OCR Interpretation

El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931, April 24, 1911, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88084272/1911-04-24/ed-1/seq-1/

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EJ Pas; TexiJ,
Monday Evening,
April 24; 1911 II Pf
EI Paso's Sapid Growth
Official United tts Census
Population 1910, 39,279
Population 1900 15,906
Pojwlt 110 10,338
I 1
. . : t
. ' .
MinM -i lHlfi I Plait UliM fy H UAh r Mr Ull ! 1
UtllUfl LLHULn
Accused of Wrecking Los
Angeles Times; Officers
Have Much Evidence.
Detectives Continue to Work
Up Evidence of an Incrim
inating Character.
Kansas City, Mo., April 24. 4"
According to officials of the
4- Union station here, McManigal
fr and J. B. Bryce, or J. B. He-
f Namara, passed through here In fr
, custody of detectives this morn-
i&g on the California limited on
the Santa Fe train due In Las 4
4 Angeles Wednesday afternoon. 4
4,, 4.,4 4- 4 4- 4-
Indianapolis, Ind., April 4. Detective
"William J. Burns. Tvho led In the arrest
of John -J. McNamara. secretary-treasurer
of the International Association of
Bridge and Structural Iron Workers
here Saturday for complicity in dyna
miting the Los Angeles Times building
Jast Octoher, in which 21 persons were
Scnled, is expected to return to Indian
apolis l&te today and it Is believed
more arrests will be made. Among the
papers seized in the raid .on the offices
of the union Saturday night are said to
be a number of receipts showing that
money had been paid to the men under
arrest and that the dates of Receipts
correspond to the dates of the larger
Investigation Gees Ob,
The investigatiOttdecJarea "toy be di
rected toward'exposing the persons and
methods responsible for the So explo
sions and great property loss Jn vari
ous parts of the country In the last
two years, continues in. this ilty and
Tiffin, O. At the latter place detective
William J. Burns and J. A. G. Badorf,
assistant counsel for the National
Erectors association, are forwarding
certain details connected with their dis
covery there last night of 100 pounds of
dynamite concealed Vln a shed and in
this city Walter Drew, principal coun
sel for the association, conferred with
tle police and county prosecutor as to
further inquiry to be made.
The three men now under arrest and
being taken to Los Angelas to answer
indictments charging them withAqom
plicity in dynamiting the plant of the
Los Angeles Times are J. J. McNamara,
secretary-treasurer of .the International
Association of Bridge and Structural
Iron Workers, arrested in Indianapolis;
J. B. Bryce, alleged to De J. a. -aicra-
at Detroit.
Many "Depots" for Explosives.
Several "depots" in which this al
leged "wrecking crews" stored explo
sives have beeii found. In a shed in
the rear of tha home of James Mc
Alaniiral. father -of Orti-i. at Tiffin, O.,
ioo pounds of dyn'axnlte-was found last
The storage compartment in the base- j
ine iiuiise tumii """ .. ., ...
mant of n hiiHdiner :n ludianapoiis IU
which are the offis the Bridgrq nd j
Iron Workers. 100 pounds or oynamne j
and exploding apparatus were found
surrounded by boDk-j anC papers of the
association Saturday nint.
In the shed at the home of T. Jones,
near Indianapolis, alleged to Tiave ibeen
rented by J. J. McNamara, 23 pounds of
dynamite and two quarts of nitroglycer
ine were found Saturday night
UhIoh IssHes Statement.
President Ryan of the Tron Workers'
association, last night issued a state
ment condemning the police for hav
ing "railroaded" McNamara out of In
dianapolis toward Los Angel 2S and ask
ed the public to withhoM judgment, be
cause, lie said, the evidence neTore the
public had been created 'by the agents
of the enemies of organized labor "
Other members of the executive board
said the association had always de
nounced the use of explosives in the la
bor unon distufes and discla'med all
responsibility for the destructive meth- j
od; of the campaign.
Long iHvesfljcatfon.
AftAr monts of investigation, di
rected by detective Burns, McNamara
was arrested here
Saturday charged!
with complicity in the dynamiting of
the Los Angeles Times building, October
1 1910 and the plant of the Llewellyn
Iron works at Los Angeles.
Four hours after McNamara was
arrested detectives found two quarts
of nitroglycerine and IT sticks of
dynamite in a barn three-quarters of
a mile west .of Indianapolis. The barn,
the detectives say, was rented by Mc
Namara from T. H. .Tones, the owner.
A. later investigation of the interna
tional offices of the union, disclosed, in
a storeroom in the basement of the
building, G4 sticks (about 0 pounds)
of dynamite, 200 feet of fuse, 500 dyna
mite caps, one dozen small alarm clocks
and a leather case made to carry a 10
pound can of nitroglycerine. Detective
Burns took possession of all the ex
plosives. McNamara'a arrest followed
an investigation lastingseveral months.
t jK,eiuitiOH uranicu.
Requisition papers from the gover
nor of California having been signed
by governor Marshall before the arrest,
McNamara was taken to police head
quarters by detectives, where he was
immeaiately arraigned by judge Collins
in police court, and the requisition
" granted. Although pleading in police
4-court to be given time to procure an
. U I
wn?A: texas weeds
Oscar Pacius, a director of the Con
tinental Wax company, who is at the
Sheldon hotel, states that his com
pany proposes to put up 10 candelilla
wax factories In west Texas, the first
factory being well, under way and to
be placed south of Marathon in
Brewster county.
The Continenal Wax company was
recently organized in Little Rock,
Ark., with a capital of ?500,000, and
owns the patent rights covering the
economical extraction of wax from the
candelilla plant by processes which
have been proved successful In Mex
ico, where at the present time four
factories are in actual operation.
The Weed Grows Wild.
The candelilla weed grows wild and
profusely throughout the southern
parts of El Paso, Presidio and Brew
ster counties, and contains from 3
to 5 percent of wax. This wax Is in
great demand and orders have been
placed for approximately $10,000,000
worth per year.
The cost under the processes held
by the Continental Wax company is
about $200 per ton of wax with a mar
ket value of $600. The wax under these
processes Is extracted in a refined
state by one operation from the weed
As!) J&3 ixEL JELl i
Mr &.M
Torreon, Mexico, April 20. (By MaiJ.) The federal troops are again In
possession of Parras, the home of h c Madero interests in Coahnllay al
though It Is T?sld that a number of revoltosos are still seeking- the protec
tion of the church towers, from which, they have not yet been driven. One
clmrch and the girls' school were destroyed, but the rebels who are left
are said to have sought refuge in another chapel. More reinforcements left
Saltillo lost night" for Parras. The rebel forces are said to have retreated
In the direction of Yicsca aHd San
en to take. They are to join the forces of TJgnlde, about 1500 strong, which
are within five miles of San Pedro. Fifty soldiers that have been stationed
at Msplmi -were withdrawn from that camp today and sent to San Pedro.
Emlllo Madero, a brother of Francisco It. Madero, and Salvador Madero,
a cousin, who were arrested and placet! in prison, hate been released. Com
munication was immediately establish ed with minister of finance IImantour,
and both men were ordered released this morning.
There has been an exodus of foreigners from the Maplml camp during
the past two days. For 4S hours the situation has been connldered dan
Sezanscand upon -the withdrawal of the 50 soldiers, which have becnWea1
guard, the presldente municipal, Dlo niclo Gonzales also departed and ar
rived In Torreon today.
attorney his request was refused by
judge Collins, who maintained after
the requisition papers had been signed,
he could do nothing but permit James
Housie, an officer representing Cali
fornia, who was present at the hear
ing, to take the prisoner from the
Papers Are Searched.
' Soon alter the prisoner had been
hurried into the automobile detective
Burns ran for another machine and
rode to the American Central Life
buildiner where F. M. Ryan, president
of the assooiatlon and six members of i
the executive board were being held
pending an investigation. Doors of the
room were guarded by a squad of po- J
Uce. j
Detective Burns assisted by four of
his operatives and -severals-detectives j
lorce entereu
atiOIi in search j
of correspondence that might impli
cate McNamara onore deeply in the
President Ryan, of the union, pro
tested against the presence of the of
ficers in the room. While the search of
the . rooms
beins: conducted, tne
auctea, iii ,
members of the executive
uuciiu, "" i
were 'waiting In another rlked ,
,j,nnt niirvnuslv and asked the police
about nervously and asked the police
the cause of their deten-
-ivra Minn an" hour eiantea aiter
McNamara had been 'taken from the
city before this companions at the meet
ing were aware that he had been taken
from Indianapolis.
Ssplosies Poua.
Immediately after the officers of the
union were searched detective -ourns
and a squad of his men went to the
ham west of Indianapolis, where the
ntciirat! worn unearthed. The de- i
tectives then returned to the city when
a search in the basement of the union
headquarters revealed more explosives.
President Ryan said he had been
connected with labor unions several
years and hasnever heard of a case
similar to tC one charged against
McNamara. He said he had known
of cases where "plants" had, been
made by enemies of labor organizations
and that if explosives were found they
have been placed by enemies of the
Th'e custodian of the building where
the offices of the union are located
said McNamara had cone o him six
months ago and asked i.or a store
room and that the request naa oeen
granted. He added he had never seen
McNamara or any of his associates of
NJ the iron workers' union carrying nv-Ni-ui-
, -r. iVrtTTi tn storeroom.
Charge Against McAamara.
The warrant against McNamara
charges him specifically with murder
in complicity in the dynamiting of the
Los Angeles Times building and also
he was implicated in an explosion at
the Llewellyn ironworks, Los Angeles,
December 24. 1910. Detective Burns said
further developments were expected to
disclose perpetrators of explosions di
rected against employers here, at
Omaha, Neb., and Columbus, Ind., and
other places. ,,.
At midnight on March 23 last, ex
plosions occurred in the courthouse at
Omaha under construction and at the
plant of Caldwell and Drake at Colum
bus Ind. They were the contractors
for' the courthouse. They estimated
their loss at $15,000. They said they
had had disputes with the Iroji Work
ers union.
Home "Wrecked.
On the night of October 24, 1909,
a new telephone exchange building, a
sawmill and garage at u:e home of
Albert Von -Spreckelsen, a contractor
and Is principally used for .electrical
insulation and phonograph records.
To Rival tke Guayule.
' The candelilla Industry promises to
rival that of guayule rubber, which
produced over $108,000,000 during the
past few 3ears, the advantage of the
candelilla wax industry being that the
candelilla plant may bi cut yearly;
while guayule when once cut will not
grow up again and be ready for rubber
extraction in less than 10 years.
Jack Armstrong. well known
throughout west Texas, is accompany
ing Mr. Pacius. Mr. Armstrong- Jias
for a number of years supplied the
rubber company at Marathon with
guayule shrub; and is now contract
ing for the candelilla plant, of which
there are approximately 5,000,000 of
tons growing In west Texas. The wax
factories are to be located right in
the fields where the weed grows, -thus
saving cost of hauling the raw ma
terial. Each, factory will have a ca
pacity of two tons ofSwax per day of
the value of $1200. and when the 10
factories are In operation their ap
proximate output wiil be $4,000,000
Vworth per year, thus promising to open
a new 'ana very important industry in
West Texas. '
Pedro, both of which places they threat-v
here, were' almost destroyed by ex
pldsions of dj'namite. ' "Von Spreckel
sen had employed nonunion workers iu
several of his contracts.
He was engaged In constructing the
telephone exchange building and a part
of the material was being prepared at
the sawmill. After the explosions he
discharged his nonunion workmen and
engaged union men and has no more
In Los Angeles district attorney
Fredericks stated that other arrests In
volving prominent labor leaders will
follow and that the theory of the prose
cution in the case v ill be the explosion
was the result of a conspiracy formed
for the purpose of retail iating upon the
newspaper for the stand it had taken in
a strike of the structural Iron and
brewery trades, and for its attitude to-
wara anion jaoor generally.
riAtootlvA. tiip Truii-i wnn nssistAfl
in the graft exposures of San. Francisco
which"sent. maj-or Eugene L. Schmitz
and Abe Ruef to jail and who uncov
ered the conditions in the Illinois "Cen
tral railroad which resulted in the in
dictment of several officers of the roal
a in Bos jgelcs -at tne 'time
nf tVio MrnlnsiOTi nnrl attennflrt a. oon-
ference with I mayor Alexander thai
v,, n rwi fha. T.raT.Viati' and
chief of police and the Merchants' and
Manufacturers' association. For a while
he worked under the supervision of
the" Los Angeles authorities and then,
(Continued on Page Nine).
& ' txiLilt
e insurrecto
111 Pasoans
.Cars to Smelter Jammed; Barricaded Footbridge Works. Overtime and
Rebels Stormed by Sightseeing Army.
EEING the insurrectos was the one
amusement in El Paso Sunday.11
The smelter cars were packed,
jammed, crowded sbme more, passen
gers were pushed up in front, hung on
the straps, fender and even the sides of
the cars. Everyone seemed to have
but one aim in life and that was to get
to the smelter as quickly as possible
which tv as not very quick see the In
surrectos and visit their camp..
The"1 sea-gong swinging bridge which
crosses the riyer to the brick plant was
boarded up Sunday morning with stout
boards and clinched nails. But boards
and nails are no bars to the great
American sightseers and they swarmed
over these barriers, under them and
some thin ones went through the
cracks unti the U. S. troops stopped
them from crossing. Once over, they
plodded through the loose silt of river
flat, over thesheep trails and up to
the newly named Madero canyon. where
the headwaters of insurrecto sympathy
had their origin.
Over the mud flats opposite the
smelter the insurrectos worked like in
sects busily engaged in doing nothing
in particular. Many had improvised
canopies out of their bright hued
zarapes and sat' or slept in the inviting
shade of the blanket thrown over a
mesquite brush. Others stood on the
river bank and scrambled like happy
children for fruit and candy which was
thrown from the American side. Woolly
little Mexican ponies -were -watered at
the river and staked out to graze on
nothing .more tangible than the scenery.
The're was a constantly shifting crowd
of x the insurrectos,. all belted, spurred
'and armed, moving in and out -"of the
1 15 18! ill rf? ' Riruinn
Homer Scott Sees El Paso's
Big G-un at 0 jinaga Insur
recto Camp.
Madero is to be asked to present
one of the cannon which Is now in
the insurrecto camp to the city to re
place the McGinty cannon which was
stolen from the city hall park and
taken to Ojinaga. As the final peace
compact, according to the armistice
agreement, is not to be asurrender
of arms, the cannon may be disposed
of by the insurrectos as they "please.
An appeal will be made to Madero and
Garibaldi, who is in charge of the in
surrecto artillery, to allow the cannon
to be brought to El Paso and placed
in the city hall park in place of the
old civil war piece which was stolen.
Old McGinty may also be returned
to its position guarding the entrance
to the city hall. Homer Scotb, who
has been at Ojinaga making war pic
tures for the American Press associa
tion, returned Monday and said that
the old cannon twill be returned here
as soon as the trouble is over. Braulio
Hernandez, provisional secretary of
Chihuahua, and secretary 'in charge of
the El Paso junta, admitted to Scott
that he was responsible for the taking
of old McGinty and he said that he
was under obligations to return the
relic as oon asthetrouble was over.
Hernandez is now in the trenches at
Ojinaga with the revolutionists at that
point and says he will return with
the cannon as soon as peace is de
clared. The old cannon was fired for the
first time, Scott says, when the fed
eral spy was discovered in the party
of recruits that was marching from '
El Paso toOJinaga with the cannon.
The spy was discovered when the re
cruits under Villareal were opposite
Sierra Blanca. The man barricaded
Jiimself in an adobe house and th'e old
Snnon was loaded and a. Jioie blo'S'ir
In the house in. order that the Ameri
cans in the party might, get at the
spy. The recoil broke the tailpiece of
McGinty andjt is, now the possessor of
a pair of new steel wheels and a new
I oak tailpiece. Scott made a number
of pictures of the cannon at Ojinaga,
surrounded by, the American, insur
rectos. - ;
He says the insurrectos have 1400
men at Ojinaga and are -waiting until
the families of the rebel leaders leave
the town before attacking it. In the
Insurrecto army there are 28. Ameri
cans, Including "Dynamite Slim," the
mysterious unknown who was in El
Paso until the ban'd of recruits leftrK
for Ojinaga. The Insurrectos have two
machine guns and two cannon, in
cluding the 12 pounder that was stolen
from El Paso, Scott says. There are
also two machine guns in the rebel
trenches which are manned by Ameri
cans. These are in command of Capt.
P. C Bulger, of Brooklyn, who took
the guns across from, the American
side below El Paso.
Howard E. Barker, the Mexico North
Western timekeeper and Lee Glasscow,
foreman on the same -line, who were
arrested Tuesday while walking into
I Juarez from kilometer 33, were given
their liberty late Saturday afternoon by
order of Gen. Navarro. The men were
held on suspicion of being. snsurrectos.
but they had no difficulty in establish
ing their identity.
amp eeps tl
tasy all Day on Sunday
canyon, down the sheep trail to the
footbridge and back again.
The' Improvised Capitol.
Madero's camp againfet the sheer wall
of a sandstone cliff, was the mecca of
all the faithful. Ankle deep sand had
no terrors for the tourists to this shrine
not even the low shoe clad. The camp
is ait elbow in the main canyon 'which
runs back to the second mesa and is
less i-an a mile from the river. There
in a chaos of bundles, blankets, boxes,
guns, ammunition and saddles, was the
capitol of the provisional gov
ernment of Mexico. The capitol itself
was mat-Red by the presence ofj a type
writer and an ironstone china water
pitcher on an ammunition box. Piled
against thd base of the brown cliff
were rolls of bedding, canvas covers,
blue prints, dry batteries, rifles, and
personal belongings scattered around
in a confusion mixed with half spilled
sacks of flour and beans.
Villa Hands Out Munitions.
In the crook of the elbow Pancho
Villa, the reformed bandit leader, doled
out ammunition from denim sacks to
the men who had lined up for a fresh
supply of the sinews of war. Old
Mauser rifles of. the type that were
taken from the 'Spanish in Cuba were
unpacked from sacks and stacked
against the rock wall as if no be dis
tributed to the recruits. Men, officers,
visitors and provisions were mixed to
gether in. the headquarters camp with
no pretense at military discipline.
Utmost "Unconventlonallty.
There were no pickets, no guards. A
peon private talned to Madero witn the
same freedom that he chatted w.ith his
comraes."v'1(GarIbaldI, -Weaving an old
plushy hat and a two weekjtTgrowtfi of
3 s&
Election Measure Is Under
Discussion Sharpv Raps
At the President:
Mexico City, Mex., April 24. That
the projected armistic wasythe subject
of another conference between cabinet
ministers and the chief executive, and
that there has been a farther exchange
of telegraphic communications, on the
'subject between Mexico City arid
Washington, was as far as official ad
mission will so , here. I
It is the belief here tlrat th'e pres
ent week will show the true status of
the Maderlst movement. It was ar
gued that the characte'r of the 'ex
pected prqposition from the revolu
tionists will determine whether they
are actuated by motives of patriotism
or of personal gain. Another point
tobe determined is how much power
Madero has 6"Ver his men.
Under the terms of the armistice it
is expected that all Insurrecto forces
in the north will obey the orders of
their leader and await the result of'
the peace conferences, but here in the
capital it Is doubted whether Madero
can control his men.
If ne fails to do so, the government
will be given practical proof of one of
its contentions that a majority- of the
revolutionists are not men who are
fighting for principles, but are in
j reality of a lawlees tvpe.
The Election Law.
Unless th chamber of deputies
finds something mfcre interesting to
discuss this afternoon, the various
measures in the proposed antl-reelec-tfon
law will be adopted. At the close
of a session lasting until 9 o'clock,
Saturday night, the bill as a wholc
was pessed with-?Cnly onedtssenting
vote. It "remains to pass upon every
article separately.
Deputy Ignacio Bravo Belancourt
declared the real motives for the pre
sentation of the bill Were supplied by
the armed revolt.
Gen. Diaz, he said, had come into
nower by waving the banner of no re
flection, and that same slogan had
been the Inspiration of the prerent
bloodshed. The indefinite continuance
of -any man in power, said the deputy,
paved the way to tyrany.
Liberty Laid In tae Grave.
Deputy Lozaro reviewed the execu
tive history of the president in a man
rer calculated to show that with every
recurring inauguration the people be
came more dissatisfied, until "in 1910
popular liberties were laid In their
grave and their epitaph written on
the tombstone which recorded the l
president's seventh reelection."
The deputy, was Interrupted so fre
quently that at one time he created
a sensation by turning his face to
wards the galleries and invitimr his
"cowardly enemies" to meet him in
personal combat.
31cxlcan Elections Mere Form.
Deputy Piodoro Battalia, a radical
member, declared that the indefinite
continuance of Gen. Draz in power was
not to be considered. He added that
elections in Mexico never had been
.more than a form.
Referring to Madero, Battalia said
that a few months aero he had made
a pilgrimage from end to end of the j
country, suffering vexations from petty-
local authorities for preaching the
n. m.
Capitol, of
beard, did the honors of tlje camp
while Madero was busily engaged in
the peace conference at the adobe
house by the monument He showed
the gun that he had carried at Casas
Grandee arid which had a splintered
place xin the stock. Raoul Madero shared "
the honors with him while. DewnisKerea
Gonzales rode about on his splendid
Over id the shade of'the canyon wall,
Orozco, the most striking figure the
insurrection has developed, lounged un
der a zarape canopy and dozed. His
men were lined along the wall sleeping,
talking, smoking and playing cards.
Little camps of the revoltosos were
scattered over the foothills between the
camp and the river. To the "right of
the main canyon was the antiquated ol3"
cannon that -was to have been used-m
the bombardment of Juarez, carefully
conceited under its canvas cover.
The American Insurrectos.
Between the canyon and Hart's mill,
the American insurrectos had their
camp pitched and slept in ihe shade of
a sheltering mesquite bush. Someone
had told them tat thejf ight would be
gin at 3 oclock that afternoon and they
were waiting listessy for the scrap to
start. Further down the Tarahuaniarl
Indians, half clad by orders of Garl
abldi, guarded an improvised barrif
cade made of rocks and adobe. They
shuffled into the grass like grouse
when a photographer came, snooking
around. '
It is not every city tha.t can have a
revolutionary army at its back gate as
j an amusement enterprise to which no
L admission 'Is charged, and. EL Pasoans
maae tne most ul uic vyyvi lumy ouu-
Madero and Navarro, Representing Insurrectos and Fed
erals; Agree to an Armistice for Five Days From
Noon Sunday Insurrectos to Get Provisions
Through Juarez From El Paso Armis-
' tice May Be Extended If Neceeeary. .
Washington, D:C., April 24. Dr. Vasquez Gomes
today received a request from Gen. Francisco I. Madero
to immediately go to Juarez to participate in the peace
parleys. Gomez will start in two or three days. He has
somedmportant work to complete before leaving.
: 7-
v Peace reigns orel the insurrecto and .federal armies
facing each, other opposite Bl Paso: Both armie ready,
for the fight and armed strongly are festing while their
leaders engage in plans that- may mean the disbandment
of one. In accordance with an agreement reached Stmaayj
afternoon, a five days' armistice became effective at noon
Sunday. The armistice was signed by Gen. Juan J. Na
varro for Mexico and Francisco I. Madero for the insur
rectos Its provisions follow:
1.' Both forces -nhlch eperate la the rectMgle eneL fcy priaeial
points of 'Chlhuahwa, Jnares, Casas Graes wi Xteaea. shall rewaia- at
the points they ctually eccapy or this toy CAaril 23) withaat either
y side advancing, nor the ferwaralaa; af riafrais.
2. All work on fortlficatleaa, t reaches, hattleawats of amy as all
" descriptions or the repalrmeat of railroads or other Military works
shall be -SBSBeaded,
3. It shall be- permitted taarlaa; la by way of Jaarex all srvi94s,
forage, clothlay, aediclHCi, aad otier necessities of life, vritht py
rlcnt of dafty. Intoxicating liquors are exclave from this privilege.
4. Thlv armistice shall remain in effect five days, beginning; today
at 12 o'clock noon.'
5. Passes yto aad 'from camp sha 11 be granted to members of the X
d'ero famlly,peace Commissioners, those haalinar snpplies, ami others
- vrhos- legitimate duties require the! r passage to an from, eansp. The
form, of tfcepass shall be agreed upoe.
It was learned this moralns: that If there is nee of a longer period thai
five days In-fchlch to conclude peaee, the armistice sigmL yesterday will
be extended. Peace negotiatloas tttOtty hat extended jast far enough te put
each- side in possession of the oatllnes of the other's demands.
Gen. Slsder has known and care tally xsaried'for twe weeks the ia
, formation as te -what the srevernment will grant. He telegraphed Mexico
City jerterday the natnre of his okb. demands, ht negotiations hy tele
graph In the present condition of the lines is too nneertaln, and for this
reason both parties wish to appoint envoys with fall power to wt
Xerrrly all Americans with Madero, feeling that the Ughtina; is over, are
preparing to qalt ihe paths of war for the walks of peace. Many Mexi
cans of the same oplalon have already made tentative applications fr wark
in this cpantry. x
A drop In temperature and a slow rain on the rehel camp made things far
from comfortable for the solalers of the Madero army Monday; hat they have
stood the hardships of the past winter jiA the presents Mttle nnfavorablo
spell Is not as severe as it might otherwise prove.
The depleted condition of stocks in Jdarex will make- itt necessary to hay
most of the supplies la El Paso for the Insnrrectos.
. Trhe peace negotiations are to he earrled on from El Fasa. Dr. Ya,e
Gomez, In cbarse of the Washington confidential agenty of th insnrrectos, is
expected to come here at once. The Madero family Is now here. m4L Messrs.
Oscar Brnniff and"Esquivel Obregon, e onsnrcssiacn from Mexlea, City, hava
been here for several days representing president Daa, their perswnat
' friend. The senior Mndero, father of the rehel chfeftaiaaad Rafael Hernandea,
are close frleads of finaace minister Jose Yves Limaartonr. The men wha
can negotiate are here and the negotiations will nndoabtedly he carried on
here If peace agreement is reached, it wUl no donht he alajnod in Jmaen
Messrs. Braniff andx Obrcan, of Mexico, obtained the sranarare of Gen,
Navarro to the agreement, and, accompanying Gonaales Garaa, secretary gen
eral ot the lasarrectos, in charge of the El Faso Jnnta, and Franetoeo I.
3Iadcro, sr., father of the Insnrrecto chieftain, they made, a visit to Madero's
headquarters In n little adobe hat on thebanks of the Hio Graade nrery near
the monument maklnsr the hoandar line of Xew Mexico, Mexico and- Texas.
After a short dlscnssion, " Madero signed the articles ot agreement and
the peace party retHraed to Juarez and El Paso. The eommJsatoners mdi
their trip to the camp through Jaarer, going over the international orldgea
between the two toTins. They returned the same way.
During the morning the senior Madero had made an early visit to 1
son by crossing the suspension footbridge between the El Paso, saoelter and
the El Vaso brickyard. Mrs. Madero, wife of the Insarreeto leader, also
crossed the little suspension bridge from El Paso daring the mominfc. A short
'time afterwards, planks were nailed across the bridge at both ends and
U. S. soldiers kept all people back. Then the people began to swarm across
the river on the S. P. railroad bridge, near the smelter, hnt this was stopped
Sunday afternoonshortly before 2 oclock. This effectually bars the way to a
visit to the camp of the rebels except through Juare. The peae commis
sioners and Madero's relatives all have permission to make the trip that
li ay, so that there is no trouble about it.
Madero's father, his uncle, Ernesto, and two brothers, GHstavo and Adolfo,
are all here at present taking part la the peace negotiations.
Madero- has set np Housekeeping In the little adobe hnt near the El
Pas brick yards, and there he ana his wife have their meals on a box, cov
eved with a white table cloth. A telephone Is to he put" in the little house.
Madero himself said ae had nothing more to give oat except what tha
formal papers had to say.
He said his frlendsand others who are .engaged In the peace negotla-
tions would continue their work in
sides, precedent to" disbanding the
reached. ,"'
All those interestlag themselves In the peace plans are Jubilanf. The
father of the insurrecto leader, Messrs, Obregou and Braniff, unorOcial com
missioners from president Diaz, and others interested in peace, appear to be
Heve that a basis has been reached, on which there can be a setstement.
Nothing Is said here of the report that Madero might be made -vice presi
dent of Mexico in case of the conclusion of hostilities, bat very little credence
is given It. ,
- It is understood that the peace terms will include the pledge on thfc
part of the3Iexlcaa cabinet that all reforms recomwendedy Gen. Diax in
effort to draft terms suitable to both
insurrecto' army
if an agreement
on P

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