CL PASO HERALD 12 Saturday, April 22, 1911. Texas Corn Texas Is a -world's force in agricul ture. Withdraw our farm products from the market and the people at two hemispheres will go hungry anoV shiver with cold. Out of the soil and from the air our farmers take annually nearly a billion dollars of wealth. In plowing the land the Texas farmers walk 330,000 miles per annum, which Is equal to traveling around the globe 13,200 times. ltO VALUE Ve&ACBZ Tb chfei product of "Texas in or der of their value, as estimated by th Federal agricultural department for 1910, are cotton, corn, wheat, oats, hay, rice, potatoes, etc Cotton as the lead ing product Is far ahead of Its rivals. Corn occupies second place without ohajlenye. Wheat ana oats have been disputing Tor third place, but the sep aration tM year is so pronounced that there can be no loger any contro versy over their respective positions. An examination of our cereal prod ucts dispels the idea that Texas Is a one-crop state. In 1910 we harvested 33,000,000 bushels of grain. Although a bushel of oats weights less than a bushel of any other grajn, yet there Is some significance In the total quan tity of all cereals produced. Our cereal belt is following closely behind the plow as it turns the virgin soil, and we have so far found no geographical limitation placed upon it by nature. Our corn acreage In 1910 was 8.800, 000 and production 181.2SO.000 bushels, and it had a farm value of $114,206,000. This corn was raised in 120 days, mak ing an average production of approxi mately $1,000,000 per day. We raised 20.6 bushels per acre at a farm value of $12.98 per acre. The corn crop oi 1909 and 1910 will purchase the rail roads of Texas using the railroad com mission's valuation on railroad pro firty. This giant Industry has scarcely be pun its development in Texas and the possibilities of extending the corn area and Increasing the yield per acre present a wide field for enterprising farmers and there are millions of acres of idle land in the corn belt. THREE KILLED BY GAS EXPLOSION Xine More Injured by Blow ing Up at St. Louis Station. St. Liouis, Mo., April 22. Three per sons were killed and nine injured, four -of them fatally, in an explosion of a tank car filled with gasoline, which was standing on the Wabash tracks, at the plant of the Eell Oil company here. Clothing was blown from tlje bodies of those killed, and the bodies -were found more than 100 feet from the scene of the explosion. PRETTY WASH TIES When you don't wear a vest you should wear a neat, pretty tie. We nave some beautiful new style wash ties that don't cost much. Bryan Bros. ! . v v v r ' r ' a EL PASO TELLS HER TROUBLES To the "Want" Columns of The Herald. When there's an unexpected vacancy in the of fice or factory force, it's a Herald Want Ad that gives no tice. When there's something val uable lost or a tenant leaves, a call to Bell 116, Auto 1115, tells the news. El Paso has learned that Herald "Want" Ads are the best resort in an emergency. ' 3 ! 3 Cautious. In the Tillage of Polton a woman I fell into a trance. After the Poitevin custom, she was wrapped in a sheet to be carried to the cemetery, but as the procession was passing through a e O ( M&sSifc-giill e "Hollar sS You vTAVE ARE THE oliarjThatCount Jackson's anitary Grocery Beyond a doubt handles the HIGHEST CLASS GROCERIES sold in El Paso and when it conies to FINE GOODS we LEAD THEM ALL Here Are a Few of Our Every-Day Prices Best Granulated Sugar 18 lbs. $1.00 Swift's Silver Leaf Lard, d -J 1 p Fresh Sunflower Eggs, OKr 10 lb. pails tp 1 1 U dozen OC Swift's Premium Lard, dji Qg Sedgwick Creamery Butter, Og 10 lb. pails P - (best sold in El Paso) lb, dtUC Fancy Greeley Potatoes, ?K Fancy New Potatoes, Ofj 10 lbs &DC 6 lbs diDC Fancy California Strawberries, 2 Boxes for 25c If you place your orders with us, you will not only get the BEST GROCERIES money can buy, but you will SAVE MONEY. . , Jackson 8 Sanitary Grocery PHONE 353 FJPASO TRY AS V DEATHS AND BURIALS. c. ar. itmisEY. C. M. Rumsey died at his -residence, 719 North Florence street, Friday af ternoon at 1 oclock. The deceasedbad been a resident of El Paso for the last seven years, coming here from Missouri- - He is survived by bis wife, two sons and three daughters. The funeral was held from the residence at 2 oclock Saturday afternoon. 3IRS. arARTHA K. GOULD. Mrs. Martha K. Gould, aged 34 j'ears, died at her home at the corner of Sa vannah and Martinez streets, at 2 oclock Friday afternoon. She is sur vived by her husband and several chil dren. The funeral services will be held from a local undertaking estab lishment at 3:30 Saturday afternoon. JtTRS. LOIS B. WORK. The body of Mrs. Ixis B. Work, the wife of A. C. Work, who died at a local hospital Thursday,! was shipped Friday Jiight to Fort Ixigan, Col., for interment! The deceased was 29 years old and had resided in El Paso for two years. She is survived by her husband. "" laBnBHnaHanMaBBBHHHnMBHMaH SATURDAY MEAT .3IORE HOLEPROOF SOX. It's hard for us to keep a supply of holeproof sbx fo"r ladies and gentle men; were out for a few days but an other shipment is here and, any lady or gent can get them. Bryan Bros. DEADLOCK TIXBROKEX. Denver, Colo., April 22. There was no election in today's senatorial bal lot. O'Donnell got the anti-Speer votes. ADS BY PHONE. You can easily sell it. Call Bell 115. Auto 1115, tell the girl what it is and The Herald will sell it. No bother, no formality. Dividing a Penny. The difficulty of obtaining a farthing as change In the province was experi enced as long ago as the reign of Hen ry VL In, 1444 a petition was present ed to parliament stating that for want of halfpence and farthings men "trav eling over contrees, for part of their expenses of necessities, must depart our soveraigne Lorde's coigne, that is to wete, a peny in two peces, or elles forgo all the same peny for the paie ment of an halfneny." According to n tn3 o Vrvm rP na TrrOTrelrla j .x. u . i i, !, various antiquarians, the silver penny pierced the sheet, wounded her so that , ' ,,,. im-r,r.n,i JL i a x ov l of early times was deeply impressed I hat are right, both II quality and price Try us. Phone Bell 136. SPECIALS' ' Prime Eib Boast, per lb 12c Shoulder "Roast . tipt- 1h ' . m -j- 7 i J: . . J.UO jjj Kunip Roast, per lb ! . . .12 l-2c 1 fetew Meat, 4 lbs for 25c Yeal Shoulder Eoast . . : .15c Mutton Stew r . . .,. " sc Corned Beef . . Qc Home Made Sausage ioc Home Rendered Lard 15C Home Dressed Poultry OPITZ MARKET 213 N. Stanton St. Bell Phone 136 the blood flowed, and she awoke. Fourteen years later the woman really died and again was borne toward the grave. As the procession passed through the narrow road the husband called: "Not so near the hedge, friends! Kot so near the hedge!" St James' Gazette. with a cross that it might be divided into the "halfling," or halfpenny, and the "i ourthling," or farthing. Hone in his year book of 1832 refers to a simi lar practice of halving and Quartering the dollar "in remote settlement of -the United States of America." London Chronicle. The bearing of children is frequently followed by poor health for the mother. This supreme crisis of life finding her physical system unpre pared for the demands of nature, leaves her with weakened resistive powers and sometimes chronic ail ments. This can he avoided if Mother's Friend is used before the coming of baby, and the healthy woman can remain a healthy mother. It is the only remedy that perfectly and thoroughly prepares the system for healthy motherhood, and brings about a natural and easy consummation of the term. "Women who use Mother's Friend are always 3aved much suffering when the little one arrives, and recover more quickly, and with no IE effects, or chronic troubles. Every expectant mother should saf eguaiv her health by using Mothers Friend, . ty tons preparing nor pnysicaj. concuaon for the hour of motherhood. This medicino is for sale at drug stores. Write for free book for expectant "" p mothers. SEADFHLLD EEGUIA-TOB CO., t Atlanta, Ga U7U6&'&4 f f - Jr ,jX )J ."5y 444M4' ow Much Should He Pay For 400 Families? Nearly everybody in El Paso reads The Herald. A canvass shows The Herald delivered regular ly every evening to every English-reading family in the city except perhaps 400. - Even these few non-subscribers" are more than covered by the regular street sales. An advertiser who uses adequate space in The Herald covers El Paso so thoroughly that he has no need of other mediums. It costs him too much to reach the few remaining homes. ' s When he has covered El Paso by means of The Herald he can only hope to reach 400 other homes if he uses all other mediums combined. How much' can he afford to spend for these 400 ? . Just figure it. A full page advertisement in The Herald costs "him jnst three-tenths of a cent for each familv. How much per family can he afford to pay for delivering his page advertisement to the other 400 families? JUBY OUT FOR THREE DAYS AND NO VERDICT The jury m the case of Juan Rodri guez, T$no "was indicted by the federal grand jury on a charge of smuggling; horses into the United States, has fail ed to return a Terdict, after being out three days. The judge ordered the jury to remain in session until it could reach a- verdict. The case was given to the jury Thursday. ' PRETTY WASH TIES When you don't ivear a vest you' ""should wear a neat, pretty tie. We have, some beautiful new style wash ties that don't cost much. Bryan "Bros. INVEST YOUR MONEY IN Real -Ai There are big profits to be made out of investments in houses and lands in right localitiesprofits which you might as well secure; if you have a little capital and take our advice as to where to buy and what kind of property to invest in. We can 'show by past successes our ability' to guide you aright and your . own judgment after seeing our lots will confirm our opinion. - Whether you want to rent, buy, sell or ex change real estate of any kind, our facilities ,are such that you cannot afford to neglect consulting us, as we have in our own hands some of the most desirable, properties in this vicinity. - We are now offering BUILDING LOTS in GOV ERNMENT HILL for $ ISO. 00 to $200.00 each, $10.00 down, $5.00 a month no mortgage, taxes or interest while you are paying for the lots. THESE ARE WORTH LOOKING INTO Austin & Marr Caples Building Phone 352 Latta & Hopper Morgan Building Phone 271 Our April Special this year has been more generally appreciated by the. public than those of previous years. e A great many people have made inquiries and promised to come for sittings but so far we have failed to see them again. This advertisement is intended as a reminder that on April 29th ends our special offer of $7.00 Fotos For $3.00 In the limited time left you should not fail to avail yourself of this unusual offer. As we stated jfj n the beginning, these annual specials are made dm IBBBIHIIIII sw w an idea of advertising our business rather -W than making an immediate profit. So we " jyp want every one to take advantage of this -y liberal offer, thus havivg in your home or in the ) r homes of your friends a standing and , : ijrjf artistic Feldman production as a constant J -SESSl Allow us to suggest that you attend to , r3l FELDMAN'S I ' rfEy- J 308 SAN ANTONIO STREET Z GRAXD LODGE DELEGATES TO LEAVE SUNDAY FOR M. R. Robinson, of 622 North El Paso and judge E. HI Watson, or 1S27 Mon tana, will leave Sunday evening- to at tend the Grand lodge of the Knights of Pythias, -Avhich convenes at Abilene, Xex., on Tuesday. Judge "Watson goes as the represen tative of El Paso lodge No. S2, K. P., and Mr. Robinson attends oecause he has lately been made cnairman of one of the most important committees of the Grand lodge, the committee on re- i ports. This is considered a greatx honor tVBILEXE J for the home lodge. Abilene marks the point farthest west that a grand lodge has even been held. Mutt and Jeff a-e -cnth us. Another appearance today on Classified page. Every day in The Herald hereafter. Sick headache results from a disor dered condition of the stomach, and can be cured by the use of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Try it. For sale by all dealers. CHARGED WITH THEFTi Eugenio Alvarez was arrested Fri day evening by the police and a charge of theft registered against him. It is alleged he took some goods from the Model store on Overland street. MOItE HOLEPROOF gOX". It's hard for us to keep asupply oj holeproof sox for ladies asd gerte men; were out for a few da3f$ but an other shipment is here and any lady or gent can get them. Bryan Broa.