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EL PASO HERALD 18 Saturday, July 15, 1911. 1 r iWKtr JHHKi N. V ' 23??i JBSKw s) -'s s iilwNo tne they All for All for All en's Boys' and Children's Oxfords and Pumps Sacrificed All $3.00 Misses', Oxfords or Pumps (Q GtZ A $1.50 Boys' or Misses' Oxfords or Ai Qg for , P6eOO Pumps "... T. pl00 All $2.50 Boys' or "Misses' Oxfords or dn nn All $1.25 Children's Oxfords. Pumps or Ai ia Pumps npdtodiAJ Barefoot Sandals - P JL ! U All $2.00 BoysV oriBsses' Oxfords or d -I ,yg All. $1.00 Children's Oxfords, Pumps or nA Pumps jW.r..i.. ...Vii O Barefoot Sandals '.."....' 5UC T ?si - Children's Oxfords, Pumps-or- - f f - - ji Barefoot Sandals OUO ' ; These prices are. given as an example, but they comprise just a small part of ojir immense assortment. Raus t24T"4Srr- Shoe Mit e J4444yi4i4J 'EVw r ru? Jtll y Hfffrr- &. - $ x : o $ & CHURCH AFFAIRS. .J r o f. . ; .. ; i . The St. Clement's Sewing circle held a meeting on "Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. P. Pickens, when the following members were present: 3IejdamesC;jCjrwsJ J;Lu JEdwards. 2zrT3racCalIuinf B. FrJOarBysriireT 3L Turner. George Rutledge, George Blish. R. E. Carrington. G. H. aiengel, A. EL Butler, F. W. Seward, 31 "W. General Packing, Storing and Forwarding Business of Crockery, Bric-a-Brac and Merchandise. 3?reight rates and all other information cheerfully fur nished. "NO TROUBLE TO CALL" "Warehouse .First and Ochoa Sts. Both Phones. C. W.GEIGER Carloads or Single Pieces lma&m&mmammmmmmKmmmaimmammKammMmmmMB .Er The fct Jp Walk-Over Shoe m mt Will continue for only one more k m week as all the summer shoes are lB Hi moving rapidly at the BARGAIN B Hi PRICE they are offered. IB Ik WALK-OVER M H Boot Shop jflw Kk214 San Antonio jdjf Do Summer Shoes Flying Away Raus Mit' Em Shoe Sale Does It The. Guarantee Raus Mit 'Em Shoe Sales have always met with ready response from the public, because the people learned to have the utmost confidence in the statements of The Guarantee, as they never misrepresent. It is on these lines that they built up the biggest shoe business in ooumwesi; ana oy giving offer. All Men's and Women's Oxfords and Pumps Sacrificed $6.00 lien's Oxfords $5.00 Men's Oxfoads $4.00 Men's and Worn Oxfords or Pumps.... All en's All en's t&OeO $4.25 $3.45 All en's GREATER EL &S03 - MmA, i,ir,-T-ri--irTr 203 Mesa Avenue Freeman, BT. F. Griffith. J. W. Davis, R. T. Anderson, H. F. Revnaud, W h' Pomeroy, E. F. J. McCarthy, J p Barnes, W. P. Stiles, W. H. Bragaw Misses Fannie Wood, Kate Adame, Es sie Darbyshire. Bess' Pickens, Annie Harper. The next meeting of the circle will be held at the home of Miss Fannie "Wbod, -502 North Oregon street . The Epworth league social which was to have been given. Thursday evening by the young people of the First M. E. church, was postponed on account of the inclement weather. An indoor picnic will be given by the women of Trinity M. E. church on Tuesday evening, in the basement of the church, complimentary to their hus bands and the board of stewards. The picnic supper will be served at 7 oclock, and a musical and literary program will be given later in the evening. Returning: El Pasoaas Many El Paso people wno have been away, for the summer have returned. Hardly a day now passes that someones does not come in and tell us how glad they are to be home again and be able to get the delicious drinks we serve. Scott White & Co., Mills Building. Elite Toilet Preparations for sale only by us. Elite Parlora, 216 Texas Street. "Coolest Soda PmtIot in El Paso. McCullougU's, opposite postoffice. Smooth as velvet, delicious and Wholesome. Smith's Pure Ice Cream. Potter's name on a box of candy spells Quality in "big letters. Made fresh every day, snoe - buyers exactly wnax , . $3.50 Men's and Worn Oxfords or Pumps.... $3.00 Men's and Worn Oxfords or Pumps $2.95 $2.65 $2.50 Men's and Worn and Worn- rf i Q g Pumps W 0 Oxfords or , Bar & : c? ; : : . . A " "WEDDINGS. A . .; .; , ,:. ,j. Tuesday morning, at 9:30 oclock, at the parsonage of the First Presbyterian church, Miss Isabel Prout and M. G. Kirkpatrick were married by Rev. C. Li. Overstreet. The bride Is from Denver, Colo., and the groom is a mining man of Arizona, where they will live. Harold Cambridge, and Miss Blanche Harrison, both of Newminster, British Columbia, were united in marriage Tuesday afternoon at 3 oclock, at the parsonage of the First M. E. church, by Rev. Bernard Glbbs. The groom -is a mining man of Arizona. v t Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sprin'z have an nounced the engagement of their daughter, Pauline Claire Sprlz, to Mor gan L. Grossman, of New "ork. Miss Sprinz has been assistant musical supervisor in the city schools for the past year, and has been studying mu sic in New Tork during the summer. She has also sung in the choir of a number of the largest churches In New York, and has been closely Identified with the musical life of El Paso. Mr. Grossman is a shoe manufacturer of New Tork. The weddiner will occtlr in September and they will make thelrj home In New York. L. C. Ross, of the Thiel detective agency of this city, was married on "Wednesday, at Metcalf, Ariz., to Miss Josephine Stevens. The wedding was held at the home of the bride. The cou ple Is now stopping at the Hotel St. Regis, in this city. Mr. and Mrs. A. Stolnroff announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary, to H. Hy man, of Waco, Tex. The date of the wedding will be announced later. The bride is a graduate of the El Paso High school of the class of 1909, and of the Southwest Texas Normal class of 1910, and is now engaged in teaching in the El Paso public schools. She has been prominent In musicai circles in El Paso and has resided in this city since her first year. The groom, who is a native of Waso, Is a prominent young business man of that city, being connected with the Na tional Compress company, whose main office is located In that city. Candles Must lKok Good and taste good to be an acceptable gift. Potter's candies do both and do it in stintless measure. Need glasses? Ask Segall. Next door. The 'Home of distlllec, soda waters. McCulloush's opposite postoffice. Pure Peach Ice Cream made from firm ripe peaches and pure sweet cream. Phone your orders early. Smith Ice Cream company. Need glasses? Ask Segall. Next door. The Store that has raised the stand ard of El Paso's confectioners. McCuIIough's, opposite postoffice. Need glasses? Ask Segall. Next door, j z 2 2 J j ; ! 3; PARTIES. : $ . : A birthday 'surprise was tendered Charlie Little Wednes'day evening by his little friend, Miss Mabel Grayson, at her -home on North Kansas street The house was very prettily deco rated 4n pink and white. Ices, cake and punch were served throughout the' evening, In which the color scheme was also carried out. Little Miss Dot Grayson entertained the merry party with her singing and dancing. Music and games followed. Those present were: Misses May Harries, Annie Lewis,, Matilda Tom linson; Messrs. Jim Le Grose, Guy Gil lespie, Wilbur Boegeman and Henry Lusk. ... Miss Lauramaud Fink entertained very charmingly Friday afternoon in celebration of the 16th, birthday anni versary of her sister. Miss Clara Fink. Five hundred formed the enjoyable diversion of the afternoon, in which the first prize, dainty silk hosiery, was won by Miss Beulah Brown. American beauty roses in cut glass vases were distributed about the apartments. After the games delightful refresh ments were served. Miss Glen Adams and Mrs. Arthur Norton Harris assist ing the hostess in entertaining and serving. Those enjoying the occasion "were: Misses Marian Young, Edith Perrenot, Awtrey Kransse, Beulah Brown, Stella Brick, Blanche Davis, .Hazel Davis, Eleanor Eupank, Alleen Moore, Estelle Berrien, Frances Jenkins, Alice Myle3, Starro Smith, Opal Hadlock, Ruby Had lock, Mary Nations, Hilda Sauer, Vir ginia Stewart, Emily Kemp, Glen Adams, Mrs. Arthur Norton Harris. A delightful afternoon party was given by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Good man, at their home, 14S Noble street, in honor of the second anniversary of their daughter Rutle's birth. Many presents were received by the young miss and the afternoon was spent playing games, which were followed by refreshments. Those present were: Mesdames Sam Goodman, Jacob Goodman, A. Jaffe, Jaffe and baby, Herman Bloch, Landa and baby, Joe Bromberg, Simon Stark, S. Herskowitz, Rosenberg, Buchoz; Misses Higgen, Wise, Goodman, Levy, Helen Goodman, Rose Goodman, Isidor Goodman, Ruth Goodman, Annie Good man, Aron -Goodman, Annie Snyder, Manuel Jaffe, Ruth Jaffe, Leon Jaffe, Dorothy Landa, Dorothy Coltman, . Bertha Stark, Emma. Stark, Teresa Herskowitz, .Norma HersKowitz, uavia Bromberg, Annie Bromberg, John Mor rison, Josephine Albrals. The many friends of Mrs. Julia Cald well tendered her a most delightful surprise Friday evening, the occasion being the anniversary of her h'rth. The house was attractively decorated throughout. fi Mrs. Caldwell was persuaded to spend the day away from home, and upon her return she found the house brilliantly lighted and filled with guests. In the decorations cut flowers and ferns were used. The evening was pleasantly spent in various games and playing cards, at the conclusion of which dainty refreshments were served. A central table held an im mense birthday cake, beautifully deco rated In white and silver, and holding candles, which were blown out bv the guests as they made a wish for many, many happy returns of the occasion. Siany beautiful presents were re ceived by the honor guest, among which was a handsome leather chair. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fassett, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Warnock, Mr. and Mrs. J. Meuttman, Mr. and Mrs. James Ronan, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Ma lonev. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cafey, Mr. and Mrs. W. Truesdell, Mr. and Mrs. T. Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. D. Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. T. German, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sweeney, Going Away? so, you should read carefully these few sug gestions and see if you have overlooked anything. Girls Don't wear your old jew elry with your new gowns. What will the other girls think? YOU'LL FIND THAT WOMEN WHO "KNOW WHAT'S WHAT" are wearing La Vallieres this summer at the shore and the mountains. A piece of jewelry of this distinctive sort marks the woman of fashion and taste. You should also have some "beauty fixers" in the latest toilet accessories. t Mr. and Mrs. P. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Barry, Mr. and Mrs. T. McCarthy, Mrs. Gertrude Rutherford, Mrs. Ruiz, Mrs. Werner, Mr.s. Savage, Mrs. MaryiMc Clennon, Mrs. H. LuethjT, Mrs. T. Hert nan, Mrs. H. Spellman, Mrs. M. Mor gan, Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. A. Mills, Mrs. Phelan, Mrs. W. Hemple, Mrs. Garvey, Mrs. Gallagher, Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Prince, Mrs. P. O'Meara, Mrs. H. Crow ley, Mrs. O. McSweeney, Mrs. D. Lane, Mrs. M L. Quenel. Mrs. J. Gemoets, Misses Annie Grady, Mary ana Mar garet 'Lawler, Frank Cair. Miss Kittie Berckell entertained very delightfully Thursday evening in cele bration of the 16th anniversary of her birth. The decoartions were effectively carried out In Japanese motif, and the young women of the party wore Ja panese costumes. Red was the color effect emphasized in the dainty refreshments. The host ess was assisted, in entertaining by Mrs. H. Stanley and Miss Guheen. The guests included: Miss Lillian Booth, Donna Truesdell, Grace Gray, "Virginia Ryan, Katherine Fitzgerald, Winnie Fitzgerald, Anna Staudt, Mag gie Cotter, Ethel Gorman, Eleanor Ro nan: Messrs. James Mills. Harry Town- send, James Gorman, Will Moellch, Ed! O'Brien, Jess Counts, Connie Mulcahy, j Joe Smith, Brown Paschal, JacK dor ian, John Pasohal. Frank Durrack, Franklin, Tracey, Stanley. ' O Eli FASOAJTS RETURNING. Mr. and Mrs. David 5. Baldwin and children came down from Tularosa Thursday, where they have been two months, Mrs. Baldwin and children went on to New Orleans for the remainder of the summer. Mrs. C. J. 'Maple has returned from a visit In Milwaukee and Chicago. Dr. J. B. Vance returned. Saturday from a trip through the east, which included several weeks spent at his old home in Louisville, Ky. --- Mrs. J. H. Ewln came home the first of the week from Cfoudcrof t, where she was the guest of Mrs. J. D. Love. 4 Mrs. George Brunner and b'aby are at home after a delightful visit with the former's mother, Mrs. Grant Austin Bush, at Ancho, N. M. Mrs. and Mrs. Ralph Dlmmltt return ed Thursday from a month's stay at Cloudcroft. Mrs. J. D. Love is down from Cloud croft for a few days' stay in the city. Mrs. Charles DeGroff and niece, Miss Jennie Propst, came home Wednesday from a pleasant visit at Cloudcroft- e Mrs. J. Stolaroff returned Thursday day from a few weeks' stay at "Cloud croft. Mrs. Frances A. Robles Is at home after a visit with her, daughter, Mrs. L. M. Breck at Cloudcroft. "" Mrs. Minton Hayes has returned from a four months' trip through the east, which Included hlladelphia. New York and Boston. Mrs. W. L. Gaines has returned from a month's stay In Cloudcroft, and Mr. Gaines is back from a trip to Kansas City. -v, Mrs. WKlliam T Owen and baby son have returned from two months visit with relatives in east Texas. Unless you've tried Smith's you've never eaten really good ice cream. Pure fruit iflavors and thick, rich cream, that's what make Smith's so good. Smooth as velvet, delicious and wholesome. Smith's Pure Ice Cream. Dear Sir You will be wise if you take a cheap watch with you on your vacation. Take your fine one too, if you are go ing to a fashionable place; but the cheap one will save the fine one. if you go sailing or fishing or hunting, or ir you play tennis or knock about much in any iway. "An ounce of prevention," etc We have watches from one dollar to eight dollars that will do to knock around with. And then while you are away is a good time for us to make these necessary repairs on your watch, clock or any other articles of jewelry which may he broken. SEE WINDOW NO. 2 M A 1I,WW ra Jewelen rfwrr&uxL jyu&tmtM5&i& vttsStsv t OUT OF TOWN VISITORS. ? 4' Mrs. G. W. Beardsley. who has been the guest -for several weeks of her niece, Mrs. James Ridge, has returned to her home in Houston. En route from a tour of the north west to his. home in Barstow, Tex., Charles Black was the guest of his cousin, J. N. Harris, for a few days this week. m Mrs. T. J. McFarland and daughter, Miss Belle McFarland, who have spent two months here visiting the former's daughter, Mrs. Thompson Grace, left recently for their home In Port La vaca, Tex. After an all winter visit In the city Miss SadieCotton will leave next week for her home in Montgomery, Ala. e Mrs. Grant Austin Bush, of Ancho, N. M arrived Friday morning to visit her daughter, Mrs. George Brunner, and will spend six weeks here. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Morrell, of Alex andria, La., who were recently mar ried here, will soon leave for their home in Alexandria, While here they were the guests of the latters cousin, Mrs. A. H. Butler. Mrs. Henry Pfaff has her guests her parents, Col. and Mrs. James Beaumont, of Victoria, Tex. Miss Lucia Dwyer. of Mexico City, is the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dwyer, and will spend several weeks here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyers and Mrs. and Mrs. William Leffler, of Deming, N. M., have been in the city the past 'week on a shopping expedition. . Mr;, and Mrs. Lldauer, of Albuquer que, came to El Paso Thursday to make this city their future home. Mrs. W. H. Aldrldge returned to her home in Beaumont, Thursday, after a visit in El Paso. Miss Vera, Mundy, of Houston, is spending a few days In El Paso as the guest of Miss Lillie Mae Clark. Mrs. William T. Owen has as her guest, her brother, Jerome Dale, of St. Louis, who will spend several weeks here. ABOUT EL PASOANS. 4 The many friends of Mrs. A. P. Coles ' will be pleased to know that she is rapidly regaining her health. Mr. and Mrs. Coles have left Chicago and are now at Fisher's Island, near New Lon don. Mrs. C. B. Elfore, who was operated j on at a local hospital for appendicitis, j has returned to her home in Tucumcarl A box of Potter's candles is always appreciated, because Potter's name slg1- J miles the best In candy making. , Pure Peack Ice Cream made from firm ripe peaches and pure sweet cream. Phone your orders early. Smith Ice Cream company. Dainty drinks In dainty silverware. daintily served. McCullonsh's, opposite postoffice. Potter's candles are made fresh every , day, and are pure, wholesome and de llcious. i Unless you've tried Smith's you've never eaten really good Ice cream. Pure fruit flavors .and thick, rich cream, that's what make Smith's so good. For Pleasure Or For Pain If your wife gets car-sick, she'll want a silver flask '(and it3 contents) when you start on your vaca tion, and you'll want it when you meet a friend on the train. There's a good deal of joy can be got out of a silver flask in vacation time. Our stock is complete. Herald Bldg. Opticians j "j j j j j J t C f $ ' -' THE COUNTRY CLUB. . j j j j p x I 5 "5 The following program, wlll'be ren dered at the Country club on Sunday, "July 16, from 6 j. m. to 9 p. m., by the 23rd infantry orchestral March Arlon Carnival Fausi Overture Fairy Tales Kerssen L'Ermiti t. Gruenwald Selection? The Gipsy Baron Strausa Pllgram Chorus from Lombard! Verdi Mannele Portuguese Reitez Selection Dolly Varden Edwards Wild Flowers Isenman The Husking Bee ......... .....Armand Selection SaiL Pasha StahJ Tho SlepnlniT "Rpmitv TnharM Jovltta .:-.-. Arniand Medley Blaze Away r. Smith Hungarian Dances 5 and $.... .Brahm Selection Nadjy Chassafgnt March Old Faithful Holzmann The usual week end dance will take place this evening at the Country club. New UriHks daily at 3fcCKilHicV Millinery The Swellest Hair Braid French flowers and materials worth up to $15.00. Choice. Latest Rage "La Suanne" The new French Capr trimmed in lace and embroidery. For morning, afternoon and even ing wear. Special $1.75, $1.95, $2.95 and $4.95 The Wash Rag" Hat In Linen, Russian. Crash, Eye let Embroidery. Duck, etc Special $1.25, $1.95 $2.95, $3.95 arid $4.95 Lingerie Hats Made of dainty embroidery and laces. Special $4.95 to $12.50 Light Weight Felt Hats For between season and early Fall wear. Colors are white, champagne and pearl grey. Special $1.95 to $6.95 We Claim Without fear of con tradiction that we are the only millinery house in El Paso of fering new goods only. We carry nothing over from early season and ask less for brand new crisp millinery than you have to pay for shopworn and left over goods elsewhere. MMHHHM ll I In Nothing I But New I Mid- I Summer I $4.95 I m wfamtifSi ,