Newspaper Page Text
L PASO HERALD 10 Saturday, July 15, 1911. By "Bud Fisher" Mutt Will Peek Before He Flirts Next Time V . I I I . I I fTh PUMfjV Mm. i -WS ALWAYS CRfKVMl ftKASOl "TY Pf VY UL VJHrr rrk.. LieBLe an see Eates for Classified Ads. One cent per word. No charge less than $ .25 Six Consecutive inser tions, per word 05 By month, per line 1-00 Lost and Found. LOST At 'band concert Tuesday even ing, a malachite scarf pin. Finder please return to 305 "Wyoming St.. and receive reward. LOST Nurse's pin, gold, blue enamel; inscribed, "Amicus Humanus Generis, K. C. H. 1900." Reward. Return to 655 Upson Ave. $10 REWARD for information as to whereabouts of big brindle and white bulldog; strayed June 27; head, neck, breast, front leg, feet and tail tip white; right eye and body brindle. Answers to "Punch." Bell phone 1851. Hardlker. Help Wanted. WAXTED Good cook. Phone 1969. WANTED A good cook. Phone 1827. WASTED by wholesale concern, ste nographer (young man or lady) who knows some bookkeeping; single pre ferred. State age, salary and refer ences. W. 12. Herald. ; CIVIL, SERVICE EXAMINATIONS open the way to good government posi tions, I can coach you by mail at small cost. Full particulars free to any American citizen of 18 or over. Write today for Booklet E. S32, Earl Hop klns, Washington, D. C. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED. No canvassing or soliciting required. Good income assured. Address National Cooperative Realty Co.. V. 1193 Mar rtn Building. Washington. D. C Help Wanted Male. FALL MITCHELL Empleynaent ui Labor Agents. 201 San Francisco St. P. O. 959. $160 MONTHLY and expenses to travel and distribute samples for big manu facturer; steady work. S. Scheffer, S38 M.. Chicago. DOS1! WORK FOR OTHERS Start mail order business at home on capi tal of ?6. Profits large. Spare time. I made $8500 last year in one mail order business. Free booklet tells how. Voorhles. Desk 14, Omaha, Neb. MINING STOCK MAN to handle issue on good paying basis. Send refer ences 'toScareHerald. f 159 MONTHLY Positions waiting for automobile drivers. We teach by mail. Write today for first lesson free. Coey's School Motoring, Chicago. "WANTED Men and hoys. Small pay but can learn trade of Automobiles. Electricity, Plumbing, Bricklaying on actual contract-jobs. 300 students last year. Catalog free. United Trade School Contracting Co.. Los Angeles. MEN AND BOYS to earn automobllo repairing and driving, plumbing, brick laying, electrical trade, civil engineer ing, surveying in most practical way. Our students earn $3-$5 a day: posi tions secured; satisfaction guaranteed. Catalog free. NATIONAL SCHOOL OF TRADES, 2110 "W. 7th, Los Angeles. "Daffydillitis," i " b FUNwv Wm.i vut-ce twr-i . . y" Z - ' From thi A Jk fc J 49 gP ttmih XJ&S- .SCENE. tFF0L CLU& ROOIW9 TIME , ?res. of th: wffie:5 A CCW CHftP WHO HAS SEHT IK 5TOBT5. NUTS, BWr4 0O(x NUiS, AFT1ST3, ArOTHOp.5., EDITORS' IFANVOUftTrMN IS rt(6-H P0HITH Hit MATS HftKfrH' QW IS HE, HS FDRTHEiOrflME?.? foy. i PLASEDTWO GAME.i 1 OFrU--rDOftv THEN "PPr,TH KIDS yOjl A WftM? ) EKTDN rC B-AfJ Fo-TH" (WFE N - I vufce t.ic-t . 'PMlKn - e f-r- TT-fcjC-iC . ,.. . ."r-r IFSHS R-OVMDS Help Wanted Male. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Thousands have become successful shop owners by our system and send to us for barbers. We must supply them. Learn now. Clean, inside work. Few weeks qualifies. Tools given. Particulars mailed. Moler Barber Col lege. Fort Worth, Texas. LARGE CORPORATION wishes man representative in or within 100 mile of El Paso to handle prospective cur tomers and Introduce the newest and only scientific drugls fat ieluci.g treatment known. Do not answer un less you weigh over 175 pounds, as we can only engage fat people. No one will be employed without reference to prove that they weigh ov-r 175 pounds Permanent, profitable employment which should riy 5-0 -tt'2c!v'y to spec ial representa tires. State age, weight and references. Only part ,f time re quired. Address Marjorle Hamilton Corporation, Suite 3SS, Colorado Bldg. Denver Colorado. Help Wanted Female. "WANTED Waitress, at once. Bristol Cafe. ?25 WEEKLY and expenses to trust worthy people to travel and distribute samples for big wholesale house. C. H. Emery. 438 N., Chicago. LADIES MAKE 53 TO $5 DAILY sell ing Dress Goods, Skirts and Handker chiefs. Free outfit. Xo capital re quired. Mutual Fabric Co.. Dept. 501 Binghamton, N. Y. LARGE CORPORATION wishes woman representative in or within 100 miles of El Paso to handle prospective cus tomers and introduce the newest and only scientific drugless fat reducing treatment known. Do not answer un less you weigh over 175 pounds, as we can only engage fat people. No one will be employed without reference to prove that they weigh over 175 pounds Permanent, profitable employment which should pay $20 weekly to spec ial representatives. State age, weight and references. Only part of time re quired. Address Marjorle Hamilton Corporation. Suite 999, Colorado Bldg. Denver. ColoradoJ? . Agents Wanted. S4TEorEN TO 'SELL, our new food product. Lady Washington Co., Seattle Wash. OUTSELLING EVERYTHING 11 san itary Kitchen utensils steel rack worth $1.50. Sell like hot cakes. 75c. Sample 35c. Parker Chemical Co.. Chi cago. WANTED Good live local agents to handle new fast selling 100 percent profit article. Get in first on this. It means big money to 3ou. American Sales Co., 609 San Fernando Bldg., Los Angeles, CaL CAN YOU BEAT IT? Caven.lcr. now man. first report, 310 sales 6 days: first order 30 dozen machiucs Prol! $630. Send quick for details, sworn statements, facts concerning wonder ful Automatic Razor Sharpener. Mar velous accuracy amazes everybody. Only successful invention of Its kind in existence. Sells itself. Local agents, general managers wanted e erj'Wioro all or spare time work $50.00 up weekly. Write today this minute. The Never Fail Company 1098 Colton Bldg.. Toledo. O. Salesmen Wanted. SIDE LINE, pocket samples, 10 minutes, $40 commission: high grade men only; no other need apply. Advertising Nov elty Co., Newton, la. I OH, SHE'S MIM5I K wsl-- J i J &hY i ! : -J ' : ' s r : 77 " J "" - ,. ..-, . I ' the Newest New Fad b Pea of the Cartoonist Tad you QNT tEE:P A SQ UE1- Or. TrE G-pOCNP H. & - --dfce: CPESPN(r STEAt-THlt-V THfcoU HH THE" THICK TROPICAL ONDSp BRUSH HEM HOp'THPAiifttr E591HMAU SPV CAME OpON IHE i-OMS SENTrW. &AUKT At0 VNEAK FROM ETPOScp-G" THE 5EMTP-M "R-oppETD- Wen Hop 5Ll?p$ HfAA A SHOT OF ?EW AMOTHET UOOtciHCr '-? THG. SEKHW ASKED -"ARE. SOOA 8E60L-AP.? HEN 3tAlS& THpiT KlfKP StAlLB AHO VOUJ MTHTEF-" QUICK iAATON-mENEa)Le HE PUO.ED AHOTVVE'R-BP-00 E ON MB A rENN DEL.WEP-E.0 THE" PA?EP-S. ?HF. MAO AtHO TDNlfrH-Ty VNENT TO A VNAIC& r r Salesmen Wanted. WANTED Experienced salesmen for gent's furnishings and clothing. Ill San Antonio St. WASTED Salesmen to sell automo bile oils and lubricating oils. Excel lent inducements. The Middle States Oil Co.. Cleveland, O. SALESMEN We have a. brand new clean cut, prompt commission pocket side line; consigned goods for travel ing salesmen making small, counuy towns. For interesting particulars address Yale Jewelry Co., 12 S, Jeffer son St., Chicago, 111. NVSTED Experienced salesmen to sell fruit. trucK ana aiiaiia iana un der the famous Elephant Butte irriga tion project, where the U. S. govern ment is spending approximately $9, 000,000 in constructing this great dam. Liberal commission. Elephant J3utte Land and Trust Ce., Las Cruces. N. M. Wanted Situations. BOY, 10, WANTS JOB in grocery store. Phone 3258. "WANTED A position by settled wo man as nurse for Invalid. Write 291. WASTED Nursing by the hour by competent trained nurse. Phone 1907. LADY "WISHES POSITION as govern ess. Will join lady in legitimate busi ness. L. 334, Herald. SMALL CARPENTRY JOBS a spec ialtv; reasonable prices. Bell phone 2113. WANTED Position as companion; best references; desire personal interview. 278, Herald. GIRL STENOGRAPHER just leaving school desires position; has own type writer. Write 317, care of Herald. "WANTED Educated young woman wants position as nurse or governess in good family; no salary. M. .M.. care of Herald. WANTED Position as governess; ex perienced teacher; musician; Oberlm conservatory training; excellent refer ences: personal interview. 277. Herald. Wanted To Rent. WANTED Furnished house or nice housekeeping apartment; close In, uorth of tracks. Write 397. Herald. Wanted Rooms. WASTED By young couple, rooms for light housekeeping in a private familv, or room and board; references desired. Address P. O. 517. El Paso. Texas. Wanted Miscellaneous. MOTORCYCLE "WASTED " Must be bargain. P. O. box 45, City. "WANTED Automobiles to repair; firstclass work. 416 E. Overland St. or phone 2618.- WANTED All kinds of stoves, rugs and furniture. Phone me today. West ern Furniture Co. Bell 1482. i WANTED Second hand sewing Vna ohine; must be in good working or der and cheap. D. 201, Herald. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING Miss Great Northern hotel. Robertson. FIRSTCLASS DRESSMAKING 514 N. Florence. Phone 2587. FOR OVERFLOW "WANT ADS. see "Too Late to Classify" on next page. 1WA KiT HAD WORKED HIS MACHINE Op TO 7,000 F-ET A-BovJje.tHE G-APN6 MOB AT THETFrM- G-p-OUNP-S AND W THRO VNNCr JAM pi-ES OF TE"U-H pOUG-cr-NvrS, TO THS" ?DpLE -&SUOW. JODPElLW THE MAC-HrtMe- DID A T3ftXJ .S0WEF-.5AULT ANO 1M.AS BN VNAS POIMTSD TDVNAP-Of THE. Tri-oop.. OAT ASAP- TEX 30 WED OP ON A 3AP.Et- fO THPBvrUoJG- H(5 HU-V IN THE A(1U SELLEO fpA GfrUS' VU( "tfAMOt" MTU HEN(W NUU ectf HB'SIn AGArvf. SEP NOTHfN TO DO HC"I TILL TO1Y10PCM GEff WcUfiS" AHAPPVHN, W J , OM CAOW5 MO r I Rooms. Board. Etc. FURNISHED ROOMS 1123 N. Oregon. FURNISHED ROOMS 720 N. Stanton. BOARD AND ROOMS, strictly first class. Mrs. C. F. Leary. 619 N. Kansas. S'ICE COOL R003IS at tne 'Summit Place.'' Second and third tioor. LARGE COOL housekeeping and bed rooms. .417 N. El Paso. FOR REST Nice cool furnished mod ern room. 811 N. Oregon. FIRSTCLASS BOARD with rooms and sleeping porches. 215 Wyoming. CLEAN", cool sleeping and h'k'p'g rms., summer rates. 512 Myrtle. Opp. Elks. TILE KESSARD 423 N. Oregon. I Pleasant rooms. Phone 3911. THE FLATO Cool housekeeping ( apartments, ill w. ouievaru. A NICE housekeeping suite and bed- iuuius mr rem at ia -Jiesn. j LARGE housekeeping room, gas and water, cheap. 501 Boulevard. CLEAN, COOL housekeeping rooms close In. very cheap. 71S N. Santa Fe. TWO LIGHT housekeeping rooms with sleeping porch. 1017 San Antonio. FOR REST 2 light housekeeping rooms, close in. 602 X. Campbell. THREE completely, furnished house keeping rooms with sleeping porch. 619 j THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, desirable and reasonable. 209 S. Flor ence Bell phone 3728. FOR REST Large furnished front bedroom, private porch, bath. 701 Wy oming St. FOR REST Cool front room with pri vate bath. 515 Prospect Ave.; either man or woman. Call or phone Carr, phone 197. FOR REST 2 nicely furnished front rooms for light housekeeping with all conveniences; close in. 1013 San An tonio St. WHY PAY extravagant hotel rates? The Ramona, 608-610 N. Stanton, home- ' like, economical, sanitary; ample bath ing facilities. Rates 50c to $1 a day; $2 to $6 week. $12 to $25 month. Horses, Vehicles, Etc. FOR SALE One polo pony 7 years old. Bruce, care of Myles Meat Co. FOR SALE at Wallace & Mack's stable, 4 good work horses. Bell phone 61S; Auto. 1618. FOR SALE 7 fine yearling- jacks. Kentucky mammoth breed, registered stock. Write R. S. McCracken, Marfa. Texas. "WANTED Span of lightweight west rn horses: must h sound and srentle: nlcA n Tiafin- crrnnori' lollTroTnr Xfra ITHTi 3S 2- i. J biWWJ w.w.j ....ow.. Phono 3437. BOARD YOUR HORSES at Wallace 'fi: Mack's stable and P'et them fat. Bell phone 618: Auto. 1618. Pasturage For Livestock. ALFALFA PASTURE Will take a limited number of horses to pasture on alfalfa. Will Davis. Ysleta. Cattle, Hogs, Etc. FOR SALE Fine 3yearold Jersey bull Bell phone 2669. FOR SALE One fresh Jersey cow. In quire East El Paso Fuel Co. Bell phone 3235. I WILL SELL 3000 head of cattle dif ferent kinds and ages. Address P. G. del Campo. P. O. box 95, Chihuahua, Mex. Poultry, Etc. "WANTED Black Minorca hens. Phone 2693. 200 PULLETS 10 weeks old. 75c each straight. I have too many. Gemoets Poultry Yards. Phone 3820. BROWN LEGHORN and Black Minorca chickens for sale. Young and old stock of each. Cocks, $1.50; cockerels, $1.00 hens, $1,25; pullets. $1.00. Mrs. S. H. McCullough, Alpine, Texas. MONEYSTRAIN BARRED ROCK eggs for hatching. Parsons. Phone 4222. WHITE LEGHORNS from the best strain In the southwest: eggs $2.00 per 15. Gemoets Poultry Yards. 3125 Fru tas St. WE GUARANTEE safe arrival of day old chicks. Reds, Black Minorcas, Brown and White Leghorns, at 150 each, $14 per 100. Order 50 or more in advance. Eggs $1.00 sitting: $5.00 for 100. Stock. Measday Poultry Farm, Alpine. Texas. ) For Sale Furniture. , WANTED Your 2nd hand furniture. Weiss, 215 S. Stanton. Bell 839. FOR SALE CHEAP Refrigerator and iron bed with springs. 714 Ange St. UY and sell 2nd hand furniture and stoves. Furniture packed and repaired. Hermans. 114 S. Stanton. Phone 3046. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of second hand furniture and clothing. Texas New and Second Hand Furni ture Co. Bell phone 4097. 406 S. El Paso. FOR SALE CHEAP New furniture of 6 rooms, flat for rent $25 month; water and lights furnished, heart of city; cash or terms. 212 Mills St. Bell 3712; Auto. 2110. WANTED All kinds of household and office furniture. Wo pay higher prices than any firm in the city. ' Western Furniture Co., Bell 14S2. 308 El Paso St. FOR OVERFLOW WANT ADS. see "Too Late to Classify" on next page. Jbor JSaie jviacninery opcuicii jaubiueo. FOR SALE 10x15 Gordon job press and type. Corner Stanton and First, j Phone 2165. j FOR SALE Class G. Davis Calyx Core Drilling Machine, nearly new, cheap. For particulars address E. Fox. Jica- rllla. X. M. ' FOR SALE CHEAP One "Hercules Cement Block Machine," makes blocks and lintels to 6 feet long. One "Helm -D-itr Praco" QTirl nfllets: caDacity 10.- 000 brick daily. J. C. Moltane, box j 263. FOR SALE. Frost engine, one year's wear, 60 H. P., horizontal slide valve, shaft gov erned. Dynamo. D. C. K. W. 28, 220 volts. 125 speed, 1050 type, volt meter and meter and switch board complete. 10 H. P. D. C. meter in good order. The above to be guaranteed. Address J. W. Fibber. f El Paso, Texas. Automobiles. 5500 REO ATJTO Five passenger, top. wind shield; all new tires; car x year old. F. B. Hadlpck. 1790 Phone. , For Sale or Exchange. WANTED TO EXCHANGE 100 good homer pigeons for any old thing. W. W. Greek, 1209 Nevada St. "WANTED TO TRADE House and lot worth 5500 for horse and wagon, au tomobile, or moving picture machine. Desire ?200 in cash. S. 315, care Her ald. WILL TAKE $15,000 RANCH IN TRADE I own 160 acres or irrigated land in the Pecos valley. X. M., situ ated 14 miles from town and ship ping point. Land is level and has best of soil, all fenced, flowing well; 40 acres in alfalfa, balance in cultivation. Price $125 an acre. Will take $15,000 in good ranch lands, balance to be cash. No inflated propositions wanted. Give full particulars in first letter. S. Totzek, Roswell, N. M. FOR SALE OR TRADE for El Paso in come property, 4 sections fine land in Reeves county, 2 of them fronting on Pecos river. 500 acres can be easily irrigated. 3 room house, 5 mile fenc ing; well 80 ft. pjump and windmill; stock tank and other improvements; also railroad station. Price $15,000, of which one-half can remain on Interest at 3 percent for 35 years. Will sell separate sections. Jas. Gasson, Dixie land. Reeves Co., Texas. For Sale or Rent. FOR SALE OR RENT A desirable hotel. For particulars address box 53, Socorro. N. M. FOR SALE OR LEASE Very cheap, good terms, wholesale or warehouse property; good building. Corner' 6th and Park St. Address P. O. box 828. For Sale Miscellaneous. ESTEY ORGAN cheap. 1123 Wyoming. WOOD For good measure phone 2336. FOR SALE Shedon Vibrator, trunk. 614 N. Kansas. FOR SALE CHEAP Very fine shotgun, i also very fine old violin. 311 E. Mis- ! souri. DOGS FOR SALE Three well trained fox, cat and wolf hounds cheap. Ad dress E. W. Gray, Arah. Tex. FOR SALE: 100,000 handmade brick at Ysleta at $6.50 ner 1000 in lots of 10,000 or over. Phone 993 ring 2 red. P. O. box 85. Ysleta, Texas ; For Rent FOR RENT Three 3-room new unfur nished apartments. Inquire 1019 N. Camnbell. FOR RENT 4 room brick house in Highland Park. $20. H. B. Stevens Realty Co. FOR RENT Uptodate 4 room cottage, 710 Wyoming St.; no children. Apply 619 N. Virginia. FOR RENT One 5 room house, 1110 Montana St. See Loomis Bros.. Real Estate and Insurance. American Bank building. FOR RENT A location, always has been occupied by dry goods store, an ideal location, rent reasonable. Ad dress Opportunity, care of Herald. FOR RENT One 8 room house. 1901 Arizona St. See Loomis Bros., Real Estate and Insurance, American Bank building. FOR RENT Near Mountain Park. 2 room furnished cottage, accommodates 4; gentlemen preferred; good country board with owner; room and board '$"1 per day a person. Address P. M. Nel son. Mountain Park. N. M. Money Loaned. SMALL LOANS made promptly on real estate, furniture, etc. .Business con fidential. Bell phone 2116. BIONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PERCENT. Will you let 20 or 40 cents a day stand between you and a home. Con vert your rent receipts into a home. We have helped, thousands to own their own homes and will help you if you will adopt our plan. Write for booklet. STANDARD HOME CO., 310 sad 320 Herald Building:. El Paso. Tex. Typewriters. TYPEWRITER &. OFFICE SUPPLY CO Typewriters, new, rebuilt and sec ond hand. All makes repaired and rented. r 421 Mesa Ave. Phone S32. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. Typewriters sold rented and repaired. I1Q Mesa Roll rf.5. Auto. 2135. FOR OVERFLOW WANT ADS. see "Too Late to Classify" on next page. FaraltBre Highest price paid for 2nd hand furniture. B. 266. 510 S. El Paso. "HOUSES'S LAUNDRY" Dresses, waists, curtains, blankets, specialty. Bell phone 1350. FULL GROWN DEAD CATTLE, horses and mules taken away free except Sundays. Phones Bell 74; Auto. 1383. CLOTHING Highest prices paid for 2nd hand clothing, shoes, hats- and. la dies' clothing. Bell 266. 510 S. El Paso. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS We repair vour car and keep it up for 6 months for $30. Let us talk It over with you. Call Bell phones 4145 or 383S, or ad dress Southwestern Machine Co., Cali fornia and St. Vraln. NOTICE. The Club House Cafe was purchased by Frank Poy and Bob Gang July 3. 1911. We have arrangements to pro tect bills of old concern If presented to us not later than July 15. 1911. We are not liable for claims against former management and do this sim ply to accommodate creditors. If claims are not presented by July 15, 1911, we can not handle thm Framc Poy, Bob Gang. Proprietors Club House Cafe. Business Chances. FOR SALE Only abstract business in growing county In New Mexico; good opening. Address Ym. F. A. Gierke, box 524. Albuquerque. N. M. CONTROLING INTEREST in old es tablished furniture business, incorpo rated. For sale on account of having to leave city; if interested write D. C. C, care Herald. CAPITAL FOR CORPORATIONS The Gordon Malcolm -Co., Cincinnati's lead ing financiers, Is now prepared to take on a large issue of securities, either industrial, railway, land or mining. Commission basis. No advances. FOR SALE Grocery business; goods Invoice $1000; fixtures. Including horse and delivery wagon, $750. Will sell for $1700 if sold by August 1st. Doing a business of $2000 a month cash. Call or write S46 G Ave., Douglas. Ariz. A NICE PAYING RESTAURANT for rent. Just the thing for man and wife to make good paying business. The right party can find out some thing good by addressing COMMER CIAL. HOTEL, DEMING. N. M. This is a business that will stand to be looked into and will be a bargain. EXCURSION MANAGERS WANTED. Local representatives In every town in Texas and Oklahoma to represent the new townste of Fort Stockton, Pe cos county, Texas. I want an energetic man or woman in everv locality to tell the people about Fort Stockton, the county seat of Pecos county, now being built in the center of 35,000 acres of rich, irri gable land. Fort Stockton will be a division point on the K. C. M. & O. Ry. Has the largest artesian springs in Texas. Hundreds of thousands of "dollars be ing spent in constructing stone build ings. $50,000 hotel just finished. $15,000 stone railway station now being com pleted. $400,000 being spent on irriga tion canals. Orient railway building daily toward Fort Stockton and should reach there about January 1st, 1912. There Is big money in this work for hustlers. Send references of charac ter. Positions of trust created for hustlers. Write today for contract. F. A. Horabeclt, Torvnsite and Lnad Commissioner. K. C M. & O. Ry.. Kansas City, Mo. ''Puzzle AN APOLOGY. Beautiful Snow, some months ago I cursed thee, deep and cursed thee low, , Beautiful Snow, were thou here today. Ah! many the beautiful words I'd say! Find another man. ANSWER TO YESTERDAY'S PUZZLE. See too late to classify page. WHEN IN A HURRY CALL FOMEROY'S ON TIME BACKS, BOTH FEONES 2t4L RAILROAD TIMETABLE. All trains arrive &2d depart frons Union 'depot, foot of .San Francisco street, except those of Mexico North, Western. All arrivals and departures given in El Paso or mountain standard time. SANTA FE. For Albuquerque, i?2nver. Chicago. Los Angeles Lv. 8:45 a. m. and 7:05 p. m. From Albuquerque, Denver, Chicago. Los Angeles Ar. 9:40 a. m. aad 6:00 p. m. EL PASO 4k SOUTHWESTERN. ("Westers Division.) For Arizona and Sonora Lv. 7:5t a. m. and 8:05 p. m. From Arizona and Sonora Ar. 7:21 a. m. and 3:10 p. m. (Eastern IM-iislea.) rJF0-?1??-1188-3 city,' Chicago. St. Louis Lv. 12:4o p. m., 5:25 p. m. From Kansas City. Chicago. St. Louis Ar. 6:38 a. m., 3:50 p. m. G. H. & S. A. AND S. P. TRAINS. or San Antonio. New Orleans &ad Washington- Lv. 10:30 a. m. and 8:M p. m. -ro-rrmJ!an Affconio. New Orleans an Washington Ar. 7:30 a, m. and :0f P- in. 8-20 'A2.0?annd California Lv. :53c s.20 a. m.; 4:00, 9:55 p. m. e-"0. A5iJlna' an California Ax. 6.53 a. m.; 12:20, 5:12. 7:00 p. na. tt t .f1138 PACIFIC. P mf allas and st- Louis Lt. S:3I a om aHas and SL LouisAx. 11:M a. m. -.w NATIONAL RAIL"WAYS OS MEXICO. tJv ChIlluahua and City ofyMexico lv. v:30 a. m. From Chihuahua and City of Mexic Ar. :o0 p. no. MEXICO NORTH WESTERN. For Casas Grandes and Pearson LT. Juarez Mon.. Wed.. FrL. 1:00 p. m. From Casas Grande3 and Pears Ar. Juarez Tues.. Th.. Sat 5:20 n. m. - ARIZONA K1W MEXICO JUILWAT COMPANY. FMMagtr Serrle. Dally South Bound Ubrta Boan4 7:10 am Lv Cllftom Ar 3:58 pm 7:50 am Lv Guthrie Lv 3:24 m 8:35 am Lv Duncan Lv 3:31 pm 9:58 am Lv Lordsbur Lv 1:21 pm 11:05 am Ar Hachita Lv 11:50 an South iouna train connects ?rtUi Souther Pacific west bound train K. 1, leaving Lordsburg- 10:57 a. m swja- tain time. South bound train connects with Ml .Paso & Southwestern east hound traia for El Paso, leaving Hachita 11:42 a. m.. mountain tims, and with wnt bound train for Douglas and B!sb, leaving Hachita at 11:10 a. m aou tain time. 4 m A. T. Thomson. Traffic Manager. Cllftoa. Aria. yeb- 17. 1911- VAUGHN AND ROSWELL MAIL AND PASSENGER ROUTS. Automobiles leave Vaughn dally at 5:45 a. m., arrive at Roswell 2 m. mu Leave Roswell 12:30 p. m., arrive at Vaughn S:30 p. m. Baggage allowance 100 pounds. Kate for excess baggage is $5.00 per 100 pounds. We are equipped to carry any kinfl of trunks or baggage, up to 1509 pounds. Special rates are given for excursions, for eight, or more paseea gers. For further information writ the Roswell Auto Co- Rroswell. N. SL Picture