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El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931, July 22, 1911, Image 1

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r E! Paso, Texts,
Saturday Evening,
July 22, 1911 - 24Paes
Leased Wire.
Fair Tonight and Sunday.
1 j
' .
i n i isi & ii i f T
House Cannot Vote On
Measure Before Wednes
day, Having Recessed.
Senate Vote Is Victory for
President Against Oppon
ents of Measure.
: i l
. s.
March 30. 1910 Following
the announcement of complete
J agreement -with Canada on
maximum and minimum provls-
Ion of the Payne-Aldrich tariff
law. president Taft Invited a
conference on closer trade rela-
Jan. 7, 1911 Canadian repre-
sentatives arriTe.
Jan. 8 to 21, 1911 Reciprocity
negotiated in session.
: Jan. 26. 1911 President Taft
sends agreement to senate.
Jan. 28, 1911 McCall, Repub-
lican, introduces reciprocity bilL -
Feb. 14, 1911 Passed house
221 to 95. For: Republicans. 78,
Democrats 143; against: Repjub-
licans 87, Democrats 6. .
March 4, 1911 Senate ad-
journs without acting.
April 4, 19.11 Congress con-
J venes in extra session to ratify
April 12, 1911 Democratic -
267 to
Underwood introduces
21, 1911 Passes house
89. For; Republicans
64, Democrats 203; against: Re
publicans 78, Democrats 11.
April 24, 1911-The senate
finance committee receives house
June 13, 1911 Finance com
mittee reports without recom
mendation, j.
June 14, 1911 Senate debate
June 26, 1911 Senate defeats '
Root paper amendment to bill.
July 22, 1911 Senate votes on
I i
J J . J 4 J J J
"Washington, D. C. July 22. By a
Tote of 53 to 27, the senate to Jay
passed the Canadian reciprocity bill as
originally drafted. The measure, how
ever, cannot become a law until next
"Wednesday, as the house adjourned at
12:09 oclock until that time and the
bill must be returned to the house for
engrossment before it can , be signed
by the president.
Ends Talt's Long Fight.
The passage of the Canadian reci
procity bill by the senate today, in
precisely the form it emerged-from
the house, will bring to an end presi
dent Taff s long fight for the measure,
but during the debate which led up
to today's final action, party lines were
swept away and a vigorous fight was
waged to saddle the measure with
riders that friends of" the measure
claimed would "have meant the defeat
of the whole proposition.
' McCnraber Loses.
Seventy-eight senators were present
when the bill was taken up.
The amendment of senator McCum
ber, of .North Dakota, reducing duties
on many necessaries of life and in
creasing the free list, was first taken
up and defeated. 16 to 64.
Amendments Defeated.
Prevlous to the final passage, the
senate by overwhelming votes defeat-1
ed, one after another, various amend
ments offered by McCumber, Nelson,
Simmons, X.a Follette and Cummins,
intended to put various food products
on the free list, and reduce other ar
ticles, and in the Nelson amendment,
restoring half the duty on grains and
farm products.
The 3La Follette amendment, com
prising a general revision of the wool
tariff." was defeated 16 to 64. This
was Indicative of the votes on other
The measure becomes a law with
the president's signature.
Senator Bailey's amendment propos
ing to attach the farmers free list bill
tQ the reciprocity measure was defeated
15 to 63.
The Bailey amendment to put cotton
bagging and cotton ties on the free list
was beaten, 17 to 62.
. ' The Vote on the Bill.
Following was the vote on the bill:
Republicans against the bill Borah
and Heyburn. Idaho; Bourne, Oregon;
Bristow and Curtis, Kansas; Biirnham,
New 'Hampshire; Clapp and Nelson,
Minnesota; Clark and "Warren, "Wyoming-;
Crawford End Gamble. South
Dakota; Cummins anfl Xenyon. Iowa;
Dixon, Montana? Gronna and McCum
ber. North Dakota; L-a Follette, "Wis- j
consm; JLappnt, Knoae Island; Lori
Port An Prince, Haiti, July 22. The revolutionists are marching on this
city, "tke capital, and the situation of the government I8 critical. President
Simon, who Is disheartened by the reverses of the government troops at
Fert liiberte, is seriously ill with pulmonary troubles. He is at the palace.
t A ray of hope is found in the news today that the Haitien gunboat Ver
tieres, which was recently taken by the Insurgents at Gonaives has been re
cap tared hy the government cruiser Antonloae Simon, and brought back here.
i Suspicious Case Develops in
a Sailor's Boarding House
Borar Town.
no ne;w cases
among- immigrants
New York, N. T., July 22. Cholera
claimed another victim today amon&
the patients in the hospital at Swin
burne Island.
The death of Demetrio Anagnoston,
aged 17, reported there, makes the to
tal deaths in quarantine nine. The boy
was a steerage passenger o"n the
steamer Moltke, from Naples. No new
cases of cholera were reported among
the other immigrants undergoing ex
amination at Hoffman Island.
Fear Cholera la City.
The cholera guard today centered
attention on Bellvue hospital In the
heart of the city, where a case that
arouses, suspicion has been discovered
The suspect is Manuel Bermudes, a
Spaniard, who arrived here from Liv
erpool, vJuly 1, a fireman on a tramp
steamer originally from South Amer
ica. Anxiety Is Felt.
Some anxiety has been caused by the
fact that the man was taken sfck at
a sailor's boarding house before his
removal to the hospitaj.
The cholera death roll at Swin
burne is established at nine by today's
addition and no Jiew cases have been
reported among the other immigrants
at quarantine.
Expect Easier Time.
The health officers look for an
easier task in the future owing to
the fact that most of the steamers
from the Mediterranean will not take
passengers from Naples and Palermo
while the cholera epidemic lasts there.
mer,( Illinois; Oliver, Pennsylvania:
Paget Vermont; Smith, Michigan;
Smoot, Utah.
Democrats against Bailey. Texas;
Clarke, Arkansas; Simmons, North
for the bill Bradley,
Kentucky; Brandegee and McLean, Con
necticut; Briggs, New Jersey; Brown,
Nebraska; Burton, Ohio; Crane and
Lodge, Massachusetts; Cullom, Illinois;
Guggenheim, Colorado; Jones and Poin
dexterj "Washington: Nixon, Nevada;
Penrose, Pennsylvania; Perkins and
"Works, California; Richardson, Dela
ware; Root, New York; Stephenson,
"Wisconsin; Townsend, Michigan; "Wet
more, Rhode Island.
Democrats for Bankhead and John
ston, Alabama; Bryan and Fletcher,
Florida; Chamberlain, Oregon; Chilton
and "Watson, "West Virginia; Culberson,
Texas; Davis, Arkansas; Foster, Louis
iana; Gore, Oklahoma; Owen, Oklahoma;
Hitchcock, Nebraska; Johnson, Maine;
Kern and Shively, Indiana; Martin
and Swanson, Virginia; Martine, New
Jersey; Myers, Montana; Newlands, Ne
vada; O'Gorman, New York; Overman,
North Carolina: Painter, Kentucky;
Pomerene. Ohio; Reed and Stone, Mis
souri; Smith, Maryland; Smith, South
Carolina; Taylor, Tennessee; "Williams,
An analysis vote showed that 24 Re
publicans voted against the bill and 21
in favor of it, wlille three Democrats
voted against it 'and' 32, In favor of it.
' The Absentees.
The senators who were absent were:
Dupont, Delaware; Frye, Maine; Gal
linger, New Hampshire; Lea, Tennes
see; Percy, Mississippi; Raynor, Mary
land; Tillman, South Carolina,
The senators who were present but
did not vote because of being paired
with absent senators, were: Dilling
ham, Vermont; Sutherland, Utah,
Thornton, Louisiana.
There are two senate vacancies from
Georgia (due to the resignation of sen
ator Terrell) and Colorado. ,
Estevan Ramuz, alias Estevan Marti
nez; was arrested Friday afternoon by
deputey sheriffs and lodged in the
county jail on a warrant charging him
with horse theft.
It is alleged that about a month
ago Ramuz appropriated the horse of G.
B. Putnam, residing at 1201 North El
Paso street, and that when the animal
was found four hours later, the buggy
had been badly damaged and the horse
severely wounded through having col
lided with some object.
At thje time the horse was located it
is stated that the animal was in the
possession of Ramuz in the lower sec
tion of tov.n
Chihuahua, Mexico, July 22. A Mex
ican pickpocket was arrested on the in-,
coming train here two days ago and
was lodged In the city jail. The man
picked the pocket of E E Frls, of El
Paso, 'while he was On the train. The
latter nabbed him and turned him
over to the authorities, who ' expressed
the opinion, that he might be the man
who had been operating on the train
between Chihuahua and Juarez for a
Said to Have Junta'Here to
Get Recruits From Dis
gruntled Maderistis.
Magonistas, followers of Flores
Magon, self styled socialist, are having
regular meetings in El Paso and are
carrying on a consistent campaign of
organization for a counter revolution
In Mexico. The Magonistas meet on
Overland street, and more than 100
have been known to attend these
meetings. Prlsciliano Silva, one of th,
Silva brothers, who1 have taken a
prominent part in Mexican revolution
ary affairs, is said tov be at the head
of the socialistic junta here and (s
active In obtaining recruits to the
cause of the Magon followers. Enlist
ment blanks, .printed bills, giving the
propaganda of the new revolutionar
movement and other literature are be
ing distributed among these followers
of the Los Angeles socialistic leader
and an active field campaign against
the Madero government Is being
planned with the headquarters in El
Paso and the junta for the division of
the north in El Paso.
Maderistas Joining.
Many of the disgruntled Maderistas
are joining the Magonistas, both In
El Paso and. Juarez, it is said. The ex
pected fruits of the revolution which
were promised these men are not
forthcoming, they say, and they art.
now enlisting under the banners ot
the socialists, who claim that If eject
ed they will arrange for a purely so
cialistic form of government in Mex
ico. The 160 acres of land, a herd of
cattle and a horse that was expected
to be their share In the revolution
ary victory has not materialized, for
mer Maderistas say, and for this rea
son as "well as the desire'' for more
action in the field, they are joining
the Magonlsta forces that are assem
bling in the vicinity of Guadalupe and
along the Mexican border.
De Lara Reported Active.
Guiterrez De Lara, who is well
known in El Paso as a revolutionary
agitator and leader, is said to be ac
tively engaged In the formation of the
new revolutionary party. He was in
Juarez this "week, and it is said, held
secret conferences with the socialistic
leaders, and is assisting to organize
the northern districts for the new
cause, It Is claimed. The party is
known as the "Partldo Liberal Mex
icana," the Liberal party of Mexico.
Funds are being supplied by the Los
Angeles leaders. "Where the funds are
coming, from for the purchase of arms
and ammunition, and the carrying on
of the work of starting the revolution
is not definitely known. It is reported
that socialistic followers in the United
States have pledged themselves to do
nate $1 per week to the cause In or
der to have a socialistic form of gov
ernment established in Mexico. Guns
have been seized in the local quarters
of the Magonista junta and they are
being watched closely for violations of
the neutrality laws.
The band Hhat has been operating
in northern Chihuahua, and is now
said to be near Guadalupe, is a part of
this Magon crowd, it is believed, and
the purpose of the men is to obtain
followers in the same way that Ma
dero's revolutionary cause gained its
adherents.) The condition of unrest
which now exists In Mexico, particu
larly in the north, is being used hy
the socialists to gain recruits to their
Discredit Madero.
The Nmen who fought with Madero
are told that they may expect little
from their former leader and that he
has not kept his promises.
Seizing upon the unrest now exist
ing in Mexico, the Magonistas are pre
paring to make a desperate effort to
launch their new revolution and sweep
the country as Madero did with his
army, It Is said. But little real im
portance Is attached to the movement
by men who understand affairs in
Mexico, who say that the Magonistas
may harass the government and cause
it considerable trouble a'nd .embar
rassment at this time, but that the
socialist cause will not triumph in
Mexico' as did Madero's revolution.
Grinding Sulphur to Make
Fireworks "When Ex
plosion Occurs.
Nogales. Ariz., July 22. News from
Hermosillo is that an explosion oc
curred in the Carmen church in which
two boys were killed and four more
horriblj'' wounded.
The explosion was caused by friction
in a meat grinder, where chancoal, sul
phur and chloride of potash were being
ground for powder to make fireworks,
used by the priest of the parish in cele
brating saints' days and an ancient
custom. ,
The dead are Jose Cdronado and Gus
tava Meson.
Jose Coronado was the grinder and
was killed instantly. The wounded
are Canlos Lindell, Lorenzo Tapia, Fer
nando Valencio and Alberto Monreal,
all seriously Injured and removed to
the municipal hospital.
The church was damaged consider
ably and nearby houses shaken.
The priest was arrested randJnjir an
Greed and Graft Retard De
velopment of Alaska, For
mer President Thinks.
New York, N. Y July 22. Theodore
Roosevelt has an article on the de
velopment of Alaska in today's issue
of the Outlook. He declares two fac
tors to be responsible for retarding
progress in his article.
First, "Great capitalists who wished
to develop Alaska by making enormous
fortunes for themselves outside of and
in defiance of law," and the congress
men who "under pretense of hostility
to the corporations decline "to permit
the passage of legislation which will
enable them to do their work honestly
and to develop the coal fields with a
fair profit to themselves, while doing
justice to others."
Refers to Controller Bay.
Referring specifically to the Con
troller bay case, Mr. Roosevelt says:
"Controller bay, under actual condi
tions, offers the only chance for, at
any rate, very much the best chance
for a free outlet from the great Bering
river coal fields. It was the impera
tive duty of the government service to
keep this outlet free and not to dispose
of it to any individual or individuals.
Does Not Go Far Enough.
"Whether or not there was' impro
priety in the action which resulted in
the instant filing of claims by Mr.
Ryan and others, does not go to the
root of the matter. Public interest de
manded that this land should1 be kept
under public control, and that to pre
vent monopoly it should be permitted
only under such conditions as the pub
lic need requires. Remember always,
that such action would' not have hin
dered development; it would have fa
vored development for it would have
..enabled any honest corporation to come
In and do its part in developing the
'country without fear of being crowded
out by some other corporation which,
through unwise government action,
ipight obtain a monopolistic right."
Meeting Is Held at Bequest
of Vice Consul Emilio
Madero Warns the
Torreon, Mexico, July 22. The mem
bers of the German colony of Torreon,
assembled in the German club last
night in the discussion of general
conditions in response to the following
circular letter which was sent to the
majority of members yesterday after
noon by German vice consul J. Vermeh
ren: "I beg to submit to all subjects of
the German empire resident in this
consular district the following exact
copy of a -telegram which I have re
ceived from the German minister in
Mexico: '
" 'Advices have reached here of ex
pected trouble in your district. If, in
your opinion, this Is a fact send th&
women and children to some place of
safety. Should you not know of any
such send them to Mexico City , and
advise the men who should find them
selves in peril to do likewise.' "
Vice consul Vermehren added: "In
my conception there are no indications
of serious trouble In this district and
therefore no "immediate need for such
action as Is suggested in the abo've
telegram for the moment. But I con
sider it incumbent upon me to advlss
all Germans of this message, thus af
fording them an opportunity to act
according to their own discretion for
the safety oft themselves and their
families. I invite members of the Ger-
man colony who find it convenient and
art plnsp tn Torreon to call at th Ger
man club this evening to discuss the I
situation." '
Circulars are being distributed sign
ed by Emilio Madero, who will reach
here today. These are similar to those
circulated several days ago calling on
the Mexican people to respect foreign
rights and reiterating the necessity of
introducing .foreign methods, intelli
gence and "capital into all civilized
countries. Also declaring that any one
guilty of participating in the circula
tion of loose sheets condemning the
Spaniards or other foreigners shall f inrj
no place in the liberating army.
Tender a recent order Issued by the
National railways of Mexico no round
trip tickets are being- sold out of Tor
reon. the company getting the benefit
of the 10 percent discount. Kilometer
books are being sold to commercial
travelers only, but the conditions un
der which these are sold are very
Phoenix, Albuquerque and
Dallas Postofflces Are
"Given Banks
"Washington, D. -C, July 22. Ten
firstclass postofflces in addition to the
four already designated were named
today by postmaster general Hitchcock
as postal savings banks. Among them
are Phoenix, Ariz; Pueblo, Colo.; Al
buquerque, N. M, and Dallas, Texas.
Prior to June 30 more than 15.Q00
persons had opened postal savings ac
counts in the 400 offices.
Fifty additional second class post
offices today were desltma-ted as postal
savings banks. r -
May Marry Third Time to
Impress Gypom's Rich Dad
j0 tPS -vp'dTi s. gf r.!
- -
New York, N. Y., July 22. Thomas Franklin Manville, ' jr., son of the
millionaire head of the Asbestos trust, and his pretty bride, who was Miss
Florence Huber, of Williamsport, Pa., are not through getting 'married yet.
Just as soon as they have finished "getting settled" in their tiny apart-,
'ment In 139th street they intend -going to Connecticut and getting married
there. Tiiis will make the third time they have been married.
"You see. father hasn't yet shown the proper spirit tdward us since our
marriage." said young Manville. "And while he" was much impressed with
Mrs. Manville's appearance and manner, he is stubborn about 'our marriage
and. just like as not, he is devising a way to have our marriage annulled. VTe
are going to make it hard for him."
Mexico City, Mex., July 22. Because of the groivth. of the opposition i
the ranks of the Maderists, Gea Bernardo Reyes stated la an interview taat
he released Francisco I. Madero from his promise to appoint him minister
of war when Madero was elected president of Mexico.
It is believed Madero will Insist that Reyes accept the place in the cabi
net notwithstanding the protests from many of the leading: sHpporters who
profess to see danger in the appointment to a government position of one Trie
has been associated vlth the old regime.
Cammorist Trial All in Mud
dle on Account of
Viterbo, Italy, July 22. The lawyers
for the defence have struck, and as a
consequence the Cammorists trial was
adjourned today until next
day to afford them time in which to
decide on their future attitude. Unless
some agreement is reached with the
court and the lawyers, before the ses
sions are resumed, it is -probable that
the trial will be definitely stopped and
later begun all over again.
The trouble began yesterday when
Capt. Fabroni, orfe .of the crown's best
witnesses, in defending himself and his
associates of the carabineers, de
nounced lawyer Lioy as a suborner of
perjury, and Lioy replied in an undig
nified manner. During the exchange
all of the other lawyers left the court
room and later sent a message to pres
ident Biachni saying that they could
not with dignity return t the court if
they were not assured of protection.
At the same time they said that they
were taking steps to persuade the of
fending lawyers to withdraw from the
The prisoners protested violently
against the postponement, saying that
between the uncompromising attitude
of the lawyers on the one hand and
the red tape of the court on the other,
they ha5 already suffered five years'
New York. N. Y., July 22. Pj-of
Floyd QI. Robinson, the !ew York"
food expert, who was dismissed from
the bureau of chemistry a fortnight
ago, following the controversy over
benzoate of soda between Dr. Har
vey "Wiley and tjie Ramsen referee
board, has decided to demand a thor
ough Investigation.
Dr. Robinson discloses his purpose
In a letter to Alfred McCan. a leader
in the fight for pure fod. Prof.
Robinson says his dismissal Is an at-
tempt to harm Dr. "Wiley,
storms do damage
Through Arizona
Telegraph Service- and Elec
tric Lighting Systems
Severely Damaged
by Lightning.
Phoenix, Ariz., July 22. Electrical
storms general throughout the northern
and central part of the tenTitory have
rendered telegraphic communication
more uncertain than it has been for
years. Lighting systems of this and
other places have suffered.
The government telegraph lines east
and west of Maricopa were dead for
some time yesterday, as were the wires
along the Santa Fe road. "Western
Union linemen who had just finished
wiring new poles at Ash Fork, were
boarding a train to leave when a bolt
of lightning destroyed all of the work
they had just completed.
& Chicago. 111.. July 22. Rob-
ert "W. Paslam, "Pony Bob" as $
he was known in the early
days of the plains, where he
fc earned a reputation as a dar- 4?
Ing pony express rider, is dying 41
4 of paralysis. "Pony Bob" car-
4 ried the first news of the elec- 4
4i tion of president Lincoln J
through a country beset by hoV 4
tile Indians. 4-
4 4'4'4'4' 4'4-44 4'
' . A
Washington, D. C, July 22. Forest fires have been raging in the vicinity
of Paines, Alaska, for the last three days and are new within a half mile f
town, according to a report received here today. No mention Is made ef the
"iss of life yet. Paines Is about 35 hi lies northwest of Junean,.
Local Vote Medium One is
the Afternoon Hours at
Most Precincts.
Both Sides Claim Victory
and a Close Contest Ap
pears Assured.
will win by iao,ee
Dallas, Texas, July 22. Gov
ernor Oscar B. Colquitt today
predicted that Texas woula re
pudiate the doctrine of state
wide prohibition in the election
today by a majority f at
least 100,000 votes.
Several hundred scnool chil
dren who apparently did not
agree with the governor In
his prediction followed him to
the polls singing "Texas Going"
At JLockhart, in the central
portion of the state, Richard
Bragg, a negro, was shot and
seriously wounded early today
after returning from a politi
cal rally ,f or negroes.
One more row was reported
early from Paris, in north
Texas, where two prominent
men of opposing factions,
turned their umbrellas' into
weapons and painfully Injured
each other's heads. t
, In many places women, jmd.
children have projected "their
influence Into the campaign,
during" the last 24 "hours by
singing and serving lunches.
About 2000 women, have usar
taken an all day fast to fur
ther the cause of prohibition.
Claims ef Ckalrm. "
San Antonio, Texas, July 22y.
At 1 oclock chairman "Wblters
said indications point to a net
victory by 100,000 majority.
Chairman Ball, at thesame
hour was confident or a pro
victory 'by 65,000 majority.
Dallas, Texas, July 22. With rains
falling over many of the "dry" strong
holds in the northern .portion of the
state and fair weather prevailing In
the "wet" country farther south, the
voters of Texas are today deciding the
question of statewide prohibition. In
spite of the bad weather in many towns
and cities, in the northern portion,
however., a record breaking- vote is be
ing polled.
Beth Sines Confident.
The vote is on a constitutional
amendment to prohibit both the sale
and manufacture of liquor. At the
anti-statewide prohibition headquarters
at Houston, state chairman "Wolters
dalms the state will go wet by 75,000,
out of a probable total vote of about
200.0Q0. State chairman Ball of the
prohibitionists, is confident of an
equally large majority for prohibition.
Anils Leading? 4 11
At noon today El Paso, though dry
climatically, was going wet at the rate
of about 4 to 1. The vote Is not to
be as heavy as' was anticipated at
the opening of the polls and even in
the wet districts of the dry, where ft
is expected to go almost solid against
prohibition, the voting was compara
tively light.
The figures obtainable at noon
showed that In precinct one 38 at the
417 who had paid poll taxes, voted; ol
this number 69 were wets; precinct
two had SI votes cast out of the 359
registered voters; precinct four ran
47 wets and 8 pros, and It is expected
that only 150 votes will be cast la this
precinct out of 400 poll taxes Issued.
Rnns -4 to 1 In Precinct 11.
Precinct 11 at 417 North Oregon,
street had 59 votes cast and the vote
was running about 4 to 1 wet, while
In precinct 12 at the corner of Main
and Santa Fe streets 90 of the 270
registered voters had cast their bal
lots this precinct going wet by about
4 to .
Headquarters of the antis are estab
lished in the Sheldon hotel. The work
ers were out early in the morning and
kept on the jump all day long.
Order was preserved -at all the polls,
and there was not the lea3t sign of
Light Voting.
At 1 oclock in precinct 5 only 69
votes had been cast and it is expected
that only 150 of the 270 voters will cast
their ballots. At noon the vote stood
39 to 4 in favor of the wets.
Brewery Precinct "Wet.
Out in precinct 6 everything- was go
ing wet This is the brewery district,
and the vote stood 99 for the antis and
2 for the drys at 1 oclock. It is estl-
(Gcntlnued on page two.)
i p

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