Newspaper Page Text
Saturday, July 15, 1911. MONDA Y, THE LAST DA Y OF OUR annual j i tt v CLEARANCE SALE v: EL PASO HERALD Monday We Will Wind Up this Most Successful Summer Sale with an Array of Offerings Priced in ) a Sensational WayThe Object of this Sale, the Disposal of the Surplus of Summer Stocks, is Almost Attained and there Now Remains Only the Clearance of the Broken LinesMonday s Prices Will Surely Accomplish ThisThe Show Cards and Price Tickets tell News that x is Almost IncredibleIn Every Item the 'Popular's' Famous Quality is Maintained $1.00 All Linen Sheeting 59c a yard All pure linen, two and one-half yards wide, perfect round thread finish. A quality we recommend for suits, skirts and dresses. Monday a limited number of pieces will be sold, each customer being limited to three and one-half yards at the special price. Our regular dollar quality, a yard 59c St. Gall Embroidered Swisses 35c White Swisses, imported from St. Gall, Switzerland, in large, medium and small sast, em broidered dots. A special late purchase allows us to offer the regular 50c and 75c Q C JJL, qualities at about half. Monday, a yard. Lingerie Batiste 25c Fine quality mercerized batiste, forty-eight inches wide, in light and medium blue, tan, cream, lavender and Kile, 50c OC quality, a yard QC Irish Dimity 20c Sheer and fine dimity printed in neat, floral, figure and stripe designs in beautiful color ings. Washes perfectly. 35c quality, Q f a yard 4iC Table Damask 38c A perfect imitation of linen a mercerized damaslc, sixty-six inches wide, in a large variety of good designs. Our special 50c quality, Monday, a yard Napkins $1.19 Mercerized damask napkins, 20x20 inch size, soft finish, firmly woven, ihemmed, ready for use. Regular $1.50 values, A 1 A Monday, a dozen J) J. A & 38c A Thousand Yards of Swiss and Nainsook Embroideries Z& at 15c a yard ONXfT the necessity of stock reduction, allows us to consider for an instant the sale of embroideries of this quality for this price. Candidly, we have .too many in this range of price from 25c to 35c. They are odd pieces and matched sets, widths from one to five inches, of fine quality cambric, nainsook and swiss, in dainty designs especially suitable for children's and infants' garments. Eeal 25c, 30c and 35c qualities. ' Fifteen Cents a yard CORSET COVER EMBROIDERY A &pe cially purchased lot of about 500 yards. Swiss and nainsook in very handsome- de signs. Values to $1.00, A Q a yard jCO C EMBROIDERIES Hamburg embroidered edgings, one and a half to four inches wide, neat styles, m quality worm 10c A yard ALLOVER Swiss and batiste allover em broideries, twenty-two inches wide, in baby Irish designs. Regular rf 1 A f $2.25 quality, a yard H I .ft U 5c ALLOVER LACE Oriental, .baby Irish and Valenciennes allover laces, eighteen to forty four inches wide, white, cream and P ecru.1 Values to $1.50, a yard OC LACES Baby Irish, filet and oriental edg ing, banding and galloons, white, cream and ecru, in.styles and qualities worth to 65c, a yard VAX. LACES "Elyria" valenciennes lace, American made, edging and insertion, in sets or odd. Bolts of twelve yards, worth 65c, for . 75c All Silk Taffeta 2Zc a yard A splendid Monday bargain! All .of our regular 75e quality taffetas in the nineteen-inch width, will be offered at that price. A fairly complete line of colors, for petticoat, slip, waist or dress making. Only on sale Monday, or as long as they last on that day. Our 75e grade, O 7 r a yard ,. . . & C $1.50 Black Satin Dachesse 98c A full yard wide, extra weight, beautiful, lustrous finish, and a splendid, quality for coats and coat suits. Monday, we offer this as an exceptionally. good item a very QQ unusual value. Regularly worth $1.50, special r ......... OC Silk Malls 15c Fancy Silks-Half 25c 37c Special lot of half silk mulls in plain or dotted weave. An incomplete line of colors in the regular 25c grade is priced Monday, a yard Oriental Pongee Genuine imported pongee, twenty-seven inches wide, natural color. In. pieces of from two to ten yards. .Regular $1.00 quality, a yard Odds and ends, short lengths and remnants of plain and fancy silks, including the re maining few vards of our best selling stvles. 1 C Monday, these will be priced 1-F1-P Dapionne Silk Exact imitation, of Rajah silk a, semi- rough weave, twenty-four inches widein black, white and all colors. Special value, a yard. ... ... 59c 25c r Sale of Tailormade Suits and Summer Dresses at Ten Dollars Tailored Suits JlSoS&s $10 A jN"OTHEB new lot of tailored coat suits at an un- derprice. Stylishly cut and made of plain navy and black diagonal suitings, with broad collar of black satin, cuffs to match. Also several smart styles of nov elty coverts, shepherd checks, striped and plain color suitings. Well tailored garments, lined with silk serge or all silk satins and worth if bought regularly $20.00 and $25.00. Monday's price $ 1 o.oo $6.00 All Silk Taffeta Petticoats $2.95 Two hundred more of these excellent petticoats will be sold Monday at this astonishingly low price. Made of good weight, all silk taffeta, with deep tailored flounce. A full line of fashionable colors and black -and white is shown. Regularly skirts of this quality sell for $6.00, our Aq a prfce - -. 5.y5 Petticoats of all silk anessaline, pleated or ruffled flounce, and of all silk soft finish taffeta, in black and all colors. Quality worth A-m ax regularly $4.50.... . $ J ,95 Summer Dr cssesjStSS 10 GEAiND values genuine bargains in fact, are found in this wonderful lot of dainty dresses for sum mer wear. They're new models, every one of them, and just what you want for immediate wear. There are inthis lot, dresses of allover embroidery, colored wash voiles, fine white batiste, linen and the embroidered St. Gall batistes. Beautifully trimmed with embroideries in white and colors, hand made Irish crochet and eluny and valenciennes laces. Our $15.00 to $24.50 are priced styles $ 1 o.oo $35.00 Lingerie Dresses $15.00 Some of our handsomest styles of lingerie dresses are included in this splendid group. Many of them are manufacturers' model garments, exclusive designs, which would ordinarily sell for $30.00 and $35.00. They are made of finest quality white batistes, elaborately trimmed with valenciennes and cluny laces or embroideries, and many effective styles of all over eyelet or blind em broideries. Monday about fiftv of these will be H - r? ff off ered at '. 3iO.UUj S" 39c Little Folks9 Hats and Dresses A SPECIAL lot of little folks' straw hats, new shapes in plain color and mixed straws. neatlv trimmed with satin ribbons. For. little girls of two to six years. Values to $1.00, for . GIRLS' HATS Special lot -of Milan braid and straw hats, sailors and small shapes, white and plain colors, radth satin isb- tf E f bon bands. Values to $3.50. P J. OU INFANTS' CAPS Odds and ends and soiled cap3 of plain swiss, embroidered and lace 1 f styles. Values to 65c, each JLUC CHILDREN'S DRESSES Pretty fancy styles, Dutch neck and short peasant or puff sleeves, white lawn with, colored pipings and colorea embroideries. Pkin rep in white and colors in neat pleated styles and dainty ngurea dimities. Styles worth ?2.00 to $.ou, reduced to $1.39 to , Monday Specials in The Basement FANCY LAWNS Good quality, organdie finish lawns, printed in fast color floral and figure designs. An immense variety of good designs in the lie and 12 l-2c Q grades, a yard :... OC HOLLY BATISTE and Frost finish Tissue two of the best of the low priced wash fabrics, in a variety of neat designs and colors. Wash perfectly. 15c value, t r a yard lUC APRON GINGHAMS Standard quality apron ginghams in blue, green, brown and Ted checks of all sizes. Special value, a r yard OC I TISSUE MADRAS Light weight madras for summer skirts and waists, neat stripes in fast colors. Kegular 15c quality, q a yard cO A Sale Especially for Large Men Black and Blue Suits T AJRO-E men who usually have diffi--- eulty in finding clothes to fit, will profit hy a special purchase we recently made of black and navy blue suits. We secured them at a low price simply be cause in the lot there were no small or medium sizes they 'run from 38 to 48. Hand tailored, in the best styles of the season, two and three piece. Of best all wool serge, cheviot and unfinished worsteds. .$15.00 and $16.50 suits for $10.35 $18.00 and $22.50 suits for $13.35' $25.00 and $27.50 suits for $16.35 $30.00 and $35.00 suits for $18.35 Sample, Soiled and Odds and Ends Muslin Underwear Half Price and every garment in the lot is just as perfect as when it left the maker. But in sales like this one the garments on the special - tables will become soiled and mussed and are not as sightly as the fresh ones therefore they cannot be put back into regular stock. This makes a splendid opportunity or you for all these garments, including a big line of manufacturer's samples, are put into one big lot for Monday selling at Exactly Half the Former Price Brdken Lines of Gossard Corsets $3.00 TF your size is in this lot, a splendid bargain is here for you. "All of the incomplete lines and odds and ends of this season's models of Gossard (front laced) Corsets, which sell for $5.00 to $8.00, together with several which have become a trifle soiled in nrang ana aispiay, ma&e up tms great lot. Jb'or quick o clearance we price them $5.00 and $8.00 models P 5 Trunks and Suit Cases Reduced 10 TRAVELERS can place dependence upon the traveling accesories bought here the Trunks are the strongly built kinds in the regular, steamer, wardrobe, dresser, hat and skirt styles. The suit cases are made over strong steel frames with good lock. We show them of real leather, leatherette and Jap matting in ail sizes. For the week ' f r07 prices are reduced XU' Five Special Lots of Stylish Hand Bags Fancy styles and novelty shapes in the small sizes, made of moire, satin, velvet and suede in black and d Q Q colors. Values to $2.00 P A 5 & Imitation seal and grain leatner, leather and moire lined, stylish sizes and. shapes in black and colors. Silver, gilt and gunmetal mountings. ( 1 QQ Values to $3.00 P 1 iO Genuine seal leather lined, and fancy styles in suede, silk and alligator. Xov elty -and plain shapes, in black, white and colors. Values to Aq aq $5.50 pO&& Genuine seal and walrus in black and suede in black and colors. Kew shapes and styles including several "fitted" bags. Values to Ai aq' $6.50 5T80 Genuine seal and walrus and black suede bags, new shapes and styles, plain and fitted. Unusually handsome ( AQ styles, worth to $10.00 tpO.IO Samples & Odds & Ends -Women 's Undervests Trwenty dozen low neck and sleeveless vests of cotton and lisle plain and trimmed styles. Manufacturers samples and. odds and ends wortn 07 35c and 50c, each .,.C WOMEN'S HOSE Lisle- hose in plain, lace and-, embroidered styles, in black and colors. A very spe cial lot composed of 50c and 65c " r values, a. pair 3 &7 C MISSES' HOSE ilisses' and children's lisle thread hose, plain and silk finish, in lace effects and fancy embroidered styles, in black, white and. tan. A fairly complete line of sizes iu each. Values to 35c, -9 r a pair XjC WOMEITS VESTS Good quality white cotton ribbed vests, low neck, sleeveless, taped around neck and. arms. Pull, sizes. 10c value, pf each OC Every Man Should Buy a Shirt or Two "Columbia" & for 98 cents HP WO thousand of these shirts were put on sale A Saturday lo'ts of them were sold but there's a grand lot of them left to choose from. And there's not a bad style among them, for they are the best of this season's style from this maker. some are plain, others -with pleated front. Some have laundered cuffs, andjsome have French cutffs. Thev're made of fine quality percale and madras, in neat figures, stripes and plain colors. All sizes from 14 to 17. Ordinarily, you would nav -,- ..,v ci, tt,u.,w, 1Hi autu auirts, Better let us. fit you out with one or a dpzen as you please, at. each 9Sc W WJm m MML VI WA WIRM IPf W mBk2IG Mail Orders trill be 'filled p r o m n tlv and carefully, at the lowest possible prices, and with our guarantee of satisfaction or money back. Si v i ) V-