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El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931, July 20, 1911, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88084272/1911-07-20/ed-1/seq-3/

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Thursday, July 20, 1911.
Elberta Peaches
Coming in Fresh Every Day Now
I have secured 1000 crates of the fanciest Elber
ta Peaches in the Mt. Park and Alamogordo nelds.
"Will sell them while they last at
75c per Grate
Dont Fail to See Them
Eyster's C. O. D. Grocery
''Corner Kansas and Boulevard
BELL PHONES 884-844-823
Meat Dept Bell Phones 865. Auto 1691
The Greatest Play
. As Told To
Hugh S. Fullerton
That I Ever Saw
First Baseman Pittsburg Pirates, and Who Is Considered One of the Greatest
Finds of the- Season In BasebalL
II Old Hid
Mail Orders Filled
Since I broke out of the bu6b.es I i
hare seen a lot of great plays and
much finished "work. Wagner and
Clarke and Leach have showtfme a
lot of wonderful feats, but I never
have seen anything that -jeompares
with, a play I saw long before I broke
out. The play was made by a fel
low -whose name I have forgotten, but
they called him "Dutch," and he was
a. left fielder. It was made over at
South Salem, Ohio, which consists
mostly of & cemetery, Neeley's band
and a couple of churches. Also sev
eral people live there and they have
an academy. I was playing around
Chillicothe as a Md aud we had a
team that thought It couldn't be
beaten, so when we were challenged,
to come over to South Salem and play
we thought it would be soft to trim
up those farmers and offered to play
them, winner take ninety per cent, of
the gate receipts. The receipts at
fcest would be about twenty dollars,
mosquitqesTsad This year
But don't scratch the poisoned skin.
Use a mild, cooling, healing com
pound that stops the Itch instantly,
draws out the poison In the skin and
protects it against further trouble.
Just a mild cleansing wash of oil
of wlntergreen, thymol and a few
other ingredients known as the TJ. T.
D. Prescription (so famous in cases of
Eczema) and you have mosquito protec
tion for the season. -
Xes, instant relief now only 25c.
Kelly & Pollard.
but we wanted to cover expenses,
which, were three dollars for the rent
of a team and wagon, and nine meals
at twenty-five cents. We never ex
pected to be beaten, but we got up
against it. Those fellows had made
their own bats out of wagon tongues;
they were five feet long, and the way
they hit was frightful. The grounds
were out east of the village; there
was the corner of an orchard in left
Another item in summer fur
niture that should not he over
looked is Old -Hickory furni
ture. While the present sum
mer season is somewhat ad
vanced, it is not too late to "buy
Old Hickory, for its superior
construction gives you service
several seasons. We have a
full range of styles to select
Get the Most Out of Your Porch
Use Vudor Shades
The ideal porch shade is the Vudor. ITot only
is this the ideal shade during the day, but as
the majority of El Paso people use their
porches for sleeping porches the Vudor really
gives service 24 hours each day. The cost is
nominal from $3.00 to $10.00 for ordinary
porches. 1 a .
rorch bwings
Porch swings, similar to cut
shown, also hammock swings
and regulation hammocks will
give you additional summer
comfort and pleasure. We
have lots of styles to select
from and like everything else
we sell, prices are most reason
able. See the display of swings
and hammocks.
"We sell the Monarch lawn swing. No invest
ment you can possibly make will give you as
much satisfaction as one of these swings.
Hoyt Furniture Co.
109-11-13 San Francisco Street
We Close at Noon Saturday
. II
field and a grove of sugar trees in
right. It was the corner tree of the
orchard that brought the greatest
play I ever saw.
This big fellow, Dutch, in left was a
wonder. He knocked down ouT,lnfield
ers with his hits, and lifted one clear
over the orchard. When we came to
the ninth Inning the score was ten to
nine in favor of South Salem, but we
had last bats and expected to win out
as our strongest hitter which was
me was coming to bat in that inning.
Maybe the rest of our team didn't
feel as sure as I did, but in those
days if I failed to get a triple I was
disappointed, and I conceded that I
was the best hitter in the world.
There was one man out and a run
ner on second when I came to bat,
so I felt cock sure we had the game
won. I hit the first ball pitched high
up and far away to left; and as I saw
it was going into that apple tree at
the corner, I felt that the ninety per
cent, and the game both belonged to
us. But T didn't calculate on Dutch.
That big fellow came sprinting across
after the ball and when he saw it was
going Into the tree he didn't even
hesitate. He took a running jump,
grabbed one of the lower limbs with
both hands, pulled himself up, turned
over, and as he sat on the limb of the
tree he caught that ball.
The runner who had been on sec-
Gossip of Games Here and
On Other Fields of Sport
(By, Ted Mooring.)
Ping Bodie put one over on Comiskey
recently that cost the White Sox man
ager -the treats for the team. , Ping
was late in showing up for a game, and
Comiskey jumped him. Ping- stated as
his excuse that he had been detained,
as he had heen signing a new Ping
Bodie for-the White Sox. Then Comis
key got sore: "The next time you are
late it will cost you $10. Anyhow, eith
er Duffy or myself will do all the oo
taining of new material for this team. '
Without cracking a smile, Ping stood
for the rehuke and then quietly re-
ond base had started home as hard as
he could when I hit the ball, and
when Dutch caught it he was across
the plate. Dutch dropped backwards
as the ball bit his hands, hooked his
calves around the limb, turned over,
lighted on his feet and threw to sec
ond, completing the double play that
beat us out of that game. I had to
pony up sixty cents out of my own
pocket to add to the ten per -cent we
got in order to meet expenses, and
the team fired me as' manager.
Now, anyone who can beat that for
a great play has got to go some.
(Copyright, 1911, by W. G. Chapman.)
marked: 'That's where I differ with
you. I'll do the signing of all the
Ping Bodies myself. I forgot to say
that he's an eight pounder and has red
hair." Comiskey stood treat.
Manager Howard Fogg, 'of the White
Sox, pulled off a unique piece of base
ball Sunday that caused second base
man Meis of the Soldiers to muff a
grounder. Fogg was running from
first to second on a grounder hit by
Simpson to Meis. Timing tils stride so
that he would cross the line with the
(ball, Fogg let it go between his legs
without pausing in his run. This rat
tled Meis and he failed to handle the
sphere. The Soldiers kicked, but with
out avail; Fogg had not interfered
with the play. Just to rub it In, Fogg
then stole third hase while the pitcher
held the hall.
siiiiiiiiHlaW. sbsiw m jW MM Mm mfJm Mr mmm M jv flv mm mrnMm MsSmBmmmf MBmmmm mm WmW JSmm MO HmV JmmW Mmmm
w mmmmWmmmmWmm' Mr rnrn Br Mm s Mr dm Mm mMM7 imBl Mm mmm mm Mmr mmm mmSwMmmmmW MmMMMr W mm w- W Bmf Sb mw Mmm MMMmm
I mmmm mB HejL9(1 B B Ps JL Wis mrg 3 jJ&fflHfSpBHSPwWy mmmWmmtimm. ?3sZHBB!
BraJv AffHrBv M Wrtf f' l&PESBBBfrfaivfcb WmmJmmmmmmJmmmW SmMmmmW
mmmmmmSF SjSmT MM FmTBm mm mttFmmmEmr AA 3r mmmr ff WmW wSr ifnUSqaZEJEflfehw SN QmmmmBmmmHmmW Q&f .MmmmmmMM.
Hazel Hotchklss went east and dem
onstrated to the eastern tennis players
that they did not know the game. Now
the eastern girl players have retaliate'!
iby getting a New Tork paper to say
that Mlss Hotchkiss Is "dumpy," "wn
proportioned," "funny" and several
other complimentary things. Mighty
poor way of accepting a a defeat, it
would seem, as Miss Hotchkiss is
neither of the three charges brought
against her, being a petite, well-developed
and perfectly proportioned woman
tennis player.
It would look like a good schema
that In addition to the winning teams
of the National and American leagues
playing a post series, that it might be
interesting to have St. Louis in the
Americans, play Boston of the Nation
als. The game could be started at 8
in the a. m. and last over day by day
until it was finished. There are fans
who would like to know which is the
worst team.
Frank Chance has made a switch on
the Cubs In an endeavor to put
strength into his team. He has sent
Hofman back to the center garden,
as Artie could not handle the low halls
on first; Goode "was not doing well and
has been put on the bench. First base
will be handled by "Vic Saier, -one of
the youngsters on the team, who has
been studying this position for several
weeks from the bench.
Felix Fox, left fielder on a semi-professional
New Tork team, suffered a
serious but peculiar injury while vlay
ing in a game at New 'York. He was
running after a long fly when he fell
headloiig into a bonfire that had been
built on the edge of the field. He was
so badly burned that it was necessary
Effective July 23rd Double Daily Trains To and From Fort Worth,
Dallas, Little Rock apd St, Louis on the following schedule
(Mountain or El Paso Time):
No. 6 1 1 No. 4
7:10 a. m. 7:15 p. m.
No. 3 I' I No. 5
10:35 a. m. 8:35 p. m.
I Doubt 1
No. 6 The Cannon Ball-Eastboind will leave at 7:10 a. m. and
handle the thru Los Angeles, St. Louis Sleeper.
No. 4 The St. Louis Express-Easthound will leave at 7:15 p. m.
and handle a thru El Paso, St. Louis Sleeper.
Nt. 5 The Cannon Ball-Westbound will arrive at 8:35 p. m.
and handle the thru St. Louis, Los Angeles Sleeper.
No. 3 The St. Louis Express-Westbound will arrive at 10:35
a. m. and handle the thru St. Louis, El Paso Sleeper.
Dining Cars On All Trains, Electric Equipment
Fifty Oil Cars Have Been Purchased and the Dust Nuisance Will be Eliminated
N. M. LEACH, Traffic Manager,
Sax AstOBlo, Tex.
E. P. TURNER, Genl. Pass., and Tkt. Agt. v
Dallas. Texas.
El Paso, Tex.
Give us a trial and you will dispel
all doubts as to our ability to supply
I you with, better feed than you secure
elsewhere. Our stock is large, which
assures you of prompt deliveries and
our prices are as low as the quality
wiU permit. Right now is the time
to give us that trial order.
Successor to
O. G-. Seeton & Son
Third & Chihuahua St.
We Close at One O'clock '
Every Friday
Half Holiday Specials
On Sale 8 to 12 No Phone Orders
Rubber Gloves . Women 9s Hose
House gloves made of best Sample line of women's cotton
quality, pure rubber, seamless and lisle hose, plain, lace and
and perfect fitting. Regular embroidered, in black axwl col-
75c value, on sale Friday ors. Values to 35c on sale
morning, Friday morning,
a pair
a pair
For Apple and Pear Boxes, Grape Crates and Baskets
can or write Goodman Produce Co.
Wholesale Fruit & Produce 501-3-5-7 . EI Paso St
Rio Grande Valley Bank & Trpst Company
Resources Over $2,500,000. 7
SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Open Saturday- Evenings. "
We are in the market for loans of $1000.00 to 5000.00 oa improved
property in the City of El Paso.
The ability to properly care for .the needs of the people, has broagfei
us over 6000 satisfied depositors. x
We can serve 1000 more. WILL YOU BE ONE?
W. W. Turney, Prest, W. Cooley, V. P. aal 3!Cgr.
S. T. Turner, Vice PresL W. E. Arnold, Cashier.
H. E. Christie, Secretary. F. M. Murchison, Asat. Cashier.
Sig. N. Schwabe, Asst. Cashier.
State National Bank
C R. MOREHEAD, President. C. N. BASS-ETT, Vice Pr-kfc
L. J. GILCHRIST, Ast. Cashier.
Just as easy to open a savings account with us as thoagk yo Krai
next door.
WE PAY 4 latest compounded Twice Every Year. We
business under the Depositor's Guaranty Law of the State of Texas asd
are a Guaranty Fund Bank as provided by such Law.
Our plan, in addition to being convenient, is safe, profitable aad liberaL
Nobody has ever lost a dollar in a. State Bank in Texas.
Write today for our free booklet BANKHTG- B3T MATT."
or simply mail your deposit.
The best boarding and day school for girls in the southwest.
Telephone 2929 1111-1115 Terrace Street, Sunset Heifhts
BLEES Military Academy & "r ZkR
president Lexington College, Lexington, Mo., fifteen years president of Baylor7
College, Belton, Tex., has absolute lease. Over one-half million dollars lnvsted
Finest equipment outside of "West Point. Full faculty. Col. G. L. Byroade. U. S.
A., Commandant.' Send for catalogue, "W. A. Wilson, A. 3I. Supt., ilacon, 3tfo.
to remove him to the Staten Island
Catcher Manquera lost a chance to
tie the game for his team Sunday. He
was on second base when a 'clean hit
was driven to right. Manquera cut
third base by 15 feet and was promptly
called out by the umpire. The Mexican
catcher h'ad plenty of time to have gone
to third,, touching the base and still
scoredr There might have been a dif
ferent story had he done so."
White Sox, is suffering from a sora
arm. In the last two games he has
made' three bad throws, allowing a
score, as the result of this soreaess.
From present indications it looks as
if Detroit is due for a bad slump. Gain
or Is already out of the game, Stanage
is crippled up, and now comes word
that the mainspring of the Tigers is
about to lay off. Ty Cdbb, it Is said,
has a bad cough. If he goes out of
the game Philadelphia will be on a
par with Detroit, as they lost their
best man In Eddie Collins.
Dallas has secured threa new players.
They are outfielder Faulk and third
baseman HiHcox, formerly of the Ma
con club in the Missouri State league,
and pitcher' Hardie from Stephenville.
Galveston tried Hardie in the begin
ning of the year as first baseman, but
released him; now he has turned
Pitcher Armstrong and right fielder
Nagle, of the Globe Mills team, proved
their arms to be useful for something
else besides a ball game Tuesday night.
It was 'In the bowling match against
Las (Jruces. Armstrong bowled one
game of 240 pins, while Nagle aver
aged 179 pins for three games.
Johnny Kllng, -who was sold by tho
Cubs to Boston, is batting like a fiend
these days. In every game he playa
he has been 'getting either two or
three hits out of four times up for the
past 10 days.
Catcher Allen, of the Houston team,
started a riot in Waco July 17 when
he shoved the umpire. Police stepped
in and took one of the Houston play
era to the lockup.
The new city league batting aver
ages are being compiled and will be
published In The Herald Saturday afternoon.
Albany, N. Y.t July 20. The Glttings
bill, to relieve directors of racing as
sociations from liabilities for gambling
carried on at race tracks without their
knowledge, has passed the senate by &
vote of 26 to 22. The bill .has not
passed the assembly.
Feeria, 111., July 20. "Bobby" Car
ruthers, famous as a pitcher for the
St. Louis baseball club of the old
American association when it won four
sucesslve championships, and who
later pitched in the National league,
is in a hospital here reported to be
dying. Carruthers has been umpiring
in the Three Eye league.
Mutt and Jeff are with .us. Another
appearance today on Classified pag.
Every day in The Herald hereafter.
First baseman Boss, of the Popular
j j j j j j ? j j g $ ji
I t ! ! ! t J ! ! ! i "J & fr
$100 Reward, $100.
The readws of ttils paper vt'M be ftatsed to lew
Uaat ibere la at least oa dreaded disease that setoaca
bu beea able to cure 6a &H Its stagea. aad that ft.
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tbe oaly peatttrs
cure now known to tbe medical fratetaltr. Catarrh
being a ooasUtutloaal disease, reevtrea a eoaetttu
ttonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Care ia tai to
ternally. acting directly upon tbe blood and nacous
surfaces of the system, thereby deetroysag tto,
foundation of tbe disease, and Klvtor the satteav
streagta oy Duiiamg up tbe cosutwa asa
tog nature ta doing Its -work. The proprietors have
ao much faith In Its curative powers that they aaec
Owe Hundred Dollars for any ease titat n Sato
cure, seaa lor it or tettuaealala.
Address F. J. CHEXEYJ fc CO.. Te4c O.
Sold by aK TJru?s!9s. 75e.
Tiia Hall's fasMy PSis lor ce&stSpatiw ,

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