!L PASO HERALD 10 Monday, lUov 9, 1910. WANTEl-HEAL ESTATE. GUESSIVIK HTETOCftSHfM. I ( THE H. CN3. WORDS :) TAKE n crT J WAS A GOOl 1 X ' Z . !STHH SE5TX " - . .r-ggE, , . - )-r WfiTEELX A f WEE' XTEEL ERTASTSsJL X THINK v I UK 1. ) VKlSaEIJgp TjgW THAT PA .3 1 ----- - VELL.X JUESS ILL GIVE YOj fKE rift , OUR. OLD HEAVEN5:N0W i IX'M TrOCLSS ) ( "Si HOMDRET TOR.) SKAT.E DRANK- WE'LL GrO TO J I p 17 nselx. mow: S T nyD Mitn so j pr lL C'S "FR.I3JCX THAT X jflfi) 1 sfTlWEUi ZS Solt) mm "For. 5TL y j I Tj lip II -'' pop COPYRIGHT. 1910, BY THE ChiBgs Lost and Found; Personals and Public Notices PERSOXAL. GEXXJ1XE SPAXISH gentleman would like to exchange lessons with refined i voung lady oi r gentleman. Address J. G. T., care Herald. 1VAXTED To communicate "with lady going north or east in -June who "wish es young lady to act as companion or rurse; references exchanged. Address D. C, care Herald: HELP WANTED SLALE. TELEGRAPH" IS ctUICKLI learned; great demand for operators: situation sure; expenses low. Address Dallas Telegraph college, Dallas. Texas. V4TTEB A competent English-Span lsh stenographer by large rubher con- cern In central jnexico. oaiar xo gold per month as start Must be re liable and in good health: state refer ences. Continental-Mexican Rubber Co.. box 176, Torreon. Mex. WAITED Porter Hotel Carlyle; none other than hustler need apply. WANTED General representative for j Success nana vacuum iici. w.u.--Sells for $15. The only successful single person machine on the market. Big gest kind of profits. Write for terms. Hutchinson Mfg Co., Wllkinsburg. Pa. WANTED. Timberman for mine, $4.00 gold; white laborers, R. R- work. $2.06-$2.50; American saleswoman speaking Span ish, $85.00; man and wife for hoteL $50.00; two waiters, Arizona, $10 week; woman cook for ranch, $35.00. FALL & MITCHELL, EMPLOYMENT. 201 San Francisco St. WESTERN E3CP. AND REALTY CO. 309 St. Loul St. All class help furnished, rents and col lections, accounting and auditing. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED A middleaged woman to do general housework; for further infor mations write A. J. Humphries, Sierra Blanca, Tex. WANTED Lady stenographer who is good in figures and Is familiar with peneral office work. Address W. G., are Herald. WANTED Immediately. Experienced female nurse. Both phones. Manager Baldwin Sanitarium. WAXTED Woman to cook and do gen eral housework for small family, Cloudcroft, all summer, "beginning May 15. Phone 145. 520 Prospect Ave. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE GOOD MONEY Wanted, 2 ladies and 2 gentlemen to sell best easy payment real estate; good commission. Apply C. E. Holmhoe, Moeller's office, Her ald BIdg. HELP WANTED GENERAL. HELP WANTED Man and wife or two ladies for small hotel, country resort, to help "wait table and clean bed rooms, etc No heavy work or washing; nice home for good, sensible people. Ad dress Stewart House, Fort Davis, Texas. WANTED SITUATIONS. MIDDLEAGED woman would like posi tion in office for physician; have had' experience. Address B. 331, care Herald. MAX WAXTED to drive milk wagon. Sunset Dairy- SITUATIOX WAXTED by married man. Position clerking or as assistant book keeper. No objection to some outdoor work. Write T. 2. care Herald. YOUNG MAN", bookkeeper-stenographer. English-Spanish, wishes position. Best of references. Write S. M., P. O. box 1114. City. NEW YORK EVENING TELEGRAM (NEW YORK HERALD CO.). An Rights Reserved. WANTED SITUATIONS. "WAXTED Position by first class com missary man, 15 years experience; 5 years experience as manager of com missary for coal, iron and steel manu- facturing company; best of references furnished. Address P. O. Box 791, Mia mi, Arizona. POS1TIOX" by competent and reliable lady stenographer; 10 years experi-1 ence in El Paso. Will take substitute , i position for summer; best local ref erences. Address C. M., care Herald, or Bell phone 1753. EXGIXEER Wants change of posi- I tion; competent power plant man; have , best of references. Dissatisfied here. ' i,c t. V t 7 nni -?:,, -1- v- - " --"-. j Ariz. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WAXTED. TO BUY TECOXD HAND TOOLS AND GUNS OR ANYTHING IN THE HARD- WARE LIXE. H. 2IOHR, CUT RATE HARDWARE. 309 S. EL PASO ST. WAXTED To buy a refrigerator suit able for meat market. Phone Bell 1173. Auto. 1544. WANTED 2nd hanu furniture. Aidrich, 215 NC Stanton St. Phone 2066. WANTED ROOMS. "WANTED 2 unfurnished or 1 fur nished and I and 1 unfurnished connecting ' rooms; private entrance: close in. I Write 358, Herald. WANTED HOUSES. WANTED 5 room house, reasonably close in; state location and price; must be bargain. Investor, care Herald. WANTED To rent, 5 room furnished house. F. K., Herald. Best Rooms and Houses Are Listed In The Herald. ROOMS, BOARD, ETC. BOARD OX RANCH Box 183. Las Cru ces, N. M. FOR REXT Furnished room, bath, light; board if desired. 704 N. Kansas. TWO LARGE ROOMS, furnished for housekeeping, $18 per month. 718 N. Santa Fe. FOR REXT Housekeeping rooms. 804 E. Rio Grande. FOR REXT 2 or 3 connecting rooms for housekeeping; all conveniences. 139 N. Florence, corner of Myrtle. THE FLATO. Coolest, cleanest rooms in city; 4 blocks from plaza. Ill W. Boulevard. TWO FROXT housekeeping rooms, gas. opposite library; no sick. 112 W. Franklin. LB ROY, Bell -3417, Auto. 2282; block from depot. 526 W. Missouri. FOR REXT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms, private family; noi sick. 912 N. Stanton. LARGE front pleasant room for rent; private family, furnished or unfur nished; very desirable. Phone 1421. BOARD AND ROOMS Strictly first class. Mrs. Leary, 619 N Kansas. IIOUSF.KEEPING ROOMS, $12. Montana. 61: SLEEPING and housekeeping rooms. S03 Arizona. FLRXISHED ROOMS Sleeping porch, bath and phone. 511 California. ( HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 511 E. Boul. FOR REXT 3 connecting furnished housekeeping rooms, sleeping porch, phone and water. Adults pj-forrd. Phone 3708. ROOMS, BOARD, ETC. THREE PlltXISHEl) ROOMS for light housekeeping, private bath. $25. 407 E. Franklin. ,., !" . , ", FOR RE.a$o per month 1 large room adobe furnished for housekeeping, large yard, fenced, chicken house, chickens for sale. Call 3230 Findley St. .tXM.c Z u."Ij, V . r"rnIshett or unfur- "1-"euw"s aim wait;.-, rensunaoie. Pnone 3404. LAKOTA Cool outside housekeeping and furnished rooms. C14 Mesa Ave. ,,, Tc--m 0 " 52gARnmTe,n& ,r.ms -and ?!"fIe r?,01"s ??r "?ht housekeeping; "&K co location: z diocks nortn or public library. 1001 X. El Paso St. Phone 1069. FURXISHED front room for rent at ' 317 S. Ochoa. Phone 2086 Auto. 3IODERX furnished rooms for gentle men, $2.00 and up, at 609 San Antonio. FOR REXT Large front furnished room. Phone 2540. 402 Montana. HOUSEIvEEPIXG R003IS 1701 moing. Wy- FOR RENT Front room with board to couple of gentlemen, $25 each; family. 1115 E. Missouri. FOR RENT Several nicely furnished rooms. 1123 N. Oregon. THE MAPLEWUOD 621 N. Santa Fe. Rooms and board. Home cooking. nupioi A.-rTrnTTCT-v- ri ..u t-"., !.,.!,.. t-n lUtt,. ; ,. i. up. Houskeeping suites. TWO LARGE connecting rooms with private board; close in. 209 Upson. ATTENTION RAILROAD MEN IN GENERAL. Why not room and board with an ex clerk? Will meet anjv competition. The Maplewood, 621 N. Santa Fe. Allle Cheesman, proprietor. HOUSEKEEPING, furnished rooms. 504 Mesa. HOUSEKEEPING, also other rooms for rent; summer rates. 304 E. Overland. FOR RENT Large front room, fur nished, with large alcove. $10. 806 N. El Paso. FOR RENT Large front room with large alcove, furnished for light house keeping. $13. 806 N. El Paso. FOR RENT Furnished 2 front rooms connected with bath: or single room close in. Phone Bell 3248. FOR RENT 3 nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; private fam ily; separate entrance. S04 Mesa Ave. NICE COOL newly furnished rooms throughout, with or without board; summer rates. Phone 1030 Bell. 112 E. Missouri. SOUTH OREGON nouse, Z02 East Third, newly furnished, quiet rlace. FOR REXT Housekeeping rooms and rooms at the Summit Place, second floor. ROOMS, $2 per wee?c up. also house keeping rooms. 619 S. El Paso. FOR RENT Furnished or unfur nished 7 room residence. Apply 203 E. Boulevard. FOR REXT 2 furnished rooms Tvitb bath for light housekeeping; close in; private entrance. Phone Bell 1038. 801 Wyoming St. FOR REXT CHEAP 2 large front rooms, furnished for light housekeep ing. 512 N. Stanton. FOR RENT BOUSES. FOR REXT A 5 room house, partly furnished; ?20 per month. 151S Wyom ing. Phone 1864. REXT New 6 room cottage, modern, screened porch. Bell 1449. 90S E. Rio Grande. . FOR REXT 4 or 5 room furnish'-d cot tage. 410 E. Boulevard. Phone 3630. CLOUDCROFT COTTAGE FOR REXT Phone 304S or address 2216 Myrtle. YOUR MONEY In a bank pays others a good interest with only a small interest for you. Why shouldn't YOU have ALL the interest? Invest in Real Estate and you will. FOR RENT ROUSE. FOR RENT Cottages 4 and 5 rooms. 707-709 N. Stanton. Auto. 1617. FOR RET xreasonabre. 5 room brick 519 E. First St. Inquire H. R. Wood, 502 Caples BIdg. FOR ItEST-1 room furnished flat, reasonable. 720 Mundy Ave. FOR RENT S room house, 510 Wyom-i-g. B2II phone 1157. FOR RENT 5 room cottage, fine loca tion: very close in. 415 Prospect Ave. FOR RENT Furnished complete or unfurnished; nice cottage, 4 fin9 lots, barn, chicken house, grass, trees, etc. Military Heights. Xapp, 327 Erie St. Phone 3738. "CnT TT7"A"m lf,,- ..- ftnt nlon 1 I i tl " 4?- A tWiV- c ,... . v -... uj ... . ..-.... .... , U. J1IJ.B CC Co.. .Kansas and IS.'; Auto. 1185. Co.. Kansas and Franklin. Phones Bell FOR REST FOR M30ZER 1 room ; i 4. u. .nmnua ly furnished; on pavd street: 10 min- utes walk from P. O.: S22.50 per -Ul.lUtC ill UlVilSUIll JiHlIlCjr , I.UUIU1C1.C- month, also 2 rnsms furnished for r light housekeeping. $15 per month. This is permanent. R. F. Love, S04 Mundy Ave. Bell phone 34S9. FOR REXT 5 room modern cottage and basement- 537 W. Main. Bell phone 2337. FOR REXT Half 6 room cottage, fur nished for housekeeping, bath, gas range; close in. 215 Wyoming. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Fraternal Brotherhood hall for lodge purposes, balls, ban quets, receptions, etc.: the finest J equipped hall In the southwest H. U. Boyer, manager. Phone So9. or 2610. STORES AND OFFICES. POn REXT front offices. 2nd floor. National Bank of Commerce building. WAREHOUSES. STORAGE El Paro Trunk Factory. Business Chances, Stocks and All Kinds of Bargains I Coizt a Worth he Ad. . T i"" BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Small, well stocked groc erv store doing good cash business. 914 S. Etanton. vri.LTV.Tt Man with S5000 casn to join l me in business where can handle own money, positively doubie insioe months; plant will be worth $2o.000 if iroo.l crons first year. Address Box I 852, city. SPECLAL NOTICES. CLOTHING H'ginst price paid for 2nd hand clothes, hops. hats and furni ture. Phone Bell 266. RUSH YOIR SECOND HAND furniture oj r.ic. tn v.A Rush for best cash price; also I repair mirrors; make them j Call good as new; wcrK guaraiutcu 214 S. Stanton. Phone 907. PVBST BEER OX DRAFT at the Al berta Cafe; family patronage solicited. Merchants lunch. 310 E. Missouri. 4XTOMODILE LIVERY CO. New 7 passenger Peerless and other good cars for rent, aay and night. .,tand Little Plaza. Auto. Dhone iax Bell phone 362. Bob Hilgartner, Mgr. VOW THAT THE SAND STORMS are over, have vour carpets cleaned bj- the Vacuum cleaner. All work guaranteed. Holmes Cleaning Works. DEAD CATTLE, HORSES AND MULES j taken away free except Sundays. Phones Bell 74; Auto. 13S3. Victor Blot, j BILLY SMITH. F.X-CEIEF DETEC TIVE, Is prepared to unJeitake all general detective work entrusted to h'm Dy cornoraticr.s. banks and private individuals; best of referenc sciven. 4.11 correspondence strictly confiden tial. Address P. O. box 861. SPECIAL NOTICE El Paso store pays v.trrViaa- nrirc fnr furniture and clothes. ' Bell 3491; Auto. 2491. 400 Ei Paso. WE "WANT your sectno- sand furniture for cash. We pay good prices Daw son & Brown. 115 N. Stanton. TeL 839. FOR SALE FURMTURE. FOR SLE CHEAP Bedroom and din ing room furniture; also gas range. 916 N. Stanton. FURNITURE of 4 room cottage cheap for cash. Call 307 W. Overland St. ti iT.T7rn!tiir s rooms, com-! plete, new and clean; terms; cause sickness. Phone 3234. FOR SALE Furniture ol 8 rooms, house furnished In 3 housekeeping suites; everything complete; rooms pay rent. P;ice $200; house for rent. In quire 1332 San Antonio St. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Z.war,uUa face cream, 1007 San Antonio. MISSES' BICYCLE, almost new. Yale make, 15. Bullard's Grocery, Myrtle Ave. FOR SALE One large and one small ice box, one large dining sideboard, 2 show cases. Bell 2S0S. 10,000 POUND MOSLER SAFE. 80 inches high. 62 Inches wide, 34 inches deep. For sale, duty paid, in Juarez, Mexico, at 1-3 its value, and in El Paso for less than Its value. W. G.iWalz Company. FOR SALE Pedigreed Angora kits, 3 months old. grandslre from Persia. Frances Read, Las Cruces, N. M. FOR SALE One No. 2 L. C. Smith Tvpewriter, latest model, bought in January this year. $70. Apply F. H. Brown. 419 Mesa Ave. Phone Bell 565. AMERICAN' BEAUTi' ROSES, 75c, $1.50 and $2 per dozen. Bell phone 3572; Auto. 2455. LARGE and small ice boxes very cheap Herman's. 114 S. Stanton St. FOR SALE OR RENT. FOR SALE OR REXT New tent house, newly furnished, at a bargain. Address T. 316. FOR RENT OR SALE One Kimball pi ano, new and very cheap. Phone 3379. FOR SALE VALLEY LANDS. A BARGAIN IX VALLEY real estate, is 9-10 acres near Socorro. Call on C. W. Marshall, Suite 505 Bio Grande BIdg. For other advertisements see "Too Late to Classify" coltunns. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. FIXE TEAM ,UD CARRIAGE for atu 201 W. Missouri. Phone 1S0S- FOR SALE Horse, DUggy and harness, good condition; sell at a bargain; mis sion furniture for an office and recep tion room, roll top desk and revolv ing chair, rug and portieres, book cases. Will sell cheap, leaving town. Call 3317 Alameda. FOR SALE Several fine driving r , i- -. l!l worses, some large raue b team wuik., siiio'" 4 vuwu, .. voung and smooth. Sell reason- able. I some Hove several extra good, new. sets ol Duggy , I t J J3n..l.ln. ana wagon narness, """ """"" 1 new van wagon. 1 good second hand )lJo8-v. x p'11 ""ooj- -c-i .- v,.. harness. Going away, sell reasonaDie. Chas E. Xapp, 327 Erie SL Bell phone 3738. FOR SALE: A gentle horse and buggy. Apply Goodman, 322 W. Missouri, f FOR SALE One buggy cheap. Inquire S06 X. Stanton. Call mornings. FOR SALE Fine spotted pony, gentle, for children or ladies: fast trotter, buggv ard harness to match: beautiful FOR SALE My improved home, fur Shetland black. 5 year old; weight 250 1 nished, at San Elizario. A. E. Brown. lbs., gentle for chilaren: several other j horses, harness and wagon for sale. THREE SOUTH PKOXT LOTS. 3 room Napp. 327 Erie St. Bell phone 373S. I frame, lots cf trees in yard, well fenced. FOR PUBLIC SERVICE: The stand ard an.l registered stallion Prince Gam betta No. 40992 will make the season at S15 cash, with return privilege until ! August 1st. 1910. Write or call E. J. Peterson, care Consumers' Ice Co. POULTRY, ETC. WHITE AVYAXDOTTE and buff Orp ington settings. 1205 Myrtle. FOR SALE Egg: Tct listening from thoroughbred stock, vhite Wyandottes. R. I. Reds, Barred Rocks. L. W. Hoffecker, Phone 1455- CATTLE, HOGS, ETC. LIVESTOCK FOll SALE. 1000 each 1. 2. 3 an-i 4 year old steers 300 to 1500 cows. 300 to 2000. stock cjittle. Registered and tnoroughbred balls for sale; alar Uorses and mules. We buy Sud sell all kinds ot live stuck. PITMaX LIVESTOCK CO. 223 Trust Building. , Auto. Phone 2085. j "MERCANTILE AGENCIES rriTi vwnriVTii.'ia a tzv.CV r R. N. MihJ Mgr. Rating anJ collecting ' 15-17 Morehouse block. Successors to I the iLOCAl, MERCANTILE AGENCT. R. G. DUN & CO.. Mercantile Reports. J mercantile collections. El Paso onuce. 501 Guaranty Trust BIdg. EL PASO REPORTING AGENCY Is sues complete El Paso commercial re ports. HAVE YOU SO.MET2TnrG TO SELL You can easily sell it. Call Bell 115, Auto J 3 15. tell the girl what it Is and The Herald will sell it. No bother, no formality. For other advertisements see Late to Classify" columns. "Too Professional Directory, Legal, Medical. Educational MEDICAf. DR. ANNA REUM Over Calisfcera. DLRECTORY OF OSTEOPATHY. DR. A. T. STILL, Osteopathic Infirmary, from Kirksville, Mo., founder of Osteo pathy. President American School of Osteopathy. Dr. Ira W. Collins, Physl-cian-in-Chlef, President National Ostea nathic Association. Only recognized ftctflftnotho nfkTt. In "EM PncAnhftrQ Trr 1 compelled to take out medical license. 201 W. Missouri Sc Telephone 1606. DIRECTORY OF OSTEOPATHY A complete directory of the licensed Osteopaths of El Paso, recognized by the State and American Osteopathic as sociations: J. J. Pearce, D. O., 615 N. Oregon. H. F. Wright, D. O., M. D., 214 H Texas. Leslye Hyde. D. O., 814 Mesa. Flora Satterlee, D. O., Herald BIdg., rooms 306-7. Nettie Satterlee. D. O., Herald BIdg., rooms 306-7. ENGLNEERS. C. P. CHESTER, Civil and Mechanical Engineer. Water Supply, Irrigation. Sewerage, Power Plants. Bridge. Structural and Concrete Work. Examinations and Reports. Plans and Specifications. 512 Caples Building. El Paso. EDUCATIONAL. SUMMER TUTORING FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Latin, Greek, Algebra. Arithmetic, Grammar, History. Geography. May 15th to August 15th. Terms reason able. H. M. Woods, 21 Summit Place. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. R. L. NICHOLS, attorney, Herald bldg. TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITER AND OFFICE SUPPLY CO. Agent for Victor Visible Typewrit ers, olce farnlture and supplies, re built typewriters; best repair shop in the southv.-est. Typewriters for rent. 421 Mesa. Bell phone S32: Auto. 1832. FOR SLE One No. 3 L. C. Smith Typewriter, latest model, used only 6 months. Takes 14 inch paper, writes 12 inch line. At a bargain. $65. Ap ply F. H. Brown. 419 Mesa Ave. Phone Bell 565. Keal Estate For Sale In and Out of the Citv FOR SALE CITY LOTS $500 FOR 3300 3 fine lots, small house, barn, chicken house; lots on either side cannot be purchased for $150 each, so hurry up get this bargain. Napp, phone 3738. 3 ROOM FRAME HOUSE on 2 lots in Altura for sale at S600 cash. Call at end Highland Park car line- This prop erty Lelonged to Aug. lu Spahn, de ceased and must be sold to settle es tate. Jacob Heberer. FOR SALE i lots, fine corner, Las Cruces, N. M.; $100 if taken at once. Phone 2377 or address Mrs. Kitchens, US E. Franklin. For other advertisements see "Too Late to Classify" columns. FOR SALE HOUSES. FOR SALE 2 room frame, bath, elec trie Itc-bf tf fin 9. eolith front lots t well fenced, trees, shrubbery. Cash or terms. P. O. box 392. FOR SALE BY OWXER New 6 room pressed brick, close in, east front, ce ment porch, hall, bath, panty; beauti fully tinted, mission finish; good out houses. $3850. W., Herald. : cnicKen no use ana aozen emesens, on terms. Corner Copla and Madera Sts.. East El Paso. FOR SALE My nome, No. 327-329 Erie St., blue granite stone house, 2 full lots, nice lawn, vine arbors, mod ern in even respect; servant's house in rear; sacrifice, going away, $3500. $1000 cash, $1000 In valley land or El Paso vacant lots, $1500 can remain at 8 per cent. Chas. E. Napp, 327-329 Erie St. Bell phone 373S. FOR SALE KISAl ESTATE. CHOICE VALLEY LAND BARGAIN. 40 acres. 30 miles north of El Paso, 1 miles south of La Mesa. (La. Mesa Is a town of about 500 Inhabitants, with good school, churches, etc.) 20 acres in alfalfa. 400 bearing grape vines, a few peach, apple and quinoe trees, in bearing, sufficient for family use, balance In wheat, 3 room house, on a good ditch, annual cost of water 75c per acre, signed up under the Ele phant Butte dam, land adjoining, with no better Improvements, has sold for $100 per acrtj. Price $70 per acre; good terms. R. C. BAILEY. 305 Mf.-sa (Orndorff Hotel Building). Bell Phone 206S; Auto. 2217. IS THERE A MAX" OR WOMAN OX GOD'S GREEX EARTH WHO WILL BUY SOME PROPERTY IN EAST EL PASO. VINEYARD TRACT. DOWN THE VALLEY. We have 21 lots In a bunch in East EI Paso on the street car line, -with city water, electric lights, gas. sewerage, that -we can sell almost at your own price. We have 20 acres in Vineyard Tract, under the ditch, most any old price. We have a large tract of land down the valley near Fabens which Is beg ging an offer. ANY KIND OF TERMS TO SUIT. WM. MOELLER. Herald Building. Phones: Bell 1227; Auto. 15S5. uzzl c BUT THEY DID, THOUGH. There came a summer day in spring; Then ventured out a lid "of straw. Street gamins didn't do a thing When that precious ltd they saw. Whose hat Is it? ANSWER TO SATURDAY'S PUZZLE. Father Right side down at left arm. Mother Lower left smer dovra against rlykt haai? IV. F. PAYNE'S OFFICE Is now located In the Angelus hotel building, Crawford theater entrance. FOR REXT. 9 room brick, paved street. 5 room brick, pave'd street. 9 room brick (never occupied.) FOR SALE. Building site, Arizona St., only $1150. Building site. Rio Grande. Price right. 2 lots, Montana St. Building site, Boulevard; close in (40 s93 feet.) 2 lots on corner Wyoming St, $1900. 9 R003I HOUSE, Just being completed, only $6500. W. F. PAYXB, Angelus Hotel BIdg. Phone 1259. FOR SALE 160 acres patented land fenced, 5 room house, cellar, corrals, fruit trees, grape vines, shade trees, 2 wells, 1 windmill, reservoir. Situated 4 miles from railroad at Pearce In the Sulphur Spring valley, for $3000. F. M. GIbbens, Pearce, Ariz. RAILROAD TLMETAULK. All trains arrive and depart from union dpot. foot o San Frnclsc V;691, ,excePt thoso of Sierra Madre, 4t-,arrIvaIs and departures given la EI Paso or mountain standard time. ArciusoH,. Topeka & Seata Pe. i - rr. daily from north 9:48 a.m No. 18, Ir. dally for north.- 5:55 p.m. ir ti.' u" xrom north 6:55 p.m. No. 22, Lr. dally for north.. K;45 a.ra. El Pamo r SonthvrtiterH. (Western Division.) Mall and Express Leave dally 7:5d H Drummers Special Arrives dally 7;29 a.jn. Leaves dally 7:fl9 p. (Eastern Division.) The Callfornlan Arrives dally 6:0S I-eaves daily 6:40 plmt Goiaen State limited. Eaatbound Arrives 12:40 p. Departs 1:e5 g Westbound " Arrives 2:5e pnu xwuugu -t-assenger and Mall y "ive3 10:49 p.m. Departs 8:08 ami Galveston, HarrLrtnrs & Saa AateaJe, Leaves dally 7:M pB3? Arrives daily T:39 J SoHtkei-m Facile California Fast Mall Arrives dally 4:09 LeTf d"y- v 10-S5 p.zal Golden State Limited, west bound- Arrives 3:50 p.m. Departs 4.-30 Z Sunset Limited Airives daily 8:0O pnt Leaves daily 8:28 iuna. Callfornlan Arrives Departs Tera .2 Farifif C:19 p.m. 8:29 a.m. Arrives daily 11:A9 Leaves dally S:9 p. Mcxlcaa Centra:. Mall and Express Arrives daily 7:t9 Leaves daily 6:35 " 8Ierra Msdr;. South bound, leaves Juarez Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at ... 12:3S VJSU Arrives from south Tries days. Thursdays and Sat urdays at 5:35 3.m, I ROS WELL AUTO. CO., ItOSWELL, N. 3C "j'116 me u. o- man ana passen gers between Vaughn. N. M.. and Hos Sf?!i XS- M- connecting with the EL PASCv & SOUTHWESTERN and ROCK ISLAND RAILROADS, and the ATCHI- ROADTOPBKA & SANTA F HaS- RofJi? Yyshn at 9 ro- arrv la Roswell at 3 p. m. Leave Roswell at 10:30 a. m. arrlva in Vaughn at 3:30 p. tn. arnva Baggage allowance 50 lbs. to each regular ticket. Excess; baggage at tht rate of $5 per 100 lbs. ae a hd Special automobiles furnished to ac commodate any number ;of pa3sensre-a to make special connections with liv train at Vaughn, also toconnect with New Mexico Central railroad at Tor rance for Santa Fe. N. 2J by com municating with manager of the Ros well Auto. Co.. at Roswell N ML a least 24 hours In advance.--R&te for special $40 to accommodate pur or less passengers 10 pthr pnT.r. J. W. STOCKARD. .MHaager. ARIZONA NEW MEXICO R. R. Southbound A.M.J 7:10 Lv. ;:52Lv. Northbound P.M. curton Ar. 0 4:55 Guthrie Ar. 12 4:15 Coronado Ar. 13 4:03 Duncan Ar. 33 3:17 Lordsbnr? Ar. 7 2:05 oHachita Lv. 188 12-ls I 7:57Lv I 8:44ILv. 10:lQAr. ll:251Ar. "connects wita m. s. xConnecti with S. P. oConnects with E. P. ,fc "S. W. George A. WasrsfTfT. nperinteaaaat. n 1 1 11 w Pict ur e