Newspaper Page Text
miriiTi-iimiimii i hi ii in i in niinifiiui imr sunru(CfUcM !.-'inagatft jptxfi$ cti - , . . . J 7 '' MitWirpT T 1AGE TWO. THE DEMOCRATIC BANNER. FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1912. A Ik Ri fe re ra 4 !? (. i t tf : 'J ! h f I . 'I 'V I TITANIC LIES FIFTEEN r. Nearly Nine Hun : dred Rescued. STRIKES HUGE ICEBERG Sea Strewn With Dead Bodies When Garpathia Arrives. WNY NOTABLES ON BOARD John Jacob Astor's Name Does Not Appear In List of Those Rescued, But Wife Is Reported ;. Safe on Board Vessel Bound For New York. Wireless Flash Received at St. Johns Gives Faint Ray of Hope b That Incoming Vessel May Be I Bringing More Victims of the , Greatest Marine Disaster Rec t orded In Years. New York, April 16 Two messages received shortly after 10 o'clock this morning by the Marconi Wireless Telegraph company from the company's stations at Cape Race and Sable Island, make it appear that there are none of the Titanic's passen gers on either the steam ships Parisian or Virginian. One message reads: "The Marconi station at Sable Island has been in communi cation with the Parisian and the ship has no passengers from the Titanic." The other message reads: "The Marconi station at Cape Race reports they have had no communication with the Virginian and does not believe any of the Titanic's passengers were on that ves sel." The Carpathia will arrive at New York Thursday aft ernoon, according to a wire less dispatch received by Collector Loeb. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Curtis has directed that the customs regulations be waived and that the land ing of everybody be facili tated. New York, April 16 The White Star line officials said at 8 o'clock this morning that the latest word they had from the scene of the wreck of the Titanic was that there were only 8C6 survivors of the vessel's company. They are all on board the Cunard liner Carpathia which Is hurrylnu with them toward this city. TJow York, April 10. While tho fat of the majoilty of the 'J,400 per on on board tho mammolh Whlto tur liner Titanic, which Hank on lb Newfoundland bunks after a col lision with nu Iceberg, still remains In doubt, and it is feared moto than 3,500 persons wore lout, a note, of food cheer camo ftom tho ocean ways by wireless. It was in the hnpo of a wlruless menage from tho "White Star liner Olympic, one of the Teasel hovering near tho scene of the disaster, Hashing tho news that 166 of tho Titanic's passengers, most ly women and children, wore being rouKht to pent by the Citnaidnr Car Iiathla. Other messages later brought confirmatory tidings. AT BOTTOM HUNDRED GO MRS. JOHN J. ASTOR Wife of Millionaire Reported Saved From Titanic Wreck. ASTOR AMONG THE MISSING; BRIDE IS SAVED. New York, April 1G. The Amu! lean prlntH (ho following: "John .Incob Astor was among tho paHHciiKora who want down with the Titanic, according to ;i -wIiHchh dlxpntoli received by liradetrcetH last night from tho liner Olympic. Mrs. Astor was Havod and is bolng brought iirIioip by the Carpathia. Tho wireless opeiator at Capo Huco ilanlvp: 'lfHglitcen luniurml luos liav.j been lost In tlio wreck of the Titanic.'" reports wero thai the Carpa thia had saved but 075 persons. Tho new HguroH reduced tho list of those for whone fate fear was felt by near ly -00, and If, as seems posslblo, practically all those saved were pas- mongers, it would appear that all hut appioxlinately -4r0 of thu vessel's pas HeiiRerx are accounted for. A partial list of the Btirvivors "re ceived f i om tho Carpathia includes the mimes of many women of pioit-V nenct) who wero on the steamer. After the Itrht desperate callh J fho Titanic for .help ,had been fcent flying through space and brought steamers for hundreds of miles aiouinl speeding to tho scene, what Acmus to liu been an im, wictrahle wall of silence was raised between her and tho anxious .world. The giant liner, so far us late advices ap pear, went to her fate without so much aH a whisper of what must have been the scenes of terrible tragedy enacted on her decksj When tho Titanic plunged bead long against a wall of Ice her fate established that no modern steam ship Is iiuHinkahin and that all of a largo paRMMiKcr lint can not he saved In a liner's Hinall lioatij. Tho White Star linn believed that the Tltaulo wan practically linulueiable, and In sisted until theie was no doubting the full extent of the catastiopho that kIip could not sink. Tho great ship was the last word In modern sclnntllle construction, but she found tho o'can Moor almost as quickly as u wooden ship. Was Maiden Trip. On maiden trip tho Titanic, built and equipped at a cost of f 10. 000,000, a floating palace, found her sraveyaid. Swinging from tho west erly steamship lauo at tho south of the (In.iiU Hanks of Newfoundland to tak tho direct run to this port, sho hurled her gluut bulk against an Ice berg that rose from an Immonse Held drifting unseasonably fiom the Arc tic. Running at high speed Into that grim and silent enemy of seafarers, the shock crushed her bow. From a happy, comfortable vessel she was convert I'd In a few minutes Into a ship of misery and dieadful suffering. SloHt piomliiMiit persons took pas- miKe on the Titanic some for tho novelty of making the maiden voyage In the llnest of all steamships oth ers because of the unsurpassed com fori' and hum lea provided by thu $10,000,000 ship. Among these, was Colonel John Ja cob Astor and his hrldo of a few months; Alfied Vanderhllt, tho head of hln family; .Major A. W. Butt, mllltaiy aid to President Taft, who was on his way homo after carrying a incbsage to Popo Plus; iBldor Straus, tho merchant, a bt other of Nullum and Oscar Stiaus and a part ner in the great department Bloio concern of AIay & Company; Sir, and Mr. George B. Wldeuer of Pkll- - JR $ V jHmVij 'Kr OF OCEAN; WITH WRECK ndelphla, Mrs. K. Ii. Appleton. Prank Milieu the artist; nenjnmln Guggen heim of the well-known family of that name; Henry II. Harris, the the atrical manager, and Mrs. Harris; William T. Stead, the London editor; .1 Bruce Ismay, managing director of the While Star line; 0. St. Hays, piesldent of tho Or..ntl Tiunk rail load, Henry Harper of Harper & t ompany, the publishers, and Sirs. Harper, the Countess Hoths; Colonel Washington ltoobllng, whoso father l.iil't the Hrooklyn bridge; Norman C Ciaig, a member of parliament, J. Clinch Smith, Sir. irid Sits. Kmil Taussig, Colonel Archibald Oracle and hundreds whoso names have been more than a local significance. Was Fulfilling Expectations. At tho outset and until she hap pened on the death-trap of ice of tirand Banks, the Titanic oyaged pleasantly and evenly. Ships that spoke her reported that sho was liv ing up to tho anticipations of her builders and of her line. She swung along tho usual westbound lane un til, approaching the Grand Uanks, she came to turn for her direct west ward course for this port. And there bhe entered the mass of ice that had worried navigators before tho Titanic found her graveyard there. Captain Dow of tho Carmanta found himself in a perilous position owing to prob ably the sjamo great drift of bergs. On Thursday tho Carmania came in touch with an expanse of massivo bergs that seemed to bo fully a inllo long and perhaps two-thirds of a mllo wide. Some of tho Icebergs wero veritable peaks, projecting hundreds of feet from tho sea. They ground together constantly as they wore caught by currents and tho noise of their contact could be heard for many miles. It was with some diffi culty that Captain Dow maneuvered his ship out of danger. He backed out literally and hunted a safer route. Passengers on the Carmania brought a description of the lee Held, which Is likely the same that crush ed the Titanic. GOOD NEWS FOR SOME Company Gives Out Partial List of Passengers Rescued. New York. April 1C The White Star line olllccs this morning gave out Hie following partial list of those mived, the list of survivors being sent to them by wlroless from tho Ol.Mllplq: t .Mis. Jacob 1. i (possibly Sirs. John Jacob Astor), Harry Anderson, Airs. Kdward W. Appleton, Sirs. Rose Abbot. Mrs, G. SI. Burns. .Miss I). 1). Casubler, Sirs. H. (W?) M. Clark. Mis. H. C. Hlbinance, Sirs. B. G. Ilrosby, SIIss Hose Crosby, SIIbh Jean ThajiT, Sirs. K. P. Andrews, SIIbh I.luette Panhart, SIIbb E. W. Allen, Mr. and Sirs. D, Ulshop, H. Blank, Miss A. ButsHlne, Sirs. James Baxter, (lnirg A. Halone, Sirs. C. W. Bar null, Mr. and Sirs. It. D. BeoUwitli, Stic 1 1. B. Harris, Sirs. Alexander llnheihou, Sllss Jeanno lloppach, Silas .Marguerite Slays, Sir. and .Mrs. Kdwarl Klmbmly (KlmballV), S. A. KvmiMiian, Sllss Kile Kenchln, .Miss U. l I.oiigley, Sirs. A. M. Leader, MIsh llcitha l.nery, Sirs. If. Lines, Sllss .Wary C. Lines, Sirs. J. Llndstrom, (!. Lesneur, .Miss Geor gette Amadlll, .Mine. Slollcarde, Sirs. C. SI. Tucker, Jr., and maid, Sirs. J. D. Thayer, Sir. Thayer, Jr., Hugh Wnltuer, Sirs. Anna Ward, Richard SI. Williams, Mrs. S. At. Wnrnor, Miss Helen A. Wilson, Sllss Wlllard. Miss Alary Hicks, Sirs. George D. Wldcucr and maid, C. llolmane, .Mrs. Susan I'. Itogerson, Slastor Allerson and nurse, Sirs. Kate T, Andrews. Sirs. .1, Stuart White, .Miss Maria Young, Sirs. Thomas Potter, Jr., Sirs. Kdna S. Roberts, Countess of Itothos, Sllss Lucille Fortune, Sirs. Henry S, Hat per, Slrfi, William Carter. Sir, and Sirs. I. Henry, Sirs, Graham (possi bly Slis. William Graham), Robert Doiigluss Sirs. P. II. Smith, Hilda Slutou, Sirs. Marin. LOSS HIGHJN MILLIONS Lost Liner Had Valuable Cargo of Gems on Board, New Yoik, April IC The Titanic was Instiled at Llo)ds for $5,000,000, according to advlres from London, and It, was said hero that the International- .Marine company nlso car ried a RUl'liliiH fund for Insiinincn purposes, which could bo applied to the loss, The cost of building the great liner has been estimated at $10,000,000. although Vice President Franklin of the White Star line Insisted that her value wus not over $8,000,000, The total monetary loss caused by the sinking of the ship, however, Is ceituln to run to many millions more, but the total amount can not oen be conjectured. It Is generally under stood that the vessel hud aboard dla mniHU of great value, estimated as high as $5,000,000, and also a largo amount of bonds, The amount of freight carried was comparatively small for tho size of tho ship and, according to a Whllo Star lino of llclal, its value would not reach over $500,000. The Titanic carried ri,4'.3 bags of mall of unknown value, which It Is hardly likely was saved. PASSENGERS WERE WEALTHY At Least $500,000,000 Represented Among Those on Ill-Fated Liner. New York, Audi 16, Vntold CAPTAIN ARCHIBALD BUTT President Taft's Aid Believed Lost In Wreck of Titanic. wealth was represented among tho passengers of the Tltnnic, there be ing on board at least six men each of whoso fortunes might be reckoned Vi tens of millions of dollars. A lough estimate of the total wealth reported In the llrst-class passenger list would reach over $500,000,000. The wealthiest of tho list Is Col end John Jacob Astor, head of the famous bouse whose name ho bears, who s reputed to be worth JlfiO.OOO, 000. Air. Astor was returning from a tour of Egypt with his bride, who as Sllss Madeleine Force, to whom he was married in Providence on Sept. a. Benjamin Guggenheim, probably the next in financial importance, is the fifth of tile seven sons of Meyer Guggenheim, who founded tho Amer ican Smelting1 and Refining company, the great mining corporation. Hl3 fortune is estimated at $95,000,000. George D. Wldener Is tho son of P. A. Ii. Wldener; tho Philadelphia trac tion king, whose fortune Is estimated at ?.r0,000,000, Isador Straus, one of New York's I most prominent dry goods merchants, notable, for his philanthropies, lias a fortune also estimated to" be worth $50,000,000. J. Bruce Ismay, president and one of the founders of tho International Mercantile Slailno, who has always made it a custom .to be a passenger on the maiden trip of every new ship built by the company, is said to be worth $40,000,000. Colonel Washington Roebllng, the builder of the Brooklyn bridge, presi dent and director of John A. Roeb ling's Sons company, is credited with a fortune of $25,000,000. BURIED DEEP IN SEA At Least Two Miles of Water Covers Wreck and Victims. Halifax, Apill 16. The deathbed of the $10,000.00 steamer Titanic, anil of probably many who must have been dragged with her, Is two miles at least below the surface of the sea. The calculation was made by an official of the government murine de partment, who finds that depth on tho marine chart at a point about 500 miles rroin Halifax and about TO miles south of the Grand Banks, where he believes the Titanic went down. This locution Is midway between Sable Island and Cape Race and in line with those dangerous sands which, how uxor, might have proved a place of safety had there heeu timo to run the Titanic there and beacli her. SUFFERED GREAT HARDSHIPS Survivors Spent Eight Hours In Life boats Before Help Arrived. Now York, April 16,--Hven the sur vivors or the, Titanic disaster hav gone through hardships of exposure and peril, which may have left many of them la a serious condition. A dlhpatch given out at the White Star otlices said that those resound by tho Caipathla were picked up from a "small lleet" or lifeboats. It was eight hoitra before that that the Titanic Is reported to have gone to tho bottom. In the opinion of Vice President Franklin the Carpathia will hasten with all possible speed to make this port, lu order that Uise survivors suffeiing worse from exposure may be able to obtain proper medical at tention. PRESIDENT IS WORRIED Makes Prompt Inquiry as to Fate of Captain Butt. New York. April 16. -The follow ing message from President Taft was received by VIco President Franklin ot the International Mercantile Ma rino: . . "Havp you any Information eon cernlug Major Butt? If you will com municate with mo at oncu 1 would groatlv appreciate !t." The answer was: "Sorry to say I have no definite In format. on. An "soon as received will notify you." Astor's Son Weeps. New York, April 16.- The ofllees of tho White Star lino In this city were overrun with anxious Inqulrora for' tidings of relatives and friends known to bo on board the Ill-fated Titanic Colonel Astor's son, Vlu tent, with tho colonel's secretary, V. A. Dobbyn. and A. J. Ilrexel Did dle inquired anxiously at tho offices, but when tho officials of tho lino told thu meager news they had Vincent beenmo alarmed and was weeping when he left the olllee. H si 'i i i ,k i 2' 1 r i i r . RABBIT RIDGE . j j tt j j j j tt j j Sir. Pearl Iluscnlmrg has recovered from a sick spell. Sir. William Fry Is Improving, Sir. Shoemaker Is almost at the point i of death. The farmers are beginning to plow their ground. The Rabbit llldgc school will close April 19, giving an entertainment and debato Thursday night, April 17. Sir. Marion CiilHson haw moved back to his residence, on the Ridge. Sllss Nora Bureh spent Thursday ev ening at the home of 'Sir. and Sirs. Georgo Strieker. Airs. Calvin SIcKee spent Thursday afternoon at Ibaac Strieker's. : WHY HE WAS LATE "What made you so late?" N 'I met Smlthson." "Well, thnt Is no reason why you should be an hour late getting to Hiipper." "I know, but 1 asked him how lie was feeling, and hi insisted on telling me about his stomnch trouble." "Did you toll him to take Chamber lain's Tablets?" "Sine, that is what he needs.". Sold by all dealers. Dr.LF.V0HE WILL MAKE HIS 190th Visit to Mt. Vernon Monday, Apr, 29lh. Curtis Hotel' 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. DAY ONLY PRACTICE LIMITED To Ihi TmtniDt ot Chronic Olmw by Htmt Miltio is. L. F. VOKE, Ph. G.. M. D. , CrmJiMte, Ohio Slat University. Starllnir Medical Cot Itfffl. American Collrire of Optometry, Ulffht yean of College anil University training. Nearly twenty yean eiperlenealn the treatment of CURONIO DISEASES of MEN AND WOMEN. Symptoms Most Common to chroni mlTrrcn we weakne, ntrvooines, dpond ency, vleepleitntM, dieouraaenient..Uck of ambition, f Ailing ratmory, confusion of Ideu, poordmilntlon, head' ache, dlztlneae, brain and nerv exhmuttion, palpitation and fluttering of the heart, weak and tremblinir limbs, worry, foar. palna fn Iwad. back, abdomrn or JoinU, cough .variable appetite, chill and flanhca of heat, ahort nei of breath, awellinir of hunda and feet, dry or clammy tlcln. coated tongue, bad tait in mouth. Has In atomach and bowels, weak back, aoft and flabby flcah, falntneu, impaired vialon, pimples, bloating and many other aymp toma incident to dlaeaiea peculiar to men and women. 1 he vest majority of men and women aro deficient In pome respect. Many are not exactly alck, but Rome cl.ror.ic af fection Is sapping their vital force, Thoy attend to daily duties but life tuts become a drag and lost much of its pleasure. Every Afflicted Man and Woman should heed theso symptom. They are nature' warning that something Is wronga cry for help. Temporary relief is not sufficient. The cause must be discovered and removed. Remember, that nearly every chronic disease, If tak en In time, can be cured by proper tome treatment. Neglect only leads to raoro serious result. Va not put off a matter of such vital importance, .Successor falluru in life depends on your physical and mental condition. No matter what thu disease, ita name or nature, If it la ihronic and susceptible to home treatment you are Invited to tall or writu regarding It. Kverything confidential. Consultation, examination and advice free. DISEASES OF WOMEN Ninety per cent of women suffer from some form of fe male weakness. Many, in secict, are living miserable, unhappy lives. Do not let modesty doHtruy your health. Simple home treatment, of the proper kind, if used in lime win prevent serious complication mat may irau w the necessity of dangerous operations and expensive hos pital treatment. Dr. Yoke's "Treatment at homo plan" la not a "cure-all" remedy. Keen cae ia treated separately- with rrmediea adapted to each Individual. No humiliating examinations. No operations. Itemed ic are harmless ami can be used In privacy. More than one-half of Dr. Voke'a uuticnte are women. Write If you cannot call. Consultation free and confidential. DISEASES OF MEN More rot Is printed and more fraud la practiced on thai class of diseases than all others, 1 hone unfortunates sure ly are entitled to a square deal. Dr. Yoke wants every man who la weak, nervous, broken down, discouraged 01 suncring irom any uueaao raustii uy ignorance, excense, contagion, Incomitctent treatment or neglect to read his book on iex hygiene entitled "A PhyalcUn'a Advlo t HIa Son. (Contains Information that every twrent and oung man should know, also direction for Itome treat ment that will euro many afflicted men without doctors, druga or expense. This book does not advertise any doctor, medical firm, or patent medicine. Mailed In plain sealed package on receipt of 10 cents, stamps or coin. . EYES TESTED FREE Many chronic troubled am attended by defective vision or eye strain. (Classes fitted and furnished. Why Consult Dr. Voko? He has rondo regular monthly visits to this community for fifteen yeura and hat established a permanent practice end reputation. Ills practice la I United to chronic dis eases and he lias upent practically all his life fn the study and treatment of them. He ia in the prime of life (fortytWe) and at his very beet to do good work. His practice consists mainly of long standing cased who nave failed to obtain satisfaction elsewhere. At toast three fourths of hi patients are sent to him by former jatron. If he thinks he cannot help you he will say so. liU treat ment is easy to use and requires no detention from occu nation, family or home. Ho does not depend on ''cure all' remedta. l&rh rase Is treatod separaUly with remedies adapted to each Individual. Injurious stomach drugging is avoided. Ills Internal rt medic are mild and lianmesa. Special direction are gh en each case regard ing diet, bathing, habits, etc. When ueceHsary, special direct tons for mastuge are given and other local treat ments aro devised and furnished to meet the needs each CASO. REMEMBER That I)r, Voko invltua searching Investigation of hU work and method, that hU best rcfrronces are hiamany friends and patient, tho result or fifteen yours practice In this community. That his chargca aro so fair and reasonable that the poorest working man or woman need not hcsl tato to apply for treatment. Most Important of all, do not put on treatment until complication or complete col" lapse cornea. Of tentlraee a few days of sldca-bed Illness costs more than a complete course of treatment. Write for IVog Uooklet, "Practical Suggestieaa on How toKetpWell.' 1 AODRMf ALU COMMUNICATIONS TO s-F.VOKE.It1. d. 370 West sixth avc columiius, Ohio .X, Rtrnrr- rtnrn finil Mnntl nf tlin nltln preserving Its nmootli, oven toxturo, softening aucl cloanslng it and regulat ing the toinporaturo of our bodies. This is dono by an evaporation through each tiny outlot, which goes on continually day and night. Wlion tho blood uecomos inteotou witn mimors anu acnis a certain poroomugu oi muau impurities also pass off with tho natural evaporation, and their sour, llory nature irrltatos and inflames tho skin, and c'rles up its natural oils, causing pimples, boils, pustules or somo itching rash, or hard, scaly skin airoctlon. S. S. S. cures skin troubles of overy kind by neutralizing tho acids and loniovlng the humors from tho blood. S. S. S. cools the acld-hcatcd circu lation, builds it up to its' vormal strength and thickness, multiplies its nutritious, red corpuscles, and enriches it in every way. Then tho skin, instead of bolng irritated and diseased by the exuding acrid matter, Is nourished, soothed and softenod by this cooling, healthy stream of blood. S. S. S., tho greatest of blood purifiers, oxpols all foreign matter and suioly euros Eczema, Acne, Tettor, Salt Rheum and all other diseases and ulleotlons of tho skin. It roinoves pimples, t'ackhoads, and other un sightly blemishes from the skin and assists in rostoring a good complexion. Book on Skin Diseases and any medical advise desired froo to all who writo. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. WHY71 Because it leads in accuracy actual accuracy. Wo dem onstrate it. leads in perfect checking, independent of speed of team. Because it leads in easy operation. Instantly changed from hill to drill. J las spring life. Automatic reel, perfect foot drop, etc. Because it leads in simplicity and strength of construc tion. Front frame is tied in eight places. Because it leads in substitutions of malleables in place of common castings at all vital points. Because it leads in lightness of draft. !No strain on the check wire, hence no side draft. Because ii leads in ability to successfully plant not only corn, but practically any kind of seed. Because it leads in iiumber sold each year and thi'snum bcr is every year increasing. Drop in and get a copy of our booklet, "More Corn and Better Corn." Contains a lot of boiled down prac tical seed corn information. B. E. SALISBURY West High Street, Vernon, Ohio sBBassBBBBaBBBBBSxaSBBBBsaBssaaBaBBaBBBBBaHaBasBBBaaBa RETAIL FEED PRICES Headquarters for feedi of all kinds. You will save money when or dering from us. Exclusive Agents for SAL-VET. Bran $1.50 per 100 lbs. Middlings $1.50 per 100 lbs. Red Dog $1.60 per 100 lbs. Corn and Oats Chop $1.60 per 100 lbs. Shelled Corn $ .95 per bu. Ear Corn $ .95 per bu. Choice Oats . $ .75 per bu. Wheat $1.20 per bu. Rye $1.25 per bu. Cracked Corn $1.60 per 100 lbs. Unbolted Corn Meal $1.60 per 100 lbs. Screenings $1.40 per 100 lbs. Beet Pulp $1.60 per 100 lbs. Alfalfa Meal . $1.95 per 100 lbs. Daisy Dairy Feed $1.50 per 100 lbs. Gluten Feed $1.85 per 100 lbs. Cotton Seed Meal $1.80 per 100 lbs. OH Meal $2.25 per 100 lbs. Calf Meal 4c per pound Tankage (60 Protein) $2.75 per 100 lbs. Tankage, (40 Protein) $2.20 per 100 lbs. Salt '. $1.25 per bbl. Rock Salt 1c per lb. Baled Hay $1.30 per 100 lbs. Baled Straw '. $ .75 per 100 lbs. Purina Chick Feed $2.10 per 100 lbs. Purina Scratch Feed $2.10 per 100 lbs. Success Scratch Feed $2.00 per 100 lbs. Beef Scrap 3i2c per pound Beef Meal 32c per pound Poultry Bone 3c per pound Oyster Shells $ .70 per 100 lb. Chicken Grit $ .70 per 100 lbs. Charcoal 3c per pound Large cr small orders delivered to any part of the city. Terms Cash. Northwestern Elevator & Mill Co No. 66 both 'Phones Mt. Vernon, O. mmwmmmmmmmmmummMMmmmmammammmmBmi High School Play "Uncle Rube" Bladenshurg, April 24. Banner Classified Ads. Pay. Try them and be convinced. REMOVES BLOOD HUMORS In mnnlnvarf In tho 110C0S3arV work of The Deere No.pj Leads The Field Good Music v a'""iii!.j' )W.HI H 'JHJBW'W.mjAJii .WIMIHIilMMHIIi.lih .! li''ll.liWH..WFWMil..iMaUi n ' -:.:.r