16 Saturday, Dec. 31, 1910. EL JP.A.SO HERALD mm ES IN OCI o -. i wu wi to ' It,IIIUVcli kJIIUC elic k ! -SS73& WtK AVE 7? rlrr irN.m i f ia k. , a. tsrjss- sijfB, t- jww,r -.- -Twa M.3i jsrrfha. Htgfy xtsav.gr -iw m mrm 0 1 IW-sPfS :W 2 OT -c(sF ggaw3cvr?? r? r iw t yQfTlaM fl 3aoS sr3 P ' i"' vm . 'uiii-i r y$ ! wJlh'irAz Wkm srJr- If &S ? ifflkV WlWAlh SSKnT. iW vE jfipf ' Begin Right I Sg 1 " 'C and Save Money 1J 11 After Jan. 15th in The greatly reduced prices at which we are now selling our entire stock of Ladies', Boys' and Girls' Shoes offer an opportunity for economy which will not come again for another six months. Do not put it off until it is too late. The sale may close or your size All Laird Schoher $6.50 Eemoval price All Laird Schober $6.00 Removal price All Hand -Sewed $5.00 Removal price For Boys or Girls .. y .. .;. .;. : . . : : : : : YOUNG FOLKS' PARTIES, i .;. ., . . .; .; . . The Senior classes of boys and girls of St. Clement's Sunday school gave a" very enjoyable party last evening at Hie IJU.I1S11 uuuac iauuj &tm.u -... contests added to the pleasure of the , ..nInrr orirl rrnnri tnl-ne'c: tn pat aTld a I social time -were enjoyed. On Wednesday afternoon Miss Elsie Shelton very charming entertained I the January graduating class of the t '.. 1 - A aKTssaKiS ! sBN613MWs- high school at her Jiome on Nevada ' street. Five hundred "was one of the enter- f tainnients of the afternoon and the prize -was -won by Miss Marie ievinson. An interesting contest "Returned to j School Days "was played, and tne prize secured by Miss Maud Rohmer. The refreshment table held a center piece of American beauty roses, and the attractive hand painted place cards -were typical of school days. The guests present were: Misses Marie Le Vinson, Maud Rohmer, Iavi nia German. Miss Shelton is also a member of the January class. The High Eighth class of L-amai-school -was beautifully entertained -on Tuesday evening by Miss Maggie May Hodge, at lier home, 619 Federal street. Christmas decorations were every )r jW "it BBSraBwIgJiBHIB 1 ' A question in "which you should be concerned should J you contemplate the purchase of furniture is, where snouia 1 Duyr Here's a proposition: uome 10 our store and we will guarantee that you will gat better goods at lower prices than anywhere else. AS AN ILLUSTRATION TAKE THESE TWO SPECIALS Special No. 1. A large Toomy kitchen safe, made of hard wood, bolted construction, 3 shelves, large drawer, double screened doors, finished in golden oak a very handsome and serviceable piece of kitchen furniture that sells regularly at ?6.00 on sale here from Thursday, Dec. 29th, to "Wednesday, Jan. 4th, at $4.50 Young -s El Paso. Furniture Company B. F. YOTJNG, 307 South El Paso St. our New Location, 203 be gone. .grades; All Bench Made $4.00 grades; 5.49 Removal price grades; All 'Goodyear $4.79 Removal price grades; All Goodyear $3.89 Removal price REMOVAL SALE Children's Shoes All $1.00 grades; Re- All $1.75 grades; Re moval price $ .89 niovar1 price $1.49 All $1.25 grades; Re- All $2.00 grades; Re- moval price $1.09 moval price $1.79 All $1.50 grades; Re- All $2.50 grades; Re moval price $1.34 moval price $2.19 All $3.00 grades; Removal price $2.59 GREATER EL CTh&mS GREATEST SHOE STORE, tuWuuTUT z SHOE- r.nyiPANY: Nothing ReservedEverything at a where in evidence. The evening -wa3 delightfully spent In playing various games, after which refreshments were served. The tables -were artistically decorated in holiday colors, and the at tractive place cards held verses appro priate to each guest. Each member of the class was pre sented with a souvenir of the occasion. Those present were: Misses Velma Pul liam, Mignon Cannon, Carmen Blessing, Goldie "Waugh, Lois Walker, Ethel Hardy, May Roberts, Gladys Monk, Marguerite Goreing; Messrs. Orban Walker, Ignacio Talbot. Parrot Ronan. David Hughes, Mervill Darnell, Russell Worthington, Raymond "White! In addition to class members, others present were: Misses Alice Fitzpatrick, Aileen Howren, Rev. and Mrs. A. N. Evans, Mr. Barton. On Thursday evening Misses Marion Bowden, Louise Sisterman and Mar guerite Kinnon were hostesses for a dance, given at the Elks lodge, in hon or of the high school senior class. The rooms were effectively decorated with green and the high school colors. Con cha's orchestra played for the dancers. Punch was served during the even ing, and ice cream and cake were also served. Louise Sisterman wore a blue mes saline dress, trimmed in beaded bands, while Marlon's delicate beauty was brought out by a dainty pink affair, each wearing pink and white rosebuds. Special No. 2 This special is an unusually well made kitchen table made expressly for this store; it has a heavy top 24 inches fay 42 inches square and fitted with strong 2 -inch legs; this table we sell regularly at 1.75; for one week from Wednesday, Dec. 29th, to Wednesday, Jan. 4th, at the extreme ly low price of tJLrf3 Prop. Both Phones Mesa Ape. i5ij 6.6)5 "Welt $3.50 grades;" $2.89 Welt, $3.00 grades; $2.39 For Boys or Girls PASO7 5 Cut. Hurry Up if You Want Miss Kinnon wore a -white lace dress over "white. Mr. and Mrs. Gilchrist -were asked by Marion as chaperones. Miss Sister man had her grandmother, Mrs. L. Sis terman, and Miss Kinnon had Mrs. Crichett and Mrs. Eubanks. " The dancing began -with the grand march led by Julias "Walwork and Margurite Kinnon, aner -which the reg ular order of dances filled in the even ing's pleasure. The guests were: Misses Irene Es senger, Ethel Brown. Anna Taylor, Bura Heindrlcks, Jimmie Brooks, Mar gurite Darbyshire, Rachel Harper. Mary Levisy, Mabelle Bryan. Elsinor Shelton, Marie Levinson, Lavina German. Harriet Ellis, Janet Rumsey, Jamat Mack, Katherine Harper. Sybil Shedd. Mary Duden. Frances Mayfield, Louise San burn, Iiily Rud, Lauramaud Fiuk, Clara Fink, Florence Cox. Mary Roberson. Eleanor Eubank. Edith Parrenot. Mamie Clark, Marion Young, Cnloe Calhoun, Genevieve Anderson, Maj- Campbell, Ruth Howard, Mary Lewis, Rosalie Behr, Amoret Cobb, Mellie Hamman. Birdie Hawkins, Mabel O'Conner, Violet Aitkin. Augusta Margroff, Marion Bowden. Margurite Kinnon, Louise Sisterman; Tom and Davis May field, Arthur and Leo Schuster. Bernard Hill, Linn Mee, Frank Ross, Vernon Lyman. Clark Wright. Norman Morrison, Sanders, Rumsey, .Jones, Ignatius Berrien. Edwin Moore, Randal and Herald Kilburn, Paul Nafe, Milton Shedd. Leon and Jack Ronan. Junias Hawkins. Julian Walwork. Har ry Drrrock, Wallace Thew, Herbert Huntot, Richard McHatton. James Har die, Wendel Kuhn, Robert Mullin. Rob ert Hoover, Abie Bargman, Ray Camp bell. Walter Bateman. Earl Teague, Frank Frickleton, Adkins Bowden, Nel son Rice, Baylor Foster. Cliff Elliott, Alex Wallis, Monroe Proctor, Lewis Bloom, Sam Hawkins, Swisler Turner, Everett Long. Colbert Coldwell, Tom Dunn, R. V. Bowden. Mr. and Mrs. Le Veaux. Mrs. W. W. Fink. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kellogg, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shire. One of the delightful occasions of the week was on last Friday evening when Miss Ada Robinson entertained the Philathea class of the First Baptist church (of which she Is president) and their many men friends of the class. The affair was in honor of Miss Robin son's two sisters, who 'nave recently come from Dallas to spend the winter here. The evening was delightfully spent in conversation and a progressive traveling game, after which a delicious salad course was served. Among those present were: The Misses Rutn Lofton, Hill, Pearle Harroll, Lulu Ilfrey, Anna Ilfrey, Ruth Adkins, Virginia Nichol. Leona Black, Ada Boyden, Anna Hughes. Cora Bowers, Ada Robinson, Ida Robinson; Messrs. B. Holman, Sol Franklin, Ben Franklin, Franklin, Say lor, Romero, Chas Gardner, Andreason, Ernest Hester, McGuire, A. C. Alexan der, Ernest Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. W. A, proves, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Putnam) Dr. and Mrs. H. F. "Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Pender, Mr. and Mrs. Forbs, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jones. Misses Bessie Barnes, and Alethea Dempsey tntertained the members of the Summer Social club yesterday aft ernoon at the home of Miss J3arnes. The party was given in .honor of the Misses Euladime and Elizabeth Carden, of Greenville, Ark. Games and music were among the enjoyable diversions of the afternoon and in the games playtd the prizes were won by Misses Mildred Marston and Eunice Preston. Light refresh ments were served the guests, wtoo were: Misses Mildred Merrill, Isabel Valentine, Bernito Thoiuas, Agusta Markgrpff, Sara Bridgers, Mildred Merrill," Eunice Preston, May Campbell. m 4,.4. 4. .A1'5'i'4"4' 4-4'4"5',f'C,,C, 4. i. 4? DINNERS. . . f .'4"3"3"i"!'-$' 'i' 4'9" Miss Martha Thurmond will enter tain a few friends at breakfast on Sun day morning. One of the most artistically appoint ed of the week's entertainments was the dinner-dance given Wednesday evening by the Terpsichorean club at the Elks' home. The decorations were on a most elab orate scale. Potted ferns and palms were effectively grouped about the ball room, while the walls were completely covered with southern Smilax, trans forming the room into a veritable bow er of green. In the dining room, the tables were arranged in T shape, in compliment to the name of the club, and were attract ivels' decorated with quantities of roses. Palms and ferns were also used in the adornment of the dining room. K. L. Sinclair acted as toastmaster, introducing the various speakers, who responded most cleverly, and were: Dr. F. P. Miller. Oscar L. Bowen, Page Kemp, Earl Craver,. Billy Wilson and E. C. Heid. Following the dinner, dancing was resumed, the music for which was fur nished by the Country club orchestra. Among those In attendance were: Misses Grace Long, Lucille Smith, Ethel Brown, Margaret Streek, Mildred Jar rett, Loretta Brick, Rachel Harper, Aileen Hague, Frances Mayfield, Mabel Wood, Julia Pool, Inez Pumphrey. Paul ine Sprinz, Kate Robinette. Mary Pool, Kate Adams, Florence Cox, Jeanette Blumenthal, Genevie Anderson, Lucille Daniels, Jane LIndsey, Kathrine War ren. Fan Bowman, Lauramaud Fink, Ethel Howard, Rachel Howard, Amy Schutz, Hattie May Loretz, Vera Pool, Lucille Pierce, Lillian Crawford, Lillian Lindsey; Mrs. H. C. Piatt, Mrs. T. M. Quebedeaux, Mrs. H. C Schaeffer, Mrs. L. C. le Veaux. Mrs. Hal Christie; R. A. Bird, Ira Baton, R. W. McCandless, Frank Pickrell, Ray K Smith, H. C. Piatt, Bob Blair, W. F. Carter, jr., Col bert Coldwell, R- L. Parker, K. L. Sin clair, L. Wood, Leonard Wolfe, Jervis Deane, Dr. F. P. Miller. O. L. Bowen, B. M. Cowan. E. C. Heid, Billy Wilson. L. S. Calisher, Davis Mayfield, W. R. Dorris, R- G. Thompson. H. C. Schaef fer, J. L. Lehman. J. J. Wallwork, Sid ney Meyer, B. F. Fillmore, W. R. Schutz, Fletcher Thomas, L. C. Miller, L. C. le Veaux, A. E. Schuster, Dr. B. F. Clutter, Douglas .Gifford. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Chernis delight fully entertained at Christmas'dinner at their home, 419 TJpson avenue, in honor of Miss Rose Moneak, of Chicago ,111. MistletoeJ holly and bells were effect ively used in the decorations, while an eight course menu was served to the following: Miss Rose Moneak, Ben Miller, Miss Esther Strauss, C. E. Lov ell, of Pearson, Mexico; Mrs. Marie To bias, of Memphis, Tenn.: Mr. and Mrs. Leon Strauss. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cher nis. J . Mrs. Josephine Nations' Morfit was the hostess last evening at a charm ingly appointed dinner of 10 covers, given in honor of Ted Houghton, of Corralitos. Mexico. The decorations were typical of the holiday season, and red the prevailing color "effect. The handpainted place cards were attractively adorned with red poinsettas. The guest list included Misses Fran ces Clark. Wanda Race, Anne Lee Gaines, Ruth McCurdy; Messrs. Ted Houghton, -Garnett King, Henry Fletch er, Francis Moore, Robert Moss. Mrs. Hugh White entertained Thurs day afternoon with a luncheon com plimentary to her sister, Miss Emily Kemp. A scarlet poinsetta formed the cen tral decorative feature of the table, and was encircled with a wreath of Christmas holly. The cards marking the places held quaint Japanese fig ures. The guests, who were members of the Gamma Tau club, were: Misses Eleanor Eubank, Estelle Berrien, Clara Fink. Mary Nations, Hilda Sauer, Hat tie Ellis, Rosalie Behr. f 4'4"r4" .$ THEATER PARTY. 4'4"i"."5-4-"?'4' Mr. and Mrs. Morris B. Parker enter tained with a line party on Monday evening at the El Paso theater; when their guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rolland, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McCourt, and Miss Lilla Spencer, of St. Louis. I May your walk through 1911 be made snfoother by the use of White's Guaranteed Corn Cure. Made, sold and guaranteed by Scott White & Co.. 204 Mills street. r Hairdressing, Beauty Treatment;, Etc. In the Privacy of Your Own Home Ve wish to announce to the ladies of El Paso that we are prepared to render all kinds of treatment pertaining'to beauty culture in the privacy of their own homes. Not only are ing branches, but are supplied with the most modern equipment known to science. Electrical and Vibratory Face Massage and Scalp Treatment Plain and Artistic Hairdressing jtfanicuring, Shampooing Manufacturing of all kinds' of hair goods. Removal of warts, moles and superfluous hair , Singeing and Clipping Our Prices MostReasonable Make Appointments by Phone MRS. J. M. BARNEY and MISS A. M. BELL A WOMEN'S ORGANIZATIONS. 4. 4. .. j. . 4. 4, 4. 4. a - 4. $ 4 5 "- "5- New Franklin Lodge No. 133, women's auxiliary to the'B. L. F. & E.. held its annual election of officers, when the following were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mrs Martha Parsons; vice president, Unice Struthers; secretary, Carrie Likes: collector. Sophia Evans; Treasurer, Sovilla Rehrig; warden, Hel- ( en Mosley; conductor, Agnes Masuth;. chaplain, Carrie Haupt; guards, Airs. Cound and Mrs. Faust. The instalation of officers will be held on the first Friday in January. The Young Woman's Christian associ ation will entertain informally at the new boarding home. 541 West Missouri, Monday, January 2, from 3 to 6. The Trielle club will hold Its first meeting of the new year at Central headquarters, in the old Toltec build- i ing, Tuesday evening at 7:30. Mrs. xioi- llngton. teacher of expression and voice 1 at the Girls' school, will give a talk on I Shakespere, preliminary to a study of 1 'The Merchant of Venice, which she f will conduct for the club. The program will be followed by a social nour. Miss Bertha Irene Miller, the new as sistant secretary of the Y. W. C. A., has arrived and assumed her duties at cen tral headquarters. Miss Miller is a graduate of Colorado college, Colorado Springs, Colo., and has had experience in Y. W. C. A. work in Colorado Springs, Kansas City and Albuquerque. The annual meeting of the Y. W. C. A will be Jan. 10. Miss Nancy Lee Swann, state secretary, will give the address of the evening. The general meeting of the Women's Charity association will be held Wed nesrlav mornintr at 10 o'clock in the j Young Men's C. A. building. This will be for the purpose ot discussing the affairs of the association for pre paring the work fo the u"W year. c The directors of the Woman's club will hold their reguar meeting on Tuesday at 10 oclock, at the club rooms. The club day meeting will be held nn wartnpsdRv afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. R. Brown. Each member of CUB CiUU lllO-X 1UHIO Lvr &-. Mrs. S. J. Fennell will read a trib ute to Miss Thirza L. Westcott, an honorary member of the dub, who re cently died in Houston. The program subject is, "Woman Her Achievements, and Her Work." al so laws concerning women. m m The music deoartment of the Wo- J .man's club held a delightful meeting on Wednesday at tne nome oi Jirs. w. R. Brown. Many quests were present and all enjoyed Puccini's beautiful opera, "La Boheme." Some of El Paso's leading musicians took part in the program, and the en comhio nrnvldpd bv these artists was i excellent in the most artistic sense of the term. The story of the opera was related most pleasingly by Miss Adelia Mor gan and a sketch of the life of Puc cini was well given by Miss Henrietta Buckler. The musical part of the program was given as follows: Piano duet Miss Adele Paxton, Miss Sara Cobb. Aria from Der Freischietz, Miss Helen Cooper. Piano solo Miss Kathrine Warren. Violin solo Miss Fan Foster Bow man. Vocal solo Mrs. C A. Camp. Vocal solo Cavatina, Miss Helen Cooper. Overture of La Boheme Miss Theo. Patterson. Tenor solos Parvin Witte. Soprano solos Mrs. J. J. Pearce and Mrs. William Owen. ' SICK FOLK. r r v Mrs. J. S Daugherty has been con fined to her home the past week with I an attack of the grip. Mrs. W. W. Evans, who has been quite ill at Providence hospital, is re ported somewhat improved. - Dr. Hugh Crouse is able to be out occasionally, after confinement a month following an operation. Call Bell 115. Auto. 1115, tell what you wish to buy, sell or rent, and The Herald will do the rest. " Manicuring we experts in the follow JJI Neglect to have them properly examined may cause a lifetime of sorrow and regret. Small disorders grow more serious every day. T"here is satisfac tion in knowing that your eyes are all right, so Ask SegalL and he will frankly tell you whether you need glasses or not. It costs you nothing to know. Ei Paso Optical Company 2a Est. PIONEER PLAZA l . i $ . . . ; J j . J i . WEDDINGS. An attractive church wedding, sol emnized "Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock, was that of Miss Lily Brown and Sidney J. Hockett. The-ceremony occurred at Trinity M. E. church, and was witnessed by a large number of friends. The church was simply but effective ly decorated with numbers of palms grouped around the altar. Just before the ceremony Mrs. Wal ter Christy sang "O Promise Me," which was followed by the Lohengrin wedding march, played by Mrs. Adine T". Owen. Miss Florence Reed and A. J. Fraser entered first and were folio-wed by Miss Marian Campbell and Hunt Winn, who preceded the bride and groom. Schu bert's Serenade was softly played dur ing the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. C. S. Wright. The bride was handsomely gowned in blue voile, over Persian silk, richly trimmed with eyelet emproldery. A black picture hat trimmed with blue plumes completed the costume, and a shower bouquet of bride's roses was carried. Miss Reed -wore an old rose gown of satin, and carried pink roses. Miss Campbell was attractively gowned i-n pink embroidered chiffon, over silk, and her flowers -were pink roses. A re ception followed the wedding at the home of the groom's wotner, 609 Mon tana street. The house was beautifully decorated in the bridal colors of green and white, developed with smilax, mistletoe and ferns, intermingled with white carna tions. Refreshments, consisting of a salad course and an ice course, were served. The bride, a most attractive young woman, has lived in El Paso a number of years. The groom is also an El Pasoan. and Is connected with the E. P. & S. W. railway. A beautiful collection of wedding gifts were received by the young couple who will go at once to keeping house at 705 Magnolia street, EastEl Paso. Miss Lulu La Rock and C. A. Hahn were married Saturday evening at the home' of the bride's sister, Mrs. C. D. Sabin, at J. T. Broyles's residence. 914 Mesa avenue. Relatives of the bride only were present. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Frank Otto of the First Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Hahn will reside at 1905 Arizona street. w T. J. Malcom and Mrs. Helen Man ning were recently married at the First M. E. church. Rev. F. W. Otto officiat ing. OUT OF TOWN VISITORS : : Mrs. F. J. Easley and daughter, Miss Virginia Easley, who have been here to attend the Brown-Hockett wedding, have returned to their home in Tren ton, Mo. ' 1 Mrs. Lester White arrived yesterday from Lancaster, Texas, to spend a month visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Croom. Mrs. J. A. Covode. accompanied by her two children, will arrive tomorrow from Grand Rapids, Mich., for a two months visit with her parents. Capt. and Mrs. T. J. Beall. and sisters. Mrs. J. -T. Williams and Mrs. E. E. Neff. Mrs. C. H. Leavell has as her guest HHB i 'IH I (Jj5P JVl Carry a "KODAK" With You AH Through 1911 Feld IXIc&O 1901. OPP. Miss Mary Griggs, of Dallas, who will spend a short time here. - Mr. and Mrs. Harvey M. Richards,, who were visitors in the city to attend! the Brown-Hockett wedding, have re- tuurned to their home at San Marcial, N. M. Miss Tura Jowel, of Tampico, Mex- ico, Is the guest of Mrs. R. C. Walshe,l I 1212 Newman street, and will spend the! winter here. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McCourt have vis iting them Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rollaml.i of Carrizozo, N. M., who are spending the holidays here. wo Claude Buckler is spending a fe" I weeks in the city visiting his mother,! I Mrs. C. N. Buckler. I Mrs. A. D. Carden and children are! the guests of Mr. and sirs. William j-j j Owen. j I Miss Bertie Alexander, who has beer ( visiting her sister, Mrs. R. B. Homai f left Thursday for her home in Dallas. I Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Foxworth have asj their guests Mr. and Mrs. John Will liams, of Dalhart, Tex. : EL PASOANS RETURNING. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Walshe, and bab; have returned from Abilene, Texas where they spent the holidays. MRS. G. 3T. COFFIN, Vocal Studk No. 3 Lucerne. Telephone 3532. After next Monday we will be in oui new quarters at 216 Texas street. Thtj Elite Parlors. New Year Greetings! After next Monday we will be in our new. home at 216 Texas Street Elite Parlors Hairdressing Manicuring ay You Tint HuH