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Wy.yw Off" -.i-v ftr- n- -J " '--! -. ,-, - , ,"t ff--' r .L tm&ttmtt mtntt. PRICE TWO CENTS MT. VERNON, OHIO, FRIDAY, MAY 3 1912 No. 106 ESTABLISHED 183 r V W.JffW-WfW V, j - foe 9 m m Y K TITANIC'S SENT Forty Unidentified ied y s Bur Memorial Service Planned-People Of HalifaxWilI Honor Memories Of Those Who Went Down In Wreck Bodies Will Be Photographed Before Being Con Signed To Mother Earth-Aster Funeral Will Take Place At Rhlne-beck-on-Hudson Saturday Halifax, N. S., May 2. AH of the bodies landed by the Mackay-Bennett have not yet been embalmed, but the work has progressed so far that 27 hare been shipped to their homes. It la expected that today It will be pos sible to send as many more, and that by tomorrow the number thus dis posed of will reach nearly 100. It was decided that about 40 of the uniden tified dead must be buried without further delay, owing to the advanced stage of decomposition, and a funeral was decided on for tomorrow after noon at .1 o'clock. In the forenoon a memorial service will be held in Brunswick Street church, one of the largest In the city. It will be con ducted by the Evangelical Alliance, and the band of the Royal Celebra tion regiment will be present. "Nearer, My God, to Thee," will be one of the hymns to be played by the band, and the service will con clude with "The Dead March from Saul." The Roman Catholic church will also hold a service on the same day. It is believed that the unclaimed dead will reach about 75 bodies, but In the meantime interment will be made of 40. A complete description has been made of the bodies to be buried, and where this would be of any value at all photographs have been taken. In some cases disfigurement Is so great that photographs would be useless. First Mrs. Astor Arrives. New York, May 2. Mrs. Ava Wil ling Astor. first wife of the late John Jacob Astor, accompanied by her 12- WANT ROOSEVELT TO RIDE IN SUFFRAGETTE PARADE New York, May 2. Colonel Theo dore Roosevelt has been asked by the Men's League for Women Suf frage to head the division of men who will march in the big parade of May 4. The colonel hasn't replied to the letter of Invitation. Meanwhile, it was said that hun dreds of acceptances are coming in from men who have been asked if they would like to march. It Is now ANTI5 TO OPEN SCHOOL Dayton, O., May 2. Plans for open ing the proposed independent school for unvacclnated children are being pushed by the committee named at an anti-vaccination Indignation meet ing. Recognizing thatjthe board of health and school boaid are acting under their powers in forbidding the attendance at school of the unvaccl nated, the antis are determined to open one or more schools. DAD 10 HOIS Bodies !o Be At Once WHAT'S IN A NAME7 Ismay, S. D., May 2. A move- ment Is under way to have the name of this town changed, owing to the adverse criticism being printed against J. Bruce Is- may, as a result of the Titanic disaster. year-old daughter, Muriel, arrived from Europe by the Kalspr Wilhelm der Oiosse. They were mot at the nler br Mrs. Astor's brother. J. R. Barton Willing of Philadelphia. MrsJ Astor said her future movements Were unsettled, but that she had pome pver to be with her son Vin cent, who is due here with the body of h(s father. Alitor Funeral Saturday. New York, May 2. The funeral of John J. Astor will occur at Rhine beck on the Hudson next Saturday at 12 o'clock. It was said at his house that his body is expected to arrive at Rhlnebeck at 4 o'clock this after noon. A special train will leave New York for Rhlnebeck Saturday morn ing, conveying his relatives and close friends. Waited Until Titanic Sank. Washington, May 2. That the steamer Mt. Temple was within sight of the sinking Tltaulo, hove to, put out Its lights and waited until the leviathan sank before approaching, are the charges made in a sworn statement received by Senator Smith from Dr. P. C. Qultzrau of Toronto, a Mt. Temple passenger. certain that there will be not less than 1,200 men in line. A league officer Mated that of the 1,000 letters to men sent out, only one had been answered with a re fusal. The refusal came from the man's wife. She said she was so angered by the invitation that she could not reply to it, so she wrote only three pages telling what she thought of the league and of woman suffrage. IN COAL CAR Chicago Junction, O., May 2. Freight Conductor L. G. Meyer, while going over his train between Homer and Nova, discovered an 11-pouud baby girl whiclt had been thrown Into a gondola car. Probably It had been dropped Into the car from an overhead bridge. The baby was un doubtedly killed by the fall, ns the body was warm when picked up by the conductor. DROPS BABY PARADE OF WOMENP NEWJY0RK SATURDAY, MAY 4, WILL BREAK RECORD FOR NUMBER IN LINE S3?ZSfiYrv w ii' :SUEERAgE.TTE5 New York, May 2 It is expected that at least 15,000 women and girls will take part In the "votes for wom en" parade here Saturday, May 4. ,rzxmtorKmvZ3ayjZ5Lmiaudiir3z-A . Hi ii I i MM Mill mw v t'M2D' Xhe parade will start fiom-WashJnapr. Anna Shaw will be-pqe of the ton square at 5 p. m. and will march up Fifth avenue to Central park at Ffty-nlnth street, where the women will turn west to Seventh avenue and then two blocks south to Carnegie hall, where a mass meeting will be addresses by leaders In the suffra gist movement. The paraders will be Jin several divisions, one being on horseback. Miss Inez Mllholland and ATES T VERSION FORTS FIRED Smyrna, May 2. It Is now alleged that the steamer Texas, which sunk with considerable loss of life in the Dardanelles, was struck by a shell instead of having hit a submerged mine, as at first reported. This shell. It is claimed, was fired from one of the Turkish forts after the Texas had Ignored two blank shots which Lancaster, O., May 2. Mrs. Henry Ellis, 88, was burned to a crisp ather home here. She occupied the Bame house as Clark Hedges and his fam ily, who wpre aroused by the smell of smoke. Mr. Hedges broke Into the part of the house occupied by the uged widow and found her bod burned beyond recognition. Her clothing caught fire from a hot plate STARTS FOR Columbus O., May 2. Governor Harmon left for llaltimore. where today he will begln a three-days' campaign through Maryland. He was enthusiastic about his trip to Texas and spoke as If happy over the pros pects there. WOMAN CREMATED MARYLAND Miss Mabel Lee will be In this divi sion. Miss Lee is a daughter of Mrs. Lee Towe, who Is also a suffragist, and Is a Columbfi university student. speakers, and, Mrs. Harriot Blatch will also speak. The paraders have adopted a white straw hat with a black band as the official headgear. The women shown in the picture are: 1, Mrs. Harriot Stanton Blatch; 2, Dr. Anna Shaw; 3, Miss Mabel Lee; 4, Miss Grace Stratton; 5, Mrs. Lee Towe; 6, Miss Roberta Hill; 7, Miss Inez Mllholland. SAVS ON TEXAS had been tired as a warning. The Texas' had deviated from the proper channel. Enter Baldwin In Race. Bridgeport, Conn., May 2. The 14 delegates to the Democratic national convention to be chosen by the state convention today will be Instructed for Governor Haldwln for president. Atlanta, May 2. Oscar W.'l'nder wood of Alabama, Democratic floor leader In the national house, has car ried Georgia over Governor Wilson of New Jersey by a substantial ma jority, and will be supported by a solid Georgia delegation at the Balti more convention. Returns from the presidential preference primary Indi cates that Underwood's majority over Wilson will be at least 5,000. M0RRISSEY NAMED Engineers Select Their Member of Arbitration Board. New York, May 2. P. H. Morris sey of Chicago, president of the Rail way Employes' and Investors' asso ciation, was selected by Grand Chief Stone and a committee of locomotive engineers to act as their arbiter and representative on the arbitration board of seven whlcn is to determine finally tho demajfds for increased wages made by the engineers. The troiter for the rallrcds will not be Selected for several days. UNDERWOOD WINS GEORGIA KILLED IN A DIM Berlin, May 2. Lieutenant Spren gen and an army surgeon named Bruenlng fought a duel with pistols it Rastato, In Baden, under the reg ulations of a military court of honor. LUutenaat Sprcngen was killed. Lorain Tollers Happy. Lorain, O., May 2. Unclassified labor employed by the city has won It fight for an eight-hour workday, and the workmen will receive the same compensation for eight hours' labor undei the new plan as they for merly received for 10 hours' work. Delegate Takes Vows, Columbus, O., May 2. -The consti tutional convention paused In its dis cussion of official matters long enough to adopt resolutions of con gratulation for one of Its members who, slyly and without announce ment, slipped away and was married. Tho new benedlrt among the dele gates Is James M. Fluke of Ashland county. He was married In MaiiBfleld to Miss Esther J. Giffln, a native of St. Marys, Out., Canada. .Mr. Fluke was compelled to make a speech to tho convention. LIVE STOCK AND GRAIN CHICAGO Cattle: Receipts, 21.000 head; beeves. $.1 S3J7S !0 Texes steers, $5 2r7 "0; western steers, J5 GFi(ft7 fS; stockers and feeders, i 25W6 75; cowh and heifers. $2 75 7 50; calves, $3 508 50. Hogs- Receipts. 10,000 head; light, $7 30 7 75: mixed, $7 337 85: heavy, J7 35 tfi7 85; rough, $7 3507 55; pigs, $4 75 ffifi 85. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 16,000 head; native sheep, $o 000) 8 25; western, $5 258 25; native lambs, $0 ."0(?B9 SO; western, $C 50 10 40; yearlings, $C 309 10. Wheat No. 2 jed. SI 14',i(8l lCVfc. Corn No. 2. S05fJ80!ic. Oats No. 2 white. 58S5SMc. EAST BUFFALO Cattle- Receipts, 2 cars; expert cattle, $7 238 GO; shipping steers, $" 25S 00; heifers, $1 507 00: butcher rattle, 16 50 7 70: fat cows, $2 50C 00; bulls. J4 00 Sh6 ": milkers and springers. J25 00 ftn5 00; calves, $9 O09 75. Hogs Receipts, 13 cars; heavies, $8 25 i 30; mediums, $8 2008 23; Yorkers, $8 1008 20: pigs, 17 0007 25; roughs, $7 157 23; stags, 13 2506 00. Sheep and l.amfo's Receipts, 13 cars; year lings, $8 0008 50; wethers, J7 30 7 75: mixed sheep, 7 0007 25; ewes, $6 7507 00; lambs, 1 3010 00. PITTSBURG - CaUKf Receipts, light: choice cattle, $8 5008 55; prime, JS 0008 40; tidy butchers, $7 3007 S3: helfeis, $5 007 50: fat cows, 13 506 50; bulls. $4 5007 25; fresh cows, $30 00060 00; calves, $6 5009 00. Hogs Receipts, fair; heavy hogj, mediums and heavy York ers. $8 10ft is 15; light Yorkers, $7 50 (&7 75: pigs, $6 7507 25. Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, fair; prime wetli ns. $7 4007 60; good mixed. $7 00 f 35: fair mixed, $6 25 6 85; Iambs. Jfi 5009 30; spring lambs, $8 00 13 00. CINCINNATI Cattle- Recelnts. 833 head: steers, $4 750S 25; holf er(, $4 0007 65; cows. $2 2306 50; calvef, $3 3008 00. Hoqa -Receipts, :i,662 head; packers . $7 6308 00: common sows. $3 007 15; pigs and light. $5 0007 40; Btags, $4 0005 90. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 102 head: sheep. $2 7505 30; lambs, $6 00 08 25; spring lambs. $S 00013 00. Wheat No. 2 red, $1 190"l 21. Corn- No. 2 mixed. 83085c. Oats No. 2 mixed, 38459c. Rye No. 2, CLEVELAND Cattle: Receipts. 100 head i choice fat steers. $7 00 ,7 75 fdir st-ers, $6 0006 75; heifers, $3 ()07 00; fat cows, J5 5006 25; fat bulls $5 5006 50; milkers and springers, $20 00060 00; calves, $S..O 09 00. I Ioi;s Receipts, 1.500 head; mediums, $S 00; Yorkers, $S 00: pigs, $7 10; roughs, $7 00- stags, $5 730 C 00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,000 head; choice clipped lambs, $9 0009 20. BOSTON Wool: Ohio and Pennsyl vania XX, 28c; delaine washed, 30c; delaine unwashed, 25c: -blood comb ing, 26027c: '-blood combing, 27 27'4c; Vblood combing, 2027c; fine unwaBlied, 21c; Indiana and Ken tucky -blood unwashed, 26027c; blood unwashed, 2728c. TOLEDO-Wheat, $1 18; corn, 82o; oats, 60c; cloverseed, $12 63. MOST CEASE THE GRAFT Columbus, O., .May 2. The state utilities commission issued an order to thi Middlotown Gas and Electric comi?Ti, commanding it to omit the enforcement of a rule by which, be fore tho will set a meter on a ser vice and turn on the electric current, the owner of the building must get a certificate of inspection from the "state Inspection bureau." The board holds that it Is a species of graft in tho interest or the inspection bureau, which Is an agency maintained "oy fire Insurance companies doing busi ness in the state. RESENT TEDDY'S INTERFERENCE Bay State's Big They President's Manager Not Satisfied With Result Oo Dele-gates-AMarge-'-Colonel Roosevelt Declares Tbat He Meant Every Word Of Message To Delegates In structing Tnem To Vote For His Rival, And Will Use Every Endeavor To See They Obey Boston, May 2. Despite the orders Issued from Oyster Bay that they vote for President Taft in the Chi cago convention because the real will of the people as expressed In the preferential vote was that Taft dele gates be chosen, the eight Roosevelt delegates-at-large chosen at the pri mary are going to stand pat and vote as they please. They are not going to act jointly although at first they decided to stand togeth er by their pledge for Roosevelt. Later, when they heard of the col onel's demand that they support Taft, they tore up the agreement and each will go on his own hook. A general recount of the votes will be asked by General Champlin on the ground that the real choice of the people is not expressed in the returns from the election ' officers, and that a second Inspection of the ballots is necessary to determine the extent of the Seiberlich blunder. Returns from the primary dribbled in all during the day, and are com plete with the exception of the vote in three small towns. They show Taft led Roosevelt by 3,973, while Clark led Wilson by 19,021 in the preferential vote of the people for their selections for the Republican and Democifttlc nominations for the presidency. The vote for Taft was 87,117; for Roosevelt, 83,144; for Clark, 33,491; for Wilson. 14,470. Eight delegates-at-large pledged to Roosevelt were chosen by about 8,300 rlurality over the Taft slate. Delegates Declare Themselves. There Is a big row on over the question of whether the eight delegates-at-large are morally If not legally bound to support Taft In the convention, and there Is talk of their seats belngcontested at Chicago. Kite of the eight delegates-at-large chosen as pledged to Roosevelt said that they would not accept the release from their pledge givpn by the col onel, and proposed to vote for him in the convention regardless of his request to follow the preferential choice of Taft. Those who made this statement were Charles S. Baxter, James P. Magenis, George W, Coleman, Arthur L. Nason and Alvln O. Weeks. Octave LaRivlere, another delegate, said he might do what the colonel requested, and Frederick Fosdick said that he was willing to vote for Taft, but would not make his decision at this time. Professor A'lbert B, Hart Is In the west and could not he reached. r h& Rheumatism U due to an excess of uric acid, an Irritating. Inflammatory accumulation, which gets into the circulation because of weak kidneys, constipation, indigestion, and other physical irregularities which are usually considered of no importance. Nothing applied externally can ever reach the seat of this trouble; the most such treatment can do is soothe tho pains temporarily; while potash and other mineral medicines roaliy add to tho acidity of the blood, and this fluid therefore continually grows more acrid and vitiated. Then instead of nourishing the different muscles and joints, keeping them in n normally supple and elastic condition, It gradiuillylia."'ena and stiffens them by drying up the natural oils and fluids. Rheumutlzr . can never be cured until the blood is purified. S. S. S. thoroughly cleanse- and renovates tho circulation by neutralizing the acids and driving the c lasa from the system. It strengthens and invigorates the blood so that instead of a sour, weak stream, depositing acrid and painful corrosive -manor in, tho muscles, joints and bones, it nourishes the entire body with purct rich blood and permanently cures Rhoumatism. S. S.S. contains no pot.ieh, alkali or other harmful mineral, but is made entirely of roots, herbs and barks of great purifying and tonio properties. Book on Rheumatism and any medical advice free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAHTA, GA. Eight Will Vote As Please Several of the delegates expressed their displeasure at the "butting in" on the part of the colonel. W MAKES IT EMPHATIC Colonel Roosevelt Insists He Doesn't Want Bay State Votes. Oyster Bay, N. Y., May 2. Colonel Roosevelt heard that his eight Mas sachusetts delegates-at-large were in I open rebellion agalnrt his bull of ex I communication and were all agreed that they'd stick. "What are you going to do about It?" colonel" "I hate nothing to say," he replied,. "except that I meant every word that I i saiu miu miaii uu everyimng pussi- hie to see that my request is heeded." Controleld by Roosevelt. I Harrisburg, Pa., May 2. -The Ro- publican statp convention was domi - nated by delegates favoring Colonel i Rooseelt, and It adopted a progrei ! Rive platform which lauded Roosevelt and omitted mention of President i Taft or the work of his administra tion. NHALES lit j Cincinnati, O., May 2. Whn the body of Joseph Loeb, 28, whisky salesman, was found after he had ended bis life bj sucking gas through I a tube, a magazine which contained I two stories in which the principals had committed suicide was near by. WHITE SERIOUSLY ILL Mine Workers' President Delegates j Duties to William Green. Oskaloosa, la., May 2. John P; White, national president of the j United Mlqe Workers of America, I was taken suddenly ill at his home here with hemorrhages, caused by I ruptured blood vessels. Physicians succeeded in stopping the flow of , blood, but the patient Is said to be i in a serious condition. Piesident j White has authorized William Green of Coshocton, O., to represent him in I the negotiations in, New York today. SALESMAN RHEUMATISM &MAJiJ.ll .htf ;;f;:fWwfcAffi!w, i nitirtmki i7iff itfftfMiAittnrw.Tiiiir, i' i i lr5Wfc-.ioii .