Newspaper Page Text
'"'"MMiVBHMHnHBnHHiH mmmmmmm W iSESSmZSX ettwottifc timer 11.50 PER YEAH MT. VERNON, OHIO, TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1916 No. 27 ESTABLISHED 1836 u 1 I She ffl rr K J REVOLTS AGAINST CHIEF CARRANZA Colonel Cano And Have Joined Commander Pershing Searching For Villa In The Mountains Ban Antonio, Tex., April 3. That Colonel Cano, who was leading on; Of tho heavier Carranza forces oper ating with the American forces In the search fir Francisco Villa, had re Yolted against Carranza and had Join ed the bandit, is the belief prevailing in mllitarj circles on the border. The report of Cano's action has not beci, confirmed, but is given some credence at army headquarters. Unless Villa definitely is located within the next day or two, it is be lieved heie that General Pershing will begin a dogged search for him in the mountains and south of Guerrero. Since the defeat of Villa's force March 29 In and near Guerrero tho American commander has had lightly equipped mobile detachments of cavalry sweep ing in whirlwind fashion through the district about the headwaters of the Santa Maiia river, In efforts to locate tho elusie bandit, reported to have gone In that direction after being des perately wounded. General Persuing did not get a re tort through to General Funston dur ing the day, but the chief of staff re ported, indicating that the line or communication was maintained, and no mention of Villa was made. There It, Increasing belief that General Pershing may havo been deceived in regard to the direction taken by Villa and cvfi concerning his injuries. Some reports Indicate that ho wa8 not Injured at all, and Instead of go ing northeast of Guerrero ho had moved Into the hills to the south and enst, a li:cction American army offi cers had expected lilm to take. Tho new Information Is not regard ed more credible than that which caused the cordon of troops to bo drawn across every exit from the dis trict nnitheast of Guerrero, and It Is telicved liere that General Pershing will not t.dopt any new plan until ho BARGAR MAY Columbus, April 3. Colonel Byron L. Bargar, commander of tho Fourth regiment Ohio national guard, is In Hne for a position on the general staff of tho United States army, under the provisions of an act now before con gress and said to bo slated for pas rage, according to advices received here from tho national capital. S SAYS IS Washington, April 3. Speaker Clark, resenting imputations that the house Is lagging in Its work, issued statement denouncing tho criticisms as malicious. Tho house has passid, according to Speaker Clark's stat. nent, twi appropriation bills and ihas tho river and harbor bill before it It has also passed tho deficiency bills tho Hay military bill and throe ccn servatlon bills. Tho "administration" measures still to be acted upon arc: The ship purchase bill, the naval in crease bill, the tariff commission bill ENTER ARMY PEAKER Force Villa's aid To has thoroughly satisfied himself Villa Is not in the indicated region. Failure to run him down since Wed nesday strengthened the belief that A'llla Is south of tho railroad, and If General Pershing has to send his cav dry into that mountainous and sparse ly settled country it was realized that slow progress would be made. Troops Receive Supplies. El Paso, Tex., April 3 Eleven car loads of food supplies for the United States army ii Mexico safely reached the Casas Grandes country, and re lieved a situation that was ulrallted ly serious for the horses. If not for tho men Telegrams from Casas Grandes ever the Mexican wires an nounced the arrival of the train with out accident or Incident, and said the Iciage for tho horses was badly leeded. Missing Aviatois Return. Columbus, N. M April 3. Two American aviators, who have been missing with their aeroplanes since Friday, arrived nt American headquar ters in Mexico. They were caught In a rain and sno-r storm. In Choco lr.te pass, ten miles south of here, while en route from Namiquipa. They lost their way and were forced to de scend near a Mexican house. . WITHHOLDS OIL Donahey Announces Gain of $4,803 For the State. Columbus, April 3. Auditor of State Donahey has Just made $4,816.4.1 for the state. It was In the sale of oil accruing from school and ministerial lands, of the mineral rights of which the auditor is supervisor. Donahey noticed the rapid Increase In price of oil and Sept 1, last, broke tho for mer practice of selling the state's oil at tho close of each month. The oil obtained from certain lands In Hock ing county since August was stored until last month, when It was sold for $24,827.10. If It had been sold at tho end of each month It would have jlelded only $20,000. AT0 THE POINT Five children of Patrick Marion lost their lives in a lire that destroyed '.heir home at Scranton, Pa. Mother nns injured seriously by Jumping. Three persons were Injured, one, Franlc Ullman, probably fatally, in a fire which destioyed the oil plant of D W. Fenton & Company at Middle town, N. Y. More than 700 union painters went or strike at Indianapolis, following employers' demand for a reduction In the present wage scale. The union V asking CO cents an hour. HOUSE revenue legislation, waterpower bill and flood control legislation, and the resolution providing for a transporta tl;n Investigation. In addition there oro twelve supply bills to be rassd. Wilson May Vl3it Lima. Lima, O,, April 3. President Wll oon, Secretary of War Baker and Sen ator Atlco Pomorene have agreed to hold open tho date of April 13 to visit Lima. Tho thrco men have been in vited to address the Jefferson day banquet and NOT LAGGING SHORT LOCALS Eggs, 20c; butter, 32c Dress up this week at Milton Lewis' John Bailey of Orrville spent Sun day in tho city with relatives. For old sores apply Hanford's Bal sam. Prof, W, L. Saunders of the high school was summoned to Uma Sat urday by the illness of a relative. Arthur Splnasse of Bast Gambler street Is spending several weeks in Washington, D. C, on business. Arthur Bond leaves Tuesday for Dayton for a try-out with the Dayton baseball club of tho Central league. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Dawson of How ard spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Welch, east of the city. For fouls In cattle ubo Hanford's Balsam. ' E. J. Evorly of the Everly Shoe Co. visited with his parents in Dayton ov er Sunday. New spring style for you to dress up. Milton Lewis. Miss Margaret Reynolds of Colum bus spent Sunday in this city with friends. Applications for 1916 automobile tags may be obtained at the Banner offlco free of charge. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Humbert of How ard spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Mavis of the Sychar road. Fred Tracy of Akron is spending a few days with relatives In Mt. Ver non. Read Milton Lewis' ad. in this pa per. Stauley Phllpott ofxClevoland spent Sunday in Mt Vernon, the guest of friends. Mr. and Mrs. William Zom of West Vine street are spending several days with relatives in Glbsouburg. Mrs. Emma Wolfe returned to her home in Columbus Monday after a short visit with Mrs. Albert Trott of East" Burgess street If your skin is scratched by a rusty nail, apply Hanford's Balsam at once. It should prevent blood poison. Charleft C. Wright of Cleveland spent the week-end in the city, tho guest of Miss Sarah. Russell of East Gambler street Mrs. Jennie Morgan of Martlnsburg was In the city Monday, en route home from a three weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. Edith Leonard. For auto repairing go to William Young and Fred Hoffman, northeast corner Public square. We sell tea, coffee and spices di rect from tho importer and give the best values. Poppleton Grocery Co., 23 East Gambier street Both 'phones 77. Mrs. Mary Hood of Joplin, Mo., is spending several weeks -with her sis ter, Mrs. William A. Wander, of East Vino street. Supt and Mrs. P. C. Zomer of West Humtramck street were called to Sid ney Sunday by the critical illness of Mrs. Zemer's brother. Mrs. Jennie M. Ball of Frederick town returned to her home Monday after a short visit with Mrs. Samuel Scott of North Main street Mrs. W. L. Saunders returned Sun day from Newark, where sho spent soveral days with her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. Sparks.' Alfred Shutt of Newark spent Sun day in Mt. Vernon with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shutt, of Mansfield avenue. Robert Marshall returned Sunday evening to his homo in Akron after a visit of soveral days with friends in, the city. Cliarlos Huntsberger of Akron spent tho week-end with Mb mother, Mrs. F. H. HuntBborger, of East Chestnut street Miss Laura Kellecr of Columbus spent Sunday as tho guest ot Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Kelley of the Granville road. Tho new manager of the Brandon exchange of the Mt. Vernon Tele phono Co. is Miss Ophla Moore of Brandon. Mrs. Carrie Hopfoy returned to her homo In Columbus Monday aftor a short visit with her daughter, Mrs. William Myers, of West Vine street Mrs. Alice Dickson has returned to her home In Fulton after spending a few days as tho guest of Mrs. Is'iac Lafover of the Old Delaware road. Mis. J. W. Connor of Brandon was in tho city Monday, en route to Co lumbus, whore sho will spend the day with friends. BRINGS SUIT FOR DIVORCE Action Instituted By Margaret Blanche Miner Accuses Husband Of Drunk enness And Abuse Another Woman Asks Court To Grant Alimony Accounts Presented In A Number Of Estates Large Batch Of Deeds For Transfer Of Land Margaret Blanche Miner has insti tuted a proceeding against John J. Minor for divordi. -They were mar ried in Mt. Vernon Dec. 18, 1909. They have one llilng child, two years of age. Sho chhrges her husband with drunkennefs and of abusing and calling her vllo names, and that in August, 1914, at their horns in Cleve land he struck her, knocklug her to the lloor. Sho says ho is a rig-bulld-er, and although capable of earning $4.50 a day, ho has failed to support her and their child, and that In Sep tember, 1914, sho was compelled to leave home and seek a haven with her mother, where she has since resided; that fcho does not know the wtiere abouts of her husband. She 'prays for divorce and the custody of the child. P. A. Berry, attorney for JlrS Miner. For Alimony Roso U. Despontiu vs. Jules Des pontln is the title ot an action for ali mony filed late Saturday afternoon, Tho parties to the proceeding were married less than a year ago on April 17, 1915. The plaintiff charges mistreatment and abuse and failure to purchase clothing for her; that the defendant calls her vile names and permits and encourages his people to come to their homo and abuse her without any reason therefor, and has ordered her to leave home. She says her husband operates a moving pic ture business and has a largo amount of money invested in equipment She says they are the Joint owners ot the furnishings at their homo on West Vino street. Sho says he is clearing at least $200 per month in his busi ness and is able to provide for hor needs; that ho is worth at least $5,000. She prays that he be enjoined from selling any of the property, that there may be an accounting of her husband's property and that she may he awarded temporary alimony and upon final hearing sho ba given a fair and equitable interest in the property. Judge Blair granted a temporary in junction. L. C. Stlllwoll is attorney for plaintiff. Sale of Personal Property Daniel Keller and A M. Stewart, administrators of I. S. Burger, have filed a report of sale of personal prop erty showing $1,386.94 amount rea lized. After deducting a special de vise of $82.50, tho remaining one-half, $652.22, goes to tho estate and tho half to a tenant on the farm of deced ent. o " Account Mary J Veinon, administratrix of Birdie J. Vernon, hns filed a first and final account Received and disburs ed $367.90, -o Sale Reported Lcgrand Hrltton, guardian of Ma- i lono Leploy and Phebo Shrake, has reported the salo of a lot in Howard to George Humbert for $345 and hi action has been confirmed. o Sale Bill Byron Doup, administrator of Icw 1s Doup, has made report of sale of personal property; amount realized $1,077.91. Simpson Estate S. S. Simpson and A. C. Simpson, executors of James A. Simpson, have filed an Inventory and appraisement as follows: Pergonal goods $2,566.25, money $50. Distributive Account John D. Wyker and John B. Wyker, executors of William Vyker, have presented a distributive account showing $9,076.76 distributed. Davis Estate Frank L. Beam, executor ot Mel vlna Davis, has filed an inventory and appraisement an follows: Personal property $2,083.50, money $2.10, se curities $37, total $2,142.60. Marriage- Licenses James Oscar Holmes, glass worker, Utlca, and Vera Belle Van Winkle, Morgan township. Rev. J. A. Long. Grover Harris, farmer, and Evallne Schooler, teacher, both of Jackson township. Rev. J. A. Long. Harold RanBom, chauffeur, and Mary Estolla Bishop, both ot Mt Ver non. Rev. O. E. Ford. Trapsfers Real Estate P. P. Parker to Legrand Britton, 36 acreB In Howard township, $3,060. Frank Cramer to Byron H. Jenkins, 56 acres in Liberty township, $2,850. John Kanaga, administrator, to Delano Bishop, lot in Fredericktown, $2,000. Norma Cramer to Isabel Jenkins, parcel in Liberty township, $1. A. E. Hines, executor, to William E. Seymour, 80 acres In Pike township, $4,140. Carrie Mansfield to Richard J. Scoles, parcel in Mt Vernon, $1. L. S. Burger to Jacob A. Burger? 136.78 acres in Pike township, $6,873. Charles Wolfe to Charles Van Aman, parcel In Clinton township, $1. Curtis E. McManis to James M. Spellman, parcel in Pleasant town ship, $900. H. T. Hinken to William Slmpklns, lot 60, Norton's northern addition to Mt. Vernon, $1. Henry G. Evans to Joseph Mans field, 101.80 acres Miller township, $1. Elizabeth W. Gains to Margaret Ax tell, lot in Mt. Vernon, $1. E. W. Wynkoop to Perry O. Ear nest, 131 acres in Clinton township, $1. B. J. Bevington to Burgess Hauger, 74.01 acres in Monroe township, $4, 849.95. Breaks While Gibson Rides Narrow Escape James Gibson had a narrow escape from serious Injury Saturday evening at the Pitkin store where he Is em ployed, when the cable of the ele vator on which he was riding broke, and the car dropped to the basement from the first lloor. Gibson received a dislocated ankle and was severely shaken up. Ho Nvas removed to his home In an ambulance, and placed In the care ot Dr. S. E. Deeley. DEMOCRATS WILL HEAR REPORTS OF RALLY COMMITTEES AT A SPECIAL MEETING. For the purpose of hearing tho progress made by sundry committees appointed in connection with the big Democratic rally which will be held on Saturday afternoon, April 22, a special meeting of the temporary or ganization of tho Knox County Demo cratic club has been called for Tues day night, April 4, at 7-30 o'clock in the club headquarters, tho Kirk build ing. Chairman Urentllngor will at that time announce a reception committee for the big day. The other commit tees have, In tho meantime, been stir ring things up and, as individuals, re port that all arrangements are being satisfactorily made. ELEVATOR NASTY MESS STIRRED II' More Trouble In The Willis Family Administration This Time In Department Of Public Printing Extravagance And Nepotism Charged Against Cross Significant Speech Made By Arthur I, Vorys Before The Pennsylvania In surance Federation Columbus, 0 April 3 There is more trouble in the Willis famly ad ministration, bringing out charges and counter-charges, between J. E. Cross, public printer, and E. A. Craw ford, chairman of the True, or Glue, Democracy, a former state printer. Crawford, incensed because one of his four relatives was dropped from the payroll by Cross, charges nepo tism and extravagance, and tells Wil lis that Cross has increased expenses of his office more than $50,000 a year. Cross, In turn, charges Crawford with family favoritism In office and other wise says he does not run straight, ! but that he was bought and has the price in his pocket While the state at large is humiliated by the specta cle, they place the blame directly on Governor Willis with the explanation' that both Cross and Crawford come from Adams county. Regular Repub Hcans who dislike the Willis style of machine politics are enjoying the game and sensing a dog fight say "Sic 'em, Tige!" Arthur I. Vorys, former Republican national committeeman from Ohio, and one of the delegates selected by Theodore Burton, made a speech be fore the Pennsylvania Insurance fed eration at Pittsburgh on March 29. He denounced the Ohio workmen's com pensation act as radical and described this btate as a "horrible example," the victim of socialistic impulse and a menace to insurance interests. He advised his hearers to resort to "pre paredness" lest they, too, become victims of bimilar laws. This address is Interesting In many respects, but state fire marshal? And didn't State ago one of the high officials of the Pennsylvania state insurance depart ment said that the employers' liabil ity insurance companies were ready to spend millions to repeal the Ohio law. Mr. Vorys was state insurance commissioner under three governors and fought compensation tooth and toe-nail. It is easy to conjecture what kind of a candidate and a platform Mr. Vorys will support at Chicago. o Now that Governor Willis Is spend ing only one day a week at the cap ltol, the government moves along more easily. Here's one instance in which absenteeism pays. o Why should Public Printer J. E. Cross be criticised for appointing his wife as chief clerk? Didn't the good voung governor make his nephew, Hugh Buell, of Columbuus, deputy of those he deceived, tho chief execu Oil Inspector James M. Carr appoint his own son, a student at Western Re servo university, as n special deputy In Cloveland at $1,200 a year? And Isn't the brother-in-law ot Secretary of State Charles Q. Hlldebrant hold ing a chief clerkship under him? Go to! Why pick on a poor woman? o In his mad chase for support in 1914, tho present head of tho stnto government promised the autl-llood protectionists In tho Miami valley his support In repealing tho Vondcr heldo conservancy act. When the time came to dollver ho flunked and the law stood intact, though fiercely assailed. These facts en me from members of the association which fought tho law. Now It develops that to protect hlmseir against the wrath of those he deceived, tho chief execu tive Is supplying assistance Indirect ly. He has appointed the two chief attorneys for the opposition to state positions with good salaries. They are Percy Taylor, of Sidney, member of the state board of pardons, and F. M. Sterrett, of Troy, legal assistant of the state banking department In the pending litigation these two per sons, who are paid for their services by the state, aro appearing in tho courts on behalf of the organizations opposed to tho Vonderheldo law. In cidentally they are also campaigning for the renomlnatlon and re-election of the gentleman who gave them their Jobs, "We are advertised by our loving friends" said Richmond In Shakes peare's tragedy of Richard HI. Gov ernor Willis can repeat it, but he should add, "And they are being paid at the expense of tho taxpayers. Forty press agents, count 'em, forty t "Attorney General Turner does a big lot of ruling that gets Bmall at tention," observes the editor man of the Portsmouth Times. "The last Willis legislature used nearly 8,000 lead pencils, 1,183 pen holders, 741 pairs ot scissors, and 29 pounds of rubber bands, according to a report filed by State Auditor Dona hey, with Governor Willis. Some 'economy in that legislature." Up- per Sandusky Chief. In discussing matters ot state. Governor Willis exhibits lamentable Ignorance. Even that Ignorance could bo excused if the good young gover nor did not parade It so noisily and frequently. ORROW MONEY FROM THE BUCKEYE STATE BUILDING &. LOAN COMPANY, RANKIN BUILDING, 22 WEST GAY STREET, COLUMBUS, O. 1. Lowest rates. 2. Best terms. 3. Prompt in closing loans. 4. Borrowers are permitted to repay In whole or in part at any time. 5. Will loan on homes In Columbus or on farms in central Ohio. 6. On payments of $100 or over, In , terest ceases at once. 7. Call and Investigate. Assets $10, 400,000. Five per cent paid on time deposits. MISS" RUSSELL , ' IN PIANOFORTE RECITAL AT CON"- SERVATORY Or MUSIC, CIN CINNATI, APRIL 7. At the Cincinnati Conservatory of MupIc on Friday evening, Apr. 7, Miss Katharine Ru&sell, iormerly of this ci ty, will present a selected program for the piano. Miss Russell is a pupil ot Mr. Marcian Thalberg. The following are the selections Miss Russell will play: Fantaisie enroraatique et Fugue (Bach). Sonata, Op. 26, A flat major, Andan te con variazlonl. Scherzo, Marcla fuaebre. Allegro (Beethoven). Etlncelles (MoBzkowski). Etude No. 19 (Chopin). Ballade, G Minor (Chopin). I sol den's Liebestod (Wagner-Liszt). Hungarian Rhapsody No. 13 (Liszt). PRINTING CONTRACT AWARDED At the meeting of the county board of elections Saturday afternoon, the contract for printing the ballots for the April primary was awarded the Republican Publishing company at Its bid of $148.50, There were no other bidders. It was ordered that a new booth be provided for Precinct A First ward, to replace one no longer fit for use. GAVE ILLUSTRATED LECTURE J. G. Exiell of Cleveland gave an Il lustrated lecture on "Switzerland" at Mt Vernon academy Saturday night. ft a ; 1 A