended tbe partition of British terrl-tarj- oa tbe Amerfcaa continent at tie dose of tbe Eerolntloa aad -irhlch -were laeritabSe under tbe lien conditions iatre boea ellmmated. some by arbitra tSoaaad soeae Vr direct negotlatloa. Tbe patb bzTias been tbns opened for tie ImpToremeat of commercial re- Sitiona, a reciprocal taiCe agreement Is tbe logical seqaeacs of jiD that baa been accomplished la dlFposlag of mat ters of a diplomatic aad controrerslal rbr-mi-r Tlie Ideatlrr of laterest of ra-c peoples Hated together by race, laagaase. political lastltntloas and geo Stzpblcal proximity offers tbe fonnda tlaa. Tbe saldla? moilre la seeldas ad Jsstsasat of trade relations between Cxro cooatrles so situated geographical ly should be to sire play to productive forces as tar as practicable, regardless of poSltlcal boundaries. While equira lenry should be sought la aa arraage xaest ca tils character, aa exact bal zaoe of financial gala Is neither lmper sHre aor attaiaabJe. So yardstick caa saeasare tbe benefits to the wo peo ples of ibis freer commercial later comse. aad no trade agreement should be judged arboHy by custom bouse sta tisJJct HVe bare reached a stage la oar own I ArTfltmrnpnt liar calls for a states- raaaMte aiad broad Tlew of our future economic status aad its requirements. j We bare draCTa upon our natural re 9 mmr-es In sorb a aray as to invite at tention to their aece&sary limit. This 1 &as properly auvused effort to conserve r"-". f arold tbrir -n-aste and to re strict tbear iQe to our necessities. We havf f.lnrxtsed la population nnd In our causumplSoa of food products aad the other necessities of life, hitherto supplied largely from oar oxra cooatry. that unless ire materially increase our production are caa see before as a cbaage la our ecooomic position from that of a country selling to tbe world food aad natural products of tbe farm aad forest to one consuming aad im porting thena. Ought -ire not. then, to arranges coa saerdal agreement ariih Canada, If are caa. by irblch are shall bare direct ac cess to her great supply of natural products arltbout aa obstructing or prohibitory tarlOT Thai is not a vio lation of the protectiTe principle, as that has been authoritatively aa- rtem-nr trr lhas Trho nnhold it. h- j cause that principle does aot call for a tariff between this country aad one whose conditions as to production. i population aad wages are so lite ours ; aad arbea our common boundary line of ZJJJ9 xaoes ta ltseix must mase a radical distinction betwcea our com raerriBl treatment of Canafln aad of asay other country. Tbe Dominion has greatly prosper-) ed. It has aa active, aggressive aadj Intelligent tieople. They are coming to the parting of the arays. Tbeyl xaast fioon decide whether they are to regard themselves as isolated per y rwa OTr airkets by a per- peraal -wall or arbetber -we are to be 8 cosaaercia friends. If are give them reaBoa to taie the former view caa -we fi " 7 i tzT , resocrces except upon conditions quite cafarorable to ns? A. notable Instance of aacti a possibility may be seen la f4 v.-rtlf4rr.c iti i.iitmllw tK omnlv p Md njactare of il print paper, for which are have Bade a conditional prorbdoa In tbe agree xaent. believed to be equitable. Tbe entire foreign trade of Ctnwda i jj ix Qsezi. year, 1310. aras CKk- iOaajtaa. The Imports arere $373)00.- 093. asd of this amount the TJalted Eirrttea coatrlbuted more than SZ3J0O0.' C93l The rednctioa la the duties lsa posed by Cfnurtfl arUl largely bacrease tila amount aad give as eves a larjrer s&are of her ssartft than are soar ea iey. asesi as that Is. fflnr-e becaeebac a, aatiost CittwaVf has teea cssr apod seighbor, lasatediKtely sstiS)9s across a -irl&e contlarmt jwtttoaaftiacial omsirryl barriec ex- sssrlcaate -waters -as Sa esse bs cast s aotaiac ba tiw -way C preps nrtlnwit fer gefewwo acalast toer paacftSe fMWTilt. aad the seTer arllL Shs aas soajcat to aree vltb ssi qa&kfr arhea differescea bcv !1- 1 trbafi &er relatiasaL Sie ateres arlth as ooaBiaoa tradltiaas aad aspteaoea. I feel I have correctly Interpreted the srtsh of ttee Amerfcjin people fey ex- jpressSsiria the arraagemect BSftr ssb- ate ta congress for It approval tk3r ii rru fur a ssare tenwmtr astd fsarasal setetiOBs&lp arltk Cta aihi I Hmt-fate wr.rr.pstiy 3sflpe tfcat ta atmn saw -wm b prccaptiy caactei late Saw. HTXXZAX H.TAST. Sa BTatto Bmbsc, 3im. M. 3K1. For Sprains j0mW&7 "Gave Me Instant Relief". "I fell and sprained my arm and was in terrible pain. I could not use my hand or arm vrilhoKt intense suffering until a neighbor told me to use Sloan's Liniment. The first application gave me instant relief and I can now use my arm as vrell as ever." Mrs. H. B. Sprctcer, 921 Flora St, Elizabeth, N. J. S10AN S iLlNIMENT is an excellent antiseptic and germ killer heals cuts, bums, -wounds, and contusions, and will draw the poison from sting ot poi sonous insects. 25c, 50c. and $1.00 Sloan's tjook on hor, cstUe. shrep and poultry K3it Trc Address Dr. Zarl S. Sloan, Ecrton, yn., V.S.A. KNOX CO. TEACHEES' EXAMINATIONS 1910-1911 Meetings for tbe examination ol teachers trill be held at the CENTRAL SCHOOL Bldg. Mt. Veronn, Ohio, The first Saturday of every" month w Pupils' Examination The third Saturday ol April and tha third Saturday In May. Examination srtll commence at 8:00 o'clock, a. m. Address all communications to tit Clerk of Board of Examiners. Organization of Board: W. W. BORDEN, President. Frederlcktown, O. A. L. MURRT, V. resident, Jelloway, O. a M. BARBER, Clerk, Mt Vernon. O. Why Rent a Farm aaabecoapenedtopartoyoorlaaiSct'dmost 1 01 your nxm-ttrnea prontir Own ycrar own fc., "- Scam a Free Homestead ta Uao uoc, Sukatcbewan orAIScrta. or parcaase una is one 01 isxte (Ustncti ana bank a profit of 81O.0O ortl2J0na acre ererr year. Land pnrchxsed 3 years so at $10X0 an acre has recently chanced hands at 13X0 an acre. Tbo cropi grown on these lands warrant the ad vance. Yon can Become Rich by cattle ralatnda!ryinirn!aed farming and train crowing- In the prorincea of Manitoba, SatftVatrhcwim nnd Alberta. fre homestead and pre emption arena, as well at land held by railway asd land com panies, will prorlde homes for tniUIons. Adaptable soil, healthful climate, splendid schools md churchemcood railways. .For settlna nit, dnerlptrf lltantv -Im Bt Kin" k toraMathaeaaat7aa4oUvrpar. tieaUrs, vrtta u Bep't of Ioni natkta. Oltava. Caaada. or to iaa um, H....J.., of ( Uofrraaeat Xseai. i nuiTiw ciffrin1" GoTvrament Arent 413 Gardner Illds. Toledo, Ohio ltTasaadnaBaareatTO OS FME THl burn your harness aad other feather goods; so -will cheap oil made from vegetable and mineral matters. it bums the leather, evaporates aad Wares It hard aad not aa pliable aa VBen oiled with animal oil. I have for sale pure animal oil resderel troB the fat of wild anlmalt. No bad rdor. Yz gallon FREE with each and every purchase of f&08 worth of goods or more at my store. ::::::::: I handle the Strecker Bros, quality zifie of Har&ecs aad varrast them aa tepreeeated. J. A. FLAHARTY E. Treat St. Ht. Venwn, a fTiKStw: Xotalnc better for the beys than brea4 tress uua hmu jrievr. ItwiJIRff m 1 &JZgk. Hj f vaaaaal s v : Mi -.l - I . Mkr ijmHeqUlr &&, .i''Tl-.JaaAt'a'aaafiJwaaalaa&. .sn-4ft. - iTirQTHif 1 itf ifjJlaa1i?ftlitli--Ji-"rtgJ1 -