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s Yba Can 't Afford to Miss the Clean Sweep Bargains More Wee yh f'-5-TBQfefBt;Ml j ,Pt HHB'' TMmJ6'htJ''y0z3 J TfHE first week of the Clean Sweep Sale has resulted in I the distribution of the biggest volume and biggest values in ready-to-wear of any sale that ever occurred anrl in mamr rpc nit irw ?hll rUpnprv Yon iiist simnlv can't afford to miss the Clean Sweep Sale We again repeat that Clean Sweep Sales are held for the sole purpose of forcing present styles out of the store. No special purchases are made just to create a sale. Clean Sweep Sale of Wash Dresses 3?or the second week of Clean Sweep Sale we,, have re-arranged the special lots of wash dresses and have moved prices still lower down. We remind you again tha every Trash dress in stock is included in this sale, embracing lawns, ginghams, percales, dimities, tissues, -white lingeries, cotton , voiles and marquisettes, in sizes for both women and misses. Xote the 6 lots below and also do not fail to read the special lots at $9,95, 19.65 and $y.&v. DRESSES HST VALUES TO $2.95 AT $1.39 DRESSES W VALUES TO $5.00 AT...,,. $2.89 DRESSES IN VALUES TO $6.75 AT $3.89 Extra! $50 Dresses $19.65 Extra! $125 Dresses $49.50 DRESSEJS IW VALUES TO $10.00 AT.... $5.95 DRESSES Hf VALUES TO $12.50 AT $6.85 DRESSES Iff VALUES TO $1 5.00 J&.... $7.85 15(K dresses, no two alike. Silk messalines, crepe de chenes, foulards, pongees, linens, hand embroi dered linens, marquisettes, chiffons, white lin; geries and voiles. Low and high necked styles are included. Some of our handsomest dresses ape in this special Values are up to ?50.00; Extra Clean Sweep Special next dj Q CEJ There are about 50 garments in iihis group and they are our highest grade imported garments. They consist of hand embroidered linen suits, white lingerie dresses, ,marquisette dresses and hand embroidered chiffons. Most of the dresses are intended for evening wear, but some are suit ahle "for. the street. Values from &Q CA $37.50 to $1255 Clean Sweep price pT7 .QU Extra! $25.00 Dresses $9.95 For this ExtraSpecial to have selected 100 handsome dresses. They are foulards, pongees, linens, lin geries, challis and nets. Values represented are up to $25.00; Extra Special rtQ QP nexteek - p27Q Sale of Waists We continue the coming week to offer our whole stock of -waists at Clean Sweep prices. On many of 4he lots we have reduced prices still further. Besides lawns, marquisettes, linens, etc, all silk nvaists are included in this sale. The famous "Forsyth" style tailored (waists are also included. You really cannot afford not to take advantage of Clean Sweep prices the coming week on stylish waists. -' &L25 waists for 69c $1.75 waists for .- f JL....'$1.29 $2.50 waists for I $1.95 $3.75 waists for .$2.95 Waist values to $6.75 for.. .$3.49 Waist; values to $7.50 for $4.85 Waist values to $10.00 for $6.85" Higher priced -waists also reduced. Sale Wash Skirts All wash skirts are now offered at Clean Sweep prices. Repps, linenes and pure linens, in white, natural and "colors. At least one new wash skirt should be added to your wardrobe next week while Clean Sweep savings prevail. $1.75 SKIRTS FOR 98c $2.50 SKIRTS FOR $1.69 VALUES TO $3.75 FOR $2.85 Fine Hosiery Extra! Monday Only $1.50 Silk Hose 73c . Black silk hose, handsomely embroidered, about half a dozen different patterns. This hosiery has lisle foot and garter top and is nvorth fl.50 per pair; Clean Sweep Exra Special for w Monday only at; OC (Limit 3 pairs) 50c Hose 3 Pair for $1.00 Black and tan lisle thread hose, embroidered in white, pink and blue, also some self embroidered. There are about 10 designs to choose from, and this is regular 50c hosiery; Clean Sweep Special vae coming weei a pairs tor Extra! $7.50 Silk Kimonos $389 A limited number of full length Japanese silk kimonos, in a varied showing ofcolors and de signs, values up to $7.Q; Extra dQ Q Special (limit one) Monday yO Ot Extra! Monday Only 10c Handkerchiefs 50c Dozen Hemstitched crossbar handkerchiefs, also some pure linen and some initialed handkerchiefs, they're the kind we sell regularly for 10c each; Clean Sweep Extra Special Monday only, Kfl per dozen. (Limit one dozen) PU Extra! Monday $1.50 Veils 79c . e Hemstitched chiffon veils, one yard iby two yards, all colors, this is a regular $1.50 veil; Special "7Q Monday only at - 2 C Extra! $5 Silk Petticoats $1.87 Just 50 black messaline petticoats, 3 different styles are offered, these are regular ?5.00 garments; Extra Special d Qf Monday, while they laart C. P A 4 (Limit) GUARANTEED SILK PETTICOA TS Taffeta petticoats, fully guaranteed for 3 months, come in all colors, including black and white, regular $6.75 gar- rfQ QC ments; Extra Clean Sweep Special OetU (We also include in the above special messaline and Jersey top petticoats.) WATCH THE WINDOWS sflHH Greater Reductions on Tailored Suits The coming week we reduce prices still lower on tailored suits. The past week has disposed of many suits and only a limited number is left for next week. The majority are plainly tailored, so appropriate for traveling. There are also some white serge suits. Come Monday to vtake advantage of these reductions. 'VALUES TO $1950 FOR $ 9.95 VALUES TO $34.50 FOR $19.85 VALUES TO $25J FOR $15.75 VALUES TO $42.50 FOR $23.85 Clean Sweep Sale of Linen and Silk Coats Full length coats, for traveling, automobiling and general street wear, are offered the coming week at the most attractive prices of the season. linens, repps, pongees, including imitation pongees and taffetas, including black taffetas ,will be on sale in 6 lots, as follows r Values to $ 6.00; Clean Sweep price $3.95 Values to $12.50; Clean Sweep price $7.95 Values to $ 8.75; Clean Sweep price $4.85 Values to $14.50; Clean Sweep price $8.95 Values to $10.00; Clean Sweep price $5.95 Values to $17.50; Clean Sweep Price $.85 Saleof Linen Suits Sale of Cloth Skirts In addition to general Clean Sweep reductions on our entire stock of cloth skirts, we offer for next veek two remarkable Sxtra Specials, as follows: Skirts in values to $10.00 for $4.89 Skirts in values to $15.00 for $7.95 While our entire stock of linen suits Is now of fered at radical Clean Sweep reductions, we de sire today to call attention to two Extra Specials, each embracing but a limited number of Kuits. These are pure linen, some plain tailored, other3 trimmed with heavy lace. Come in white, old rose, pint, blue, lavender, gray and naturaL As the number of garments is limited in each case, you had better not delay longer than Monday in taking advantage of these remarkahle Clean Sweep values. Suits in values to $15.00 for $4.95 Suits in values to $25.00 for $7.95 These two specials comprise summer weight pa namas, white serges and French suitings, also black voiles and black pauamas. Misses sizes are offered in addition to regular and oat sizes for women. Clean Sweep Sale of Parasols Xext week you will find a Clean Sweep price on every parasol in. stock. This applies to the beau tiful Band embroidered and hand painted silk novelties, as well as to the simple linene parasols. ,We have a large and varied stock of parasols, showing, the now aswell as the standard shapes, the Mission and other styles in handles. There are iwhite parasols, everything in plain colors, figured and flowered effects and many bordered novelties. Well guarantee that any woman in El Paso can come here and suit herself exactly in a parasol. The following reductions are just as listed: $1.25 PARASOLS; CLEAN" SWEEP 89c $3.50 PARASOLS; CLEA2T SWEEP I2.4S CLEAN SWEEP 95c $5.00 PARASOLS; CLEAIf SWEEP $3.49 CLEAN SWEEP $1.69 $7.50 PARASOLS; CLEAN SWEEP $4.$9 Higher Priced Parasols Are Also Reduced. $1.50 PARASOLS; $2.50 PARASOLS; s MUSLIN UNDERWEAR $1.75 Garments $1.00 We offer this Clean Sweep reduction on 500 crisp, clean garments. They are night gowns, drawers,, chemise, combination garments and petticoats. Made of nice nainsook and trimmed with dainty laces and sheer embroideries. Our regular 1-75 undermuslin garments; Clean Sweep ! " ff price the coming week Vl v.. .?. ... ....... X 3J Extra! Monday 50c Silk Gloves 37c Fownes short silk gloves, all colors and sizes, regular 50c grade; offered for Monday only as a Clean Sweep Extra Special, pair 37c Extra! Monday Only $1.50 Buckskin Bags 79c Genuine buckskin bags, the newest shapes, with long silk and leather handles, these are regular $1.50 bags; Monday only we make them & Clean 7Q Sweep Extra Special at cC (Limit 1) I want to lease a modern cottage of not less than five rooms. HA'R'RySWA.IF ! 109 Texas. Residence Phone 3615, Business Phone 3060. The Cutest Coolest Candiest Confections uiWM O J OYt wmmmmmmmmmam A. GaraHeed Belief for Tired, Acting Feet and Excessive FersjIratIoH. PRICE - - 25 CEJMTS SUGAR PLANTERS AT MERCY OF THE TRUST Louisiana Planter Tells of Conditions in Southern Field. "Washington, D. C, July 15. John Dymond, a cane planter of New Orleans, zold the house susar investigating: com mittee today that the cane growers ot Louisiana were absolutely at the mercy of the American Sugar Refining com pany, which bought raw sugar arbi trarily and paid its own price. Mr. Dymond Rsaid there was now no competitive buying in New Orleans. Practically all of the buyers who had not been brought into the combination by the "trust," he said, maintained an "armed truce." Mr. Dymond denied that the Louisi ana Cane Growers' association was closely associated with . the American Sugar Refining company, that the growers could not afford to antagonize the "trust." ""Why?" asked representative Jaco way. "Tou have heard of the Bucks stove case?" "Yes." "Then, we are afraid we might be boycotted." Mr. Dymond recited one case in which he said the "trust" had disci plined a larger grower by refusing to buy his product. ilr, Dymond said that elimination of protection would bring Louisiana su gar men in competition with the cheap est peasant labor of Europe. The wit ness said most of the laborers ho em ployed were negroes, whom he paid a dollar a day, and "who would not work half the time at that." J JVo Pension Legislation. There will be no consideration of pension legislation at this session of congress. This notice was served on the house today by Democratic leader Underwood, Tou can take one of- those traveling size electric irons with you. It only weighs 3 pounds. Teas Electrical Sup ply Co., 119 N. Stanton. TEXAS EDITORS CLOSE CONVENTION Alpine's Hospitality Is Praised isText Meet at Carrizo Springs. Alpine , Texas, July 15. The third annual convention of the Southwest Texas Press and Commercial Secre taries association adjourned today at 10 oclock to meet next year at Carrizo Springs. The officers elected are: "W. J. Tates, of AlpIne, president; James Rooney, Fort Stockton, first vice president; Dr. S. J. Hensley, Marfa, second vice president; J. M. Leese, Car rizo Springs, secretary. Resolutions were adopted thanking the people of Alpine for hospitality and making a number of honorary members, includ ing all the women of Alpine. The association placed itself on rec ord as favoring Alpine as the most suitable place for locating the state tuberculosis sanitarium. A number of enthusiastic speechos were made In fa vor of this motion, and it was passed unanimously. County judge and ex-representative Turner thanked the association for coming to Alpine. Thirty members of the association are guests at dinner today of the San Stephens Irrigation company, going out from Marfa by autos. S. J. Truman, the manager, and H. J. Gray of the Orient railway, are chaperoning tho crowd. The amusement program this after noon Includes a ball game and races and there will be a ball tonight. HOW TO BE HAPPY THOUGH IN BOSTON Cambridge, Mass., July 15. How to be happy though living in Boston or Its suburbs, is exemplified by a writer in the Christian Register, a Unitarian weekly. Some of the thlngB one must have, must do and must be are: "Eat beans Saturday night and fish balls Sunday morning." "Select the Puritans for your ances tors." "Have a sheltered, youth and be a graduate of Harvard." "Read Emerson." "Have a profession or literary call ing." "Speak low." "Re a conservative In politics and a liberal In religion." "Drop your 'r's. " "Be fond of the antique." ,cWear glasses and be fond of tomb stones." "Carry your parcels 'in a green bag." "Be a D. A. R., a Colonial Dame or a S. A. R. or belong to the Mayflower society." "Be neighborly to the unmarried." "Shudder at the west, but go to Eu rope frequently." .ja HAVE YOUR WATCH CLEANED OCCASIONALLY A WATCH will run without oil or cleaning longer than any other piece of machin ery but it needs both occasion ally. If you -will consider that the rim of tht balance wheel travels over fifteen miles a day, you will rjot grudge your watch a speck of oil and a cleaning fence a year. It will increase the JHfe and accuracy of 3'our watch It is a well known fact that our Watch Repairing Dept. is without an equal in the entire Southwest. Although we do only the highest grade repairing, you will find our charges are nominal. Out-of-town watch and jewelry repairing solicited. STEXAS & MEHA J0&m& f MAN iti m r- GETSJU0GMENTT1 LUMEHT-D K LLEGT ALIMONY "The. mere thought of buying a dia mond should suggest Silberberg's.7 Beautiful American Is to Marry Austrian Prince of Imperial Family. New Tork, K. Y., July 15. After a le gal battle extending1 over a period of 10 years, Mrs. lida Ni-colls Fitzgerald, sprightly and fascinating divorcee, has brought to terms her noble ex-husband. Gen. Gerald Purcelfitzgerald, owner of the Isle of "Waterford, Ireland. The supreme court of the state of Pennsylvania has rendered a decision granting to Mrs. Fitzgerald a lien on valuable coal property at Uniontown, Pa., which Gen. 'Fitzgerald owns, so that she can compel payment to her of $35,000 a year. Of this amount $20,000 is to g-o to Mrs. Fitzgerald as an annuity and $15,000 is to be put aside for the accu mulation of a trust und for the ben efit of Mrs. Fitzgerald and her three children. The case was bitterly fought by Fitzgerald, who has since remar ried. Mrs. Fitzgerald, who is a nieqe of J. V. Thompson, unulti-millionaire banker and coal mine owner of Uniontown, Pa., was Mies Lida Nloolls, an eccen tric heiress. She became acquainted with Gen, Fitzgerald IX years ago, and they were married at Los Angeles soon afterward. In a short time Mrs. Fitzgerald be gan the series of legal actions that ter minated In the Pennsylvania supreme court. Mrs. Fitzgerald first brought suit for divorce in England, where the eouplo had taken up their residence. The case was dismissed on the ground of lack of jurisdiction. Parliament Grants Divorce, In no wise daunted, the wife went to Ireland and brought suit in the high court of justice. Mrs. Fitzgerald .se cured only a separation. In 1906, how ever, she obtained a divorce by special act of parliament. After tho separation was Issued In Ireland and before the special act of parliament. Gen. and. Mrs. Fitzgerald entered into an agreement which pro vided for the accumulation of a trust fund of $300,000 and an annuity of $20,000. Under the agreement certain coke mines in Pennsylvania were dedi cated to the performance of this con tract. The Question which has for so long awaited a definite answer related to the validity of the agreement made after the separation and In contem plation of the divorce. Coart Sustains AjpreeiaeHt "The agreement is illegal because it tends yto stimulate divorces," claimed the defendant's counsel. The legal Is sue was also presented whether the an swer of the defendant, which set up collision In securing the Irish decree, wasv responsive to the bill or particu lars. The Pennsylvania court sustained the validity of the agreement and de cided that the allegations of the an swer are not responsive to the bill. Mrs. Fitzgerald, who has lived for several years in New Tork and on the continent, is one of the most beautiful of the small coterie of American wo men who have attained prominence in European society. A few weeks ago she announced her forthcoming marriage to prince Victor of Thurn and Taxis, of the Imperial family of Austria. She- expresses great confidence in her ability to reform tho profligate prey of the Parisian money lenders. The beautiful Pennsylvanian says she loves princo Victor so much that she Is willing to accept even morgan atio marriage. MEN AND Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discour ages and lessens ambi tion; heauty, vigor and WOMjGN cheerfulness soon dlsap-fXtxJ-i pear when th kidneys are out of order or d'seased. For good results use Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy. At druggists. Sample bottle by mall free, also pam phlet. Address, Dr. Kilmer & Con Bins hamton, N, Y, HERE Are Two New Books That Will Please You She Buildeth Her House By Will Corafort, Author of "Routledge Hides Alone," In Her Own Right By John Seed Scott, Author of "The Colonel of the Red Huzzars." Largest stock of hooks in tho cifcv j for you to pick from. Curran's 108 MESA AVE.