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H-5i- "" 1lI The Engagement "Ring should he Selected at SilberberaTa. The were theht Of fcHyiasr a ZHameHd Sfeeald ssgsrest LAST CALL SUherhers'. v x y y n - k"i -v WXSmBSS.f yjjitf OCJ 1&ZZ& 1 w &P:-?3B' XZr This Sale Closes Monday For Monday, the closing day of our Semi-Annual Clean Sweep Sale, we' make the most remarkable offers you can possibly conceive of. Recent arrivals in new fall skirts enable us to include these for one day at Clean Sweep prices. This is an unheard-of proceeding, but we realized that it would be a big drawing card and decided we could aff brd to do it just as an advertisement. Most of the lots previously advertised have been re-grouped and in most cases marked at a lower price level. A few of the special features for Monday are as follows: To add interest to the closing offer two special $6. 75 Skirts $3. 79 New fall styks in skirts, showing the high girdle effect. Some of these skirts are strictly tailormatie, while others are self and button trimmed. There is a large variety of styles and colors to select from, and remember they are all new fall skirts. The regular price of these skirts would be $6.75; rf $j? f g priced for closing day of 7L g CJ Clean Sweep Sale S EXTRA! day of oar Clean Sweep Sale, we groups of new fall skirts See Window Display of These Skirts $12.50 Skirts $5.95 There are about 250 skirts in this group, show ing the advance fall styles. They are white serges, white serge3 with pin stripes, black voiles, black panamas, navy blue serges and French novelty materials. Some are plain, others self and 'button trimmed. The -high girdle effect is a feature. Values up to $12.50; priced for closing g mmt day of Clean Sweep W m r Sale. $10.00 Linen Coats $4.95 We have only a limited number of these coats. They are what you want for automobiling, traveling and evening wear. They, arc reversible, being natural linen lined with pink, blue, lavender, black or tan. They are full length and made with sailor collar. We guarantee them to be ' ?10.00 garments; offered tha Closing Bay of our Clean Sweep Sale at $4.95, which is just a little less than HALF PRICE. EXTRA! $6.75 White Serge Skirts $4.48 J There is no garment in the ""sum mer wardrobe so generally useful as a white serge skirt. This Ex .tra Special enables you to secure a nice skirt at a saving price. These are full flare skirts, well tailored, and have pocket. They are regular $6.75 values; very special Monday at $4.48 EXTRA! $20 Silk Dresses $5.95 As an Extra Special for ITonday we have selected 50 dainty silk dresses to sell at this unheard-of reduction. They are foulard, pongee and taffeta dresses, hardly any two alike. Some are low necked and have short sleeves, others have lace yoke. They are all this season's styles. Come in misses' and women's sizes, and the values are up to $20.00; Extra dJ- Q Special' Monday at $D.?p Sale of Waists While our entire stock of waists is offered Monday at big reduc tions, we direct special attention to the two following groups: $3.00 Waists $1.95 In this group you will find aibout 50 different styles to select from. They are lingeries and (marqui settes, also the famous "Forsyth" style tailored waists. Many are ifeeautifully embroidered, others lace trimmed. The values are up to $3.00; Monday only you have choice at $1.95 $5.00 Waists $3.39 Every kind of waist is embraced in this offer 'lingeries, -marquisettes, linens, Jap silks, messalinefc taffetas. A plainly tailored twaist or & very dainty garment for "dressy" occasions can be se lected from -this group wi& great satisfaction. Vafees up is $5.00; priced for cleeing Sfcy of Clean Sweep Sale $15.00 Sale of Dresses-Values $27.50 to $39.50 This is one of the most remarkable dress offers ever made by anybody. There are just 100 01 these dresses silks, linens, lingeries and marqui settes. It is impossible to describe the styles, for there are no two dresses just alike. "We really cannot do justice to this unusual offer. You must come and see these dresses for yourself. There is not one of the whole 100 that should sell for less than $27.50 and values are up to $39.50; offered the closing day of our Clean Sweep Sale at : (We advise you to make your selection early Monday morning. Thi3 i3 certainly one of the most remark able offers ever made on stylish dresses.) JXIKS Ul UHC WXlUiC J.UU $15.00 EXTRA! $1 Silk Hose 67c Guaranteed pure silk hose, with lisle foot and garter top. colors are white, black, tan, blue, "maize and gray, this is our reg ular ?l.t)0 grade of silk hose: offered Monday only, as an Extra Special, at, ' per pair 67c (Limit.) Wash Dresses Anything needed in wash dresses should be purchased Monday. These reductions will give you an idea of the money to be saved. In values to $ 2.95 at $1.39 In values to $ 5.00 at $2.89 In values to $10.00 at $4.85 PARASOL$ 3 Extra Specials While all parasols are offered at Clean Sweep prices, we direct special attention to the three specials noted below. 85c PARASOLS 39c White linene parasols regular 85c QQ values; Extra Special at OJC $1.75 PARASOLS 95c -Plain and fancy .parasols in a large variety of colors, values up to -$1.75; QC Extra Special at . :..30C $3.50 PARASOLS $1.95 Silk parasols, pongees, taffetas, mcssalines, etc values up to -$3.50; (fc I Q f Extra Special at K 0 50c Hose 3 Pair for $1.00 We continue for Monday this1 remarkable value in fine ho siery. This is guaze lisle ho sery, in black and tan, hand somely embroidered. The reg ular price is 50c per pair; spe cial Monday 3 pair for $1.00 (limit.) Muslin Underwear For the closing day of Clean Sweep Sale we have made still greater reductions on muslin underwear. There is nothing you need in dainty underwear that cannot be bought Monday at the most attractive prices of the summer season. m m I ijiiii III Sj "fill ki m LFFPWALKNG FHQM DROWNING BY ILD IS RESCUED . FAITHFUL DOG Lad Takes Plunge. New York, "NT. Y., July 22. The friendship a St. Bernard dog bears for David Feder, 10 years old. is responsi ble for the child being ajlve. The ad venture of the boy about daylight yes terday will be talc en by many as proof of the belief that no harm can happen to a somnambulist or a child. Almost from infancy David has been & sleep walker. Time and again his parents have awakened to find him in some perilpus position fas asleep. Last night the boy went to sleep in one of the rooms back of his parents' little store. About 4 oclock someone called to them that the store door was open, investigation showed that Iavid was gone. While the Feders were searching the neighborhood for the child Jerome Gue rin and Richard Walsn, stepbrothers employed jels night watchmen in Henne sy's junk yard, arrived with David, -c t, -r i TSn n-nA dripping wet. Wagging his tail, his FOllOWS BOy tOt RlVer andr tongue hanging .out and his long, shag- Leaps in After Him "Wlien" men, was the St. Bernard dog. Corbett, tne real nero. Dog loves Children. Corbett is owned by Henry Dun meyer, a saloon keeper. TheJ dog weighs 280 pounds and is a favorite with children. During the hot spell Corbett slept outside the door of the saloon. He was there when David, clad in'' night clothes, walked down Cherry street sound asleep. The dog followed 'the child to Rutgers Slip, Pier No. 28, East River. Jerome Guerin, sitting on the other side of the pier, where he could watch the junk yards, heard a splash, almost immediately heard another. He ran to the side of the pier and there saw floating out to the end of the pier the dog and the boy. Dog: Holds Okild Aloft. The animal had a firm grip on- the night shirt of the child and was swimming and holding his charge aloft. Guerin called to Welsh to bring a rope and the men raced to the end of the pier. The tide by this time ha carried the boy and dog 300 feet from the point where the child had walked off the bulkhead. Guerin, who, like everyone else in the neigh borhood, knows the dog, called to him, encouragingly, and when he reached the end of the pier went overboard after dog and boy, carrying the rope, which was played out by Welsh. ' Reaching the St. Bernard and the child, Guerin seized them. Ad rapidly as possible he made the line fast to the boy, who was thoroughly awake HINES IS GRILLED IN LORIMER PROBE FCTDffiE5T a deceptive disease thousands have it TROUBLE and don't SZiorw iL If you want good re sults you can make- no mistake by nsing Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy. At druggists in fifty cent and dollar sizes. Sample bot tle by mail free, also pamphlet telling rou how to find out if you have kidney irouble. Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingbamton, U.Y,- '-. His Activities in Loiimer Election Inquired Into by Committee. . Washington, D. C.vJuly 22. The ac tivities of Edward Hines, whose name has been linked with the election of senator Lorlmer to influence the vote of the senate last spring at Springfield, were inquired into todaj' by the senate Xiorimer committee. Hines was on the stand and testified that he called on president W. C Brown, of the New York Central, dur ing the Lorlmer fight in the senate. Hines was aske,d if he was seeking to influence the vote of senator Depew. He answered in the .negative. Hines did say that he spent a month In Washington just preceding the vote on the Dorimer case, seeing senators, In ducing others to see them and writing letters to some of his friends to tell the facts to their senators. The committee was In session only one hour . and then adjourned until Monday, In order to attend today's reci procity session of the senate. W by this time a"ndf doing what he could to save himself. When the line was made fast, Welsh did the rest. After pulling ,-the boy on the pier, the line was thrown over board. Guerin fastened it to the collar of the St. Bernard. The dog was hauled up and then Guerin was brought upt Messengers for any purpose day and night. CactuH Messenger Service. OPTICAL COMPACT OPEXS. The Segall Optical company, with of fices one door north of the El Paso Optical company, has recently been in corporated, with J. R. Segall as man ager. Eight local business men are the incorporators. PECOS BUILDS ONE MORE BIG- BUILDING New Bank Is to Open at Bal morhea Within Ten Bays. i -t-ecos, Texas, July 2S. Prewltt &t wadley announce that about August 1 tney will begin the construction of a cement building here to replace the present quarters- occupied by their bus iness. This is the fifth new business house to be put under construction here within the past two months. More than 9120,000 worth of new buildings and additions to old ones are under con struction and contracted for here at this time. There is, however a plenti ful supply of carpenters and brick layers. ' Mr. Head, who has arranged to' put in a state bank at Balmorhea, the south ern terminus of the Pecos Southern railway, has arrived and completed plans for the bank. All the stock has been sold and the Balmorhea bank will open for business in about 10 days. It will be capitalized at $15,000 and is the second new bank to go in along the lines of the Pecos Valley Southern rail way within the past two months. ORDERS PROTECTION FOR THE AMERICANS Washington, D. C, July 22. In response to the representation of the United States to the Mexican govern ment, president De la Barra has issued urgent instructions for the protection of the American ranchers at Ensenada, Lower California, threatened by the socalled liberals. ANOTHER LITTLE SOLDIER. Information was received Saturday morning at Fort Bliss that a baby girl had been born to Lieut, and Mrs. F. M. Turner, of the 23d infantry on July 19. while the lieutenant was in Paris on leave of aba. "" i Tailored Suits Monday you will find still lower prices placed on" all remaining spring suits. Linen Suits If you need a linen suit to finish out the summer and 'begin the fall season you can buy it here Ion day at in most cases LESS THAW HALF PRICE. I Wash Skirts "We continue Monday to offer Glean Sweep prices on all wash skirts. Kimonds Kimonos form no small part of the Clean Sweep Sale. For Ton day, the closing diy, still more attraotive reductions are offered on both crepe and silk kimonos. NOTE ""See display next week of Fall Styles in correctly tailored suits, New styles are always shown first at "The White House." V SPRECKELS TELLS ' OP THE SUGAR WAR Tells How the Trust Was Formed and Who Grot the Big Profits. New York, N. Y., July 22. How the war between tht Spreckels interests and the American Sugar Refining company was settled and how in the deal the Havemeyers and John E. Searles made an enormous profit, was told the Special congressional com mittee investigating the sugar trust today by Claus Spreckels. The witness is the president of the Federal Sugar Refining company of Yonkers and c a son tfC the late Claus Spreckels of California. Mr. Spreckels said: "The war starred soon after-the for mation of the trust in 18S7 and con tinued until 1891. It was severe." "How did the end come?" "I was manager of the Spreckels refinery In Philadelphia In 1891, when John E. Searles, secretary and treas urer of the American Sugar Refining company came to me In Philadelphia and made a proposition to settle the war. He said the bitter competition had been ruinous and he said that if we would sell 51 percent of the Phila delphia plant, it would close Its com peting plant on the Pacific. "I wired my father about it, and after much parleying Searles went out to California to negotiate with my father. The result was that the West ern Rc(Ining company was formed, embraced the American and Spreckels interests in a $1,000,000 corporation. The American took $2,225,000 of the capital stock, and I delivered it to H. O. Havemeyer. Theodore Havemeyer and John E. Searles, in New York. They told me they were the purchaser and not the American. They paid me half the cash and half in sh.ort time notes, which they later paid. "Six ' months later the Havemeyers and Searles with my father sold the - Jjr We Are fpiamondyk Ml ' Headquarters Jji iu I We carry at all times a stock Em w OF PERFECT STONES Jw Wv larger than the combined wm vV stocks of all other El fm - xk Paso jewelers sfyy TEXAS & MESA W For Apple and Pear Boxes, Grape Crates and Baskets can or write Goodman Produce Co. Wholesale Fruit & Produce 501-3-5-7 S. El Paso St VOTE IN GUY mm than EXPECTED (Continued from Page 1.) mated that 200 of the 286 voters will go to the polls in this precinct. In precinct 13, just outside the city limits 65 out of 150 voters cast their ballots and it ran about 3 to 1 for the wets. One District Half Dry. The pros ran strong in precinct 8 at the Lamar school. There the antis had only about two to one on the voting at 1 oclock up to which time 204 votes had been cast. It is estimated that 350 of the 500 registered voters will go to the polls there. Two Oclock CoHRfc. At 2 oclodk the vote in the downtown precincts was reported as follows, the first figure representing, the antis and the second the pros: Precinct 1. 62-8; precinct 2, 71-8; precinct 3, 95-8; pre cinct 4, 55-8; precinct 10, 112-41. At 2:30 the vote in precinct 9, the Mesa fire station, showed 147. ballots cast, of which it was estimated 115 were for wet and 32 for dry. There are 420 voters registered in this ' precinct and it is estimated that 225. will go to the polls. f Highlands a Surprise. In Highland Park, precinct number 7, itself a dry section, which allows no saloons, registered 55 votes at 2:30. sOf this number 2S had been counted, show ing that the dry addition of Highland. Park had split Its vote, 14 going for the pros and 14 for the antis. Mutt and Jeff are with "as. Another appearance today on Classified page. Every day In The Herald hereafter. VILLAESEE TO BE RURALE COMMANDER Mexico City, July 22. With many leaders f the revolution reporting to him, Gen. Clemente "Villaeser, chief of the military zone of Jalisco, will be placed at the head of Mexico's rurales. In making the announcement, presi dent de la Barra added that Gen. VII laeser's instructions would be to run down the bandits and lawless bands and that the Maderista officers, who offered their services, are In thorough accord with the plan. In the state of Puebla, said president de la Barra, most of the Maderistas had been mustered out and Francisco I. Ma dero was meeting -with success in the disarmament of men in the vicinity of Tehuacan. "But it must npt be expected that a country can leap in a day from a state of war to one of absolute order," said he to an Associated Press repre sentative. "I know there have been disorders and there probably will be more. That is something that may be expected, but on, the whole condi tions have wonderfully improved." AMADOR FEDERAL JUDGKE OF JUAREZ Lie. Juan N. Amador has been ap pointed federal judge of Juarez, to succeed judge Miranda, who was ap pointed under 'the federal reerlmoL Judgo Amador will take up his duties in this capacity immediately. The ap pointment came to Lie. Amador from Mexico City, and he was notified of his appointment by message Saturday morning. JUftREZ COMBINES IIS TWO HOS PITALS , Elimination of Juarez Ave nue Hospice Means De , crease in Expense, The insurrecto hospital oa 8Lerd- avenue in Juarez has been abaadeael and from now on, there, will be qalj one hospital In'Juares, the Lifeertad, on the outskirts of the city. The la surrecro patients have nearly all bee discharged from the insurrecto- hos pital and only 10 remain; these will be moved iato quarters in the Libertad hospital. The city hospital is being reaovated. SectloHs of It will fee arranged for contagious cases aad these will be en tirely sparatea from other patients. The rooms are being cleaned aad re paired. The consolidation of the two hos pitals will reduce the expense f main tenance. Col. Jas. L. Wilson will have eatire charge of the new hospital. SHAW- WALKER I v Messengers for any purpose day and night. Cactus Messenger Service. total capital stock of the Western company to the American for $10,000, 000 In preferred stock. Of this my father received $5,000,000 and "the Havemeyers and Searles got the same for their interests for which they had naU mv faihar S2 225 00ft. Filing Devices It matters not how large or how complicated your business may be, "Sec "donets" are indispensa ble. Each department manager can have a stack of "Sectionets" at his el-! bow, where all his private correspondence, the let ters that bring his firm orders, customers and money are at his "finger tips." All data on any deal for which he is held responsible is kept in hisx department until the deal is closed. "Sectionets" are an Earn ing Asset in Any Office. Let us show them to you. Curran's 10S Mesa. u