EL PASO HERALD 10 Tuesday, Sept. 20. 1910. ABALONE FOOD Abalones are deep sea shell fish, caught in the purest ocean water off the California coast by divers and prepared by a special process. They are far more nutritious than oysters or clams and are specially recommended by physicians in debil ity and wasting diseases. Abalone food contains pure Albumen in really assimilable form. . FULL DIRECTIONS WITH EACH OAK" 25c Per Can SOMETHING- NEW F.VRRV T1AV California Blue Plums. Fancy California Tomatoes. Valley Spinach and Mustard Greens. Fresh Beets, Turnips and Badishes. Summer Squash and Cucumbers. Fine Head Lettuce and Parsley. Mountain Green Beans and Cabbage. i Green Lima Beans and Green Peas. Colorado Freestone Peaches. Fancy Valley Pears and Grapes. jkj ews Brevities Train liullclZa. All afternoon and eening trains are reported on time. Commercial Conprrcss Call. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 20. Many na tional questions are to be considered at the 21st annual session of the trans MississippI commercial congress to be helC at San Antonio, Texas, November 22 25, the call for which has been is sued here by Fred "W. Fleming-, of Kan sas City, chairman of the executive committee. j bia today by Emerson B. Smith, a realty operator of New Mexico, who claims that after giving- a final decis ion in his favor in a case involving valuable land adpoinlng the town of Clovis, X. M., acquired by Smith at a cost of $3000, the secretary reopened the case without authority of law and awarded the land to another, who seeks to oust Smith on a technicality. The .secretary was restrained from carrying his decision in effect pending a hearing set for Sept. 30. Watson's Groceries are Famous for Quality Those large queen olives we just re ceived are about the nicest we have ever seen. Jackson's Sanitary Grocery, Phone 353. Impossible to Believe They are made of candy. Look in the window at The Elite Confectionery Hobble Skirt to Go. Chicago, I1L, Sept. 20. The begin ning of the end of the hobble skirt is noted by some of the dressmakers gathered here in convention. It was stated that skirts are already widening out and many of the modistes declared that their advice to women, hovering on the brink of gowning themselves a la loosely wound umbrella, was "don't. NOTICE. W'e have understood that there is some report 'Mrculating among our for mer patrrns that we were going out of business. Any .such report is erroneous and false "Ve have some new men with us that arc experienced transfer and liv ery :nen and fuHy capable of runnins our lusmeas in perfectly satisfactory manner with our patrons and we appre ciate favors extended us in past and are ready at all times to 'serve our friends Pomeioy El Paso Transfer Co. tV. .T. Harris, President. "V. C. Davis, Vice President. .1. "W. Davis, Manager. Chile 100 Years Old. Buenos Ayres-, Argentine, Sept. 20. The city has been made gay with decor ations and lights in honor of the cen- 0 i MDP Privileges of Douglas, Bis bee and El Paso Clubs to Be the Same. Dr. Anna Xvenm, lady physician, resi dence 812 Magoffin. Both phones. fk HEADQUARTERS FOR FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Phone 151. 210-212 Texas St. Auto 1151. EL PASO MERCHANTS Tou 'nave no idea how nice Flaked Codfish is if you nnvo never eaten any. Jackson's Sanitary Grocery, Phone 353. Donkeys In Demand. "Washington, D. C, Sept. 20. Mules and donkeys are in demand in South Africa, according to Geo. L. Foster, American vice consul general at Cape town, who in a report to (the department of commerce and labor, gives as the reason therefor the spread of Dast Coast fever among cattle and the conse quent destruction of transportation and farm oxen. Douglas, the Warren district and El Paso are to be more closely united even than at present when these three com munities are already as close as three bojs in bed. The Douglas. Warren District and El Paso Country clubs are perfect in 2 an ar rangement by which the -members of, km:u in. L'uese uuee ciuds may enjoj cne privileges of the other clubs at am- time, the arrangement being equivalent to n non-resident anembershin m the two clulbs in addition to the home club of the member. This Ian was first susr?ested b tennary of Chile, which is now being Walter Douglas, who ?s one of the most celebrated. A procession composed of 1 active clubmen in the southwest. The troops from the garrison, various so- suggestion was immediately aoterl unnn cieties and students today marched ' by each of the clubs and "a committee past the Chilean legation. Numerous . from each club was appointed to meet speeches were made, all of them Indl- j at toe Warren District club in Bisbee caiing tnt warm coraianiy ana iru ternity existing between the two nations. Mrs. Dan Kelly's Cakes. There's a secret In the making of cakes and Mrs. Dan Kelly knows that secret. That's why tney are so popular, j Baked fresh every day. 7o cents eacn Jackbon's Sanitary Grocery. Phone 333. Dr. Cameron reliable dentistry, reason able price. Oyer Guarantee shoe store. SOUTHER! yvvfi rfilJifTil TO TELEP Who Make C. Ii. Billlngton, 709 Magoffin.- Tel. 1489, painting, paper hanging, decorating espouses Dickinson in China. Pekin, China, Sept. 20. "Wm. J. Cal houn, the American minister, the other members of the legation guard and a detachment of imperial guardsmen met me trainfwnicn Drougnc jacoD ju. uick. inson, the American secretary of war, and party from Hankow to this city. (Secretary Dickinson was borne tnrough the gates into the legation in a Sedan chair. EL PASO TRUNK FACTORY Try some Tobasco shrimp. It will hit your palate just right. Jackson's Sanitary Grocery. Phone 353. Bell 1054 Trunks, Bags and Leather Goods Anto. Made, Repaired and Exchanged. 1965 We store goods. Opp. Posto-ffice, across Plaza Bell 608 & 629 A. E. RYAN & CO. j Auto 3 1063 212 SAN ANTONIO ST. OPEN ALL NIGHT. L U i1 B BURTON-LINGO CO., FIRST & KANSAS STS., BELL 50; AUTO 1050 Awning S es Bell 2CU4. For Residence and Business Houses. Tent and Camp Supplies. El Paso Tent and Awning Co., 312 S. El Pasr 3t Auto. 2044. Bell B18 Auto 1188 Smith Ice Cream Co. FAMILY ORDERS PROMPTLY DELIVERED. Bell 20 Auto 1020 202 Tez& St SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS AND DENTAL SUPPLIES. ? EL PASO BRICK C0.aKr HOLLOW BLOCK AND PARTITION TILE; ALL SIZES P. O. Box 136. Prompt Delivery Dr. Prentiss, practice limited to dis eases of stomach, intestines and liver. Rio Grande Bank building. Odd Fellows Grovr Fast. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 20. The predic- j tion that by 1919 the Independent Or der of Odd Fellows will number three million members if It continues its present rate of Increase was made by John P.. Goodwin, grand secretary of the sovereign grand lodge at the open ing cC the annual convention. The hundredth anniversary of the orders falls In 1919. Mexico Still Celebrating:. Mexico, City, Sept. 20. A torch light procession in which 6000 persons par ticipated was a spectacular feature here last night of the centennial cele bration. The parade was a strictlj' civic one. The exhibition of Mexican art, organized by the Society of Mexi can Artists, was formally inaugurated Monday. Social features of the cele bration last night included an official reception by the special ambassador of China, Chang Yin Yang. Dr. YV. R, AVeefcs, chronic diseases. If you like something good to eat and want to buy it at the right price, wo believe here is the place to get it. Our goods are always fres.1. Jackson's Sanitary Grocery. Phone 353. Snake in MaUuag. Butler, Pa., Sept. 20. It has become known that for three weeks the federal government has been on the trail of a snake. Postoffice inspector Geo. TV. Craighead, of Pittsburg, has been as signed to tne case upon complaint of Miss "Winifred Turk, postmistress at Hill&rds, that she found the reptile three feet 'long In a sack: thrown off the train here. Railway postal clerks declare their innocence, and say the reptile must have crawled into the bag while it lay on the station platform. Dr. teslye Hyde, osteopathic physi cian, 814 Mesa. Dr. J. A. Hedrick, surgeon and gyne cologist. Roberts-Banner building. New Mexican Sues UalHnprer. Washington, D. C, Sept, 20. Secretary- Ballinger was sued., in the su perior court of the District of Colum- Don't waste your money buying plas ters when you can get a bottle of Cham berlain's Liniment for twenty-five cents. A piece of flannel dampened with this liniment is superior to any plaster for lame back, pains in the side and chest, and much cheaper. Sold by all druggists. HACK and BAGGAGE Wffl be np right away." LONGWELL'S TRANSFER 116-to 120 San Francisco St. Careful Men. Reasonable Prices. Bell 1 Auto 1001 Bell 1054 BAGGAGE a Auto 1966 "We're there in just a minute." Storage and Packing by careful men at right nricc BELL 1054. ODOM'S TRANSFER. AUTO 1966 Rent the EASY RUNNING WHITE H. L. Stewart Furniture Co., Agents, 310-312 S. Stanton. Our Motto, Easy Payments, Fair Dealings, Good Goods. Ben 111 RETAIL GROCERIES WHOLESALE Auto 1271 Mail Orders Given Prompt and Special Attention. CLIFFORD BROS. 307-309 E. Overland St Bell 956. Auto 2356. PL 109 N. Campbell St MATTICE-BUSH PLUMBING CO. Quick Repairs. Use the Secret, Prompt and Accurate. Efficient Service. Reasonable Rates. RING 1362. CONTRACT DEPT. HENRY MOHR CUT RATE HARDWARE 309 S. El Page St. Guns, Ammunition, Wagon Covers. Builders Hardware. Tools, all k'nds. Saddles. Harness. Cutlery Tents O'? Pafnt. Etc "- - I Xctl J? ON" OUR 25c CREAM C0CGANUT 15c Pound WEDNESDAY ONLY We use HOT "WATER to CLEANSE with at our fountain. NOTICE THE INTERNATIONAL WATER COMPANY. EL PASO, TEXAS, SEPT. 20, 1010. Al.Ii PERSONS HAYING ACCOUNTS DUE THEM FROM THE INTERNA TIONAL WATER COMPANY, WILL PLEASE PRESENT THEM FOR PAY MENT AT THE COMPANY'S OFFICE ON OR BEFORE SEPTEMBER 30TH, 1910. THE INTERNATIONAL "WATER CO., JNO. M. WYATT, RECEIVER. $&e. CONFECTIONERY COMPANY, C. S. PICKRELL, Mgr. ?06 N. Oregon St Phone 347 Under the Electric Fountain. QUALITY WOR In Kodak Finishing and Bromide Enlarging I FRED J. COMPANY El Paso, Tex. Knox and Stetson 5 1 an maid See Our Window Kli'ed In a Theater. Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 20. While enjoying- the moving pictures in a roofless alrdome here last night, Ru dolph Gastelum, a visitor from Cal exico, was mortally -wounded by a bul let fired by some one whom the police have been unable to find. Gastelum died on the way to the hospital. There was no warning report. No one in the theater or its vicinity heard the shot One theory is that the bullet was fired from one of the jiew noiseless guns. Another is that it was a care lessly fired bullet from a distance. Pure, unadulterated foods, edibles and drinkables that are chosen by the most skilled' experts are what's always ex pected of Jackson's. That our custom ers are never disappointed in the qual ity is proved by the vast business this sanitary- grocery store of ours does. Jackion'H SnnXtary CJrocery. Phone 353. Sailors to Bathe Dally. Portsmouth, Va., Sept. 20. Consterna tion was created among the officers and crews of the battle ship fleet at sea off this, port when orders were flashed through the fleet by wireless from the flagship Connecticut for every man aboard to take a bath and change his underwear every morning before the snips went into action. The complete absence of bloodpoisoning among the mxen aboard the Japanese men-o-war during the llussian-Japanese war was attributed to the fact that the Japa nese took sucii precautions to prevent the infection of their wounds through soiled clothing. KulKhts of Pythlns, Notice. The funeral of brother 1 rank "Wer tane will be held from the parlors of Peak & Lyon, "Wednesday, .Sept. 21st, 4 p. m. Your presence i- requested. R. F. Love, C. C. You'll like those fresh (I'll pielcles or ours if you'll let us send up some. Jackson's Sanitary Grocery, Phone 353. THE NEWPOSENER BUILDING. Work on Poscners new building, corner San Antonio and Mesa, is pro gressing rapidly but it will not be ready for occupancy for some time yet. It was originally planned to open the building by September 15, but It is probable now that it will be fully two weeks later than the original date planned before the building will be com pleted and ready for business. In the meantime, Posener is making a pre liminary showing at the old location. Radical price concessions are offered, not only on fall millinery of all kinds but also hair goods, ribbons, not to mention the mammoth sale of ostrich plumes. This plume sale, which began last week, is the talk of El Paso. The people who have made comparisons do not hesitate to say that Posener's plumes are uperior and prices are lower than n'xywhere in town. The im ported Parisian hats intended for the opening of tne new store will be shown at the old location, No. 3 Pioneer Plaza, to all those who are lnterestel in su perb millinery. I and perfect the plan. Dr. C. P. Brown, of the El Paso clubs, at tended the meeting as the represen tative of the local Countr club. The meeting was unanimously in favor of the proposed iplan and its action will be ratified by the board of directors of the three clubs at their regular meetings. he .1 I'aso elub will have a meeting , Tuesday evening to hear Dr. Brov n's report and will take favorable action upon it. By the new arrangement, it will be possible for the three clubs to exchange privileges with the members of the other clubs. Instead of being nn invited guest while in the same city where the club is located, the visiting clubman will 'be able to enjoy all of the club privileges. This is in keeping with th purpose of the three clubs, for these or ganizations have been one of the trrcnt.- est factors in the cementing the friend- ' snips of the three cities. It is expected to have the plan in operation before the annual "olf con test here on October, 15 and 16. which will be an informal celebration of Taft Diaz day. Letters have oeen received by chairman C. H. Leavell, of the sports and pastimes committee of the Coun try club, from the Douelas and "Warren District clubs, stating that a full quota of golfers will be over for the annual contest. Douglas is plannrn" to send a 20 men team to compete for possession of the silver tropin cup. The Warren District club will a'lso send a team to compete in the contest. A foursome match is also bing ar ranged for the championship of tihe southwest in two men play. The two men making the lowest medal score in the contest will qualify for the four some and a special trophy will be of fered for this match. Individual prizes are also to be offered for the winners of the various events, both in golf and tennis. AMUSEMENTS, ' XEV BILL, AT MAJESTIC. "Lady Wall Street" is the new bill at the Majestic, which drew a good house and pleased the patrons Mon day night. It will run until Thursday. The action of the piece is lively and it is full of specialty numbers, about the prettiest of which is the telephone number, "Call Me Up Some Rainy Aft ernoon," by Miss Shattuck and chorus, and Pete Gerald's parodies. Gerald is the new member of the company. All the former members are retained and Mr. Gerald is added to the cast. Some pretty new costumes are worn and. as usual, there is an electrical noelty. The musical numbers include: Good by Little Girlie; Temptation Rag; Pa's Typewriter; Call Me Up Some Rainy Afternoon: Oh, What 1 Know About You; My Dusky Rose, and Mr. Gerald's Parodies. OPEMSG OP THE HAPPY HOUR. The management of the Happy Hour theater was tendered a splendid testi monial by El Pasoans last night Every one of the 1200 seats upstairs and down was taken and the show was a success, jnJgmg from the way it was received. .Miss Danee with her sen- lllllllll x55" ??tv'f lllllll fiSBHKHniS&jL v . I m.H vl. MsSM J$& lllllll! . f-MWr iiiiiiiii si y t m in mi iiiiiiiii r jv 0( 1 1 Millinery Opening Occurs Thursday September 22nd IIIIIIIII II Illl II You are cordially invited I Street J.CalisherDrj Goods Co. e-ia) Street I noise they never heard berore and will never want to hear again, provided tho automobile of chief Armstrong or th firedepartment remains in going order. The noise, samples of which have been given in the A-icinity of the Central fire station, is produced by a Klaxon horn, electrically operated. "The auto is also to be equipped with automatic electric lights. The instalation of tne new im provements has been made during the overhauling process which the machine has been undergoing for the past week. It has also been revarnished and is a glistening red. Y. M. C. A. XOTES. A call has been extended to the men members for regular Wednesday night meeting of the gymnasium classes. The first will be held' Wednesday be tween S: 30 and 9:30. The young men's gymn. class open ing Monday night brought out a larger class than on any occasion last yeai1, assuring a record season to, come. Friday night at S oclock "the associa tion will entertain at a new variety of "open house." Students are Invited from the high school, the business col leges and the Military institute. OPERATOR CAUSES WRECK. Cairo, 111., Sept- 20. Four men were killed in a wreck of a Mobile & Ohio freierht train, levpn Tnl!x? nnr-n nf satlonal snake act was featured. Savoy j here, near Beach Ridge, 111., Sunday, and Savoy kept most of the big audi- , The operator at the station was plac ence In a roar durinsr the performance, ed under arrest charged with respon and Miss Ray Montgomery made a big sibillty for the wreck, hit with anost of the people with her i - - - - songs, and her jokes: Mack and Co. also made many people laugn. All in all, the large house was well satisfied. The matinees Wednesday and Satur day promise big crowds. "The Happy Hour deserves the best patronage and encouragement for the attractions offered," lots of people said last night after witnessing the first number of the new season's offerings. "Can be depended upon- is an ex pression we all like to hear, and when it is used in connection with Chamber lain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy it means that it never fails to cure diarrhoea, dysentery or bowel complaints. It is pleasant to take and equally valuable for children and adults. Sold by all drnjrgists. SEASOX RESERVATION'S THURSDAY". The chart for season reservations win be open Thursday morning- at 9 oclock at Frank Rich's office, Crawford theater building, Main street entrance, opposite Plaza. HERE IS A REMEDY THAT WILL CURE ECZEMA "WE PROVE IT." Why waste time and money experi menting with greasy salves and Jotions, trying to drive the eczema germ from underneath the skin when the Knob lauch Drug- Store guarantees ZEMO, a clean liquid preparation for external use to rid the skin of. the germ life that causes the trouble? One application will relieve the itching and often times one bottle is sufficient to cure a minor case of eczema. In over 2000 towns and cities In America, the leading druggist has the agency for ZEMO and he will tell yon of the marvelous cures made by this clean, simple treatment. ZEMO is rec ognized as the cleanest and most popu lar treatment for eczema, pimples, dan druff and all other forms of skin or scalp afections whether on Infant or grown person. Will you try a bottle on our recommendation? Knoblauch Drug Store. D Leans at COLLEGE or BY MAU mughonS f-yiO PRACTICAL S Incorporated. 5 la 1 7 Iscorporftied. 5 la 1 7 S Ute 21 Years Sktess. 10Q.0CO Snrrr?KrnT. STmwvTs. More BANKERS indorse DRAUGHON'S than indorse all other business collegas 'COMBINED. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Peiraaasklp, etc POSITIONS secured. Catalogue FREE. Adaress R. F. DAVIS e Paso. Tex., h Douglas. Afz. (107 S. El Paso St. Phones 1484.) FIRE CHIEF'S AUTO IS l NOISIEST OF THE NOISY J El Pasoans will soon be hearing a i NDiGESTlON GOES I Kelly & Pollard Sell Best Stomach Prescription on 'the Money Back Plan. Almost everybody knows tnat sick headache, nervousness and dizziness, aie caused by a disordered stomach. Upset stomach and indigestion happen just because the food you eat does not digest but lies in the stomach and fer mencs or tirns sour. You can stop fermentation and stom ach distress in five minutes bv mi; MI-O-NA stomach tablets, -i prescrip tion that has clone more to cure Indi gestion and put the stoma.'h In fine condition than all the stOTach special ists on earth. A large 50 .cent box of MI-O-NA stom ach tablets is all you need to g t ouick and lasting relief. Kelly. & Pollard guarantee them. Mrs. Altie Cson, of 01 Dun Head, Battle Creek. Mi.n., js.ed 511-O-NA and within two months was in as goo I health as ever, and has i good tron? stomach, and eats anything the likes. She attributes her good health to MI-O-NA. If you have heartburn, belrhinsri? gas, heaviness or any stomach troulu no matter how chronic. :ry MI-O-NA J stomach tablets on inonev back plan. , Sold by Kelly & Pollard and leading druggist everywnere. People who suffer from constipation should not forget that when the stom ach properly digests food that constipa tion disappears. The instructors thit come with every box of MI-O-NA will tell you how to cure constipation. WK0TE AND JAPALAC Both Modern and Convenient Finishes. 1-2 pints 25c Pints 40c 1-2 gallons $1.35 Gallons $2.50 Quarts 75c STAIN AND VARNISH COMBINED ! Turtle Paint H Glass Co. I ' " Have just received CABLOAD OF AMMUNITION '. 'Also full stock of Winchester, Remington, Sav ?ge, Marlin and Stevens Rifles and Shot Guns, Febi ger 22 Automatic Rifle, Fox Shot Guns and many other new goods. Call and see them. SHELTON-PAYNE ARMS CO. EL PASO, TEXAS. The EI Paso School for Girls Announces the opening of all regular courses Special classes in Physical Ed ucation and in Music are now being organized. Th Principal may be seen at any time by appointment llll-lllrt Terrace St., Sunset Heights. Telephone 2020 31. ATTENTION, RE L, ESTATE MEN. Gtt Busy On This Quick For Sale for 5500.00. A No. 1 established tent and awning business. A good chance for some one with little cap'tal to get into the best coming business in El Paso. Good location, cheap rent. Call quick on Auto phone 1SS2 or writ to J. P., care of Hrald.