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A VJTSK YSrfVM, sf III U xi Wt (f Ul v& 1 1 r" 1 L-BBit ',J. TO wrniv, s v M turn iWPIfc ml 11 1 ! K " If ! : n n ' ft K MMMBHHHIHHaaHHHH Sale of Pattern Hats One-Third We continue this week our special sale of pat tern hats. We offer you without reserve choice of pattern hais, ranging in price from $15.00- to 75.00, at a reduction of one-third. Hats at $5. We "have established a precedent in the vay of 5.00 hats.I 750,"$8.00 and even S1Q.0O would not ibe tooprochjto ask for the hats we now quote'ymi'at $5.00. Tou will be surprised it,jthe style and service that you can get here in a iat at -the nom inal price of f 5.00. j $4.50 Shapes THs special comprises all ithe newest ideas in chips, rough: terids, Neapolitan braids, hair braids, hemp and lrn-n- They come in black, wrute and are up sto -50; special this week at only , The "White House" of the Insurrectos, Zm. a OwSmq Adobe House History Is Being M&de While Armies Wait Issue (By L. H. DAVIS.) STJLNDIXG solitary, 200 feet south of monument No. 1 of the interna , tional line, betireen the United States of America and Zklesi&o, on the i st baftk of the Rio Grandethe west em Potome, oa land owned by El . Pfcsowas, thoKfrh in Mexico, within sight ' fit three, great transcoatinetrtal rail ways, within pistol 6hot of the soldiery " of Uncle Sam, is a one roomed adobe House, Itk one doorand two windows, aad as ucrpeted dirt floor, in which t are & few chairs, a bed and a tatile. ,Ceier of IteRse'I teres t. That bouse is today the center of in tezve interest, not only of the peoples J of the two great republics of the North 3 American continent, but of the civilized world, for it is the, white house of the insurrectos, presided over by that in carnation of Mexican democracy, Fran cisco 1. Madero. provisional president of , Mexico and "first lady of the land," Senora iladero, mistress of the insur recto executive mansion. f Here CohkcIIs of State Assemble , In, this single roomed house are held ' the meetings of the cabinet, the war board, secret audiences with envoys and ambassadors extraordinary, and In it , on Sunday was sfgrned the agreement, . of an armistice for five days, during which the soldiers of Diaz and the bronzed warriors of iladero will rest on their arms, pending the peace nego tiations, which will terminate in per manent peace 'or a renewal of 'nter necine. fratracidal war of indefinite duration. The members of the cabinet and the military staff, composed of such re doubtable chieftains as Bascual Orozco, Giuseppi Garibaldi, Jose de la Blanco and Pancho Villa, girdled with double belts of cartridges and Carrying rifles in hand, hold continuous meei- ings, presided over by the "little re-. deemer" -of Jiis country, -who, inte Washington In winter quarters in Val- i ley Forge, shares the meager rations and hardships of his soldiers? Here is democratic simplicity, and every,, jday is reception day, when a constant stream of the plain people shake the provis ional presidential hand. Frontier WMte House Unique. Truly this frontier white house is' Rub the joints with BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT to relieve rheuma tism. It penetrates the flesh to the bone conveying its soothing and restor ative influence to the spot' where the pain exists. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. -Sold by Scott White & Co., 204 Mills St., and Depot Pharmacy. The Sale of O AAA 7- , "v i ii if i m aiCFC A Bi Success The Vaist sale, involving 3000 stylish 'new waists, hegan this morning and will 'be con tinued tomorrow. This sale is the -most unique of its kind that El Paso people -were ever of- fered. In tflie "first place, you have diodce froin 'one of the most complete stocks of waists to" be found in El Paso. Then,' too, now is really the beginning of the waist season, but we de cided that we would use this sale simply as an advertising feature. The window is well worth seeing, and the following lots of waists should v induce -you to come tomorrow. ' J V LOT NO. 1 Waists worth to $1.25 at 77c LOT NO. 2 Waists worth to $1.50 at 97c L LOT NO. 3 Waists worth to $2.25 at $1.37 LOT NO. 4 'Waists worth to $2.75 at $1.87 LOT NO. 5 -" Waists worth to $3.75 at $2.87 foil LOT NO. 6 ' Waists worth to $5.00 at $3.47 Silk waists worth to $7.50 at $4.97 i Off $1.95 colors, and values $1.95 i unique In all Its aspects and sur roundings, nestled in the shadow , of Mulera peak, in the extreme northeast corner of Mexico, guarded on the north by the legions of the northern repub lic and on the south by the seml-bar-baVlc hordes of the deserts and moun tains of northern Mexico. From its portal the mountain lions of insurrec tion roared defiance to the screams of the white eagle dn his eyrie In tne castle of Chapultepec. Between these extreme points the white winged doves of peace are flitting with messages dur ing the five days of armistice which will terminate Friday -with either pro found peade or interminable civil war. The Madero white house will ever remain an object of historic interest, rivaling that of the old mansion of Benito Juarez in the old town nearby bearing "his name. v MA&ON QUITS WAR FOE DIET SELLING From revolution to real estate is some Jump, but Paul Mason, icolonel in the South American revolutionary army, and late with the Madero forces, has made it and landed in the real estate game in El Paso. Mason was arrested while crossing the 'line at Columbus, N. M., with arms on his person. He was taken to Las Cruces for trial and given his liberty. He has quit the Insurrecto army and will engage in the realty game In El Paso. WAR WRITERS FROM RIG , PAPERS COVERING PEACE MOVE. Earl Harding of the New York World, E. H. Hamilton and John" G. Gray of the Hearst papers, are here to cover the peace negotiations be tween Madero and the Mexican govern ment. C. D. Ha'gerty, war correspond ent of the Associated Press, is also here for the final armistice conference, having arrived in Madero's camp with Francisco Madero, ST., 'and his party jn Friday night. t - James Hare, the veteran staff phol tographer for Collier's Weekly, is here to get a series of pictures of the Madero camp for his paper. Mr. Hare arrived Saturday afternoon from 'San Antonio, where he had been pho tographing the army maneuvers, and where he made the first war pictures from an aeroplane for 'Collier's. EL PASO AN GETSA PATENT. Joseph Ze'lraan, of El Paso, has been granted a patent on a skirt onarker. JP mg&w rw3FJK ii I i ' ? If l fwananMaa ; dmm, ' S IT fevT 1.1 ', r ul t n3" ill .- m Ma tf i wtk vammmmmmBeamBmmmmmaBmmBasmamamm Some Inside Information anay not be amiss if you sincerely wish to keep pace with the modern trend. Fine feathers are almost uni versally held to make fine birds and the coat is widely esteemed, as a fairly dependable index of the man. Ask any man who is successful in business and he will invariably ad monish yau io wear good clothes. We have iusidi information in the shape of attractive suitings, and our "tip sters"' in toe bench Toom know how to get results. Our clothes cost no more i&an the ordinary kind. 4and yet they fix your standing. 206 Mesa EEBELS G-ET MACHINE GUNS, THE EEPOET Bring Them Into Oasas Grandes Insurrecto Ar rested for a Crime. Colonia Dublan, Mex.. April 17. (By Mail.) Tesferday a party of 27 revo lutionists, 10 of whom were Ameri cans, came" in with 6JD rifles, several thousand rounds of ammunition and five rapid fire guns, all which, It Is said, are" to be used in the fight against Ciudad Juarez. The third trainload of rebels left here last evening for Cfudad Juarea, making about 2000 rebels from these parts. There are npt now a great many revolutionists In this part of the country. A courier came in from the EI "Valle district today, saying they , had en gaged the federals, in that country, and that the. rebels had taken 150 guns, which meant the loss to the federals of 150 soldiers. The appointment, of senor Ponce as jefe politico has been sustained, and he will hereafter occupy that position under the rebels! A new judge and other officers have also been appoint ed, and they are now exercising juris diction in this part of the country without interference from the federals. Last Thursday night an assault was made upon the person of a little 12 yearold blind girl of JSdmund Richard son, of Colonia Juarez, by a Mexican rebel. Friday morning a nuiriber of men went to Pearson to locate ths criminal and to have him arrested, and all the rebel officers had left th-ore. They telephoned to Col. Gari- baldi, who stated that he would send men to apprehend the criminal, which he did, and the officers succeeded in lodging him in the Casas Grandes jail. The new jefe politico said today that the man would meet justice. The report was circulated that the revolutionists Intended to disarm the Dublan and Juarez colonists. A dele gation from these two colonies today waited upon the jefe, but he denied the rumor. He .aid if the rebels became hard pressed they would buy the guns and ammunition of the colonists, but he was informed that this would be impossible. The colonists have no guns or ammunition to sell. . "'! It is,sp:id that upwards of lQOOhead of horses belonging to the rebel army- For the Baby Special furnitureoi tltfe little folks grows in favor ajl the. time. . This spring we are offering many attrac tive values in this'' class of furni ture, among wnicnare une ing: Baby Beds Special line Xfi baby beds wifch drop sides, spindles very close together so that the foaby cannot get its -head between .them. These beds are furnishedj with best jlsa taonal" springs. They range in price from $8.00 up. t Children's High Chairs Many s'tvjes in children's highr chairs, also children's vrockers, are being dis played this week, and are attractively priced. Mission Rockers Beginning at $6.00, we offer a very substantial Mission rocker. Erouj this price on up we have a.n immense stock and in it you cannot fail to .find just 'the rocker desired. - , . EL PASO n n ruRNlSHlNG Co. are feeding on the alfalfa pasture of Mr. Turrin. All evening gatherings havs been discontinued both in Colonia Xublln and fin Colonia Juarez. Armed rebels are seen upon the streets almcst daily, and several times the rebels have guarded .both of the colonies during the night. It looks now as though there would be no more mail service until peace has been declared. "When the mails stopped first the people were very much worked up; when it, was stopped this time people took it as a matter of course. At the present everything is as quiet as possible, but events have fol-, lowed each other in such quick suc cession and have been of such a stir ring nature that it has kept the people In an atmosphere of excitement and anxiety as to what would be the next important move and how it would af fect the Mormonsr TO EUN TELEPHONE " TO MADERO'S CAMP A telephone is to be installed in the adobe house which is serving as a capitol buildlig for Francisco Madero, onoosite the smelter. He will then be able to conduct much of his business by telephone, ahough he will be per mitted to pass through the federal lines at any time he wishes, according to the armistice agreement. AEG-UMENTS START IN DE. HYDE CASE Kansas City, Mo., Aprjl 24. Argu ments on the application of Br. B. Clark Hyde for a writ of habeas cor pus were begun today before judge Slover. Hyde is under life sentence for conviction of the murder of Col. Thomas H. Swope, but recently was granted a new trial. The proceedings are an effort to secure his release on bond pending a new stria!. $- IOWA TOWX IS TJXDER MARTIAIi IjATT Muscatine, la., April 24 Thfs city, practically went under martial law today as a result of the strike of pearl button workers. No public meetings will be permitted after dark and curfew restrictions will apply to everybody. Despite the presence of sol- diers only a few additional workers returned to tile fac- - tories today. V '' 4' 41 STEAMSHIP obf ROCKS j PASSENGERS RESCUED. Tokio, Japan, April 24. The I Pacific Mail steamship Asia, from Hong Kong for San Francisco, fan onto Finger $ Rock, 200 miles south of Shang- t hai. Sunday morning during a thick fogand sank! Her wireless calls of distress "were answered J by the Chinese vessel Shang $ Siu, and it is believed all the pOfSsgngeris and QievTmailSs were : sayed. h T s. . j. j : ?., J. H. BauannandfLSC. Coleman, 'of Dalhart, Texi?werehere Sunday to see the insurrectos. They saw them. iuiiuw- Go Carts ji either a reed or a leather ette go cart, a satisfactory selection can be made from our present stock. ZQ Ss3K3EcaH JJi- r$T IM JMBfLd8 3 ' Refrigerators You will soon need a new refrigerator. Why not select it now. Then, it wilL ibe aready when you -want, it. We have a Big stock of good refrigerators and quote the Icwest" prices to be found in El Paso. We ' have all sizes and a variety of styles. You cannot do better than buy your refrigerator from us- Dining Room Suits- . We are now making dis plays of complete dining room suits, in Mission and golden oak. If a new din ing room suit is needed, it can be bought here at .a M money -saving price 9 In I STOLEN INSUEANCE POLIGIES TRACED Man Arrested at San An 1 tonio; Alleged to Have Operated Here. San Antonio, Texas, April 24. Three charges of forgery He against X F. "Wall, alias Carrier, who is alleged to have come tQ San Antonio several weeks ago 'with 60 insurance policies, In blank, alleged to have been stolen at El Paso in February, and to have writ ten Policies for varying amounts, forg ing ithe names thereto. "Wall was ar rested by sheriff Tobin while hejwa$ in the act, the sheriff says, of attempting to collect a premium on one of the bogus policies. Deputy sheriff Alfonso Newton filed the charges in the justice court ' Search by Sheriff Tobin, assisted by Emil Haueisen and R. X. Cooper, rep resenting two of the companies whose policies were stolen at El -Paso, re vealed, they say, that three of the blanks have already been discovered as having been used, 3 were found in the room occupied by "Wall .at the Lo soya hotel, and 19 are still missing. Of these 19, If anyj have been written, the "insured" person stand3 to lose every thing, as the policies are void! The three written up policies were for Mexicans, and were for ?700, 1500 and $750 respectively. Sixty policies were stolen from the office of Loomls Brothers of ,E1 Paso and were in the Prussian National In surance company of Germany, the North River Insurance company of Nerv Tork, and the Northwestern Nn tional Insur ance company of Milwaukee. OEDEEED SENT TO EL PAsSO FOE TEIAL Girlls Arrested in Las Cruces and .Ordered Eemoved Here. Xas Cruces, N. M April 24. Ruth Scofield and Carmen Helrath, two El Paso girls who hare been In Las Cruces for the past two months, were ar rested on charges of violating the "White Slave" law, on information sworn out in El Paso and were given a hearing before United States commis sioner Chaffee, who sent them to El PaSo to be tried before the commis sioner of that district. The three EI Paso girls, whom it is claimed they brought to this city In opposition to the Interstate commerce law, were also sent down to the Pass City to be held as witnesses. Dominic- Feirra, who recently camd here from Magdalena and bought a ranch, was also arrested on the charge of having burnished the money to bring the three El Paso girls here. He was placed under bonds of ?1000 to appear befqre the next grand jury. Mr. Feirra claims that he brought the girls here to act as waitresses in a beer garden which he contemplated establishing. AVAXT AX ELECTRIC POTTER PliAXT AT DE3IIXG & Washington, D. O, April 24. Senator Penrose of Pennsylva- nia, today introduced a bill to appropriate $300,000 for an & electrical power plant at Dem- & ing. Delegate Andrews has introduced the same bill in the house.- , i in "fc J M ,V DIAZ AND H ISSHLED 'Continued from pasr one.) very' doctrine which the chamber was now called on to approve. v -Tke Bill Passes. The only deputy voting against the adoption of the bill as a whole was Aurelio Melgarejo. pollowrng the adjournment of the chamber, a few of the deputies who had won the approbation of the spec tators were carried through the sftreets on the shoulders of their admirers. BEINGS SOUVENIES ' FEOM BATTLEFIELD Boy Martin Makes a Visit to Agua Prieta, Across IProm Dquglas. Roy L-. Martin, assistant city ticket agent of the G. H., bas returned from Agua Prieta with his head full of; war .stories and his pockets filled with -war curios. He has the bloodstained pocket with a bullet hole through it, cut from a dead insurrecto's trou sers, and a rifle ball which passed through an insurrecto's body, a wo man's arm and then stuck In an adobe walL "Through the courtesy of Gen. Diaz, federal commander) at Agua Prieta, I was shown about by his chief of staff, Lieut. Col. Medina Barron,' he says. "He told us that the federals captured a lot of junX, Including 500 saddles, 75 horses and 107 guns, among which were a shotgun and a 22 rifle. The horses are only good for the bull ring, although there are no fights at pres ent. The federal soldiers are now sta tioned in the bull ring, about 200 "of them. There are 500 soldiers In the town. There ,are 64 naked indlans all men, of co'urse with the federals. Avrfnl Sight at Bull Rtaff. - "The bull ring was an awful sight, all shot to pieces. In it the rebels made their last stand, and the federal machine guns ripped through the two towers and the walls. Every' house in town' has been perforated by rifle .nails, and the American custom house Is also perforated. The whole town is shot up. The federals have buried their dead, 15 they say, along the side of the bull ring walL There are three bodies In each grave, with a little woodei cross over each grave. There is one large grave, 10 by 12 feet, where the bodies of the insurrectos were dumped. There is no mark over the place. " Had Plenty of feeer. "The town Is covered with empty bottles, showing' thatT either the fed erals or the rebels had a fine booze fpst. One liquor dealer had two car loads of b?er, and all of it disap peared. It is not true that he rebels destroyed all liquor in the town. The potoffice was looted, and yesterday I found some of the office outfit In a little house. The money had been stolen, but there were a few stamps left. Gen. Dt33 informed me that An tonio Rojas, a rebel leader, is down near Nacozari with about 500 men. He is drilling them with a view of doing something. The federals say that Ro jas is a determined fellow, and a brave fighter. At Agua Prieta the federals have mounted a machine gun on a mesa east of the bull ring. It com mands much territory, including the approach to the town. Inmrrectot Ih DonglasJt "Red Lopez has disappeared from Douglas and nobody seems to know where he is. Col. Medina, the El Paso insurrecto, is ou parole at Douglas. Gen. Lomeli. of the insurrecto army, Is In Douglas. At the Douglas ball park1 they have 50 or 6Q federal and in surrecto prisoners, who came over with arms and were arrested by the American soldiers. Many of the fed erals stripped off their uniforms, and It is impossible to tell which is which. Among them is Col. Vargas, an Insur recto. Some of the rebels are going to work. Seven came to Mastodon last night, enlisted by an employment agent for railroad work on the E. P. & S. W." INSUEEEOTOS CAMP IN OJO MOUNTAINS Federal Garrisons at rTaco and Oananea Heavily Eeroforced. Cananea, Son., Mex., April 24. Con ditions are rather quiet in the war line in Sonora at present. From present indications there will be no battles fought in the State for a little while anyway, as the insurrectos -seem mto be recovering slowly from their Agua Prieta and TJres campaigns. Reports in Cananea are tc the effect that most of the insurrectos partici pating in the recent Agua Prieta af fair are now located In. the Ojo moun tains, northeast of Cananea and south west of Douglas. The number Is not known exactly, out it is estimated that there are Tit least 600 encamped in the various canyons in that range. At Naco there Is at present a fed- The Setret of Success Genuine Merit Required t Wis the People's Confidence Have you ever stopped to reason why it is that so many products that are ex tensively advertised, all at once drop out of sight and are soon forgotten? The reason Is plain tbe article did not fulfil the v promises of the manufac turer. This applies more particularly to a medicine. A medicinal preparation that has real curative value almost sells itself, as like an endless chain system the remedy is recommended by those who have been cured, to those who are in need of it. In an interview on the subject a prominent local druggist says: '"Take for example Dr Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a preparation I have sold for many years and never hesitate to recommend, for 1n almost every case It shows im mediate results, as many of my cus tomers testify. No other kidney remedy that I know of has so large a sale." The success of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root is due to the fact that, it fulfils every wish in overcoming kidney, lier and bladder diseases, corrects urinary troubles and neutralizes the uric acid which causes rheumatism. A free trial bottle will be sent by mail, absolutely free. Address Tr. Kilmer & Co., BInghamtori. N. X., and mention this paper. Regular size bot tles sold at all druggists1 50c and $1.00. The Store that is Famous for Quality and Service TUESDAY'S SPECIAL' Lyndon Tomatoes Solid pack, red' ripe, meaty stock 2 lb. cans; ?1.25 per dozen; or np ' 3 cans for . .J&C Pork Eoast and Chops Out from, choice pork loins - Special, per lb. . . -- IOC Casino Telephone Peas 2 'lb. cans, sweet,' tender peasy $1.50 per dozen: or 3 cans J l OC for ..:... ...... ..ODC Yeal for IFricassee Prom young fed veal; OP 3 lbs. for OC Lyndon Sweet Corn' 2 lb. cans, tender, creamy corn. Of 1.25 per doz.; 3 cans for wOC Shoulder Roast or steak cut from fed steers. AP Special, 3 lbs. for OC iilj r 1 1 -j liMlWkKI 220 Mesa Ave. Phone 2576 eral garrison of about 350 men. These men will probably be stationed at these ports 'of entry until the trouble ends. The Naco garrison received a large consignment of ammunition on Friday last, 28,500 rounds of ammunition" be ing sent there from Kermosillo on that day. Besides ammunition there vras one machine gun. Twenty mem and a captain. Manuel Bais, went to Naco from Hermosillo, joining- th garrison there. On Saturday afternoon 20 volunteers left Cananea for Hermosillo in charge of five guards. It is understood here (that a. large number of federals are at present com ing up the Sonora river from the south country. Just the correct num ber in. the party is unknown, but it is believed that they number between 400 and 500. Their destination is stated td be Cananea. j rVmalo a npc.anf ?er r? a-nft a Irvtr 500 men, half of which are volunteers, the other half being federU3- JUAREZ MERCHANTS ARE SMILING- AGAIN Smile, smile, Iceep on smiling is tht tune the Juarez merchants are singirig; whistling and playing on their phono graphs. The war is over as far as they are concerned, the adobe barricades have btjen removed from the snow win dows and the sale of post cards has begun again with renewed vigor. The town remains in the same coma tose state that has existed across the river since the ITadero arrny appeared ln the' bills opposite the smelter. But the business men of the Mexican town see a bright rainbow in the east and they are preparing for a, renewal of business as soon as the milroadsi are again open to Casas CSranies and, Chi huahua. if- HEBEIiS BI.OW TJ1 SOXE MORS RAILROADS. San Luis, Potosi, Mexico, April 4 SLA. Nine small bridges on the National lines near El Salado, 150 miles north of this city, were bl6wn up by insurrectos Friday $ & night. v A troop train went north over A troop' train went north over the erally believed that it was the ! plan of the insurrectos to delay j-fr its progress, but that they mis- $ calculated the time of its arrival $ at El Salado. fr . 1 Paso Brick Co. HOLLOW BLOCK A2CD PARTITION TILE; ALL 3IZIS Dry Press, Stock, Wire Cat, Mottla aaJ fire Brick Cut Price Grocery AXD 3IEAT MARKET. BestFresli Meats and Fancy Groceries. 40S Wj-omiHjc. Bnth Phases 1571. The biggest Poultry Fooa Manufacturer in the world. Try a bae of his f eed. Purina Scratch Feed Makes Hens Lay Purina Chick Feed Saves Baby Chicks (Always in "Checkerboard Bags) FOR SALE BY race oeeton (Successor to t 0. G-. Seeton & Son) , tEL PASO '