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Wc "want to make tomorrow the Mgsrest day of the -first week of our reseat Clean Sweep Sale. IVaat we offer Is our regular high grade merchandise not specially bought goods to m&ke a sale. ash Meat Market 2 Waisfs 7.29 200 waists Jn fully two dozen dif ferent styles gives you an unusually attractive selection. These, are "white lingerie waists, lace and em broidery trimmed, made of lawns, linenes and other waist materials. The majority sell regularly at $2.00; on sale at $1.29 D USING the regular season our Week End" Specials are always looked forward to and eagerly bought. Now that our Glean Sweep Sale is on we are ahle to give -customers "Week End" Specials that are remarkatile for .va riety, value and quality. Some of the most important bargains are noted below Others of equal, interest will be shown in our display windows. $1.95 Dresses 5 c On this special we limit on dress to a cus tomer. These are both street and house dresses. Made of lawns, ginghams and French .percales. ..There are various styles to select from, andthe values axe Qg up to $1.95 j Saturday only vDC $5 Dresses $2.89 Stylilh summer -dresses white (lingeries, colored lawns, ginghams, tissues and dim ities. Full range of sizes. Values up to $5.00; Stuarday Clean Sweep d0 QQ Special f J07 $1 Wash Skirts 59c 50 white wash skirts, all good models, made of substantial fabrics, are, a Saturday-only special, 3jeing offered in regular. CQ4 $1.00 values, at ptC"' ; EXTRA! Hand embroidered linen handkerchiefs are an. Extra Special- for Saturday only, being offered in regular 25c values at Qg 2 $ov . mOC Neckwear I&ep in mind, that we are now offering at Clean Sweep. prices our entire line of pres ent styles in neckwear. We have .selected two Extra Specials for advertisement. Jabots and collars, large variety of styles to select from, in values up to 50c, ftQ arenow on sale at .,..,.. O.C Jabots and collars, "handsome styles, .are" offered in values' ip to $100 Jt f ....., XfV 75c Bags 49c As a Saturday Clean Sweep Special, we offer a big value in stylish -leather bags. They come in regular and patent leather, in black, red and other colors. These bags have silk cord handles. The value is 75c: Ulean bweep bpecial for Saturday only at ....-..-- 49 c at 2 Hose Specials Saturday Only Gauze lisle hose, black, white and tan, also black with white foot; OSx tra Clean Sweep Special J tomorrow, per pair A C Black, white and tan silk hose, in a regular $1.00 grade, are an Extra Special tomorrow at , CQ per pair. : f30C $3.50 Parasols $U5 As an extra inducement to you to attend our Clean Sweep Sale to morrow, i"we offer this reduction In 100 parasols. They are silks, linens and pongees. Come in both plain and fancy styles, and practically every fad and fancy of the present season In parasols is represented. Values up5 to $3.50; Tomorrow at v $1.95 Ext r rai "White linene parasols are an Extra Clean Sweep Special tomorrow, being offered in regular 85c values at 39c Two Saturday Only Specials in Muslin Underwear Our Clean Sweep Sale lias already given some remarkable values in undermuslins. The two specials for-fcomorrow while low in price are well worth your consideration. 75c Gowns 49c Lace and embroidery trimmed gowns, sev eral styles to select from, are offered for , -Saturday only in regular 75c A f ' grades at UC ' 75c Covers 39c Lace and embroidery trimmed corset covers, various styles to select from, are offered for Saturday only in regular Too q q grades at Oc7 C 6 Days in the Week We Save You Money It seems that El Paso housekeepers have been waiting for just such a market as we are now conducting. Although this market has been under new management only a few days, people fully appreciate the good service and good meats we give and the money they are able to save. This is easily understood when you consider the way we do. business. We Seii For Cash Oniy We Have Cheap Rent We Make No Deiiveries & jSI 1 Iv- gJ Va .' 'I Al' I Instead of "one day" specials we offer you the best meats and lowest prices six days in the week. The following price list shows you the saving. Come tomorrow and see the superior class of home dressed meats we sell. Don't pay 171-2c a pound for Don't pay 20c a pound for Don't pay 20c a pound for Pork Roast Loin Steak Mutton Chops , to -sell it at 15c ::."?.. 15c Z. ?..??. 15c Dont pay 17 12o a pound for 11 -we sell it at It 12'2C Don't pay 15c a pound for Round Steak we sell it 1 O Don't pay 25c a pound for at -we sell them at 15 c M Don't pay 12J.2c a pound for d Don't pay 15c a pound for Hamburger Don't pay 17 l-2c at pound for Steak Ives iver we- sell it at 10 c we sell it at c we sell it d, . 15 c Don't pay 10c a pound for Mutton we sell it at y 8 C at Don't pay 10c a -pound for Chuck Steak 8 Don't pay 12 l-2c a pound for :ew wo sell it we sell it atr I. 10 Dont pay 17 l-2c a pound for Mutton we sell them at 122C Donrt pay 20c a pound for Pork Chops 15 Don't pay 20a a pound for we sell them t c S wa sell it oast 15 We -ivant to make tomorrow the big gest day of Ike first week of our present Clean Sweep Sale. CTlMliMMlBUyHfomrMiilfrfiSM ?fcZ i(yRKtBBHtjfflliPi Wis vre offer i our regular high grade merchandise not specially bought goods to xnako a sale. I' tmmjmmmm yt BOULEVARD CAR TRIES TO RUX OVER TO 3IEXTCO. Boulevard and Myrtle avenue car number 33 split the switch af the cor ner of San Antonio street and Mesa venue Thursday night at 12:25, but Siobody was hurt As the carstarted out San Antonio on their way to the car barn, after leaving the transfer station at midnight car number 33 evidently decided unto itself that he would go to Mexico in stead of the car barns, because when the car approached the switch at Stan ton street, the frdnt trucks swung down the Mexico track while the rear ) trucks kept going for the barns and it was only a matter of a few mo ments until the car was in a badly twisted condition. Behind the Boule vard 'car were several others on their way to the barn, and though the mo torman and conductors railed, they had to wait patiently until the Boulevard car could be got back into its proper channel and induced to go on its way homeward. Mutt and Jeff are with us. Another appearance today on Classified page. Every day in The Herald hereafter. v Hb m h IHi REWA .$50.00 will be paid for the re turn, or information leading to the recovery of hand bag containing valuables which was stolen in Juarez last evening from Mrs. E. T. Wil der. Telephone 1053, pr no tify "W. E. Martin at Union Station SOLnmns n-rxro .,- FRATERXAL BROTHERHOOL HAIA. An .'Informal dance was held Thurs- bood hall by several of the Fourth cavalry sergeants and El Paso citizens and despite the rain in the early part of the evening, a goodly number at tended and enjoyed themselves to the fullest extent. . j Those who gave "the dance to their wives and friends were sergeant G Christ, Macdonald, Meade, Mallsbury ana White, of the Fourth cavalry, and Harry Prince and Ernest E. Ryan of El Paso. HAD FOUR AUTOMOBILE LAMPS BUT NO AUTO. Abundio Cruz was arrested Thursday night by policeman Williams for hav ing in his possession four automobile lamps of which he could not give a satisfactory account. The - matter was turned over to the detectives Friday morning and they found that two of the lamps were the property of A. H. Anderson and the other 'two beloaged to Hawkins broth ers. Cruz claims that the lamps were given to him by another Mexican. SALOOIV IilCEXSE REFUSED. County judge A. S. J.E ylar denied the petition Thursday of E. E. Ellas for a saloon license at 3700 Alameda avenue. Evidence was produced in court to shoTv that the names to the petition of Ellas were those residing some distance away from the saloon, and as several witnesses testified that various acts of rowdyism had taken place in the quarters, judge Eylar oi. dered the saloon closed. ENQER :40f? WAS 22000 NOW $1050. For 30 days this price is F. O.'B. fac tory for car fully equipped.. This is your opportunity. See G. MORGAN MILLER Tel. 364. N 209 East Overland St. Cash Meat Market Formerly City Meat Market 0pp. Levy Gro. Co. GARIBALDI SHOWS HOW HE CAN SHOOT Gives an Exhibition of Skill That Amazes New Yorkers: New York, N. T July 14. Gen. Gari baldi, one of the insurgent leaders in the Mexican revolution, went to Coney Island last night and proved that he could out shoot any man at the resort. The general was accompanied by four Mexicans. After he had seen Coney Island from end to end, he announced that he would like to see If his "rifle aim was as good in this country as it was In Mexico. For half an hoUr the general shot without a miss. Ten New York professionals tried their aim against him and were beaten. "That's the way all the insurrectos in 'Mexico shoot," said Garibaldi. ""We have been taught to do it since we were children." ANGLO-JAPANESE TREATY IS SIGNED London, England, July 14. A revised Anglo-Japanese treaty was .signed in London yesterday. The fourth clause corroborates the Associated Press fore cast from Tokio July 11, in which it was said that Great Britain proposed to modify the clause providing mutual assistance in the event of war, making the provision inapplicable in the event that either party to the agreement was fighting a Nation with whom the other had concluded a general arbitration treaty. EQUIPMENT FOR POWER HOUSE HERE The El Paso Stree Railway company has reecrved five carloads of boiler parts in the last two days from the Babcock-Wilcox company at Jersey City, for the new addition at the power plant, now in the course of construc tion. The two boilers will be set up as soon as the steel construction work is finished, and, according to the state ment of Lewis "Whitman of the Stone Webster company, the entire plant will be finished inside of another year. SLIGHT DAMAGES PROM HEAVY RAINS Thursday's Downpour Not as Severe as the Other Drenehings Were. Another heavy rain fell soon after dark Thursday night It rained a lit tle in the afternoon but got down to business after the sun aet and flooded the streets and the lower part of the city. The street In fr6nt of the cham ber of commerce was flooded and the water was ankle deep along San Fran cisco street after the rain. The usual amount of dirt was washed down on, the streets, and the adobe houses had another layer washed off. The .wall of an adobe building at 305 South Stanton street, used as a feed sh-d, fell at about 9 oclock. The side wall Of an adobe rooming house at 31o Overland street, which had been damaged in the storm of Monday, also -felL The occupants had moyed out after Monday's rain. On Leon street, near First, about 15 feet of 'curbing was washed out. Leon street at. this point is not paved and as many of the houses along the street are below the street level a great deal of dirt has been washed down Into the yards. Although no actual tleup occurred on the street car lines, nearly all cars were running behind schedule. At Stan ton and Seventh streets the water stood so deep that the cars could hardly run through It. Many of the switches were under wate and the dirt on the tracks also caused delay. WHY NOT EAT CHICKENS ? Thej are cheaper than any meat you can. buy. We have just received a car load of extra fine spring chickens, ranging in price from $3.00 to $4v00 per Dozen We do not deliver less than one dozen. The International Produce Co. Corner 5th and Santa Fe Sts. Bell 4264. Auto 1727. MEXICAN NATIONAL HAS BIG WASHOUTS Tho Mexico National railway is hav ing a great deal of trouble on its lines below Torreon on account of the high water and traffic with Mexico City and Torreon has to be carried on by a Toun about froute. From Silao, ai small town, a short way north of Mex ico City to Torreon, there are several big washouts and for a long distance the tracks are covered with water. 4 ROBERT DIKTES TOREROS.' Felix Robert is happy today. He is entertaining two of- his bullfighter friends from Spain, who are en route to Mexico. A Spanish dinner was given by the former impresario of the bulls in a South Santa Fe -street Spanish res taurant and the matodores were given a ride over the city by Don Felix. FORUM MEETIXG POSTPOITED. The Forum meeting jid not material ize Thursday night, as the rain did not permit. The date of the meeting will be decided in the next two days. The program will be the same as previously announced, PROHIBITIONISTS PLAN TWO MEETINGS The prohibition organization has an nounced Its two closing meetings for Monday and Thursday night in Cleve land Square. A preliminary meeting of the churches will be held in Trinity Methodist church Sunday evening, at which Rev. Jeff D. Ray, of the First Baptist church, will speak to the church people of the city, preparatory to clos ing the campaign next week. tThe speakers Monday night will be Fred "W. Freeman and Rev. Caspar S. "Wright of the Trinity Methodist church. Dr. Ray will speak Thursday night. "MARK TWAIN'S" ESTATE IS VALUED AT NEARLY $500,000 New York, N. Y., July 1. Mark Twain left actual property worth ?471, 135. An appraisal of his estate today places this value on securities and real estate left jto his only child, Mrs Ga brilowitcb, when he died on April 2i, 1910. This does -not include a trunk full of manuscripts, the values of which is not specified in the appraisal. The largest item in the scnedule Is 50 shares of the Mark Twain company, valued at $200,000. A relic of the dead author's many un fortunate business ventures is a sched ule of shares in several corporations noted as "no values." TOPPING GOES HOME. Thomas Topping, formerly stationed in El Paso as immigration Inspector, Jreturneil to his present location at Helena, Mont, Thursday afternoon, after a week with the boys. Mutt and Jeff are with us. Another appearance today on- Classified page. ETery day in The B&rald hereafter. EL PASO SCHOOL FOR GIRLS The best boarding and day school for girls in the southwest. Telephone 2929 1111-1115 Terrace Street, Sunset Heights CAPLES WILL BE BURIED ON SUNDAY Arrangements Not, Fully Gornpleted Negroes Pass Resolutions. The funeral of Richard Caples will take place on Sunday. The remains will be taken from the Caples resi dence at Missouri and Santa Fe streets, at 2 oclock. Here the procession, which will include members of the family, the Knights of Columbus and city officials wil form -and accompai.y the remains to the Church of the Im maculate Conception. Those In charge of the funeral have not yet completed all the arrange ments, as they, desire to consult the wishes of the family. The, family will arrive in the city at noon on Satur day. Th negro churches of El Paso have passed appropriate resolutions because of the death of Richard Caples, who assisted these, churches to build new buildings and pay off their church debts. The resolutions were signed by representatives of all the negro churches in the city, and will be pre sented to the Caples family. CHARGED WITH HAVINGG MUCH SMUGGLED OPIUM Aleslo Papa was arrested Friday charged with having in his possession 27 cans of smuggled opium. The ar rest was made by custom inspectors and the Individual with the fatherly name was placed under a bond of of $1000 which -was given by CjTrilo and M. Perolia. Amusements New Shtw Tonigk At The Airdose Those who have tickets for the show last night and on account of rain could not attend, may come tonight expecting a rare treat. Also all desiring to wit ness a good show. An unusually funny bill is arranged, and a special feature is the chorus girls boxing match; very amusing. Those who desire to laugh should not miss this. Show starts promptly at 8:45. Phone Ryan's for tickets, to he held. If you can't come thev will be sold at 8:45. Cut Price Grocery AND MEAT MARKET. Best Fresh Metis awl Fancy Groceries. 40S Wyomlac. Doth Phases 15T1 1 Use Herald Want Ads f ou Prompt Results,