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tfafclkhe Tuesday Morning and Friday
Morning by
Owner and Publisher
itared at the poitomce, Mt Vernon.
aiunu unio, aa aeconu oiaas nui
ubscrlptlon Rate ?2.00 per year,
trlctly advance.
Absolutions of Respect, Obltuarlei
U Carda ot Thanlu, ilz cenu per
Tho Knox county commissioners, at
their regular session Monday, con
tracted for coal to operate tho heat
ing plant at tho courthouse and jail
for 17.14 a ton.
A contract was mado with Dublnsky
Brothers for 10 tons of coal at $7.14
per ton. Moro coal, If necessary, can
bo purchased at this price, it Is said.
Other contracts awarded by the
commissioners Monday were:
Silas Weaver, ropalra to culvert In
Monroe township, $20.50.
Trustees of Clinton township, re
pairs to bridges, $1G.G0.
E. E. Payne, repairs to bridges In
Monroe township, $74.00. '
T. D. Thatcher, dotour in Mllford
township, $2i.
Jesse Dnlrd, repairs in ( Clay town
ship, $25.
To Close Road
Tho Knox county commissioners
ndopted a resolution Monday at their
session to closo tho Bluff road in But
ler township. Tho road Is not, used
to any extent and Id of no benefit.
Jury Case On
Tho case of M, P. Dudgeon vs. Lo-
roy Lahmon Is being tried before tho
Jury in the Knox county common
pleas court. Tho suit involves tho
sale of sheep, and the plaintiff Is
claiming tho sum of $1,3 10. A portion
of the testimony waW submitted Mon
day and tho remainder of the testi
mony will bo offered Tuesday.
Partition Case
Clarcnco C. HairlH haft commenced
n partition- suit In (ho Knox'ounty
common pleas court against John
Harris ot nl. Tho land In question Is
located In Plljo township. W. M.(
Kodns is the attornoy'for tho plain'
cring. -At
tho conclusion ot this case, tho
roembors of tho petit Jury woro ex
cused, until Wednesday morning at 9
o'clock? when tho case ot Snow vs.
Young Is scheduled to como up for
trial beforo tho Jury.
Answer Is Filed
In tho case ot Cary Whltmoro vs.
Iievnda Bailey, an answer and cross
petition has ben filed in tho Knox
county common picas court. Tho
plaintiff filed tho suit to restrain tho
defendant from permitting his stock
to go oh tho land ot tho plaintiff to
obtain water from a spring.
Tho defendent In his answer claims
that tho spring has been in uso for 40
years and that it did not damago tho
land of tho plaintiff to allow tho
stock to obtain water from tho spring.
Defendant says that ot Sept. 15, 1022,
tho plaintiff constructed a fenco so
that tho defendant's stock could not
obtnln water. He says ho has been
groatly inconvenienced and that ho
has been compelled to tako his stock
n great distance to obtain water. Tho
defendant asks that tho injunction
hertoforo granted bo dissolved. F. O.
Levering 13 tho attorney for tho de
fendant. o
Transcript Is Filed
A transcript has boon filed in tho
Knoi county common pleas court In
tho case of tho Bostwlck Braun Co,
vs. tho Mt. Vernon Foundry & Engl'
ncerlng Co. The caso Is carried from
the court of Magistrate George S.
Hartor, where tho plaintiff obtained a
Judgmont in tho sum ot $300,
Appointment Made
J. C. Hoss ot Frederlcklown has
been nppolntcd administrator ot Mi
nerva Hess by tho probato court of
Knox county. Bond $1,000 with Vorda
Amos and Hazel L. Hcbs as surotlos.
Tho appraisers are C. F. Fink, M. T.
Beck and Earl Donman.
Executrix Named
Minnie nines of Froderlcktown has
been appointed oxecutrlx of Frank M.
Wilson by tho probato court of Knox
county, 'Bond $8,000, with F. II. Barn
hard nnd Lydia A. Caywood ns sure
ties. Tho appraisers are Paul' J. Cum
inlng. F. II. Ilaruhard and IUloy hov
ering. -o- ' t '
Real 'Estate Transfer t -
Mrs. Jano Haas, wlfo of Louis 0.
Haas, died shorty after noon Monday
at tho family resldenco in Scaradale,
"N. Y according to a tolegram re
ceived late Monday afternoon by
Charles M. Stamp ot this city, broth
er of tho deceased.
Mrs. Hans, who was fdrmcrly Miss
Jane Stump of Mt. Vernon, spent
most'ot tho summer in the, city visit
ing relatives and returned to her
homo only a week ago Friday. Some
months ago sho suffered a stroko ot
paralyrls and apoplexy Is belloved to
havo been tho causo ot her death.
The deceased waa tho daughter of
tho late Dr, Charles Stamp and Mrs.
Alice Stamp of Mt. Vernon and n
granddaugther of tho late Hon.
Charles Cooper. Sho resided in Mt.
Vernon until her marriago somo 20
years ngo. Sho Is survived by her
husband and four children, Dorothea,
Alice, Ludwig and Louis; also by ono
brother, Charles M. Stamp of Mt. Ver
non. Tho funeral will occur at Scarsdalc,
N. Y. The body will bo cremated.
was upset, and tho glass in tho win
dows brokou.
To havo accomplished so much de
struction would appear to havo ibeon
n work of somo llttlo time. Tho olh
cers wero unablo to Had nny clue In
dicating wno may have, been instru
mental in tho damago done They
will, nevertheless, continue their ef
forts to traco and find tho perpetrat
ors'. " ' v
;WT) Bailey tov Nevada BaJloy, par
ifeiiprrlaon,.4r,'?fi . ' '
N, P.poiJgO'tb' Orlo Robinson, par
el InMillor, $15,900,' ''?" '
Guardian Named
E. Carl Herring has been appointed
guardian of Goorgo Villlam Herring
by tho probato court of Knox county.
Bond $1200 with William M. Coup and
Norman G. Tumor as uurotloa.
Appointment Made
'ah a Greer McMllIon has boon ap
pointed administratrix ot Ralph Mc
MllIon by thu probate com t ot Knox
county. Bond $1400, with Joseph Mo
Mlllcn and W. A. Shulf as sureties.
Tho .ippralsoiH are A. Yearans, II. C.
Baker and Lostor Itlloy.
order of Sale
In the matter ot Cluulcs A. Gard
ner, guardian uf Clomeut M, Gardner,
vs. his ward, an order of private sale
has been issued out ot tho probate
court of Knox county.
Account Filed
A second and final account has beep
tiled In the Knox county probato
court by Gertrudo Herring, executtlx
of Willlniu II. Shlnuboiry, showing
tho bum of $5,458.58 paid out.
Appointment Made
Bessie C. Vusiuu has been appoint
ed administratrix of Flunk II. Vance
by tho probate court of Knox county.
Bond $3,C00, with H. W. Henry and
Columbus Ewalt uh sureties.
Petition Riled
A petition to sell lcul estate has
been filed In tho probate court of
Knox county by John J. Harris, exec
utor ot Hlza Harris, vs. Jeiemlah
Harris. Tho matter has buon sot
down for hearing on Doe, I, bofiiro
Probate Judge Duke.
MprrlaQe License
Arnold V Whltllcr, machinist, and
Hutli II, Mann, both of Mt. Vernon.
Rev. S. J, Cleeland.
Tuesday afternoon at 5:. 10, tho Jury
In the Knox county common pleaH
court returned u verdict In thu sum
of $494.50 for tho plaintiff In the case
of M. 1'. Dudgeon vs. Ray I.aymon.
Tho jury wnw out but a short time.
Thu caso Involved tho salo of sheep.
tho plaintiff bringing tho action to re
cover money on them. The caso was
commenced Monday moinlug and was
tho first Jury caso of tho term. The
plaintiff wih represented hj Robeil I
Mrs. Jennlo Trlstem, wlfo of W. B.
Trlstem, died this morning at hor
homo In Detroit, Mich., after an ox
tended illness.
The deceased is survived by her
husband, ono sister, Mrs. Harriet Parr
of East Ohio avenue this city and two
brothers, Wilbur Fisher of this city
and J. Russell Fisher of Detroit.
The body will bo brought to Mt.
Vernon for funeral services and bur
ial, tho arrangements for which will
be announced later.
ANKENYTOWN, Nov. 1 Mrs. Mary
A. C. Harwooil, uged 75 years, died at
10:30 o'clock last night at her homo
here, of diseases Incident to advanced
Tho deceased is survived by two
brothers!, Ezra Davy of Marengo and
J. A. Davy of Mt. Vornon.
Funoral services will bo held at 2
o'clock Thursday afternoon at the An
kenytown church. Burial will bo inado
In tho AuKunytowii comotbry.
iMr, FA. Ralston of Gambler was a
viHjtoVjiu town Moifday? '
Sifyt!' Siml Mi-aF, AJ.&JoBton spent
tho Wtok'ond in ColninbtiB.'
Mr (Robort L. Jnynos ot Columbus
wus n Centerburg visitor Saturday.
t Rev, , It. 11. Long la attending tho
Amorfcun Christian convention at
Burlington, N, C.'
Miss Anita Coilo tpont over Sunday
with lelatlves In Columbus.
Mr. William MeKlnnoy ot Lincoln,
Neb., Is visiting In the homes of his
brothor, 'Mr. J, B. McKluucy, and his
sister, Mis. J. II. Mossmore.
Mr. J. J, Lyfmrgor of Ifarilaburg,
Pa., was n week-end guest in tho
homo ot Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. W. Tuttlo.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Woitz ot Edi
son weio Sunday guests In tho homo
of Mr. and Mrs. II. V. Updike.
Mr. O, J. Klzor ot Wheeling, W. Va
spent over Sunday in tho home of his
father, Mr. J. W. Itlzor.
Mr. Charles Matthows ot Cluvoland
spent thu past week with rolatlvuu
Mrs, II, C. Rnmoy Is spending sov
oral days In tho homo of hor son, Mr.
Homer A. Itamoy, in Toledo.
Report of two attempted burglaries
at Cciiterburo on,.Monday night were
made to the Mt. Vernon riollce Tues
day mornlnp, i ; f i
, Entranco to tho Potlnsylvaiila rail
road stutlon at Conterburg was forc
ed and mi attempt mado to blow tho
ante. Tho outer door was blqwn but
tha lnnor door roslBtod attack and
the imrglars got nothing from It but
a Columbian halt dollar.
It wan reported also the insuranco
offlco ot C. H. Bishop also had been
Shoilft Lytlo, however, In a conver
sation with Mr. Bishop was informed
thui the offlco was not visited at nil.
Formal announcement ot tho Im
pending chango In tho ownership and
management ot the Bluo Ribbon
Bakory, conducted by Georgo H. Jones
on West High street, was , mado
Tuesday. On Wednesday, Nov. 1( tho
ownership and- control ot this mod-'
em bakohop will pa33 Into tho
hands of Frank! Hous'in of Spring
field, O.
For sovoral wcoks minors had been
in circulation telling uf negotiations
for tho salo of the Blue Ribbon Bak
ory. Last Tveekj.Mr. Jones admitted
thero whs substance to the report, but
withheld making actual and formal
announcement until Tuesday with Mr.
Houghn in Mt. Vernon and in readi
ness to tako ovor the business.
Mr. Houghn is a piactical and well
tiaincd -master baker. Ho is a gradu
ate ot tho Now York Iiistltuto of Tech
nology and for a number ot years has
been engaged in tho baking business.
Until two years .ago ho conducted a
bakory at Marlon, O. Selling his In
terests there, ho removed to Spring
field, where he has been managing
ono of the largest bakeries In tho
Ot his planB In tho management of
the Blue Ribbon Bakery, Mr. Houghn
Informed tho Banner representative
It Is his purpose to conduct tho busi
ness upon exactly tho sarao lines fol
lowed by Mr. Jones, and which experi
ence has demonstrated are abundant
ly successful. "Quality and Service"
will be tho motto upon which ompha
sls will bo placed at all times.
Beginning Nov. 1, .Mr. Houghn will
glvo his personal attention to tho
management and operation of tho
Uluo Ribbon Bakery.
Mr. Jones, who is relinquishing con
trol ot tho business established by
iiimsolf, purposes giving his time and
attention to other interests. Ho was
a few weeks ago elected secretary of
the Knox Tiro & Rubber Co., which
position is demanding an increasing
amount of his time and efforts.
Tho business now passing into oth
er hands was established by Georgo
II. Jones in 1910. Opening tho bakery,
Mr. Jones introduced to Mt. 'Vornon
now methods now machinery, now
distribution practices. Front that
tlmo la the present, ho has continued
steadily 'to adopt, 7;jstlll other now
ideas, his puiposo being always to
maintain his baltory at tho forefront,
both as to quality of product andvex
collcneo of service
$13,450 has boen assessed In fines
against tho offenuoro. vOf course, not
all this has been collected, but a
grcator portion has and has been
turned Into tho county; treasury.
By order of tho courts, about 75
gallons of whlBkey will bo disposed of
publicly In tho courthouso yard, back
of thu county Jail, on Saturday nftcr
noon, NoV. 4, about 2 o'clock.
In concluding tho statement, Sheriff
Lytlo says:
"Somo mmjths ago wo disposed ot a
large quantity of whiskey In this way,
and 75 gallons Is all we havo at this
time, with tho exception ot a fow gal-
Jons retained a3 evidenco in cases
that have not been disposed of."
The spelndld record of Sheriff Lytle
In enforcing tho prohibition laws
Bhould commend Itself to every voter
In Knox county and assuro his re
election hy a largo majority at tho
polls noxt Tuesday, Nov. 7.
"Lem'mt earrr KKLLOGC'S.
y villi Mother
fid rou could buy KEL
LOGO'S, but I could ctttr 'en
bowl t sir I.wlllI vrtilr
tSW&tv, iftr "fex? .' '
l J
Sunday school at 9:110 a. m. Preach
ing at 7::!0 p, m. Amity M. E, chinch
Sunday, Nov. 5.
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Dowds ot Mt.
Vet noil wore calling hero Sunday
Sovi'iiil Irom hare spout Saturday
evening In Mt, Vernon.
Messrs. Arthur Doup and Arthur
IIiii'hou spent Sunday at their homes
The nw I. O. 0. F. hall will soon be
Suvfcrnl from here attended tho
HaulH sale on Friday,
Mr, Plnkloy nnd daughter, ot Mans
field, ,woro calling on C. D. Roud and
wlfo Sunday evening.
The Riitnl Homu Makers mot at
tho home of Mrs. S. S. Pealor on Wed
nesday lust.
MIbh Julia Doup spent tho week
end with hor parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Albei't Doup, wosi of town.
Mi; and Mrs. 0. S, Poaler enter
tallied Alciou visitors on Sunday.
James F. Donovan, wanted lnJnox
county on a charge of obtaining mon
ey under false pretenses, was sent to
Cuyahoga Falls to enter a sanatorium,
upon order of a district attorney In
Columbus on Monday.
Sheriff Lytle has been after Dono
van for some months. The man was
Indicted by the grand Jury about a
year ago on u charge of obtalujng
money under false pretenses, It being
alleged that ho sold worthless stock
in a di ub company. Sheriff Lytlo
traced Donovan, to Columbus, and
about a weak ago ordered his arrest.
Donovan's sister wont Into court,
elnliiilng her brothor was Insane and
asked that he bo committed to a sana
torium. Tho common pleas court ot
Franklin county referred tho matter
to the U. S. district attorney in Cuya
hoga county as Donovan also had
been Indicted thoro on a similar
The district nttornoy visited Colum
bus Monday, so did Sheriff Lytlo.
However, tho district attorney refus
ed to deliver up tho prisoner to tho
Knox county officials and according
ly mdered him committed to a sann
'torluni at Cuyahoga Falls, O.
, Donovan Is snld to havo boon tho
"master mind" of a inimbor of mon
who sold thousands ot dollars worth
of woithlosB stock In Knox county
nbout a year ago, Sovoial ot tho mon
Mo under Indictment hero, but the
Knox county officials havo boon try
lug to npproheud Donovan.
GAMBIER, 0 Nov. 1 Announce
ment was made todnjr bjr Coach King
of tho Konyon football team that Ken
yon will play tho Contro collego toam
noxt season. King',' a former Centre
collego 'player of noto and who is
niulclng u success coaching tho Kon
yon toam this season, has just about
completed uiitiiigomontH tor his team
to moot the Playing Colonels In Clove
land next fall. Though a'dato has not
been set It Is thouught that It will
occur early In Novomber, 1923.
Report of the theft of a taxlcab, a
Chevrolet touring car, belonging to
Ernest Ewalt, was made to tne police
Monday night. The car had been left
standing on Wect High street, It Is
Understood, before the Knox County
club, In the Oakland building.
Tho car was missed by the owner
between 8 and 9 o'clock. Ho spont
somo time In making a fruitless
search for tho missing machine be
foro reporting his loss to tho police.
The machine was one of the 1922
model and had been used but a fow
Car Is Recovered
Shortly after poon Tuesday, a tele
phone message Informed Chief of Po
lice Parker a car corresponding gen
erally to tho mlsBlng Chevrolet was
to bo seen standing in West Sugar
street before tho M. & S. sanitarium.
On going to that place, tho car was
found to bo that of Ewalt missing
since Monday evening.
The machine had not beon aban
doned in the condition In which it had
been taken. The radiator front gavo
evidence of a collision ot somo na
ture. A further scrutiny ot the car
found that the number plates original
ly placed upon it had been removed
arid others substituted. The figures
on tho strange plates are of an Ohio
issue No. 414738.
The authorities aro making efforts
through tho stato automobile bureau
to identify tho original owner ot tho
plates. Tho strango number plates
suggest tho probability of still anoth
er car theft and tho removal of the
plates after abandonment of tho car
In or near Mt. Vernon.
Inside tho car wero found sovoral
burlap sacks. To what usedhoy. had
boen .put', can only bo, conjectured.
However,; there has been 0 suggestion,
that there may may be a connection
botweon tho theft ot tho Ewalt car
in Mt. Vernon arid tho reported at
tempted burglary pf tho Pennsylvania
railroad station at Centerburg Mon
day night. At this time, however, this
is only a conjecture.
Our word Bx
loull never Anow Imwdelidom
Corn Hakes can he till ou
Positively the most joyously good any-time-cercal
nny man or woman or child ever put in their mouths!
Such flavor, such crispncssl Such big cunny-brovn
Corn Flakes! How you'll relish a bowl-iillcd-most-to-overilowing;
and a pitcher of milk or cicani!
Never was such a set-out! Never did you get such
a universal vote as there'll be tor Kcllogg's Corn
Flakes! Big folks and little folks will say "Kellogg's,
please, mother i" Leave it to their tastes
and yours! Provo out all we say!
For, Kellogg's Corn Flakes aro a
revelation in flavor: a revelation in all-
TrtASTED thc-time crispneEs! Kcllogg's are never
!" h touch or leatherv or hard to cat! Insist
CORN upon KELLOGG'S the origual Corn
b AIPQ Flakes tho kind in tho RED and
I" tll Z GREEN package !
. M "A&t
Alto maliers of KELLOGG'S KRUMBLES an-l KCLLOGG'S BRAN, cooked anil LracMsd
Since all the tickets aro In tho
hands of the guarantors, arrange
ments havo been mado with Mrs. H.
M. Eggleston to put thoso desiring
tickets for the course in touch with
guarantors who still have tickets to
dlsposo of,
After 24 years faithful service with
the- Fjrst National bank ot Mt. Ver
non, .William P. Wolshymor, now
cashier, has been olected a director,
succeeding tho lato Samuol II. pough
etty, according to an announcement
bythe'diroctors this morning? '
Mr. Welshymer started in the bank
as offlco' hoy,t serving' as bookkeeper,
tellor and cashier. ' i
freshments to tho guests.
FOR SALE 32-voIt Hoover electric
sweeper. Nd". C South Main street,
Mt. Vornon.
ipuitorly mooting of tho
County Tcachprs' Institute,
The LoudiiiiNlllo flouting mills, ot
whloh II. J Helmut, formerly of Mt.
Vernon. Is manager, burned to tho
gimind Monday with n loss amounting
Cnrr und tho defendant by l' O. Lev-'to Mivorol thousand dollars.
Sheriff Lytlo and Deputy Sheriff
Walker were called Wednesday
morning to the White Oak school, lo
cated between Martlncburg and Utlca,
In the routhern part of the county, to
Investigate a case of vandalism com
mitted TUosday nloht.
It wiih found that sometime after
the close of tho school session Tues
day, Homo person or persons had en
tered the school and dertroyed or mu-
tllaledt nearly all tho books In tho
school library nnd also tho pupils'
tottbool.H, The bIhvo had been over
turned and broken, tho teacher's dc3l
which Includes Mt.voruoii teachers,
will, bo held at tho 'high school audi
toiiuni Satuiday, Nov. 18. Tho pro
gram now Is bolng nrrangod and will
botimiomii'cd in advance ot tho day
... s.. ...... .... i
Ul- UIO IllSlilUlO. , '5K
Lester Dlshop, farmer, residing near
Sparta, met with aserlous accident
early Wednesday morning when his
left arm became entangled in a corn
hunker. tThs Injured man was brought
Immediately to the JMt.. Vernon hos
pital, where It waafound necessary
to amputate his arm. The operation
was performed by Dr. F. C. Larlmore,
OAMllIUn, Nov. 1 Founder's day
was celebrated by tho students und
faculty of Konyon collogo with appro
priate services this morning In tho
Church of tho Holy Spirit.
Itov. Meicor was Installed as dean
of Iloxley theological seminary. Itev.
Morcor wasi formorly profossor In tho
Western Thooolgleul Iiistltuto, Chi-
A mooting of Farmers' Institute ot
flcors of Knox county was held Tues
day at the Kami Uuruau office. There
wus u largo attendance ot roprescnta ,
tlvcs of till tho institutes held in Knox
Tho program was dovotod to a dis
cussion of ways and means for Im
proving iiistltuto programs. sAmong
those present and speaking was F. L.
Allon, of Columbus, supervisor of
Farmers' Iiistltuto. Among tho sub
jects discussed was the udvlsublllty
ot all Institutes booking the same Ice
turors. If this arrangement can bo
worked out tho lecturers can bo so
cured at a loss cost.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Baldwin nnd
duughter, Annabolle, and Mr. Willlaih
Dlubaugh spoilt Sunday In Athons,
O., with friends. '
The rigid enforcement of the prohi
bition laws ),n Knox county during the
past two years Is demonstrated clear
ly In a public statement'lsaued Wed
nesday moaning by Sheriff B. H.
Lytle. It
The roport. covors a porlod ot !12
months ami (shows a most successful
olToit on thopart ot Sheriff Lytlo and
his deputies V0 enrorco the prohibition
law- Knox county.
Aero .nigjto tho r&port Issued by
tho sheriff covering tho 22 months'
period, thoiio have been mado 3C ar
rests for jdtiunr violations.
Twelvo Mills havo boon conllseated,
togothor villi 2.pi0 gallons of whiskey
and about 11500 gallons of mash,
s n result ot tho arrests a. total of
Frank I.a Forgo, who, with Ulaiicho
Do Costa nnd Charles Carver, opens
tha Community Music club's winter
courso Nov. 13, inakeshls Mt. Vernon
tilp as a sort ot vacation.
Mr, ha Forge'a tlmo Is almost en
tirely occupied coaching prominent
nrilsts. Hut ho llnds,opportunityto
piodiico miislcul compositions of his
own some of which are on tho pro
gram that night.
The combination of tho three will
offer such n varied program as to
make It as good, if not tho best, num
ber the club has over offored to its
Miss Beck
Miss Mary Ueclc entertained a num
ber of hor friends Tuesday evening
nt tho homo of hor parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry C. Deck, East Vino street.
Twelvo oung glila w.ero Miss heck's
guests during tho evening, -which was
spent. In games and music. Refresh
ments in keeping with tho Hallowe'en
season were served to tho, young
gills during the ovoning.
Orchestra Plays N
In Mlllersburg ' ""
Tho K. ot P. orchostra of this city
furnished music for the daneo glion
Tuesday ovoning in Mlllersburg by
tho Hiawatha club of that, placo.
This evening tho orchestra will play
for the K. of P, dance to bo glvon in
this city, and on Thursdiy ovoning
will furnish, music for tho Utopian
club danco in tho K, of C. hall.
Young Couple
Given Shower
Two hundred guests wero present
at the miscellaneous shower tendered
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson Tuesday
evening nt tho homo of Mrs. Wilson's
paronts, Mr. and Mrs. John Cochran
of the Old Delaware road. Mrs. Wil
son bofore hor marriago, which oc
curred rocontly, was Miss Edna Coch
ran. Tho guests spent tho ovoning in
n dollghttul tlmo socially and during
tho evening Mrs. Cochran served re-
All Net Profits are Paid Out In
Dividends to Policy
holders of the
' Des Moines, Iowa.
It bcjng a mutual company- "
" S. P. McCollmri ;
Special Agent
' 208 N. Mulberry St.
Mt. Vernon, O.
Phone 431 Black
Democratic Candidate for
Clerk of Courts
Election Nov. 7
Your support and Influence will
At 6l2 per cent Interest on Homes in Columbus.
Aio wanted by Tho Duckeyo Stato Building & Loan Company.
Wo have over $500,000.00 ready to loan at this rate' on sin
gles, doubles or apartmonts In Columbus and suburbs.
Will loan up to one-half of the value as determined by our
appuilsors. Prompt appraisements. Prompt closings. Small
loan expense No commission. ,
The Buckeye State Building & Loan Co.
Rankin Bldg., 22 West Gay Street, Cblumbus, O.
"flffiffiffT "j" "BTPTIMWl
Resources now over $22,500,000.00.
Solicits and appreciates your support.
..vWsii. ,j
.tekfob. ,...
.lJ AfeA,A- fari