11.00 PER YEAR
' i,
Caniiza Chief A!
Diaz Lands In Mexico And Heads
A Large Force
El Paso, Tex., April G. General
Gavira. the Carranza commander at
Juarez, again asserted that Fran
cisco Villa 1b wounded and that his
capturn is Imminent, He made public
a telegram which ho said ho had re
ceived from General Bertani at Ma
dera, stating specifically that the ban
dit had been shot and was hiding
Bomowhere between Bachlneva and
The niPisage is confirmatory of re
ports ftorn Amorican headquarters
that Villa was located heading toward
Satovo. Wiillo tho story that he Is
wounded is still accepted here with
considerable reserve, it is pointed out
that several days have elapsed since
tho fugitive was reported in the
nplghborhood of Satevo, on his way
to Parrnl, and that nothing has been
heard since of his movements. If
Villa a in full possession of his
health and traveling at his, usual
speed of ioity or more miles a day he
should liao reached and passed Par
ral, a fact which would hardly escape
being reported.
Gavicna is located on the eastern
aide of the continental divide, about
thirty miles from Guerrero, with
which it is connected by the famous
Bachlncv.i pass. It is through thi3
pass that all accounts agreo Villa
made his way after the defeat of his
followers by Colonel Dodd near Guer
rero. From Ilachlneva to Satevo the trail
runs about seventy miles through a
broad, well-watered and fertile valley.
On each aide of tho valley, howover,
there stretches for mauy miles the
wildest mountain wastes in Mexico,
an almost ideal country for a fugitive.
Thoroughly to search this district
would take weeks, according to Amer
icans who are familiar with It.
War Department Grants Request of
General Funston.
Ban Antonio, Tex., April 6. Gen
eral Funston was advised by the war
department that his request for moro
automobile trucks had been granted.
vricvuwiiu, April o. urusnea unacr
tho weight of a BOO pound steel plate
a3 It slipped the chains which sup
ported it above their heads, Alexan
der Huclo and George Bobltt woro al
troBt instantly killed in the plant of
tho King Bridge company. Workmon
summoned by the crash found the two
mon pinned under this plate. They
died beforo the plate could bo lifted.
Manchester. 0 April 6. Coal oil
Tyas poured on tho floors of a house
hero owned by Peter Starks and tho
building then was set afire and de-
Htroyod. While tho fire was raging,
thiovoe broke into Mr. Stark's resi
dence in another part of town and
blole Jowolry. There is no clew.
Juarez Insists
"VMille thi! addition of 108 more trucks
to those already carrying supplies
along tho line of communications to
tho troops In Mexico will servo to
Ttllove the situation, staff officers
here still regard the'use of tho rail
rrnds from El Paso as essential to
tl.p succyts of the campaign against
"With C.OCO horses and mules to feed
c ery day, and approximately that
ninny men, th- quartermaster's' de
partment realized the difficulties with
which it had to contend
No reports from General Pershing
ns to operations south of Namlquipa
were received and ofllcers here are
et lacking details of the skirmish
letween Colonel Brovn's cavalry and
Villa's men on April 1.
Said to Be at the Head of a Consider
able Force.
Washington, April 6. Reports to
the department of justice indicate that
thero now 1b no longes any doubt that
Felix Diaz has landed in Mexico. Of
ficials have been informed that he Is
at the head of n considerable force in
the south of Mexico ant has received
material old, through Guatemala. It
is tho first official information of the
revolutionary leader's whereabouts. A
propaganda in his favor along the bor
der between the United States and
Mexico Is reported, and a number of
his adherents there nre under sur
veillance by the department agents.
Tims far thero haB been little definite
information as to his movements or
the source from -which he obtained
arms and ammunition.
Joining Villa Bandits.
El Paso, Tex., April 6. Mexican
ranchers of the district surrounding
Chihuahua City are reported to be
joining tho Villa bandits in consider
obo numbers. Villa agents are said
c have been recruiting among the
small ranchers and several hundred
already have left their homes to Join
the bandit bands operating within
thirty or forty miles of Chihuahua
City, tho report gays.
Cleveland, April 6. The Ohio in
dustrial commission has taken action
to end the strike or quarrymen at Am
herst. Gf-orgo F. Miles and Fred P.
Cioxton of Columbus, mediators, rep
jEenting the commission, held sep
arate conference with officials and
strike leaders, hoping to effect a com
promise of wage difficulties. A Joint
centered will bo held.
Dayton, O., April G, In a lit of an
far Berlio Wooden, thirty, shot his
wife, twenty-two, and probably fnlally
wounded her. Then, thinking he hud
killed her, ho turned the gun upon
himself -nd ended his life. Domestic
troubles are said by the police to havo
led to the tragedy.
When the Espagne was reported
near New York and Warslav Nljinskl
believed to be safe his management
heaved a collective sigh of relief,
Nljlnski was In Budapest when the
war broke out and was interned as a
Russian subject. He was released on
Berlin, April G. Addressing the
reichstag, Chancollor Von Bethmann
Hollweg vigorously denied repoits
that Germany now, or in the future,
plans war againU the United States.
"We are fighting for our existence
and our future," he said. "For Ger
many, and for no foot or foreign soil,
Germany's sons are bleeding and dy
ing on tho battlefield. Everybody
among us knows this, and that makes
our hearts and nerve strong. Thi3
moral strength strengthens our will
not only in order to weather the final
storm, hut also for final victory." Tho
Norfolk, Va., April 6. C. E. Da
vis, ordinary seaman from the battle
ship New Hampshire, and Charles
Slronstrora, from the naval hospital,
viere shot and killed by George Car
ter, a negro, In this city Davib,
Stronstrom and sovoral other blue
Jackets interfered with several ne
groes wiio weie mistreating nn aged
white man, William Carter, one of
the negroes, started to run mid the
rnilors went after him. His brother
Georgo borrowed a gun from a Greek
and went to his assistance. lie open
ed flro unon the snilors without warn
Groonvillo, 0., April f. Gideon S.
Thomas, an Arcanum business man,
fell backward from an extension lad
der while trimming trees and frac
tured his skull, dvJng a'nint iMtant
ly Hi leaves a wife and two cu'Mren.
parole to come to America and I to
return to Austria after his engage
ment. Nljinskl is the leading male
dancer of the famous Ballet Russe,
headed by Serge de Dlaghlleff, which
carries out the deccrative ideas fath
ered by Leon Bakst.
chancellor added hat Germany will
continue to carry on her submarine
warfare, meeting England's attempt
to stane her out.
May Vote On Saloons.
Dnluth, Minn., April 6. A petition
demanding a local option election in
Duluth Is being circulated here. Fol
lowing the ictory won by the drys
In Superior the local Prohibitionists
p'on to leave no saloon teriitory at
the American head of the lakes, they
lay. There aro 1G1 saloons In DJ
luth. a oity of 90.000 people.
ing. Davis and Stronstrom, shot in
tho breast, til pa just as they reached
a hospital. Georgq Carter made his
Faces Charge of Piracy.
New York, Apill C. Ernest Schil
ler, or Clarence It. Hodson, as he
new says his rpal nnme is, the lone
pirate of the British steamship Ma
toppo, was arrested by a department
of Justice agent in tho observation
ward of the Bellevue hospital o;i a
warrant calling 'or his removal to
Delaware on a charge of piracy.
Portsmouth O., April fi While
sitting on a Baltimore anO Ohio
Southern switch, Mrs. Jane Estel. sev
enty, and her granddnughter, Mary
Gregg, had both legs cut off, when a
cut of cars backed down on them.
Driving Back Germans North ot
the Gaiiette Woods.
German Attempt to Break Through
the Enemy's Lines Held In Abey
ance, Fcr the Time Being at Least
Russians Take Small Town From
the Austrians Turkish Attack is
Paris. April C. The German at
tempt to break through tho French
defenses on the Douaumont-Vaux line,
northeast of Verdun, for tho timo be
ing at least, is being held in abeyance.
Following the unsuccessful assault
against tho French positions to . the
couth of the village of Douaumont,
and the progress gained by the
Fronch counter attacks to the north
ot the Cailette wood, a little to the
oust, the Germans in this sector made
co effort to continue the offensive.
Taking advantage of this lull on the
Douaumont front, the French contin
ued their attacks north of the Cail
ette wood. This wood lies directly
couth of Fort Douaumont and the
liardumont wood, upon which the
Germans at this point are being grad
ually driven.
The Russians during the last twen
ty-four hours advanced in Galicia. in
the region of Tarnapol, and occupied
the small town of Svierzovtze and tho
surrounding woods, according to a
statement Issued by the Petrograd
war office. On the northeastern part
of the battle line in Russia Fiold Mar
shal Von Hindenburg's aviators are
continuing their rcconnaisance activ
ity. Zeppelins aro reported to have
appeared over Baronowitchi, the
strategical railway point and analogi
cal point for a drive on Minsk.
Troops of Grand Duke Nicholas
drove off a Turkish attack In the Ar
menia district. The Turks here were
supported by the naval guns of tho
cruiser Breslau.
Berlin reports tho loss during
March of twenty-four German aero
planes and of forty-fonr British and
Fronch machines. Thirty-eight of the
latter were brought to earth In air
combats, according to Berlin.
Spain has sent a note to Germany,
protesting against the torpedoing of
the Sussex, In which several Span
iards lost their lives.
Cattle rrlir.r steers, $ 3509 60: ship
pins, $8 2669 25: butchers. $7 20?S 10:
heifers. 16 15QS CO; cows, Jl7 SO; bull.
tSCil fcO; fresh cows anil springers, JSO
TOO: calve, ?4T10 BO.
Hoe Heavv and mixed, 10 30010 33;
Yorkers, J9 75!J10 S5: pigs, 50; rouehs,
$S 2509 35; stags, G r.O&fc.
Sheep and Lambs Yearlings. J6 50
10 50; wether", $9R9 50; ewes, 49;
mixed sheep, JX "69 21!; lambs, ?6 30
011 70.
Itecelpts Cattle lf0' hoRS, 2,500; sheep
and lambs, 3,400; cahes 200
CH$CAGO, April 6.
Cattle Native beef s.teers, $7 7505,
western steers. $7 7PRS CO; stackers and
feeders, ?GfS 70; cows and heifers, J4 10
9; cahes. SB 75S EO;
Iloa T-lght, ?0 40CT9 90; mixed, ?9 43
P'l ")0; heavy. 9 2W. 90: roughs, $9 30
K0; piss. ?7 nS 75.
Sheep and T,arabs Wethers, J3 25S
20; lambs J")?11 35
Itecelpts Cnttle, ,nno; nogs, zs.uuu,
rtteep and lambs, 15,000.
Cattle Choice fat cteers, $s 25TS 90;
butcher steers. $7 BOlffX 25; heifers, J7C?
7 75; bulls, $6 50fi:7 25: cons, $5 50f6 23;
mllchers and springers, ?50S0; calves,
J9 50010 25.
Hogs l'orkers, mixed, heavies, medi
ums and lights $10 010 15: pigs, 49;
rmiqhs, P: stags, $7 60.
Pheep and Urabs-Wethers. J7 50
t 35; lambs, J9 EOfJll 40.
Receipts Cattle, 100; hogs, 2,000; sheep
and lambs, 1,500; calves, 100.
Cattle Choice fat steers, $909 65:
butcher steers, $7 2508 10; heifers, $6 75
7 60; rows, JG 757 60; bulls, $G6 75;
top calves, $10
Hogs Heades, $1010 10; heavy York
irs, $10 1O01O 15; light Yoikers, $99 50;
tigs, $8 nOfi?.
Sheep and Umbs Top sheep, $7 60;
Hops Iambs, $9 90.
Receipts Hogs. 1,500; sheep and lambs,
1,000; calves, 1 00
Cattle Steers, $5 5008 86; heifers. $5 60
18 30: cows, $4Tfi 75; calves, $5610.
H0(-s Packers n- butchers, $9 60fj
I 90; common to choice, $79 30; piga
and lights, $5T9 25: stags, $5 750G 75.
Sheep and Lambs Sheep, $4&7 75;
lambs, $8ft 11 25
Receipts Cattle, 500 hogs, 3,900; sheep
and lambs, 100
BOSTON, April C.
Wool Ohio and rvnr.sjlvnnin fleeces:
Delaine washed 4('C half blood combine,
86037; three-eighths blood combing. 40c;
delaine unwashed, 31c
TOLEDO, April 5
Wheat, $1 2."5 corn, 77c; oata, 4So;
riover seed, $10 40.
Labor now to live so that at the hoar
of death thou mayest rather rejoice
than fear.-A, Kempi.
Will Accept it
Need Of Great Navy And Adequate
Army Plainly Seen
Washington, April 6. -That the fed-
cral volunteer provision of the army j
Increase bill vill.-he accepted by the
senate is the exp'rcs&ed belief of -its
advocates. ,
Debate on the Loe amendment to
strike out the olunteer provision pro
ceeded. champ!oii3 of the national
guard supporting the amendment oc
cupying most of the. time.
Senator Chamberlain, author of tho
army bill, -vigorously defended the
provision an vital to any military plan
and denounced attempts of national
guard organizations to interfere with
legislation. He was joined by Sena
tors O'Gorman ad Williams In warn
ing the senate that at the close of
the European war, the United
would need a great navy and an atii'
qnate army to back her demands upon
the belligerent powers for indemni
fication for the losses sustained
through violation of her rights as a
"As surely as the sun rises," Sena
toi Williams said "unless this coun
trj puts itteif into a condition where
it can resist and withstand bullying,
we are going to be in trouble with
tin victor In this war, unless we sur
render the positions we have diplo
matically taken and timidly submit to
the rule which the victor may lay
down for Immunity or disclaimer."
"Self-prescn ation is the interna
tional code of the belligerents," said
Senator O'Gorman. who contended
that rights of neutrals had been In
vaded by all of the warring European
powers. "And protests of neutrals
only will be rMarded." he added, "If
backed by sufficient power to enforce
their demands "
"When this war is over," said Sen
ator Chamberlain, "if we intend to de
mand 'PcoMpense for American lives
and propertv destroyed; If we arc go.
uenance, O., April G. Organization
of the Ohio Farmers' and Grain Deal
ers' association has been completed.
G F. Keefer, Fremont, executive sec
retary, wae Instructed to organize co
operative grain dealers' organizations
In every county in the state If possi
ble. The next meeting of the 3tata
association will be held in Toledo on
June 14.
nmvii, u, April b. To give her
husband a better chpnee to 'survive a
dangerous orerntlon, Mrs. Arthur W.
Stoner, wlf( of a foreman at tho Mil
ler Rubber company, went on the
operation taulo with him and submit
ted to a transfuclor of blood at Peo
ple's hospital. The operation wus
Diiscossful and Stoner is resting easy.
Human beings generally stop grow
ing at tho age of 18. Boys frequently
get their growth a year or two older.
lng to demand any Fatls&ctlon, then
rn tr'ji r life TTrnit,Ar trt Ytrnr fill
m. ,pm.nilR hv .. , ,, .-.
epfary. And in w'lat condition are we?
We have not Hip power to enforce a
single demand we have made."
Senator Chamberlain's arraignment
of the national guard's activities was
supported by Senators McCumberand
Nelson, who called attention to tele
grams from national guard official.
nent to many senators urging thorn to
vote against the federal volunteer pro--Hsion
"It the national guard Intends
to come here politically and under
take to control legislation calculated
to protect America against the
world," said the Oregon senator. "I
for one frcm now on shall favor elim
ination of the national guard as a
mllitarv factor in this country, al-
.Staies-kjboush they are here for this pur-
Miss Balch to Become Member of the
Ford Peace Conference.
New York. April 6. Professor Em
ily G. Balsh of the Welisley college
faculty sailed for Stockholm to be
come a member of Henry Ford's per
manent neiitral peace con'erence.
Which already ha3 been sitting af
Stockholm for several weeks. Tim
conference is made up ot five dele
gates from each of the following neu
tral countries: Holland. Switzerland,
Sweden, Denmark, Norway and tho
United States. William J. Bryan, Hen
ry Ford. and Dean George W. Kirch
wey will attend when they are able.
Miss Balch is -acting as an alternate -for
Miss Jane Addams.
Publisher Dead.
West Mansfield. O.. April 6. L. G.
English, fifty-nine, publisher of The
Enterprise, died as a result of com
plications He will be buried at
Marysvllle, his old home.
Essence of Britain's Reply to
American Rote.
Washington, April G. Great Bri
tain's reply to the representations of
the United States regarding the thirty-eight
Germans who weie removed
bj a British cruiser from the Ameri
can steamship China near Shanghai
recently, is understood to make it
clear that the assertion of the right
ti remove subjects of an enemy couu
try from a neutral ship on the high
seas Is limited strictly to persons who
form part of the military establish
ment of the enemy.
Publication of the British note has
been delayed on account of some ob
scure passages in the cabled text. It
is said, however, that It gives assur
ances that if Investigation shows that
tl.ere are among the men removed
any who aro not part of the German
army or navy, they will be released.
Apparently an important factor in
the case would be the status of a re
servist, and if any of these Germans
nre of military ago and are subject
to military service upon return to
Germany, it might bo held that actual
ly they aro a part of the German mil
itary establishment
In a "suffrage sreoial" tvonfy-nc
of the leading suffragists of the emc
will go from Washington April 9 o- a
tour of the west