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Panama City pilot. (Panama City, Washington County, Fla.) 1907-19??, September 24, 1908, Image 2

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Panama Cilv Pilot
Published every Thursday
By The
Panama City Pub Co
G M West President and Editor
forms One Year 100 Six Months 50c
Rates for advertising on application
Entered as secondclass matter May 30th
1907 at the post cilice at Panama City Florida
under the Act of Congress of March 3 1879
Car Distribution
i t There is much ado over a decision
in the United States circuit court at
I Baltimore recently to the effect that
railways in making a distribution of
coal cars should distribute private
line cars to all intents and purposes
the same as their own were used
On many roads mining comp t n ys
own their own cars That is up to
l the hour of this decision they sup
b posed they owned them These com
panys have gone to a heavy expense
r to buy cars that they might have a
sufficient supply at all times for their
r output
l This much heralded decision if
correctly reported denies the prop
I erty rights of the owners in these
L cars and demands that the railway
company upon whose lines they pre
r running shall give them to other coal
operators in making their distribution
tc of all cars on their lines regardless
of ownership
Just what peculiar legal ethics
r caused this unique decision is one of
j the unexplainable things in the ac
tions of our judiciary Possibly they
f are tinctured with that Socialism that
declares all property common
i To a layman it would look like con
fiscation of property taking it without
due process of law If the roads must
r distribute private coal cars upon re
I quisitions from every one regardless
of ownership of the cars why will
x not the same principle apply to the
great refrigerator lines and to the
i Standard Oil Companys tank cars
r The primal doctrine that railroads
are public highways upon which any
I one could haTe their own cars moved
appears to have been changed to the
f opposite extreme that no private
L cars can be used in the interest of
private owners on any railroad
East Bay Canal
r This project is receiving the earnest
attention of the greater portion off
South Western Georgia and South
1 East Alabama and the Commercial
Clubs and other public bodies in that
territory are all doing more or less to
t promote the same in connection with
f the improvement of the Chattahoo
t chee Flint Apalachicolaa and
Chipola rivers
The proposed waterway improve
ment is intimately connected with the
deepening of the entrance of this
harbor and is so looked upon by the
t Engineer Corps and prominent ofli
cials The following letter from Ion
11 D Clayton of Eufaula Ala to
Miss Carlisle explains that gentle
mens position in the matter
Calloway Fla
Your several articles in behalf of
the improvement of the harbor at St
Andrews Bay read with much
pleasure I am heartily in favor of
getting all the necessary Federal aid
to deepen and improve this valuable
harbor Deep water at St Andrews
Bay will be of vast benefit not only
to the people of Florida but to the
people of southeast Alabama and
southwest Georgia I am heartily in
favor of this improvement
Yours very truly
Miss Carlisle has received many
very encouraging letters recently
upon this subject which her articles
have inspired and this lady now urges
that St Andrews Bay form an Im
provement or Commercial Club for
the further exploitation of the sub
The suggestion is a good one and
should be acted upon at once Every
place of any importance needs such
an organization that they may take
part through its representatives in
the many public gatherings connect
ed with the present agitation for
better means of transportation c
Without such representatives our Bay
l country is placed at quite a disad
Imports I
The September number of the Crop
Reporter the Government official
publication gives the imports of farm
and forest products for the year end
ing June 30th 1908 also in com
parison with those of the year end I
ing June 30th 1907
All the facts and figures are ex
tremely interesting but the PILOT
would call the attention of its readers
to but a few items therein that may
convey a lesson to our West Florida
and Lower South farmers
In the matter of goat skins impor
tations to the value of 1732512600
were made for the year ending June i
30th 1908 as against values in the I
preceding year of 83171529800 The
figures show a heavy decrease but
with the opportunities to successfully j
f grow goats in this section it would II
seem as though the imports might be
still further reduced by greater home
Over 81400000000 worth of cotton
was imported this past year against
upwards of 81900000000 the previous
year Over 83000000000 in value of
fibre material was imported this past
year Florida could possibly have
furnished quite a little of th is much
called for product
There was over 82500000000 of rice
imported the past year an increase
over the year before Rice can be
successfully grown in the territory
spoken of Tobacco comes in for
nearly 23 millions in value imported
this last year as against 26 millions
the previous year And Vest Florida
can and does produce successfully
some of the finest tobacco in the
Nearly five millions worth of pulp
wood was imported this last year as
against about 3 million the year be
fore and over 7 millions worth of
pulp against a little over 6 millions
the previous year There is an
abundance of first class material for
nulp in the swamp sections of Vest
Florida and it is its manufacture
offers one of the best paying proposi
tions there is in the country In fact
the above figures show that there is
a most excellent market for quite a
variety of the products of this portion
of the Lower South
The Third District
Quite a few papers and some politi
cians in other portions of this State
are seemingly very anxious about the
controversy going on in this District
over the result of the Primary Elec
tion as regards Representative fear
ing that unless it is all stopped
quickly the District and the State
may become a Republican possibility
As far as this District is concerned
there need be no loss of sleep as to I
the result It is Democratic to the
core and will so show up in the re
turns And the State will do the
same But to strengthen Democratic
principles and government the
KehoeMays case should be fought
along all its varied lines to a final
determination by the Supreme Court
True Democracy is not afraid of legal
Fire Protection For Florida Forests
A Washington letter says In many
parts of the country the most progressive
ressive nlen of the lumber industry I
have felt the greatest necessity of
adopting better methods of protecting
their timber holdings from fire but
in some places there still remains
much to be done This is particularly
true through a great part of the
yellow pine belt of the south upon
which the naval stores industry of
the world is largely dependent A
timber owner of Florid in writing
to the Forest Service at Washington
talks of the matter as follows
Spea king of fire protection There
is absolutely nothing being done
The turpentine people to protect
their timber rake around the trees
during early winter and then burn
the woods This is done to keep off
the forest tires of early spring These
supposed to be set by the
fires are I
cattle interests for the purpose of I
burning off the dry grass so that the I
young grass will come up on which j
the cattle feed In doing this they j
destroy millions of young pines that
have just started to grow and are too Ii
small and tender to stand the heat of
the fire i
4If these fires could be stopped it
would solve the problem of reforest
as Florida is concerned
jug as
time that a
I have thought for a long
would go far
nofence law
stopping the burning of thesewoods
ai iiicJ1 c SuL t J d Li u w
As it is now there is no regulation
What I mean to say is that if you I
I own a small piece of land say forty
acres and had 10000 head of cattle
you are at liberty to graze your cattle
on my 10000 acres of land or on my
I neighbors 20000 acres of land and
we cannot help ourselves If we
could catch you firing the woods and
had a witness to prove it we could
prosecute you but that is hard to do
If we had a nofence aw you as a
cattle owner would be compelled to
keep your cattle in an enclosure
which would remove the temptation
of burning the woods of your neigh
bors besides being of infinite benefit
I to poor people In starting little farms I
In many instances the fen ing of the i
land is by all odd the largest item of
expense in starting a small farm and
1 often puts it beyond the reach of poor
men who might otherwise make a
little start toward farming
The burning oLthe grass not only
kills millions of small pine trees but
it impoverishes the soil and exposes
the ground to the heat of the sun
thereby retarding the growth of not
only small pine trees but the large
ones as well The thing that is neces
sary to make the trees healthy and
vigorous goes up in smoke every
What I have mentioned and the
many destructive methods being prac
ticed in the cutting of timber in the
forest and in the manufacturing of it
is costing the south millions of dol
lars of which she u taking no account
and the present low prices of lumber
and naval stores will add to the de
struction for the reason that many
of the owners of timber and turpen
tine leases will not have money
enough to pay the expense of raking
the pines Our naval stores and lu fi
ber are being sent all over the world
and in the majority of cases we are
not making expenses out of our com
modity with a total loss of our tim
ber which is really valuable enough
to bring a good liberal stumpage
Ve are selling our turpentine at 35
and 36 cents per gallon and it will
cost SI00 per gallon to reproduce the
forest from which it is being taken
The same thing will apply to rosin
Ve are giving theyorld our crop of
lumber at an average of about SIB p er
thousand feet that will cost us from
840 to SoO per thousand feet to repro
duce I
rww General News III
The cholera has broken out in a II
very severe form both in St Peters I
v I
burgh and Manilla
The political speakers begin to I
bestir themselves and are touring the i
north east just at present
The Dothan Eagle reilizing the ne
en I
cessity of that city having a daily
paper begun on the 21st the issue of
an afternoon daily The PILOT wishes j
brother H all all success in his efforts
After a long extra session the CJeor
gia legislature on the lth passed a i
bill ending the convict lease system
and the Governor has signed the
same The present system has been >
in force since 1S > 5 i
Extensive drought prevails through i
out the New England states and
forest fires in Maine are disastrous i
The fires in the Mesaba Range and
per Michigan and Wisconsin are
also still doing ficreat damage
The hurricane of the 10th was very
destructive to shipping that ran across
its course in the South Atlantic and >
West India seas Many vessels were I
destroyed and towns on the smaller I
islands swept out of existence
Judge Wolfe has granted a writ
calling upon the parties who disobey
ed his injunction recently at Talla
hassee in the KehoeMays canvass
to appear and show cause why they
should not be punished for contempt
of court
Hearst Haskell Foraker and other
shining political lights have been
calling and proving each other liars
this past week to the exclusion of all
else much to the jollification of the j
common people H When rogues fall
out honest men get their dues7
A telegram received at Birmingham
Ala calls off the machinist strike on
the Louisville and Nashville railroad
which has been on since May 291907
The men are allowed to return to
work if they can get the work The
telegram came from the headquarters
Washington and will effect the
entire system Fifty men have been I
on strike at this point
+ ztihwc tmaea iwstsvis < i c 0 L > cc
Its Never to Late to Get right
Spring Summer Fall and Winter
0 a
Is Always Right
Atlanta and
St Andrews Bay
Only direct Rail Route from Central and Sout Alabama
and Georgia to the GULF COAST 1
No 1 No2
1140 a in Lv Dothan 1000 p IlIAr
1210 p 111 tt Hodgesville 980
1235 Cam pbellton 900
110 Cottondale SHO
135 Alfords 800
145 Round Lake
s 7 UO Ar
155 Compass Luke 715
230 Fountain 140
300 Youngstown 510
410 p in Ar Panama City 500 p m Dp
Trains Nos 1 md 2 run daily onntt ions made at Dot Ita It with Atlantic oast >
Line and CVntr1 of Georgia At Cottondale with L it N 11 It At Panama City
on Tiu day and yodnosday with steamers for Apalachicola and Carralullc On
Thursday and Friday with steamers for Pensacola and Mobile and daily with
launches for MillvilJe St Andrews Southport and all point on St Anelns BI
Trallic Manager Superintendent
ii C Holley Co s
Successors to C E Brackin Co
Notions Peed Stuffs Etc
Call and see them as they deliver freight to all points on the
bay in and up to Five Dollars or more except feed
I E W Masker Ic
Colored Souvenir Postal Cards and Books
I Z AtAtAiAiAiAi
r 2 l
4 Bank of Panama City 1
This Bank is now open for business
A General Banking business conducted f
Savings Accounts received from 100 up
t Start an Account now It will pay you
L n
Contractor and Builder
All manner of buildings constructed Plans
furnished if desired Material furnished if
required Prompt and satisfactory service
guaranteed Address
Millville Florida
e l1 Y J
Try the New One
PURE Champagne Punch ANY SEASON
Ask Ellis McKenzie
F > < cc i

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