OCR Interpretation

Cheraw gazette. [volume] (Cheraw, S.C.) 1835-1838, June 14, 1836, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88084121/1836-06-14/ed-1/seq-3/

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We copy the following from the Fayette, j
ville Observer. In what paper it was tirsl;
published we do not know.
Mr. Adams recently caused a great ex- j
Citement in the f louse of Representatives ;
by & speech of which the following in the j
substance :
Mr. JonsQ. Adams, availed himself of;
the occasion to offer a few words, and j
stated that this country was on the verge of1
Mexican war, an Indian war, and a war
with England.
"He said that by our course in the af- '
faiitf of Texas, we are courting a war with !
Mexico; and that England would fly to the
rescue of that country. He said England '
wmt.M never consent to our having Mexico. i
without her permission; and if she assented i
to any such proposition, she would tell us, I
that we could not have Texas, unless we j
consented to abolish slavery within the
domain. He said that England would
unite in*hc war of Mexico, for the purpose
of aidiftg the cause of emancipation; a
cause to which she was now devoted, and
of the sincerity of her attachment to which, j
she had given abundant proof by cmancipa* j
ting her colonics.
"Mr. Adams then related some facts
connected with the foreign relations of this
country, one of which was, that a secret'
offer had been made at one time by a party j
In the Island of Cuba, to be annexed to the :
United States. He said that the proposi- j
tion had also been made to England and to ,
France; and that England, at the time, I
was so jealous of the movements ot the
Cubians, that Mr. Canning was instructed .,
to apprise this country, that any such ar- '<,
rangement on our part, would be the cause
of war. , |
u Mr. Adams produced much sensation |
in the House, and there were not a few who ,
believed with him, that we are on the eve *
of internal and external difficulties."
lrro:u the National Intelligencer.
indian relations. ) j
On Friday last, in the House of Rc-j i
presentatives, Mr. Everett, of Vermont,! <
made a speech of great length and elaborateness,
upon the general relations of this (
Government with the Creek and Seminole i
Indians. In the course of his remarks, he |
exhibited an intimate acquaintance with : I
the details of the subject, which intelligence ! <
and industry only could have attained. -His i
observations tended tosliow that the Treaty ! I
(of removal) with the Scniinoles was in- I
valid, because its conditions had not been:
complied with on our part; and because,!
furthef, not having been ratified by our :
Government, till nearly a year after it was ' i
concluded, impediments had, in the interim,1;
been made known to our Goverument, the :
existence of which would have prevented
the jnaking of the treaty, if known, be- ,
cause they were sufficient to render its execution
impossible. Me followed up the ';
UV/UUii VI IIJV? VIU* Villlliv 111) iJwv?iio?, ? ??? t
the subsequent acknowledgement of the I
treaty, alter the Indians had denied its <
validity, was obtained by threats, accom- !'
panicd with an armed force, as was re. <
presented, sufficient to compel an nc-1 j
quiescence ill the ordct* for removal; and ; 1
those threats, with the presence of troops, , 1
and many irritating circumstances which \ <
occurred, were the cause of the hostilities 11
now existing. He argued, first, that the'*
treaty was not obligatory on the Seminolos: \ 1
secondly, that the Government had at- J i
tempted to entbrce if, in a seme contrary to j!
their own construction of it; and, thirdly, i <
that they had attempted to execute it by an ! ]
aft of tear before any hostile act had been <
committed bv the Seminole nation. The j1
speech will be published as early as our ' i
reporters can furnish it, and will deserve all !
ihe reader's attention. \
The remarks of Mr. Ashley and others j
on the same subject, but upon different i
grounds, were also entitled to great res. j
Mr. White, of Florida, spoke earnestly ;
in reply; after which, a general expression j
of a desire for more information induced ;
the House fo. postpone fhe bill for a day or ?
two, in order to obtain additional documents j
from the War Department; and resolutions j
were adopted calling for them.
a magnificent project.
The prospect of the indepedence of!
- Texas has given rise in New Orleans to
a splendid design which if carried out,
will create quite a new era in the history |
?f a part of the commerce of this country.
It is well known that steamboats of
500 or 600 tons burthen can ascend the
Red River as high as Natchitoches?and ;
it id now proposed, in a New Orleans j
paper, that a rail road shall be constructed !
from that point through a gorge in the;
Southern Rocky Mountains and thence
tf2nir r.F Ontifnrnia. Suc*h 11 work .
# IVS IUV ^ u?? vt ? -
would gi' e to New Orleans access to the
East Indian, Peruvian and Chilian trade
which would enable her to set competition
at defiance. It appears to us,
however, that it is not by the Red ltivcr, j
but by the Rio Grande, that this coin- i
muaication. must be effected, if at all. ;
This last river has a course estimated at
from 1500 to 1700 miles^in extent, and 1
can be ascended by steamboats of light j
burthen nearly seven hundred miles,
which will be within an inconsiderable j
distance of the Colorado of the West, a ;
river that empties into the Gulf of Cali-!
fl&rnia. It is probable that a portage rail j
road connecting these two rivers need not!
he of greater length than two hundred i
Of this communication were opened, j
the route to India and to the Western
oast of South America would 5c shorten- !
cd, more than one half.?Baltimore j
Patriot, f
New York, May A. j
The Rogue Caught.?Pitman, the young clerk '
who robbed his master, (Brower, 127 William treet)
of ?1800, and absconded, was arrested in
Boston by Benjamin Hays, assisted by Mr*. Coo- j
?:i{re the Boston police otficcr, and most of the ,
t .- wts rcflCrcd by the young culprit.
We see it stated in a leading Jackson
paper of Pennsylvania, that there was a
meeting lately held in Philadelphia, by
persons favorable to Jackson and Van
Buren, at which a resolution was passed,
requiring that, in case Van Burcn should
be elected, the-present official incumbents
be displaced. In announcing the fact, the
Jackson paper adds : " Rotation in office is
a principle dear to the Democracy of |
Pennsylvania. It is necessary that some i1
distinct assurance of a complete reform ; j
should be given/'?Alex. Gaz.
St. Louis, May, 21. \
Burning of Abolition Pamphlets.?We ; j
learn from Marion county, that consider- j.
able excitement was lately produced a- |*.
mongst its citizens, by reports of the ]
reception of boxes of abolition pamphlets 1
in that quarter. Search was made, and '
two boxes were found, tilled with these in- !
cendiary productions. They were im- j j
mediately seized by tho people, and com-11
mittcd to the flames in Palmyra. Two or ;'
three individuals, to whom they were di- J *
rooted, or in whose possession t hey were J
found, were also taken, and a limited period j
given them to make their escape from the 1 '
State. * A meeting of the citizens was j1
called to be held this day, for the adoption j t
of such measures as may he necessary to J t
protect themselves against the reckless ef- j
forts of these disturbers of social order, i(
The particulars will probably reach us in a ! *
d iv or two.
.. N
-1 Singular Circumstance.?The sciioo-'
nor (Hide arrived at (Gloucester on Sun- J
day, having fallen in, on the Grand Ranks i a
with the fishing schooner Hold Runner 1 a
which had not a single individual on hoard, j r
but had been deserted bv her crew probably j ti
only ufjw hours before she was fallen in 'p
with by the Glide; a wacli in the cabin going
at the time. The cable was hove short; and ! a
from the appearance of the vessel, and that: v
jackets oftbo crew lying near the windlass, 1 o
it is evident that, while getting the anchor v
op. sonic great and sudden apprehension of, s
danger induced them to quit their vessel 11<
witliout ceremony. As the schooner ap-! p
pears to have sustained some injury, it is j
thought that she was run into by some i fi
v essel crossing the bank; and the crew, in j ti
the confusion of the moment, gained the ! it
decks of the other vessel. The Hold j t(
Runner had only 10 incites of water in the j e
bold, and was pumped out, manned, and j
brought salely into (rloucoster harbor.? ' a
Mercantile Journal. j o
As/or Jloivie.?This lnagiiiiicent os- '
tablishment was opened yesterday morning j and
filled at once with inmates. An in-i
vitation was given the day previous to a i J
select numer of citizens to view the lioiise; ,! *
an invitation of which wc found it impos- ;
sibic lo avail ourselves, but we have since | j
gone through the rooms witii a view of at- i
tempting some description of them. We j ^
have given it over, however, in despair, j J
Dur own dimensions are pretty ample, but j t
wc cannot spare the space fi>r a <juarto i c
volume to one subject, and nothing short of! t
i volume Can give even a tolerable descrip- j1
tion of this immense structure. There are j
between three and four hundred rooms, all j
jf them large, ai.v and convenient, and a 1
targe number very spacious indeed. The
[lining room oil isarciay street, js one i
hundred feet lortg^ forty feet wide, and J j
nineteen and a half high?the apartments ' j
from the first to the sixth story are superbly I
carpeted and splendily furnished in every 1
possible appointment necessary to the: J
comfort and convenience of the occupu.t,; i
The furniture is rich and beaut i'lil, but!
regulated by a severe taste, as is every thing J (
about the house. There is not a particle j(
of tinsel upon the premises. All is in the ;
first style 6f elegance?chaste and simple j j
elegance with not a tawdry trapping to !
mar the general effect. Indeed, we can j 1
think of no better mode of conveying a ; ^
correct idea oft!? vvhtl; interior than L
simply to say that every portion of it is in !
good keeping wtth the exterior; and to !
those who have seen the noble building 1J
from Broadway, this wc take it is praise1 ^
enough. It is unquestionably, in site, j'
architecture, and material the most im- j
posing structure in the city, and we doubt {'
not the largest house constructed expressly j'
for a public hotel in the world.?JV. T. I,
Cour. & Eitq. <
The following particulars arc taken from an j
account of this house furnished hv another New
York paper. <
The kitchen which is on a level with;
the ding rooms, his ranges oi' batteries in i,
it that might satisfy?if they did tiot'alarm,
?a host; the whole so arranged, that the !
Chief-?an artiste of approved merit?can j
superintended his whole forces at once. '
Besides the ordinary smoke jacks, stow \ <
pans, ^-c., mere is an e.\i?n>nc aicum uj#poratus
introduced, by which all the vegetables,
boiled tnets, &c. can be cooked, j
while the whole is so light that cleanliness
must be observed. Beneath the kitchen
are the laundry and wash-room?not the !,
* ) I
least curious part ot the establishment? ' <
where, by the multiplication of stationary J?'
wash tubs,' and the power of steam, clothes j
may be washed, dried, and ready for use ,
in half an hour after they are given out. ! j
The drying process, which is by spread- i
ing the clothes on horses that run upon
railroads, that lead into a large close apart- ;
ment heated to a very high temperature :i
by steam, is accomplished in live minutes, j;
Still lower down, in the same line, is tho '
steam power, a rotary engine?which j,
pumps water to the four large reservoirs i
under the roof, supplies steam to the kitch- i!
cn, wash room, &c., as already stated, '
clens the knives and forks, boots and [ (
shoes, and has in resurve power enough :
fo. any furtner use to which it may be J i
deemed needful hereafter to apply it.
Upwards of 1000 emigrants arrived at New j
Fork on the 5thin?t,, and it is estimated that the !
number will reach 75.000, during May, June, .
July, August and September. Plac ards are put ; 1
up in LivcrpoyI, that tradesmen an getting four ' |
dollars per day in Arrer;ea.
The Legislative of the little State of Maryland
at its present extra session has appropriated
eight millions of dollars to carry on works of
internal improvement.
Tlio bill passed the Senate by a vole of 11 to
2, and the IIouso of Delegates bv a vote of 43
to 29.
The Annapolis Republican of Juno 4th says :
" The law appropriates three millions to complete
the Chcsapeako and Ohio Canal to Cumberland;
thrco millions to continuo the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad to the Ohio, one million
to construct the Railroad running down the
Kastern Shore from Cecil county to Pocomoke
bay; half a million for a canal to connect
Baltimore with the Chesapeake and (Hiio Canal
1 by the most northern routeand half a million
to connect Annapolis with the Chesapeake
md"Ohio Canal. It provides for a loan at six
tier cent. redeemable in fifty years, for the above
purposes, upon which loan not less than twenty
wrccnt. premium inust be obtained, amounting
oonc and a half million ; which will constitute
l sinking fund adequate to redeem the principal
n- years, all the profits of the several improvcuients
lieing pledged to the State for the
>ayment ot fix pot cent, interest upon the sevc ;il
sums received by them, after three years
roin their receiving the same."
In this town on Tuesday 31st. May, by the Rev.
Mr. Marshall, Mr. II. Hutchison to Miss Rebec.
ja CoM.ins.
In Marlborough District, on tlic Gtli inst. by
he Rev. Mr. Covington, Mr. J. T. Hinson of this
own to Aliss Marv Ann Carkloss.
In Hillsborough, by the Rev. Mr. Burwcll, Mr.
'jiarlks N. B. Evans, Junior Editor of the
treensboroujh Patriot, to Miss Elizabeth B.
,'lancv, daughter of Thomas Clancy; Esq.
A NUMBER of individuals of this town
md neighborhood have paid between ?700
iid 8800 for Sunday school hooks and
eligious Tracts, and have thus established
liesc Depositories which arc intended to be
These books and tracts arc sold at cost
nd charges, without any yroJil, to all who
rill buy, and the money reinvested in books
>f the same kind, and thus the supply is always
kept up. The hooks are sold at the
atne prices that thov are sold at the Deposi
*?*i \-. _i ,i i?i.a...i..i
>nes l?V reiail III .\uw l oriv unu i imauu*
These hooks and tracts inculcate that
jfm of truth and doctrine in which chrisans
arc agreed generally; and have 110thig
sectarian in them ; and thus are calculani
to supply the wants of christians of every
vangelical denomination.
The Depositories are at the Hook Store
nd are kept and attended to free of charge
r expense.
tetf in market J!) 7
tucon lt>
hv retail, II) 14 15
from wagons, 11> 13
{utter ii> ~U 25
Hams II) r 15
fceeswux. 10 1G 1^
laggin*' yard 20 28
taleropo lb 11 12 4
-otletj lb 11 16
'ottun lUOlbs 1350 1662
'orn bushel 75 80
'lour from waggons brl 7 7 50
Northerly brl 900
catlicrs from waggons lb 35 30
'odder, scarej 150
lides green 10 *>
dry 10 10
ron " 10010s *150 550
mligo 10 75 250
.huo cask 350
*ird 10 13 15
gather s?>!o 10 25 28
*cad bar 10 b 9
jOgwood 10
tlolasscs jral 40 45
^'ails cut assorted 10 7^ 8
wrought 10 20
")als bushel 40 00
Jil carriers gal 7.? I 100
J?m,p > , \z:! t
linseed 1 >? a
faints white lead keg 350
Spanish brown 10
\?as, 100 ; 1125
^ork Oil 000 0000
lice 10010s 4(H) 500
shut, Hag 200 2 5U
JO 10
sugar 10 12$ 15
salt sack 240 275
salt bush 75
Stool American blister lb 10
a.. IK i l.? 18 I
German lb l(i
Tallow lb 9 10
Tea imperial lb 125 152
hyson 1!) 75 100
Tobacco manufactured lb fi 00
iVindow glass H x 10 .r?0ll 325 350
10 x 12 350 375
['hecks oil New York,
For sums under ?100 1. 00
F< >r sums of anil over ? 100 1 per ct
'hecks on Charleston,Columbia and Favettcville
For sums under ?200 50 cts
** * of ?200 te $ pr
June 0, J. Malloy & Go's. ?PoIe Boat Henri:tta,
with-100 bales of Cotton tor [Messrs. P. Pryin,
I). S. llarllce, J). L. McKay, D M'Nair,
A. Purnott, & Co,. D. & J: Malloy and owners,
>f this plane, ami Messrs. J. McColluui, J. H.
M'Qucen and others^ of the interior.
Georgctmcn, June 4.
Flour.?We continue our quotation at ?050
0 G G2$ though there have been no sales since
>ur last report?there is however a good demand
it our quotation?
Fa'/eltCDillr, Junr 9.
Paeon 12$: Coffee 13$ a 14$; Cotton 14 a io
L'om 75; Flour ?5$ a G; Molasses 47 a 50; ?>u.
jar 12$ a 14; Lump 15; Loaf Id a 20.
Charleston Prices Current?June 11.
Bagging, J/cnip, 21 a 2G; Bale Rope, 10 a 12$;
Paeon, Hams, 9$ i 15; Shoul lcrs and Sides, 7$
1 11$; Beef, New York, [Mess. 12 n 12$; Prime,
b a ? 50; J/ess, Boston, 14 a 50; inf. to fair
- - in - ii.
II a 12$: (Jood tuir to prime, u a ** ?.uuivo
green, Cuba, 11$ a 15; Porto llico, 1-1 i; Cotton,
uplands, inferior 11$ a 15; Ordinary to fair, 15$
1 If $; Good fair to good, 17 a 18$, Prime to
ckoico, 16$ all); Fish, herrings, 4 500 5; Macksrel,
No. 1, ID 50; Do. No. Si, 9 50; Do. No. 3,
G 50 a 7; Flour, Baltimore H. S. superior, 7 37 a j
7 50; Philadelphia and Virginia, 7 37 a T43; Canal,
Rice, inferior to good, 2 87$ a 3 43; Prime
to choice, 3 50 a 3 (12$, Sugar, muscovado, 9 a
12; Porto llico and St. Croix, 9$ a 12; llavannah
white, 13 a 11; Louisiana. 9 a 11; Loaf, 1G$ a 20;
Lump, none.
Cntun.? The market for Uplands, at the commencement
of the week, was brisk; holders and
purchasers seemed to meet freely, and the transto
coning las*. nmo'inUd *0 '
near 3S00 bales. On thursday, accounts to the I
7th ult, wero received from Liverpool, via New '
York; they represented thio market in a languid '
and dull state, purchasers, m consequence, held
back for a reduction of prices, which, however, <
was not granted by holders; on the contrary, they
show themselves moro firm, on account of the *
very disastrous news from the country, where the a
late heavy rains and freshet have occasioned a ' I
great destruction of the new crop, to which may I
bo added the reduction of a supply from those j v
parts of Georgia, Florida and dlabama, the seat i
ofthe India war, all of which is computed to
amount probably to between 150,000 and 200,000
bales, of which the year's crop will fail short
of the last. a
Rico.?The market has been fair throughout \
the week, upwards of 1300 bbls. were disposed of ?
at from 3 Ic 3$, the principle sales range from 3$ a
to 3$. . j aj
Coffer?Stock heavy, sales few. j ^
Mola?nr??The article continues dull, cspc. ; S(
cially if not very sweet. j s,
Jtacon.?There has been no further decline in
prices, nor can we say that the articlo has impro- ^
ved. \
jScid York Prices Current?June 4.
Coffee, Cuba 12 a 12$; St. Domingo, 12 a 12$;
T..... n- 7 4. 1.) ? 1 11. llr-. I
a *'t *-*l a \ji iu hilu, a xuj) J't?zil,
13; Liguira, 1-1; Triage, 10 a 10$; Cotton Bag- "
ging, ileinp, 22 a 22$; Calicoes, blue, 1ft a 13; J
Co. fancy, 10a 18; Do. furniture 10 a20; Skirt, jj
ing, G$a 8: Do. Sail; Do. 1G; Ginghcms, 11 1G; 8C
Plaids, 8 a 12; Strij?c8, 0 a 12; Checks, 7 a 9; Do. Cl
II a 18; Millinets, 90; Flour, New* Yorkjsuperior, 8C
6 6.>; Tr/vy, G 75; Western, G To a 7 Oft; Philadcl. w
phia, G 91 a^.p0; llaltiinore Ilownrd-st. 7 25; do. ^
City mills, 7 a\12; Richmond City, 7 75; do.
Country, 7 00; Alexandria, 7 12; Georgetown,
' ^ ,01!
Coffee.?The business done in this artielo J
since our last, lias been confined to some large jn
lots o^Gaguira and Cuba, for export and a public
sale of Brazil, by auction; but there has been no ?
general demand, and with these exceptions, the
market may be considered heavy and dull. Java, _
particularly old white, and Sumatra for burning I
arcjwanted^and the market is nearly bare of both, ^
thero being none in first hands. .
Flour.?Early in the week there was a fair '
demand for western, nnd sales were made to some 1
extent at]G 87 to ^7 12, but prices declined at the rc
close, and we note prices at fully 12$ cts. lower.
IIavanxa, Jfav 23.?Our Sugar market has JM
been very dull lately. ^
New-Orleans?May 23. a
Huron?The market continues very dull; the n,
stock is heavy and prices lower, present rates be- b<
in<r, for 11a 14; J/iddlings 10$ all; Shoulders ai
8 cents per lb. Arrived this week, 5o'2 hhds. i t]
"Let them enjoy their persuasion, who think,
that to ho born is sufficient to make a man an
Orator. They will pardon our labor, who think N
that nothing can arrivo at perfection unless when tl
nature is assisted by careful cultivation."? ol
The Trustees of C lie raw* Academy, the
Academtcal .Society and the Public generally arc *
respectfully invited to attond an Exhibiiton of 1
Dcclamatiunbv the l'upils of the male and Fein- J
ale Academics in this place, at the Female w
Academy on Thursday Evening next at 7 o'clock, ai
Between GO and 70 scholars, of both 6cxcs, Is
from the youngest to the oldeit, without external ' ni
decoration of any kind will appear, speak and sing ! di
their respective parts, it is hoped, in a chaste and j S
becoming manor. Should there not be sufficient I
time seasonably to finish the exercises on Thurs.;
day, they will be continued and closed on Friday ; Evening.
, B
Ventriloquism. J
7*nr two Nights Onht. ! r
TUESDAY aud Wednesday Evenings June
14th and 15th at Council Chamber, front ,
Street Chemw.-,
Xfr. KexavorTuv the celebrated VentriloquMl
will give two bf his entertainments, consis- ting
of Lecture* and Illustrations of the above curious
faculty. I fl
Doors opon at 7, Lecture to commence at 8 :
o'clock precisely?Y'ickets 50 cts., Children halt i
price. For
particulars see bills. j
Cheraw, June 14, *>* It J
- ^ ~ i
Iii Store and For Sale.
100 PIECES Henry Hemp Bagging,
10 Cases tine Drab and Black Hats,
10 Ditto Drab and Black Sattiu Beaver,
6 Ditto Wool, m
4 Ditto Palm Ijeal",
150 Prs. Shoos, embracing all sizes and qualities, j Q
Cotton Osnuburgs and Cotton Yarn, |
A general assortment of well selected Dry Goods; j ^
also ' |
A Good Stock of Hardware and Cutlery, cmbraciug
almost every article in that line, c
Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Iron, Steel, .Molasses, Stone
Lime and old Wines,
Crockery and Glass Ware.
Cash paid for Cotton and liberal advances made
on Cotton left for shipment to Charleston or ; ^
New York. i
Cheraw. S O., Juncl, 31 tf. jd
^Sheriff's Sales. jfi
On" Writs of Fieri Farias. j
- -w f t r r i ii _?.i ?i.^
mm/ 11 / Lj OO SOiU Ull IIIV 11131. .ilUiiua> auu uic ;
Ww day following in July next, before the j
Court House, vitliin the legal liours, the follow.,
ing property, viz: ! II
Olio Lot in the Town of Cheraw, on front a
Street, No. 248, one hundred feet front and two (
hundred and eighty feet deep, levied on as the j
pfoperty of Francis Wilson deceased, at the suit
of John. Taylor jr. assignee of Joseph Kllerbe. j
vs. RicharJ Hielan administrator of 1\ Wilson 1 f
deceased. \ jj
10 head of Cattle, 30 head of iiogs, 15 head of
sheep, two beds and furniture levied on as tlie property
of Abel B. Fundcrburk at tho suit of C.
L. llunly, Amos Deason and others, vs. A. B.
Funderburk. (ET'lhe above property of A. 13.1 I
Fundcrburks will be sold at bis houso on the se-j ^
cond day of Sale. j \
Also will be leased for tho Taxes for a term not, ^
exceeding seven years 550 acres of land more or > j1
less belongingto Thomas Johnson, lying on the I
waters of Kockv Creek adjoining tho lands of I c<
Duncan Campbell, J. Dinkins and others at the ! fl
suit of the State, vs. Tiios. Johnson, Tax and Cost' ir
$5 89?. Terms Cash?purchasers will pay for i
Sheriff's Titles.
. ALFRED M. LOWRY, Sheriff, C. D. "
Stioriff's OtKco. June 9. tt*. !
: i g
To sleep, or not to sleep, ay, there's the scratch! h
Whether 'tis nobler in man, to sutler
The sting and bite of the outrageous Bed Bug;
Or to step into JIkrvky's and buy a Steamer, w
And by tteahling, end them ? J\
The public are informed that ti
7^^ the above mentioned Steam.
Zj. yJ ertt can bo liad at the Tin Shop
fy Y an(^ ^or ?xteriKinating Bed '
H""* they are superior to any | f
1 other invention. I .
They arc made so that no i
accident can possibly result in !
-using them. Call and tee.
Choraw May I. HO 7t. | 1
IttW UOOKS | '
Just received at the books store tlio following a
among others?Calvin on Romans, Hodge on j c
Romans, life of Calvin, McLuurin's essays on j h
happiness, Good's, better covenant, The nature ofj h
conviction ofsin? and conversion illustrated in i u
the narratives of the conversion of eminent clirfs.!
II"JPip?irct*V # i
New Goods,
TilE Subscriber Respectfully informs his
friends and the public, that he has just revived
hi* 1
Consisting of a very general and well selected t
issortuient of (Iroceries, Hats, Shoes, Crock#ry, ?
lardwarc, and Cutlery. Also, Paints, Drugs &c.
Persons wishing to purchase in this market,
rould do well to call and see. *
May, 17th til tf.
For Sale,
rkN Market and Green st/ects, 3 lots forming
IW a square on the corner,of three hundred feet, 't
rith a comfortablo dwelling House with rooms
nd four fire places, with several out buildings, a
II in good repair with excellent water i deemed
> be in a healthy part of town. The lots have -:
trim cltgiiKltOffi 'avis] fitllTl < f rnpa nit a-ill Ka I !
/ll,v "muuwvij ~ ? ? ? ||
>l?i on accommodating ternw. Also would be glad t
> hear of a purchaser for the //buses ind lots at ^
ociety Hill, belonging to Mrs. F. C. Watson and ?
Ir. D. G. Darker.
April 22, t?3G, - 21 tf.
- - ! "
Bank Vault Doors. I
POR Sale, two H'rougif Iron Doors, former,
ly attached to the upper Vault of the Union ank
of South Carolina, which was taken down
me years ago. Ono of them (the inner one)
oss-barrcd and substantially riveted, the other a '
lid mass. There arc two locks, of exquisite orkmanship,
to each Door, with duplicate keys. O
pply to Rene Godard, Esq. President, or to
W. B.WILKIE, Cashier.
The Augusta Constitutionalist, Columbia Tel. "jH
icopc, Camden Journal, Chcraw Gazette, and i J.
iken Telegraph, will please give the above two
sertions, and forward their bills for payment. :
Charleston, il/ay 11 2tl 2t.
Notice ^
[S hereby given to Margaret Thomas, daughter
of John Brecdcn, lute of Marlborough
istrict, who departed thu? life on the 27th Nov. ?
*35, and the lawful wife of Lewis Thomas, of
ic State of Tennessee, (county nor post office fj
collected) that she or her husband is requested J
> corao and receive the amount which 1 am at
)und to pay her, or her heirs, according to the
nor of a bond which I pave to the said John !
reeden, during his life. As I have not heard ?
f the said Margaret Thomas or her husband for J
number of years, I avail myself of thisxnodc to
otify her that the amount of money that I ain ;
)und to pay her is rdfcdy to be paid to her, or j
ly person legally authorized by her to receive j
le same, whenever called for.
Marlborough District, S. C.
March 23, 1836. 19-14
I*. S. The Editors of the Nashville Banner and ,
ashville Union will insert the above notice for
iree months and forward their accounts to the
lice of the Ulieraw uazctte ior payment.
March 23, 1^36. A. B. |
? v
I Private Teacher * Wanted. 1
[WILL give, to any gentleman capable of j j
teaching Mathematics & the dead Languages, ) ^
ilh good recommendations of moral character, j oj
rid without family, a salary of $300 with j f(
>ard, to teach my children Jfor one year, com- 3
icncing as soon as convenient. Letters to bo 1
rectcd, post-paid, to 11. F. Pcgues, at Chcraw ' ^
April 2nd. . j ^
J. PEOIES. , *
I '
i oJ
Cutler's K(((>rve?M>nt ^fugnesian Ape*
rient, "
RECOMMENDED by the medical Faculty p
for Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Nervous e
Nubility, Aciditv of Stomach, Sic. for sale by
March 23, 183G. *
__ ?? a
Weeding Hoes. g
"M DOZEN Weeding IIocs, just received, 1 u
ML /W also on hand a few barrels Iri*h I'ota 1 0
vet, for sale by !
J. &, C. POWELL. I u
Vr.mli 91. 183(1.
J ? ti
HUDSON'S Hotanic Tincture for the Teeth,
cures the Tooth ache, removes the Tartar, ri
icurvv, &c. for Sale by fc
May 3, ' 25 If. j I
JOIIN* EVAN'S ic Co respectfully inform tl
their friends and the public generally, that
tiey have removed to a Store recently fitted up f,
n front street, opposite Dacostk 6c McKay's,
here, with an enlargement of their stock of t<
loods, they will be prepared to suit customers b
a all mercantile articles adapted to this market ti
it the most favourable terms, and to giro fair pri- i w
ci for country produce. J J
Ciieraw,.Y!ay 31st 163G iJl) tf. Jg
? 11 m - l i Q
Dissolution. c
r I IE Copartnership in the Mercautile Bu*i. n,
vat heretofore existing between the Sub- ?
rribcrs, under the firm of I). Sc J. M alloy, is* ?
issolved this da\ ?y mutual consent. J. Malloy u.
i duly authorized to adjust the busiucss of the
rra. w
"m.v! -?* 4 r t t\\r | a
- J
Banking House.
PROPOSALS will be received for contract to " a
build a Banking-House at Cheraw, until *
15th of June next. The building to be two tto>
rics high, of brick, 48 feet by 42. Persona proposing
to contract can eee specificationaby applying '>
rt the Bank. . ,-A
J. C. COIT, Present. 1
('heraw, iVfay 5, 26 6.
Goods. \
A KXOUXCES to hia customers that be haa .j
cL just received a very large and unusually
ompleto assortment of seasonable GOODS,
rbich were selected by himself with much care
nd attention in New Vork. He therefore feels
onfident that he is prepared to sell a* low as ess ?
ossibly be afforded m this market. He cordially
nvites aH to call and examine. erchanti from jg|
he eountry will find it an object to call. He may ^
e found in about two weeks at his old stand on /Hfl
Vont Street. Among his Goods is a great variety
*?I ^..-i:? / i r?-i: Z .3
4 vviuuiwi UPIIU0| uwyiiwp vanvwpf
: wis*, Jaconet 4c plaid uslins,bTaek & collored
ilk tanejr Hdhfs, Gloves, Stockings, Laces, Pa.
isols, Linens, a large assortment of Gentlemen's
urnnicr wear.
April 19, 1836. 23tf
Law Notice.
rC. EVANS win practice in the courts of
I aw and equity in the Northern circuit,
fliee, Market St. Cheraw. 2^tf
Family Medicine Chests
VEATLY fitted up with medicine of the
best quality. For Sale by
May 3. 25 tf.
Bcrkwitb's Aati-Dlspeftfc Pills.
rlllS valuahle medicine kept instantly on
hand, and for sale by
March 1. 16tf
rHE subscribers have established themselves
in the pl?ovc line of business in Cheraw
id offer their services to its citizens.
Cheraw, S. C., Jan. 26.
)yspepsia and Liver Complaints.
r m
ARC universally acknowledged to have total*
- eclipsed tlie pretensions of every other remedy;
ud superceded the necessity of every c4her mode
f treatment, wherever tlie above dieottjs are
>und to exist, as well as in enlargement of the
pltea and in Jaundice?
Among the symptoms of Dyspepsia and Liver
omplaints, are flatulency, sourness or bunting
1 the stomach, melancholy, irritability, disarccable
taste in the mouth ; great irregzflarlty of
ppetito, which is sometimes voracious, and at Liter
times greatly deficient, thirst, fetid breath,
ausea weakness of the stomach, acid e nictations, *
alpitation, drowsiness, irregularity of the bow- ,
Is, pressure on the stomach after meals, pain la
ie head, dizziness or vertigo; confusion of mind,
t tended with loss of memory, a gnawing in the . *
toinacli when empty, chillnesa, aifeetiasi of sight
nd hearing, pain and weakness in the back, Ianuor,
disturbed sleep, eoWJfeet and hanida, tremor,
neasiness in the throat, cough, pain in the aide
inuf 5peaking m wo uigucat uiu? , ,
icy, might be added, but the very high repute,
on Dr. P. ha* acquired as the invemter of the
Patent Vegetable Medicina Stomachic* et He.
jtica" lor the cure of Dyspepsia and Liver
omplaints, i* thought a sufficient guarantee to
lose wishing to make a trial of their virtues,
'hey contain not a particle of Afereury, or any
igredient tint does not pet is harmony with
faith and oppose disease.
Dr. F. wishes it distinctly understood, that
tese Fills possess beneficial qualities indepen;nt
of their purgative effects; they are both ton.
: and deobstruent, acting upon the secreting and
rhalent functions; that strengthening the peent,
while they remove obstructions?Modi,
ines which possess no other, excepting cathar.
c qualities, debilitate the patient, and their related
use lays the foundation of a long eate.
?gue of Chronic Diseases.
Dr. P. having been educated undrir the most
ninent American and European Afedical pro.
assort, and practised his profession many yoars
t the South, where diseases of the most obstinate
fiaracter prevail, cousiders himself weH qualified
> nidire on the'nature of dieeoses incident tr<
arm china ten.
Prepared by Joseph Priestly Peters, *. x>. r.
, c. p. m. at his Institution for the curt of obfti>
ate diseases, by means of vegetable remedies, No
29 Liberty street, York, inventor and soje
roprictor. * Each box contains forty Pills. Ptfce
3 Cents.
A fresh supply of the above Medicines, just re.
ived and for sale bv .
Chcmr, May 3, 18&;, 6ni.
r breast, &c*
These medicines ore becoming known and rated.
' *
* _
Each boxj* accompanied with numerous Cerlocates
front the highest sou foes of respectability.
The unrivaled success of the medicines, in cuing
the above maladies has given them a. sepo*
ilion which time only can destroy*
Tltese Pills need but a trial to recommend
They afe purely vegetable and wcB calculated
jf the removal of all Biilious complaints*
They act specially upon the Liver, when in A
jrpid condition, carrying off a large quantity of
ile, through the Influence of the exeernent funcon,
which, if suffered to remain in the system,
cruld prodncc either Jaundice, liver Complaint*
tillious Fever, Fever atod Ague, or some other
rievous bodily affliction; In all cases of torpor
f the bowels, they act like a charm* In recent
jscs of Dyspepsia, they aro a certain euro* flfatr
tneonnii ?1m? Worn isbift to violent attacks
['sick hew) ache, have bee* much benefitted, and
:reral perfectly cured in a few week# by their
se. They are highly recommended m a prerenvo
and euro of BilliouS complaints. Persona
ho are .subject to' that distressing complaint,
;a sickness, by taking a portion or two of them
few days previous to embarking on board the
esscl, will bo almost certain to escape it. Fetales
can use them at any period, without innrring
any risk. Persons going to sea, or to a
mthern climate, should by all means take tome
f these Pills with them.?Their virtues will retain
unimpaired for years in any climate. So
unity should be without these Pills; a portion of
tem, taken occasionally would be the means of"
rerouting much suffering from sickness. ~"1| is
otn neglect of keeping up a regular peririaltie
;tion of tlie stomach and bowels, thus suffering
> be absorbed and mingled with the blood, unasmilated
fluids, that most diseases are piodntod.
r. P. feels confident that no person who gives
icse P'Us a fair trial, will ever after feel willing
> bo without them. The testimony of thoo
1 ' ? '? tmna nf ihnir ?ffi.
Mav 31 29 3t. v"
X. 11. I shalikeep my Counting Uoom at the c,
irick Store after today, where 1 will attend to #<
ny business oftho concern. { Q]
' For Sale. g
Hhda Molasses, 20 Barrels of Xortlnfrn pi
Pv Flour, 5 Tiercies of Kice, and a Pole fr
oat. Apply to a<
27tf A. M171RI IE AD & Co. tc
" " g j
A Tutoress Wanted, r
[X the Female Academy at Marlborough C. j
House, to take charge of the same on the 2d J lc
londay in July next. A salary of ? 100 will be I 81
iven payable quarterly. Applicants required to C.J
ir sli testimonials of competency to instruct in li
le useful and ornamental branches of female 4
lucation. Communications addressed to the P
lbscribcr, Secretary, before the first Monday Cl
i July will be promptly attended to. The Trus. }}
;cstake this- occasion to express their sincere *
* ?i.^f*"? lKrtli?jF/la it} rnmriolW frnin a ^
jjrci liltll ,M1M> .o (
?gard for her health to relinquish the charge of
lis Institution, which site has hitherto kept with
reut credit to herself, and entire satisfaction to
er employers. .
C. W.DUDLEY, Secretary. 1C
P. S.?The Tutoress in addition to her salary e}
ill be allowed to receive the proceeds of the ~
academy over and above the sum of #400, if there CJ
iiould bo any. The election will take place on
re 20th of June. C. W. D. J*
Bi'iinettsville. May 22, 27 tf. *c
To Hire.
rEN" likely negro fellows, Boat liands, will fe
be hired for'a few months. "J
Apply to * D. L. McKAY. ?
May 31st 18!T6 29 tf. u
To Hire,
rjXTIL the first of October neat; a Negro *
My Woman and two Children. The woman is ji
n excellent cook, washer and ironer, and the '
liildren have been accustomed to wait in the
ouse. Also, a girl about fifteen years uld, who
as been employed for three years past in waiting
pon small children c<
Enquire at this office.
M-y39, 29 tf.

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