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Saturday, July 15, 1911. 19 tl (l .- fcl W . . Z l?Bo! MILL AONT roaft mu SCAi worm I -ill SF7 Z !HiiiiiiiiBiiiiliBig wirx $N MM j ,,,!,, nil i' ' ill iHMUMlli"! in iimnni in oo" "J&FtUul feWWttge33BTwe7nen Sv2& & N?rWf? ummmmi H 7 t -C LJ .3 i 0kO fcfcTv. "x. i fB BMEIh IHKRMh W sJfh mmmmmmz LjIL O 1 I I I I - IIRII wmrifftrA 1 11 1 ill n i ' i s IsfT...... TtxAiiciimrAPilLLD BjER-AjL. Ik vS A Ota est m. Tk t rJ X' A V?9 T THE tor the retail stores unautiiorizea 10 conaiicb ij.m; jcieiiiiiaiiu ecuc& tu juxuuctoc mis -Luagjucuxc iuiuc, wic jLucuajjLuy u wie jjxiuc oi one mih x.t:iiiicu-iL& is su sniKtug ana so pro nounced when compared with prices in the usual way, that the lesson of wisdom taught is this: If you come to the "Mill Remnant Sale" yoii make money, -if you stay away V -vou lose. Come and see with your own eyes, you need not buy unless you are interested. TKe great "Mill Remnant n display in our store," put up unde the direction of Mr. W. T. Emory, is alone worth coming miles to see. ' zbm&mmmKmmmmammmmmmmmmamammmmmmammmHmmBmmmasm ,...- - hmm imbj A LITTLE OF OUR ICE CREAM 1 1 iff 'Ml W'm l fi fjOrOthy fjtX On Nature Studies THE CONSIDER the PJgt my daughter, learn of Its "ways and grow wise. Consider that no one loveth or esteemeth the Pig until it Is dead, and let this teach thee so to conduct thyself that all the flowers wilt not be saved for thy funeral, but thou shalt have bouquets handed to thee even in this life. Peradventure thou thlnkest that all Swine are of the masculine persuasion, but in that thou errest. There be fe male Swiis whose pwinishness excel leth even that of the subway Hog, for, verily, great are the wonders of nature and the Impossible ofttimes cometh to pass. Observe, my daughter, that much in dulgence at the food trough hath given embonpoint to the Pig's figure, so that It waddleth when it walketh, and no man deslreth It for a pet. Xet this be even as a red lamp of warning unto thy feet, to teach thee to pass up the suc culent lobster and the toothsome rare- bit, and eke the chocolate cream and the cake that melteth in the mouth, for no man loveth a fat woman, nor yearneth to cuddle her under thd chin If so be she hath three chins. Hather shalt thou draw thy hunger belt in another notch, and nibble upon a cracker and a glass of cold water than to eat thy fill of terrapin and champagne, for great is the reward of the maiden who is straight-fronted and slim. Many shall sing her praises and seek to be seen out with her. and she shall have dance partners to burn, whereas S5 n NEW-BEDFORD &FALL RIVER MILLS nd-mohaWK-VALLEY 8c UTICA- MILLS SMORYSffEMNANTS -FftOM -THESE -MILLS 'WfiECT -TO OW?- CUSTOMERS. 0' jpp-- 0 li?Wikf& tSS&Sfe V tfJ' MOST START AT THE is never enough. It tastes like "more" all the time. And unlike many other things you can eat all of I our ice cream you want to. It is so pure and whole some, made under such cleanly conditions that no quantity eaten can harm. Try some and note its excellence. 6MiTH ICE CREAM CO. .BELL- SIS AUTOim PIG the foolish virgin who hath the shape of a prize Berkshire shall paper the wall, and no man shalt have the cour age to ask her to tread a measure with him. "Without doubt, my daughter, there be worse things that canst be said against a .maiden's character than that she Is fat, but there is -no other thing that so giveth her the double cross in mat rimony. Better were it for her to have broken all the Ten Commandments than to tilt the scale at 180 pounds. Take note, my daughter, that the farmer hath only to give thevflrst call to dinner in the dining car, when all the pigs come running, liet this warn thee to be not too eager to accept ev ery time a man hinteth at eats to thee, lest he should suspect thee of being sister to the swine. Be not like one of those greedy damsels with a continuous perform ance appetite, who canst not pass a swell restaurant without spreading their nets to lure some unwary man therein. Behold, such a maiden, when she hath taken her seat at a table, doth draw off her gloves and say sweetly: "Really, I have only just had dinner and can partake of only a bite, so I will have only a little consomme and, a trifle of fish meunnlere, and a bird, with a bit of salad and cheese, and a cafe parfait, and with it give me to drink, I pray thee, the wealthy water that flzzeth in the glass." And the while she speaketh, the waiter smileth with glee, and the man MB PifffnU fiiflrn VftrLU 1 ' v "" J " i ) ffB HfHl r sheddeth cold perspiration while he at tempteth to count the scads in his pocket, and wondereth whether the bill that he feeleth with his fingers Is a one spot or a gold certificate. "" An the maiden patteth herself on the back while she gorgeth herself upon the fat of the land, and thipketh that she hath struck an easj-mark; but, verily, she mistaketh greatly, for unto himself the man speaketh, and thus he communeth with his own soul: "Not for muh, he sayeth, "for if she eateth everything on the menu from soup to nuts when she hath no appetite, What shaH she do when she Is hun gry? Kind Heaven forbid that I should ever stand ior such an one's board bill!" ' And forthwith the man goeth his way and seeketh out a maiden who feeleth that she hath indulged in an orgy when she hath had a plate of ice cream at the soda fountain. For when a man spend er n nis money for food, yea for much rich food, he deslreth to eat thereof himself, and he consldereth It to be wasted upon a woman. Observe also, my daughter, that when one speaketh to a pig It only grunteth .in reply. "Wherefore it cuts no ice in society. Let this teach thee, my daughter, not to grunt when people speak to thee.j uui uu lhwu answer mem at random. Have whatever other faults thou pleas eth so that thou are responsive. When thou goest abroad, sit not up like a graven image, and force not those that seek to conrerse with thee to pull a word out of thee, even as with a corkscrew. Above all, when thou marrlest, vex not thy husband by hearkening not to his word3, and re plying not to them, so that when he shall say to thee, "If president Taft had asked my opinion, I could have pre vented him from making- mistakes,", or, "I told Smlthkins months ago what "the market would do, for, verily I am a wise man and a seventh son of a sev enth son," thou shalt not say unto him, "I apprehend that sleeves will be worn larger this fall." For lo, the woman who grunteth when her husband speaketh to her, and who Showeth by her reply that she listeneth not to him, wiltf get upon his nerves, and her will he forsake and hike unto a discreet woman who will wag her tongue with flattery, and who will sit at his feet and drink in his words as If an oracle had spoken. Be not like unto those lady swine who spread their skirts In the street car, and take up the room of two while others hang on to the straps. sAnd spread not thy bundles so that every one who walketh up the car aisle stumbleth over them and barketh his shins. Nor shalt thou bloc"v up the doorway In the theater whilst thou holdest a conversation with thy friend about thy handmaiden and thy offsprings, and the scandal about thj' neighbor across the way. Neither shalt thou sees tc ino- 4HBBBBBH 1 nfcri EMINE BBSS m : I "HE FAMOUS MmJP FOR-T IPIS..tZW frEm SI Si ofosL, o NT IN DRY GOODS ANNALS ffOAVE OF LOW TK1C&&" wl6 & 18 EOyerland &r , V OCI fe TV03IEN'S ORGANIZATIONS The Slaakspere Reading club will meet next Monday at the home of Mrs. W. H. Williamson. Much interest Is being shown in the parliamentary law class of the Wom an's ;lub, which meets each Wednesday during the summer at the home of the president, Mrs. S. J. FennelL An ehioyable social occurrence of the week, w'as the meeting of the Silent Twelve club held on Thursday at the home of Mrs. E. M. Fraser. The decorative scheme was attrac tively developed with quantities of sun flowers which adorned the different j apartments, and were also in the center of each of the refreshment, tables. The club prize, a, Handsome embroid ered sofa pillow, bearing the club name, was won by Mrs. Vardy Puckett, and the guest prize, ,a pretty receipt book embrldered. went to Mrs. J. E. "Winner Mrs. W. E. Clark received the consola tion prize, a dainty sun flower hair receiver. The refreshments were served In paper plates formed Into sun , flower shape, and each guest was presented with a sun flower as a souvenir of the afternoon. Club members present were: Mrs. E. F. Croom, Mrs. Barbee, Mrs. Cha3. Fraser, Mrs. Vardy Tuckett, -Mrs. James Ridge, Mrs. J. D. Berry, Mrs. W. E. Clark. The. guests of the afternoon were: Mrs. Ed ward YInger, Mrs. Moffett, Mrs. A. J. Fraser. Mrs. J. E. Winner. Mrs. Mc Cummen, Miss Marguerite Hal, Miss Byra Abbott. nopolize the bargain counter, nor. make the weary damsel In the hat depart ment try on thee 57 different confec tions, when thou hadst no Intention of purchasing even a paper of pins. Behold, many of thy sisters do these things, thereby causing others to curso and blaspheme, and to take to strong drink. , For consider, my daughter, that the pig is not a lovelj' creature, and of all women none hath so little charm and attraction as she who resembleth it in being greedy, and selfish, and fat. Thus from this humble animal mav- est thou learn many valuable lessons. I jilllliliH ffl . t ,? ; j j EL PASOANS ATVAT. : : : : : : Mrs. TV. H. Kinnon and mother, Mrs. M. H. Kellogg and daughter, Miss Mar garet Kinnon, left this morning for Tezuitlan, Mexico, where they will re main all summer. ' ' The Misses Kqtherlne and Alice Flynn will leave the first of the week for, Topeka. K&ns., and Denver Colo., and will be absent until September. Miss Dixie Fassett Is spending the summer in Baltimore, visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Joseph Healy. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Meyer will leave the latter part of next week for X.os Angeles, to be absent all summer. a a Miss Blanche Hall is sojourning in California and will spend the rest of the summer there. a Miss Isabel Kelly left recently for Mexico City, where she will spend the summer visiting her brother. ' a a Miss Elizabeth Bryant, daughter of day sergeant, Ed Bryant, of the police force, left Friday morning over the Santa Fe for a month's visit In Las Cruces. urn Miss JimmieBrooks left Thursday night for a visit to her father's ranch In New Mexico. mam P. Bohn has gone to California to spend a short vacation. Mrs. W. H. Burges will soon leave for Long Beach, Cal., to spend a month. Miss Lucille Smith, who has been visiting at Moberly, Mo., for some time, will soon go to Minneapolis, Minn., for the remainder of the summer. Mr. and Mrs.. T. M. "Wingo will go up to Cloudcroft August 3 for a month's stay. Mrs. A H. "Winter Is spending the summer in Los Angeles, and will be absent until September 1. Miss Marguerite Hale Is sojourning MONDAY MORNING A. Camozze. Camozze Ice Cream Co, WHOLESALE and RETAIL Pure Ice .Cream, Sherbets and Ices. Place your orders early for your Sun day dinner and see how well we can serve you. Bell Phone 296. Furniture? Young's Sell It For Less! Because We Are Not la tie Higa Rest Dkirkt Do You Want to Sleep Out ? If you do, come to this store and sret an outfit -fvvr si ppt. i ing on the porch. Look at wees:: Steel Sanitary Couch An j- with supports tPO.OU Young's EI Paso 307 S. EI Paso Si. at Hermosa Beach, California, and later In the season will go to Portland, re turning: home in the fall by way of Denver and Yellowstone Park.N. . Dr. C. P. Brown will leave Honday on an extensive eastern trip, embrac ing Memphis, Nashville, Louisville, Ky., Cincinnati. Chicago and Rochester, n! 7. He will be absent about six weeks, EL PASCALS GO TO MOUNTAIN EESORT Cloudcroft. N. M., Jul 15. Mrs. Van C. Wilson has returned to El Paso, after spending: several weeks as the guest o fMrs. J. G. McNary, at Mountain Park. When Mrs. Wilson came to Crf -trl rN -l7, J if i . r.t til i MWK x?4zijUh OHiff 9 ,lri- W Tfi 4Cy tn ' .ettaS1 . 1 -v .J.. s- 1 ISKfi' kour t -j z: i cs; ora -AVA N F. Woodson. Ato 12S7. these special prices for one Full size Iron-Bed with &a C f steel coil spring p4.0U Furniture Co. Bell ?h(Mt 835-L Mountain Park her baby was very sick, but is now in perfect health. Among the new arrivals in Cloud croft are W. G. Dunne. W. B. Latta, J. F. Williams. Frank Coles anfl .T a iHapper. NKegstered at the Lodge: P. Thomp son Chicago, 111-.; C. J. Allen, El Paso; J. D. Soper, Chicago; W. H. March. El Paso; B A. Croxton, New York; John Anderson Airs Ar X TVrliriit "CT Tnm- J V. E. Mehdenbell, Chicago; Mr. and jars, uustave zork, Chihuahua, Mex.; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Robert. New York; E. H. Logett. El Paso; E. F. Peel. Den ver, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. David Daly, Houston, Texas; Mrs. Harry T. Cochran and son, Belton. Mutt and Jeff axe with us. Another appearance today era Classified nae- ' Every day in The Herald hereafter