Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO 12 Saturday, July 15, 1911 jjjlF Your Summer Dresses and Suits jjjjl W . Fr Vacation Days Need JMMzzz? Dry Cleaning and Pressing fBp . TVb matter haw well made or how good material your clothes may bey they must be properly cared for to give the wearer that classy 1I11I1P appearance. By taking advantage of our faultless dry f ' -. 'cleaning methods, your wearing ap- illllll y! yv. parel can be kept like new. llllllll . Dyeing and Cleaning Works '8 -70! Texas : : : Tel. 786 'jjB Racing 150 Miles an Hour Witlyl)eath Here is expressed the idea of a French artist who-helieves that French aviators nr0 tnn -nt,, -.en miles an hour out of their machines rather Hhan spend time and effort on developing- the machines "for stabilitv and fty-' SPeed maniacs of the air are the latest thing- in this age Of tremendous rush toward the goal In all spheres w. .u.u. mU ce peea maniac mere is always the shadow of death, whether or in the air. But especially -with the air speed maniac does death menace, and Shadow, of Death. in it is on the ground, on the sea the air at all times lurks the JOHNSON TO GET $30,000 ANYHOW Win,. Lose or Draw in Fight Is, All the Same to the Champion. London, England, July 15. Except jBlgning1 the articles, evervthlnsr has jbeen arranged for a nat.h between' ack Johnson and Bombadier Wells for the biggest purse ever offered in Great Britain. Johnson is to receive $30,000. -win, draw or lose. The sum of $15,000 is to be deposited today and the other ?15,000 is to be r handed to Johnson an hour before the .contest, which Is to take place in Lon don, probably in September- THREATEN MEN WHO (KILLED OFFICERS 'Somerset, Ky., July 15. Because of fears Of mob violence, James Ellis and Fount Helton, who are charged with shooting and killing justice A. Beatty and constable W. F. Heath, in the court house at Burnside, last night, were brought here today and lodged in jail. We Jiave just what you have been .looking- for- An electric water heater, just put Jt in the water, it will do the rest. Texas Electrical Sapply Co., 119 N. Stanton. J 4- ; TAFT JOINS AN AIR FLYING CLUB. Washington, D. C., July 15. President Taft today accepted honorary membership in the New York Aero club. "!' We have a lew more $2.50 electric Irons left Texas Electrical Supply Co) 119 N. Stanton. Need glasses? Ask Segall. Next door. The Best of Meats Low Priced WW A jM MP i&W A MM Al jl Call Beii 136 Auto 2345 Prompt Delivery PITTSBURG- WANTS ST. PAUL BATTERY Mve Clubs Are IsTow Bidding For 0 'Toole and Kelley. Milwaukee, Wis., July 15. Barney DreyfiSss, owner of the Pittsburg Na tional league club, is the latest bidder for O'Toole and Kelley, the St Paul club's star v battery. Dreyfuss today telephoned to Kay Meahan, business manager of the St. Paul club, not to close up any deal until he can send a man here to put in an. offer for the two players. This makes five bidding clubs for the two men. Scouts from Chicago big league clubs and Cleveland will watch the players In action this afternoon. 'The St Louis National league manage ment is ready to pay $16,500 for the pair and it is reported that president Murphy, of the Chicago Nationals, will raise this bid to $20,000. (I Prime Rib Roast, per lb .. Sump Roast, f per lb . "Shoulder Roast, 3 lbs.' for...'.." " SATURDAY SPECIALS .. 122C Boiling -Meats, , 4 lbs Leg of Lamb, per lb 122C ...25c 25c 15c Lamb -aOhops, per lb Lamb Stew, per lb Loin Steak," per lb. -.-. Round Steak,1 per lb ." Home Dressed per lb Hens, 15c . V7c 15c 2'2C 18c Spring Chickens, alive or dressed, to order. OPITZ MARKET 213 N. Stanton St. Bell' Phone 136; Auto Phone 2345 BURNS NOT PRESENT WHEN CASE CALLED Indianapolis, Ind., July 15. Detective Wm. J. Burns, -who is under $10,000 bond on charge of having kidnaped J. J. McNamara, did not appear in court today, the date set by judge Markey of the criminal court for him to answer the indictment Henry Spaan, of counsel for Burns, asked that the hearing be postponed until September. He said Burns" was on his way from England and that he would land in New York soon. While unwilling to delay the case until September, judge Markey said he would not forfeit the bond at this 'time, but ordered the attorneys to report to him as soon aa Burns could be had in court """No BURGLARS ROB DOUGLAS STQRE. DougfaB, Ariz., July 15. Working under the full light of .two electric globes, a robber or robbers rifled the three cash registers of the Douglas Drug company between midnight and three oclock, securing about $100. The men. secured entrance to the building through a window in the rear, high above the sidewalk, left open by the employes-" of the store when it was closed. No arrests have yet been made. Cactus messenger service. Auto 2452 Don't miss seeing those mission lamps for $3.50. Texas Electrical 'Sap ply Co., 119 N. Stanton. Reliable messengers only, day night. -Cactns Messenger ' Service. or Need glasses? Ask Segall. Next door Messengers for any purpose, day night Cactus Messenger Service. m ! mii i iTr' JWii T7TT M TMlfTlW BmWsuMMmsmkmJk-'- KMmMMaMMvis'kfESHBMtMk ':" ''if&rrmS?liSlikiffi &r&' i4z)$jski& ,y MmHMmfw I n im1 n i ' i ' il ' '' i i L i h "' I ' h ''i iV iri'lll 3BB It Is More Satisfaction to us to sell you GOOD GROCER IES than it is td make a big profit on them. When yon get an article from this store yon can rest assured thai; it is something good and will not cost yon any more than it will cost you atcheap places. . . . 18 lbs. best Granulated Sugar.:. . .' v $1.00 Pine Free Stone Peaches, basket.- '. V.. 30c Fine Crab Apples,, lb ". . . ( 6c - Pint Mason Fruit Jars; doz. .' u . . . .. . . -65c ' Quart Mason Fruit Jars, doz. ..L..1. '. 75c Fancy Calif. White Grapes, 'lb. .:..: .' .12 l-2c Fancy Apricots, basket ...::.::.... 50c Jyeans best Standard Corn 1. . .25c cans best Standard Tomatoes -.-..'. .". .' 25c 2 cans best Standard Peas : 2oc Large package Gold Dust : 20c 3 cans Swift's Pride or Old Dutch Cleaner 25c If you can't find what you want at other places, phone us. We have it. r TV ews Brevities Train Bulletin. All afternoon trains are reported oe on time. to 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who i can speak, read and write the English language. For " Information apply to j Recruiting Officer, Coles .Building, El I .Paso, Texas. DON'T PAY TRIBUTE When you .pay rent you pay - tribute, for "rent" is merely a modern term for "tribute." And the familiar term "land lord' is simply a disguise of the old feudal title "land lord," mean ing a lord or master of land. Would you always remain in the "tribute paying class, or would you haye independence? It remains for you to decide.. Get a Home Girl Bandit Paroled. Akron, O., July 15. Edna Peebles, the 13yearold Akron girl, who at the point of a revolver attempted to hold up the assistant cashier of the Cuyahoga bank, was paroled to the custody of her in valid mother after -having been held in jail for four days. No charge will be filed against her. , EiigrRed Cards and Invitations. Our work best, all done in El Paso. J. B. Satton Co., 117 X. Stanton. Use "Patton's Sun Proof Paints. Golding Mills & Juliau, Agts. Dr. A. T. Still OMtcoiiathlc Infirmary. Dr. Ira W. Collins, physician in chief; Dr Amelia Burk, Dr. Grace Parker, Dr Paul R. Collins, consulting physicians, 201 W. Missouri street Today's Butter Today. When you order butter from the El Paso Dairy you get it the same day It's churned and pay only 30 cents a pound. Turkisk and Shovrer baths at the Gem. H. F. Wright, M. D., D. O. (Doctor of Osteopathy). Herald Blug. Soldiers Go to Frisco. Six military prisoners from Fort Bliss with penalties ranging from 18 months to three years were joined by a bunch of prisoners from San Antonio, and all were taken to Alcatrez island in the San Francisco bay, Saturday, to serve their time. Dr. Pearcc, Osteopathic Physician, moved offices to Roberts-Banner Bldg. We Paint a carriage, $5; Autos, $10 J 27 South Stanton street. Elected Orient Directors. New York, X. Y., July v 15. Edwin S. Hawley and Theodore P. Shonts have been elected directors of the Kansas City, Mexico & Orient Railway com pany. A. E. Stllwell, president of the road, said there would be no change in cpntrol and that the action had no significance. .Japanese Inspects Railroads. The Imperial railroad manager of Ja pan ' was in the city Friday night en I route to Europe. He is on a general in spection trip of the modern railroads. Of Your Own Eent is a handicap that few men on small in comes can overcome. In nine ceases out of ten it means liying "from hand to mouth." Be a landlord yourself and stop paying "tribute" to others. A moderate payment down is all that is required. Here's a bargain: A lot in Golden Hill for as little as $500r only 10. percent down and 5 percent a month to pay for it. Austin&Marr Caples Building Phone 352 C. Ii. Bllllngton, 705 Magoffin. Tel. 1489, painting, paperhanging, decorating PROPOSALS FOR FORAGE AND BEDDING. Chief Quartermaster's Of tfice, Federal Building, Chicago, 111., July 1.0 1911. Sealed proposals will be received here and at offices of Post Quartermasters until 11 oclock a. m.f August 10. 1911, for furnishing forage and bedding required at posts and sta tions In the Central Division during the 9 months commencing October 1, 1911, and ending June 30, 1912. Information furnished upon application here or at posts. Col. Jno. Ii. Clem, Chief Quartermaster. Sew -wall paper 7c single House painting, paper hanging. C. H. Williams, 515 S. El Paso. St. roll. Cottage Cheese Today. - We made cottage che-ese this morn ing, consequently is fresh. El Paso Dctry Co. Mexican berala cm Salt At Ward's Pharmacy in El Paso? Com plete and reliable news of what happens In Mexico. Won't Let Him Resign. Atlanta, Ga July 15. Governor Hoke Smith has received the resignation of senator J. M. Terrell. The governor de clined to accept the resignation and re quired the senator to represent the state at least during the present session. Dr. Ebert, Dentist, 215-218 Mills Bldg. Cottage Cheese Today. We made cottage cheese this morn ing, consequently is fresh. El Paso Dairy Co. Dr. R. D. ReblnsoH, diseases of chil dren and orthopedic surgery, 700 Mesa. SWc Elastic Stockingrs. J. A. Robert? son, the Prescription Druggist, '407 -N. Oregon. To Wed American Heiress. New York, N. Y., July 15. Ralph Francis Julian Stonor, lord Camoy's usher at the Dscies-Gould wedding and chum of the Hon. "Bobby" Beresford, Is engaged to Jbe married to Miss Mil dred Sherman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Watts Sherman, one of the wealthiest heiresses in the United states, according to a cable dispatch from London. EL PASO SCHOOL FOR GIRLS The hest boarding ana day school for girls in the Southwest. Instruction in music under the best teachers in the city: Harmony and Theory of Alnsic Arrangements for practice at school. ' Opens Thursday, September 14. Miss Slater and Miss Tafel 1111 Terrace Street Phone' 2929. El Paso, Texas: lican ticket for congress against "Un cle" Joe Cannon. Prohibition. A prohibition rally will be -held in Cleveland Square at 8 p. m., Monday, July 17. There will be good speakers and Interesting local developments. Antls especially Invited. Adv. I We fit trusses. J. A. Robertson, the Prescription Druggist, 407 N. Oregon. Way Pay More? Rosing sells for less fine clothing and furnishings. Frameap of City Officials. The city officials are in another frameup. This one is a real mahogany frame in the window of an art shop on San Antonio street. Photographs of the mayor, the aldermen .nd the other city officials, havej been made and mounted with a picture of the city hall In the center and framed for hanging in the city hall. Walsk Indictment Quashed. 2 Washington, July 14. The last In dictment pending against John R. Walsh, former Chicago banker, now serving a term in the Leavenworth penitentiary, was quashed yesterday. Dr. Cameron, Dentist, 22S Mesa &T& Reliable destistry, reasonable prices. The Inn Bar, Caples Bldg Main entrance. Old- Tarr whisky. Thirty Reported Drowned. New York, N. Y., July 15. A dispatch from Port Llmon, Costa Rica, to the Times reports that 32 passengers and several members of the crew of the steamer Irma were drowned or crushed to death when the vessel was' sunk in a collision during a storm in the Es tuary of San Juan river. Turkisk Baths, Ladies and gents; White masseurs. 406 N. -Oregon. Lost in the Alps. Geneva, Switzerland, July 15. A score of guldea and others are search ing in the mountains for Homer Tid man, of Boston, who set out several dayg ago unaccompanied to climb the Dent-Du-MIdl, ajofty peak of the Alps on the frontiers of Valals and Savoy. It Is feared he has fallen over a precipice. Dr. TJnnston, moved to Mills building. Today's Butter Today. When you order butter from the El Paso Dairy you get It the-'same day it's churned and pay only 30 cents a pound. Wanted for U. S. Army, ablebodied unmarried men between ages of IS and Pltcaim varnishes, sold Mohr, 309 South El Paso. by Henry Otis Coles Going to Rome. O. C. Coles will leave Thursday for Rome, Ga., where Mrs. Coles is visiting at her old home. Mr. Coles while in Rome will do as the Romans do and eat Georgia watermelons as the, guest of J. M. Wyatt, who will make his annual pilgrimage to the old home farm to at his mother, and harvest the melon crop. Ateentlon Knight,, of Columbus. You are hereby requested to meet at the Knights of Columbus hall, Sunday, at 1 p. m. to attend the funeral of Richard Caples. Daniel Long, Secretary. Will Run Against Cannon. Matoon, 111., July 15. W. D. O'Day, a township supervisor has announced himself as a candidate on the Repub- Satarasy Closing. ! We desire to inform our patrons that our stpre "will close Saturdays at noon. El Paso Plane Co., Cor. Myrtle and Campbell Sts. Luzon Storm Swept. Manila, P. L, July 15. Northern Lu zon has been swept by a typhoon. All the wires at Manila are down and the observers believe the storm was the worst in years. Details because of the lack of communication have not been received. McKee frames pictures Sets glass. Convicted oh Bribe Caarse. Oakland, Cal, July 15. Henry P. Dalton, for 17 years county assessor of Alameda county, was found guilty here on a charge of receiving a bribe. He was accused of accepting as a bribe $5000 in marked bills from an official of the Spring Valley Water company. Be Happy by taking Smiles -at uLLpui Jaso. Swimming, Wash't'n park natatorlum. Dr. Deady moved to Trust Bldg, Dr. Prentiss, diseases of stomach and Intestines. Roberts-Banner Bldg. HcHTvood Asks New Trial. Denver, Colo., July 15. Ninety-one reasons, including charges of bias against judge Greeley W. Whitford and the claim that new witnesses have been found in Kansas City and California, were filed in court here upon which at torneys ask a new trial for Harold F. Kenwood, convicted of second degree murder for the killing of George E. Copeland In a hotel bar the night of May 24, while shooting at Sylvester Von Phul. Genuine art glass mission lamps, special sale, $3.50. Texit. Electrical Supply Co., 119 N. Stanton BAND CONCERT FRIDAY PROVED MOST POPULAR The band concert, given by the 23rd infantry band in honor of the French consul agent. John M. Romagny, at Cleveland park on Friday night, was one of the best concerts that has yet been given. The band stand was draped with the American colors and the tricolor of France. The program was made up en tirely of French airs and, when the last piece was played, "La Marsellaise,' the whole audience stood tin honor of the French national hymn. The consul expressed his deep appre ciation of the honor done him and per sonally thanked the band. Reliable messengers only, day night. Cactus Messenger Service. or Need glasses? Ask Segall. Next door. DOUBLE DAILY MAIL SERVICE FROM BENSON TO NOGLAES Nogales, Ariz July 15. Xogales now receives mail twice dally: The South ern Pacific company runs a motor car etween Benson and Nogales on alter nate days, which conveys mail. The other days the freight takes it. The second battalion of the .Sixth United States cavalry, rum stationed at Nogales, has received orders to be ready to move. Sergt. Oble Schmidt, of the Sixth cavalry at Nogales, and Miss Trinidad Martines were married in Nogales by probate judge M. Marsteller. Repair work on. the foundation of the Nogales .school building Is in progress. Make the liver Do its Duty Niae bJee m tea wke& &e Urer M right m tosack aad bowel are right. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS geody but firmly com pel a lazy liver to do its duty. Cures Cc otipatioB, Indtges- boa, Sick Headache, mni. DktraM after Eating SmH Pifl. Saudi Dm, Small Prie Genuine BMtbear Signature 'JmMMmW V1TTLE Nnip; m iv tK Jmmmmm I pills. M liWB' '- yz