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-rsrrr i r 4 ; MI -m tm0tmlit tmtt q 11.50 PEK, YEAR MT. VEBNON, OHIO, TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1916 No. 29 ESTABLISHED 1836 -"i"rjjT7 "' s m m. X IX . DODD'S CAVALRY REACHES PARRAL General Villa Seen Recently In Out skirts Of That Town Anti-American Sentiment Spreadin In Sectinn Villa Is Enterin El Paso, Tex., April 10. Repeti tions of the report that Francisco Vil la is wounded wbb received in a re port from Brigadier General Pershing, commanding the punitive expedition seeking the 'bandit. General Per shing's report to Major General Pnu Bton does not reveal the bandit's loca tion. Colonel George A. Dodd's cavalry reached Parral, the general under standing is. Villa haa been reported as having arrived on the outskirts of Parral and sent in emissaries to ob tain supplies to sound sentiment to determine if he could rally the ariried forces of that place to his standard. Apparently ho failed in this and may have Hastened away. While Colonel W. C. Drown and the Tenth i.-alry were believed to be leading In the race to Parral, army headquarter officers have information inclining them to bollevo that Colonol Dodd, with His picked detachment of troopers, was the first American col umn to reach that point, which Is not far from the border between the states of Chihuahua and Durango. Anti-American sentiment 1b spread ing in the section Villa is entering. This was shown by the confirmation of the news that the Arietta brothers, formerly identified with the bandit eeneral, have inflicted ?l,00O,00O loss on an American concern by burning the big ' lumber plant of the Com panla Madera, In the state of Du rango. Applied the Torch. Shouting, "Down with the Grin goes," the Arietta bandits made a raid upon the plant and deliberately applied the torch. Hiram Smith, pres ident' of the company owning the plant, received advices telling of the raid." Villa has been trying to reach this section of Durango, where bands ot outlaws, formerly of hlB command, have been terrorizing the residents. Ho has sent ahead word to kill all Americans and destroy all American property. News has just reached here of the raid on a small garrison In a town near Jiminoz. The Villlstas, retreat ing Bon th beforo the driving American advance, entered the town, attacked the garrison, killed Colonel Plores, commander of the Carransa troops, and looted the place. They appealed to the Carranza soldiers to Join them in opposing the Americans. Te'.ograms from Torreon announce that a peace commission is meeting near there with General Jose Btin doroo and his band of Villlstas to dis cuss terms by which the Villa adher ents can surrender. Banderas offers to surrender within a week if allowed six weeks in which to bring all his men in, ,but the Carranzlstas insisted oa shorter time, fearing Banderas OFFICERS ELECTED Columbus, April 10. Forest U May, postmaster of Dayton, was elocted president of the Ohio Postmasters' association when it was organized here, with about halt of the first, sec ond and third claBS ofllces in the state represented. Vico president chosen wero R. E. Jennings, West Milton; Wesley H. Zaugg, Wooster, and Val leo Harold, Portsmouth. George B. Snyder of Youngstown was made sec retary and A. E. Shafor of Wapako noia, treasurer. was playing for time in which to per mit Villa himself to reach that sec tion and take command. GIVES PURSUERS THE SLIP Villa Believed by Army Officials to Have Again Escaped. Washington, April 10. Army offi cials hero would not be surprised to learn that Villa hns ngain given his pursuers the slip. With reports from General Per shing Indicating that the advance columns of the American expedition were close on the heels or the bandit leader, the war department confident ly expected that a report of Villa's actual capture would be received in Washington by Sunday. When it did r.ot come- the hopes of officials hero began to dwindle. The Mexican embassy Is still await ing a reply from Secretary of State Lansing to the request of the Car ranza government for information as to how long the American forces will remain In Mexico and the distance to which the expedition will proceed in its pursuit of Villa. It is because of Carranza's insistence thnt a tlmo limit, bo placed on the expedition that the negotiations for a protocol have been held up. PERSHING REPORTS - American Offered Use of Mexican Telegraph and Telephone Lines. San Antonio, Tex., April 10. The Mexican military authorities have of fered the American punitive expedi tion the use of Mexican telegraph and trlephono lines, according to General Pershing's report to General Funston. The offer was made tp the aviators who landed in Chihuahua last week. General Pershing's report did not pass over the telegraph lines, how over, but was transmitted via aero plane and wireless routes to Colum bus. General Pershing said some sup plies had been purchased In Chihua hua and that there appeared no dis position on the part of those with stores to withhold their goods, but that the limited amount of supplies at Chihuahua at present made It al most impossible to get provisions. Against United States. VA Paso. Tex.. Anrll 10. General Ynez Salazar. one of the best known of the former Hnertn generals, who has been living here, wnt reported to have crossed the border with the an nounced intention of taking up arms against the United States. Tobacco Men to Meet New York. April 10. A national convention representative of all branches of the tobacco industry, said to be the llrst of its kind in this coun try, will be held in Washington May 29, it was announced here by the To bacco Merchants' Association ot the United States. The purpose announc ed will he to exchange views and formulate policies for the betterment of the Industry. President Wilson will be invited to attend a banquet after the contention. Ohio Typographical Union. ' Springfield, O.. April 10. Masslllon was selected as the next meeting place of the Ohio Typographical union at the closing session here. Sev eral other cities wero after the two days' session,, which will bo held Oct. 14 and 15. All the old officers were re-elected for the coming year. Maxim Gorky III. London, April 10. A Berlin report forwarded by a correspondent at Am sterdam stated that Maxim Gorky, tho Russian novelist, is ill with pneu monia. His condition, according tu , tho report, is alarming. EVERY ONE EXPECTS 1916 BIG LEAGUE ZSHSttatliaBEttcaKBUEaSfcURSSi Eliminating the Federal league meant renewed life and popularity for big league baseball In the opinion of public, managers and players alike. So the 1916 American and National leagues season, beginning April 12, starts In with every promise of being a record breaker in public favor. Pos FAST TH HG ENG NEER AVERTS DISASTROUS WRECK Wlnsted, Conn., April 10. Fast thinking by Engineer Carl H. Holmes of Waterbury saved many lives and only sixteen people wero injured when his New Haven road train run ning thirty-six miles an boar from Wlnsted to Bridgeport, by way of Wa terbury, was derailed by a half open switch between this town and "Water bury. When about 400 feet away from the switch frog at Jericho siding, which had bocome clotnted with snoa- IIW AT PEACE London, April 10. An attempt to hold a noncoiiscription and peace meeting In Trafalgar sqimre was un ceremoniously broken up by thou sands; of persons who charged and dis. persed the procession and tore up t'nt banners and flags. Various iieaco so cieties had organized tho demonstra tion. Sylvia Pankhurst, the militant suffragct, was prominent among tho promoters. After the procession had been dispersed, the leaders in tho movement mounted the plinth of the Nelson column and endeavored to Columbus, April 10. In a report on tho city of Bollalro, submitted by tho exnmluera ot tho state bureau of ac counting, thcro are reports of find ings for recovery amounting to $4,800.47. Tho amount wlilph A. ?. Norton, city clerk, is asked to return la 52.710.3S. Ho already has paid back $840.02. The pavmonts to li'm wero for st. Iron for wlikli he iu no'd not. to i.o entitled to extra compensation SPEAKERS ASKED T0 liUIIIW pill SEASON TO BE BEST TH US AGAIN! sibly the only drawback is the proba bility that some of the older stars In the two big leagues are beginning their last season after many years of fame. One of these may be Hans Wagner, the famous Pittsburgher, who Is slowing up a bit. But Honus Engineer Holmes became suspicious, and the next instant he threw oa every ounce of air pressure his brakes would take. Tho momentum of the train -was suddenly slackened, and only the engine, baggage car and two coaches left the rails. The engine went down an embankment with tho engineer and Hreman, but neither were seriously hurt. Three passen cers were injured, but not seriously. MEETING HASTILY RETREAT make speeches, but tho crowd pelted them with flour and red and yellow tchre. The speakers faced the or deal for live minutes and then beat a hasty retreat. Awaiting Germany's Reply. Washington, April 10. Secretary of State Lansing said He had not receiv ed official confirmation of press dis patches announcing Germany's dis claimer of responsibility for the ex plosion which damaged the liner Sussex. SHOOTS TWO AND SEEF Youngstown, O., April 10. Infuri ated because she would not return and live with him, and incensed at John Aleck, a relative ot his wife, who attempted to take her part, John Strike shot his wlfo, Anna, twice In tho stomach fired a bullet into Aleck's mouth and then attempted to kill hlmsel' at His homp. All three ore in the hospital In a serious condition. IN GAME'S HISTORY! "M -i ,ii. says he's going to remain In the game as long as he can. He's No. 1 In the pictures. No. 2 shows a scene In a recent game in New York, and No. 3 is the great and unequalled De troit star, Ty Cobb, the best of them all, many fans think. Columbus, April 10. Mrs. Lydia A. Seeley, seventy-eight, was seriously burned at her home In Westervllle when her clothing caught fire from a stove. Miss Agnes Kelly was burnedi severely when her dress caught fire at an open grate In her home here. AVERTED Alliance. O., April 10. The threat ened strike of car men on the Stark Electric railroad and the Cleveland, Alliance and Mahoning Valley rail road was averted when President Morley of Cleveland acceded to,' the men's demands for a conference to discuss the wage demands. HER MUSCLE Alliance, O., April 10. For knock ing down Police Captain Oswalt, Alli ances heaviest cop, who weighs 260, Eva Nile, twenty-five, Newcastle, Pa., .will serv-3 204 days In the Stark coun ty workhouse. She struck Oswalt as he attempted to airest her in a local hotel. Henry County's Representatives. Napoleon, O.. April 10. Lorlna Drewes, thirteen, of Napoleon town ship, will represent Henry county at tho state spelling contest In Colum bus. Nelson Foor. sixteen, of Harri son township, will be the alternate. Crooksvllle Goes Dry. New T.elngton, 0 April 10. Crooksvllle, a pottery town, voted dry under tho Peal law by 101 majority. Elpht saloons wero voted out in 1914 by 41 votes. TWO WOMEN BURNED CAR STRIKE WOMAN ON BIG FIGHT LIKELY OVER WARSHIPS Work Begins on Framing Naval Appropriation Bill. TO BE COMPLETED THIS MONTH Measure Includes the Administra tion's $500,000,000 Five Year Pro gram Two Dreadnaughts and Four Battle Cruisers to Be Provided For. Work On Designs of New Ships Progressing Rapidly. Washington, April 10. Work was commenced today on the naval appro priation bill, which includes the ad ministration's $500,000,000, five-year program for new fighting ships. Chair man Padgett of the house naval sub committee on appropriations hopes to lay the completed measure before the house by April 20. While there are many legislative features in the bill which will require debate in the subcommittee and later before the full committee, tho big fight is expected to come over the 1917 program for capital ships. Sec retary Daniels has recommended the authorization of two dreadnaughts and two battle cruisers. The navy general board contended for three battleships and four battle cruisers. Present indications are that the sub committee will compromise between the two views and recommended two battleships and four battle cruisers. At the navy department work on the designs of the new ships to be authorized has progressed so rapidly that much of the delay heretofore ex perienced in advertising for navy craft will be eliminated. Flans for the battleships, large and small sub marines, destroyers, gunboats, hos pital ships and ammunition ships are Virtually completed now. It will lake only a few weeks after appropriation, for the vessels Is made to lay specifi cations beforo private builders. Plans for the battle cruisers and scout cruisers also are under way, but will take some time to complete. These vessels and the S00 ton class submarines which Secretary Daniels has added to his program are new types for navy designers and it takes time to work out details. CAMP OVERCROWDED Terrible Suffering Endured by British Prisoners In Germany. London, April 10. The foreign of fice issued a report of the government committee on treatment of British prisoners of war at the German pris on camp at Wittenberg during the typhus epidemic last year. The re port is signed by Justice Younger, chairman of the committee. It is based upon information collected from repatriated prisoners of war. in cluding Major Priestly and Captains Vidal and Lauder, all officers in the Royal army medical corps. It disclosed a story of terrible suf fering and privation under the most cppalllng conditions. After describ ing the location of the camp, which occupies an area of about ten and a half acres, the report says some 16, 000 or 17,000 prisoners are confined therein. Including British, French. Belgians and Russians. The report states that "overcrowd ing was most serious." Typhus ap peared in December, 1914. "There upon, the German staff, military and medical, precipitately left the camp, staying away until August, 1915. Dur ing that period communications be tween prisoners and guards was made by guards or officers shouting Instruc tlons from the outside wire entangle ments of the camp. The report adds: "All supplies for the men were pushed Into the camp over chutes, while food for the hos pital and medical officers passed In on a trolley, so as to avoid all contact between the prisoners and the out side world. No medical attention dur ing the whole time was provided by the German staff." The camp conditions were too much for the British medical officers. Two of them, Major Fry and Captain Sut cllffe, soon sickened and died o! ty phus. Major Priestly saw delirious men waving their arm, brown to tho elbow with foecal matter. The pa tients were alfve with vermin, Two Americans Killed. Ottawa, Out., April 10. Alfred St. Lawrence of Wincliendon, Mass., was listed as having been killed In action, and James McClolland ot Lowell Jlnss., was reported as having died of Wounds, in the overseas casualties made public by the militia depart ment. Arthur Ellj of Detroit, Mich., and John Peter Jensen of Beverly, Mass., were listed among the wounded. BETHINCOURT EVACUATED Its Abandonment Decided On By French Village Rendered Untenable Un der Heavy German Fire. KEW LINE WITHSTANDS ATTACK Violent Assaults Made by the Crown Prince's Army Are Repulsed by the French In the New Trenches Dou-aumont-Vaux Sector the Scene of a Terrific Artillery Engagement Re view of Operations On Other Fronts. Paris, April 10. Tho village ot Bethlncourt, forming the apex of tha salient on the western bank of, the Meuse, against which the Germans have been pounding for days with heavy artillery and with frequent In fantry attacks, has been evacuated by the French. Tiie new line with stood the most furious assaults which have been made by the crown prince's army in many days. From thn information now availa ble it seems probable that the violent, German attack on the western side of the river, made simultaneously with two extremely heavy assaults on the eastern bank, thus practically covering the whole Verdun front, was undertaken by the Germans as soon as they learned of the withdrawal from Bethlncourt, In the hope ot find ing the new French line In this sec tor not yet strong enough to resist them. The evacuation of Bethlncourt has been regarded by military experts some days ago as a military neces sity, since it was evident that tho group of ruins representing the vil lage was so situated as to make it practically untenable under the pro tracted fire of the German heavy artil lery. The German commanders, an ticipating the withdrawal, appeared to have timed their attack, which might almost be called a general as sault on the Verdun front, to coincide with the evacuation. But the evacua tion had been safely completed in the night, and troops were waiting In the new trenches at the rear when tha attack finally was made. Violent Assaults Made. The official announcement indicates that the fighting was of a most vio lent character. At one point on the southern edge of the Bols AvocourU a German assaulting column gained a temporary footing in a French posi tion, but was immediately driven out. again by a counter attack. The Germans, debouching from their position In the Cumleres wood, advanced in masses under the con centrated fire of the French 75's and mitrailleuses. The French fire broke up their formations and they finally withdrew, leaving hundreds of dead on the field. Itepeated assaults were made on Le Mort Homme, and hero ngain the Germans lost heavily. On the eastern hank of the river the attack did not get beyond tne stage of artillery preparation, tho German troops not being able to leave their positions. The Cote du Polvre and the Douaumont-Vaux sector were the portions ot the French line against which the German artillery directed its most violent fire on the eastern bank, the French second lines being shelled with particular thor oughness. The offensive of the Russians against the Germans In northwest Russia has simmered down to mutual bombardments and attacks by the German and Russian aviators. Considerable fighting between the Turks and the Russians has taken place in the Black sea littoral, with the Turks the aggressors. Throe at tacks against the Russian entrench ments on the right bank of the Kara ders were without result. Along tho entire Austro-Italian front the artil lery of both sides has been active. The British steamers Adamton nnd Avon have been sunk, presumably by submarines. Steamship Disabled. New York. April 10. With water pouring into her hold, the steamship Gunjara of the Lloyd Brazllelro line, which left New York last Wednesday, ic being towed into Norfolk, Va.. by the passenger steamer Sixaola. Tho Guajara 13 a freight steamship and has no passengers. According to a wireletfc message sho Is in no danger and will be able to make port M w M .wr Utf( iMAilc & tft.. i-. r-W i J Mtt-.'ML-. rf.J -jtHfik-iwjilJi , uiisdMJfMLiihiL. . ttiiSfinftiliU-i',, U-l ,J Im UJU. -