Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, August 2, '1911. 15 Financial, Commercial, and Late News Page EL PASO HERALD Situation Just ny s -J" ' niJl fthj fakw Ill mm M Y way Jfcates for .Classified Ads. One cent per word. No charge less than $ .25 Six Consecutive inser tions, tier word. ..... .05 By month, per line . . . .LOO Answers to Herald Ads. The following1 list of uncalled for answers to Herald want advertise, aients are now -being1 held for dellv "v n.t The Herald husiness office: c'-k ,- -Tvir C. T. C. O. W. 12 I. 255 ' ' Carlysle H. 73 Healthseeker G. B. Store M. -X9S S40 M. 30S 323 a S3 IS R. Tod" Late to Classify. ctwvn irnT.niv OnifasotfcaL-gst&t-ecurity, 1 to-' 5 rear vans, -. 16 S. El Paso St. FOR RENT. 8 room house. E. Bl Paso. 2 roem liouse, E. El Paso. S room house, Missouri street Dr. Weeks. Pboae Bell 513 J. WANTED TO LOAN. $3S0 to ?5000 on city- property. Will loan from 2 to 5 yesus. AHStlK & Marr, - Phone "'332." - k FOR RENT. 'JjJlrMesa Ave. 5 tooms and bath. nice yard, very close in; reot $25; house open, for inspection. Frank R. Tobin, Tobin Arcade, Behind the Postoffice. Phone 803. DON'T YOU THINK, the White Rotary Is making a great showing? Well, there is more to be said more won derful features to prove that It's the oniv machine for you. Wkite SeTflHS Machine OSiee, ' , " H. L. Stevrart, Agent Both PhoneB. 310-312 S. Stanton St FORSENT Lsfge warehouse Jiear the corner of Campbell and Mills St 55 a month. Austin & Marr. LET US PAINT TOl"R ROOF With L X. L. Graphite. One coat is better than two of otber paints and cost only half the price. T. X. L. Roof Paint Ce 713 Texas St Phone 513 J. TrmTf! T.P.VBR.t This new lens ias met with xraiver- l favor In nearly all cases of defect- al favor In Tifiarlv 11 rasM of dpfpnt v r.vUilBn. It has madp thp xo-nrJc of the bookkeeper and stenographer less fatiguing and -has made reading a pleasure to many who had heretofore suffered from severe eye strain. For distance use the wearer realizes what B. oileasure It is to have the annoying shadows eliminated, and the picture before him clear and distinct, which g impossible with the old style lens. . , Geo. D. Kendall Makes Glasses Right 208 Mesa Ave. WHEN ALL OTHERS FAIL A BARGAJN IN TAL-. LEY LAND 14 MULES , ABOTE EL PASO. ' 80 acres flne soil, full water rights on ditch. Can be cleared for $2.56 per acre. Por quick, sale $75 per acre. $2000 cash, bal sace 1 nd" 2 years. D. C. Cro-rrell, 208 Mills -Building. K125 BUYS, 2 ACRES Of fte 'level land near El Paso on railroad, payable $5 cash and $5 a month: no interest; taxes or mortgage. Can you beat it? Fraak U. Tofeta, Tobin Arcade. Phones 803 and 2271. WANTED TO LOAN. $3000 to $5000 on city property. Will loan from 2 to 5 years. Aaartla & Marr, Phone '352. FOR SALE. Centrally located rooming: bouse, handsomely furnished, filled with regu lar roomers paying good prices. Rooms are large and airy. This, is a money making proposition. Will net pur chaser $200 or mor per month Pric $2700. P. O. box IS. f "WILL BUDLD To suit tenant a 5 or 6 room bungalow m Tobln's Second addition. &Hk R. Tobtn, Tobin Arcade. The Postoffice is Behind. Phone 803. 1 PERCENT ON YOUR SAVINGS. This is what you can make by in vesting In Phoenix-El Paso building nompanv stock. You can start on as small an amount as $7.50. -For further particulars call or phone the Pheealx-El Paso Bulldics Co.. Rooms 1 and 2 Buckler Building. Phone 49L. rlc Too Late to Classify. - WE CAN SELL YOTT 87 FEEy FRONTAGE OX DETROIT? ST. FOR $375. This Is the cheapest building1 site In Highland Park; location considered. Lose Star Xad Co., 213 Texas St. "WE HAVE A 4 ROOM COTTAGE ON GRAND VIEW AVE. WE CAN SELL YOU FOR $2450. South front, and our terms are very easy. Lioae Star Land Co., 213 Texas St. FOUR ROOM COTTAGE, HIGHLAND PARKL FOR $2250. This cottage is new, just been--completed, on 2 lots, and our terms- are very easy. Only ?150 cash, balance $25 per month. Lone Star Land Co., 213 Texas St 54 FEET CLOSE IN ON MES.4t AVE. AND A 17 ROOM (HOUSE FOR $15,000. Mr. Speculator, this should interest you. Let us shojtf you. Lone Star Land Co.. 213 Texas St. FOR RENT. J -r Apartments In "suites of 6 and 7 rooms in the Lucerne, the most de- . slrable In the city. Get our prices; neat, water ana janitor service. Lose Star Laad Co.. 213 Texas St FOR RENT. j 7 room house, Wyoming St. $35; 4 room cottage," Lee St, $20; 3 room flats. Dallas St. $12.50 each; 4 room flats, Prospect Ave., $20. Lone Star Land Co.. 213 Texas St SEVEN ROOM HOME. sn BASEMENT AND HEATING PLANT. - Has hardwood floors, builtin effects fend an exceedingly handsome brick mantel. South front 2 lots, and is in excellent location. New and never oc cupied. The price is right. Mayneld Realty Co, SEVEN ROOM TWO STORY HOME On north side corner. Only $4750. Mayfteld Realty Co. BEST BUILDING SITE IN TOWN Por a home and the price Is away be low the market Mayfleld Realty Co. "WE BUILD AND SELL HOMES" And "will build to suit you in any part of the city on your own terms. aiayneld Realty Co., 614 American Bank Building. FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW, SOUTH FRONT, ARIZONA ST. Is new and has hardwood floors, builtin bookcases handsome builtin buffet with plate glass reflector, tinted "TalJs f?nced cement walks fenced, heas' etc- and the Prfce is on1 $3900; easy terms. Mayfleld Realrv Co- "WE BUILD AND SELL HOMES A CLOSE IN H03D3 ON "MONTANA ST. 5 rooms, modern, south front in the 500 block, small payment down, bal ance monthly. Owner has made us price that 'will move it Just think of the car fare you will save If you buy this. Cassldy & Davidson. FOR SALX: NEVADA ST. Residence. 5 rooms, red pressed brick lot 37xl20; only $3250; terms to suit Caanldy & Dayidiioji. FOR SALE PARK FRONTAGE ON MONTANA AND ST. VRAIN. 78x120; two modern 5 room red pressed brick cottages: special price for sl few days; your own terms. See us for particulars. Cassldy & Da-rl&oiu Sole Agents. $500 BUYS 10 ACRES Of fine level land on railroad near El Paso. Only $20 cash and $20 a month; no Interest taxes or mortgage. Fraalc R. Tobin, Tobin Arcade. Phone 803. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. I will not he responsible for any debts contracted by my. .wife, Bernlce Breene Cooley. from this 'date, Aug. 2, 191L. JT. N. Cooley. IRRIGATED VALLEY LANDS. Any size you wish and in any part of the valley. Over 1000 on my list but these are bargains. . 60 ACRES Three-fourths mile from Ysleta; 50 acres alfalfa, 1500 grapes in bearing; about 400 bearlngi fruit trees. Including pears, peaches, apples and apricots; fine 4 room adobe ranch house; rooms 15x16 feet; large hall through the cen ter 16x30 feet; only $220 per acre. CHICKEN RANCH In Government Hill; 5 room house, electric lights and bath; 4 lots; plenty shade trees; a bargain at $3500 $1200 cash, balance to srxit 80 ACRES FINE RIVER SILT SOIL. Butts into town of La Mesa; 200 yards from $7000 school: $60 per arre; balanoe 1 2 and 3 years. 30 ACRES AT LA MESA. All in alfalfa. $3000, cash, bal ance 1 year. Main ditch running through it. " IF NOTHING HERE suits vou come up and see me. I have what you want. Morrison, The 'Land Man. - Phone 4190, 51Q Mill J310. -Tod Late to Classify. NEW FURNITURE For,-sale cheap. Phone 305. 10 ROOM HOUSE $8000. Paved street, 1 block car line, best part city. "Worth 510,000; easy terms. Anderson-Filler Realty Co. FOR RENT. 7 room flat Maeoffin 220 00 5 -rooms", Arizona"st 25.00 ( rooms,! Newman St 15.00 4 rooms. Newman St .... 18.00 2 rooms. Grand View ,-i.i . 7.00 3 rooms,. Bassett- addition- '.10.00 5 rooms,-P.rospect- Ave S-. -. 35.Q0 4 ' "Nerrniira & Sob, Orndorff Hotel Bldg. Phone 914. CALIFORNIA ST. COTTAGE. . 5 rooms, sputh front, modern. Price $3250. Terms it you want .them. Aadergoa-Flller Realty Co. FOR kk:vi'. .j r401 AVynmlnir. 5; ruomso-t . . ..$35.00 -1210 N. -ETtPasVjtt.; .8 rooms 45.00 -207 V. Rio uraude. o rooms.... 35 00 912 Lee St. 8 rooms 40.00 1200 Nevada. 5 rooms 30.00 724 Lebanon St. 4 rooms 12.50 545 Magoffin, 7 rooms 35.01 305 Tays St. 2 rooms 8.00 305 Tays St, 4 rooms 14.00 610 Prospect, 4 room flat 20.00 710 N. Oregon. 4 rooms (fur.) ... 25 00 IU2 Rio Grande St. 8 rooms 40.08 Offices and store room in Buckler building. 'Anderson-Filler ReaJiy Co., '1 ?and g. gu'ckler Bylldng. HEINEMAN SJELLSi.REAL ESTATE. SOME REAL BARGAINS. LOTS. 500 BUYS 3 lots in block 51. Government Hill, facing Wlngo's flne home. "' , $100 CASH BUYS 1 lot in block IS Government Hill. $350 BUYS 3. LOTS In block 1, Government Hill; good erms. - - $325 BUYS 2 south f rontlQts -in -block 103, East El Paso.-.JJjlock-from Fort Bliss road; acfualVwtffth-d. v ,e$500 -.BUYS "2 LOT& In block 82, East El Paso, facing on Fort BHssr car 'line; cash, balance J. jr ei. $2700 BUYS 3 lots in Mundy Heights, 1 block from car line and park. Will sell 37 feet for $1350; good terms. HOUSES. 5 room modern brick, 900 blbck. BJo Grande St; paving and parking paid Only $3850: good terms. s 4 JIOOM MODERN Red pressed brick house, 3 corner lot, 1 blojpbf isontf car lne2 1 A'bargair. at $2000; good terms. Worth,J2500. 2 ROOM ADOBE. 4 south front lots, Government Hill 1 block from Fort Bliss drive, good place for chickens. Only $700. VALLEY L4.ND. 7 acres close to Ysleta; new ,house. stable sheds, chicken houses! alsa fruit trees Price $1450; good terms. 10 ACRES CLOSE TO YSLETA. Highly improved, house, stable, chicken houses windmill, shade trees. It is an untodate chicken ranch. Pncr. $2200 $1000, -cash, balance 1 ana Z yearsr " J JU C' ..- sov- OTHER 'aBAHGA-lNS TD0 -NUMEROUS TO' MENTION. D. G. Helneman, Phone 843. 209 Mills Stv S ROOM HOUSE A BARGAIN. South front corner, new; 3 large porches, paved streets A beauty at the price. $7250: terms. Anderaon-Flller Realty Co. RENT HOUSEg WANTED. We are having VdalfUttalls for 4 k 'and 5 room houses, -Our fental man huows personally in bnr. ante -all prop erty. List your vacant houses with us for quick action.. Atistln & Ttla-ri. Phone 352. 304 San Antonio St 1 VALLEY LANDS. 7 acres, near county road. Ysleta, 5 room house. . i 5,'acres, -most In- alfalfa,, house chicken house etc. $X26,per acre. ..SH acres most ail In cnUJvnHnn at 150 per acre 30 acres highly Improved; close in. 125 acres at! $45 per acre, flne land (cheap.) $20Q acres at $60 per acre, better hurry. 400 acres at $50 per acre; no better land in the valley. 90 acres, 50 acres in alfalfa; 25 in garden truok, at $105 per acre. 20 acres, 15 in alfalfa, 1 in grapes, fruit trees. J If you want land, no matter .the size tract we "have,, it "" V " Automobiles at your serviqe. If you mean business. v 'R.foGramde Realty; Co., American "Bank Building. NEW BRICK NOTHING DOWN A 5 room brick, just completed, never oc cupied, bath, electric lights, fine sleep ing porch. Small monthly payments. You will not have another chance like this. HAWKINS BROS. "HOMES OUR SPECIALTY." RENT LIST. 531 Wl Missouri St, 4 rooms $27.00 533 W Missouri St., 5 rooms 27.00 709 N. Stanton, 5 rooms 28.00 1316 Noble Stt 4 rooms 15.50 1003 N. El PasOj 5 rpoms. 30.00 417 Mesa, desk Toom ,... 5.00 802 Mesa, 3 rooms (fur) 25 90 207 Boulevard. 5 rooms (fur.).. .13.40 217 Arizona St, 10 rooms 60.00 533 W. Missouri St, 4. rooms.... 27.00 207 E. Boulevard, 4 rooms 25.08 907 "Upson Ave, 8 rooms 40.00 531 W. Missouri 5 rooms 27.08 M. F. Collier, 417 Mesa Ave. Bell Phone 615. 4 ROOM COTTAGE FOR 92100. On car line,, south front, cost $2500. Will take $1200 lh trade Tor lots, bal ance monthly. Anderson-Filler Realty Co. 1-2 Buckler Building, Bell 491. EASY INSTALMENTS. 5 rooms, Grand View." on car line; nice red pressed brick, fenced, etc. Only $350 down, balance $25 month. FOUR ROOMS, -HIGHLAND PARK. ? -' $350 down, balance month! v. " s" Nerrrman & Son, - , 304 Mesa. Phone 914 ROOMING HOUSES. We certainly have some 'good buys in rooming houses all of which are desirable and moneymakers. See us quick. Austin & Marr, Phone 352 Caples Bldg; Auto. 1352 ,POB SALE OR EXCHANGE. We have a snap. 480 acres 12 miles S- E. of Erick, Oklahoma. 200 acres In cultivation. 100 more-tillable. 25 fenced hog tight house, barn, well, cistern and creek. Vz miles from school and church. Black and chocolate soil: no sand. $30 per acre., or will trade for El Paso residence properly worth the money. , . 1 HeIlber8T & Blair. .418 Roberts -Banner Bldg Too, Late to Classify. BARGAIN OF-'BARGA1INS. $25 down and -?2o per month buys home on 2 lots in B. El Paso. Only $1600. M. F. Collier. Phone 615. MEXICAN LAND. There is a fortune to be made in Mexico. Why not be one to make It? Mexican lands that we have for sale now will dquble in value In two years. Our tracts run fiom 3000 acres up and from 60c upt"and are in 24. out of 27 Mexican 'states. Timber, grazing, agriculture and mining." Newman & Son, " '"'' 304 Mesa Ave. , Phone. 914. FOR RENT. ft 912 Lee. 8 rooms .. .S40.00 1318 N. El Paso. 8 rooms T. 45.00 1419 Boulevard, 8 rooms ,45.00 1901 Arizona, 8 rpoms .50 00 1001 Prospect, 8 rooms '...., .50.00 901 Mesa. 7 rooms X. .; ...'.. 45.00, 521 Prospect. 6 'rooms? ......rasion L1319 Boulevard, 6 rooms. 30.00 127a Prospect 6 rooms 27.50 701 Missouri. 6 rooms 30.00 914 Octavia, 5 rooms 27.50 1115 Brown. 5 rooms . 25.00 702 Upson, 5 rooms 20.00 910 Rio. Grande. 5 rooms 30.00 Cor. Willow and Mich., 5 rooms.. 20.00 607 N. St Vrain. 4 roonjs 20.00 814 Myrtle, 4 rooms. . . . . ,. 22 50 uxs ausspuri. 4 rooms.-, t. '16.00 1 615 w. .Main, 4 rooms 1 6.00 819 San Marclal. 4 rooms 15.00 515 Putman, 7 rooms if rur) ..... 50.00 Austin A.lfirry if. - I Phone 352 T 3,304 San Antonio? Geo. D. Kendall Makes Glasses Right. WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5 room cot tage, modern, centrally located. Must be in Al condition. Phone 4175. WANTED Good girl for general housework. 631 Copper. Phone 3378. ONE SUITE of housekeeping rooms; cool and quiet; gas, bath and eledtric iignt. ?ib pec-month. Gale Hotels 338 Leon St, " J SINGLE furnished rooms and. house keeping rooms; close "in. J00 N. Oregon. I WAXTED-rA position as clerk in. groc ery store by a man with some experi ence. Address E. E. A. 625 N. Santa -Fe St IF YOU WANT clean cool rooms at reasonable rates, close in. with run ning water, and distilled water for drinking, go to 310 W. Missouri, 1 block from library. FOR SALE-ComDlete equipment-of the Imperial jRestaurant1 of-'Belen- N 4vL Located- n the Hotel, -Belen Annex Bldg. The John Becker Co. " " FOR SALE Sideboard, iron bed, gas stove, kitchen cupboard and good flrst class piano. 608 Prospect Phone 3541. REGISTERED POLAND CHINA HOGS. Best Individuals of the best strains from a prize winning herd; a 3 months registered Jersey bull calf, finest breed ing. $25. Sam Little, Hagerman, N M ANSWER TO YESTERDAY'S PUZZLE. Upside down behind man. -d iw Geo. D.Ken'dnir Makes Glasses Right: WANTED Toune- ladv to wnrV i f. flee; must be accurate in figures and be ble to operate a typewriter well; steady 30b. Address Box X care Her ald. Give references. FOR SALE Deeded valley land. SO acres choice MImbres valley land at Columbus, N. M.; water 25 feet from surface; land In developed district For sale at sacrifice. Call or write W. R. Fleming, Columbus.. M FOR RENT3 unfurnished -oams-nd Oath; conveniently rw & -Alci"rBl ,uLlr"1E1"',-iUii -.i-: house. Rent very reasonable. Call at Ront Vo an, :rC,T""V -Loau Jtsouievard. TWO LARGE front rooms, housekeep ing, nicely furnished. 501 Boulevard. LOST On Arizona St. between N. . . uiunu, ur on Arizona jajT ,a small black purse containing $30 in currency, on July 31. Finder return to 1307 Nevada and receive re ward. FOR RENT Nic& large corner fron.t? room with ..private oath, - 2 j clothes closets. 1 block -from library. 310 W Missouri. ' j" y ' Y v GROCERY BUSINESS FOR SALE iMce ciean stock, good trade, close In good location, low rental. A splendl 1 ' chance for live man to get a paym uus'"a cneap. TlCe S395. H. L. Hotrell, 32C Herald BldK. 2g!! Kendn11 Makes Glasses Right. FOR. rent Nice .5 rom house, cornet Noble and Nevada. Call 1204 Nevada Phone 1999. . 1 1. . f SALE' AT A RARGAINThe beat located rooming, and boarding house liu "El Paso; 5 minutes from. P. O 11 big rooms, never vacant Cheap for cash. Write "Answer," care Herald. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms sleeping porch. 511 California St TWO STORY brick business block, known as Bell Dlock, Silver City N i ,occuP,ei at sood rentals. Also splendid vanch, 240 acres patented land one mj.e from Tyrone. Burro moun tains, 6 room modern residence, num ber good outhouses orchard tfiree weiig and windmills Plenty of waiter Also lo head gnod horses:: Address Mrs. Emily Bell, Silver CityN. M. FOR SALE Best improved 30 acres between Ysleta and El Paso Hellber? & Blair. 418. Roberts-Banner Bldg. Masonic Notices. EL PASO LODGE NO. 130. A. F. & A M rr ., "Ice"ns lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. Edw. W. Pew. W M Masonic Relief Board 10 G Mesa Ave hours 10 a, m. to 12 m , ' REGULAR MEETING OF HARMONY CHAPTER, No. 244, O. E. S., Thursday Nlg-ht, Ang. 3. 8 Oclocfc. Olive Doolittle, W. M Helen Jr Mead, Secretary. E. E. RYAN'S DANCING ACADEMY at the F. B. hall. Social dance every Wednesday ara Saturday evenings. Whnteicr Else You Do l To try to sell any used articles you may have to sell, don't fall to place a "want" ad In The Herald. Household articles, livestock, old fence, chickens, anything salable finds interested parties when advertised in The Herald "want" ads. 7 Ask for the "want" department of The Herald by phone,, at the counter, on call for messenger. BeU phone 116; Auto pho"ve, 1115. Mrs. A M. HowJand and daughter, Miss Ncwbrough, will leave tonight for Hermoslllo, Mexico. I Cactus Messengers, day or night. AMERICAN TOBACCO CAUSES BEAR MARKET Stocks Are Unsettled Eail - roads All Show Some Decline. New York, N. Y., Aug. 2. (Wall Street): The stock market was un settled during the morning, although substantial recoveries from the low level of the first hour- this morning. The action of American Tobacco di rectors in deferring action on the com mon dividend garve rise to some un easiness, which was reflected in the market's waiting atttude. Notable strengh was shown by the fertilizer Issues and in, the industrial class. Allis .Chalmers fd. was off over 3 points. On the curb American Tobacco common fell 2 points, with a similar loss in Standard Oil. The fea ture' of the "bond list' was a 4 point decline In Allis Chalmer's 5 percents, which fell in sympathy with the pre ferred stock. Bonds wefe generally I lower. Union Pacific declined a point with the substantial losses elsewhere in the active group, Canadian Pacific alone showing some support. Mackay com panies and National Enameling Pfd. tost 1. Standard stocks weakened again on the persistent liquidation of industrial issues. Reading and Atch ison broke 1 point Th,ff marketclosed weak. In the last bpur the. lowest prices of the day .avere ma'de. Union Pacific was down2 ; Reading" and Northern Pa cific 2. MONEY AND METALS. Venr York Qaotatfnms. New York, .Aug. 2. Call 22 percent money Prime mercantile paper, 44 percent Closing Q notations Today. Bar silver, 52. a . Desilverized, lead (New York) Easy; $4.454T60". vv . Copper -r Hull ; ""standard spot and Sept-, $12,171. Spelter .-at Louis quotations Weak; $5.72. MuAUaa ailars 45. CuneHt Smelter Quotation. (El Pass Smelter..) Bar silver 52 Copper (wire bars) 12.45 Copper Cathode (cts. per lb.) 12,325 Lead (N. Y hales price) $4.50 Lead (London) 13. sl8. d9 J ,1 Weely Averages, Douglas onielter Quotatioss.) Copper' (wire bars) 12.45 Sliver 52.50 UNLISTED STOCKS. (By Special Wire to The Herald from H. H. Bru Co.. Globe, Ariz.) Amalgamated S7 American Smelters 78 American Sugar ... 11S Ajchison ,.. ..,.....,., 109 Colorado Fuel & Iron... 33 Great Nortfiern-Pf d'. 132 i'ilew.. QrK central.. ..'...: ..107 Northern "Pacific :..?? 128 Reading 156 Rock Island ." 31 Southern Pacific 121 Union Pacific 187?1 TJ. S. Steel, common 78 U. S. Steel Pfd ..117 BOSTON LISTED STOCKS (By Special Wire to The Herald from Hf H. Bru Cou-GloHe. Ariz.) Arizona CommefcJaT .J.-. 14 Calumet & Arizona ". 56 GTroux, 6 Greene Cananea 7 HelvetIa - 1 Miami 214 Nevada Con '. 19 North Butte 32 H Old Dominion 45 "4 Shannon , 10 Superior & Boston 5 Trinity 4 Utah. Copper , 49 STErETYOBE LISTED stocks; (By Special Wire to The Herald front H. H. Bru Co.. Globe, rlz.) Arizona-Michigan, part paid 16c Cactus .. i2c Calumet & Montana... 42c Chino Copper Co 224 Chief Con ; 1 Cordova, part paid 25c- Cordpva, full paid 75C Denn-Arizona "..? 5 Ely XJentral ;i 4c Goldfleld Con ,....;"?..,.. 6 Inspiration -Copper V...L.... 8U Lie Oak Development 23 Mason Valley 8 National Mining Exp.. 16C New Keystone , 2 Ohio Copper i5 Pinto Copper iqc Ray Central , i Ray Consolidated 17 Pan Antonio, part paid... J. 4 Shattuck 17 Superior- & Globe, part paid lc Summit Copper .. : . . . . 42c ADS BY PHONE. You can easily sell it Call Bell 115, Auto 1115. tell the girl what it is and The Herald will sell it. No bother, no formality. The Lost and Found. "I will be ever grateful to the Want -Columns for the return of an article pi jewelrv, an heirloom, that I lost one evening, and which was returned to me the next evening." You have heard such exipresaions from many who have had practical experience with the remarkable effi ciency of the Want Columns m re covering lost articles. One great convenience of the Wants in returning lost articles is the fact that they work so quickly. A. fersv hours after you send your Want Ads to The El Paso Herald, telling of a lost article, thousands of people are reading the Wants, and the losers and finders of lost articles, .naturally enough, are the first to make a critical examination of the lost and found classification. ITALIAN GRAIN IS REPORTER ...-. BETTER Crop Is Large Corn Rises a Little Provisions -Harder. Chicago, HI., Aug. 2V An official estimate that the wheat yield of Italy will be nearly 40,000,000 bushels great er than, a'year ago, had a bearish ef fect on the market today. Initial sales were ? to to &c up. September started at 90 to 91 , a sltde down to to H.c advance" and declined to 90 to 90. The close "Was steady with Septem- ber c lower at 90 to 90. Statements by a leading- expert plac ing the condition of the corn crop at 70.1 as against the 62.4 July 1, lifted the market for that cereal. Septem ber opened a 16th lower to a lik amount higher, at 63 to 64, rising later tow 6i. The clpsing- w;as firm with Septem ber at 6?, a gain of to c Oats- followed corn. September started a shade to to c higher at 41- to 41, touched 41 and then as cended to 41. On account ote.n upturn at the yards, provisions showed a tendency to hard en. First sales were unchanged to 5c higher with January delivery $16.38 for pork, $8.32 for ribs. December lard went at $8.55. G-rain and Provisions. Caicaso Grain. Close. Wheat Sept Dec Corn Sept Dec Oats Sept Dec 9090 9393 64 6262 41 44 Close. Cklcaco Provisions. Prflr. Sept- ...-$17.42 Jan ..Ar...rr. 16.S2$416.35 Lara Sept ......k...... ..$ S.55' Jan .T. 8.77 8.S0 Ribs Sept $ 9.10 Dec 8.37 LIVESTOCK. Kansas City Livestock. Close. Kansas City, Mo.. Aug. 2. Cattle Receipts 8000 ; market steady. Native steers. $5.00(7.25 southern steers, $4.15-5J75t southern cows and heifers, $2.754.60; native cows and heifers, $2.47.10; stockers and feeders, .$3.25 4.50; bulls, $3.254.75: calves. 'S4.00 7.00; western steers. $4.60 6.60: western cows. $2.75 4.75. Jtiogs receipts 8000; market 510c higher. Bulk of sales $7.007.15: heavy. $7.05 S 7.20; packers and butch ers. $7.00(g7.15; lights, $6.907.15. Sheep Rects. 5000; market steady. Muttons. $3.5Q4.20; lambs, S3.60O6.90; fed wethers and yearlings, $3.75 5.00; fed western ewes $2.50 3.80. Chicago -Livestock. Close. Chicago, 111., Aug; 2. Cattle Re ceipts 19,000; market steady to shade lower. Beeves, $5.00 7.25; Texas steers, $4.4006.10; western steers. $4.00 6.10; stockers and feeders, $3.00 5.35; cows and heifers. $2.105.S5: j calves. $5.507.75. jaogs jK.eceipts zz.uuu: marjeet oQv 10c higher. Light. $6.6507.50; mixed, $6.7007.55; heavy $6.5007.40; rough, $6 506.S0; good to choice heavy, $6.80 07.40: pigs, $o.507.20; bulk of sales, $6,9007.30. x - SheepRects 20.000; market steady. Native, $2.2oO4.0t western. $2,500 4.00; yearlings $3.7504.80; Iambs, na tive. $ 3.75 6.60; western, $4.25 6.85. How to Avoid Cramps. ."You often read of people dying from cramps while in shimming" said James D. Rose of Martin, Tenn. 'Teo- ple d6n't die from cramps "while in bathing. The "water gets in the ears, j floods the eardrums and causes the nerves leading to the brain to become paralyzed. This naturally forces oth er vital nerves to cease performing their duty, and the, result Is death. If people "who go in swimming "would put cotton in their ears the number of deaths from cramps would be much smaller." Nashville Tennesseean. 1 pii5BmHB HP?i5Pf9 bIBBHL i WMilH WWnmTT glLaf aiaaM31aLaaB Dentists ' DR. LEE MdNTOSJst Fnlnl DenttM, Room 08. American NatL Bank Sliir. Specialist DR. CARL SMITH (MX3f OMLT) 197 SH Anton! St Aato 2111. FOR QUICK WORK see the Standar Furniture Hospital. Furniture packer and repaired, mattresses renovated, springs stretched; all work guaran teed. 309 S. Stan,ten. Bell 4119. TEXASCOTTDNGBOP CONOiTION 84 . PERCENT Condition of General Crop ia South More Than 90 Percent. -v Washington, D. C.f Aug. 2. The c ditlon of the growing cotton erop of the United States on July 25 was W.l percent of a BornaaL- compar&d. with. 88.2 percent on June 25, 1911; 73F.S per cent on July 21 last yer; 7LS &rcet Hn 1909, and 79.4 perceat, the average of the last ten., years a July 215, ac cording to thq reports of the TJnttd States departmen of agriculture, aa nounced at noon today. Comparisons of eoaa!tlon im cer tain states follow: Louisiana 1911, 84; 191, 89; li year ' average, 78. Texas 1911, SS; lSli, S2; 19 yer average, 79. COTTOK. Livers eel Cottes. Liverpool. Eng., Aug-. 2. dosin-g:: Cotton Bpot inlncxsasing demand, for to six poinfsh'lgher. Amerlcaa mid dling, fair, $7.28; good middling. $8.94; middling. $SSjflow middling. $6.84; good ordinary; SSjZO; ordiaary, $8.95. New Yerlc Cetiea. New York, N. Y., Aug. 2. Cotton spot closed quletr middling 'aplasd, $12.50; middling- gulf, $12.75. Sales, S bales. WOOL St. Loais Wisol. Close. St Louis. Mo., Aug. 2. Woel firm. Territory and western, mediums, 1719; fine mediums. 16017; fine. ll. Whatever Else Ya Do To try to sell any used articles you may have to sell, doa't fail to place a "want" ad in The Herald. Household articles, livestock, old fence, chickens, aaytals-s; salable finds. Interested parties whea advertised in The Herald 44want" ads. Ask for the "want" department of The Herald by phone, at the couater, or call for messenger. BeU paona 118; Auto phone, 1115. The Lost and Found. "I -will be ever gratM to Want Columns for tfee return of an article of jewelry, an. heirteoa, tiat I lost one evening; and wiack wa retuTBed to me tfee nest evaoinfr 'Ton have beasd such espreeeibea from many who have bad practical experience with Sie rsnarkaole effi ciency of the Want Cofouss m rs covering kwfc articles. One great convenieeee of t& Wants &. rerurninc lost azticks k the fact tbfc they -work so qakkiEy, A few hours after to send year Want Ads to Tfae El -Paso BsraH, telling of &t3ost article, tfeofamask of jpeopte are readinsr the W&ats. aad the losers and (finders of lost article, naturally enooch, are tiie first to make & critical exanun&tk ot A lost and f ouad akseafScatioo. OOD COOKS Are in K Paso HeraM families, r -would like te be. Phoae a Want A f BI1 118; Ato. 1111,