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Nd EL PASO HERALD Saturday, July 15. 1911. WESTERN UNION AND TO OPEN RAILROAD POSTAL CO. AGREE I BIDS IN EL PASO But New Arrangement, It Is Said, Does Not Affect El Paso Postal Office. local managers declare there is no teleeraDh combination in El Paso. The Southwestern Sets Date for Bids on Tucson Ex tension. July 25 is the date for the opening of the bids which have been submitted to the El Paso office of the Southwest ern system, for the construction work Mackay Telegraph and Gable company on the Tucson extension of the line of 2Cew York" i3 issuing a circular -it- , The bids will be forwarded to the New ter saying that competition In many York office of the system, and an , .,. , , i. v a. Jiouncement made of the awards about Texas cities and towns .has been de- j Au&ust L stroycd because the "Postal Telegraph It is now definitely settled, that the and Cable company of Tc j i" and the J road will be extended from 3enson to Western Union Telcgrapn company i Tucson giving El Paiso and Tucson ,,,.. ! two railroad connections and another have an agreement by whica messages 1Ine in a sec0nd transcontinental road for points in the east are often trans-1 to the Pacific coast. mibiea over tvesiern umuu uncs wucu filed with the 'Toatal Telegraph com pany of Texas." Mackay's company is Known as the 2ack,v Postal Telegraph system, and it maintains an office here, the Postal Telegraph -company's office. This compan3r, according to the mana ger, is working- in competition with the Western Union on all business, being the only Mackay company having an office in Texas until recently, when a direct line was built into eastern Texas to handle the business formerly done by the Postal Telegraph company of Texas, a company operating within the The trouble between the Mackay Pos tal and the Texas Postal is said to be aji outcome of the Teported merger of j the interests of the J3eil Telephone cor poration and the Western Union, the Bell corporation taking over the con trol of the telegraph business. As the Postal of Texas had its wires strung on Bell poles the Mackay Postal with headquarters in 2sew York, with whom the Texas Postal had been doingmsi ess under a pro rata agreements saw that it would be necessary to have its own lines in Texas in order to hold the (business for the east. It is claimed by "the Mackay company that when a message is filed in a Texas Postal office ta & station outside the state that can not be reached by this company's lines it is turned over to the Western Union company- This, the tfackay company holds in its circular, is a Jestraction of competition. To protectitself the Xew York company is building its lines into Texas a fast as ipossrble.' But the reported warfare between the company of which Ciarerce E. Mackay is president and general manager, and the Western Union and Bell interests will not affect the telegraph situation in El Paso, according to the local man ager, except to make competition keen er, for the losal Postal office, being a Mackay office, is keen for the business here to beat the Western Union. The "Postal Telegraph company of Texas" !had an agreement with the local Pos tal office for handling its business here xmtil recently, when this agreement was canceled, it is said 3y the telegraph officials. URGE RESUMPTION OF THE WESTERN MINTS Spokane, "Wasn July 15. At a meet ing of the mining men's club of Spo kane yesterday, the following resolu tion was adopted: ""We recommend that congress direct the secretary of the treasury to estab lisch a mint at Tacoma, "Washington, for the coinage of gold and silver, that the mints at Denver and San Francisco be ordeied to resume coinage ofi both metals and that all demands for the coins of either and both metals in tha district lying tvest of the Mississippi be filled from one or the other of the mints herein named; transportation charges to be paid by the federal gov ernment and charged against the mint from which shipment was made." The placing of lead and zinc ana their products upon the reciprocal free list was also favored. Bob Moore's Beauty Contest The Winners Are J. F. GALLOWAY is voted the handsomest dentist in El Paso, i H. A. MAGRUDER is voted the , homliest dentist in El Paso. After a careful canvass of the votes the aibove is the result, and the two above dentists are entitled to a new hat. STREET CAR MEN NEXT WEEK VOTING CLOSES July v 21st (wKj. ':fQ ! k. " 1 m I ; V t-Gtp 4" The P. 0. is opposite. P. S. Our End of the Season Sale of Chesterfield Suits should not be overlooked. CAPLES FUNERAL SUNDAY AFTERNOON The funeral of the late Richard Ca iples will be held from his residence at thecorner of West Missouri and Santa Fe streets, Sunday afternoon at 2 oclock. proceeding thence to the Church of the Immaculate Conception, where services will be held. Interment will be made in the family plot in Concor dia cemetery. The active pallbearers are: James Clif ford, J. C. Conklin, Tom Kelley, Jas. J. Longwell, J. E. Morgan, T. J. Cassidy, P. Brick, James Dunne, Jack Crawford, Donahue. The honorary pallbearers will be: C. E. Kelly, "W. S. Clayton, J. I. Hewett, Sam Blumenthal, Percy McGhee, Jos. U. Sweeney, Jos. Magoffin, T. Ml "Win go, TV. H. Austin, M. P. Maloney, Tim Sullivan, J. A. Samanlego, E. V. Ber gen, Sam Freudenthal, T. M. Gallagher. PROS SUGGEST THE ELECTION JUDGES Comity judge A. S. J. Eylar has been ; handed a list by the prohibition com mittee of the different supervisors, judges and clerks they desire appointed for the coming election. In submitting this list the prohibition committee states that all of these men are not ' prohibitionists, but have been chosen I . from the fact that they are known to be fair and upright men. f Following are. the officers whose ap- polntment Is requested: 1 Hon. A. S. Eylar, ! t County Judge, El Paso County. j " Sir. Under the provisions of an act j i of the last legislature of the state ol j Texas entitled ""An Act to provide means lor securing fair elections and true returns thereof," etc, approved March 17, 1911. he. the chairman and secretary of the ZL Paso county state wide prohibition executive committee, hereby nominate the following named for supervisors, judges and clerks to act in their respective voting places at the election to be held on July 22, 1911, to vote on the proposed prohibition amendment to the state constitution of Texas. All the men named are not prohibitionists, but all are men of good character, and we respectfully request their appointment as suggested: Supervisors: Charles Owen, C. S. Hill, S. H. Newman, S. Ix. Hughes, C. D. Crosswhite. C "W. Bretz, J. H. Mc Broom, M. B. Davis. Hobt T. Neill, J. E. Towhsend, C. V. JJafe, R. L. Nichols, Robt. Xandfer, Dr. A. E. Brown. Judges: Jose Correon, C. H. Cadena, J. T. Roe, W. S. Briar, C. M. Berryhill, 31. N. Shive, Bradford Hardie. Jas, A. Dick, H. A. Taylor. E. "WL Earl, RaoL I. Holllday, J. "R. Bondurant, J. H Bond, Seth B. Orndorff, J. E. White, c! E. Kellogg, Dr. McBeth. H. O. Easter, M. H. Webb. Clerks: Joe Blair, R. W. McAfee, C. I. Borcherding, John Goebel, P. O. Gardner, G. W. O. Martin, J. A. Morri sst E. A. Fruitt, J- X.. Xehman.E. L. ML1I- can, Homer Wells, jr., I. E. Whlttaker W. P. Pressley. MASS MEETING OF TAXPAYERS S. J. Freudenthal, John F. Edgar, the Springer store, Jake Kaufmau, J. L. Lorentzen, E. Klein, G. L. Hoyt, C. W. Mace, and Bu A. Brockmoller sin a call to taxpayers for a "meeting next Mon day, 8 p. an., at the chainbor of com merce to discuss financial conditions." It is understood that this is the be ginning of a movement in opposition to the proposed bond issue to take up the floating debt of the city. MOOSE LODGE PREPARES TO OPEX ITS XE1V CliUB At the meeting of the Moose lodge, held on Friday night, the final arrange ments for the formal opening of the new quarters of the lodge, at 209 Texas street, were made. The date set is July 24. Big improvements have been made and the lodge will be one of the best equipped In the city. The committee In charge of the open ing, which was elected Friday night. Is as follows: A. D. Ryan, chairman; T. J. McCamant, L. B. Lewis and F. H. Harper. At the same meeting 10 new members were admitted, making a total up to date for the El Paso lodge of 225 members. A New Book The Long Roll By Mary Johnston Author of To Have and to Hold Price $1.40 Net (jK AND VIEW r THERE is no more beautiful addition in or about El Paso and rone more desirable. The soil is fertile, water pure, the air invigorating and the general conditions such as will insure happineWand healtfi for your entire family. Grandview is rapidly being populated with, many pretty homes and the lots are getting fewer each. day. There is no safer or surer investment. Here you can own your own home and know that every day El Paso's wonderful growth jis making your lots double and treble in value. , - - - $10.00 Down and $5.00 a Month Buys Any Lot In Grandview Phone us and our autos will take you -to it. Newman Investment Co, & 408 AMERICAN BANK BLDO, " -r & TO INVESTIGATE ARMY PAYMASTERS "Washington, T. C., July 15. A con gressional investigation will be insti tuted into charges of mlsonduct by officers of the pay department of iha army. The chairman of the house commit tee on military affairs and on expendi tures in the war department will prob ably meet Monday to determine which committee shall take jurisdiction 6t the inquiry which relates particularly to the case of major B. B. Ray, pay master, who is accused of favoritism in protracted leaves of absence and of irregularities in travel pay acsDunts. We Have Moved Over the White House DRS. MAGRUDER & STEVENS DENTISTS Reference "We dOKt TTork for negroes." -Ask any one. Established 1902. ANTIS LINE UP THE FORCES ON FRIDAY The anti-prohibition forces held a meeting in the 34th district court room Friday evening. Judee P. tt -Eflw-irrtB presided at the meeting as chairman I .Hi.. a-umoerg aciea as secre tary. Adrian Pool was also present in his capacity as anti-pro organizer. The meeting was, scheduled to be a mass meeting of representative citizens, but less than 45 were present. No definite action was taken at the meeting. Y. M. C. A. BOXERS CLASSED BY WEIGHT All the entrants in the boxing bout, to be held at the Y. M. C. A. Saturday night, are now classified according to weight and the li,st shows thit there will be some fast and clever bouts. In the 115 pound class J. Moltane will meet J. C. Porter, 125 pound G. John son vs. L. Eeed. and R. Mullen vs. TL Ervin. catch weight (135 to 145 pounds). ' a jrorxer vs. n. iviiourn and 158 pound, J. B. Kindio- vs. J. Ronan. Ueferee, A. X. Harris; judges, M. A Ross and Fred Ward; timekeepers, phy sical director Mitchell and Frank CoryelL YOUNG GOES TO CRUCES TO INSTRUCT THE MILITIA First lieutenant and adjutant P. S. Young, now stationed at Port Bliss, will leave for Las Cruces on Sunday night to inspect and Instruct the New Mexico national guard. During the absence of lieutenant Young, lieutenant Quackenbush will be acting adjutant. WASHOUT AT POLVO. Friday afternoon a slight washout was caused by the backwaters of the Rio Grande at Polvo, a little flag sta tion about 38 miles .east of El 2'aso, but it was repaired in time to allow the Sunset mall to pass. FIAE RAIX AT AIiPlftB. Alpine, Texas, July 15. A fine rain fell here yesterday afternoon and a)I over the northern portion of Brew ster county. Farmers, ranchmen and all others are elated. Stock water is plentiful. SPECIAL TRAIX FOR A lilTTIiE SICK GIRL A special tram carrying the little daughter of Otto Kuch, manager of Ketedsen and Degetau's Chihuahua house, who is seriously ill, left Juarez at 7 oclock Friday evening for Chihua hua. The little girl was taken ill at Cloudcroft and Friday was hurried to El Paso and was taken to her Chi huahua home. TO COMMENCE REPAIR WORK OX CAXTJTILLO BRIDGE County surveyor J. W. Eubank said Saturday morning that everything is now in readiness to repair the damage done to the Canutillo bridge, and as soon as the bridgemen and the pile driver arrive work will be commenced. SHOOTS EMPLOYER AND SELF m RAGE Wanted Pay, So Contractor Shoots Merchant and Turns Gun on Self. Oakland, Cal., July 15. Following a quarrel over a business transaction, .George B. Buchler, a contractor, sftot and seriously Tsounded J. Auchenpaugh, a merchant, today, for whom he was doing some work, and then killed him self. Euchler called at Auchenpaugh's home and demanded a payment. The merchant did not have the money and Euchler marcned him down town to ward his bank, covering him with a revolver concealed in his coat pocket. Auchenpaugh sought to call the at tention of a policeman and Euchler oj.cned fire, one bullet going wild and slightly wounded Harry Kelton, a by sctander. "When Auchenpaugh fell with a bullet in his shoulder, Euchler turned the weapon on himself and blew his brains out. , WOMAN COMING TO RECLAIM HIS BODY BARBERS PLAY JANITORS. Shorty Elliott and nine of his hefti est shavers, and Blue "Wilson, with his aggregation or "wielders xtl the broom,." two negro teams, will cross bats Sunday af terncon at Athletic park at 8:30 oclock. Shorty says he wants to prove that the razor is mightier than the broom. Mrs. Griffith Believes Man Killed Here May Be Her Husband. Chief of detectives J. C Stansel re ceived a letter Saturday morning from the chief of police in Cleveland, Ohio, stating that Mrs. "Wm. K. Griffith would leave Cleveland on July 13 for El Paso, to see if she could identify the body of the unknown American killed during the battle of Juarez. The man was shot and Instantly killed while standing on the railroad track near Stanton atreat watching yUlC UdtUC 4U LUglCaS .LG 4iaU 3 business card in his pocket bearing the name of "Wm. R. Griffith, and as Mrs. Griffith does not know the pres ent whereabouts- of her husband, she thinks that probably the deceased, man may be he. -JTJAREZ SUSPECTS SMALL BOY OF KXOWIXG ABOUT ROBBERS The Juarez police took a 9yearold American boy named Lester Bernard Into custody, Saturday morning. He had a large amount of money when he was caught and also a ticket for "Chihua hua, The police believe the boy knows something of the robberies which took place at the Mexico National depot Thursday. 'csrjij GOT m ye saponin ilea Snpprup c TjsitreA sepiiLi&. DEATHS AD BURIALS, W. BT. GREEN. W. H. Green, aged 47 years, died at a local rooming house Friday after noon at S:30. The deceased, came to the city only a. week ago from Galveston, where he had been employed by the Stone-Webster corporation. He is sur vived by a son and two daughters, Rob ert C. Green, Mrs. J. A. Eynch and Elena Green, all of Galveston. No fu neral arrangements have been, made aa yet. CARACRISTTS BROTHER DIES IX SOUTH XXEM3CA Dr. C. F. Z. Caracristi has received word of the death of his brother,, A. Z. Caracristi at "Valledupar, depart ment of Magdalena, Colombia, South. America. Capt. Caracristi owned sav eral large ranches in Colombia, and was a captain of engineers In the Co lombian service. Ha was also consult ing engineer for the department ! which he lived. Mutt and Jefr are -with o. Xnoiher appearance today on Classified, peg Every day in The Herald hereaJtem AMttTHES uu i r- It is 'the duty of every expectant mother to prepare her system for the coming- of her little one ; to avoid as far as possible the suffering of such occasions, and endeavor to pass through the crisis with her health and strength unimpaired. This she may do through the use of Mother's Friend, a remedy that has been so long in use, and accomplished so much good, that it is in no sense an experiment, but a preparation which always produces the best results. It is lor exernal application and so pen etrating in its nature as to thoroughly lubricate every muscle, nerve and ten don involved during the period before baby comes. It aids nature by ex panding the skin and tissues, relieves tenderness and soreness, and perfectly prepares the system for natural and safe motherhood. Mother's Friend has been used and endorsed by thou sands of mothers, and its use will prove a comfort and a benefit to any juitn iu neea 01 such a remedv is sold at drug stores. "Write for free book for ers, which con tains much valuable information BRADffiLD REGULATOR CO., AUte, G. CHAS LOVEDI, liOCATED. The local detective department lo cated Charles W. Novell Saturday morn ing, regarding whom they had a letter of inquiry from ilrs. Bertha Macdougall. of Meadville, Pa., who stated she was a sister of Iyovell and had heard he was ill in a hospital. when seen by the detectives, Lovell stated that he had been living at 2121-2 South 'Oregon street three weeks and that in that time he had received two letters from his sister and could not understand why she was worried as he had answered both. The Hall Room Boys Copjrtgtt, If 11. fey On 3Cr Ye Tlilffii't 3 SAT PERC, ttlSS PKTftlCIA IS H HSS DILPICKLES ROOfn . luft.uATwATfilVFQMC AMinFA. I r-u-l I 1 . i- , II .- l V . I : : : $ . f FRIDAY'S GAMES. A MOTHER I M E 9 1 1 w MM :, . . TEXAS IiEAGTJE. At "Waco Austin-"Waso, no game. At Oklahoma City R. h. b. Oklahoma City. . ..100 020 000 3 11 5 Galveston 000 200 000 2 7 0 Batteries: Oklahoma City, Drohan and Csey; Galveston, Helm and Er-loff. LET S MttE Q.WHMAWAD THE NEXT ' 4lCTU" OFHERCHSRMS. I'LL THOME HIM AMD PRETEND WE WANT TO ounuuw HIS CAH TO TAKE THE GtRLS ) -v ' v oi it irr w k . r. mmmx r,&e-: -ki SHE MUST HAVE LEFT HER SISTER QLADlOLA ".1B X nuric ' ?TTr7 alone- kf.jpmfs Ki HELLO q.WHATAWAP- SAT OD AN, COULD YIE BORROW OF COURSE THE BOOB WONT On CAR? M1S5 PRICIAS LISTER IS ON Fon A VISIT -SHES A PlPPjN TOO - AND WE VANT TO TAnELTHEM. FOR A LITTLE RIDE LOSE- ANT lint IN qtt UNCi I OVER TO MISS PATRICIA'S HOVJSE WITH ' HEr--W Itvj iciMiiuixj or x ? ""V i" HELLO - TH IS IS MR . Q.W.H ATAWAD . OH Twi IS PATRICIA'S AUNT? IS SHEHOrTE? GmEOVR TO SEE MISS DILPlCtUE ? THAT'S TOO BAD. j WOULD UKE. TO HAVE-TAttEN NISS PATRICIA AND HER SISTER i kjj i m n i-n.nNC. WOULD SHE CARE TO ALLftftHT- IXL BE SIGHT f-cA OVER . rl c I J t I I t - Jrf&?&Ll l . At Fort "Worth B. H. B. Houston 003 000 000 3 8 0 Ft. Worth. 002 010 000 3 8 0 Batteries: Houston, Perritt and Kitch en; Ft. "Worth, Foster and Allen. Game called on account of darkness. At Dallas R. H. B. Dallas 000 000 010 1 6 1 San Antonio 022 000 000 i 10 1 Batteries: Dallas, Bader and Alexan der; San Antonio, Alison and Lemon. CHARJLES DAIfA HERE. Charles Dana, who succeeded his fnrer as editor of the New York Sun, is stopping at the Sheldon on his, "way to Mexico City on a pleasure trip. Mr. I-aDa is not now in the newspaper busi ness, as the Sun was sold some nme ago to the McLaln esat fe03r--( 1- E.R- 15 THIS Jon MR.Gi.VyHATAWAD, lliiiS? MISS-PATRICIAS LONG.ED SO RHOWJ W CHFQRAM lIPll Mr-rS AVjTOrO&lLE RlOE . wMTmr h?2f j I A v. frn I "r I s" "' IT ISN'T A BBlT N'N'NICE UP THIS WAT. I VE- HEARD SO MUCH ABOUT THE- D DRVE AND 5TU AVENUE AND THE SPEED-WWW C C CANT WE R.R-RlDE VJT THOSE 5' STREETS THET RE O GBOWDEO. YOU W3UL0n'T ENlJOT IT. - -r-. sr-OmA SSTREETS? i5 rsarYftA HOVv NICE OF MB.G.AHATAAAn 1 J TO TAtE MT SISTER OvjT FOR A RlDE .V I WE DiDNT SEE much . HOW DlD TOU WE ROUE OVER THE WORST BOMPITT Vil BUnP ROADS let's sing The CHORUS OVCR AQAN JfvtTBUnPROADSSjJ jCpJm-- zc rSgj VA-.xiW 6