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T.a-.. " jWy.7Tf . ,' ...fcwWHf, .T1 , . ftrTy1iMmwm! srrn ' 71 f T T ""(Jpf! O 4 v T -, '" n & 1 '. 1, .V THE ONLY NEWSPAPER IN MT. VERNON. RECEIVING THE ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES witter a k i it! ji Established 1838 MT. VERNON, 0., TUESDAY, JULY!, 1919 No. 54 $1.50 PER YEA x .'.''II . i it feS TT . iP! emaanciti 1 j-yr-" 4" h4-M Tr ii DIRIGIBLEWItLSIfflT ON HER RETURN WAGE EARLY TUESDAY F URDU 1 URN P&sident Wilson May Have Opportunity Of Seeing Big Balloon, For Major Scott Has Planned To Divert Dirig ible From Its Course To Pass Over The In-Coming George Wasington, the Ship Which the President Is On. (BY THE A830CIATED PRE88 TO THE BANNER) M1NE0LA, July 6 llalf hour before the sun rises to morrow morning-, the gigantic British dirigible" R-34 will cast loose from her moorings at Roosevelt field and speed eastward, homeward bound from her historic flight across the Atlantic. The official hour set by her Commando Major Scott is 5 a. m., but it has been admitted that everything will de pend upon the weather, which has so persistently interfer ed with the huge airship since she left Scotland Tuesday night. President Wilson will have an opportunity of seeing the great balloon if she sails on her appointed time, for Major Scott has planned to divert the big boat from its course far enough to pass over the incoming George Wash ington, the ship Avhich the president is on. On the return trip the R-34 will carry tweuty-five pounds of mail Avhich arrived here from Washington last night. The ill-luck which the airship so valiantly fought against since she began her voyage continued up to today when a suddenly violent moorings and ripped the ed todav. BOLSHEVIK HEADQUARTERS II NEW YORK RAIDED i r .. jftz4& ..... :k. mivv1 anvMorj-joai asrow.jM 4 .T.ssssm. .: -vmammiimtammm r rr "s wrrrrritrviarw- r-frrirw-t- u-... fas fc x&pmmBsm&mL -ym 4 &- - Ci xA, Vlv ltL.1'''''' -'issBIwHsHRjL 'ULf BKn444A Sj!m? ,4l4444444444444BSBBBBW Sijzk SnhBBBBB i ...t "k Z'fZt HK m.HH, IK'j' lBfl V,' MHflHVn. HBlr 4444444HlllllllllHllV f?i'?.j0T4'. .v 1 1 m n ' .y' .."(.Y'4ti'.xSt I'Sli':) & '444..H? '. ;','.; PREST. WILSON CHARGED WITH ALL SORTS OF TERRIBLE TIGS BY REPUBLICAN CHAIRMAN TODAY Grayham of Special House Committee Says President Or ganized National Council of Defense Before The War, Created A Secret Government, Directed Policies In This Country and Defended The Big Businesses of The Unit ed States. Operative) of tlie New York Joint leglslntlve committee fflntl, politu esHiiiTnlnj; pnper In the oRlccs of h. C A. Mor tens, representntlvu of the Itussian bolyhuvlki In America, which "they raided recently. FGHTPC ES CANNOT BE T SH0I1 OHIO, BOARD R LES tBy Associated Press to The Banner) COLUMBUS, July 7 The Wlllard- Dempsey flflht' pictures may never be seen by-the public. At least in Ohio they will not be placed on exhibition. The board of censors officially announced toaay ex- " - 1 - censors oniciany announced ioaa ent gust of wiud 'tirejlier from her Uhat tut-pictures arj unfit to be w he euvelope. This Ava&ljemg repair-1 J rft n pfjrri in iiit hibited In public. The probability of tho pictures be ing placed on exhibition In other states depends upon what construc tion is to be placed on the Rodenberg act, which prohibits prize fight pic tures being handled in Interstate commerce. fi- 34HASREACHED MIA, i WYQFIK Trip of 5634 Miles Is Made In 108 Hours And 12 Min utes; Breaks Record. BIG BALLOON TEARS L DOSE FROM MOORING Dirigible Is Saved This Morn ing By Three Hundred Sailors. fBv Associateil Pwm to Bannnrt MINEOUA, N. Y., July 7 Great Britain's supor-dirlglble It-34, tho first IlEhter-tban-air raachlno to cross tho Atlantic ocean, anchored horo at Roosevelt flying field at 9:C4 a. m. yesterday, 1:G4 p. m. Greenwich mean time, after an aerial voyage of 108 hours and 12 minutes, which covorod 3130 knots or 3600 land miles. Passing through dense banks of cloud, with tho sun and soa vlslblo only at raro intervals, tho 11-34 was forced to cruise 3G00 miles to reach Trinity Bay, N. F from East For tune, Scqtland, and 1U44 miles from there to Mincola. When, the super-Zoppolin arrived here she had loft only enough petrol to keep nor moving DO minutes long er. Hor crow, almost sleepless for four and a half days, wero woary al most to tho point of oxhatistlon, but, happy at tho successful completion of their onoch-making trip. The return voyago will be started Tuesday at 8 a. m. fBv Associated Press to Tile Banner) M1NEOLA, N. Y July 7 Tho R-34 was torn from hor mooring rope this morning by a violent gust of wind. Tho cross girder to which tho rope was attached broko under tho terrific strain, ripping a nolo six feet by three foot' in the gas bag. The dirigible was saved from bolng blown away by 300 sailors, who rush cd out and seized the ropes hanging down from the balloon and pulled her down to tho ground. PRESIDENT WON'T AHEND CENTE1RY pniuoQccc m an UuilUIlLUU'-Kr Uiai.T committee probably will make an ex haustive study of the document and various related subjects, it has been intimated that the committee would hold hearings. Some senate leaders- hate expressed the belief that Presi dent Wilson might appear before the committee or at an executive session of the senate to explain various por tions of the treaty and league covenant. GEORGE WASHINGTON WILL LAND SOONER THAN WAS EXPECTED (BV THE ASSOCIATED PRESS TO THE BANNER) "WASHINGTON, July 6 Charges that the president organized the National Council of Defense, before war was declared, in ubsohitc'violation'of the law and that he there by created a secret government in the United States, which ' formulated war legislature, dictated the policies the coun try was to pursue and befriend big businesses, were made today by Chairman Grayham of the special house commit tee investigating war department expenditures. Minutes of the council were read to the committee bv Mr. Grayham, together with a report that the council had assumed such powers, that Major Goethala of the traffic division of the war, had defied it. Cabinet members are said to have protested against its activities and Judge Gray, president of the United States Steel organization', accused.. it ot operating in flagrant violation of the law. Mr. Grayham declared that the president created the secret government by ignoring and reversing the intent of congress in authorizing the establishment, of a council of nation defense in August, 1916. :tV! TREATY.?I Impossible For Him To Leave Members Returning to Wash- Washington On Speaking Tour Until Next Week. By Associated Press to The Hannorj WASHINGTON, July 7 Jhere are ington To Receive Address of President. of rBy Associated Press to Tha Banner WASHINGTON, July 7 Members the senate and I liouso began re Indications that President Wilson will turning to Washington Sunday pre- not leave before the middle of next parat0ry to 'the reconvening Tuesday week on his tpeaking tour, '0f congress after a week's Fourth of He was Invited by wireless to at- jUiy recess. The appearance of Pres- tend the Methodist centenary at Co- idont Wilson before tho sonate Thurs- lumbus, Qh'lo, but replied that he felt ,iaVi at which time ho will lay before It would be Impossible for him to tnnt body the German peace treaty leave Washington before the centen- lln,i the Franco-American agreement ary ends, next Sunday. and consideration by the houso of When tho prosident reaches Wash- war-timo prohibition, onforcoment ington, lato tomorrow, ho will find legislation are expected to outran an accumulation of ofilcial business, anything else boforo congress within needing his attention. Among tno tho next fortnight. WEATHER UNFAVORABLE fBv Associated Preiu to Tho Bannerl MINEOLA, July 7 Weather condi tions will be unfavorable for tho re turn flight of the British dirigible dur ing tho next forly-olght hours, ac cording to a weather report sent- to tho airship at Mincola, by tho navy department this afternoon. Threat ening wouthor remains over the sea, and heavy winds would probably bo oncountorcd as far as Newfoundland. ALLIES TAKING STEPS TO DEMAND Tl HE KAISER Andrew Boriar Law So Indi cated In the House of Com mons Today. (Bv ARsoclBteil Pris to Tlio RAnnrr. IXTvDON, July 7 Tho allies havo not yet made any official presentation to the Dutch government for tho de livery of the former Gorman, emper or, but necessary steps are being tak en In the matter. Androw Bonar Law, government spoltespian, declared in the house of commons today. Annwerine many iluestions as to whether there was any unofllclal conv raunfeation with tho Dutch govern ment. Mr. Law said: "I would rather not answer." Another mombor of the house ask ed "Is the spokesman for the govern ment awaro that nobody partlcuarly wants the ex-kalser to be brought hero?" Tho cmostion was loudly cheored. " STREET CAR STRIKE IS ON IN CLEVELAND By Associated Press to The Bannei, CLEVELAND, July 7 Street car sorvlco was again at a standstill to day as a result of tho strike which started yesterday, when 2600 motor mon and conductors of tho Clovoland Street Itallway Co. refusod to work until thoy wcro granted their do mands of a wago Incroase of twolvo conts ail hour. RODDERS T AKE SUM AT NEWARK DID IBy AnoctntPflJ,res to The Banner) -J4EW YORK, July 7 A radio met sagefrom the George Washington, the naval transport which is carrying Pj-esident Wilson on his' return voy age, Indicathed that the ship woDld arrive home earlier than expected and that the president would proba bly reach Hobokcn at 1:20 p. m. All arrangements for his reecption have been completed and it is expected that a small fleet of steamers will go dewn the bay to gret the George Washington. GERMANS AND POLES bills are tho sundry civil measure, with its shipping board and other huge appropriations, tho army meas uro, tlie navy bill, tho agricultural bill, tho repeal of tho daylight saving law, tho doncioncy bill, tho vocational education bill, and othora. Tho president Is duo to reach Washington botween ; 10 v and 11 o'clock tomorrow, aftor brief welcom ing cctemonlos at Now York. Tho address to bo made by tho president in presenting tho treaty Is awaited with great Intorest by both advocates and opponents of tho league of nations covenant. THo treaty, as well a3 tho Franco-Amerl-can agreemont probably will be re ferred immediately to tho foreign re lations .committee. No plan for con sideration of tho treaty has boen an nounced by thy coinmittoo, but tho COMMANDING ON MEXICAN BORDER IBy Associated Press to Tno Banned NEWARK, July 7 Robbers broko open ihe back door and gained en trance to Elks-Salvation Army cam paign headquarters Sunday afternoon while hundreds of people crowded the streets. The robbers jimmied the strong box and stole about ?500, the procppdo of nn nutomnhllo rafllo Pat urday night. No clew. t Tillll if ' T i 1 IN A DIG BATTLE Several Persons Are Report ed . Killed And A Large Number Injured. IBy Associated Press to The Banner COPENHAGEN, July 7 Several persons wero killed, and a large num ber wero wounded" In disturbances Sunday at Kattowltz, Upper Silesia, according to advices received from flcuthon. Germans and Poles t6ok part In tho disturbances. v STRIKEfffllCE As authorized by congress thecoun cil was to be composed of six mem bers ot the cabinet, who were domi nalors, .and , seven civilians selected by the president, who were to act in puroly an advisory capacity, Instead of doing this, Mr. Grayham asserted, the president made the ci vilians the real dictatorsAWifa unlim1 ited powers. Behind closed doors, for weeks and even months before war was declared, Mr. Graham said, these seven designed practically ev ery war measure which congress sub sequently enacted. They devised the entire system of purchasing war sup." plies, planned the press censorship? designed a system of food control, se lected Herbert Hoover as its head, even-4etermlned- upon -the? day light saving scheme. Conceived within the law, but de veloping into a direct violation of 'trie ' law, it is not surprising to Hnd this secret government of the United States allowing interested parties to regulate and fix, the prices of war sup plies, Mr. Graham said. HOGS CONTINUE TD ADVANCE ON MARKET Price of Corn Also Took A Jump Today To $1.94 Per Bushel. DDL ARED OFF TODAY No Americans Injured And No Damage Done To Am erican Property. fBy Associated Press to The Bannerj FLOIIENCE, Italy, July 7 Tho striko horo was officially declared off at midnight Saturday night. All Is calm throughout the city. Although there are largo colonies of Americans in vimnnrn. no Americans wero In jured nor was there any damJij&Q, dono to American property. j-argocLrawus assembled in tho streets thitfjupraing unaware that tho striko had been or flclally declared off. By Associated Press to The Banner CHICAGO, July 4 After breaking high price records last week, the hos market continued upward today. New tojj quotations wero established at $22.10 a hundredweight as against an average price of $21.53 on Thursday, since when there has been no sensa tional advances. The sharpest ascent of corn fot the July delivery was mado today when it took a jump ot .seven cents, making it sell for 11.04 a bushel. AUSTRIA TO RECEIVE TS TREATY SOOH Allies Planning To Hand Ov er The Peace Terms Some Time Tuesday. CENSOS m BE LIFTED SON By Associated Press to The Banner PARIS, July 7 The proposed Aus trian peace treaty will bo ready for presentation to the Austrian delega- ' tlon on Tuesday. The full text of tho document now is In the hands of the printer. The presentation of the terms to the Austrians probably will not be ac companied by impressivo ceremonies such as were held for the, signing of the German treaty at.d the first meet ing with the vAustrlans. Ten days or two, weeks are expect ed to be given the Austrian, delega tion to study the new articles on fi nancial, economic and reparations questions, and also certain boundary lunus wnicn were not covered in the first draft given them. Disposition of German War ships Will Also Be Deter mined Shortly. STORM DAMAGES NEWARK Tears Down Trollsy Poles and Wash es Out Road Bed ' wiAA"VVrtAV.XiwvW..'iW.VAv!WW.A.-.-.Ai(vrtW.W l'liotosrnpl, of MnJ. fii'ij. DoHtuy Cubull. comimfmliT of tliu miiiiIiih'ii (lopiirunciUi v' ls. lu conurfaiid of tho American troops nloug tio Mexican border. JA . NEWARK,' July 7 A heavy storm toro down trolley poles and wires and washed out tho roadbed of the Ohio Electric Railway Co. east of this city. Traffic was completely blocked from C until midnight. Other property damage to residents amounted to several thousand dollars. By Associated press to The Bannerl . PAR.IS, July 7 Removal of tho censorship between 'Franco and Gerf niany was on tho program for dis cussion at tho session' ot the alied council this afternoon: .It Is under stood, that the supreme economic council bus recommended that tho censorship be lifted with tlie raising ot the blockade. The recommendation probably will be approved. The commission of admirals ap pointed to consider the disposition ot the remaining German warships met today. In effect Us repott states that no recommendations be made on the question until the policies of the var ious powers have been decided upon. Some favor the sinking of the ships or breaking them up, while others wsh them to bo divided among the a'llles. WILL ADDRESS SENATE THURSDAY NOON President Will Talk On The League of Nations 'At 12:15 O'Clock. IHy Associated Press to The Banner WASHINGTON, 'July J President ' Wl'.son will address tho senate. on the peace treaty and the Leaguo of Na tions at 12:15 o'clock Thursday. Do cause the treaty will bo under discus sion some doubt exists as to whether the meeting In the senate sould be open, but it is understood that Mr. Wilson 'desires it to be It haB not yet been definitely determined when the president will start on his trip around the country to talk for, tho I.eaguo ot Nations. A-iii V ,! .V&- XI V ' .. : -?,j xv :t & "' 'id sa 11 X. v t 12 .!'.. ;:-t" .;r.