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L PASO HERAL a. Wednesday, April 20, 1910. gHHFgfflBfffiHaMjMaBWii i mill ma imwLKt Wi IWWMH 'lev P. u Prosperity j dates from the first dollar saved. Every person who earns money should save a part of it. The one who has saved in the past is prosperous today; and he who begins a sav ings account today will be'prosperous in the future. We pay interest on savings accounts and ;prish to number you, among our satisfied customers. Our savings department is open Saturday evenings until 8 o'clock for the accommoda tion of our customers. We wish to serve the public. Have' you tried' us?' The El Paso Ban Trust Co. k & iii cfrmip'hy lira rthtfr ill uLliliinill, DI-UilliLU 0 m t LU Method of Transacting Busi ness in Times of Crisis Is Discussed and Probed by Investigators. "Washington. T. C, April 20. How Germany met the crisis of 1907 and how she has improved her banking laws to meet future crises was the subject of J a special inquiry by an official German 1 commission, whose hearings have been translated and published by the .Nation al Monetary commission. The German commission consisted of 24 members and was a thoroughly representative body, including leading bankers, mer chants, landed proprietors, and profes sors of political science. They took evi dence from nearly 200 authorities. ' whose testimony was reported, and they, r OUT OF TOWN WORK SOLICITED Shop Machine Repair that makes any kind of a gear, repairs any kind of machinery and Turns Out Work On Time If you break any part of your machinery advise us and see. how quickly, how accurately andhow cheap we can make the repair. Any kind of repairs that -can be made with Milling Machines, Drill Presses, Grinders and Lathes Can be done at our shop in the most reasonable time and at a very reasonable price. AUTO EEPAISrSTG A SPECIALTY. 6 Christy Automobile Co. M. B. CHRISTY, MGR. Both Phones. ' 615 1. Campbell p. & nre seu electric and gasoline cars and also maintain a garage. i .. . .nnMUlMaMHi AKD FRESH FIELD, GARDEN AND FLOWES SEEDS CALL OK OR WRITE TO I O. G. SEETON THIRD AND CHIHUAHUA STREETS DEALERS IN HAY, GRAIN, FLOUR AND FEED ENGINEERS,' DRAUGHTSMEN'S PHOTOGRAPHERS' INSTRUMENTS AND SUPPLIES Fred J. Feldman Co. 308 San Antonio St. SOUTHWESTERN SALES 'AGENTS KEUFFEL & ESSER CO, OF If. Y. themselves engaged in a discussion which forms one of the moat interesting portions of their report. Among- the Questions most seriously discussed was whether a charge should he made "in what is known in Germany as the note contingent, or the limit of notes which may be issued upon a re serve of one-third in gold without pay ing a special tax. This limit of uncov ered issues was, at the time of the in quiry, 472,S29,000 marks (5112,500,000). It was ultimately raiseG, as the result of the investigation, to 550,000.000 marks, with a new provision, not pre viouslv known to the law. for an ad ditional issue of 200,000,000 marks ($47,500,000) during the last week of each quarter. Above these amounts there is always a considerable issue covered in full bv gold, but when notes i . ...... . i it..-. are issued witnout xne goiu cover mu tax of 5 percent becomes operative. The question of raising the contin gent, and even of abolishing it alto gether, was discussed. It was contended by Dr. "Wagner that the existence of a limit of contingent issue had an in jurious effect rather than a beneficial one. He declared that it might even hannen that shipments of gold from I abroad were held back until the rate of I discount should be higher. If Germany had, like France, a maximum note cir culation, which was not usually at tained, there would remain at critical times a large scope for extended issues of notes and the granting of credit. It was noteworthy that the Bank of France had, throughout its existence, been free from such restrictions, and that it was one of the functions of the bank administration to determine the relation between the quantity of notes and the cash funds. One of the evil ef fects of a fixed issue which "was recalled by Dr. Wagner was that when the Peel act was suspended in England in 1857, an event of which Dr. Wagner had per sonal recollection, the cr" was heard from the continental press that the step was equivalent to the suspension of specie payments, simply because the Bank of England was allowed, on the responsibility of the ministry, to issue uncovered notes beyond the legal limit. Contingent liaised. Accepting the decision of the major ity, however, that the contingent would be retained, Dr. "Wagner supporter" the suggestion that, in addition to raising the contingent to 550,000,000 marks, it be raised still higher at the much-discussed quarterly periods, for at such times there may be a greater need of. credit, and it is precisely then that the chief function of the central bank of issue comes into play. He suggested, therefore, that the contingent or un covered and untaxed notes be allowed at such times to exceed by 100,000,000 or even 200,000,000 marks the author ised limit at other times. In this suggestion Dr. "Wagner adopted the proposal made by a prac tical banker, Arthur Fischel, of Men delssohn & Co., of Berlin. Mr. Fischel expressed a preference for abolishing the fixed limit and for requiring a gold reserve which should always equal one third of the amount of notes, with the proviso that If the reserve was less than two-thirds the additional issues should be subject to tax. He did not consider a change altogether wise, however, under existing conditions, ex cept in the extension of the untaxed issue at the quarter ends. He consid ered it true that when the issues of the bank crossed the limit of the untaxed circulation it constituted a danger sig nal, and he would not admit that the frequent sounding of the signal should dull the sense of danger. Not Abnormal Situation. He declared on this points "If we have had in the last years such a fre quent overstepping of the note contin gent, this has happened precisely be cause we have been in an altogether ab normal situation in point of economic development as well as In point of the condition of our circulation and the condition of the Reichsbank. and It was actualljVbeneficial for us to receive fre quent warnings. The danger signal, therefore. I would retain, but I ques tion whether this danger signal does not often sound at the wrong time. If we say that we must be able to have a certain .quantity of uncovered notes in circulation, we ought to keep in mind that at the quarterly periods the de mand upon the currency is much great er than It is at other times, for an over- rWtri lint siCELiJl we S V&L Us BHB3Bb Prt Hf wi'ri WM 9w pfaMB tE3K mj ;H HE iffHV ? E Study Of Our J Make a Special 3 sjoys Clothes M OCT OR TOLD TO USE CUTICURA And Thus Cured a Scalp Disease Like Scald Head It had Lasted Several Months and Made Most of the Sufferer's Hair Fall Out. This is just a short talk which we hope will be of interest and help to you in selecting the tonic and blood purifier that will be of the great est value to you this Spring. That this is the most trying of all seasons on the health is a fact well known to us all. It is the time of year when our constitutions are required to stand the greatest strain, and unless properly cared for the foundation is often laid for physical disorders or disease later on. The great majority of persons are fast coming to realize the importance of preventing disease. Health is our most ..valued possession, and its preservation is a matter which vitally concerns every one. Most persons, even those who are ordinarily strong and robust, v feel the necessity of a tonic and blood purifier at this season. Some have no particular ailment, but are weak, debilitated and run-down-. The Winter life, with its decreased amount of out-door exercise, and the fact that the cold weather has kept the pores of the skin closed, prevented the usual necessary amount of refuse and waste matter from being carried out of the system. These impurities entering the circu lation have weakened and thinned the blood, and this vital fluid is therefore lacking in the nourishing properties necessary to sustain and preserve systemic health, when warm, active Spring life begins. The general bodily weakness, tired, worn-out feeling, fickle appe tite, poor digestion, etc., show how weak and anaemic the blood has become. Frequently skin diseases, pimples, eruptions, boils, etc., break out on the skin, and this is evidence of the impurity of the circulation. S. S. S. is the medicine needed to correct this condition, and is the only one on which you can rely to supply the system with the best tonic effects, and at the same.time thoroughly purify the blood. The use of S. S. S. at this time may save you from a long spell of sickness, and it will certainly prepare you for the strain of the long, hot Summer. Many people have put off using a tonic until the system became so weakened it could not resist disease, and have paid for the -neglect with a spell of fever, malaria, or some other trouble. S. S. S. is Nature's ideal tonic and blood purifier, made en tirely of the pure extracts of healing, strengthening, health giving roots and herbs. It tones up the stomach and digestion, rids one of that tired, worn-out feeling, improves the appetite and diges tion, and in every way contributes to the strengthening and building up of the entire system. S. S. S. is recognized everywhere as the greatest of all blood purifiers, and this combined with its unequalled tonic properties, make it a medicine needed by every one in the Spring. S. S. S. is for sale at all drug stores. , THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. GA. 1 i S S S i ? GUARANTEED PURELY VEGETABLE I TROUBLE SOON GONE AND NEVER RETURNED "When I was ten or twelve years old I had a scalp disease, something like Ecald head, though it -wasn't that. I suffered for several months and most of my hair came out. Finally they had a doctor to see me and he recommended the Cuticura Remedies. They cured me in a few -weeks. I have used the Cuticura Remedies, also, for a breaking out on my hands and was benefited a great deal. I haven't had any more trouble with the scalp disease. "Miss Jessie P. Buchanan, R. F. D. 3, Hamilton, Ga., Jan. 7, 1909." babieFskins Should Know Only Cuticura Soap Pure, Sweet, Economical. Because of its delicate, emollient, sanative, antiseptic properties derived irom uuueura uinc ment, united with the purest of cleansing ingredients and most refreshing of flower odors, Cuticura Soap is unrivaled for pre serving, Dunfying and beauuiying the skin, scalp, hair and hands of infants and children. In the pre ventive and curative treatment of tortur ing, disfiguring eczemas, rashes, itchings, irritations, inflammations and chafings from infancy to age; for the sanative, antiseptic cleansing of ulcerated, in flamed mucous surfaces and for many other uses which readily suggest them selves to women, especially mothers, Cuticura succeeds when all else fails. Guaranteed absolutely pure and may be used from the hour of birth. stepping- of the limit at these periods is nothing abnormal, while at other times it should be regarded as abnormal." The character of loans made by the bank and their relation to the circu lating capital of the country was raised by Mr. Roland-Lucke, a former director of the Deutsche bank. He de clared that the most important point in all the statements that had been brought before the commission was the solemn asurance of the president the Reichsbank that in the future the bank would confine Itself in its Giscount op erations, even more than in the past, to receiving legitimate business bills that is, economically justified fluid bills. A Tremendous Snccess. Continuing the discussion on this subject, he said: "Gentlemen, it seems to me that many of -you do not suffi ciently appreciate the importance of this declaration. Even if our whole in quiry should appear to have no success at all in forming outside opinion, 3 should consider that it had achieved a tremendous success if it should have ai least the effect of strengthening tin Reichsbank administration in carrying out this assurance of theirs. Gentlemen if the Reichsbank keeps .to this princii pie you have won everything that you could, in any pratclcal sense. possibU flpsir Tnn h.ivp. to beerln with, the i nnrncciy' inflimnra imnn thP Whole activity of the Reichsbank.- A bank oi a banker will hardly be inclined to re plenish the portfolios to any great ex tent with such bills as can not be ac cepted by the Reichsbank. But you not only get the desired moderation of tin banker In treacherous times, you gs also the desired moderation of t! banker in point of the number and tn kind of customers whose drafts he w.l-accept." The duties of the Imperial bank to tiu country came under discussion from time to time and the difference be tween its obligations and those of a private bank. Even the lattrr, it was insisted by Dr. Riesser, wrre not with out the obligation o,f considering eco nomic interests. "I have always insist ed," he, declared, "that even the direc tors of a private bank occupy an offi cial position and do not merely carry on a business; that is to say. that they have not merely to consider private business interests, but that iu every transaction they are bound not only to consider It bearings upon their busi ness affairs, but to keep In ight its economic aspects ir connection with the j economic sltuat;on of the country. Even beef cattle have no more than held their quotations of March, and holdings are a trifle off." Choice cuts of veal, mutton and pork at Robinson's market. J. C- Peyton, successor. COTTON BELT MAY BUILD TO ABILENE TTaeo, Texas, April 20. It is learned here today thatj president McKarg. of the Texas Central railway, R. C. Duff, of Beaumont, and others have gone to Abilene, where an offer will be made by that cKy tor bringing the Deleon extension to Abilene. Reports from McGregor say the town is urging the Cotton Belt to run Its HainJltou extension out from there, Instead of Gatesville. McGregor citizens took the matter up by wire with president Britton, of the Cotton Belt. THE WEATHER Forecast. For El Paso and vicinity Tonight fair and warmer. Thursday, fair. For New Mexico Tonight fair and warmer. Thursday partly cloudy, with showers and cooler north portion. For west Texas Tonight fair and .armer. Thursday partlv cloudv wather. River at El Paso Height of surface Ms morning above fixed zero mark, ir.7 feet. 3ive m A Chance Complete External and Internal Treatment for r Humor ot Infants. CMIdren and Adults con- Every Bista of Cuticura Soap (25c.) to Cleanse the Skin. L,uucura umiment out) to iieai we sum ana cuti cura Resolvent (50e.) (or In the form ot Chocolate Coated Pills. 25c. per vial of 60) to Purity the Blood Sold throughout the world. Potter Drug & Chem. Corp, Sole Props.. 135 Columbus Ave Boston. Mass sa-Malled Free. 32-pase Cuticura Book, a com plete Guide to the Best Care of Skin and Scalp. MAYBE T.IVIXG 15 GOING TO BE CHEAPER. Decline Is Shown In Potntoea, Wheat, Corn and Other Products But ter Is Also Declining. New York, April 20. The present sensational drop In the price of pota toes may mean cheaper food of all kinds. Farmers are closing out their supplv of old potatoes for as little as nonit, o vntciioi wh ci is tne WWW 20 also nrffx in war? nihpr foods are cheaner. As a result of its investiga tion, the American Agriculturist April 2? will say: "A marked elpnline has occurred the prices of certain food j$roducts. "Compared to the high point In wheat last vear. the market at cnicago "- a (Wiinp of .17 nents. The decline corn from the" high point of last tc m r.ontc nrni note 0 cents. In for IU in year "oth er words, the present wholesale price of oats is 32 percent below the highest price of last year, corn is off 24 percent and wheat 14 percent. "Butter lias declined G percent, eggs have gone off as usual iu the spring. To Furnish the System the Kecessaxy Fluids to Drive Dyspepsia From the Stomach. A Trinl Psxekase Free. You snould give to your stomach the chemicals it needs to rfstnr tnn vigor and health to the gastric fluids. Food contains all these Ingredients so necessary, and when the stomach is in a normal condition it separates these ingredients as it should and manufac tures its own dlgestie agents, but when at is sick and sore, filled with acids and alkalies that irritate every thing they come in contact with it does not get at the food as it should and cannot make its own juices correctlv Science has proven just what is most neressary to the stomach to produce the correct gastric fluids aud to make of digestion a naturally pleasant duty. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are so made as to giveXhe stomach the high en chemical properties to aid digestion These tablets are made up from pure fruit and vegetable essences, and this Is the formula: Hydrastis, Golden Seal, Lactose, Nux, Aseptic Pepsin (the high est digestive known), and Jamaica Ginger. Its preparation peculiarly pre serves the full strength of these "ingre dients, so that they go into the'stomach strong and capable of digesting food of any character. Forty thousand physi cians use and prescribe them. Ask your doctor his opinion of the formula above. Every druggist sells theni, prCe 50 cents per box, or send us your name and address and we will send you a trial package by mall free. Address F. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Building, Marshall, Mich. They are exclusive in style and of the highest grade workman ship, best materials and at loTsrer prices than similar goods sold elsewhere. M Cheap boys' suits you can buy anywhere, but if you want a fine suit, which will grve you wear and perfect satisfaction, ome to us. The prices are from 00 Up to $13.50 umenthaFs Everything to Wear For Men and Boys At the Blumenihsd Corner i i First National Bank United States Depository Capital and Surplus, $600,000.00 OFFICERS AJXD DIBECTOKS: W. W. TDRNEY, Chairman. J03HDA JRA'ESOLDS, Presidant. Jsmes G. icNry, Vke-President. Walter M: Btrtlw, At. Oatfcfrr Jno. it Eaynoldi, Vice-President. Frauds B. Gallaiwrjgt. OmASer EDGAR W. KAYSER, Cashier. Assets - - $4,500,000.00 WE SOLICIT TO UE BANKETS BUSINESS ? 5vWSWVWWXw'Vb.SWWWiMWl C. R. MORBHEAD, President GEO. D. FLORT, Casluir. JOSEPH JJAGOFFIIf, V. Prts. C . BASSETT, Vict Prej. L. J. GILCHRIST, Aart. Caslu State National Bank ESTABLISHED APRIL, 1881. CAPITAL, SURPLUS AHD PROFITS, $175,000. A Legitimate Banking Business Transacted in. All Its Branc&e. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR MEXICAN MOHEY. 1 1 Rio Grande Valley Bank & Trust Co, W. W. Turaey, Prest W. E. Arnold, Cashier. S. T. Turner, Vice Prest. - - " F. M. Kurcaison, Asst. CatJu W. Cooley, V. P. 2s Mgr. " H. E. Christie, Secy. CAPITAL, SUEPLUS AND PBOFITS $150,000 GENERAL 3ANE3ITG BUSEfESS TRANSACTED SAVINGS DEPARTMENT OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUT OF TOWN ACCOUNTS CITY NATIONAL BANK EL PASO, TEXAS UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY Capital, $150,000.00. Surplus and Profits. $25,000.00 ! U. S. Stewart Frank Powers H. J. Siamos A G. Andreas E- Zohlberg jj. Biumenthal J. F. Williams J. H. May YOUR BANKING BUSINESS IS RESPECTFULLY INVITED tHRHnfi p4 Ifia FfltvJii m AsSHHHl HTTP. STMnTttn 1n T-Tr-CTcm-rjc Realizing that many people have neither the time nor exper-1 MWience to properly investigate securities, the officers of this in-: Institution are pieasea to confer -with those people having idle, fcfj money that they wish to invest. This bank alwavs has on stfjjjhond investments that combine satisfactory returns" with un-J piques tioned safety. Jjgl -- ,&r-li El Pasa Trunk Faclsry Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases made, repaired and exchanfed Opposite posteffice, 3cr&ss PJara. TeL 1054: Auto is- AftGELUS SSsSSg WORKS 0L00S SHOS., Praps, PRESSING f .., 2 nw3 "TL..I., O !- ftn DiaTn Auto lt0 UlSifffSUIU UJ8iS; BiUtt, WMF That last year's spring- suit can be made to look like new. Price3 reasonable. Gloves cleaned second to none. Satisfa ctlon guaranteed. nU BH 1010. I