Newspaper Page Text
fSipsr. ' r3FT"TW'5 Ji.-. $ 'Ite WAGE TWO THE DEMOCRATIC BANNER FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1916 ir ,"iw IV l- K W " f ? ISIISS ACTIVITY Reflected In Articles Of In corporation Filed 'He Increose Being Away Above The Average -fiovernor Interferes With In dustrial Commission M Tyler, Negro, Candidate For National Delegate Comes Back At Willis Over Their War "Record" Columbus, O., April 5 Records in tho ofllco of tho secretary of stato for tho Increases nnd additions of busi ness capital In tho stnte, slow tho month just closed to have boon tho banner month In Ohio's history. This 'is not only reflecting tho activity of tho prosont, but mora tho confidence in tho future and shows that plans are laid and money ready to go ahead 'with nil sorts of enterprise. Now companies for profit number .335, n great increase over the aver 'ago. Authorized now capital Is $19, 4)00,200 for theso companies. Greater .allowing is in tho increases of old com panies which reached tho total ot $81, 1OC.O00. This mnkos tho gross in fcrcaso for March $100,100,200, which is a llttlo over ?.'!,000,000 for unch bus 'inosH day. Tho reductions authorized woro 1,S79,100, leaving (ho net in 'crojiso 98,22(!,720. Jn tho business race this tlmu Toledo toot first honors because ot tho tro HicndouH lncrunso of ono company. 'Clovoland, Cincinnati and Columbus -ranked In order. iVlutt a tangled wob wo wonvo whon flrat tvo practise to decelvo! Ohio's isood young governor assorts that ho demolished tho law which required tho consent of tho chlof executive, to np polntmontH In stnto departments. Ho -nald do openly from tho stump and the jprnoa bureau operated, by stato em VtoyoB has repeated tho declaration 'countless times in cold typo. Hut on ly this week the stnto civil service commission, created by himself, showH nax nntlroly different stato ot facts. TKhomas Amburg, export oxnmlnor of teis under the stnto Industrial com BBiMslon, wns discharged by explicit 'arders of Gov. Willis. Then ho took Itoo civil service oxumlnutlon In com '.Ut!oii with tho man whom tho gov minor had personally chosen as his awocuBHor. Ho (InlBhod first and wns eortiflod for reappointment. Hut tho Ktutu Industrial commission, as tins inwHird will show, was prohibited from -appointing because tho governor, "ex--cruising the powors conferred upon Mm by law" rofusod to approve tholr -action. What's tho use or being mealy "mouthed? There's somn plain unadul Unruled lying going on. Tho Ambom case Is not nn Isolnted ono. Tho civil jusrvle commission's books will show tlliat there was novor a more persistent and plcayiiuluh headhuntnr than the jrroacnt governor of Ohio. - o Ralph W. Tyler; the negro caudldnto -for dclegato-at-largo to tho Republican convention, has boon chldod by tho press bureau operated In Gov. WIIHb' oSlco. Ho has boon told to romombor Ikat tho governor's father wn nn old oiainr and his mother wns burdened will the euro of a family during tho cWU war. Tyler's reply Is that his 'UUior, who was born In Columbus, was .also u soldier nnd his mother was mho burdoned with tho the euro of n family during tho period of strlfo. Ills 'i-esponso to tho slap that ho boenmu a candidate without pormlsslon Is tho re calling of tho published fact that Gov. Willis demanded of Sonator Hut ton and Harry M. Dnughorty that ho bo placed upon tho dolegutlon at largo as a; price of his endorgomont of tho Cleveland candidate In othor words to nominated himself, says Tyler. o Ono of tho nntl-alato candidates re ferring to tho campaign of tho good young governor and his claim that ho 4s a sou of a civil war veteran re- piles: "Every tub should stand on Its own bottom." How unkind nnd discourteous! o Ono of tho charges against tho Dem ocratic governorship candidate In 1914 was that no had rented extravagant quarters for tho state printer's depart ment. This was circulated by tho True, or Glue, Democracy league, ot which E. A. Crawford was tho chnlr- man, Mr. Crnwfora was at ono nine nubile nrlntcr. Tho row between him nnd tho present incumbent of tho of- llct!. J. E. Cross, bring to light tho fact that tho quarters were leased by Mr. Crawford boforo James M. Cox was oven a candidate for nomination. In tho Infamous "red book" of the league wns a photograph ot these ex- nenslve quarters nnd Mr. Crawford cir culated It throughout tho state in com pany with Francis Bnrtlott Willis, both knowing that tho allegation was a monstrous falsehood. Now tho chickens aro coming home to roost. Crnwford Is accusing tho Willis ap pointee of hiring still more expensive quarters in a theatre building. Hut who can bollevo any of them? Falso In one thing, falso in all things! o " On demand of tho governor, Jurl man Hudson, proprietor of tho famous Starlight snloon in Clovoland, has tuk en his placo as nn oil inspector. Hud son, well known colored politician, had tho endorsement of tho Davis-Mascltke organization. Tho decent colored men asked that any ono else that Hudson bo appointed. Now they nsk retaliation against what thoy term the Insult handed them. Against The Foot And Mouth Disease Ended Washington, D. C, April C Tho long fight ngalnst tho foot-and-mouth dlseaso 1b ovor. Tho Secretary of Ag riculture has. issued nn order which on March 31 removes all foot-nnd-moulh quarantines and rostrictloun against tho shipment and movomont of live stock. Tho order signed npcclflc ally removes tho quarantine from a smnll territory in Christian County, Il linois, tho last area which was under suspicion. Along with tho removal of this local quarantine tho various Fed oral orders restricting shipment of cattle aro rescinded, so that dcnlors can now ship their cuttle as beforo tho first qiiaraullno was imposed. Upon notification that tho United States Is freo from tho disease, all foreign governments which havo plac ed embnrgoes on American cnttlo nro oxpocted to removo thoso embnrgoes, so that cattlo ralsors will then be able to rosumo shipmerits to thoBO forolgn countries. Tho magnitude of tho work of eradi cation and control catrlcd on by farm ers, shippers, and tho Stato nnd Fed ernl Governments is shown by tho fact that boforo controlled, tho dlsenso hnd gained a temporary footing in 22 Stntcs and tho District of Columbia. Tho dlsoaso appenrcd and was con trolled In 2CU dllToront counties. Tho importanco to tho stock rnlsing Industry of eradicating foot-nnd-mouth dlseaso may bo Judged from tho rosults of this plague In Denmark, whero tho dlsenso appeared at about tho same tlmn that it hroko out In tho United States. Tho nroa of Denmark is ap proximately cqunl to that of tho tliroo Now England States Mnssnchusotts, Connecticut, nnd llhodo Island. It Is, howovor, u groat dairying country, and It has boon estimated that (he losses In milk In ono year caused by tho foot-and-mouth dlseaso hnvo amounted to npproxlmatoly one-third of tho totnl cost of eradicating tho pestilence In 22 states of this country. Tho Danish authorities wero unable- to carry out tholr formor polloy of slaughter, and woro compelled to rosort to such mono ures of control us could bo established by quarantines and othor rostrlctlouB. As a result of bettor understanding between tho stnto and nutlonnl govern ments, representatives of tho dopnrt mont bellovo thnt many ot tho obstac les which confronted tho authorities In tho past outbreak would not bo en countered in donllng with any futtiro occurronco of tho dlseaso. Tho votor Innrlons, howovor, will not abate their watchfulness for some tlmo. Examln ntlon of animals and animal products ofTorod for Import will continue to ho unusaully strict. Tho department, howovor, particularly urges nil farm ers nnd cnttlo handlors to notify their stnto votorlnarlans nnd tho depart ment of Any suspicious cases of sore mouth eomhhied with lameness In tholr animals, Thoso In chnrgo of tho erad ication work nro conflaont that tho dlsoaso is wiped out, but thoy wish to uso evory precaution to detect nnd control any sporadic enses that may dovolop In romoto districts. 4, That La Crosso, Wis., man who tried to swap a stolon blblo for n drink of whisky had a good word for tho bartender. LONG FIGHT ELKS INSTALL NEW LINE OF OFFICERS AT MEETING TUE8DAY Joseph W. Hancock Is Leader of the Lodge for Ensuing Year Appointments Announced. Joseph W. Hancock was Installed exalted ruler of Mt. Vernon lodge No. 140, Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, at tho regular meeting Tuesday night. Other oincers who wero elevated to their positions by Past Exalted Itulor George S. AllBpaugh wero as follows: Esteemed leading knight, Herbert B. Spnngler; esteemed loyal knight, Henry M. Zulandt; esteemed lectur ing knight, Elvln Thompson; secre tary, William C. Appleton; treasurer, Li. A. Culbortson; tyler, George E. Hnrrls; trustee, John J. Pfouts; del egate, John J. L'fouts. Itetiring Exalted Ruler John J. Pfouts delivered a very Impressive oration on Elkdom, following a strong speech on tho part of the newly In stalled head ofllcer. Exalted Ruler Hancock then an nounced tho following appointments: House committee Park D. Worloy, John M. Woollson, Charles L. Mild, Stophen J. Dorgan, Robert W. Stnuf- for and Charles A. Stoinhoff. Social session committee Frank Eox, Guy L. Buckingham, James H. Latta, Julius W. Headlngton and Jo soph Trimble. ' Library committee Ralph Porch, Cyril F. Allerdlng, Joseph Meyers nnd Daniel H. Odell. Sick and relief committee Josoph W. Hancock, Alvln G. Mild, Fred J. Lawlor and Dr. S. E. Dceloy. Auditing committee Benjamin R. Parker, Frank Pnrrott and C. G. Hunt. Chaplain David II. Tuttle. Esquire Herbert. W. Hancock. Inner Guard O. Guy Taylor. Pianist Donald II. Harper. Tho meeting was followed by a very pleasant social session. 4. OF BAD BOYS WHO THROW STONES WILL BE MADE BY OFFICER PATRICK PURCELL. An example will bo inado of cortuln boyB who Jmvo been accustomed to throw stones through windows of tho Coopor engine works and tho Mt. Ver non Bridge works, Juvonllo Officer Patrick Purcoll stated Wednesday. Tho practlco has gone hoyond the mom accidental stage, tho officer ro ports, as any number of windows In thoso places havo been brokon recent ly. Not long ago, a stono wns thrown through a window In tho brldgo works nnd It narrowly missed a man work ing nt n bench. Tho ofllcer does not proposo to tol erate such mallclousnoss and will make an example of some of tho boys. LOST CHILDREN FOUND BY OFFICER PURCELL AFTER THREE HOURS' 8EARCH AftSr a sovornl hours' search Tuesday aftornoon, Juvonllo Olllcor Patrick Purcoll finally locatod on tho public squnro two smnll boys, aged four and flvo years respectively, who had strayed from tholr homo on tho west sldo of tho city. Olllcor Purcoll had much difficulty In Identifying tho youngstors, owing to tho fact that ono, hnd nn Impedi ment In his speech which mado hJa statomonts somewhat inaudible Tho tender years of both mado their spooch not at all clear. Tho children wero finally Idontlllod nnd taken back to tholr homo, much to tho joy of tholr anxious rolntlves. FROM THE BUCKEYE STATE BUILDING & LOAN COMPANY, RANKIN BUILDING, 22 WEST GAY STREET, COLUMBU8, O. 1, Lowest rates. 2. Best terms. H. Prompt in closing loans. I. Borrowers nro pormlttod to repay in wholo or In part at any time. ti. Will loan on homos In Columbus or on farms In control Ohio. 0. On pnymonts of 100 or ovor, In- torcst ccasos at onco. 7. Cnll nnd Investigate. Assots $10,- 400,000. Flvo per cent pnld on tlmo deposits. A headlight on an automobile Is of llttlo uso If thero Is a light head nt tho stearins gear. EXAMPLE BORROW MONEY CANADA'8 QOV.-GEN. ATTENDS N. Y. FLOWER SHOW New York, April 5 The Duko of, ConnauchtEovernor-genernl of Cnn- ndn, with his daughtor, Princess Pa tricia, and posbimy nccompanied by. tho duchess, arc expected- In Now York today to net us patrons of tho Red Cross tea garden nt tho Inter national Flower Show, which opened today. The Canadian Red Cross will tnko part In tho flower show, together with tho American Red Cross and a dozen relief organizations 'that nro doing war- relief work. 4. Pills Best for Liver Becnuso they contain tho best liver medlclnos, no matter how bitter or nauseating, for tho sugar coating hides tho taste. Dr. King's Now Life Pills contain Ingredients that put tho liver working, move the bowels free ly. No gripe, no nausea, aid dlgos tlon. Just try a bottlo of Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills and notlco how much better you feel. 25c at your druggist. . 4. MINERS OF HOCKING DISTRICT MEET Logan, O., April 5 Tho annual con vention of the mine-workers of tho Hocking coal district, always known ns tho basing district of the state In tho coal Industry, opened hero today. Tho delegates expect to complete their work by Saturday and to Join with tho committee of operators in a session next, week at which tho fu ture basis of wages and employment conditions will bo discussed. T The Aches of House Cleaning Tho pain and soreness caused by bruises, ovor-oxortlon and straining during house cleaning time aro sopthod away by Sloan's Liniment. No need to suffer this agony. Just apply Sloan's Liniment to tho sore spots, rub ODly a llttlo. In a short tlmo tho pain leaves, you rest com fortably and enjoy a refreshing sleep. Ono grateful user writes: "Sloan's Liniment Is worth Its weight In gold." Keep a bottle on hand, uso K against all soreness, neuralgia and bruises. Kills pain. 2Cc at your druggist. .j. TEXAN WEDS DENVER BEAUTY Denver, April 5-Miss Joy Bailey, daughter of Dr and Mrs. R. W. Bailey, will bo tho brldo today ot Iluntor Phelan of Phelnn, Tex., a wealthy mino owner. Tho brldo is ono of tho most prominent society girls of this city, nnd tho groom Is tho son of Mrs. A. C. Locke of Peoria, 111. 4. Watch Child's Couqhl ' Colds, running of nose, contlnuod irritation of tho mucous membrane if neglected, many mean catnrrh Inter. Don't take tho chances do some thing for your child! Children will not tako evory medicine, but thoy will tako Dr. King's Now Discovery and without bribing or tensing. It's a sweot pleasant Tar Syrup and so ef fective. Just laxative enough to elim inate tho wnsto poisons. Almost tho first doso holps. Always prepared, no mixing or fussing. Just nsk your druggist for Dr. King's Now Discov ery. It will safeguard your child ngalnst sorlous nllmonts resulting rrom colds. 4. . SILK CONCERNS CHARGED WITH MISBRANDING Washington, April 5 Tho work ot tho fedoral trndo commission In po licing tho avenues of trndo begins In doad oamost today, whon a hearlnc will bo held on tho cases brought against Now York and Philadelphia thread concerns, who nro charged with unfair business practices. Tho members of thoso firms have boon cited to appear today to show cnuso why thoy should not bo restrained from continuing tho allegod unfnlr practices. Tho complaints charge that tho firms manufactured and sold memor ized cotton thread ns "ollk," and thnt tho product hnd no portion of silk. It is charged that to brand this sewing thread as "sowing silk" Is misleading, and tho rival manufacturers havo beon Injurod in tholr business. Tho commission's complaint Bots forth that "tho word silk when ap plied to thread or toxtilo goods, both In tho technical nnd popular usngo, has a preclso and exact meaning, and Is only accurately and proporly usod In describing matorialB derlvod from tho cocoon of tho silk worm." " Eczema Cured or Money Refunded This gunrnntoo goes with ovory box of Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment. Mnkos no difference whother It's a baby, child or agod. No matter how long stnndlng tho case, tho guarantee holds good, Cut out' this strip, go to your druggist, gel; n box of Dr. Hob son's Eezoina Ointment, uso It nn dlrocted nnd If yon nro not fully sat isfied, tho druggist or mnkor will re fund your monoy. Try It Just onco -you will bo happily surprised. 4. 4. 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4- i FREDERICKTOWN 4,4,4,4.4,4.4. 4. 4.4. 4, 4,4 Mr. Herbert Ewers of Bellvllle, vis ited his aunt, Mrs. Allco Barnhnrt, In this place last Tuesday. Mr. D. M. Bruinbnch was In Pitts burg on business tho past week. Mrs. Ed, Blackburn nnd sons visited relntlves In Mansfield last week. Mrs. Etta Irvine nnd children, and Mrs. Floyd Jones visited tho former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Jackson, nt this place, Tuesday of this week. Miss Florence Welland, of Mt. Ver non, was tho guest of Mrs. Dempsey Goodell in Fredericktown last Mon day. The missionary society of the Bap tist church met with Mrs. Anna Haw kins on Thursday of this week. Miss Neva Goegley of Johnstown, has taken a position with tho Bank Hotel in Fredericktown. ' Mrs. William Montis went to Colum bus on Sunday last, for a two weeks visit with friends. Miss Eula Johnson was a Mansfield visitor a few days last week. Mrs. Joe Wllsqn and daughter, Mrs. Dan Brown, went to Westervllle and Columbus on Tuesday, for a few days VlBlt. Mrs. Fred D. Simons went to Colum bus' on Tuesday for a fow days visit with Mrs. J. B. McGaughoy. Mrs. J. H. Norrlck and daughter, Miss Grace, were Mt. Vernon visitors on Tuesday last. Miss Ethel Snow, ono of tho teach ers in the Fredericktown schools, spent her vacation at Monroe Mills, O. Miss Gertrude James and mother, Mrs. Chas. Spohn of Mt. Vernon, spent Inst week with friends at Akron, O. Mrs. Alice Barnhnrt visited with Mrs. Hattle Barnhart in tho country, tho past week. Mr. William Lolman, Mr. Harry Hall and Mr. W. S. Rinehart of Gambler, were Fredericktown visitors on Tues day, last. Mrs. Emma Barton of Frederick town, visited with Mrs. L. G. Frnzier at Ankenytown tho past week. Mrs. P. J. Cummings was operated on for appendicitis at Mt. Carmel hos pital in Columbus on Monday and at this writing is reported as recovering as well as could bo expected. Mrs. Ida Davis and Mr. Wllmot Taylor who wero opernted on at tho same hospital nro also conveloscent. Tho Pythian Sisters held a box social at tho K. of P. hall on Tuesday even ing of this week. Mrs. J. F. Amos visited with rela tives at Ankenytown Inst week. Miss Llllle Dcbolt visited with Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Swank nt Ankneytown last week. Mrs. LIzzio Deal and Miss Ella Teet er, of Ankneytown, visited with friends In Fredericktown tho past week. Report "has It that State officials from Columbus wero In Fredericktown the past week Investigating the sew orago conditions hero. It is said ar rangements will soon havo1 to be mado to supply this ylllago with a complete sewerage system. This is going to bo a big expense if tho Stato insists up on this improvement, owing to tho numerous hills upon which tho town is built. Ono thing thnt tho authori ties should do Is to Insist upon hav ing nil sowers built in tho alleys and thus save tho streets when tho tlmo comes for having them paved. Mr. Chestor Morrln nnd Mr. C. W. Dnily of Ankenytown, woro In Freder icktown last Monday. Mr. G: R. Smith of Mt. Vernon, was In Fredorlcktown on business on Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Deal of Ank enytown, vlBlted with Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Murphy Inst Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Dalo Askins of Dela ware, 0 visited with tho formor's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fletchor Askins, last weok. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Poorman moved their goods to Fredericktown on Mon day of this week. Mrs. J. B. Footo nnd Mrs. J. W. An ders ontortalned a company of forty la dles at a six o'clock dinner on Tuosday evening of last weok. Mr. Harry Groff, who has beon bnck from Michigan visiting his family In Fredericktown, returned Monday. Mrs. Ilerbort Footo, of Bollvlllo, vis Ited with her parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Bradloy Mann, last week. Miss Eulalla Hyatt, who has beon toachlng in tho public schools nt Uh rlchsvlllo. 0., visited with her pnrents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hyatt, during the spring vncatlon. Tho Sunday school cIbbs of Miss Hel en Albright was entertained by Carrlo nnd Henrietta Boal nt their homo last Wednesday nfternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Foot visited last Thursday with Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Jones, formerly ot this placo, but now of Worthlngton, Ohio. Mrs. G. L. Mnrplo was callod to Utlcn last week by the lllnoss of her mother, Mrs. G. B. McLnughlln. Tho B. & o. station has discarded gns lights and is now thoroughly light ed by electricity, nlso thq platform, which Is a decided improvement nnd will bo appreciated by tho traveling public. Mrs. John Stnrmor and daughtor. Lona, of Mt. V.ernon, nnd Mrs. R. C. Zohurs, of Nownrk, visited with Fred ericktown friends a few days tho paBt week. Mrs. Charlotte Dickey recently pur chased tho P. J. Cnmmlngs property on south Main street. ! 4, 4. 4. 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4' MT. ZION 4 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4.4, 4. 4,4,4, Mr. Grover Harris, a young farmer residing near hero, and Miss Evnllno Schooler, a highly esteemod school teacher, wero united In marriage by Rev. J. A. Long at Mt. Vernon Satur day, April 1. They will reside at Mt. Zlon. Miss Hazel Scolcs spent Friday night and Saturday with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Scoles. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Donahey are moving to Danville this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Van WInklo are moving on the Clyde Thompson furm. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Harris of Wind ing Fork spent Sundny with Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo Hnrrls. Carl Harris Is assisting Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Johns In moving to their now home nt Hunts Station. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clark Schooler pleas antly entertained a number of friends Sunday evening In honor ot Mr. and Mrs. Grover Harris. The evening wns plensantly spent in music and con versation and a number of beautiful gifts, consisting of linen, sliver, gran ite and aluminum ware wero present ed to the newly-wed3. At 8 o'clock tho guests were Invited to tho dining room, where a sumptuous turkey din ner was served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Grover Harris, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Wolfo of Bladensburg, Mr. nnd Mrs. Milton Hayes, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. George Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Johns of Mar- tinsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burch and children, Bertha, Ross and Edna, Carl- Harris and George Porterfleld, Miss Llbbio Porterfleld of Bladens burg, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Wolfe, Miss es Volma and Bertha Hays, Wayo Schooler, Mr. and Mrs. Clark School er, Masters Georgo McKeo and Wal ter Harris, Mrs. Percy Donahey and daughter, Otta, and Allen Schooler. Easter Will Easter Is the time when we are expected to come out in our New Spring Clothes, and Spring clothes more than those of any other season, must be the right and proper sort. A Suit that's well made looks well. A J. R. D. Hand Tailored Suit of Clothes is a Suit fit for Easter or other festive occasions. Our dyes are always good. Our prices are never higher. Always the same. Give us a call. John R. Boelfs Curtis House Building, Room 11 Public DonGE Brothers MOTOR. CAR The all-steel body and its bautiful finish are peculiar to this car, and the one is made possible by the other If a wooden frame wero used It would not bo practical to apply tho enamel which gives tho body Its lustrous finish. Tho body is olectrlcally welded into a a unit. Then tho enamel Is baked oh nt a high temperature. It will pay you to visit The gasoline consumption Is unusually low The. prlco of tho Touring Car, or Roadster complete Is $785 (f. o. b. Detrolt)- Nyhart Auto Sales Co. Mt. Vernon, Ohio Sales Room, new location, 116 West High Street , vr PJtKJdHflSrBw 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 MONROE MILLS 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Chnrles Wagner moved Saturday to near Piposvlllo. Mrs. Cloiso Crumloy and sons of Mt. Vernon visited friends here. Mrs. Clarence ' Wngner is visiting her pnrents, Mr mid-Mrs. J. J. Smith, this week. Mrs. Ellis Johnson of Mt. Vornon has returned homo nftor spending several days with her sister, Mrs. M. C. Wagner. Mrs. Frank Wynnt is spending sev ernl days with her sister, Allco Park er, of Mt. Vornon, who Is very sick. 4, Mrs. James Ritchie of West High street went to Cambridge Wednes day, whero sho will visit with rela tives for several days. Mrs. Dora Finley returned Wednes day to hor home in Greenwich after a visit with Mrs. Scott Rtghtmtre of South Vernon nnd Mrs. Charles Ber ry of Howard. Wo sell tea, coffee nnd spleen di rect from the importer and glvo the best values. Poppleton Grocery Co., 23 East Gambler street. Both 'phones 77. Daniel Monagan of Chicago, former ly of this city, Is spending a few days here on business. Mr. Monagan ex pects to move his family to flit. Ver non in tho near future. Miss Helen Crumley returned to her work In tho Wooster Conserva tory of Music Wednesday aftor a week's visit with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Crumley, of East Vino street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Poland, who havo been visiting relatives In this city, left for Akron Wednesday whore thoy will visit with friends bofore returning to their homo in Rochester, N. Y. Miss Lorna Shaw of New Kensing ton, Pa., arrived hero Tuesday and will spend the romainder of tho pres ent school year, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hitner of South Vernon, hav ing resumed her studies in Mt. Ver non high school. Soon Be Here Square us and examine this car U