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EL PASO HERALD Saturday, 'August 19, 1911 t 4 f . . i ' li f LITTLE BOBBIE'S PA & Ma 4b ae went up to the ' Central Park Zoo yesterday with sum frends of ours. Mister & Mis sus, Brooks & thare littel bey. I dident want to go at first, bee l:t.ns I have been in the Zoo a grate many times, but Ma toald me that 1 w ud get a chanst to meet the littel Brooks boy, his nalm Js Irving Brooks Junior. ... He Js jest about yure size, Bobbie, sed Pf & think he can beet you In aviair lite. So if you cum along we vj-" - r 2 will let you two go anywhere you say & have it out, sed Pa, Then, of course, I had to go. Pa & Ma & Mister & Missus Brooks rode In two seats in the otomobeel & left us in the back seet two-gether, me & Irving Brooks Junior. I cud see rite away that he was trying for to pick a flto with me, bekaus the first thing he sed was. Isent my Ma butiful? She is even more butiful than yures. I .doant agree with you, sed me to Irving Brooks Junior, my Ma is the moast butiful lady that ewer cairn cut of Wisconsin. I will admit, I toald him, that yure mother Is a vary sweet faced lady, but I doant like blondes. You doant, doant you, sed the Brooks kid, well then, I doant like brunettes, & what do you know about that? My Ma is a brunette, I toald him, & If you dare say that 3 ou doant like her I -will hop one off yure noase. Heer, heer, boys, sed Pa & .Mister Brooks, wait till we git to the Zoo. "We will find a nice, quiet, place for the two of you to fite it out. So we waited,, but all the time I was figuring out my line of attackt Thare was nev ver agood fiter, Pa toald me onst, that dident lan his battel ahed. Wen wegot up to the Zoo we be gan looking at the monkeys, & the oth- v L -ArK' HI 't -. Jlsr Poultry Department The Strangeness of the Poultry Fancy. Contributed By an El PasoW For El Pasoans. .-.. , r - trt. iva wit I lir A iS?? Ull a. iUVtJ 1.UI UC IttltJiiit, v- -. j a poultry he is said to have the poultry fever. No one is immune w this dreaded disease and whether the victim be man, woman or child, the disease is absolutely incurable. It seems to have no tendency to shorten life hut Jiangs doggedly on to the end of the chapter. No remedy has neen discovered to even alleviate the suf ferings, but many things are known to aggravate them and to cause the fever to rage higher. And strange to say what would be thought to lower the temperature in this malady is known to invariably raise it. The sufferings of the victim, how ever, are not physical but mental and a remarkable feature of this mental anguish is the degree of Die&sure real delight to be found in it. J-t is a fact, the troubles of the amateur and semi professional poultry man. are the source of his greatest pleasure. The trouble and disappointments of the business Are to the amateur its chief fascination. The professional poultry man eliminates to a great extent the possibility of unusual trouble and dis appointment, but with the amateur the business is made up largely of trouble and disappointments, bi't each succeed ing recurrence of heartaches strength en his determination to achieve suc cess at any cost. One vear's experience of an amateur Is a-bout as this: As a starter he buys two settings of eggs and pays $15 for them. His hopes are high. On re ceiving them he places them under two hens, one setting under each, and be gins at once to count the days that jnust elapse before he has two broods of as fine chicks as money can buy about 12 to each brood, as there are 15 eggs in each setting. Everything moves along lavely for two weeks, when to his sorrow one of the Hfens got out of the nesting coop and cannot get back. The day was pretty cold and the eggs were thor oughly chilled. Amateur knew they would not natch and yet he places the old hen "back on the nest to con tinue her term of sitting. For a bank to break -and entail upon nlm the loss I'll Rid Yon of Your Asthma I Will Send You A Pree Trial Of Ky Trdatment To Prove Its Wonderful Effects. For years and years, thousands of suf ferers have been following the beaten path in the treatment of Asthma, and they are still gasping and, clutching for breath. The ordinary so-called "remedies" are bnt labltu&l f allures. IUiavo tried them all! I ieq a physician Dsy-and night for 3 ears I ilmost felt as if the uand of death ias etching at my throat, and that every breathless struggle would be my last. I exhausted aaedlcal books In a vain fe&rchfor a cure. At last X discovered my ywn treatmest, used it, and 3f an angel had josseaad carried me suddenly aloft I could ot save "been more surprise at its results. I ask no asthma sufferer to teUeve me. 1 UH Imown only by my -worfes. I want to preve te you that this treatment not only actually cures, but cure3 permanently. I do not ask s. oent. All you have todo is to send Hie your name and address and I wMlsend you a free trial treatment of my asthmU remedy, as quick as the mall can bring it towou. Send your letter to me. Dr. TV. K. Walrath, BoxuQ.Aa&nw.NewYork. Friends, I wsnt to rescue you f romThoseblood-curdllDg,'kmoth-ered-alive" spasms forever. "Will you iWt me prove I can do It? Not only asthma bus hay fever and bronchitis disappear gloriously by tne use ine weataeut. write mete PA F- er wild beests, & every time I sed that a monkey was handsum that Brooks kid wud'( say that it was hoamly, & every time that I sed one was hoamly he wud say "Why, that monkey is as hansum as my father. Everything I ewer sed to him, he wud always say to me, I feer you are wrong, He evven toald me that Caruso was newer in Central park & then I lost my temper. I hit Irving Brooks Junior on his bee zer, & made It bleed Pa toald me 1 shud alwayscall a noase a beezer, it is moar reefined, Pa sed. Then the think had went too far to stop, so we had to have our flte & Pa & Ma & Mister Brooks took us around beehind the Zoo & we went to it good & hard. Mister Brooks was telling his son how to hit me & he got so excited that he toald his son wrong, bekaus every time that Junior kid started to hit me I hit him first. Go- to him, .kid, sed Pa, his father onst double crossed me In a foot race. Git him. Soak him. Jest then Ma & Missus Brooks calm around the corner of the Zoo, & they boath sed how bsntal. Whyisitbru- tal? sed Ta, wen thay cuddent hit each other hard enuf f to raise a blister. Tt is lest eood exercise, Pa sed. Thay will be going at it for fifteen minnlts- or so, & then it will all Be oaver ss thay will be jest as good frends. How many minnlts did you say? asked Irvmg Brooks Junior. Fifteen minnlts, sed Pa. No, sed Irving Brooks Junior, & not eeven fifteen seconds Then he ran away as fast as litening. Thare he goes, sed Pa, that Is the way Ills father ran the time lie. dub-bel-crossed me in that foot race. It must be tuff to be a actor's son & git lickedbeesides. of 4500 would not cause him half the srief that the mishap with this set- ting of fine eggs occasions him. He is miserable and feels that life is not worth, living. However, he has the other setting left and gives them, if possible, even closer attention. The hen sits well and when the time is up eight little balls of down put in an appearance in the nest. He is very proud of them, but disappointed at getting only eight chicks out of the setting of 15 egss. They are beau ties, however, and he is very fond of them. They are placed in a coop in the front yard. 4 For ten days everything goes right and the" little chicks grow prodig iously, when along comes a stray cat and makes a meal off the finest one. Again life Is not worth living, but the fever runs all the higher and in each of the remaining seven can be seen a prize winner. One of them, however will never be exhibited, for when she, a fine little pullet, is five weeks old, ' she jumps into a tub of water care lessly left standing and Is drowned. Altogether five reach maturity, four cockerels and one pullet. The pullet l and cockerels are groomed for the show and finally placed on exhibition. They are exhibited as a pair. They win nothing, however, as the cockerel Is disqualified for overweight. ' No one but a chicken man can real ize what this poor amateur suffers from his year of disappointments and yet does he quit in disgust? Not much. A true fancier is a stayer and never" a quitter. He renews his ef forts with a determination to overcome difficulties In spite of fate and he fights it out along this line sometimes for many years. Now, there is a moral to this story. It is this: The raising of fancy poul try Is the finest training school In the world for a man or "boy along certain lines. It enables him to bear up un der a series of great troubles and to finally overcome any obstacle that may interpose itself in his pathway. mm public GHOOLS LEAD THE W (Continued Prom. Previous Pasre.) average child requires 9.7 years to complete what is supposedly eight years work. The consideration of the school laggard, the causes and possi bilities of doing away with the re peating process were well discussed at the recent convention of the Na tional Educational association, and some steps to remedy the evil are al ready under way. Results la Grammar Sckools, There is a difference of opinion also as to the methods of teaching con ducive to the best results in the gram mar school- In this age of speciali zation, many educators advocate that each subject In the schools be taught by a specialist. The plan of speciali zation in the elementary schools has probably reached its highest develop ment in Philadelphia, although it has been experimented upon in other cities. It Is being stated, nowever, that in the lower grades the specialist is not an unqualified success. The person ality of the teacher tends to detract the attention of the child from the subject being taught, and schopl dis cipline Is harder to obtain. Such com plaints as, "John gets along fihe with i his history teacher, but he can't bear Ss. tl v sr .-.... Hoarding Money In the Bank Makes very few persons rich and the small interest accruing x upon time deposits is little incentive to the one who is ambitious and wants his dollar to earn what it is right to expect of it. ' On the other han, it is immensely better to let accumulations lie idle indefinitely in a bank than to "risk them in some reckless -, speculation. , - Between these two extremes lies the safest, surest and best pay- . ingiuvestment offered today, namely , . Government Hill Real Estate 'For the capitalist who seeks a safe and profitable investment f the renter who is looking for a home or the young man who wishes, ' , to start to save, it is most attractive. See us at once. ' ; Lots $10 Down, $5 a Month No Mortgage, No Taxes, No Interest - AUSTIN & MARR ' r Caples Building. Phone 352 LATTA & HAPPER Morgan Building. Phone 271 It 61k . his spelling teacher," and "if Mary had all her lessons with her teacher that taught arithmetic, she wouldn't have her had marks in conduct,' com into the principal's room very often. According to the resujts of the investi gations made by the special committee appointed by the National Educational association to consider tfe elementary schools, specialization in the early grades is not to be commended. The relative Importance of the stud ies of the common schools, as indi cated by the amount of time given to each, is also a subject which received the attention of a special committee. After a very minute Investigation, na rnmTTl1ttfft. Which included tne Tjnited States commissioner of educa tinn. the suoerintendent of schools of several cities and some other promi nent educators, recently has published a report which will be regarded at least aa suggestive authority upon this subject This report divides the 25 hours of the school week into regu lar periods for each -study and these a BLUE WHISTLER" RETURNEO WITH "MS" FOR QRQZQQ MD LIBERTY Old War Piece Is Eestored to Its Place in City Hall Park. "Wrapped in American., and Mexican flags, symbolic of the history of the two countries for which it has fought, the historic old McGinty "Blue Whist ler" cannon was returned to the custo dy of the Pioneers' association Friday evening by Gen. PasquaL Orozco, acting upon orders of Gov. Abram Gonzales, of Chihuahua. The return of the "Blue Whistler" was more of an ovation to Gen. Orozco, who escorted the cannon to city hall park, than for the Civil war shooting Iron. From the time that the cannon rumbled across the Santa Fe street bridge to the tune of the trumpets, with the revolutionary troops standing at attention, the parade through the El Paso streets was a continuous ova tion for the revolutionary commander inchief. Was For Oroxco. "Viva Gen. Orozco,"- the crowd shouted, and a roar of "vivas" fol lowed him all the way down town. Not until the cannon had been returned to its original station in the city hall circle did anyone dare shout a viva for old McGinty, and then the crowd laughed good naturedly. Gen. Orozco appeared at the Mexican end of the bridge at 5:20 p. m. with the old cannon attached to the rear of an automobile. On this spot, where the first charge into Juarez was made by the revolutionary troops, the formal return of the old cannon was made by the rebel chief. Jose Cordova, secre- i tary to Gen. Orozco, read three type written sheets 01 Spanish to the etrect that Mexico appreciated the friendly feeling of the United States and that most of all, it appreciated the loan j of the little cannon to the revolutiona ry cause. As the representative of Gen Orozco differ as the grades advance. In the first two years, physical exercise and play occupy fourto four and a half hours per week, while only two hours a week are given to this subject in the last six years. This report sug gests that elementary algebra and geometry receive from one to three hours per weelc during the seventh and eighth grades,. and 'four hours per week may be given to some foreign language In the last three years. These branches shall be more or less elective to the student. Many of these suggestions are already In operation with good results' in different schools. The report deals with both rural ad city schools and, while its sugges tions will be modified to meet local conditions, the fact that the committee 'was selected from different parts or the country points toward Its wide in fluence In preserving the uniformity of the educational standard in Amer- Mbnday The Public High School. finished tbe address, the insurrecto army, which was drawn up in double rows on each side of the autos, pre sented arms, the trumpets blared, the crowd yelled for Orozco, the trumpet calls were answered by -a .squad at the international line. Then city attor ney Coldwell replied in Spanish on be half of the city and the Pioneers asso ciation. He concluded his speech with three cheers for Mexico, for Gen. Oroz co and for liberty. This was answered by cheers In English from Orozco's auto for the "United States. Parade Forms. The parade then formed wifih the Pioneers association marching in front, headed by Henry Capell carrying an American flag, and followed by mayor C. E. Kelly, city attorney Coldwell and alderman J. I. Hewitt in an auto. Orozco's auto followed behind the car that drew the brass cannon, flag draped and rocking along on its new wheels and carriage. Orozco was the. principal figure. The little cannon was lost sight of in a crowd of Mexican kids and everyone cheered, waved and shouted to Orozco as he rode through -the lanes of people on Santa Fe, El Paso and San Antonio streets. The rebel leader was' as stoic as ever and showed no apparent Inter est in the celebration. In the auto with the general was Huis S. Elizondo, secretary to Gov. Gonzales, who ac companied Orozco from Chihuahua,. Jose Cordova, secretary to Orozco, and Col. Augustian Estrada, in command of the soldiers in Juarez. Orozco was dressed in a clean shave, a clay worsted suit, a tan Stetson crushed a la Orozco, an electric blue fourlnhand tie and. a silk shirt. He was the same silent one- that he was during the revolution. He had nothing to say during the entire ceremony ex cept when he was presented to the crowd at the city hall. Then he stood on the wheels of the cannon, thanked the crowd and retired behind his timid ity. But he watched over 'his secreta ry's shoulder that each word of the message to the people of El Paso was V r. ONLY STOCK OF PLATE GLASS IN EL PASO TERRITORY V f Y o Is as a rule the most important factor in your business. Most people judge your store by its outside appearance Therefore, when you change it or put a new front in, you should have your work done by h.ose who mae a specialty of store fronts and store front construction. We employ only competent workmen who are skilled in this line of work and can give you all the newest ideas in re gard to what the front of your store needs. Write or phone us and our man will call and talk it oyer with you. SPECIAL DOORS AND WINDOWS in 1 read correctly and listened attentively to everything pioneer Coldwell said in his address. F. Samanlego, first captafn of the revolutionary forces, mayor Nicolas De Leon and Capt Salvador Carranza, of Gen Orozco's staff, followed their leader In an auto, and Raphael Gamp a, the nervy little bearer of the white flag during the battle, guarded the cannon on its way to the city hall. Arriving at the city hall park, the can non was returned to the identical spot from -which it was taken. Dr. I. J. Bush made a brief speech and the crowd disbanded with Gen. Orozco in charge of mayor Kelly and alderman Hewitt. YOUTH IS KILLED ROPING A STEER Neil Bunker s rTeck Is Broken When Horse Throws Him Colonia Dublan, Mexico, Aug. 19. NIel Bunker, while roping a steer near Pearson, was thrown from his horse and his neck was broken It seems that his horse reared up and threw him off backwards. He was taken to the hos pital In Pearson, but died about an hour later. His body was taken to Co Ionia Juarez for interment. His mother is in New Tork. He was his mother's main support, although he was only about IS. "Word has lust reached Dublan that 1 Heber Farr, a former resident of this Underwear Bargains The quality of Bazaar underwear has always been of the highest standard. The biggest stock, most reliable goods and the widest range of materials and patterns. Here are some values greatly reduced for Monday's selling-. It will pay you to buy underwear at these prices and pack away for next ye&rv3 use. 50c balbriggan. underwear in athletic shirt3, knee and ankle length drawers. Our g regular 50c garment. Special "UC $1.00 Porosknit union suits, knee and T ff ankle length drawers. Special 4 J $1.50 silk finished underwear in white andnmay neat stripes, an extra, good value at Q(f $1.50. Special OiC OIOS BIG TABLE FULL of underwear ranging in price up to 75c, in colors of pink, white, OC ecru and blue. Choice t OOC Silk Lisle, Hosiery Well made in every respect, in black, tan and col ors. Sold at 35c everywhere. 0n Special 0t Wash Ties at 10c All colors and patterns. Special .... ........ $2.50 Hats How's this for a bargainl Every snape, color and style that's in vogfiie this season not a lot of old car ried over styles bought for a sale, hut absolutely new, clean stock bought for this season's selling. Good values at $2.50 and $3.00. Special, ,, New Autumn Neckwear Our first shipment o new fall neckwear has just arrived, and. we are prefaced to show you the most extensive line of beautiful ties ever fa or bb-ase. Every shape, material and coloring- that's stylish maay novelties. An unusually large range of knitted silk ties the kind you py $l(0Q aai 125 for elsewhere. Bazaar Prices 25c, 50c, 75c L MB The Front i H our EL PASO SASH & DOOR "WE SHIP FROM EL PASO" place, but now living in Arizona, got tangled up wth a bull and had his jaw broken by the animal's hoof. The old jefe politico Ponce, the new jefe, senor Munez, and Gen. Blanco, made Colonia Juarez a visit Tuesday. They expressed themselves as being pleased with what they saw. Senor Ponce expects to leave here in the near future. The officials at Casas Grandes claim that the round ups they have ordered in private and public pastures is to se cure the horses brought in by the sol diers and rebels and turned loose. They want them now and as many more as they can get- Some of the colonists are not able either to locate their horses or to get a receipt for the price of their missing animals, others have receipts for the payment of their ani mals to be made some time in the fut ure by the government. President Junius Komney and Byron Hinckley from the north are expected here to spend Sunday In Dublan. Cottage cheese El Paso Dairy Co. The best Ice cream Smith's. The only way. See page 5. Delicate fabrics cleaned Wright. Yok CaH't Come Back. Only 10 10c cigars will be sold to any one customer. Scett TVhlte & Co., Mills Bly. Eat Smith's ice cream tomorrow. Pasteurized milk. Is safe milk. nlfci lei ' 10c For $1.85 m Lfgy i a PATT0KS 8 'SUN I PROOF I PAINTS I Stor e CO. WINDOW GLASS TS FLY TIM E and fcfeh tkae yo spray year horses and cattfe wkk CAkevs Fly Knocker to keep fine off. Saves milk, saves ficsb, saves feed, saves shoes, saves floors. Saves trouble and aaaeyaace at hand Imfr stock. Quarts. 35c bait gals. 69c. gals. $1.00. with oar mooty-back agreement on. every can tkac goes out. We kaew A keepa files og. El Paso Seed Co. San Antonio and Campbell Bell Telephone 363 Try Herald Want Ads. t I