Newspaper Page Text
ELi PASO HERALD 22 Saturday, 'April 22, 1931. Rams Horn Canned Fruits These goods are not Standard goods, but are Extra Quality, packed in 2 1-2 pound cans, with hea-Ty syrup. They are packed where grown, in the finest fruit "growing section in America." WE G-UAEAIiEE THEM TO GIVE PERFECT SATISFACTION. Apricots, 30c cans for 25e, per doz. .' $2.50 Bartlett Pears, 30c cans for 25c, per doz. . .$2.50 Crawford Peaches, 30c cans for 25c, per doz. $2.50 Slieed Peaches, 30c cans for 25c,per doz $2.50 Golden Egg Plums, 30c cans for 25c, per doz. $2.50 Damson Plums, 30c cans for 25c, per doz $2.50 Muscat Grapes, 30c cans for 25c, per doz. . .$2.50 Genuine Norway Mackerel 10c, 15c. 20c. 25c and 40c eacl GIVE HALF HOLIDAY FOR THE FIELD DAY Agricultural College, N. M., April 21. A half holiday was given this after noon on account of the local field day. A great many athletes are entered for the events. Few records are expected to be made owing to a lack of interest in track -work this year. The "best men in the events today will be selected to compete with the El Paso teams at El Paso the early part of 3Iay. Dr. O. H. Brown, the cement con- PILES I have suffered with piles for thirty nz years. One year ago last April I "be gan taking Cascarets for constipation. la the course of a week I noticed the piles began to disappear and at "the end of six weeks they did not trouble me at all. Cascarets have done -wonders for me. I am entirely cured and feel like a new man." George Kryder, Napoleon, O. Fteasaat, Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Never SIcken."Weaken or Gripe. 19c 25c. 50c Never sold in bulk. Theeea Iae tablet stamped C C C Guaranteed to i or vocr mnanvntcJc S2B EL TO TELEPHONE CALLS, BeH 608 & 629 A. . XYAH & CO. OPEN ALL Bell 111 RET GROCERIES WHOIJESALB Auto 1271 Hall Orders Given Prompt CLIFFORD BROS. WE REPAIR EVERYTHING Key Fitting, Lock Work, Umbrellas, Guns and Bicvjcles Repaired. ' Agent Cleveland and Westfield Bicycles EL PASO REPAIR SHOP, 208 N. STANTON ST. PHONE BELL 139 7 LUMBER STTRTON-LINGO CO., FIRST & KANSAS STS. BELL 50; AUTO 1050 Bell 20 202 Texas St SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS AND DENTAL SUPPLIES. ACK and "Will he up right away." 116 to 120 San Francisco St LONGWELL'S TRANSFER Careful Men. Bell 1054 BAGGAGE and MOVING "We're there in just a minute." Storage and Packing hy careful men at right -price. BELL 1n54 nnnM'S TPAWSVWP ATTTn inee ODOM'S TRANSFER. Use Secret Prompt and Accurate. Efficient Service. Reasonahle Rates. RING 1362, CONTRACT DEPT. a EUk'KY CUT RATE S. S Psm St. AmmnaltTia. Waco a Cgt. Builders' Hardware. Toala. Saddle Harness. Cutlery. Tents Oil Paint. Etc 8ax, kinds tractor from Las Cruces, is on the col lege grounds -with a force of men and teams cleaning out the remaining rub bish in the basement of the old main building, .whichvs burned last fall, and has already started his gasolene ce ment mixer to. turning out cement. The cement is being spread over the bottom of the basement to a depth of six inches and then the brick walls lining the basement will be covered with cement and the walls raised to over a foot above the ground, where they will be capped. The reservoir will then have a large mound of rocks piled in the middle with a formation in center, giv ing a a grotto effect. Water will fill the reservoir and water growing plants and possibly water fowl will be placed in it N The commercial club met at Hadley hall last night and rendered an inter - j esting program, .as follows: Commercial News Hiss Muirhead. xne uiamona industry Mrs . whar- t ton. Debate, "Resolved that our protec tion tariff system should be abolished and duties on imports levied for rev enue only," affirmative, Poe, Williams, While; negative, Temple, Adair, Taylor The negative side won the debate. The 21st annual report from the ex periment station to the governor is just off the pre"ss. The report is very good and shows a progressive state of work done by the station during the past year, v PASO MERCHANTS Who ftflak Prompt Responses Auto 1068 212 SAN ANTONIO ST. 2COHT, EL PASO TRUNK FACTORY Bell Trunks, Bags and Leather Goods Auto 1054 Made, Repaired and Exchanged. 1968 We Store Goods. Opp. Postoffice, across Plaza and Special Attention. 307-309 E. Overland St Auto 1020 BAGGAGE Reasonahle Pricei Bell 1 Auto 1001 Aut 1966 UTO 1966 the MOKR HARDWARE all GATTLE AND buArS One Thousand Cattle and 1600 Goats Sold in Two Days. l Alamogordq, N. M.f April 22. During the past two days about 1000 head of cattle and over 1600 head-of goats have been shipped from the local yards. The cattle were bought by commission men who shipped them to Colorado. The goats being shipped to the "Kansas City market by W. I. Rutherford, a commis sion man of the place. Among the cat tle men who made deliveries were E. A. Balrd, W.-H. McNew, S. W. Fair child and J. D. Swope. Dr. C. Clayton Patch, of HIghrolls, has been in town the past weerc arrang ing business matters. Dr. Patch feels assured that HIghrolls will have the most prosperous season In Its history, j The annual Interscholastic athletic meet of the schools of Otero county will be held here at Athletic park on Sat urday. The pupils are taking an un usual interest in this year-s contest which speaks well for the teachers oi the county and especially for those of the Alamogordo high schools and ll.e New Mexico institute ror the blind The New Mexico Baptist college has a very strong team and Is expected to finish well up toward the ton Immigrant Inspector Franlc M. Stan ley has returned from El Paso, where he was called to assist the government irprosecutlug smuggling cases. Col. H. J. Anderson, president of the First National bank who has been ill for the past 10 days, is steadily im proving. Miss Ellen Qulnllven has returned from Orogrande where she has been on a business trip in the Interest of The Herald. T. A. Murphrey, exdeputy sheriff oi this county, has moved to Cloudcroft, where he will engage In the mercantile business. soiiOMOXViLiiE news xotes. Soiomonville. Aiflz., April 22. Mrs. M. M. Otis . and chlldreg, Frank and Margaret, left for Dunovant, Kansas, Thursday. Mrs. Otis has been the teacher In the first primary depart- ment of the city schools for the last three years.. Mrs, Otis does not ex- pect to return to the southwest for. an- other year. School superintendent T. S. Bunch, accompanied by O. Gibson, from Tomb- stone, Ariz., attended the closing ex- erclses of the school at Layton on "Wednesday evening. Mrs. A. A. Anderson entertains the Aid society on Thursday afternoon in honor of her house guest, Mrs. John Knisman, of Warren, Ohio. ' Mrs. Mamie Wright, accompanied by her daughter Laura, returned to her home in Clifton, Ariz., on Thursday. Mrs. Wright has Teen In the valley since the funeral of her brother, the late eorge Johnson, about two weeks aso- x . wMS0fOSaEnsmInr cam-e ixrn Wednesday afternoon from Xew Mex- ico to visit relatives and friends. O. Gibson, the abstract man from Tombstone. Ariz., accompanied by his assistant. Miss Ruth Bennidlct, went to Clifton; Ariz., 'on Thursday. Mr. j Gibson has been busy with an abstract of title. He went to Clifton to com- plete the work W. R. Chambers returned from Cllf- ton on Thursday afternoon, where he had been attending court. - 1 i ORDER A XEW SUIT Let us make your new suit. It will fit and -nill cost you $5 to $10 less than at any other place in El Paso. Beauti ful new spring and summer line of suitings to select from. Bryan Bros. Mutt and Jeff are with us. Another appearance today on Classified page. Every day in The Herald hereafter. SPECIAL SALE ON OUR 40c LB. Mexican Kisses 25c a Pound SATURDAY ONLY We Use HOT WATER to CLEANSE with at our fountain. CONFCTIOIfERY COMPANY, C. S. FICK3ELL, Kgr. 206 N.-Oregon St. Phone 347 Under the Electric Fountain. FRESH OXFORDS THE BEST ON EAR.TH AND ' It I iO Hood's Sarsaparilla Which purines, enriches and revitalizes the blood as no other does. 40,366 testimonials of cures, in two ,years. Get it in usual liquid form or tablets called Sarsatabs. The Honorable By FRANCIS LYNDE (Continued From Yesterday.) CHAPTER XIX. THE EOUJfDXJT. i IT was only the car that was dis abled. Beyond a severe shaking up neither Patricia nor Blount was seriously hurt Recovering from the shock and being assured of Patricia's wholeness and his own, Blount sprang out to see what the collision had done to the car. The in spection was brief. With the front axle bent, the radiator crushed and one cylinder of the engine broken, the little car was safely out of commission. "We're done for," he said shortly, helping his companion down from the driving seat Patricia was still trembline and Dale. he tnougllt that the accident was nnnn.n.ia accouniaDie. Do you mean that we can't go on to the city .'" she quavered. "Not unless we walk, and it is ex antlv fifrppn mil T bnrmpnorl tn no- Hnat . ,. -, .. ronfla-OT. uan - ma1 o,- i . , , , last unaay. wnat snail we do she asked when ' the improbability of any timely rescue made itself apparent. Blount looked at his watch. It was already a few minutes past 3 o'clock. tt7mi ,v j Si. Well sit down and wait for some- bod to c , d . . , ... ,. 7 ae saId Striving to say it lightly. "Prn sure we ought to be glad and thankful that it Is no worse. We stood a good chance of being killed. both of us." Sne shuddered and said: "I might . , , m. Tt have stoPPed sooner. There-there S tim don't ou thiak:'" Evan had thought so, and he was regarding her curiously. There had been many motoring experiences in their flrnnnintnnw of i rPnr nnrl nnr n - . - , . . , .. few hazards, and he had more than 0n.C(l jced in her cool presence of mind ln tne face of sudden danger. "I wondered a little that you didn't," . ... ne ventured, to say. "i. never saw you hesitate before." I The look that she gave him was pa thetically pleading. - "I stopped just one little instant to think of your father and and those terrible papers in your pocket and what was going to happen if you should reach Judge Hemingway in time, Evan." she confessed ..brokenly. "Can you ever forgive me?' It was a moment for the brushing aside of obstacles once and for all, and he took her in his arms would have done it if the lonely Quaretaro road had been the busiest street in the capital. "You are my brave, loyal darling," he said. And because she let him say it and hid the face, from which the cold pallor had. suddenly fled, on his shoulder the political struggle and everything pertaining to it became as things of naught and the lonely road j tne way to paradise. The silence of the Immensities held them for a moment a golden silence for the lover, but a moment of keen self reproachings for the maiden sob bing on his-shoulder. "Oh, I don't know how I could have done it but I did!" she wept. "I I was ac-actually glad when I saw the tree. I didn't have the courage to to upset the car in the ditch." v Again he comforted her, and the po litical venalities withdrew into a still remoter region. - "It was to be," he said. "That is what the tree was put here for to stop us." She looked up at that "Why, that is so. isn't it? There -are no trees growing around here none at all. Who did it Evan?" Blount'Shook his head sadly. "There is only one person in the world who could nave any strong reason for stop ping us," he asserted. "I can't imagine how my father managed it in the short time at his disposal. That tree has been dragged down out of the little canyon since we passed going north. You can see the trail of it in the road." "Please. Evan," she pleaded, "don't ask me to believe that your father planned-it! Why, we might have been killed outright, both of us!" "I know," he returned gloomily, "but hello, here comes our rescue!" It was rather a figure of speech than an assurance. Around a turn in the canyon road came three horsemen pointing for the main highway and ambling gently. They were hardly within hailing distance before Blount recogni?ed his three waylay'ers of the night of mysteries in the Lost River mountains, with Barto in the lead. "Howdy?" said the timber looker, riding up to hang with one knee over the saddle while he grinned at the two castaways. "Lost out again, Mr. IB H icine Is Best is Senator Sagebrush Copyright, 1910, By STREET & SMITH j Blount? Couldn't make out to run your chug wagon over, that there pine I tree, eh?" "Did you put the tree in the road?" snapped Blount, with rising anger. "I reckon we did." was the cool re ply, "and it was one job too. Had to drag it f m more'n 'a mile down the gulch with the horse ropes." There was material for an explo sion, but Blount controlled himself. "By whose orders did you do it?" he demanded. "The boss'." "Mr. Hathaway?" s , "Not on your life. It was the big boss thig time.V Blount's quick glance aside at his companion was a sorrowful "I told vou so." and be did not Question Bar- to further. "Well," he said, turning back to the outlaw, "what is to be done with us?" Barto pursed his thick lips. "If the lady can make out to ride one of the bronc's." he began, "there's a right comfortable little shack of a hotel at the head of the gulch, and" "But we are on our way to the city," Blount Interposed, still trying to mas ter his impatience. The timber looker shrugged. "All right. I reckon there ain't no law ag'inst your walkin' or settin' down to wait till' samebuddy comes along. But it might be a good while." Blount turned to Patricia. "Shall we wait?" he asked, and she nodded quickly, with a look in her eyes that he could not interpret. "I don't believe we care to go and look for your shack hotel." he said, to l the road blocker. Barto swung straight In his saddle and fell into the" attitude of one listen ing. Then the grin became a menace, and he spoke sharply. "Gimme them papers you goln your pocket and do it sudden!" he 'com manded. "Then you can stay here till the cows come home if you want to. Quick, I say!" "Xo.'Blount said crisply. Instantly Barto's pistol was out "Give 'em up!" he shouted. "Shell 'em out or" The diversion came stormily. Around the 'curve from the north the curve that had so late- ly been Patricia's undoing came a huge touring .car, with a big man at the wheel, a veiled woman in the mechanician's seat and the ton-x n e a u crammed with armed men. Barto snapped his pistol at the oncoming car, and when the weapon missed fire he wheeled whu. "SHELL 'Ei OR" OUT, his horse to the i canyon road, up which his two companions were al-' ready urging their mounts. Two sec onds later the big car had stopped at the tree barrier, and six men with Winchesters were popping the halt sig nal at the flying highwaymen. It was speedily effective, and when the game was bagged the senator swung down from the driving seat of the big Italian car and gave his orders briefly. "Take these fellows up yonder to the hotel at the canyon head and see that they're kept out of mischief till to morrow night. Granger," he said, sin gling out the leader of his tonneau squad. "Then tell the gentleman you'll find bossing things up there that the jig is up and he may as well come to the city. He'll find me at the Inter Mountain when he wants to talk it over." A little engineering feat, made possi ble by the big car's towrope. soon cleared the way. and when the great car, with the two women in the ton neau and Evan in the seat beside his father, was devouring the miles in the straightaway race to the city the young man said what was due. "I was blaming you for the tree and for Barto's attempt to get those afii davits away from me," was what he broke the humming silence to say, and the senator nodded. "I guess it was pretty lucky we had our ears to the cut-in on McVlckar's private wire up yonder at "Wartrace," he said, but that was all that he said. The courthouse clock was just strik ing 4 when the huge touring car, with its radiator sizzling hot. came to a stand before the entrance to Judge Hemingway's chambers. "You're still in time, son," said the senator quietly. & 2 Bul Evan Blount made no move to i DON'T GET TOO AMBITXOTJ and buy a lot of new furniture when with a can of Jap-a-lae or Itfukote and a rubberset brush, and a good right arm, one can put the old chairs and fur niture in excellent condition. Turtle Paint H Glass Co. Beii Phone 206 Auto Phone 1206 " - , aa mp . & M, BASEBALL GOODS Have a full line of GLOVES, BALLS, BATS, MASKS, &c. Also a nice assortment of TENNIS GOODS Shelton-Payne Arms Company SEE HOFFECKER FOR Glass of all Kinds, Mirrors, Silvered, and Art Glass Work 214 N. STANTON ST., EL PASO, TEXAS The Globe 3 Day Liquor Cure A Scientific Treatment For the Drug and liquor Habit A STATEMENT OF FACTS. El Paso, Texas, March 16, 110. To Whom It 3Jay Concern: I have been a constant and very hard drinker for the patst 35 years, when I was induced toake the Globe Three Day Liquor Cure, and it cer tainly has cured me, as now I have no desire for whisky, beer or any other alcoholic stimulants. I feel stronger both mentally and physically, In fact stronger than in the last 25 years. I have been one of the hardest drinkers In El Paso, which my friends can verify that know nae. I chser- Iiuuy recommpna xne uiooe j.xiree ja.y iJiijuur vuie lu iji utiu isuu i tu dicted to the liquor habit and am sure that any one giving this wonderful cure a trial will attain the same results that J. did. After the second day I had no desire for liquor, as before I would consume from two to four quarts of liquor a day. I had reached the lowest depths of degradation, was arrested for drunkenness 30 times during the past six months. I was a human wreck and am thankfnl and grateful for my deliverance from the power of appetite. Yours very truly, DR. D. J. REAGAN, El Paso, Texas. This Is one of many testimonials given us by grateful patients whom we have treated in El Paso. t THE GLOBE THREE DAY "MQUOR. CURE. We cure the liquor habit in all Its stages, without hypodermic injec tions without the use of system wrecking drugs. A cure guaranteed. Sanitarium 2013 Atlanta St. pione Ahq im get out of the car. ""Was I jumping at conclusions, dad?' he asked half shamefacedly. "A little that way just a little that way," was the gentle reply. "You see, Gryson did sure enough turn traitor this morning when he gave you those affidavits. He'd had a quarrel with Mr. McYickar. Every one of those crooked names means a vote for your railroad, son. That was why I told you you'd better not holler out about it. It was against your own side." Evan Blount's hesitation might have been measured by a clock tick. "Then there is all the more reason why" N he began, but his father was once more putting the clutch in. "No," he interrupted, still in the game gentle tone; "don't let's jump at any more conclusions, Evan. Wait just a little while. There's more to come and I shouldn't be surprised if it came before dinner time." It did come before dinner time came when a dust covered car driven at reckless speed tore in over the north era road and was pulled up with a jerk at the Inter-Mountain entrance to let Mr. Hardwick McYickar debarkand hurry to the clerk's desk. "Senator Blount? Yes, he's in his rooms; he said you were to come right up." said the clerk, and, without stop ping to strip off his dust coat, the vice president hastened to an elevator. What took place behind the closed door of the sitting room in the Blount suit is not a matter of record, an(l Evan Blount, sitting beside Patricia in Mrs. Blount's private sitting room and concluding a lasting peace with his father's wife, was too happy to care very much. But after a time the summons for which he had been waiting came, and he went almost re luctantlyto join his father in the room of conference "Has Mr. McYickar gone?" he ask ed, finding his father sitting alone. "Ye,s: he's gone gone to order out his car and go back to Chicago," was the slow spoken reply. Then, with the quizzical smile wrinkling at the eye corners, "How does the political wrestle strike you by this time, son?" "It strikes me that I haven't been in it not even in the outer edges of it. dad. Isn't that about the size of it?" "Oh, no; you've been doing good work mighty good work, for your company. McVickar recognizes it. You've helped out in the only way that help could come in this campaign. You've worked up a good, healthy pub lic sentiment in favor of a square deal for everybody. McYickar was fixing to lose it all; cooking the regis tration lists and buying votes and making deals right and left, the same as usual. But it's all off now. and he's gone, and we're going to have one clean, straight up and down election, son. The 'machine' says so." ' "The machine?'' queried the youngei man. "Yes; you didn't know that a ma chine organization could be put to any really righteous use. did you, boy? But t'-is is one time when it has gone in to knock out the crookedness, big and little. Listen, son. When you 1 wired me that you were coming out here I lay awake nights thinking how I'd put you in training and then when the'time came I'd. help you up into the saddle and make you. the-boss of the roundup, as I'd been. Want to beer the rest of it?' Blount nodded. "Then It came over me all of x sud den that Fd been, as crooked as a dog's hind leg; that we'd all been crooked. Not that Pd ever taken a dollar for my personal pocket, for I haven't, but Pre bought and sold and dickered and schemed with the best of 'em and the worst of 'em, just as McYickar's been doing for the past two months. Then I asked myself if Fd like to see you wallowing in the same modhole, and well, Evan, you may have a son of your own some day, and then you'll know. I thought I'd try you a little at first, and I did that first day out at Wartrace. When you ripped out at me that day I made up ,my mind right then and there that Fd put the whole power of the 'machine,' as you call it. into one campaign for a clean, election and a square deal." "My heavens!" ejaculated the son. "And Fve been fighting you and your organization at every turn!" (To Be Continued). How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward lor any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHEXEY& CO.. Toledo. O. We. the underslsaed. hae known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly hon orable ln all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Kjltion'az. Basic or Comsisrcs. Toledo. Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Core Is taken Internally., actlnsr directly upon the blood and raucous surfaces of. the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents par bottle. Sold br all Drulsts. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Imee Seston SUCCESSOR TO 6. Gk SSETON & SON 3rd & Ghilmalma, El Paso, Texas.