Newspaper Page Text
rtf tMie roua THE BANNER ." i? f t t,r . SEMI. WEEKLY Ho. 5 MONUMENT 8QUARE MOUNT VERNON, OHIO isbllshed Tuesday Morning and Friday Morning by STEPHEN J. DORQAN Owner. and, Publisher atatered at the poitomcB. Mt. Vernon, Xbox county Ohio, aa second class mall alter. Bubscrlptlon Rate $2.00 per year, strictly : advano. Resolutions of Respect, Obituarisa and Cards of Thanks, six cents per Una. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1922 COURT NOTES IT. SI Baxter, ot MHIor township, la foreman or tho Brand Jury of the Oc tober term of common pleas court, now In session at tho courthouse. Three members of the grand jury were excused from duty Monday morning before tho numbers ot tho Jury commenced their deliberations. They were It. D.-GIIIln of Butler town ship, C. C. Ward of the Fourth ward, and W; IJ, Adams of the First ward. Tholf places were llllod by Gail O. Oookaey of the Third ward, P. J. Hon Pii'in o"t the Third ward, and Robert He-SB of tho Third ward. The members of the grand Jury are now down to hnnl work, and indlcn- tlons are that no iopoit will bo ready until sometlmo Thursday. ' Cfcrrimon Plea3 Court Tho May tonu of coninion plea3 court -was iidjourned slue dlo Slonday morning nt OMr. by Judge Park H. Rlalr. The October term convpnd promrtt ly at 10 o'clock when tho members of the grand Jury reported for duty. Af ter Instruction bad been Riven the members of tho grand Jury, Judge Illalr adjourned court until 9 o'clock Tuesday morning, when tho docket for tho October term was called and nn assignment of case' mndo. Ileforo adjourning tho Slay term slno dlo Monday, Judge Hlnlr dis posed of the following matters: Wilbur 1'. Rock vs. Hattlo If. Rock, et al. Decree of partition. Commls; donors Soymour Cooper,' Hurry) Pox , and J. D. Studor. M. M. Shipley, administrator of Orn ( IJowman, vs. JCeln Ilowmnu ot nl. Salo of farm tract confirmed, nnd deed and distribution ordered. Alias order of sale of town property. Sarah Gibson vs. Kllswi M. Trahorn, executrix Leavo to file amended an nwnr In 10 days. Fred Knppolor vs. tho Mt. Vornon Foundry & IOnglnooring Co. Leave , to answer In flvo day3. Helen M. MIiIklfT vs. Jacob Slldklir Temporary alimony allowed In the Mini of $20 per month, beginning ()n Oct. 1. o Contracts Let The Knox county commlsfclnnrrs, nf thffr session Monday, awarded the following contracts: Bv W, J'nyno, reimlrflaoJHaiUuhtbri iir?ciRftf?i. ; ;' ?:?t y v Peter Wonvor.'ropairs' to bridges In. Sillier township, $30,!).-. F. II. 7.U'k. bridge plank. Trustees of Howard township, re pclrs to lnldges, $17.8.1. 0 Want New Road Residents of Ilutler twnshlp pre sented n petition to the Knox county (;ommIssloners on .Monday asking fur .1 now road In tho township running wqst one mllu to Intersect tho .Millwood-New Castle nnd. Ditch Petition A petition asking for a ditch In 1111. Her township wnp piosented to tho Knox county cnminl-irdonui-H Slonday lv resident; ot Hint township, o Ancwer la Filed In tho case of Fruilees Scott vs. SI. C. Poland, an answer has boon lllod by the defendant In which ho sots up a clnlm for $."57.8? and asks for Judg ment In that sum. L. C. Stlllwull ,rop recents the defendant. In the case of William Scott, vs. Sf, C. I'olaud, 1111 answer bus been llloi! In which tho defendant sutn up a clnlm for $70.12 and asks judgment for that sum. L. C. Stlllwull for tho defendant, o Cognovit Judgment In tho cnbe of .John SI. Ifnwk vs Kdward Ilartlett itiul 'inlsy IlartJetL n rogni-.vlt Judgment has been take 1 if the plaintiff in th K..ox county om-111.-11 plna, court, Amount clalrci! is $210,71. No Tax Due Probate Judge Duko holds there Is no Inheritance tax due In tho CHtatcs ' of Tyyrla Ulehl und Charles Leroy Cochran. o-i-Clalm Aliased In the sUt of Qoorge Monroe, th , :, cUmot the executor lias been al lowed by the piobate court of Knox county. Order of Sale An, order of private sale has been Issued out of tho probate court ot Knox county in tho matter of J, B. Hell, administrator ot Emma Barber, vs. Lowis Dudley. o Marriage License William Lewis, clerk, Columbus, nnd Rebecca A. Polton, shoo worker, Mt. Vernon. Row A. D. Mink. 0 The October term of tho Knox cuonty court of appeals convenes In Sit. Vernon 011 next Slonday, Oct. lfi, commencing at 1 p. in. The assignment of cases is divided into two sections. Commencing Slonday at 1 p. m there is a "peolnl assignment with the following judges on the bench' Hon. R, S. S.'dflds. of Canton, presid ing judge, Hon. Frank X, Patterson of Ashland and Hon. Louis T. Farr of Lisbon. The special assignment Is made for the reason that Judge Lewis IJ. Ilouok requested that he be excused from sitting In tho following cases: Frank O. Levering vs. The Edison Storage Hnttory Co. Error. L. L. Deiinoy, guardian, vs. Howard SI. Rlne et nl. Appeal. David Copeland, ndmr., vs. Allco A. Wolford Appeal. Oicgqn Flko, admr., vs. William SI Koons Appeal. In tho matter of tho contempt of court of Ross SI. Hainpshlro Error. Oiegon Flke, admr., vs. William SI. Koons Error. Immediately following tho comple tion of the special assignment, the cases hcieafter named will bo taken up in order with Judge Shields, Judge Patterson and Judgo Hoiick on the bench. Attornoys nro requested to keep In touch with tho progress of the work and bo present as their cases are reached. The cases assign ed are: State of Ohio on behalf of John Sillier vs. A. I). Rlnuhnrt, auditor of Knox county Appeal. friiu Knox Tile & Rubber Co. vs. Edward Elford Error. Georgo Smlthhlslcr vs. the Statu ot Ohio Appeal, Sit. Vernon Foundry & Engineering Co. vs. William J. Orthenbergor Er ror. Sit, Vernon Foundry & Engineering CoU'vs. Charles, G. Porter Error. Homer IT. Levering bt nl. by Charles Ewers, receiver, vs. Washburn-Crosby Co. Error. Banner SI. Alien, admr. of IT. IT. Groer, vs. Jessie Jennings Kcster Error. Georgo Wlsner vs. John C. Lever ingError, 1 STnry Vandelonno vs. State of Ohio Krior. o Sensational Answer It wus repprted tit tho courthouse, Wednesday that a sensational answer Is being prepared In the caso of V. V. Ilendershott vs. F. I). Spencer and other foinior directors of tho Knox Tiro & Rubber Co. It is said tho an swer will bo filed somctlino this week. Grand Jury to Report- . . vT,he..;niemborH of tho grand Juryf.of. the pctober tqvm of common plena cnuit weio excused Tuesday nt noon until 10 o'clock Thursday morning when tho report will ho presented 1.0 Judge Illalr. Quito 11 large number of cases were Investigated by tho grand Jury. Pros ecutor Aslibaugh sp"iit Wednesday preparing tho Indictments, It was rumored at the courthouse Wednesday that 110 indictment would be li'turnod against Rov. David l'llto, P'lHjpr of tho Coug'rogntlonal church, for operating a motion picturo on Sunday, It, Is said tint tho Jury lack ed hut one vote to return nn Indict ment, Twelve votes nro necessary to lcturn an Indictment. 0 Partition Case Allco Welton has commenced suit In partition in tho Knox county coni nion pleas court against Arthur IT. Peet ot nl. The real ost.ito In ques tion is located in Slnrrls township, Knox county. Tho attorney for the plaintiff In Frank A., Stetson of Elyrin, Amended Answer , III the caso of Sarah Gibson vs, Eliza (SL Trahorn, executrix' of Amelia Gibson, an nmonded answer has been Hied in the common pleas court ot Knox county, J. 11. Graham ropru emits tho defendant. Docket Ir. Called The docket, of iho Octobor term of common plena court was called by Jifdgo Illalr on Tuesday and a partlnl assignment of jury nnd chancery cases made. Tho cnmplotn assign ment will bo aunounced later. Commissioners Named Application has boon mado In tho common pleas, court of Knox county by D. K. Illnehart, clerk of the hoard of education of Centcrburg, asking for tho appointment of n board of five commissioners to act as a sinking 1 , 1 ;' . " ,'" fund commission for Hie village- wf Conterburg in order that certain bonds may bo sold. Judgo Rlalr ap pointed tho following commissioners' on Wednesday: C, O. Keady, H. C 'Smith, W. SI. Jowc'.l, Hurry Hell and J. V. Hancock. o Partition Ordered In tho caso of Ella Sdllors vs. Car rie E. SIcCulIough, a decree of parti tion has been ordered by Judgo Rlalr in the common pleas court The com missioners' nro. John Durkholdcr, Lo ander StcCammcnt nnd E. U Wolfe. o Sale Confirmed A sale ha3 been confirmed and a deed ordered In tho case, of Robert L. Sillier vs. William Sillier iti the Knot couuty common pleas court. Leave to Answer In the caso of George Evans vs. H C. Stoylo et al., leave has beon given the defendant? to Illo an answer In tho Knox county common pleas court. Account Filed A first partial account has been filed In the Knox county probate court by Percy A. Greer, trustee of Florence Brad field Greer, under the will of Penrce Singers. It shows the sum of $2,775.03 received and $50.fi0 paid out. o Real Estate Trantfers W. II. Wilson to Slabel Magill, lot In Vernonvlow, $L Frances Lafever to C. SL Bolting-' house, parcel In Clinton, $1. C. SI. Doltinghouse to Frances La fever, parcel In Slonroe, $1. Ulnnchc Holtinghouso to Frances Lafever, parcel In Sit. Vernon, $1. M. Lewis Murdock to Charles W, Dean, parcel In Sit. Vernon, $1. L Regular preaching services nt the First Slllford Church of Christ on Oct. 15. L. G. Walker and wlfo will soon leavo for an oxtcmled visit with their daughter, Cora Church, of Ore gon. Slllford grango will meet in regular session Wednesday evening, Oct. 8. There will bo inspection. All mem bers are urged to bo present. Tho young .people ot First Milford Sunday school enjoyed a wiener roas,t last Friday evening at tho homo of SIIss Genevieve Slorelnnd. Sir. nnd Mrs. R. E. ShulT and chil dren were tho guests of Sir. and Airs. John S. Sllteholl last Sunday. Mrs. Frank Chapman was a ML. Vernon visitor last Friday iitfernoon. Rldgway & Early have moved Ivheir Parlu'rsburg machine' from tho Leo Ashbuni farm to tho Charles Scott farm. Mr. and Sirs. Rny Grimm visited Sir. nnd'strs. Richard ,Akos Sunday. Sir. and Sirs. Elmor Jlrown aniKMr. und Mrs. Fred Vlncont attended the Coshocton fair last yopk Sir, and 'Sirs. Alnion wero In Sit. Vornqri on bustnosp 'Slonday. J , M. VIIHudOJOIoV.' wnn ..buflijieik visitor Ip (ho city Monday.Vii M' W Air. Leo Ashbuni was In Sit. Ver non last Slonday, BLADENSBURG The Loyal Daughters of the WacL misburg Church of, Christ had a pleas ant meeting at the homo of Sim. Lee Itico Inst Wednesday evening. Tho scilpturo work was In charge of'Mrs. Kntlo Cummins. After tho roiulnr business, dellglitful music was fur nished by tho Vlctroln. Tlion tho guests wero Invited to tho lawn, where n huge bonflro was built and a wiener roast was oujoyed by tno fol lowing poisons: Sirs, Guy Cottrell, Sirs. Cary Cotrell, Sirs. Carl Harris, Slr.v and Sirs. Orover Horrts nnd daughter Nelllo, Sirs. Katie Cummins, Wavo Schooler, Ethubol Cummins, Leo Dugan and Sir. and Mrs. Loo Rico. MRS. KEADEY DIES AT CENTERBURG, 0. CUNTEltmiRU, Oct. 10-SIrs. Har riot Keady, aged tit yeore, wlfo of Henry Keady, m well-known poultry dealer of tills ptace, died at 11 o'clock last night at her homo hoio, following n stroke of apoplexy sustained Sun day afternoon. She Is survived by her husband nnd three sons, Clarence and Harry Keady or Conterburg and Herbert of Joptln, Mo and ono daughter, Mm. Tearl Sillier bt Columbus, Funeral sorvlcos will bo hold at 10;'30 o'clock Thursday morning at tho Christian church, Ray. R. H. Long ofllclating. Hurlal In the Conterburg cemetery. FOR SALE 32-volt Hoover eiactrla swesper. No, 6 Soutkr Mala atrset. ML Vei-MB, (! UNION GROVE S Slnco the episode of Sundny night first gly,en publicity In a dry nddress by the Rov.-J. Sanford, assistant state superlntondenl of the Anti-Saloon League, at tho Vine street Church of Christ, In which tho Rev. Sir. San ford asserted 'ho had been assaulted nnd knocked down by drunken row dies, tho locnl municipal officers have been seeking with every dili gence to discover what actually hap pened, o There have beon many of those, as mentioned In Tno Hanner Tuesday ev- PnttlfF. Wlin ttn.fn nvnt..lDDil,l n(w doubts and 'convictions that there 'had been such an affair as described by Sir. Sanford.1 They based their belief upon thelrjnablllty from any source to conform the account. Usually something may bo learned through the channel of gossip and conversa tion, though spoken with no purpose of publicity or giving information to tho authorities. Hut in this affair all these mediums have failed, all who might possibly have any knowledge uniting In, declaring they know noth ing of it. What has been learned was recited by Slayor Kelgley Wednesday. Ho was told Tuesday evening by a young man who did not wish his name used that he tho young man) had been at tho place on tho public square where the encountor Is said to have taken placo Sunday evening at C:30. Thorn wero present also three others, dos- trlbed as sons of well known and porminent families. These three boys had been drinking and unmistakably wore under tho influence of intoxicat ing liquor although they are not des cribed as having been drunk. They wero somewhat noisy and talking loudly. As for 'fighting among themselves or making a nnssault upon tho Rov. Sir. Sanford the mayor's informant re fused to admit or to confirm donv- Ing thero had been any such thing. nils statement seems to support the statement of the situation found by Chief of Polite Parker and Officer Peterson when tlioy mndo an invest!, gatlon within threo minutes ot the tIm.o it is alleged to have happoncd and after they haiV beon called by Mr. Sanford. Alleged sensational charges against Mayer Charles B. Kelgley, published In another Mt. Vernon newspaper Monday evening, and said to have bsen made by Police Officer John French, were shattered t0 nothing Monday night after a rigid Investiga tion by Mayor Kelgley before the po. lice committee of council, Chief Park er, members of the police force and newspaper men. "1 don't need this Job," dramatical ly exclaimed Slayor Kelgley, "and I don't pmpnso to have a newspaper ennnut me with operating a gam bling Joint and running alter other women," tontliiued tho mayor. Th'iu the Investigation started. When pinned down by Sluyor Kolg ley, Patrolman French denied making tho stiitpnient to a newspnpor that "a man was fined $ , for (ntpxlcation sometime during August and tho'caso was not registered nt all." A'.TJhn denial was made by Patrolman French before all persons present. Chief Parker completely oxonciatod Slayor Kelgley of tho chnrgo that the mayor peimltted gambling at tho Winner hotel. The caso in the municipal police coqit ngalnst William Cost, charged with permitting gambling In his place rm. South SIan street was dismissed Slonday afternoon nftor a hoar ii& before. Slayor Kolgley. Jyuo evidence, givon at tho hearing failed to piovo thnt gambllne was dono In the placo. Tho evidence giv en by the pinsecutlng witness, O. G. Hoglu, was unsupported by that of any other witness. Tho preponder ance of the tostlmony supported tlu WANTED AGENTS, HECOS1E IN DICPENDEN'rwOWN YOUR business $10-$f0 n week oaslly made helling llobei ling's medicines, extracts, spices, toilet articles, ota, direct to consumers. Exporlenco end capital not i-cqiiliod. OJd established com pany. Coniploto lino of necessities used in the homo ovory day. Lnrgu repeat sales. HIg prodts. Exclusive territory. Write today for full par ticulars and freo catalog. Hoborllng Mfdlclno Co., Dopt. 5G7, llloonilngton. 111. x!7 All Net Profits are Paid Out In Dividends to Policy holders of the BANKERS LIFE CO., Des Moines, Iowa. It belnq a mutual company. S. P. McCollum Special Agent 208 N. Mulberry St. Mt. Vernon, O- hon 431 Black KIIDXGO H defenso rather thnn tho prosecution. Gost accordingly was discharged. Lewis Spake, Jr., was nrralgned be foro Justice Georgo S. Hnrtcr lato Monday nftornou on a chargo of hav ing a coon pelt out of season. Tho arrest was mode by Sheriff Lytle on a complaint mndo by Deputy Game Pro tector Pratt. A plea ot guilty to tho charge was mado by Spake. Ho was given a flno ot $50 and tho costs. Of this flno $25 was suspended upon good behavior and for certain assistance to be given tho officers. Weaver grange, No. 21."4, will meet in regular session Friday uvenjng, Oct. 13, when the following program wilL be given: Song Grange. Recitation Eleanor Jnckson. Song Weaver quartet., Dinloguo Welma and Dorotha Brown. Song Wilma Horn. Discussion, Which Is Hotter, Farm ing or Specialization? Solo E. C. Horn. Closing song Weaver quartet. According to a report today from authoritative sources, County Prose cutor Paul M. Ashbaugh will file an affidavit sometime Thursday against tho Rev. David Pike, pastor of the Congregational church of this city, charging hfm with operating a motion picture exhibit on last Sunday. Falling to obtain an indictment against the Rev. Sir. .Pike, as an nounced In the court columns of Tho Banner todny, Prosecutor Ashbaugh will appear before a magistrate some time Thursday and swear to the af fidavit charging tho minister with vio lating tho law which prohibits theat rical perfoimances and motion pic turo exhibits on Sunday. Constable Jesso Sensel returned late Tuesday afternoon from Kenosha, Wis., bringing with him Burton Schlossingcr, wanted In Knox county un a charge of non-support ot minor child. Schletsinger was placed In tho comity jail to await arraignment before Judge Uiair in common pleas court. Clerk of Courts C. C. Loiter today leccived a letter from his brother, R. E. Leiter of Orrvllle, tolling of an nu tomohllo accident In which ho and his wifo figured while returning from Sit. Vernon last Saturday. Tho Ford that Sir. Leiter was driving went ovor a 10-foot embankment, between Ashland nnd Wooster. The machine was not badly damagod and both Sir. and Sirs. Loiter escaped Injury. MISS ROSANN ANKENY IS CALLED BY DEATH Sliss Rcsann Ankony, daughter of tho late Peter and Sara Ankony, died at 11:80 o'clock Slonday night at her home on East High street of heart trouble. Sliss Ankony had been In falling health for tho past year, but had been seriously ill only tho past week. Shr was tho only surviving mem ber of tho Ankony family, tho last ol her relatives, Sliss Susann Ankony. a slater, haying preceded her in death last December. Tho deceased was a lifelong mom- DIM. f. V0HE Will Make His 326th Visit to BVSt. Vernon Friday, Oct. 20th CURTIS HOTEL 9f Jgj Dr. Voke lias visited this community each month for twenty -five years. During the lait tea years his practice has moro than doubled. Chronic Disease Specialist Dlood, Nerves, Stomach, Catarrh and all other Chronic DIimms of Men and Women TERMS: $5 PER MONTH Width IikIikU. Mdfclp ' For full Informtllon writ for ir ImsUM enUtUd "Chronic DUuV' Address, L. F. VOKE, M. D. 1V7B N. High St. Columbw, OhU fftsVrfi - ' i rii Jtti ' ' I-" V? BSSSSSSSSBM tPHSSSSSSSSSBSkC1 s BSBSSSVS. rsssssslsssssssssVls'fsssMssW UsSSBT tHRNf' sJ?Fj' If 5 jf:&tfc5B 'V fflssssZ &.'&'f m nsssVv -U v bor of tho Presbyterian church. Funernl B'orvlces Will b6 hold at 2:30 o'clock 'Wednesday from tho Into rrsldonce, Roy. V. IT. Shields, pastor of the Presbyterian church. ' oulclat ing. Rurlol Will b6 mado In Mound VIow cemetery. MRS. JOHN C. BIGGS DIGS AT HOSPITAL Mrs. John C. Riggs, a resident of Danville for many years, died at tho Sit. Vernon hospital Monday evening nt 7:30 after a short Illness. The deceased was 35 years' of ago and Is. surylvcd, by her husband, n daughter,. Lenora Biggs and nn Infant son, James William, born Soptember 23. One, child Margaret died two years ago. She also is 'survived by her mother, Sirs. Thomas SlcConnell, and a sister, Sirs. Harold Lund of Ak ron. The deceased was a member of the Church of Christ of Danville for many years. The funeral will occur Thursday af ternoon at 2:30 at the Danville Church ot Christ. THE SCHOOL TEACHER Next To The Mother Is The Most Important Unit In Our Social Structure. Sho teaches that character is as essential ns learning, and that successful people save what their hands and brains earn. She herself saves. Wo have many teachers on our books as depositors but seek more of this very desirable lino ot business. Wo also solicit business fiom all who may read this. We Pay 5 on Time Deposits The Buckeye State Building & Loan Co. Rankin Bldg., 2 West Gay Street, Columbus, O. Resources Over $22,000,000.00 Stock and Surplus Over $3,000,000.00. ALL. EXPENSE TOURS TO JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA Via Washington Baltimore and Steamer Go With Organized Party Return at Leisure $Q..60 81 Slight Increase charged over above when extia priced rooms are assigned. Those desiring may return from Jacksonville via SL & SL T. Co., Steamer- or via Rail Routes through Washington, D. C, at slightly higher fnre. Leave Mt. Vernon 12:15 p. m., October 19, 26; November 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, and every MONDAY and THURSDAY thereafter until Feb. 12th. Details Furnished on Application to Ticket Agent, or B. E. WHITE, Division Passenger Agent. Columbus, O. BALTIMORE & OHIO gtsrytftTHymtfravyvafKfg MAKE it aVELLASTlC winter 'for all the family! That means warmth while the water freezes over the mill-pond. That means health while others cough and nurse colds. Wear VELLASTIC Underwear l It's mado with a fleece-lining to keep your body snug and warm. It's built on VELLASTIC machines to. fit perfectly and wear long. P Elastic Ribbed. Fleece-Lined " s Elastic Ribbed, Fleece UNDERWEAR Fpr Every Member of UJ1CA KNITTING CO., ' Nw York Sktroomiiv3S0 XMKM I Ml' taSB3CE3fflC5ESEaSgEg1 r MtrMBlliMLj cm Gambler K. of P. To h'avo a Party Tho K. of P. lodge at Gambler will entertain Its members nnd their fam ilies Eridny evening, Oct. 13, at a card party. Each member Is urged to bo present with his family. v . o Wilson-Cochran Wedding Sir. Lloyd W. Wilson of Wayno township and Sliss Edna Cochran ot Liberty township were united in mar riage at 10:. '10 o'clock Wednesday morning by Rov. Hugh Wnyt at his residence on East, Vino street. o Stewards Are Given Dinner Sir. and Sirs. A. B. Jones of North Gay street entertained with dinner Tuesday evening at their home. Their guests wero tho members ot the boarlrVri of stewards of tho SI. P. church nnd their wives and 'Rev. nnd Sirs. D. C. Coburn. Includes Rail and Steamer Fare, Lower Berth In Pullman Car, Stateroom Accommodations, All Meals Through to Jacksonville, Sight-Seeing Trips at Washington and Savannah, Return Rail road Ticket from Jacksonville Good Until June IGth, 1923. my Safety first and warmth always for all th family. Wear Vellastlc. Your dealer can sup ply you. - Lined ' the Family Utlcn. N. Y. Broadway '.-.'. ,''"' !'""'"y'jRrrt J &-T&&J, .vl II "S. vM -if JWBBHffvJ