OCR Interpretation

The Bryan daily eagle. (Bryan, Tex.) 1895-1898, April 09, 1898, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88083938/1898-04-09/ed-1/seq-3/

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UVrt ' tlrU tlr hnt frmm VI. M".
lo Alt,,! liletrlet.
Til f..l-
- . .1- In r. i lei
ten Iiltl
briid e
from a
large uum
b e T of
Ihnu mmnt
br deletatea in
Canada to their friend In Mirhiran,
nil at a rpult r,f wtilrh hundred of
people expert It) leave I hi uprlng fof
the Free Criu.t l.ju.1 f Umikio
Alameda. X. . t.. Ant .71. ivi?.
Ix-ar Klii n! of Sag'nam : - 1 in ..p .e
airing t i.ert,re a p ,,.) ,,,,
will iiO me. I to lake our advl.e, ami
eiamlne the Inn. I In the iiei.ghie-.riii.4t
Of Alamrdn, 4 .? tliow tl, jt rutf
one who r..i thU im, !ii f Uir--ably
aiiritlMil. !,(, pi, s
land Me mere t r 1 1 y in doul.t ,u
moving lore. I,.lt after to..k.n-; It o.er
Je at onr.. iIm,,.,i ,., ,lllr (1n,
6t. and p (K fhn- rf .ir fr.in U
ho ,r !''liou f le. in lm fjrtn,
n'l to let ihU rhan.e li l,v a. n.
oil U of the . ,,,, ,llr (Jn
not be ffi-:ir.i. T!:f m;.,t ,h,3t e
epr raw In a, r,.. h,.r,
w" ti'i'nn home In hine
Mralrhten out our aflair, una mn;t
Here at oner.
Yrur f rt:lr .
W II. 1. 1 AM t;n IOWSKI, .
Ai.nr.ll r MAI
wii.i.um riiicfn:i..
(If SlnT.
A infiltie-, Man.. Sept. In. Do;.
Vr. M V. M. Iiiii.-, C,..f (vi.iiim.
tl'n Aaern. iN-iruit, Mirh. I .ear Sir -e
are ,lia,(, mate (0 fm ,h,(
hare found the r.Mii.iry r the viclnur
of Alameda fully up to mli.it )...i an I
Mr. Kl1er ha.l reinvented it i0 I... It
l. In fart, an I.I.-..I Ineatlon for mixed
farmliu. 1 Iip noil la thp bed we .r
aw. an.l u Hip f.irnipra mrrp all l,.ir
' thr.Mihm. - had an rtrrllrnt
rhanrn to mp It .ro.ui tlvp quality,
hli h cannot .. urpar, n)hrrp!
TtiP ralt!P roiilj n,,t .r n brltrr r in
dltl.m. .,w t y,.ur ol, ,!o,r
"1'ial to tlir.P y,ar 0. rai-., n m,i,t
ilar.a, ninl Hipup, a nr a'l iiiIip h
a Imiij t Alamr.la. ..,p ,., ,, n,,,,lf .)tf
In mlntrr nil.) hpnlr.l In ninini.r. ,M
p ha.l pr.lnu t r thin VKII..1 t,p
Northap.i.tt, rtl:if.- In Iwl.a.'f f a
Jaai. i.nr.ilH-r if fartnrr.. to I,,,-.,.,
amtnl.lp laml f,,r mi,,,,) f.,ininr
r" tit in ...fii:n to my that tl,,
Aliiin.,1! diMn.t llf v,.R,,.rn (an,.u
aurpafP, t , u. n ,.,.,,..,
"lual to that n:,.,t Tli.ir:tlK. i, n t;, r.
many. ,.rp r.,tr .ri,tr ,r(r,
Jarti:. fiti.l our l:it.titln a t Mt
t.P In H'Hn. If wp mrrP miltr.) ,u!
bavp m, dr. i,r. t. moP at on. p
that In. ai .arly If,., f., a, .,,.'
Il.ly ran .n Mr h n(
Alain, .la, and i.iVp .n, i, ,, r,.,, ,r, filj
p IH t ikr l.t, larnlly and rllr. la'w.lb
lit mlirn r r
Ymira alnrrre!)',
(ixnpill AI.IIKUT M l
ntKii linnow.'-K:.
I.tldltlCti.tl. Ml. li., Nn. t, ly.iT.
M. V. M. Iniira I'tci Colnnljatlon
A.-tit Itfto't. M'. h. I.ir Sir--V
ba Juki r. turn.-.! from th Vrt. ft id
frp rirrp.l i:fc!v p,.,.d lti, ,(,
rotitilry V A'v In. U to tak
p onr l .iii.. 't. -;,d In cirly "rin)! w
fprpix I , ,r ni..t.ih and .(.r.
morklnu f ir t.iriii.T ami thp ,..ird
" nf I" '! ' rvpr had tfip !..-ff and
milium f..-. t::l!y r rV,t. 1
flnp llamr ; ntlim in . hp r. hp rrij"'
hl. h t ra:tp f,. np,,n.
Thp px.,lp v.-ry h.i-piiiil.ip. and
trpat th. lr liltrd lu lp mnh mn. U kind
Iip. Thp (rain la nmrh hp.mer than
bprp; mliat tclnt .l ,. tn thr inirdiPi;
oata ( II.. . and t,.iry ( fu n II .
Any nnn mi'h a Rood tentn an-1
monry ptmugh to buy irol::m a:id
arcd fur l III .n'ha ran lirninip r. fi
tlirrp In flvp ii'" Viny pppip who
arrived tl.-rp fip rar mlili
llttlp. or i;i;'lnnK. arp mp i,(f ,,n .
tnp man I ni t h ld hi, m-hpit front
lat pir and .ij nfr. rnj fi; .hni f.r
thla p:ir a rtop and what h- ha I h l.
ovrr from l.iat jp.tr. and l I, .1, ling at
II i.-r t.n. hi I Wp arp ic.ilnK hark In
th iirliit tn work for tin amp f.irm
rr until h.r.iinc, aft.-r hl. h wp
hnniPiitrad ln-twrpn "pdiiin and hr
t. V( think wp will pttp on th
Manlfoha Northmpatprn It It.
You ran r.-frr any otm to ua for Ihla
part of thp rountry. mhllp wp are brrp,
and wp m '.: i ht-prfully anrr any
qiimtlon mhlrh anyonp may wl.h to
ai"k. Yonr truly,
(Smnr.lt ('II A. S IIAWI.KY.
In our a. m. urn l.rrtlir.n we nive aa
pte p.i'rlota. a roo and iletrrmlne.l
and aln.rie liam.oiia of the re;.ubllR
aa are to l f - i : I atiynhrre wlHiin tho
bord.-ra of the lind. We know that If
Iroiible iontr to ni Ihpy will Up anion
the flr-t to tit In at In irm. and that. In
tha raup of tin union, tlu-y will a 1 1 .- -play
thp xanip Inifpt iimiit alur and
brilliant dali tint, thirty five yeara
ago, ltnniriallid the palid.na wr-o
followed ae and Ja.Vm.n. Johnatnn
and Img;'trrpt, with equal .-al lo vic
tory or ib f.-ii
late of Uhlo. c-lty nf Toledo,
l.u a, L'l.uuiy,
Krank J r'ti.'iiey n...li., . alb ttmt ta
the uriiior jr. .it ( . i. in. .,f y j.
I'hen. ) a Cn, Until l..,.i. In he rilf
if l.ile.ln I ...ml y mil (.HI,, adilrnni.l,
and tliMt ,l. II mm will ,ny Dip aum of
I'M! IIIMiKKU iMil.t.AKS f..r ra.n
ml ev.rv riiup .if i nintrti Dial rnnimt
cured ti tin- u et llji' rmairh I'ure.
Kit AN K J. I ' 1 1 K K .
Hworn to befiup in mid aiili. rllel In
my .reenri H.ia klh O.ir u( HMmlwr,
A l li
(H.all A. W ilt.KAS'iV,
Notary I-.iI.Iip.
Ilnll Painrrh dire la taken Inl-riiHllr
and a. lH . 1 1 1 1 1 v mi thr i.i.ki. an.l urn.
roua niirrit. ra .f Die at. ni. H. nd lur
teetlmotiial,. fit-p.
y. i . I MI.M-.V A It)., Toledo, O.
fold li v Iuiikkio'w, t.
llail'a i'anill 'ili, era th beat.
Ekaguay la aald to be a healthy plara
-provided una haa no entanglcmeuia
with the vlgllaiue ...inuillte,
Veal Takarr la t a m,it Tay. I. It .
To .jolt i.ii.ai t o railv ait.1 forever tp n.rnr
lie. lull of hi., n. rv.- u...l il..r take So- In
Mar. 11 nn.l.r-e..rl.er tmi make, mvnk iii.ji
leolifl A II .Iflik'nlsl, I I lire ar t r rt
teeil l...ki'i .il n.iip.p Irpe A.i.i..,,
Bu'lU't li' n e n i ik, i l.l. jton- N. w uik
TIhtp I only on.' f .it 1 1 ii nru Mii'i' r
tllP WOllll.
My ibx'tor aaul I would die, but l'lxi'
Cure fur l'iui,iiiii.tliui rurnl me. Ainraj
Ke'ner, ( hrrry Valley, III., Nov. 21,'taV
'ohiv la Hip iiiiiiip of g SI. I.oiil,
aa. vVinalnw'a MM.lhlng h,riii
tt rlit.ilirn lvlhiK w.llvna ll. aum, ."(. . . I nil am
aullnn, allati IH, rutv w.na.'i.'l . lA. vnUa Ih.iiI. .
N'rarly nil the milk of hiimim klti.l
praa Inxtra of tin1 run?
Tn t'nrp I uaM.atlue e-urevpr.
1 ala I i..iii'l and? I aihaiile h,v or r
Ml. t I tot I to i-iiiv. i.iiniil n-riiii I in mi .f
lu Clili'tiKn llii rr la n h.'-iiiil 'or .:,
tud nuiiuded blrila.
(41 I.SC . -.
erP I
lit: trumpctt bad
Juat aounded re
trrat wbpn my aer
vanl cam la to
pull down the fur.
taina and llahl the
lamp In my
La.brlor quarter.
Our rpglment waa
atatlond at Krt
Hpokane, many
n.llp front a town.
"Il'a ary fold nutaldp, air," aald
Holan. a hp Rare thp flrp an extra puke
(bat pnt the ahadow fllrkprlnR and
danrina: on th mall. "I believe, air.
If hi-low fret-io. IVby. lr," rontlnitpJ
Dolan, tboiiKtifully, "II aa roM aa the
night me marrbed to "
III aentrnre waa nrpr romplpted.
for Jnat tlipn me hp-ird a faint, timid
knork. Itolan openp.1 the door and
then lth a half grin he turned to m
nd aald, "A lady 'a ape the lietitPQ
ant." "A lady?" thought, and half iineon--iiiily
roue to m et her.
"Walk In. me lady." aald Dolan.
rather rprpraoniotialy, and thpn my
yea beheld little figure muffled from
head to toea.
"I runned away," rame Iwjldly from
under a big aoldlpr fur rap, almost
rorprlng the entire fare. "l ae rold."
A moment later )olan and I were
both on our knee taking off her over-
he, legglnga, and what to my bach
elor eyea aeempd Infprmlnalile wrap.
It wa prptty picture that met my
gatP. A pair of big IiIup pyen. a he I
of hrotrn. w.i v v hair that tumbled In
all dlrertlcitia, and a l.lt'.e red month
that amlled bark at me.
"Dirk IlaniMim'a kid." whlpred Do
lan to me; "the mother waa hurled
yp,trrl.iy "
"And thp father?" I lake !; but Dolan
hook hit head.
The rhlld ppnip. not at all rflimn
rprtpd, and whllp ahp prattlp-l to tth
of ua Impartially Dolan. In a fpw
wont, told nip her hlatory. The ut.
tan.p f t maa that her father waa
Kanront. a dllpa'p prlvatp In V rom
pany. and Ilptty waa lift mutherlei'a.
a Dolan had aald.
"Hut who a taking rare of h-r now!"
I anhrd.
'.S'ol odr hut Ilanaom, air. I aup
ro,p thp kid . Irft alonp and wan
!r. d off It'll I p a p,..n to thp vll
lain." lie rnnrliiilp.1. iindpr Ma hr!b
Now aa my ratahllahm.nt w.i run
In a purply niaxuliiip faahlon. and Do
lan aa rook, valpt. and general far
totum. thp advpnt of a f-map, errn of
tendrr )par. Pi-iiiri likely to dlaturb
the tiaiui ordrr of thing".
"About dinner. alr7" aked Dolan.
adnally Interpreting my thonghta. Af-
ter aome little time we gravely derided
to put a plare for Hetty at the table,
tat to ronflne hrr to bread and milk.
The etperlmrnt wa not a complete
anrreaa Though ItPtty a behavior at
the table wa Irreproa. hable, he rtth.
er upaet our well. laid plan by aaklng
for whateier he wanted, and to the
everlaatlng dlgrare of Dolan and my
pf. getting It. "After all. the little
one lan't much trouble." I thought, aa
I drew my rorker up In front of the fire
after dinner, rearhed for my pipe and
lay bark In reverie.
"I want my mamma," and I felt the
llltle one at my knee. "Hetty want
her mamma"' I rerhe. down and lift
ed her up In my lap.
"Shall I tell you a nlre tnry?"
aked, hoping to divert her thought
from the mother lying under the win
ter anow "Shall I tell Hetty about
the falrlea?"
"Ile'ty mania"-and then with a aud
drn rlapplng of the llttl handa. "Ilet.
ty want bye-lo'"
llye-Io! What In the world mna bye.
to robably romrthttig to eat. tin
Ian mould know.
"Yea. air." he anamered. hurrying
"The little girl waul bye-lo"
"Don't aland there laying 'Sir:' " I
anawi-rrd, aotnemh.it unjiiaily, "hnt go
ami get It for her:"
"il.-t mhat. lr?"
"Hye lo, you hlo. khrad'" thunder
ed. "Don't you know what It l?"
"Shnre I don't, air," anamered Do
Ian. aomemhnt rK'roarhfully. "Hye
lo? llye-Io?" repeating It a number
of tlmea. "What la It. air?"
The llttlp ore anamered It for na-
"Hye-lo' H.lly manta to go byr-li
Sing bye-lo."
"Shure 'tla alngln' ahe meana, lieu
tenant," ald tnv IrUh henrhman.
At lat we m-erp on the right trark.
"llye-Io. alng bye.n," .ntlnnrd the
young drapot In pettb-oata
There waa a liauae nnd then Dotnn
aald, "I mire knew ii aong railed ).ir.
low Hilly Harlow ; mnybe "tla ahe'
prunounrlng wrong, air."
"Dolan." aompwhat rnavlngly, "do
you think yon roul.l "
Hut an emphatlr abake of lb head
waa Dolan'a reply.
"You might try." I rnntlnned. "I've
frequently notlred that men with
tliroala like yon" - Dolan made n grab
at hla throat that waa rather funny
generally alng. and ilng rather well,
After all. vanity enn move n lo good
wi-ll aa tn evil.
"If the lieutenant only thought
eould." aald Dolan.
"Try It." I anawerefi, hegrttly. "Try
It. Dolan."
"Hye-lo? ln bve n." rommanded
my lady.
"I think, a!r. If I furred ma hark, for
whlrb I ak yrrtr pardln-"
"Onod Me. Turn ynur bark and
Dolan tnmtd hi Wk, and aa I
looped to whlaper omethlnc to tb
youngatar on my knee, there ran
terrifia bowl thai rattled th Tery win
dow. I knew young aoldler railed Blllea
with an aeeent on tha "low" tbat wa
Imply appalling.
"For bearen'a take, tuan, let up."
I ahonted. while Hetty rrled with a
little aob In ber voire, "Dad man, bad
J'oor. dear old Dolan! Plainly It
waa not rtlllee Harlow the youngater
meant. br), to hla pot and pan
be went and the trouble began again
"You ing bye-io for Hetty." and a
Utile band patted my fare rare,alngly.
"It'K k Hetty and alng bye lo."
"Can yon alng tr 1 aaked
The queatlnn wa an Iniplr.itlon. for
"he began to rroon In a aweet. rhlldlah
Dye lo, baby, bye lo. baby.
Dy e-lo. baby. I ye-lo, by.
Then rnme again the requeat, "Ton
ing bye-lo for Hrtly."
There waa a lump In my thront ni
I beld the motherleaa llltle one rloae
to me and began:
flve-lo. baby, bye-lo, baby.
"Pwltty, pwltty," and a pat on the
rheek waa my reward. "Ilork Hetty
nd alng more."
H)e-lo, baby, bye-lo, buby,
t went on and on. The big blue eyea
began to rloae and the lltt'e hand allp
ped from my thoiildrr.
Hje-lo, baby, bye lo. baby.
I mng alowrr and alower, lower and
H)'- lo.-laby.-U)e-lo.-baby.
Ilyr-lo.- ahh!
Umm nrk trep Kallaiaya.
The grim re.elpta of the atreet rail
way of New York rlty In iv. mere
llj.fKHl.fHw. hut the amount paid the
rlty In l.nea and In all other waya waa
only 2 per ieut. t,f the amount. The ur
inal proflla reprraent 20 or 3l per
rent, on the real mat of rurialrurtloli.
Theae enortnoiia proflta are hidden by
moat liberal watering of atork. An In
lame mill llluatrate the extent to
ahlrh thl la carried. When the con
solidation of the atreet railway llnea
wa efTe.ted III :'.',.".ifi the rjpllallia
tlnn, Inrludlng that of Iraaed llttr rep
reaented by rental paid, waa In. reaa.-d
to I'.l.iMMi.om), while the trark ojprat
ed had inrrraerd to only 171 mlb-a.
reprem-ntlBg a . apltallzatlon of $::nu.
(iiki per mile Sln.-e s'.i:, the rapltaliia
tlon haa been In. r. a..d to more than
r,."i.iM o (.'Ml, the atiiiiiint per mile re
maining the aame. Althoitxh the aver
age ro,t of roiiatrurling a llnp of atrpel
railway with double track I but
Ihhi nil!e, and t".n.oou mould le a l b
eral allomanre In rover all eipenae
Inrludlng rolling atork. powpr plant
etc, the rnmpany pay handaome dtvl
denda at the ratp of ISun.if'u per mllp.
Thp net profit during 1.".'9-i wer
hew Urania Weep Tatnl.
In the rplxn of Klial.pth every bparH
of a fortnight' growth wa aubjert to
a tav of ."la Id. IVti r the Creat, In
I7r., Itnpia. d a tat upon the bearda of
the Ituaalan nob!.- of in rouble,
mblle the romtnnn people' beard-tai
amounted to onp koper. Thl tax
i ailae.1 nun h dlraatlaf Irtlon. but In
aplte of thl. Hip lniKiat ma extended
to St. I'etembnrg In 1714. The tax ou
beard ma confirmed by Catherine I
In 172fi. !.y I'eter II. In lHS, by the
Tmprea Anne In 1731, and In 174.1 by
the Kmprea KlliaUth. It wa re
pealed by Catherine II. in 17f.2. In
Kranre a beard-tax wa Impoeed upon
the clergy. The celebrated Dnprat.
lord high chancellor of r'ranre,
the advlaer of the meaaure, and bull
waa publiahpd by thp ope enjoining
the clergy to have their chin, and
then a tax waa levied by the king upon-all
who wlahed to be exempted from
the harah decree. The hlahop. and
other who could afford the meant,
paid the tax. but the poorer clergy
were obliged to yield at the point of
the tazor.
l'rnia of l.a ( omiMmlea.
The report of the eleventh cenma
Jut pulillahed ahow that the 712 ga
work In the Cnlted State a.ent for
wage $Ki.r.i2,7!4. for maierlal 111..
037.07. The groa receipt mete I .ii,
!s7,2:iu. More than one-half of the
grot reieipta lima went to pay Inter
eat and profit, even after making an
nllowanre for mlai cllnueoua expenaes.
The truth of tlipe latlll. vnu. hed
for by aperiflr Inafanre 0f common
knowledge. Knoriiii.u profit are made
and concealed by bond ,auea and in-.-teaae
of inpital atock. efc-Ua,Vp
lommltlr-p In lti lnvpatlgntp.1 the
Confolltlatrd (la, rnmpany forme. I by
the union of lx ga companli-a, and
showed that the lupllal of the original
rompanle had ben Inrreaaed from $17
tMNl.iiai to o.u7n nun. without the addi
tion of alngle dollar of real lne.
ment, but. on fhe contrary, with a re
movnl of $2.noi)Ni in afpta. The
New Tlmp.
I'iiiiI.I mi a IhMirmtep.
Miiip. ItnlikmetelT, who ilxltg her
mother. Mr. Henle, every year, I
again la the city. She is a alater of
Mr. John It. Mcla-aii nnd widow of a
former Ituaalan charge d'ntT.ilr In
Wnahlngtoii. A romantic atory of
their A rut Hireling la told. It waa In
thl may Ml- llrale mna alttlng on
the door atep of her mother' limine,
one of the colonial edifice of F-41 f .1 y -rtte
equare. when ber little pr dog.
peeing the count gating ndinlrlngly- nt
III mlatrea. elilerPil u lull king pro
teat. The young holy railed th.i dog
off. the rount npoloKlred and the ac
iiualntiince liegiiu mhlrh iibNeqiiently
led to their marriage. - Chlrago Trih
line. Iterlln'a Nireel Itallway.
lo llprlln the atreet railway mad
large original paymenta for Ha fran
chlaea, yet pav hi,4 per cent, of It
groa reedpta to the city, relml.nraea
the city for paving and rleaivlng he.
twe.n lla trurka, and In 1111 thentli
ayatem will berotue the property of the
city without .-..at. Htmllar provlalou
for the ri-veraloii of track to th olty
xlat In many European ritla.
FlMMla Drlre Tha-tiMnrH frwaaj Their
Hnaeee u. hie.
From the Noetb China Herald:
Alxuit .t)oo atalwnrt KUnKith tefu
gppa, with thrlr women and children.
bo have abandoned their vill.igea ow
ing to the fooda and cona rm. nt de
alrurttun of ti.elr rropa p..immer.
have rerrntly poured Info. r and
f'h'Hr.gthou prrferturrs. p.-tu tnit'.ns
within the border at varl"'! poltra
by boat and by Iml. Whn tiili ; ar
tlrnlar nrmv if aome "l.ri rf.l(n-i
I'ara.il trmiirh the tp-r!;. .if Clin
lihiii? inf- . 1 ', f, r i, . no ,
't !' t I M, ' ; n- if 11 . !,' 1
i.ri.'a th.. wliea to ih- .-'i pn,..:i-
I i.l.-.!;t. h r! ':(,-. r h i 1..',
tr. il.ately 1 1
likin I i r
t i . ! .. t.i f t I-.;-., r .s
'.-'tii ::. In (".-' hr: ! : 1
Yunri :;: u r
:.-..-:: l...
r. f 1 1 fc-; r..t
where ihiv w
I'liea fi-on ?,
: ii". r to at .. .
ii : "f p:i . i i.f th- r
f I. r th. rn f.i ii ni .in
p i.t. 1 i. .It r I ( i u
: . ll i . V 1" 1. 1
; ; . f
all or.'. i, f. r l!n r
the tr.ii'i . I . (,;
r ill. I nr.t a'o,. t!,P jr.
Iter Into :-'i, r'.. (,
1 r. v. r.'' :i. e .f n
'Iin.-rt.'.r K i: '.
:-!cn .f the ;ef
r C'i'. r.n Vo l le.--
ritorlra. H,ey rmpy overrode th'
' '! rv. who bvlnr f-.riild.len tD n.
Ibf-r fireirrra wrr ea-ily puh-.l
aide .y the m.re impetu .f the mi
auvory nuln if rari.r I men. women
and rhlldreii. and the niob wa T.n In
full Kir,eaHlun of the d atrta i f Chln-
kiiel. I.li.nging to Cli'angrho-1 Jtrl
Ch'anfhn i t ihe So i.-hnw r.-f.- tu-e
r.-nptlw'y. It npreir.i thai the re'
ugeew ill r;.e. to .'Mde theni-eHig Into
two band In or V-r lo r.''lee Cip pri
mrp. and an n i alo n-.t to l e too
vere a drain upon my one dlwtri't.
aa that would liirlteth" rt.il I vr . to row
alder the l ima of e:f pre." rvat ion and
aim theniKelvea efl ni:i, e tu (l.'ht t!P
rpfugpra. mhireaa at pre ent it la only
grod-humored, intsl-.e rril'li'i.'" t i
I I.e Invaalon r-f Ihe Kianrp h r;-f..ire-
mhere pity f(,r th.lr dir.oiH l al l
felt by the more fortunate dweller.-, on
the emth rn bank of the Ysngt-e. The
refugrea npjear to follow tnllil iry
rule in forming an i i.rarni.meti', urn
a poetlng guard, etc. at varlmit
point. When they crrlre at a dia
trh t tmo third of the w m.-n and i hll
ilrpn nt on.p apread thetn-.lvea oxer
thp field and pull up by thp rr. it nny
thlng planted there- at the prpent
timp generally ver.etable. Ix-ana. lie
- whllp a afrong forrp of nien form a
covering party, armed prnprally m-.th
cluha niid atavi a. Thp femalmler of
thp mor.ien. children and men In thp
mnnii!ie approaeli the village and
"beg" f.,r rife or wheat, although In
many enfea It I not begging but arrual
taking what they ran without li t U I r. s
"by your leave." In to hour af-er
the nrrhil i f the rfug." at a village
they are nb'e to f ri e ar. I M tab'ei
ad 111. Hum nnd f.'.-d tl,. 1,1. U ' to the
full. Thev rarely nay nu re than f ;r-ty-elc!it
li'iura nt nny one p';i'p. mov
ing from vlllngp to vr'asp and j:oin
In a northeasterly dir. . tlmi. .i:h thn
liiten'ion. f.iey il.-i!.ire. i.f appen'.ing
per.. rally to the gov. :r ir at S m. h i
for the whi r. with.tl to t1.';- over th?
cold west hrr.
j tt.iMlan lll-M-nlrr-a.
The ao-'alli'J (iu-i k-orthci dox ropu-
lat ion of U'.i--: l. .. i n,.jt.-1 x,ih
j aeil cf illrretitera cf r! I'.i.'fi'.le d'1-
I noin-.na'li n. It i i :lni i! I that one-
I third part of tli.i: p.ip-il.ition belorRi
j In r. .'i ty to ..:n.- l-an.-h of n uu on-
I f.-rnii"- I.ti'he ai .. ru'l r.ai; t,. ali
bit.'ri in. Ha pt l at a itnl Ara'i iptSt are
repre,eiit.-d In v.irloua waya anion?
thee diKentera, niatir of whi m atrUe
to return to the prlnr pita of primitive
Chritinn!ty. or even lo atill more an
rleti! forma of rr:y repre,ented !:i
the old t''amrnt. The rlh: of free
Interpretation of the ll'b'.e la thua car
ried all over rinMia. and there I m
forie mh!ih citill limit It Kvuy vil
lage h.i It own le.ti her-no n and
women h. Interpret the fni- It:
their own w jya. a'tnoat alwara lio,'.!'.e
to Ihe prenent atnte ami to the ofTu i.il
chnrrh. A poeerful re'.lgioia niove
ment la thua grnmlng In ltit.aia. and It
la a!o bound to work In a not retii..te
time aa a powc ful force itg.iint H'.
toi-rai y The Outlook.
ItPkr.in, Otijeeled l.i lll(li Kl. Ua.
The atald people of Cazemivla, N. Y.,
are wrought up over a rirf nf Mt).
rope entertainment, mhlrh w.ia adver-
l tlied tn take plare under the aup:.ia
of the Haptlat Church a.K-lity." Th
rhurrh people experted a.inic.h ni: m
the nature of Innocent tableau, and
when hlgh-klrklng a?d loing bout
were exhibited the brethren Cllied on
the sheriff lo tnp the ahow.
Anthony Hope la freely rtltlrialr.g
America an.l Anierlran. lie any, we
are rnnrciti.l nnd ma, dlaplrased be
raiiae the women made no attempt to
conceal the fart they were il!.ippo'.n'.
ed wllh hla p.-r,onni;ty.
Tlmae bulioille who a.iltl that the
relation between Mr. roulln-.y lliga.
low and the ICinp.ror William were
at rallied talked without th farta
Thee hool-fellom ore apparently
upon Hip beat of term, for Mr. Ulse
low a-nt the kaUer h'.t look. "'hit.
Man' Afrlru." nnd the latter haa e:it
word to the author by the hand of Ina
chief nld-tle-ramp that he I delight-I
w ith It ntnl "aninae, hiinaelf very mil. h
rending It " lie roiiHl.ler Mr llii:e.
low' "deacrlptlon of South Afrb.i iml
the ni.iniier In which It I wanting th
beat he hi ever read."
Moat golfer know that the (Irund
Imkp Mi. ha. I of Ituln, who la now
entirely anglli Ireil. I nn enthiiflaat
for the game, nnd It I rt.ued ihat he
la having n new clith.teeii-hi.lp course
laid out on 111 Kenflah eft'Ce. Hith
erto he bn practiced on iIip green of
'he local clitli. traveling thither on a
motor car; bill hla proiem-p Bllra.-ted
aiuh .1 number of laqnUltlve alght
aeera aitxluit tn watch a prince whi
tnntl n near n rtulnn throne that
he wa compelled lo een the num
ber of hi vlall. He onre retuarlir l
that the ever-exlhlhlted love of royal
ty wa one of the mo,t aluitiilai- ihar
acterlHlli a of the liberty lot Ing Kiir
llah. "It pnaeee." he aal.l. ",itlto
crnt ntnl detntcrat alike"
Bvery dug ha hla day. bit g doit'
(Jay Ii only a rti-g'i day.
I used for vet V
Hlrrrr t.i Lull .l,.. and p'her
evpnlng toileriea are aiifpe, led rather
than ieen.
Rome new and beautiful evening Mil ta
fcave tiny lurquoUe, pale grppn and
light roep-rolored lrlpa on a white
ground, with baby rnaebud 'atte:ed
careleaaly plxint.
Organdle.aubilme I a lovely fabric
for aummer wear. The color tone are
exceedingly aoft and beautiful, and the
il.-algn are quaint ami blxarre, and 1
thoroughly artlatir.
1'lunh la making a vigorona bid fur
favor again, and n-ud In combination
wllh Vein t i,i n point lace; embroidered
with gold and ailv.-r thread. It niake a
very rlrh dreaa trimming.
One dufy of mlnltera I to ay:
"Coma." "THiii't romp." I the tueaaage
of a mlaalonary at Damon City, and II
la given to warn away the multitude
dreaming that there I wealth for them
In the Yukon dlatrirt. lie la thus
prearhlng jhyalral salvation, for "the
country Ii already overcrowded, and
the npply of labor U grpatpr than the
demand." Do not forgPt tbose 10
worda. "Don't romp!"
from Iht lH-Sinntlrr, Afim6, fit.
Alderman Ixmla W. Camp, of onr Hty,
baa quite tnll.p. hia friend, of late, l y
remarkal leKainlneik-ht. Itehaagalned
!U ound. In fit meek. Thoe of hi
friend, mho do not know th fart, of bit
airkneu will read with Intereat the fol
lowing: "I waa broken down in kealth and utterly
nilrable." raid Mr I amp to our rpiripr.
'l wa mmt.lp t work uuieh of fb tiro
and ui baully nU.'tl with f .nu of toum. ta
trouble that life waa a vernal. la nightmare.
"I tried vari.iua re.ne.lie.. but .luring th
an oi ntlia of my ,i.-kn, 1 obtained no
relief. I bad alo, len a rol.u.l Lanltby
man an.l ai. kue, U.ra l.eavilv iipoo rn
"Ateiiit two ypr, 1 wa, xlviwl to
try iir. William. I'mk l'lll, for l'ie I'eople.
I pur.-hae.t i.ne t.t and rp-eiTl mi
niii.-li lntlt tt.at I u I tle more and u
entirely i-nrel. o-H....I firmly tun un.l
In r , Kiu. p I t..pt takiug It.
pilla I liava m r.-elr bad au acb or am.
llfervleirlru; AUlrtntin,
" f)r William,' I'.kk fill rratore.1 me to
health and 1 mo t heartily reroiuinend
ll aui "
U VC. Camp n oath nya tbat the fore
going atatenieht I, true.
W. V. Mat.ian, ,Vrnrg iWir.
Kollowing U th pliv,i.'ian a rertifli-ate
aa to Mr. I amp a t-r--ut e.in liton.
I am a rrgulailr l i-'D-.d livirin of
Ma.-o:ul. M.-Ii..iioii(;ii t'..uiit. III. 1 bat
very rp-einlv eian..nl Mr I. W.l'aiiipa.
to In- general pm.al . nu litioii. an I tin. I
tbp ainp to t ail II. t mu. l4deire..
Iptitoau l il.ut.on K"ui- ,teepa wall, and
.a, alt the ttiilence of toeing in a good
I'l-vai. I condition, htm L lti,ru,M. !
. tvitx-nbed and awnrn to l-efur lu thl
8wb day of Hevteml.er. I-UT.
VV. W. Mri oaa. .Yolor rwiirf.
The eprlng aeaaon i at haoi, and t
i It not iiure.ia--.j )e to hope that aru
partlls, mill e.id'.i.'; t'.ie bad b.ooj
engendered by the Valne affair.
We re aartlne In thermic, .ir r'eht n the
ex.-l-.,ie tiM- .. Hi.- aorj ! AT.KI. and
I'lTi I1KH . CA M' Ut I A," aa wr TraUe Ma.k.
I. Dr. Sjmu-1 I'ltrlier. of llann:a. M,a
rhuwit,. aa, the otigtiumr of 1 TITt'liKK S
CA-Ti(lA." the iinif ttut ha, borne anitdWa
n..w U-ar the ta. -ln.ile a.tnature ., ( HAS. II
n.KTi lltlt en ev.ry ara.p-r. TTi. lathe
oflg'.r.al I'lTI IIH( CASTi HflA" whlrh ha,
a UJ In ti.e h.'ni.a of ihe mother of
America b.roter thirty year. I,.k can-tully
at the wrapper ami . that It la the k.n.t ynu
haie alwav, tH.iiyhi." and ha, the kicr.aiure id
I HAS It ILKTI III K en thp Wrarprr. No
.ne haa anthoriiT from me to uve mj name f a
rrpt The Centaur on.paoy. of which I ha, IL
rietrh.-r I, l're.t,nt.
lar h I. IVT. bAMl'IX riTl ilKR, M a
The earlier Jon l.tty your apfilis fatal "
(In. more utt.-iitloii It will attract.
I lorw.tn l.ol.l I lrl.1.
Cob. ratio l tin' biiiitu-r cold pnilur
Itiu' ta t.- In tli I'm. ni. rr...liu i..ii In
IViT over jti.iai.ii. Tlil year pr.uu
to ex reed Jt::n.iaai.o ai. Sew trlke
are la-lug mailt' every day. Nothing
like It aili.-v the .1.1)1 of '111. Would i
yon know nil ulHiiit tliei' tiling: I
Tbi'ii a. ii.l twenty the n-nta for a alx- j
iiiiuitli,' trltil aiil-rl.tlii to the I
-MINIM! N iUI.I." nil eight pate II
liiHirate.l w. klv pnper. H.-gtllar aiili-
rlptloii. Jl.i it j.-nr. The new aleat ;
liilnlii'.' liepii-r ill llio world. Ail- '
tin Worlil." I'. O. Ib.x MM. I. u-
Ter. Colo. '
The "Jingo" congreaamen. who try to
make the mot of every provocation to
war. remind one of the little girl who.
when lightning atru.k the houae. and
partly deatroyed It, clapped her hand
and cried. "I)o It again!" Dut ah
knew no better.
No to-lUe for HflT etna.
(iiiaranic-.! ..t.,rro lial.:t ruie, iniliea wak
tli.-u ,irii.(, I.I.nhI .iiie 1. AU .Iruggtata
Iioti't i-reillt yourself w ith lirnln l
ciltiac J..11 uii liiitn.-ly.
Pinole Hedge Cigarette, ?0 for 5ct J
Tin-re nr.- in Loudon .".'.'.I roinni..ti
l.i.UInc li, nt . . !
Tha misery of It (lawful. USE
You'll feci It Is worth Its
While br.xr.de
lolh gowra.
aWfMT M aU
saw stis.
ep yroaiat. Muf tf
fr taVSaiaaM.'S.
fttta at
1 f liaif.aa
-Wla.li... t rrt
tm, riatwwas, I rap, W ws
ait, Wt H4
4vaa. r4 f r
Ps.1T. tffVST lMN rM
IftUMfMsl sll
CLKHART cuii and atiEagaa atru.
' e 1 1 n e t 5 a ft 9 n n e :
lii nil
L) a rooI thing to ba ril tf lccanu r.a.I .'A U tli
Lreeditiir place of di firnrinj and dan-rou. di..-we. Ii
YOl'R lliKxl lad? You cin have K'k1 L!xp1, which if pure
1!(kmI, if you want it. Y-u can lo ril f pimplea, U.i!,i,
Mutches, aorcd and ulocn. U'-w? I'.y the tij of Lr. Ayr's
FatNAparilla. It U tlw r.'lical n-m-!y fur all dLieaJt-s
originating in tho '.uA.
"thmXyrr't Farajn''a , rpeornr er'd to pm ly rf
rtirairiaa aa a bip-d pur .Or. Wt-t I Uvin uinnj it 1
ti L-..U ail if:t By fcwi;. iimi fc-.l. cired me." -
Ij.NMts ('Hit. VentvB, llin.
fel'x fa's sra?3?Ea
Our responsibility lus beca
fair dealing. In buying a
Hartford Vedette
You know your bicycle is all that is claimed fcr it
POPE MFG. CO., Hertford, Conn.
Catalogue free Ir:m ny Columbia Wr, or ly mail lor co 2-ctot afjmpi.
ii i'Vr7rTSJ
3d r w--.
a 'Tax ai
&fcr.. ....m.r,0
mrs di tn tin vit . z
cat pjwno or T , j-ar .o. go
v Kuwuitw
Al l Gg:;ui::E seed
or the ci.LriiB.tTru
m owned nr
o4 ether Iterlntj t4 claiming II to kw
4 thl WMdcnully premie Hty. a
B aerw aal la ear eeeatoe, ar 14 wlihpl
eur Irad aaark, a rnl.lrrr la I . s. rUal
Ollka.caa keaaihtntkatcd aipurtaad gewutae.
I at
Sib. for oar Suit Cffsr to Cotton Plistsn
1 9 IO I'eachtre St., Atlanta, Ua.
triIUllll t Ft. I. H H.I lalkl'Mli. all) ba.
weight In old.T
yr l h.Va
MiB It. a it
f t f 74.
ft4 sl..k
Urff, rraaj
WS SSI Mr ffif llSftrftiaa ttvaaM aoaa.
r it i (as.
ffa.a4 eUt ae. taM M Ba.W AM
ca, m. u. Pbutt, awr, klkuibt, lib.
ft y,.y.t.T..TT
mn Trnn
in 1
VtJ5. VV-r -
JT JCi'. .. - i V " -V'.'
f x s r m a - i t g i -a m
. " ,
established by 21 years of
Tin's Starch tzsz
in a, Ij nun who have Lad yean of
eirciiin.-e In fancy laundering. It
rrf.i.rra ii!J linen anil aummer dreiwea
lo tl.eir natural w I, tenrv,and impart
a leant. :ul and utin Dnuh. The
only atarvli that U rrfect!jr barm!l,a
uilnina u.) ienic, alum or other in- f
ji'.ri.iii ul.-.tauie. (an be usU treo I
for a l.al.jr io drc.
CcnVUl5IOI15.CfWrir5.-f r
rlY5TFRir.5 IrrrrRfiAl PA1H5 J
Le f Sur ri
! ST. 10 Ul 5, M 0..U.3.A.
P R I C E - O N C D O iXrVR
llaRlNC appna
I p. wb r. '. s t -
4 ,m.iv, UI-TO DlTI M
' l" a4 ar eaaato'itos
I a r't ! Iket-a Bat
1 t n na.x.pr I n ) vtaa uaa
at m- , i tA ,,,.( . . t,,,
I .SIT - ' -a ia.a w to ,
.. . - .wwmm, M
Wo.i i b na 1-. -ii if.ir ; Hiii m l fr . Wrils (of
' Ufitta i' tl A.itii i Ao l ihitust Iia4iA TS
IA u.-.i f.-; t Ail t.-l i-a. LJ
KjlW-,!. , . I,. -L l"M
W. N. U. HOUSIDN.NO. 14. 189
iVkce A,mcfinq .li-f ntirt 'lle
i Heat.ja Tbi Taper.
- iiri e ' sw 1
1 it.:.
t. i ..--i

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