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mSilkfZi Wiu.i M i,,. aMWIIl I IIIHWDHtW MtlM ' 7& t.i AGE TWO. THZ BE5COC2&!Kia 2&X5XK. FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1912. -"' taajOy &, SCORED TliG Commoner Again Zfliiesville Speech In Gsv. flormon Again Points To Bryan's Improprieties Zanesvllle, O., May l.V-StandinK on the same platform from which ii Ham J. Bryan but recently assailed him Governor Judson Harmon last night again scored the Commoner on the second lap of his tour of the Mate in behalf of his candld-.c for the Dem ocrtic nomination fo the president) Fully one thousand of ZanesWIIej citizens occupied seats in Memorial Halt and showed their loyalt to and interest in him by frequent handclap Tins and applauding bin utterances Kj ".peclally did they seem to nppunc of his denial of Mr. Hrjan's chsrRes that he was a "reac'lonar' when he brief ly rehearsed his record of leKlslatlxe accomplishments. It was clear to the roost casual observer that the sym pathies of the audience all were with the gowrnor. In dealing with Mr. Uryan the gov ernor again dwelt upon the Nebrask an's titter disregard of the proprieties by entering his home state of Ohio and denouncing him before the people who had shown their fnith In him by giving him a second term by an over whelming majority. Once again be challenged him to produce his proofs, and seemed to take especial delight in pointing to Hrjnn's record of defeats to Justify the argument Hint Uryan was not qualllled to pick a winner. Nor was Mr Hrjan alone in the governor's criticism. lie called atten tion to President Taft and Mr. Iloose velt stumping Ohio, "treating the peo ple to a sight, and sound too, the like of which this country has never seen before and, I hope, will never see nor hear again." Those two men ho said were now engaged "In a caterwalllng argument." It would be bad enough if they went about In debate, "but go ing about, calling each other names makes me feel ashamed as an Ameri can citizen." Ah a Democrat, he said amid laughter, be rather enJoed It, because it seemed to present the Democratic party a situation which, if it were taken advantage of, "might Anally realize our long-desired hope." If the Democratic party were not one oilmen lu. whose. hearts, w em H.xtdJhK. principle of equal rights for all men it nould have been disbanded long ago. It was, be said, a serious tiling to have been defeated four times In succession, and one reason for it was that the party did not agree among itself, but, lie said, "when the elec tion of 1SI0 came mid we. won that sweeping victory all over the United States, not limited to section, to an state, but generally all over the land, all states returning us an unusual number of Democratic representatives 1o the House, it looked as If our trou bles were over and ail wu had to do wub to stand fast in the ranks to reap a victory, even with the llepubllcnu party, with its great organization, its IMiwcrful press. Its gieat orators, its Mien for raising revenues for campaign purposes. In the same (oudltlou It a I ways had been. We thought we could lick them then " He once more cnlled attention to Mr Taft and Mr. Roose velt as "this spectacle of the two men who occupy the highest position In the Republican party, engaged In this tm Teemly controvcrx) with passion and also frenzy on the part of one of them." Coventor Harmon umphttblzed the fact that Roosevelt wns out for a third term. "What hurts me" he said, "is that It Is not a manly, generous contest for honors at the bauds of the American people, but It looks to me aa if hcltishucHS and pen-oual desire were the priuclal qualities being dis played." It would seem, he said, us If Jhsy were marching right through tanking a hole big enough for the iJJemocrnm to march through, "but," he aliliin am too old at (he game to be fouled, as they have a way of get ting together Just before election that ha licked us man a time. I am too old In warfare to depend on any such thing." He wanted the Democrats to stay together In order to meet the ene my "with the same arms and ammuni tion aud equipment." Dr. II I Sutton, a candidate for deleptte to the llaltlmore convention, said that Mr Ilran "calls upon us to smother our pride and forget that our taxes have been lowered by our business-like executive and remember htm only as in "Ofi, now and foruver more." lie caused much merriment by statiug that Uryan was atllloted with a pecul iar disease of the stomach w hich only a renomiuatiou would cure. WHAT TEXANS ADMIRE Is hearty, vigorous life, according to Hugh Tallman. of San Antonio "We And," ho writes, "that Dr. King's Xew 1.1 fe Pills surely put new life aud en ergy Into a person Wife and 1 believe they are the host made " Excellent for stomach, liver aud kidney troubles. 25 BMU t O. K. Baker & Co. Mt. Vereon. SE8A M. CROUCH PROBATE JUDGE Seba M Crouch, candidate for the nomination for probate Judge on the Democratic primary ticket, has been a resident of Mt. Vernon for the past eight years and has lived in Knox county all his life. He was raised on a farm in Pleasant township, received a goad common school education and attended Hiram college three years. He was appointed deputy by Probate Judge Patrick A. Herry at the begin ning of his first term of otlice in 190t and Is In the otlice at the present time. Mr. Crouch has made a most faith ful, accommodating and efficient depu ty. In addition to his regular otlice work, Mr. Crouch took up the study of law and for four years devoted all of his spare time to It, often studying far into the night, and in December, 1911), successfully (Missed the state bar ex amination aud wab admlted to the practice of law. The voters of Knox county will make no mistake in giving their support to Mr. Crouch. His life has been lived among them; he is an honest, upright citizen, aud his experience in the of fice and his knowledge of the law would certainly tit him for the duties of the otlice to which he aspires, and which office Is one of the most im portant in the county Adv. . - -fT . FREDERICKTOWN J Lust Thursdav afternoon Mrs. Chas. M. Hlldreth entertained at her home with a four course chicken dinner the following members of the I). A. It. from Mt. Vernon. .Mrs. James Israek .Mrs. llenton. Mrs. Frederic Cooper, Mrs. Percy Tarr, Mrs. J. M. Ewalt. Miss Cora Kwalt. .Mrs. . D. Arndt. .Mrs. M B. I. tie, Mrs. Thomas Ander son, Mrs Ukiuuu, Airs. C. G. Conley and Miss Nora Wing. Mr. aud Mrs. Edgar Fuller enter tained the following guests from Mt. Vernon last Wednesday: Miss KHa Sheatiau, Mrs. James I.emley and Mil dred Griltilh. .Mr. Hurry Casseil was excused from service ou the Jury last Mouday on account of death in the family. .Mr. Hon Moree was a Mt. Veruon vliitor on Tuesda of this week. Mrs. W. J. lluckmaster. of Mt. Lib erty, visited with Frederivktowu rela tives part of last week. The Audi public schools have elect ed Prof. Slurry as superintendent for the coming two years. Prof. Murry is u member of the board of louuty examiners aud has beeu superintend ent of the Jelloway schools the post five jears. .Miss Itianche Watkius aud Mr. James Watkius of Waterford were guests of Mr. James Uursou and fami ly last week. Mr. uud Mrs. II. ft. Sockman vistted a couide of days the past week at the home of Mr. C. T. Urown, near Friend ship, i Mrs. Hert White and sou Ralph, and Miss tiertrude Wetzel of Sparta visited Mrs. Sadie McUugun the past week. Mr. aud Mrs. Frank Thompson of Aukenytown, were guests of Mr. aud Mrs. William Sellers last week. Mr. W. W. Wilson aud family euter taiued Mr. uud Mrs. Alfred Miser, of Columbus, last week. Miss Cora McGugiu visited her sis ter, Mrs. Geo. Steiumetz, near Amity, the past week. W. II. Maglll of Mt. Vernon, candi date for county treasurer ou the Re publican ticket, was a Frederiuktown: visitor on Saturday lost. Mr. and Mrs. O. r Struble, of. Bel fast, Ohio, are vUtllng the- latters parents, Mr. aud Mrs A. H. Cast, Miss Hazel Kerr, of Mt. Vermin,. visited with Mrs. Ida Dkkey ou Sun day last. Mrs O. 11. Jatue has purchased III Darling tee cream parlors. Mrs Daniel llruwn was in Mt. tr nou on Mouday last. Mr and Mrs. O r Struble of Bel fast, 0 are planning to move- to- Cans: da sooa j B t!v IB Mr. James Bacchus, of Ashland;., was ia Frederiektowa oa Tuesday Btiyfas! up horses. I A number of improvements- are be-' tng made at the Baafc Hotel new j floor in the kitchen and: waterworks ! bcinfc InstaUed. ' Mrs. Jackson of 3It. Vernoa bte! with her sister. Mrs. Jemrfe- BaB kt tiiis place oa Tuesday of tifc weeCt. , Mr Alvin Willie, of Oecsclwrg; I was a Frederlcktown. visiter THe-l C. of this week. ; Mr George P. Soorfcconphv at th a ot sUty-eight. dlet at hfe ham te. Frederlcktown. from apoplexy, oa Ftt-j day evening at eight a'eteefc. TW ftta-l :ra: was held at the- residence- oa 3Conr da at 10 o'clock. Re. Ja- paauic o. th' 31. E- church otHcfallec later a. u. at Forest eemetery. If teas-a. w t- fhree sons and twa- dushsrs. 31 c. Scarbrough moved to Frederieft. t; n from, the farm about a. monttr ago. and has been. In Ht health; htc son e time past Jlr and 3Irs. Horry Ctissttt. 3Ir. aniti 31 s Casselt Lhrn. and 3Ir. and 3tv Cha-Ies Boon wtre called to. lftHajrd by fhe death of their steslatiwr Mr -.hit Simpson, on 3Ioaiiay of thfe i week. 3lr J A. Hfejcins of BtewiBeW. sietu most ot last week with. 3tr. T digging and family ia thfcs. jfae. Jlrs. Charles Vincent of CSfcuafcita. visited with 3Ir. and 3Irs. Amos- 3fjec in this place the past week. 3liss Hazel Burns vfaited kr 3tt Ver non on Wednesday lust. .Mrs. Thos. Brokaw has ieriwl from her visit with relatives to. Maas tield. 3tr. Omar Foote and whfe- of 3tt Vernon visited with the- fecBKjr par ents. 3tr. and 3Irs- O. P. Foote- twee Sunday. Edward Davis, a littte- fellow akoiM eisht year ot age. ran, away from: hi home on the Fisher farm, near 3tt Vernon, oa Friday lost, vvusapprehead ed near Frederiektowa. by oae- of w townsmen and was returned t hfcf i parents, who were searching fee the-1 child and considerably aturraed. 3lr. J. W Vales, the new ef-erk a the Bank Hotel, visited his family at Waterford on Sunday Use -ir- .,.! rr f mui.r to Ashland this week. Jlr. and 3lrs. Fred Ctoweit of Co-, luuibus. who have been, vfclting; rela-t ives here the post week, ntttrumf, home on Wednesday. Burs- Jttttt anj per nn sue Ea- aiuy Jtiss Berdell Lonsi. who has been. B amph. E hav ia mnD unowr mu vlsltinjc with friends ia 3U. Vernon. ( ters. whlcn; iwn aaisae kn aai tau the past week, returned home-aa Shnj onuirai bustsj. t nromfe (SiA4iu1 sap da last. t we rm extent at: mtf aDiBkF- Tomr The many friends of 3Ir and. Jlr. tonfiilaniiH- xnu endiicsemtinii TtfHI Charles Brlggs are socry to- leuxa tha. they wilt move away from. Ftederfuk town to Ashland. Ohio, where- he- wBS, follow his trade as carpenter. 3fr BrtKS has beea an. active- wucker ia lodge and church, where- he- wiE Be sreatly missed, also la the bund here t Jlrs. S. W. Hughes, ot Cleveland T vNited over Sunday with her daugh.-! ter. Jlrs. F A. Day ot this place- Strs, Hitches is planning to sail fur EhKiaiul ou the uDth ot this month where- he will visit her father durins thn- sum mer. She wilt be accomoanted on ' hi voyase by her son. Jlr. Ernest UuBaBt; and family, ot Cleveland. Jlrs 61 (V Cas.Ie. of Cleveland, was aJn ivi.i or at her sister's. Jlrs. F .V Duv The Iocut V. C T. XT sent our hi foitowiuK lavltatfott. We invite our frletuls ot our and eotiEitry to help- us deuurate- a pubtte square- oa Tuesday afternuon. May iS. or Wednesday afternoon necessaryi the- 2Uth. We- witt ajipcet ate tne utmtness. we uestce- tae- Mi lowing: UeranhimB. s.ilvia. white aiut ter plant, coliuns and wld dens Xii; wb-hluK lnformauua phone to No-. SI By order of committee. Commencement Notices Class Day la the- PtesbysBtua church oa Wednesday. Jtuy 2. at 'J- JO a. uu Tbe doors wilt opea at u"ijlock. and tickets wilL be- sutd or the- iIuol-s. there beltiK no. reserved aeujv .iit missioa 12 cents. Commenuemenc la the Presbtnuai v cW fcssfy" LJ- m& n i'te, i WL-mr i i - .p Co.irse ttimtrffc t it haniE The faretntx K)t3 tnr wrw- "rfh "S meb'tauicat vahribwrd . V-. H.,ntiBBSr tiL 'SSfttac'TOfcikY fcc our buk. ot wabhilajc riutts. THE. BOSS WASiOIG J.e2IS!lC aJ.Bnfc.a.CbcOTarf6.fca .-hitren; on Tfcniiu ICm 2S a ji an Th seate- ai ' "serwHfi aniE tfHftHtsri wBI Be- sold at '-ewrtwE aaiB IjpwHr Shae SSon-. an Sv-irthxor.. JOur Mtfn am j nu rtmkma 25- kbk. The Bnu&e? rf e r;ns lb8U x fte-x souful! fe Vwmi)r oaM "BUmbhSoT errinK. Mir. Edfeiir RSadr off 30K. Vninx iee sir Stwtlav wMb tt tunenr jtr aaiC 30 4-wy Btaferte te jjh Ki j Kksv EL A. !r)int oojC (Biimhr- Bat seiuifrB: mr StaduV wttft refutiiHsin: m V2ihb. vtrfsyB: CtrnHBa off 3. HHntum s? 3nlter ol fcw W wMb lite gxsut posealKv SQcUMt Ifcs IEiumj Buftif hi elk oiuaei. Mr. 3L. EESinnr ofl Jfc. ViBm ws tutor am aitsfEntf Tttetrimf. Mr. 3E. &. Font off Ctautemu cx nete- oai baslhwM- TtesiBiL B&w.. EE. 3d NoWf- off & ?aesA4rv'' nut c&ttcahi was- ttt OnufeBa Hiss wit e IHiHfeests &r t&- La- tflHufttrttOi. stMatattry. The- mxel&ig: if dta CTrtucHCf) off fo PeesheeicuzLSinv shuu mttn HTri. day eveorfhscla. pnBacimi wans riO)fiii'B fMawed: hi? EetrvshmKaJfc. 3rs. JUmes- WeK4r af Eisinuiianv fe rotting: her daiurtttwE-. Jte. I&ibb3 Hue as rhf. nuiiiej. 3Grk. Jaifts KwLtf orT Gis OUT. nE was. here Satenibv rautvefets flfi ate- MMilnnntri T 3tr. om 3&Sv Won. WleMfe off ffn Wayaev buiU. wuh- uiffeD hf n ftf Ate death, of 3Cc Swk SttaafiioHghi. 3tfe BK and: 3urs JQjatn vwi tte fe fe tfte: hunw off WhiL Bif a f WeiaesdUj. Jtr. Kahetrt ttieit off SoMdl. wmsg a. bTbiniiKaaAStt neMr om ntBtetanri oatE WedfitisiUiff trf ihf vKJfc 3f&s WHtfe. StxttA B5iirSf- itn fcfemls. itt BFeriafiiiitBnn. 3Cfes ifaifw kteottt- off ML VtHcmm sgeat Sauadoy JaiE 9iiur vftd 30bs Adtu. Husauk. Jtfo Steftv inrfwrsMin off Cnmic fe nfeftfn to thM- mmn- tt Ehht SUac PGLITIOaL AMMQUX2EMEST5 KEFRSSEXTTA'SWH To. tthe Bemn.tra. rf Khwc Vtomnr E desate- mmunjima ftr focsHm- tnwe I fcior ai. reKvjwasiiHHB C etpeases mum. ra a wbsusojbi -- pfeuss. wtrjJSAJf; jl smmonrr. 3Ct TinuirA tQuiui For Commissioner (Second Tefii.) Vote For Let and HkveYQO Wg?Trrgr Maffep Clearr? YccaeE&SoKQW. j --,.--. me-awv-i.- a I. k. Ih -1 f . IV !. -B kK la HHH JTi wirft tftiQ-ftKiNnK wc !.-- Erion Thomas J. Candidate For 3Br Btrnnmnm ,ai CHsncirrx.,- -jci- O" suacta1! & She irrncET" jf'-jnn tin Be tkus HucOi acifi -rsirvfi ujirb h Sunn anil Sottll a abAfijrSe jmrrafra fff h&K anQiiiiia 'Ck 1H1 ode TBHe, mwtntntc LtB- to .JtiBMswi naalu I fts Saam. mmruer. Ol4. OnAfieaBi fe-tfhsHg turn tmvitmiSmiS. ure w?qniai - an- tor Dk aDHSwHt w 3ae rfHtKtU wrfctat. n iiiUiiami .1, SB. metet&HBx sajr Ibe fe ai -zti6 4amnr Hfe Hndef 9sr BHBi,1yars le has Hred on a small farm suohuII win- oimuour aaS yt lie Ixjm jjfUHHT 3B saw ace bt zs anjfl tsxk& te rarwlBK small fraits. iKJaltry and PateuiHi utmenmomflr ar -waat w y tgtoi lalisaw; somewhat in farm pro H 3fc. immiriwri i- miK in"twr' "-u. out .s. Adv. 5rtw nBs. Wr in incMarHai Sib: See nStm iparibQ5 aaifl jwrnnis '-?. a "hss; trhia anif tnra. ats -wnanus s 3b 'Canute? fcirm rthe javja T-nrri w"-''- . JSfiHHna nw ie"t a HtatnffiiL. iS oufiis-' jilirat- SrfrR Or- P I v Owmjic aun Udn Jt aa 4 I IfefQ- 13s-sirte asiisc !bane of Hart Schaffuer & Marx clothes. Young America CLOTHING HOUSE X SOSENTHALL, Proprietor 3ZIh2 Stg Srsas m is Cnmsr Cor, Mam and Vine Sts., Mt. Vernon, 0. Open Evesangs Uafil 7i30; Satsrdaj Evening Until 11 S I Remington Probate Judge l.j. iKrttrs -cre a -dear mind and a a; :ad -.rnt "he Jarter tyiriipd arcniji s i ;i merrs of Ohio 11H -nain- sn"u "ou-j xtjjiont 'blenjr.h by ifce s ijfr. He dnuried no he har to prac VHt law bj ibe fmpreme court of Ohio ia M3. nfl 3s Ions and successful . 3eOEcie s laTtsr has eminentlv 1 a-n& Mm for the discharge rf ln- 1 t tfi -we jadzro. Mr. EniRcra 3s fifty-three years of i a.-c is inarned. ias a family of five ; riaBurfm -ith -whom for the iiast three ! imum- Brisk Haven, devoting his timel EATENEB EAHS IN LEVEE ortt aB air -mjce. Hymelia is opposite BtmDrt Oarre, and on the -west hank. Ittrothes Jiat probatory -win 'be fiood a arf St. Qiatles. laFourche, JeJIer n. St. James and a part or Kaqoe-anroe. Rupture. Piles, FistulaJ VAHIGGOELEand HYDROCELE CBRSD "ftlTHOUT THE KNIFE. HID 2Ht 1JD ?1Y. Send 3c jUimp lot Bi how w cat 3p ?frttiTMimi&. Snae -znay iir your 3eightiaxs. re.HHKES & HMNES.fflggKM? ?oom 52. lOI K. Hism St COME men are hard to fit; men of unusual figure; stout men, fat men, tali, slender men. They think the only way to get a fit is to have clothes made to measure. Wholly unnecessary; we'll fit you promptly in a Hart Schaffner & Marx suit; they're made in so many y sizes and various dimensions, that we can fit anybody. Save tasee and money and set Better clothes. Box Stationery AVe liiive just received a supply pi box station ery which we are i?oiiijj to sell at lot.' and 25c per box. They are full size packages and extr a quality paei AVc also have a nice line of tab lets and envelopes, all sizes, and prices to suit everybody. TAUGHER'S Drug Store E. Side Public Square " In the Stud In the Stud Season of 1912 J THE HACKXKV ST.U,I,I(. Gribtliorpe I'layiuate, Xo. 7-lfiT. Gribthorpe l'lajmate is a chestnut. li hands' high and weighs 1 r0 pounds; of won derful Quality, finish and all round action. He makes a most excellent sire for what is us ually termed all-purose hors es. He won the championship for Hackney Stallions at Madi son Square Garden Horse Show in Xew York City, also at the. Ohio State fair in 1S0S, where the lest blood of the country and Europe are judged by the most comiKMent horsemen. Terms for the season of 1J12 at M.""..00 to insure a living foal. W. E. GEORGE Mt. Vernon. Ohio. 2 mile-. Sou'.li of Mt. Vernon on the Columbus rttad. 1 mile n the Kinney road. Hell llie 34-W. r v t v t T T t f T f f f T T T T &Jfcg9& v V - v