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EL PASO HERALD Saturday July 15, 1911. i? Ml 1 GET STftTtON PftBKED Mi-mbres Yalley to Be Rep- Tesented at Development Conferene. 4 4 f The . Herald's agent In Dem lng1 Is C. C. Rogers, room 1, Deckert building, telephone 213. The Herald -will De delivered to all .parts of the city same night of publication, at 60 cents per month. THE "New" Tent & Awning People . THAT'S US. PROMPT SERVICE. SQUARE METHODS. I r : i 1 1 j ). Deming, N. M., July 15. Supt. J. H. Dyer, of the Southern Pacific, has writ ten the chamber of commerce that he expects to be in Deming within the iext 10 days and will arrange to go j over the subject of parking the com- j pany's right of way, opposite the union j station nere. Dr. I. E. Keller and wife, of Pitts "burg, Pa., have arrived here and will make Deming their home. The chamber of commerce, at a meee ing held this week, designated Willard E. Holt as its official representative at the New Mexico Development confer ence, to be held at Mountainalr on August 5. This New Mexico Develop ment conference is held under the au thority of the governor and in general charge of the territorial bureau oflm migratlon, with a view to organizing all of the commercial clubs In the ter ritory for united .and uniform action in -advertising the new state. In addition to Mr. Holt, Deming will be represent ed on the program of the day by Kalph C. Ely, who Is to read a paper on "The Magic of the Pump," Illus trated with stereoptican views. "WMle we are comparatively "new" here as a firm, our corps of skilled workmen, our Modern Machinery and cdmplete stock enable us to finish and deliver your work "right now.1 j? Pass City Tent & Awning Co. Manufacturers of Everything in Duck and Canvas. Camp Supplies. Porch Furniture. Everything Guaranteed. Get Our Prices. J. L. GILLILAND, Bell 4144. MANAGER 416 N. Oregon St. Auto 1125. Responsibility j SCOUTS LB4DERS SAY 'O EQUIP MENT IS 2VT5EDED BY BOYS New York, N. Y.. July 15. The lead ers of the Boy Scouts of America wish to malte t plain that it Is not neces sary for boys, joining the organization, to -wear uniform or procure any spe cial equipment tc engage in scout activities. It is not necessary for the Doy scout to spend any money unless he desires. He can have just as much fun. take all the tests for the different grades of scout and be received by the other boys without spending a cent. For the convenience, however, of the boys who wish to obtain uniform and other equipment, the national council has arranged with certain manufactur ers to furnish these articles to the boys. The council has succeeded in cut ting the prices to one-half and in some instances one-third of what formerly was charirefl. A Tcn!f thnt formerly cost $2 can now be ( Poultry Department Contributed By an EI Pasoan For El 'Pasoans. No branch of Industry seems to have I fifteenth day. A few recover, but are been so much overlooked in the valley of the Rio Grande as the raising of turkeys, and It is not easy to under stand why this should be so, for anyone knowing anything about the turkey would not have to engage in a series of experiments to learn that condi tions prevailing In this section are simply Ideal for the turkey. It is a question even yet whether the raising of ducks on an extensive scale could be made profitable, and there are some obstacles which have to be overcome by the raisers of -chickens. "With turkeys, however, this is their paradise, as Is fully attested by the few who have tried it in a small way, there being ab- obtained for $1. Whistles that' soiutely not a single breeder of tur used to cost 25e can h honc-hf: for iOc I keys on anything approaching an ex- While these articles can be ordered from the national headquarters, yet arrangements are being made so that suits and other articles of guaranteed material can be obtained from other dealers all bearing the stamp of the Boy Scouts of America. FOR THE NECK AND SHOULDER A Free Prescript lea That Iiistaatly RemeveB Blearishea, Taa, Freckles, ax tie "VrlHkle and Ittarks Xeft ay High Collars. tensive scale in the entire El Paso ter ritory, y In the turkey raising sections proba bly not more than one-third of the young birds hatched are raised to ma turity. While young they are very susceptible to dampness and quickly succumb to showers and dews. In this territory we have nothing of that kind I to contend against. Our rains are not expected till the young birds of that season would be too large to suffer Frepare It at Year Owb Heme. The Dutch neck and the evening frown too often exposes the discolora tions and blemishes of high collars or the effects of tan and freckles. It is easy to overcome these conditions and make the neck beautiful and white and soft arid smooth to remove, in other words, every blemish, and to make the Dutch collar as attractive as it is comfortable. This prescription ran also be used on the shoulders, and It is marvelously effective to beautify the hands and arms. If you want to try it, go to your Viruggist, get an empty two-ounce bot tle, also a one-ounce bottle of Kulux Compound. Pour the entire bottle of Kulux into the two-ounce bottle, add a quarter of an -ounce of witch hazel, then fill with water. Prepare this at your own home, and then you know what you have. One application will astonish you. It Is -deliciously cool and soothing, and is not affected by per spiration. It -will not rub off. If you put it on one hand only, or on one side of the neck, and note the difference, you will see the wonderful change it makes instantly. The re sults are permanent, and continued use of this prescription will result In a skin as soft and smooth as a child's, a skin from which redness and rough ness and freckle have been entirely removed. DON'T BE UNREASONABLE If You Neglect the Care of the vScalp You Should ''Not Expect Beauti ful Hair. The hair is more exposed and hence more liable to accumulate dust and dirt than, any other portion of the body. . In spite of this the hair receives, as & rule, the least attention and no real effort fs made to- keep it healthy. If the dandruff germ is allowed to work unmolested and the scalp becomes crusted with dirt accumulations, one may expect the hair to die and fall out. The one sure remedy which prevents the loss of hair and permits a healthy, luxuriant growth is found in Newbro's Herpicide. The dandruff germ cannot live on a head to which Herpicide Is regularly applied. The .germ dies. The hair j ceases to fan. The terrible itching stops almost instantly. That is what Newbro's Herpicide does. One dollar size bottles are sold and guaranteed by all druggists. Send 10c in stamps for booklet and sample to The Herpicide Co., Dept. B., Detroit, Mich. Applications at the good barber shops. Kelly & Pollard, special agents. usually worthless. Chicks may drop dead without previous symptoms; usu ally they develop a diarrhoea, dullness, etc. The yolk is found not fully ab sorbed. The experiments were conducted with all possible precautions to insure true results. Chicks of the same hatch were divided Into two lots, one of which were inoculated or fed with, or ex posed to the suspected germ; the other lot was kept under precisely the same conditions as to housing and feed, but without exposure to the disease. All day old chicks Inoculated with, or fed. the germs, In very small quantities, of course, contracted the disease; chicks two days old were less susceptible, and after four days they seemed absolutely Immune. Th,e- chicks not Inoculated with, or fed, the germs, remained healthy In all cases. Natural exposure gave the same results. It was also proved that Infected eggs may hatch. Prevention: Experiments show that the disease Is transmitted in three ways: (1) Through the egg: (2) by con tact of chicks under four days old, with those infected through the egg: C3) by being placed Jn brooders, hov ers, etc., that are infected. To pre vent the spread of the disease beyond The officials and directors of this bank are conscious of their responsibility. Every detail, small or large, receives the same careful attention. The American National Bank of El Paso Corner San Antonio and Oregon Sts. Special Facilities for Handling Accounts of Firms and Corporations. Our Constant Aim is for Better Service. Rio Grande Valley Bank & Trust Company CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $350,000.00. . . Resources Over $2,500,000. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Open Saturday Evenings,- - We are in the market-ior loans of $1000.00 to $f000.00" on .improved property in the City of El Paso. The ability to "pr-ope'ly care for the needs of the people, has brought , ns over 6000 satisfied depositors. We-jCan serve 1000- -more, W. W. Turaey, Prest S. T. Turner, Vice Prest H. E. Christie, Secretary. WILL YOU BE ONE? W. Cooley, V. P. and Mgr. W. E. Arnold, 'Cashier. F. M. Murchison, Asst. Cashier. Sig. N. Schwabe,.Asst- Cashier. J Fig ure On This from them and as to dews, they are j those patched from Infected eggs, the practically an unknown quantity. As a i hatch should be brought off In a pedi matter of fact, it is the experience of j gree tray, not more than three eggs to the few small breeders that a larger j the V:ompartmenL and the chicks al- percentage of turkeys hatched can be lowed to remain In their compartments raised tnan or cniCKens, ana witn less care, except for the first few weeks. When the little fellows are thre.e. or four weeks old 'they give the old moth er, if a turkey hen, her liberty with them and she does the rest. They range over the fields and are almost self-supporting. A light feed at home morning and evening to keep them gen tle and to keep them growing, is all the attention they require when their liberty, and more especially Take a piece 6f paper and a pencil. Figure out how much of the money you received last pay day you can not account for and for which you have nothing to show. Then multiply that sum by Welve. That is the amount that is slipping through your fingers in a year. Stop the constant, incessant, careless leakage by opening a savings account with this bank. "We give ou a bank book with your first deposit of $lror more. We pay 4 percent a year for your money City National Bank State National Bank ESTABLISHED APRIL, 1831 CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $20O,O0a INTEREST PAID ON SAVING ACCOUNTS r. R. MOREHEAD, President. O. N. BASSETT, Vice Presided JOSEPH MAGOFFIN, V. Prea. GEO. D. FLORY, Oacir. L. J. GILCHRIST,, Asst. Cufckr. BANK BY MAIL Just as easy to open a saviagsvaccoimtritli vs as t&oogfe jem.-3knk next door. WE PAY 4r Intexzst compounded Twice -Erery Year. W business under the Depositor's Guaranty Law of the State of Texa &wi are a Guaranty Fund Bank as provided by such Law. Our plan, in addition to being convenient, is safe, profitable awl lit and. Nobody has ever lost a dollar in a JState Bank in Texas. Write today for cur free booklet1 ''BANKXNXx BIT MAUL' or simply mail your deposit. EL PASO BANK & TRUST CO. EL PASO, TEXAS. yyy!55P5S5r?C5J5v5rJ35S; i. Open Saturday Evenings Until 8 Oclock Application of this method should re duce losses to practically nothinar. and More than that, they are great ' in the course of a season eradicate the irom me premises. given the run of a field of alfalfa, for ' a turkey will feed on alfalfa like a i hnrsfl. 'Mora thnn that thov art irronf 1 foragers for grasshoppers, bugs and worms, and a man with a farm can afford to extend to his neighbor turkey breeder an Invitation to drive his flock of tur keys over his way. Their destruction of bugs, worms and grasshoppers would add materially to the yield of until removed to hover or brooder. The hover or brooder should be similarly ' divided into pens, each to contain not j more than 10 chicks, and in transfer ring chicks to hover do not separate the chicks of any pedigree tray com partment. They should be kept thus separated until four days old. Incuba tors, brooders, drinking and feed ves sels, etc, that have contained chicks given j affected with the disease should be -when thoroughly cleaned and dlsinfer.tpd. AMEBICA2T (HRL IS SURPRISE TO LON.DOF London, England, July Emilie Grigsby. -ward of 15.-tbe -Miss late the crop even alfalfa though the j Charles T. Terkes. still continues to exact increase would be hard to figure, j make London society wonder at her so- And while so much can be said of clal successes. Her achievement in the ease with which they can be raised, we must not overlook the profits. The writer has had occasion to buy a num ber of Thanksgiving and Christmas turkeys in El Paso and the change he gets from a $5 bill is not much more than street car fare tack home when the purchase has been a gobbler, and it would be easy to raise a flock of young gobblers where nearly every one of them could be sold at an average of $4 or $5. Can you afford to raise them at that price. I think you can, and plenty of men in the cities are ranked as high salaried men who work for less money than a man can" make from a flock of thirty well bred bronze turkey hens. Parsley for Ponltry. " It is not known to many that pars ley is a fine green food for all kinds f poultry. It Is not as rich In the el ements of nutrition as clover and yet they devour it ravenously and is all they need in the way of jireen' stuff. The recent rains have caused it to spring up everywhere. Go out and gather a little every day for your flock. Take a handful at a time and with a large kitchen knife cut it up. They will eat four times as much as you would think and ,will thrive on it. In this way you can solve the question of green food for them possibly till frost. . gaining an entree to Buckingham Palace was only 'the beginning of her EfMPSON'S Pork and Beans, Pumpkin, Peas, Sauerkraut, Stringless Beans, Sugar Peas, Hominy. Empson's Particular Packing Re tains the Natural Flavor- Ask your 'T'ocpr. Fatal to Young: Chicks. Joseph W. Parker, D. V. S., contrib utes the following: Haying learned of a number of out breaks of "white diarrhoea" of young chicks in the valley, the writer, offers the following brief summary of a re port just published by the New York State Veterinary college: There are four diseases of young chicks commonly called "white diar rhoea." Of these, by far the most com mon and most serious is fatal septice mia, or baoilliary white diarrhoea, caused by bacterium pullorum. The germ is readily isolated from the liver, spleen, blood and other Internal or gans of the chicks dead of the disease. It may be transmitted through the egjr to a small proportion of the hatch, and is contagious during the first four days only, and a large percentage of the hatch may become Infected during these first four days, (1) by direct con tact with chicks hatched from infected eggs, and (2) by being placed In In fected brooders, hovers, etc Nearly all that become Infected die. They usu ally begin dying about the fourth or fifth day and continue until about the - .ir, , -.! "&f ti OhSc-cv ' social career as compared with her present prominence. She intends to at tend the Durbar at Delhi, India, in the autumn In almost royal state. She will travel by special boat and special train with a party Including only members of the house of lords and their fami lies whose presence is officially nces saiy. She is now being lavishly enter tained in London by members of the royalty. This -week she goes to Paris for a short stay with cquhtess Dussau. 44fr4'' ir4' 4. "LOVE'S PILGltlrAGE." 5- 'l''5' There Is nothing conventional about Upton Sinclair. Both those who abuse him and those who admire him will be glad to know that his new book, "Love's Pilgrimage," as no exception to his general rule. Mr. Sinclair is strong in the belief that he has a message to deliver. In his new book he shouts vehemently of many human "wrongs, but when the noise dies away nothing has been set tled. Nevertheless this is a remarkable book. It is obviously autobiographical, and is full of shrewd bits of intro spective' analysis. The author holds himself under the microscope and de scribes his own wriggling with a clin ical accuracy that gives the book value as a human document. For the Judicious reader Sinclair's self analysis will have more value than his discussion of sex problems. "With startling frankness he discusses phases of life heretofore left to the text books on medical practice and deals with other phases that by common consent? usually go undiscussed. 'Nobody will deny that there is need for more knowledge along these lines, but many will question whether a summer novel is the place for this revelation. "Love's Pilgrimage" is from the publihlng house of Mitchell Kennerley, and the , publisher gives this warning on the cover: "If you are afraid of the naked truth, and do not believe in the essen tial purity of nakedness you will not want this book." Yve are prepared to fill your orders promptly for feed, flour and seeds of all kirids. Favor us with some of your business and see how satisfac torily we can fill your orders. Mail orders receive our prompt attention. ruce See! on Successor to 0. G. SEETON & SON. Third & Chihuahua Sts. -v-vlUsXIJ..l.lJCCICT No Chance of Loss It is better to pay households expenses- by check, thereby affording a convenience mthout risk of loss. Household checking accounts large pr.,5mall are. cordially invited. -v . S ' American Bank Building v Y gr 1ST ON BankTrust Ca ElPlM, Texas. PHOXE 409. MvUAUMAWWXUUUXUXUX, MORRISON THE LAND MAN Irrigated Farms in the Rio Grande Valtey under "Elepfcant Butte Damproject This land will command a price of $1500 to $2000 per acre in less than 10 years; can he bought for $45 to $100 per acre now-Wake up Phone 4190, 510 Mills B4dj. tai B 2k., W&& SJ- J- V: -4 wi ts O: f Wr ouTbur? irt LOCOMOIiVFS AMARIkLO AVIL.L VOTE OS BOXDS FOR COURTHOUSE "Amarillo, Tex.. July 15. Petition is being- circulated thrpugh the instru mentality of the chamber of commerce, aslchig that the county commissioners issue a call for a bond issue election, looking- to the floating: of bonds in the surn of $300,000, with which to erect a county courthouse 'here. This structure it is contemplated would, llk the present one be erected from native gray stone. Digestion and Asnlmilatlon. It is not the quantity of food taken but the amount digested and assimi lated that gives strength and vitality to the system. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets invigorate the stom ach and liver and enable them to per form their functions naturally. For sale by all dealers. Its Beneficial Effects, Always Buy the Genuine YRUPflG$ and fkiR-ta manufactured hyihe Sold by q1 leading Druggists OneSlze Only, 50$ a Bottle AS3AYB3S & GHEMISTS independent Assay Qffioa ESTABLISHED IBS. D. W. Bxoxxist. JMU Proprietor. JigBitt for Or Shippers Assays sm4 Chemical Analysis, mines xanl4 and Reported Upsn. iulllea Vtork a Office nd Laborttorn far. &t Pnadao k ntmekm Ifca EL PASO.. TKXAS. Custom Assay Office Assayera. Chemists. Metallurgist. Arents for Or Shippers. cnrrcHETT Fergus or. 10 San Francisco St. Phona .t THE OliD RELIABLE R. 1 DAXIEIS FURNITURE AJfD MATTRESS HOSPITAL. Upholstering, furniture "repairing. Mattresses renovated, picked by machinery, not by hand, and made by expert workmen. SPECIAL Furniture packing, cut 8"lass, chinaware. pictures. Let us give you estimate FACTORY 410-412 MTRTLE AVE. Bell Phone 252. rT SEW YORK $85.85 CHICAGO $55.65 LOUISVILLE $59.90 ATLANTIC CITY $83.05 CHATTANOOGA $54.45 AUSTELL, GA. $55.75 NASHVILLE $53.05 - NORFOLK w. c. mccosmigk:, a. a. SUMMER RATES VIA SUNSET ROUTE Selling June 1st to Sept. 30th. Limit Oct. 31st Unlimited Stopovers Double Daily Train Service STANDARD SLEEPERS TOURIST SLEEPERS DINING CARS OBSERVATION CARS OIL BURNING LOCOMOTIVES CITY TICKET OFFICE ST. REGIS 0 J. E. MONROE, C. T. A. W k9tem Try The Herald Want Ads i