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ft Fresh SPECIAL NOTE- We extend you a cordial invitation to come and see the ad vance styles in fall suits and skirts that we are now displaying. The New "Cash" Market Makes Good i " I J i L Oij Titfo More Days-- This Sale Closes Monday For tomorrow, one of the two remaining days of our Clean Sweep Sale, we are confident of being abfeto give you values that it" will be impossible to find else where. The following items are mentioned especially. At the same time, keep in mind the fact that nearly every article in the store is now offered at a Clean Sweep price. 2 H O S E SPECIALS As an inducement to you to attend Clean Sweep Sale to morrow,, we offer a genuine silk liose, in black only, as anJSxtra Special at, per pair j I PARASOLS I EXTRA! Summer vests that sell regu larly for 10c each; Extra Spe cial for Saturday 4 for 25c Embroidered Hose Handsomely embroidered hose3 in tan and "black, is also a big attraction for tomorrow. This will be sold at 3 pair for $L oo Extra! $2.50 Night Gowns $1.00 Pully 10 different styles in gowns. 3Iade of fine nainsook and crepe. Prettily finished in lace and embroidery. These are regular $1.50 garments; Clean Sweep Extra Special to morrow $1.00 3 Extra. Specials All parasols have been re grouped, and the three special lots noted are unusual values. Offer No. 1 Kegular 85c parasols, white linene, OQ are offered tomorrow for OitC Offer No. 2 Parasols in a large variety of colors, hath plain and fancy, are offered in QP values up to $1.75 at JOC Offer No. 3 150 silk parasols, pongees, taffetas, messa lines, etc., in every conceivable pattern, large variety of styles in handles, values up to $3.5u; Clean Sweep Special ($- Q tomorrow tj)icQ Extra! $1.00 Silk Gloves 49c (Limit one pair.) Tomorrow only one pair only to each customer we offer 16 button length silk gloves, in black and white, a regular $1.00 grade, as an Extra Special at 49c Ei Paso Housekeepers have been quick to appreciate the superior service and Money Savin? Prices thev get at the :.: ta "7,r .. -s.-i ... wm, New uasn mantel, mien you consider the three follow ing facts you can readily un derstand how we do it: Mm Jmm fMjiL wgeggs-" i it WW Extra! $1.00 Wash Belts 39c Guaranteed Silk Petticoats Extra! S3 Silk Petticoats $1.87 Messaline1 petticoats, black only, 3 styles to select from, these are petticoats that sell ordinarily for $5.00;- Clean Sweep Special at $1,87 We have grouped, for tomor row's selling 25 dozen wash belts. They come in a variety of styles, most of them are beautifully embroidered. They are finished with dainty pearl buckles. Values range up to $1.00; you have choice tomorrow at 39c Taffeta petticoats, fully guar anteed for 3 months, come in all colors, including black and white, regular $6.75 garments; Clean Sweep Special tomorrow at We also include in the above special messaline and Jerctoy top petticoats. Extra! $5.00 Dresses $2.89 Women's pretty summer dresses, made of cotton foulards, French ginghams, lawns, dimities, marquisettes and cotton voiles. These dresses are priced in a regular way up to $5.00; Clean Sweep price tomorrow $2.89 $10.00 DRESSES $4.85 Another remarkable Clean Sweep value in wash dresses. All Kinds of dresses in value up to $10.00; Clean Sweep Special at $4.85 Waists at 69 Cents A number of pretty styles in embroidery and lace trimmed waists, also some plain tucked models with stiff collar and cuffs. Values to $1.25; Clean Sweep Special 69c Only Two More Days of Clean Sweep Sale 1 SO ?&")! 3 vl nwm L8VIif"'?ynraffji L tvfx'fti Only Two More Days of Clean Sweep Sale We Seli for Cash Only We Have Cheap Rent We Make No Deliveries Instead of "one day" specials we offer you the best meats and lowest prises six days in the week. Come tomorrow and see the superior class of home dressed meats we sell. Become a customer at the New Market and make every cent of your "Cash" Count Cash Meat Market 209 East Overland Street Formerly City Meat Market, 0pp. Levy Grocery Co. IB 1 -iW "Nowhere Like Nations" For Good Things to Eat Tomorrow this market affords you buying opportunities that you will not find else where in El Paso. To make it certain that you will do your marketing at Nations' tomorrow, the following specials are offered: Specials in Meats Nations' Choice Eolled .Veal Shoulder Roast Boast tomorrow, lb., tomorrow, per pound, 12k 15c Brisket Stew tomor row, 4 pounds for Home Dressed Hens tomorrow, per pound, 25c 18c Specials in Fruits and Vegetables Extra Faiicy California Tomatoes Saturday Special, KA per basket Ovw Valley Peaches Saturday Spe cial, per OCr basket wv Cold Seguin Watermelons Satur day Special, -J jrL per pound .... ..- l las Cruces Standard Caateloapes Saturday Special, ng 3 for - Ov KFAttfHIH l?mM-MH r Elberta Peaches v 1 1- i i i i ! i I imi" n i n maim 8 " r . J VHHiHaHHHMHaHMHMaHBaaMHHHaaBaBHnHHHHMHn urn i $$ti& Men, I PQUOt I WP Read This! f a I ol -, . . I Rest r m 7-vm -. i i Coming in Fresh Every Day Now I have secured 1000 crates of the fanciest Elber ta Peaches in the Mt. Park and lamogordo fields. Will sell them while they last at 75c per Crate Dont Fail to See Them Our jtfew York office has just forwarded us 1500 wash four-in-hand ties. Such ties as these never sell for less than 25c each;, we make them an all-day special tomorrow at 2 for 25c. There's a splendid collection of patterns and colors to select from, also a num ber oi white ties. AH day tomorrow you can buy 25c Wash Ties 2 for 25 J.CiMiMrDrjrGoQd Co. 0 t Tlj te 1 nil 9 u4vU TRY HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS Give us a trial and you will dispel all doubts as to our ability to supply you with better feed than you secure elsewhere. Our stock is large, which assures you of prompt deliveries and our prices are as low as the quality will permit. Eight now is the time to give us that trial order. Bruce Seeton Successor to O. Gr. Seeton & Son Third & Chihuahua Sts. Eyster's C. O. D. Grocery AND MARKET Corner Kansas and Boulevard BELL PHONES 884-844-823 Meat Dept. Bell Phone 865. Auto 1691 Every Day Adds to the List of Housewives who are being won oyer to Buster Brown Bread, but there are still a great many wom en who cling to the old superstition that home-baking is best, These are the women we want to try Buster Brown. Its goodness will win. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. MADE BY g BAKING COMPANY S iI pex J We Have Moved Over the White House DRS. MAGRUDER & STEVENS DENTISTS rW'e don't vrork for negroes." References A sic any one. Established 1902. : : : : : . .; . .. .. ... Y BANKS CLOSE FOR ELECTION All the banks -will close Sat- . urday because of the prohibi- . i tion election. The banks -will . remain closed all day. . I ! : T. ' ' : NOT WITHOUT COOKS." In the Herald "Want Ad" is the one best way to get a good cook. V When yon need any sort of help tell The Herald about it oer the phone. Any time up to 2:00 you can get your 'ad" in the same day's paper. Phone Bell, 116; Auto, 1115, MANY DONATIONS TO CAMPAIGN FUND Big Price Asked for List of Contributors to Taft Campaign. Washington, D. C, July 21. The of fice of the secretary of state of New York was brought into the iorlmer in vestigation today when C. F. Wiehe, one of the central figuies in the pres ent hearing before the senate Liorimer -committee, testified that ?10,000 had been asked of him as the price of a copy of the list of contributors to the Taft campaign fund in 1908 on file in Albany. He testified' that he had been inform ed by telegram from either the secre tary of state, or his office that the list consisting of 128 pages had been destroyed, but later an offer to fur nish it for $1000 was made. Wiehe explained that he wanted to know if Cyrus H. McCormick had contributed to the fund, but said he did not con sider the information worth $1000. "Do you mean to say there are 128 pages of contributors to the Taft cam paign fund" asked senator Kern, late vice presidential candidate on the ticket opposed to Taft. "Yes sir," replied the witnessi "I see how it happened then," re sponded the defeated candidate. MEXICANS DISLIKE AMERICAN EMPLOYES Alutt and Jeff are with us. Another appearance today on Classified page. Brery day in The Herald hereafter. Reported That Railroaders Will Protest Against Their Employment. Passengers arriving in Juarez from the interior of Mexico fear there will be trouble on the Mexico National lines as there is an anti American feeling growing among the Mexican employes of the road. It is said that a commit tee composed of the Mexican em ployes of the road held a meeting at Torreon a few days ago with the pur pose of drawing up complaints against the employment of Americans on the road and asking that they be dis charged by August 5, or if this is not done, a strike was threatened. It is expected that a meeting will be held in Chihuahua in a few days bj' the Mexican, employes of the road to take further action on the matter. Terminal superintendent F. Mentzer, of the National line in Juarez, says that the report has no foundation and that the road does not expect any trou ble of this order. AMUSEMENTS. Flgrlit Pictures at the Crawford. The Nelson-Moran fight pictures drew a large crowd to the Crawford theater last night and. the management says, It is pronounced as one of the best. fight pictures ever shown In the city, j riU s.te.&3i-TAa,ff JsSisiiWis.,T. $lqb.Ki Jk wfigfjg Mm a. jt r n H M j We Make 'Em While You Wait All kinds and styles of tents, awnings and curtains. We have the largesr line of tent and camp supplies in the Southwest. We claim to db 95 percent of the business in our line in El Paso, which is proof of itself. Nuf said. El Paso Tent & Awning Company 312 South El Paso St. Phones 2044. H. J. COLLUfS, MGR. The same pictures will be shown to night for the last time and if you en joy seeing a good fight and good pic tures you will get wour monej's worth at the Crawford, says the management. Admission 25 cents. On Saturday night the Crawford will open with moving pictures and illustrated songs. Owing to the capacity of the house, the re served seats, the raised flooh the es- I capes and the fact that the manage ment promises to give good pictures and Illustrated songs, will Insure, It is believed, that they will get a larga patronage. The following list of uncalled for answers to Herald wanf advertise ments are now being held for deliv ery at The Herald business offica: 1J f IV y