24 '. "Saturday, July 15, 1911.
What Positions Furnish
Golfers, Notice
'' We have golf paint, also paint remover that cleans
quickly paint from off of golf balls.
Tuttle Paint Glass Co.
BeU Phone 206. Auto Phone 1206
Most B
aseball Managers?
Bismark Herring QRr
per can . ... . . . wJu
Chiles Jalapenos, made in old Mexico 35c
Franco American Braised Beef, per can 35c
Franco. American Yeal and Green Peas; per can 40c
franco Chicken Curry, per can 40c
Franco Hungarian Goulash, .per can 20c
Franco Chicken ' Saute, per can 30c
Franco American Partridge, per can 30c
Franco American Grouse, per can 30c
Franco American Wild Duck, per can 30c
Franco American Soupes, all kinds, . .15c, 25c, 40c
Clicquot Club Ginger Ale
This is the finest Ginger. Ale made in this country.
The quality of which is equal to any imported Ales
at a much higher price.
Per Bottle, 20c. Per Dozen $2.00.
Green Yalley Apples, per pound 5c
Eating Apples, 4 pounds for 25c-
Wild Goose Plums for Jelly, basket 60c
Large California Apricots, basket 65c
Phone 151.
Brother Ed
MT BROTHER ED Is deaf and
dumb, but, goodness! he is
bright; "why, he can figure any
sum when he is feeling right. And
quick of thought! "Why, honestly, he
thinks before he speaks, and often
times he thinks ahead for half a dozen
One night while roaming through
the woods a grisly grizzly bear chased
brother Ed until toe lost some 20
Molasses Creams
Fine Cream Filling
20c per lb.
: ': I
I'i uaii
fUi TERBAtt -
f; TJfc-WAfirtLL 1,47.
t; t ?TUr.6aN
11 1 t rmffli iifiwr - '
312 South E! Paso Street
? HIIIMIW'I Will 11H I II II III ""J'r -:
. m ?
BeU 608 & 629 DRUGGISTS
A. E. RYAK fc CO.
Rail 111 BL GROCERIES W0LESAXE Auto 1271
Mail Orders Given Prompt and Special Attention.
CLUTORD BR0Sv 307-309 E. Overland St.
HACK and
"Will be -up right away. LONGWELL'S TRANSFER.
116 to 120 San Francisco St Careful Men.
"We're there in just a minute." Storage and Packing by careful men at right price,
Texas St.
Auto 1151.
pounds of hair. What could he do?
He couldn't shout and scare the bear
away, and as the night was early, well,
he couldn't wait for day.
"A noise, a shout." he softly thought,
C,A'V' -g&fe.
"My kingdom for a shout." But that
was all the good it tdid; he couldn't
get it out And then a thought oc
curred to him that knocked him off
his pins, and over logs and rocks he
fell and loudly barked his shins!
Of course the barking scared the
bear, which turned his tail and fled,
which also helps to turn this tale
"which helped my brother Ed.
Hats cleaned and blocked in fac
tory finish. Paaamas cleaned by
Cuban process. Xo acids used.
105 Texas St. Maif TJs Your Hats.
vKJ Xv X
7 -v-azRfi
The largest line of Porch, Lawn,
and Camp Furniture -everiiiv El
Paso. ' .
ana get prices, we sen.ior
Our water bags
' Save you 10c a day.
El Paso Tent & Awning Go,
Phones 2044
Tell These People What
You Want. They
Respond Prompt!
Auto 1068
Bell Trunks, Bags and Leather Goods Auto
1054 Made, Repaired and Exchanged 1S66
We Store Goods. Opp. Postoffice, across Plaza.
Reasonable Prices
Bell 1 Auto 1001
Farnsworth Figures It Out
That Shortstop and First
Base Have the Call.
By TV. S. Fnrnsworth.
New York, N. Y., July 15. What po
sition on the diamond produces the
most ba'seball managers. A srlance
over the list of big league generals
chnnro that the shnrtstOD and first
base positions furnish baseball with a
majority of the national pastime s ci-dlrectprs-in-chlef.
.Another peep re
veals tbe .'fact, that there is little to
choose, so far as managerial ability Is
concerned, between the men that have
advanced from the playing firmament
to the leadership .stage.
Of the 16 major league managers,
four had gained renown s first base
men; four had made their mark as
shortstops; three were formerly, or
are, catchers; and one each has srraau
ated from right field, center field, left
field, tiliird base and pitcher. There is
missing in the managerial list only a
second baseman.
TriT- Ttnfmfn Manncett.
The first basemen who are now man-
agers are: Frank- Chance. Chicago;
Fred Tenney, Boston; Hal Chase. New
York Americans, and George" Stbvall, I
Cleveland. The shortstop delegation
Includes Hughey Jennings, Detroit;
Hugh Duffy, Chicago Americans; Rhod
erlck Wallace, St. Louis Americans,
and William Dahlen, Brooklyn. The
caicners wno nave maae tncir marKS j
as big league leaders are: -Connie I
Mack, Philadelphia Americans; Charley
Dooin, Philadelphia Nationals, and
Roger Bresnahan. St. Louis.
As these three positions have given
baseball most of the managers, it
would not be amiss to enter into a
discussion on the respective merits of
1 the men upon whom hinges the suc
j cess of baseball.
Chance in Firat Place.
Taking the first base division: Of
the array Frank Chance Is the one
-who stands out most conspicuously.
"Husk" has proved beyond peradven
ture that he Is one of the greatest
managers that has ever been associ
ated with the game. Chance has per- j
formed the unprecedented feat of pi-
loting a team to the National league
championship three years In succession.
1 Ever since Chance has handled the
Cubs his team has always been in the
thick of the fray. This year is no excep
tion, and the Cubs are the ones all the
other teams figure they must beat In
order to carry off the National gon-
T ! O
I ! ! O
John ilcGraw, New York.... 3b
Frank Chance, Chicago lb
Charley Dooin, Philadelphia c
Roger BresnahanT St. Lrouls c
Fred Clarke, Pittsburg, If
Clarke Griffith, Cincinnati p
"William Dahlen, Brooklyn.. ss
Fred Tenney Boston lb
Connie I&ack, Philadelphia. ...c
Hughey Jennings, Detroit.., .ss
Hal Chase. New York. lb
Hugh Duffy, Chicago ss
Patsy .Donovan, Boston rf
George Sto vail, Cleveland lb
James McAleer, "Washington.. cf
Roderick "Wallace, St Louis.. ss
Total First base, four; short
stop, iour; catcher, threes right
field, one; center field , one;
left field, one; third base, one;
pitcher, one.
r k o
. . . - vi
6 Pairs ,
.6 Months
25c Per Pair
"' " T aW-
IF -mk WSmlm "TWtr" 'TIM x
HaaaaK 8BE&&S$m?W5&k ItMftl . - - "Ik. jR-i;.;v( J " acaaaa
- - .cv --jusjoo afgagr- orMtQuwim " i x- . . ? .- -: 'a. .: - j. m r
:-- sssay. - iar.vrc-.yuk. u& ,4 ." i. r? ,i ?:its
I liiiPyisvSaHI SMMjBSal if
I MsiBS- SPat J f rnlMmP' TTWirTifr FrfTiElllBl
The live men who are leading the m ain pennant contenders of 1911. Above 1 xJm'pire Finneran and left fielder .la
are Frank Chance, manager of the Ch lcago Cubs (one the left) and Johnny 1 see, of the Phillies, had a row In Phil
' McGra-rc who guides the destinies of t he New York Giants. Below, from left adelphia July 10, and as a result Fin
,0 risht. are Red Booh,. flBhtis skipper of the PhHlIes: HuShey Jennings, af & Jj "es and
the prancing boss or tne .Detroit jungie oana, ana uounie jiav;n., uuici uui.
shrewd chief of the world's champion a thletics.
J "
j falon. There Is every indication that
I Chance is through as a player. Re-
; neated thumpings on the" head by
pitched halls' have been .the .ciuse of
Cub leader having ' dizzy spells,
This condition has seriously Impaired
his playing ability, but It has hardly
affected his thinking capabilities.
Chance figures to direct his team from"
the bench hereafter.
Chase Comes Next.
Hal Chase, manager of the local
American league aggregation, follows
Chance Insofar as s'uccess Is con
cerned. Hal has had his gritty team
fighting it out with the leaders all the
time, despite repeated disruptions in
his ' team on account of injuries and
Illness. The Yankees have put up a
game figbt. Chase, in tbe time he has
been at the .-"helm, ,has sbowifc himself !
fn h nossess'ed of rtfiich Wsebkll acu-
men. '
George Stovall and Fred Tenney
have 3et to show. For a while after
Stovall ""as entrusted with the man
agerial task of the Naps after Mc
Guire resigned, it appeared that he
would make good. But since then the
Clevelands .have been going poorly and
it looks as if Stovall will have to stick
at the first base job in order to earn
his livelihood at baseball.
Tenney has been a rank failure and
his displacement Is looked for next
season. It is not Fred's fault that the
Rustlers do not win more games. Ten
ney knows as much baseball as any
one in the game, but It Is entirely a
different matter to Inject that know-
ledge Into players who cannot grasp it. i
The Shortstop Graduates.
Of the shortstop graduates, two are
successes, while the other brace have
yet to display anything worthy-of men
tion. Hughey Jennings is well known.
The fiery manager of the Tigers has
copped the American league bunting
many times and his team is In the
struggle this year as much as ever.
Hugh Duffy has made an excellent
showing" with his bunch of Chicago
"comebacks." Bill Dahlen and Bobby
"Wallace have been sad failures in
managing their teams. It is alleged
that both have been tampered with in
the 'direction of their mlnicns. They
have tried and failed, although Dahlen
will probably hang on another season.
Wallace is booked for his old position
at shortstop
The catching department has been
responsible for three of the baseball
geniuses of the season. Connie Mack,
Charley Dooin ahd Roger Bresnahan
have all made good. Mack and Dooin
have their Quaker collections showing
the way in botb leagues, and bid fair
to have them around the topmost rung
till the end of the season. Mack is
almost certain to have his "White Ele
phants occupying the highest notch
when the season closes. As for the
Phillies, it is a question if the pitch
ers especially Alexander and Moore
can hold out. Dooin has been working
this pair unusually hard and, if the
veteran-and crude youngster can with
stand the pace, then Sleeptown will
have its representatives fighting it out
for the -world's championship In Oc
tober. Brcdnahnn'n Revelntlon.
Bresnaban and his Cardinals have
been a revelation thus far tnls season.
Roger can boast of only one or two
stars outside of himself; yet he has
directed his team into the first divis
ion. Patsy Donovan and Jimmy McAleer,
two of the old school, both fielders In
-Ti?y Ttvh -!- - ?-TltrA TrVi" Iyi
me,noVi, t Ttntv. nr-ft. MaMPrl
among the wise heads of baseball, yet
j they 'cannot get the material to be
contender. AIcAleer uias declared tnat
he will resign after this season, al
though his contract has another year
to run.
Fred Clark, of the Pittsburg Pirates,
one of the finest left fielders In the
game,' has been a great manager In
the many years he has handled the
Pittsburg team. Clark is at present
whanging the ball for way over .300,
and is giving Hans "Wagner a close
Argument for the batting supremacy of
the National league.
Third base has offered but one man
ager to baseball, and he is acknow-
ledged one of the'shrewdest that ever
directed a. team. John McGraw, man-
ager or the uiants, is tne one tnat
has done honor to that position. Mc
Graw's baseball knowledge has gone
a long way toward giving New York
successful teams.
Clark Griffith, of the Cincinnati Reds,
was once a pitcher. While with the
Yankees at the beginning of his mana
gerial career, Griffith had his hire
lings up in front. "With Cincinnati this
year, Griffith has been in the ruck all
the time and promises to remain there.
Buy It now. Now Is the time to buy
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, 'Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. It Is -almost
certain to be needed, before the sum- j
mer is. over. This remedy has no su
perior. For sale by- all dealers.
America's Champion Polo Team In Bronze
This bronze group, by Hubert Hazeltine, is now oij exhibition at the Salon des Artistes Francais in New York.
It represents, from left to right, Devereaux Milburn, Harry Payne Whitney, Lawrence Waterbury and Monte
Waterbury, the American team which won the International polo championship from the British,
Save a full line of .
Also a nice assortment of
Shelton-Payne Arms Company
Teneo muchas vidrios en mi almacen de Cuidad Juarez 7 pnedo repocer
todos los vidrios quebrados immediatemente y coa mucha comodidad. Mi
direcion es Telefono 532.
. L. W. HOFFECK2S, -
214 K Stanton St. El Paso. Texas.
Many Are Securing
On Our LiberaJ $1.00 a Week Offer
103 Kl Paso Street
Catalog os
Gossip of Games Here and
On Other Fields of Sport
(By Ted
had started for the bench, "when he
suddenly turned and rushed toward
the umpire. As he approached. Fin
reran removed his mask, and just then
I Ma see swung on him -with his fist, cut-
ting a deep gash in the umpire's cheek.
! Finneran was rushed to the hospital.
aere stitches were taken In the cut
-""ew iuw iac -i. """" ...-.
names that do not go with men; Fin
neran claims that Magee deliberately
attacked him and that he intends to
have the plaver set on the bench; pres
ident Fogel,f the Phillies, says that
Finneran has been trying to get a
fight all season and now he has been
accommodated and that he will back
Magee in the affair; president Dynch
says that this sort of thing must stop
and is making an investigation. Lynch
does nob say whether he will stop a
player from fighting an umpire or
stop Finneran from roasting the playu-ers.-
Seems to be a mixup.
It would seem now that a fight will
be arranged between Ad "Wolgast and
Knockout Brown. Wolgast demanded
that Brown put up forfeit money be
fore he would agree to fight him.
Morgan, Brown's manager, has posted
$1000 as a forfeit and Is waiting for
Wolgast to make the next move. Mor
gan has also put up $10,000 that he
wants to wager that Brown will knock
Wolgast out.
Burleson, the pitcher for Mobile, In
the Southern league, recently secured
from the backwoods, holds all records
for strikeouts In organised baseball. He
averaged 12 to the game in 12 games
with Johnson Citj' and In his first two
games with Mobile fanned 26 12 is his
first game and 14 in the next. No
wonder the big league teams are mak
ing offers for the new man.
Although the Tale-Harvard athletes
lost to the Oxford-Cambridge track
and Held team In the meet recently,
there is one satisfaction left, the man
who defeated the American representa
tives throughout was also an American.
(?. E. Putnam, of Kansas, who is at
tending college In England.
Harry Cassidy, the right gardener of
the Denver Western league teamr holds
the record for consecutive games played
In class A basebalL He Is now round
ing out his fifth year with the Den
ver club and has played nearly 800
consecutive games without a. miss.
Philadelphia seems to De an easy
mark for Detroit. The Athletics have
one excuse, however, and tKat is the
loss of Eddie Collins. He was the scin
tillating star of the team and. his ab
sence makes a hcle that is hard for
them to fill at "this time.
The fight fans of New York are try
ing to arrange a match between Jira
Flynn and Carl Morris, "the white
man's hope." Flynn received a tele
gram in Pueblo. Colo., from Morris's
manager and left at once for New
Carl Flick, an old El Paso player,
who has been playing this season as.
second base -for Boise, Idaho, in the
Union association, has been ordered by
the Detroit Americans to report at
With Adair out of the game from an
accident, the White Sox are somewhat
crippled. Rokahr plays hard ball, but
he is a better shortstop than third
baseman and the absence of Tommy
will hurt the Populars somewhat
Charles W. Evans, jr., the American
western open golf champion, captured
the French amateur golf title in Ver
sailles. France,' July S, by defeating J.
G. Anderson, of West Newton, Mass.