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EL PASO HERALD Real Estate and Too Late to Classify onPages 10 & 13 - EeaJ Estate and Too Late to Classify on Pages 10 & 11 WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH PROHIBITION IN TEXAS? And David's anger was greatly kindled against the man and he said, "As the Lord liveth, the man that hath done this is worthy to die." And the Prophet said, "David, thou art the man." If eating meat causes thy brother to stumble, thou shalt eat no meat. He that neglects his family and spends his money for that which is not bread is worse than an infidel-Bible There is not a man in El Paso that has any good in his heart, that can look upon some man that he knows, who, by some one, has been influenced to drink until he has dulled his intellect and debauched and weakened his physique into a weakened, vacillating, semi-imbecile, neglected his family and sub merged them into want, or surrounded himself with those criminal leaches on hu manity that have spent his substance that was needed for his family, without say ing like David in his right teous indignation, "The man that hath done this is wor thy to die; but be careful when ye think ye stand lest ye fall, for David thou art the man." - There isn't a saloon in El Paso, if it Jiad to depend on the bum element and he that has spent his substance in riotous living and sub merged himself into a help less, irresponsible, depend ent, that could sustain itself. So it has to depend upon y6u, who have not yet sunk so deep in the mire that you nave lost -your responsi bility; you, who boast ot your strength that you can take rfc or let it alone, bo you are the man that it depends upon to sustain itself, and also to bring it, by your ex ample, its recruits. No boy ever took up the habit of drinking from some one that he had known tthat had wasted his substance and de based himself into a common burn, until for him he had lost all respect. But you! for whom he en tertains the highest respect; you! that have still retained some of your financial abil ity; you! that are'square and honorable in your dealings j you! that have strength enough "to take it or leave it alone." You are the man that he will point out to any one when they speak to him about the demoralizing ef fect of drink upon his life, and say, "There is as white a man as ever walked the streets of this city and he drinks." And he never re alizes that you are a stronger man than he until it's too late. And tomorrow when the cold grip of death shall drag you lijke a whimpering, cowering convict into the presence of that omnipotent Judge, before ' whom the flimsy excuses used in life will melt like ashes on your pallid lips, and you are to give an account of what you've done for humanity; and you realize that, be you saloon keeper, clerk or busi ness man, mediocer or mil lionaire, that ,the require ments made on a rninisterial ambassador of God will be no greater than on you. Then! oh! then! In that aw ful hour the strength of which you boasted and per mitted to drag the weaker down instead of using it to help the weaker up, will be the ten talents that he gave you and. they will hang like a mill stone around your neck and drag you into the bottomless pits of hell. And it will be more tolerant for She saloon keeper and the! bum than for vou. Eor the I it if it increased their sales. The only question that will ever stand in eternity with you will be : Did you raise up your standard against it? The sheriff of a county in Missouri said he voted for saloons because he thought thev were selling it anyway, and he thought they ought to years ago. get some revenue iroiii il. That night his children came home from school;, and his little girl said: "Papa, what do you think; theyare vot ing for saloons in the city to day." And his little boy walked up and put his elbow on his knee and his bosom swelled with7 pride as he looked into his fathers face and said: "I'll bet you didn't vote for it. did you, papa?" The sheriff said, I'd have given all I was worth to have told htm, no, your father didn't vote for it, so as to have cultivated in him one other excuse:"! it is a mockery. A mockery "That you need it for sacra mental and medicinal pur poses." This is really the excuse that has kept humanity in its struggle against the liquor traffic from wiping it off the face of the earth , But remember that God never lies. And that no mat- is that which does not do what it seems to do; that is why when you stimulate yourself up with wine or any other stimulant or poison you irritate the nerve and excite it into activity and do not acid one particle of nerve vitality to its strength but) saloon keeper did it to make I that rospect and confidence 1 J -C- I-- C "! l..'1.!nl .,. IJ ,n .W1J ; ureau. xoir ins lamiiv. Willie wjh m- nuu was lu Poor Little Johnny. His nerves are already exhausted and have allowed stagnant "blood to accu mulate and -decay and caused the dis ease. Xow these sierves will be utterly, exhausted and shriveled up fighting the diseased matters of the anti-toxins and poison drugs they are injecting into him. He will seem "better while the poisons last and they will say, See how he is improving. Then he will go into some chronic disease. And more poisons will heal it up. Then the stagnant blood will overtax the poor, tired lungs. Consumption the Result. One-third of us die in the prime of life witih consumption, one-fourth the digestive organs exhausted into typhoid fever victims, and one-tenth die with cancers. Xo wonder Dr. Mayty, the greatest surgeon of America, said: All these inti-toxins are simply poisons from diseased animals and all drugs are simply irritating poisons which exhaust the nerves in the end and some chronic you claim the patient is getting better and it seems so while the poison is in the system and is irritating it up. And if the trouble is only slight they may live in spite of you. But the death rate is so great against you that "no intelli gent man ought to spend two hours in the study of lateria Medica. It is a dead profession and we let them die in their hotels and on their way home when they come here with all the vital- you spent your substance with him for that which was not bread. "And he that neg lects his family by spending his substance for that which is not bread is worse than an infidel." And the poor "bum,- because of his weakness, stood as a repulsive example to the young, while your strength won his admiration and was his downfall. It was your excuse that prohibition don't prohibit. The saloon man can't claim that. For every one knows every brewer would be in favor of in his father. But I had to make a sn-jik out instead. Your child is smarter tha: you think it is and ifyoji trunk you can practice in consistencies without him knowing it, you will wake up some day to the sad realiza tion that his habits will be consistent with your actions. And he will bring you down in sorrow to the grave. And the thought that you sold him for a paltry sum will burn into your very soul like the silver in the palm hi Judas. readv has, and vou reap the ter how deeply any erron-j awful consequences in a, re duced vitality and an in crease of stagnant blood and its' poisons in the system un til death is the result. While on the other hand if you use grape juice, lemon ades, and other fruit juices the acid helps to digest the food and to ferment the stagnant blood into activity and thins it and rests the nerves and when you restore them by freeing them at the spine by Osteopathy you are normal and soon well again. He says cursed is he that putteth the intemperate cup to his neighbor's lips. !No eous teachings have been ground in you, you never need to violate a single law of God and it will always be to your detriment if you do. In the first place they al ways took as their sacrifice the first of the flock and it was without blemisli. So they took of the first sweet grape juice and sealed it in bottles that were new so as to preserve it from ferment ing, to represent the blood of i Him who was without blem ish. JEEe sa3rs look not upon the wine when it is red that is fermented into alcohol, for matter whether that intem perance cup is an alcohol or a poison, it is an intemper ance', and it wrecks and po lutes this temple of the liv ing Grod and weakens your children into imbeciles an& criminals. x These are the thoughts that have burned in the mind of Grod himself exhaust what strength it al-j and they are as unchange able as the eternal sun and you cannot violate a single law withfout reaping the con sequences and facing the wrath of God. "Por God is not mocked," and this ex cuse in -opposition to his laws has fastened upon humanity its greatest curse. And you have cultivated these abnor mal conditions in your child and branded him for a drunkard's grave by putting these intemperate cups to his lips And you are the one who will -reap the awful consequences in time and eternity. "For David thou art the i ity exhausted from poisonous drugs and anti-toxms, for they would say w e killed wuux vu iutr Mirgeuns taDie, wnea ii;j iact you killed them before they left home." Dr. Jones, the great Typhoid Fever specialist, wno only Jost one case out' of 1146 by Osteopathy, when he had lost from 75 to 200 out of the same number under drugs, was right when he said: "Xo well man could take drugs and live, that are given to the al ready exhausted sick people. Xo won der the dead wagon is constantly backed up to these various medical hospitals and they poke them out throug.i tne windows and back doors and fill them up on poison dope and rush them off home before they die on their hands, I wnne at tne Usteopabhic infirmary, where three or four times as many are being doctored, everybody is smiling and getting better. And there is onlv one death out of a thousand. You cannot K ' n - . - iJMOHNll 'r 9-.ft JL &FT EXHAUSTION ll Vuut- A x ( fJ M i poison I -Mi -yt l . .1 'I1 VM -"'""'Ax K 1 .1 If I ...ll t 11111 f- "' ' "' L-ss M . - .Mxs&m' S"t, fli man a ..V" . -S 0(IU0 ,,,;-' . "'Ullf disease or death is the result. He say? J put these intemperate cups of poison and stimulants to your neighbor's lips and not reap the consequences of an insulted God, who wrote, 'Cursed is he Wno putteth the intemperate cup to (his neighbor's lips.' YOU AIIE BR4XD 1XG HIM AS A LIAR. And you are REAPING HIS WRATH in the Ices of your loved ones. 'HEAR THE VOICE OF RACHEL WEEPING FOR HER OHILDREX. And she would not be comforted because they were naught." The Home of Happy Johnny Osteopath Whose father is a wise man, and be lieves God meant just what 'he said When he wrote, "Cursed is he that put teth the intemperate cup to his neigh bor's lips." And, "If any man comes in contact with any man who hath any issue, from the flesh, go 'bathe thyself." And, "In the BLOOD is the life of ALL FLESH' It made every part of your body and if you restore the circu lation by Osteopathy it will carry out the stagnant, decaying blcod that causing the disease, and you are well again. That is why the Dr. A. T. Still Osteopathy Infirmary has curel eight thousand with a loss of only eight. And 43 states have recognized it as the only way to cure disease. For it is Nature's way. And the curing of the greatest percent of all kinds of diseases of any science ever discovered proves it the only way to cure diseases and keep us well and happy. And no danger from Consumption, Typhoid Fever and Can cer. " 'muimm yOD&O ANN sir DEATHS DUE ALLY TO DRUGS ANTI-TOXINS Poor Johnnie died of Exhaustion, Poison Dope and Anti-Toxins, Poisons from Diseased Animals. Dr. Jones, great Typhoid Fever spec ialist, who lost only one by Osteopathy out of 1146 cases, said: "No well man can take the drugs and anti-toxins given to sick people and live." Dr. Mayo, the greatest Surgeon of America, said: "No intelligent man ought to spend two hours in the study of Materia Medica. It is a dead profes sion and all drugs are poisons and ex haust instpad of build up the patient." According to .the Medical Doctors themselves. TTfey hae left us in such a condition of exhaustion and shriveled nerves from poisons and stimulants that one-third of the Johnnies and Marys, and Mothers and Fathers die in the prime of life with consumption. That is annually die with con sumption 1,500,000 One fourth annually die with Typhoid Fever ....... 1,125,000 One-tenth annually die with Cancers ". 450,000 v Total deaths caused by drug3. 3,075.000 Deaths by ofclier diseases 4.500,000 Total deaths "by drugs 7.575,000 If they had all been doctored hy Osteopathy there, would have been no Consumptive, Typhoid Fever or Cancer cases. That would xhavc saved annually 3,075,000 Out of the 4,500.000 other dis eases we would have lost only 22,500 and saved the lives of "4,477,500 Total lives saved annually by Osteopathy '... " 7,552,500 That would have died under drugs. No wonder the shrewd business man brought his wife to us, as thousands of others have done, when he saw the dead wagon backing up to the drug hospi tals and they kept poking them out through the windows and back doors and hurrying them, home go they could die there and they would keep people from finding; out what a drqve died eaoh year from heir poisons and. carvings. While at the Osteopathic Infirmary, 'where there was three or four times as many being doctored everybody was smiling and getting better and no dead wagons continually marring the scenery. How can the mothers and fathers cry to their offended God in the hour of their affliction. Who wrote "Cursed is he who putteth' the, intemperate cup to his neighbor'3 lips." All poisons are intemperate and exhaust you unto death. God said: 'If jmy man come in contact with anyone who hath any kind of an issue from, tho flesh, go bathe thyself.-" Nfot in oculate yourself with, the vile excre tions from diseased animals witfc your vaccinations and anti-toxins. YOU HAVE BRANDED GOD AS A LIAR AND YOU ARE REAPING THE CONSEQUENCES AT THE RATE OF 7,552,500 DEATHS ANNUALLY. THOU FOOL. "For the Fool ha3 said in his heart, There is no God." God has said: "LN THE BLOOD IS THE LTFE OF ALL FLESH." It is mixed in God's own laboratory and it made every organ in you. And" you can get it to circulate in the part where the stagnant 'blood i6 decaying and causing what ever disease you are suffering with. By freeing the nerves iby Osteo pathy where these poisons have con gested it at the spine and shriveled and exhausted it. And it will be re stored to its normal condition and force the circulation of the blood and vou are well again. And you can help by cold and warm applications and baths, and fruit juices and proper foods. And there is no use in VIOLATING any of God's laws by the use of poisons "and excretions from diseased animals and stimulants and electricitv. For Osteo- pathy has proved it the world over bv only losing about one case in a thou sand in every kind of disease. For out of eight thousand cases of everv kind of disease at the Dr. A. T. Still'Osteo pathic Infirmary there was only a loss of eight. For it is in perfect harmony with every law of Nature and God. And therefore it will some day be improved on but never changed. For the laws of God never change. No wonder 43 states have made laws in its favor and ap pointed entire or in part medical boards of Osteopathy to examine the doctors. For it has taken the world, and now has 7000 doctors scattered all over the United States and Europe and is only 17 years old. There never was such progress made in the history of the world in anv other science. mMm T xypnoia rever x,izo,uuu i tais ana tney Kept poking them out x Dr. IRA W. COLLINS. Phveirian in ruiof Dr. Amelia Burkr Dr. Grace Parker, Dr. . Cor" Mssouri and El paso Streets, 1 Paso, Texas. ?55L5"J5?,l!ns! Consulting Physicians (AH Graduates of Dr. A. T. Still's American School of Osteonathv. KJrk. and Staff Operators ville, Missouri. - "