THE BRYAN 1DAILY EA Six Vo.. I No. 49. BRYAN, TEXAS, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 28, 1890. Prico, 5 ct2. ml eilun Mil u A fla. -Splendid Cake Toilet Soap, K c't. 10 rtM. Soliil Urk Full Bristle Tooth Brush. 10 els II rta. Splendid Ink Tablets, 5 en. Beautiful Line Fine Writing Tablets.. Fine Linen hnvelojies, 10 clu I kg. AT J Star Bottling Works SODA WATER. Tlti limit ill soon ! at hand when everltodv ! like drinking -"wa bolt n orHhl i-ulil B"tia WBler. I IIP nar iidi.iiiik UiLAr,uLi UJitiipr. Hip hinr Hot:. .nil norki. .i.'i. i. -.1 li. a, link's every description. rl-rial 1 shipment-, alto :o nnlvM lr Fnr t.rli.M,.ra i-)! nru.n nr tntiW t l Jltlll'l be able to make a good, reasonable bitrgtln. " WHY DON'T YOU Il l cheaper than walking nJ next tl.lng Ha his fln,. h.,r,-s fastest tr-.t'ere in fc.wn hat just erected tommoi'ious altMc Ilai the Isrgeet and Beat A'S rled keeps everything g.od to rat. nr. Prices either by whole a'e or retail larger cities. ta kt bth ways at bla store, lie buys all kinds ol Produce in any quantity for the higbesi ma ki t price. move on down Main Street U I too reaih Phono 40. J. W. English, STiPLE tni FAMCT CROCiMS. Itng iperienca In hatidliog only tl Bt Quality of (looda lia given tbt trtlira ol fuaraalea U ery thing ! old. 'Phone No. 114. .t. w. i:x(.i.imii. Qboice Seed qom Thlrtv days earlier then our naihe fnrD. Out of Kt different varieties planted at the A. A M. College 'bis corn toodM'h. It mill mstire f r the drouths set in. Al o Urxr - Millet, Srtu hfri ail thelre Sere Oat. RAVEN'8 loo.!, tawl th-tt for Chicken Choleia. "I'lionw 63. C. F. MOOH15. SO L1YWV Mill) W. T. JAMKi, Proj.'r. Clerantlr eaoleped fnr aerlnt the public itay f Blttt Fin nwtH. rrn.BO onu glea, (nod Tat awart rj. Hu- TULKIMIOM3 NO. 1111. Chas. Oarr, FIRK, TORNADO AND ACCIDENT YOl R l ilMi SOLICITED. yr-ri'iiiic Tyi'KWmtix'i Dosk. Pijiissr Drug .Store. E. J. Fountain, rop'r. HOl.g tUKt KACTt'KKK UK CIXO-C-'UHA, ?l(o-CMri Liver 1111. Celery lleutlnelm Curt. Beit Family Mrtltiinen Ftrth. !nl urk f lMnt't l''ll Anl. ir. In Hrj.n. FRAM & YORK'S Jfinc Qandy factory la a ham tat rrrlte and ba.idle only the pur Ml Uoodi. l'4iwnMMtliitt an.l hemlum .ilr. wleanHint All kind of i', ruin, Nun l, froth rr d jr. lt Ihlia a i"alU Jtcll blip Hi e duer lo Kitmll a All the Lat est Odo Imiltlinir. iiisniifai'ttire soda water of ntinn Fill Imi given to rounlry rtsivas, riram, uHrmru.a, r. Dilltl. with ttliom VOI1 il alWSVS JAMKH 11.'M, Mif'r. Urjan. fete. PIPE?- lo flying when you get your from n. new itxl elegant turnout-, and iuplitil with every convenience. ito. k of (inn eraes In Biysn, and t' cionot be Leateu in tbe Its'gaiu lleadqiartera at JOHN B. DIKE'S. CONGRtSSiONAL FOMtCST. tha Sllwr IMI a4 UnmIw Will TakM t la thm mm. WaaHiMUTO!!, 3a 17 Tua axWer bUl la expected to paaa, bat Ten tta fmrnU do not plaoa th majority at ax oeeJiurf Ba Tote, whlla otUen lnaia tbat itn amrmatiT Totaa Irotn DotD tbn t'tah aenatora tha majority will not txoei thrra. Tha till la f radical that mora eouaerratiT aUrartuan probably will rut their vote agalott 11. When tt wi'.l pan 11 la ioipoaaibla to aay. bsl will probably ba aouie tima thia weak. Mr. Tiiurtton la tha ouly ae n a tor that ha guen notlca of a apeech oo tha Ifcma Monro doctrine reaolution, bat there are other ann.ttora preparad to apak to thia wlieu tha opiortanity hall utlar. Tha fnenda of tha rerenua tariff bill WiU make an effort to gel that meaaura Into tha eenata in aoma ahapa daring the prevent weak. A meeting of the fl nauoa eomiuittra will ba held on Tne day. Tha Brat bniineaa of the eeaalon to day wtll be tha Induction of lha Utah aenatora, Meuu-a, Canuon and Brown, into oRloa. Tha week in the houaa protnlae aptrtted dtacuaaion of onr foreign rela- i tiona. It will onn with tha nraaanta ! lion of the renolatlou of the foreign at 1 faira committee on Armenia and will be contiuud In connection with the eon aideration of diplotnatia and conaoiat appMprlation bill which will be taken np immediately afterward. laler llaaal lUak riaa. Wati!ioT!, Jan. 17. The bona commute ou banking and earrency today lutened to Comptroller Eoklee tiewa on the International bank plan It ore ur ti a bank for dealing with Boat) and Outral Amerioa. Tha oomptrolle held that banking faollittea were aaneo eavary aa the meant of trantportatioi fur promoting commerce with other na tiitua, bat crittcmtHl the delailt of thi mrMur. Chairman Walker appointed ileeera. BroMint of rVnnylTnla, VanVoorhok of New York, Hpaldlng of Michigan, C I b of Mtaaourl and Oi l of Tanneaaaa a tultrcmmiltee lo ot ufer with lha of bpiruller and the attorney genera' aud verfeel the bill. Vateahla Aallqalltae Btalaa, Niw York, Jau. 17. Some time midnight Saturday the residence of Dr. J aha was entered and a oaae ot ant.quiotis valued at WOOO was taken away. No Clew NVOLVES A BIG SOU. The Mcrritt Suit Agiin3t John D. Rockefeller. AS APPEAL IS EEISO AE3UED. It la l lUfar ta C4W tUte Cnri ml ArPMl at at, Lamte Tk Caa Waa Dald Bacaahll al Ualath, bet Ba Waa Met lattoaW With th rtaalBf. St. Louta. Jan. ST. In th United Btatea circuit oocrt of appeal bflit today Judgna Caldwell of Arkantaa, Thayer of Miaaonrl and Sanborn ol Minnesota, aitting, argument were be gun in the greateat cute, in aome re ipeota, that haa ever been before tha eourU of thia oountry. John D. Rock feller, preaident of the Standard Oil oomrany, is the defeudant The amount Involved is approximately f 1.000,000. In the trial of the oaae at Dulnth be fore Jodire Bines and a jury, a verdict waa given for the plaintiff, Fred Mer ritt, Jr.. for 1940.000. Mr. Rockefeller a intereuM are repre- BHUted by George W. Murray of Kew York and aaaociatea. The plaiuliff U repreeented by A. A llarrla of Dulotb and aaaociatt. In Auguat, IS9I, the Memtta. who had the oontrolliog ititorott in Borne iron mine in Bt. Louie county, Minne sota, valued at I10.H03.OJ), went into a deal with Rockefeller. A company was formed, known as the Lake Superiui Coiieolidatad Mining company. Th Merritts received atxik in th new com pany In exchange for their interseta. Merrill, in his original bill, charge! that he and hi partner were inveigled Into the deal by the fraudulent repre anutations of Rockefaller as to the valos of properties he controlled. lie alleges thai Rockefeller represented hit mine lo be in a pnpnou, dividend paying oondi'.ion, whereat the contrary waa th e; that while R vkeftller agreed to valuation of tl0.8J0.0o0 on the Merritl propertie. they were really worth be tween f 12,000.000 and U. 000,000. and thai tbey subsequently discovered thai while they yielded their interests for stork in th couMihdated oompany. Rix'kefaller retained for hie part bond encored by Brat mortgage bonda to th value of l4.000.000 on the properties to which the atock hell by the Merritts were subject. LINES OF OLD DUTCH GUIANA. The Are Belaff Kaiale4 Psr ft el that Vsesaealaa Ceaiail MatHso, Wu., Jan. 17. -The larg oulisetioa of book in th Dutch lan guage, on ot th rich poaacaeions of th Stat Historical society library, appears deatlned to play a coniiderabi part In th deliberations of the Veueiuelan ooiu toiaaioo. Hon. Andrew D. White, one of the enmmiaaioners, a week ago wrote to Preaident Adams of the atata university asking him to search the collection for any historical work or atlaaa beariog upon the bonndariee of old Dutch Guiana An examination of the bookl In thia department reveals the preeenoe here of several which bear authoritative contemporary teatimony as to th ex tent of th Dutch claim In Ouiana to which England ucreeded 1403. A tranalater and draughtsman are now bony extracting thia information for the rommiaaion and il is not lmpoetiblf that one or more members of the body may viail Madison to examine the evi dence on the spot CARD FROM REPRESENTATIVE SPEAR Bs Tell ml th Charfss That Uses Bssa lBhlUh4 Afsiast II Ik. Cimcimjati, Ji. J7. Tuj Ootnmor-cial-Oasatt hat reor.ved the following card from Rev. Jame A. Spear, the member of the Ohio leg-ielatnre accused of considering an offer of pay for secur ing a constituent an appointment in the service of the state: "Nkw Vienna, O., Jan. 26. Th charge againat me ar In th main false. I have not received I cent fa the guardehtp. 1 was offered J0C for It This fuas was all raised by dis appointed candidates. The report that I had some notion of resigning la true, but I rm over my scare now. I am willing and anxious that au linr.ii tion shall be mad by the general a sumbly. Jabus A. M'kar." As stated in former dmpatohea, the charge againtt Rev. Jamea A. Spear was that he considered an offer of .)00 to eecure th appointment of a conatitu ent a a guard in the Ohio penitentiary. Th fact in. Representative Spear did Dot secure thai am(ntment Th Oaatsawla Kspssltlas), Gi'ATttfAto, Jan. 27. Work has be gun on the exposition, wMoh ta ached aled to open here nut December. Pree Ident Barrio laid the cornerstone of the liberal art bntldlng. Outside of official circle It 1 believed that the expoaiUotf will be a failure, a few countries have accepted invitations to Join in it, and nM eonntry wiu expend a large 1 wwury wiiuuvi smtTiug maj vaaeieal hamett. BEAT HER BRAINS OUT. Oaera Reaur MarSar Xtla W'lf a4 Cu Hie Ova Thraa., Jan. 17. Oeorg Bax ter, a laborer, ponn'led hi wife's brains out with a hammer her and then est his own throat Ths couple lived unhappily and quar relled frequently. The tragedy waa tha reeult of a bitter quarrel Uaxter la not dead yet, but cannot recover. ANOTHER WIFE MURDER. rraah Jeaee Faaa Bla (hat-aa ea Thee Leevaa th Ceeatry, UiBMnamH, Ala., Jan. 27. At 8wane, A!a , yesterday afternoon 8a perlntondent Frank Jones of th onal mluea shot and fatally wounded his wife, a young woman 10 years of age. The ooup'.e were at home with their two email children when, It waa said, they quarreled. Jone waa lnaanely Jealous of his wife, aud euipectod her of being untrue to him. lie aieced his shotgun and shot her In tbe right breaat. II haa not been ax rented. He Is armed and deflee th authorities. Jone here tofore atood high. oTILL ANOTHER FAMILY KILLING. Th Bare Kill Ilia SUMthr aa4 Bla Wit Tahae hkv Bi.icriKU), W. Va, Jan. t? la family quarrel at Kyle this morning Mr. Liatie Savage was shot and in' stactly killed by Thomas Barns, her stepton. After th shooting Burns went to the barn and Bmd a bullet through his left breaat, canning instant death. As soon as his young wife saw ths life lees body she fainted aud after being re vived went to the bona and took pot' son. Her mind Is thought to bavs been deranged. KILLED WITH HIS WOODEN LEO. Jioar Ceewa fc Basel te Bar ter Mary Jwm, Birmi.ioiuii, Ala., Jan. 17. Eugene Moaely, a young man that wears a wood' en leg, bad a quarrel with his sweet heart, Mary James, last night, the result of being Jealous of her attentions to another maa, and after knocking her down stamped upon her with his peg leg. Tbe girl waa so badly Injured that death resulted. Mostly escaped, but officers gav chase. At Wood! awn three mile out, he left a freight train and took to the woods, but dogs have put on his trail. SPEECH OF MR. CHAMBERLAIN. LhIh neer tisveae Beak t CsaseU re) It, U)ndoi, Jan. I.. Tbe newspaper here discnssed the speech which th retary of atata for the colonies, Joseph Chamberlain, delivered at Birmingham Saturday evening, particularly dwelling upon hla reference to the United States and generally pr airing them. The St James Ussotte heads It article, "Why, Come Over and Help Us," and says: "Preaident Cleveland's government ha very good grounds for calling upon the sultan for satisfaction. If it arts by itse'.f It I likely to be paralysed by European concerts, but if it agree to cooperate heartily with my the Itue- tion will be Improved. If the people ot the United State are really eager to advance the cause of civilisation and good order, they can do eo much mora effectually than by encouraging Venea- scla to defy us." The Westminster Gaselte remarks: "The euthusiastio adoption of Mr Chamberlain's idea of American aid fa America, even if lta literal realisation will not oome about, will nevertheless do much good in other ways, and in th long run hit speech Is the best piece ol new for oppressed Amerioa as that w have heard for a long time." SPORTING. Will Dssert the St-. Boston, Jan. 17. It Is given out here that John L. Sullivan wUl desert th stage and accept the offer of th Mil' wauke brewer to Bt np a saloon for him In Cliloago Ba Finaht With CaeWt. Plitt.AMtl.rHlA, Jan. 27. A. M. Mur phy, a fireman detailed for duty Satur day ntght at the National theater, where James J. Corbet! is now play ing, came into lively contact with ths pugilist, aud both men were badly bat tered before the trouble waa over. Tbt Bremen caught Ccrbett smoking and notified htm It waa againtt the rule. CVirbett denied he waa smoking. Wordi then led to a fight. Aaothsr Mslrh at Chene, Ntw Yohk, Jan. 27. It ha been de cided to hold the big international ohess match between t fie United Stated and the United Kingdom of Great Britain on March 13 and II. Br rsassfal rssllag. Ntw York. Jan. 7. The Rd Un steamer Caracas has arrived here from Venemelan port. At th time ot leav ing La Ouayara a more peaceful and settled leeiing prvaiia oouoerning in v . : , . , V. L.l DounuBTy queaoo. ab omunw w been reported al Cora, bat tl was promptly suppressed by goverataent troop. Glory ! GLORY ! his just receivetl another Car of Dick BroV Celebrated Finest on DID NOT ABOLISH. TI1K CITY GOVERNMENT is YKT ALIVE, AND THE PEOPLE HOPE IT MAY HE XDUCED TO DO SOMETHING. The Victory XV Complete Tlit) People Have Kept The Government on Its Feet KXroftXI AXt A IICIIIIIT I0W. Let Ths wsrk Bgla aal W Xspt ty VatU It Is CoapleUi. The queition of abolishing th city government was decided very emphat ically laet Friday. The corporation was tnstained by a vote ol 187 to 81, giving tne city a clear majority of lOd volea Tne camrjaiirn was auiet thromrhoat and tSe result attained was manifest from the first. We are glad lk.nn..iinM..msn ami that It waa settled in the way it has been. We be lieve that tbe results of tbt agitation a - will bavea t-alutary effect open the ad ministration of city affairs. There was and is cause for compaint; the city government was seiioualy threatened and the people bare geDerouely De tained it, in order to maintain inch benefit ai w bar, and with th b pe tbat we w 111 speedily secure others Just ss needful. The Eagle contended for tha city government with this idea la view. With due respect to those who bad diffsrent views, It opposed the Idea of advertising Bryaa aa aback number and placing a club In tha hands ot rival towns with which to brain her. Tbat is tbe wsy we looked at it, and we have been tally sustained In tbat view by expressions from all the newspapers In surrounding towns. But the agitation Bryan baa undergone is not without its lessor. It teaches that a great many neoole in this C-'tnsonit believe tbat taxes are ton high for the amount ol goodwsgstoot of tbein, and many holding this view voted to sustain tbe corporation because tbey were able to distinguish betaeen reform and disin teve'.ioti, and herein lies at the door of th t i'y government a double ob.ig lion Wi instit nte at once snch reforms and ImprovstnenU ai may I necesaary to brine the public service np to tbe standard of its cott to the people. Com nariscn ha shown that oar rate of taxation is cot Immoderately high, not above an average for towns ol Bryan's site and Importance. If we bad ftod street and sidewalks built and main tained here, with rlean alleys and open sewers, supplementing present oflkicn ev in other lines of public service, we doubt if ever a word would be said aloa: tbe o t of the city government. It Is therefore the plain doty of the citv o ancil. the law makiot power of tbe town, to make sack changes In tbe disbai semen t of the people's money as will give them tbe improvements de sired and lust!? demanded. We bave rock quarries a few miles south of ns and gravel pits only a litt e wty north yet we bave to get along with, stumble over and bark our thins on miserable plank walks aud crossing which bave to be renewed every few months and ere the prod'irt oflumltr mill more than a hundred n.I es to the east and soiitb-eatt of as. This plan hat lea going on years and years and has cost the town a lot ot money which should have rn invested in tometbiug more permanent, eo that now there might be something to thow for It. It nems im posi-ib'e to gi t out of the old ruts, but it is not, and we throw out tbe-e lew bints to tbe wise, hoping they will prove tutticient. The spirit uf oppoai tion to preseut methods i by no mean dead, ai.l any further lethargy or peg ligen? on the part of tho-e in authority will unquestionably arouse it to action again. Mr. II. N. Jones, the P'pular an I imperial city sexton, received a valu- tl)e prv(CDi " (Mm Lit brolliei-iti-law, Mr. Ellis Wa.lley of Elli county last I- 1 1 . 1. . - ( I I .L rnusj. it wss a vi'j uivsrcv pu. lipping ttit l warn ai X.3 possat net. o IP Earth. FOR HUCICNEtt HOME. ORPHAN The Dark town Minstrels Mod stay, Feb. 3. Ths amateur minstrel performance to be given at the Opera House on tbe abovt date for the benefit of Backaer orphan Lome gives promise of being a great success. Mrs. Joe B. Reed bas been working faithfully la the Interest of the entert nmeot for teveral weeks, and has been greatly atittedin train ing the singers by Mitres bollis Carr and Wil;i Friler. The laudable par-po-e to which the funds will be appro priated need noeiplanation bare. TL people of Texas are familiar wi"- Burkner Orphan borne and tbe grano work which It is doing, and they take a pride which has long been state wide In the noble institution. Th performance will be replete with ew and beautiful minstrel songs which bar never been beard here. Among these msy be mentioned, "Riding on a Gol den Bike," 'Henrietta, Have You Met Her," "Going by tbe 'Lectric Car," ' Fly, Little Niggers, Fly, and others, , 11 nJ equally good The list of those who will take part follows : ' in the performance is ai Chat lea Gainer, Ed Derden, AlUe Wal drop, P. tin ford, John Hinet, Frank Clark, Brooks Stevenson, I. E. Brooks, Will Brooks, Jsrk Robert, J. A Myers, Warner Withers, Louis Bonneville, Will Mike, John Chandler, and J. W. Doremu", middle man. PERSONAL. C. G. Parson was tick last week. Mrs. Ida Sbspard Is Tisdting relatives a Brenbam. John Tayna of Psynt Prairie, wst here Fridsy. Father J. Pelnar ti lted West, Mc Lennan county Funday, John Q. Tabor spent Saturday and Sunday at Uontsville. Mrs. E. F. P.irks visited Mrs. Beck. bam at Ifesrne Uitpast week. Elex Ewing an-1 W. Z. Nabort wsr in from tbe Brtxot bottom Thursday. Chris Scale tod Sam Cutbirtb of Cal lahan county, were in town Thursday. Miss Pearl Turner of Terrell, bat been the guest of Mrs. Calhoun several davs. II. P.. Steele, of Steele's Store, wss here Saturday and gave ths Eagle a pleatsnt rail. Jaks Shapira wa here Saturday en route home to Madisonville a visit to Waco. Miss Mattie IKxlson returned to Wtixi Friday after a pleasant visit to Mr. aud Mrs. A. G. Board. Mr. and Mrs. Si-th Kinney returned to Hearne Saturday after a visit te Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Boyett C. B. She pari hft Sunday Lr Orange, wheie be has accepted a position with his uncle, Mr. Dennis Call. Mr. and Mr. D. Giles have moved from Wellborn to Brysn. Mr. Giles hat the position of night cperator hers. Luther Taytor, Henry Rohde, Chas. Vssmirovsky, John Wittman, Jim Do brovolny and Frits Summerlattt visited Hearne Fridsy, Mrs. Davis Trammel, nee Miss Pearl Hardy of Palestine, has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Howell several day. Mrs. Barnes and daughter, Mirt Kate, were here from San Marcos latt week to attend tbt Cappt Sralt wed. ding. Tbey returned Lome Thursday. A big Bohemian ball occurred Sunday night at the hall below the A. A M. college. J. M. S'anghter of F..!, wst here Friday and told the reporter that La was doing a nice bu.ines at tbe new prairie town now. He has bought out his partner, Mr. Pavns. Don't miss tbe Puckoer Orphsa Home Minstrel benefit Monday nhjht, Fek S f Co.'j Break- ucfy pure ?w n t c0..UA,T'-.litsit, Vsv r- kt"rsvtVSsvn 3.