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i fk. s 51 n n in n I f"J a EL PASO rui Zs t " ""I 0 ruRNISHIHG n HU U Co. ' MLLS 4M) STANTON STS. SEE THE DISPLAYS New Goods-Attractive Prices We have just received an immense shipment of new goods, of which a special display will be -made this week. As usual, best qualities and lowest prices pre vail. The new arrivals on display are: Lace Curtains 2Tew lace curtains are probably among your present needs. They1 can be selected from our new shipment. Torty different styles to select -from." Prices range $1.50 to $6.50 -per pair. Rockers Every rSom in the house can be sup plied from our present stock of rock ". ttrr tJiii a hundred styles aave just been placed on display. New Rugs Axminsier and seamless tapestry rugs are also among the new ar rivals. Many new patterns are shown and nowhere in El Paso can better qualities or; lower prices be found than here. ' Screens Screens in the home are not .only useful, but ornamental. Several new styles will be on display this week. Prices arc unusually low. OUT-OF-TOWN PEOPLE We invite correspondence from out-of-town people regarding anvihing they need in the way of furni- ture. UK RESUMED III PUERTOGITOS PROPERTY El Triunfo Ships Copper Matto to El Paso Smelter. Many Denouncements Made. " I m n imii linn vi in nrl III hi 3PsaaeiLi Fortunatus Questions His Daddy .. Say, Daddv, what do you think about being voted the "Homliest Dentist in Town 2" Don't worry, Fortunatus, you look like your mama. But since your dad got one of Bob Uloore's Hats on his head they better not puli off another contest, for the result would be different Dr. H.- A. Magruder Dentist COLES BLK. OVER THE WHITE HOUSE. I don't work for negroes. t Reference Ask anyone. IU 'ppr.,iiy-w "i III - ' ' - i C DCCTHnrn u ANNUL! LUiUHLU hi uminiiLn GIVE IN TO POLICE niiirT Ul LI 0 li SOLDIERS AFTER T Cananea, Son., Mex., July 17. After 72 rs of suspense during which veryfeody was in a. highly strung condition, expecting almost anything to happen, the city is again resuming its normal condition. Colonel Juan G. Cabral and major Pedro Bracamonte, assisted by many citizens and officials, have effected a settlement between the sojdiers and officials, the majority of rthe soldiers are now dismissed, many . - im bsve lotaed the ranks of Ca- Cf bra! Kind, the town ds now in Cstbral's ohrge. he being selected, to nave charge of the military. For a time Sf locked as if the sol diers would begin shooting, especially on Saturday evening when some of the police attempted to disarm them. How ever,' everything was apparently smoothed over by some of the fair minded officers In the ranks of the opposing faction and at about 9:30 it was decided between (themselves that the police be again allowed to carry their arms. Shortly afterwards the po lice went to the barracks to cat their guns -and as ilhey arrived one ot the officers ordered their arrest. Later Ihey were released with their arms and came down the hill to town. Then It was decided among the police that the soldiers 5e disarmed and they in mediately became busy and did so with about 10 of the soldiers. Tfifhen the remainder of the sQldiera in the. bar racks 5aeard of the disarming of their comrades they came down" the hill to Bonquillo and had an excited session sfor abnut an hour. Finally the cooler heads prevailed upon them to return to their quarters, which they did. In the morning Ithe police .force was greatly strengthened by the enlisting of the soldiers who were in sympathy with peace and order. As the soldiers came down 4he hill from the cuartel they were disarmed before they knew -what was on foot and later orders -were issued to the laitter that if they lA-ff- ! ramrtAl tViiv m-nct- Tooro Viq!t j arms there or they would be taken from them, .oms-ithe soldiers paid no attenfio'n to the notice,, tout as hey arrived down town theywere -disarmed Immediately. At a meeting between the citizens and officers of the mutinous soldiers, held at the old National Jheater build ing on Saturday evening, the officers admitted that they had done Wrong and that all they wanted was a chance to set themselves right with the public They promised ito do all they could to assist the police in again restoring order and that they -would gp among their men and do whjat they could to wards that end. Their work during the night was excellent, especially that or uapt. Jesus .tsueina, wno nas con siderable influence with (the soldiers. He stated that as his men had been disarmed by the other soldiers lie wanted 5us men to be given their, arms and that he would take them and re store order himself. , At 10 oclock Saturday night things had quieted down to eorae extent and Ibv 10:30 the police were again in charge of the affairs. of the city, the soldiers all going to their quarters with the exception of those detailed to assist tiie police. On Sunday morning another meeting was held at the theater and was attend ed by a large number of civilians and eoldStre, besides some of the officials. At this meeting It was decided that the soldiers remain in their quarters but that they be permitted to come down town without their arms. It was decided that Col. Juan G. Cabral be chosen as "mayor del plaza." Cabral was notified and when he came' down town lie was received with cbeers. The ringleaders of the mutiny have disappeared and it is believed that they have taken to the bills. One of them is accused of taking a quantity of money belonging to the soldiers. EKAPBOPERTIES ESOMEWORKON LARGE SCALE ' Parrdl District-Shows a De cided Eevival of-Activity With Eetum of Peace. Cananea, Sonora. Mex., July 17. The Cananea Consolidated Copper company Greene-Cananea) has resumed opera tions at the Puertocitos property, which is located at the western ex tremity of the district. This property has been Idle for over a year and but little woric nas be'en done in that Io calitj' since that time. "Recently the company decided to do some prospecting on the Puertocitos ahd it is understood that some gratify ing results have been obtained. In fact, it is beliea-ed that Work Is being Tesumed r' he property on acount of the ore finds made In that locality, Operations will be conducted on a larger scale than heretofore and besides the quarrying there will also be some "underground work done. TTvrAtnfnrA fho ftriftratioits at PuertO- cltos consisted of quarrying the surface ore, of which there is a body about S00 feet wide, with a band of richer ore. Ir. thA renter about 200 feet wide and which Is thought to pass through the hill, as there is a stuong outcrop ot richer ore on either side which is simi lar In Its relation to the poorer ore on either side of it. The amount of ore at this property Is immense and it Is supposedly the plan of the company to block out this by means of drifts and shafts. Ore is 1b Bencfte. The ore is mined in benches 100 feet apart and up to the time of ceasing op erations had advanced 125 feet or more into the .ore without a sign of passing through the carbonates. This blanket Is m-nhskblv 150 to 200 feet thick and lies like- a blanket over the hill. There are three benches, two of which are in ore. It is roughly estimated that there are at least 1,000,000 tons of this ore remaining awaiting transportation to thft reduction olaht by way of the nar row gage railroad, a distance of about six or seven miles. ' El Triunfo Consolidated Mining com pany a 20 ton shipment of high grade copper matte to the El Paso smelter this week. The matte is the production of the past few weeks of the wood burning reverberatory fur nace, which isin operation at the prop erty of the company near Arizpe. The matte carries high values in gold and Silver. A property which is making consid erable headway in the Alamos district Is Ia Junta Fifty men are employed by the company, all being Mexicans. Ao tho mnipanv Is hwiiefl bv Mexican capitalists, nothing but native labor Is employed. The, tailings will run from 10 to $15 and at present Joseph Obermiller is -cy-anidlng tljem on a royalty, using the cyanide plant of the company which Is on the ground. Ia Prieta Does "JVell. Another property In the Alamos dis trict which is coming to the front is L,a Prieta mine. This property Is owned jointly by Obermiller, "Vnics and McCarthy, all of Alamos. It is a gold proposition and located about 30 miles northeast of the town of Ala mos. There, is a five stamp mill on the gnounoV which is in operation on an average nine hours daily, and the own ers are getting good returns for their efforts The property Is considered a good one. Mnny Denouncements. Many denouncements have, been re cently made in Sonora and the number greatly exceeds that of a .like period last vear. Following Is a list of recent kfjlings on mineral lands: Juan Amtunez fllped on nine perte nencias near Soyopa, district of Ures, near the ISc-che- Buena mine. Herman "Wendler, of the San Antonio de la Huesta property has taken up 42 pertenencias in that locality, TJres dis trict, s T. Robinson Bours & Bros., of Ala mos have filed on the following for E. M. Greenlee: Three pertenenclas In the municipality of Qulrlego. district of Alamos; -sixpertenenclas in same ais trict, municipality of Rio Chico; five pertennecias in same district, near L.a Colorado mine; five pertenenclas also near La Colorado. J. M. Quiros, six pertenencias in mu nicipality of Rio Chico, district of Al amos; eight pertenencias In same lo cality. . - G. Sanchez, 10 pertenenclas in munic ipality Of Cucurpe, district of Magda lena, near the El Tucabe ranch. F. N. "Valencia and I. Angulo, five pertenencias In Cerro Tordillo moun tains, Magdalena district. J. A. Soto, 20 pertenencias in munic ipality of Bavispe, district of Mocte zUma. Nicolas Shaid, of rouglas, Ariz , three pertenencias near. Cumpas six pertenencias near Huasabns, both in district of Moctezuma. ,T. J-x Gallego, 12 pertenencias In Flomosa canyon, near Cumpas, F. Ortega atnd F. Piatt. 10 pertenen cias in municipality of Caborca, Altar district, near Ifa. Union mine. J. R. L.iston, five pertenenclas in municipality and district of Altar. The property lfe located four kilometers from the Amelia mine of the Mexican Metals company. "W. E. Rogers, of Pacific Grove. Cal., 24 pertesnencias. municipality of Ca iborca, district of Altar R. B. Hoyos, 14 pertenencias near Ros'ario, district of Moctezuma. N. K. Pierce, four pertenencias in mu nicipality of Cumpas, Moctfezuma. J. J. Kennedy, 31 and fraction per tenencias in municipality of Raton, TJres district. M. Tomayo, "nine pertenencias in mu nicipality of Soyopa, Ures district, near tho Chichiqulllte mine. During the past few weeks quite a number of American prospectors have been coming into Sonorafor the pur pose of filing on mining properties. It is likely that there will be many .more filings durimg July than there was in any month this j'ear. Attention Elks.. The funeral of Bro. George1 "W. Dailey will be held from the Elks' Home Tues day afternoon at 2 oclock sharp. All Elks earnestly requested to be present. ' - Jos. TV. TTard, Exalted Ruler. Rose Bud mandolin minstrels each Thursday at McCulloug&'s. J. TV. Everman, superintendent of the T. & P. left Sunday night- for Dallas, after a three days' lay over here In his private car Parral, Mex., July 17. Manager Ed mund Putmam returned from (the east last week and has outlined a cam paign of activity for several of the properties belonging to the Eureka Mining company. Among the mines of the company on wfliich work will be re sumed in an active manner are the Negra, Providencia and Eureka. The mines mentioned are in this dis trict and up -to several months ago the work done was principally developing, but because of the revolution the work stopped. ."" , Strikes in Almoloyr District. ( In the Almoloya district the miners are out on a strike for the usual more pay, but. the employers refuse to ac cede to, the men's demands and as a cronsequence- several of the larger prop erties are closed down to await a desire otn the part of the men to go back to work again. . The scale of wages in the Almoloya district for miners is the (highest in northern Mexico; the men receive $2 a day, which Is 50 icents more than is paid in the Parral, Santa Barbara, Santa Eulalia and .several other districts in the state. " OrHHiisatlon Perfected. According o advices reaching this city duringthe week from New York, the organization of the "Western Duran te Mining and Developing company, with several large properties In the town of Guanacevi. state of Durango, has been completed and the directors of the compaay propose-to begin work within the neltt 60 or 90 days The company was organized under the laws of the state-of Delaware and has a capital stock of. f 70 0,0 00, United States currency. The stock is divided into 700,000 shatres of s par value of $1 each. No bonds are to "be issued. The following properties were ac quired some time ago to complete the organization: Bond and lease on "El Fuerte'r property, consisting ofk 39 acres r bond and lease on "Aguaje," 19 acre's; full rights on "Little Anna," 17 acres; full rignts on "Catalina," 10 acres; full rights on "Sa-nta Isabel," 10 acres; a Durango state mill concession giving holders permission to build and operate a cyanide mill at Guanacevl. The town where the properties are located is situated in. the extreme northern part of the state of Durango, and is in the center of a well and favorably known mining district. The altitude of the district varies from 6800 to nearly 10,000 -eet. The district has been worked Jot precious metals for over 300 years. Freight Is transported either by wa gon to or from Tepehuanes or toy pack animals to or from Tepehuanes or Ro sarlo GuaracevJ being situated about 70 miles from Rosario and 65 miles from Tepehaunes. The time consumed by wagons -malting the round trip Is from eight o ten" 'days from either jxdnt mentioned. t The actual management of the prop erties will be In thehands of John Al lingham, formerly mill superintendent of tho Mexican Consolidated, and J. H. Hedges, formerly mine superintendent of the same Company. t San Francisco Shipping Concentrates. "Work .goes steadily on at the San Franoisoo mine aaid eevrything about the mill seems to be in first class run ning order. Concentrates are being shipped to tHe Torreon agency in this city. TV. S. Harrison is in charge. "Walt On Elections. According-, to well Informed persons in this district' and Santa Banbara work will not be resumed on the Re form property until after the ' elec tions in October, when, according to ' our informants, work will be pushed with vigor. It Is understood tihat the active man agement -of the properties will be in the 'hands of F. A. Matthew, a well known miming engineer of this section. who is now on a business trip in tne states. Shipping Bullion to Pnrral. Bullion shipments continue regularly each week from the Alvarado property and no trouble of any character Is be ing experienced, either from the em ployes or the working pf the machin ery. It Is denied that the. employes of thds property were about to declare a RTf left- Stallfortb.'8 Ship 920,000. The Stallforth bank in this city shipped-during the week 17 bars of bullion silver valued at $20,000 to Monterey. The bars were a week's output at the Veta" Colorado Mining and Smelting company, in Villa Escobedo. Adela. Roncc,4VKlle. Twenty men aro employed in the de velopment operations at the Adela, Rondesvalles property. It is expected that more -men will be put to work a little later on when the present devel- opments how more progress. The Adela, Is the property "i- u- HoefllCh and associates, ofMexico City, and the active operation are in charge of E. Van Dreveldt, an experienced en gineer of this city. - BHYOLITEFOUND IN TOWNER-LOVELL MINE Ledge Eich in Gold Is TJn- coYered by Frank Dean Itfear Tombstone Tombstone, Ariz., July 17. During the past two weeks Important develop ment work has been 'done on the Towner-Lovell group of mines in the Whetstone mountains. This group -as recently taken over by the "Western Mines and .development corporation of Chicago. The work now being done at the mines is under the supervision of Frank Dean, who has a nunjber of experienced miners at work upon the property. Mr. Dean discovered and partiallv opened a ledge of rhyollte over 50 feet in width In, a canyon on. the property, and from all appearances It will carry many thousand? of dollars in gold to the ton. The point of discovery in the canyon is about 1000 feet lower than where work is being carried on at present. The ledge is cut by the canyon, and tunnels can be driven op the vein to the north and' south, the ore being sim ply stoped down in order to take it out. thus reducing the cost of, mining to a minimum. The ore found is rich in gold. It is concentrating ore, howeyer, and it is the announced intention of Mr. Dean to have his company rect a small mill for ciushing the ore, and the concentrates wlli be shipped to the smelters. , Of Course Clothes Will Wear Out: But they'll not wear out before .they should if you patronize this laun dry. The life of washable fabrics may bo lengthened ereatly by .proper laundering methods. It may be shortened almost by half -oy care less laundering. V .Your selection f a laundry has much to do Tvith the life of your linens. El Paso Laundry r ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS THE WEATHER Forecast. Monday. July 17, 1911. El Paso and vicinity Unsettled weather tonight and Tuesday. iTew Mexico Generally cloudy, with local showers tonight or Tuesday. West Texas Unsettled weather to night and Tuesday. Local Office U. S. Weather Bureau. EI Paso, Texas, July 17, 1911. El Paso readings: Today Yesterday 6 a.m. 6 p. m. Barometer (sea level) 19 -.93 29.88 Dry thermometer . 08 83 Wet thermometer 65 68 Pew point 64 61 Relative humidity 84 49 Direction of wind SE. E. Velocity of wind .. V -2 14 Stat of --weather . . . . iv. . .Pf, Cldy Cldy. Hainfall last 24 hours..... T) Highest temp, last 24 hrs.. 88 Lowest temp, last 12 hrs.. 68 River. Height of river this morning above fixed zero mark, 16.0 feet; no change in last ,24 hours.' Weather BulletlH. v All observations taken at S a. m., 75th meridian time, orSa. m., El Pasotlme Stations. Abilene, Tex 72 Atlantic City, K. J 76 Boise, Idaho 68 Boston, Mass 68 Buffalo, X Y '.64 dhicagof 111 ....-64 Corpus Christi, Tex... 78 Denver, Colo 58 Des Moines, Ta .'56 Durango, Colo 50 Eastport, Me 56 EL PASO, TEX 68 Galvestorf. Tex 80 I Helena, Mont 56 Jacksonville, Fia 74 Kansas City, Mo..... 66 Knoxville. Tenn 68 Louisville, Ky 66 Memphis, Tenn . . 70 Montgomery, Ala 74 few Orleans; La 76 Xow York, N. Y 74 Oklahoma City, Okla. .74 Phoenix. Ariz 74 Pittsburg, Pa 66 Portland, Ore 68 Boswell. 3T. M 66 St. Louis. Mo 68 St. Paul, Mjnn., 60 San Diego. Cak 62 San Francisco, Cal 52 Seattle, Wash 62 Spokane. Wash 68 Tampa, Fla 78 I Toledo, 0 60 Washington, D. 0 74 J; o u 7"1Ej P. T mrZ 0 0 0 0 .88 0 0 0 0 .20 r 0 0 .62 .04 i PiCIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO MAIL ORDERS Just Received a few more extr' fine fruits for preserving. Mountain' Park Cherries, per lb :i v .''-. .l?e Mountain Parks' Bed Currants, per lb. . .,-.s. ...... 15c Mountain Park Gooseberries, per lb ..v a .,'..... loc Siberian Crab Apples, per lb -6)c Small Crab Apples, per lb -" --.- y Wild Goose Jelly' Plums, per lb 6e Just secured and will start ship ping in a few days Elberta peach es, the finest in the Alamogordo and Mountain Park district. As there will be no Texas Elberta peaches this year, you will do well to let us have your order early. All orders placed in ad vance will be filled first. 18 lbs. Granulated Sugar for - Pf-. Mason Fruit Jars, per doz , v Qt. Mason Fruit Jars, , per doz 'Extra heavy Bed. Jar Rubbers, 3 doz for Extra. Mason Jar Tops, per doz Parafino (for sealing jel lies) per lb Jelly Glasses with lids.. per doz .- -- Bulk Starch, 4 lbs. for $1.00 . 65c ..75c 25c 25c 20c 30c 25c Large GokUhKt, per pkg Old Dutch Cleaaer, 3 for Large Size- Milk, (any brand) 3 for.i Small Size Milk, (any brand) 6 foes ...-. . Extra Good Macaroai, 3 pkg3. for Extra Eine Head Rice, 3 lbs. for Extra Fine Jap Rice, - 4 lbs. for .-.: 20c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c Large Kolls, 1000 sheet count, Tissue Toilet . Paper, 4 for v . ., '-25c Blue Eibbon Butter, per lb ; -v ; -c Blue Eibbon Eggs, pr doz '. ., . 25 Mountain Park Eggs, fresh, every day, perdos. . -40c Extra Pine Eating Peaches, i lbs 25e Eyster's C. O- D- Grocery and Market ' v Cor. Kansaa and Boulevard. Bell Phones SS4 S44 S23. AmtsF 11. eat BeHriatemt JSM. LEADEES IN LOWER PRICES. 02 P- Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. Cloudy. JRain. Cleart Pt. Cldv. Pt. Cldy. Pt. Cldy. Clear. Cloudy. Pt. Cldy. Cloudy. Pt.Cldy. 12 Cloudy. J u Uiouav. Clear. Clear. Clear. Cloudy. Rain. Cloudv. Pt. Cldy Cloudy. Pt. Cldy. Pt.jOldy. Cloudy. Pt. Cldy. Pt. Cldy. Cloudv" Cloudy. Pt. Cldy. Pt.Cldy. Clear. Pt. Cldy. Rain. A LITTLE OF OUR ICE CREAM .68 .08 0 .18 .56 0 0 .20 .36 0 .06 0 rA. ,06 a 0 0 0 .20 .10 !rfM 1L ' L" I.") I MM' Mi I Lijgks - : CHANGES MADE IN CLOUDCROFT HOMES O. H. Baimi Purchases Ma goffin Cottage Blaster's Home -Koished. Cloudcroft. N. It, July 17. J. J. Kaster's new cottage has been com pleted and is one of the prettiest cot tages in Cloudcroft. Mrs. "W. M. Laughlin and daughter. Miss Irene, are expected up next week. O. H. Baum has purchased the Ma goffin cottage, on Chipmunk and Grand boulevard, and Mrs. Baum has arrived to make extensive improvements. The roads are fast drying out after the "heavy rains. Tbe regular Saturday evening dance was held at the Lodge. There was also a dance at the pavilion. A. L Sharpe came up on the excur sion and will return soon with his daughter, Miss Holland, who has been the guest of Vilas Simmons at "Moun tain .Home" for some time. George Sauer returned to Cloudcroft Saturday after spending two or three days in El Paso. Horace B. Stevens came up on the excursion to spend some time with his family at "Hillside." Miss Wanda Race returned to Cloudcroft Saturday after spending ! two or three days in El Paso. Laurence Stevens returned to El Paso Saturday after spending a month with his parents at "Sandview.'' He will return in August. Miss Mary Nations will be the guest A bad taste in the mouth comes from a disordered stomach, and back of that Is usually a torpid liver: A condition which invites disease. HERBINE Is the remedy needed. It corrects the stomach and makes the liver active and regular. Price 50c. Sold by Scott White & Co., 204 Mills, and Depot I Pharmacy. is never enough. It tastes like "more'" all the time. And unlike many other things you can eat all of our ice cream you want to. It is s6 pure and wholef s'ome, made under such cleanly conditions that no quantity eaten' can harm. Try some .v& not its excelleaee. 6MITH ICE CREAM CO. BELL- 318 AUTO-llM We Have Moved Over the White House DRS. MAGRUDER & STEVENS s -. DENTISTS References We doat -work er esrees. Ask any one. SstafeUsfce 1W2. of Miss Hilda Sauer the coming weeK. I the Coolidge irrigation canal acroia Rev. Jeff D. Ray, who was to -icld services In Cloudcroft Sunday morn ing was unable to come. Rev. Ken neth Brown, of El Paso, wiill hold services next Sunday. PARMIXGTOX'S COSTLY CANAL FLUME DAMAGED. Farmington, N M., July 17. One re sult of late heavy rains inthls county was the loss of the long and expen sive ilume which, conducts water for the mouth or La Plata, river tnre miles west of Farmington. On the ranges cattle, sheep amd -horses are reported in better condition than for several years. For the new waterworks oysters to be constructed at once It is proposed to take the supply from the San Juan river, one mile away. NIGHT and DAY Telephone Bell 932 Auto 1632 For the Best Messengers in El Paso BELLEVUE MESSENGER SERVICE 103 N.Stanton Street , Set 1 I Doubt 1 litest Give us a trial aad you will dispel all doubts as to our ability to sapply you with better feed than you seciire elsewhere. Our stock is large, which assures yoa of prompt deliveries aad our prices are as low as the quality will permit. Bight now is the time to give U3 that trial order. Bruce Seeton Successor to 0. G-. Seeton & Son Third & Chihuahua Sts. - f- I