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El Paso herald., February 24, 1912, Week-End Edition, Real Estate and Too Late To Classify, Page 11, Image 11
About El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931
Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
Newspaper Page Text
Saturday, February 24, 1912 11 STOCK MtiET Those Lots iii sraoij hise The Clearing House Reserve Shows Decrease of ' $6,501,600. re Front PATTON'S SOLE PROOF FLOOR COATINGS PATTON'S SUN PROOF PAINT ran EL PASO HERALD y iiiiii BE il kI ' 1 IjE I B 'I B !I IS 1 1 ill Sto dview I m f tf li i New Tark. N. Y., Feb. 24 The stock market closed steady today. After an ra opening, substantial recoveries wore made. Union Pacific selling boe esterday's best. Bnatneefwas light, however, and probably repre srnted short covering, rather than a tual commitments. Prices shaded in ih- final dealings. The statement of clearing house banks for the week (five days. shows thnt the banks Jiold $29,S73,370 reserve in excess of the legal requirements. J his is a decrease of IC601.M0 In tn proportionate cash reserve as com pared with the last. OEK LISTED STOCKS If you are contemplating a change in your store front or going to put in a new one, get our figures and specifications first. We can show you something differ ent and at the same time save you money, as our facilities for handling this class of work enafcle us to give you the best class of work at lower prices than yquxan ob tain elsewhere. ti i Amalgamated .... MV& American Sugar '- . 11 Mchison . 1 "ireat Northern 129 Nf Tork Central 110 Nurtheijn Pacific 11 Reading . , 16J Southern Pacific 108 Union Pacific ,14 U 8. Steel 60 I S Steel PH 108 I PLATE 'GLASS "We Ship from El Paso" Roofing BOSTON LISTED STOCKS an ' B 9 1 HU B 9iH H .. ltion fBy Speetal Wire to The Herald bj L, J. Overlook. Bisbee, Ariz.) Arizona Commercial 44 r-alumet Arbiona 60 "opper Range 54 i Giroux 4 Greene Can&nea . 7 Helvetia t. 1 Miami - . 24 Nevada Con 19 North Butte 26 old Dominion 46 I Shannon 10 Superior & Boston 3 Trinity 5 l" S. Smelters, common 35 Utah Con 15 XT tan Copper 56 HOT USES OFF OR WEATHER NEWS i .buyers Pit- TJHUSTED STOCKS (By Special Wire to The Herald frota II J. Overloek. Btsbee. Ariz.) Get Busy In Corn -Provisions Are Down. Chicago. 111.. Feb. 24. Wheat eased off today doe to favorable weather. ' ankrupt Sale AH the stock, furniture and fixtures of the bankrupt estate of Harry Bullard, watch maker and jeweler, will be sold at public auction at 2 o'clock p. m. on Monday. February 26, 1912, at No. 225 1-2 San Antonio Street, El Paso, Texas. J. H. McCLINTOCK Our-prices and our advertising have sold many lots, the prices being below the present actual value, and the advertising being the plain unvarnished truth. The lots have been sold to business men looking for a good investment, to salaried men looking for means of saving and investment and to home builders looking for an ideal location for their home They realize they are getting lots for less than they are really worth now and if we can get YOU to look at these lots, to consider the location, surroundings and general desirability for building purposes or investment, we can sell you. The terms will let any one in. a Month LET US SHOW YOU IN Ol$R AUTOS. i 10.00 Down; $5.00 :f?- ( ewman Investment Co. 104 SAN ANTONIO ST. Opening prices were unchanged to He down. Kay started at $1.00i to J 1.00 X. unchanged to c lower, and Cactus 15 Chino Copper Co 25 Chemung ...'. 5i i sagged to $1.00 to $1.00. S1 525L ?!.. : Prospect of continued Goldxleld Con 44 ) weather formed a decided buying in Inspiration Copper 18! Majestic Copper of Utah 4 J New Keystone 2 Ohio Copper 114 Rav Central . . 2 Ray Consolidated ....,-. 17" San Antonio, part paid Asked.. 4 Shattnck 17T4 Trustee in Bankruptcy. 516 American Bank Bldg. El Paso, Texas. I IB j PS Rfs ,irkte nf hA?a jfrsreri tlflwn Tonopah "Mt J provisions. Initial transactions var- Summlt 8 i led from 5c decline to a shade ad- j vance. with May $15.10 for pork; X TTOW1V i7.v-!s ivi wr To.v .. . .. unsettled fin amma In thA wtn nit Mow niutniu t unchanged to c off at 63 to 6S, $6.00?6.2; aua Ltatrii rww iw ootH" t $4 55 m& There was pot much pressure to sell ; Sheepll-Rects. none; market steady, oats. May started a ISth lower to ai buttons. $3.2504.85. lambs. J5.25 like amount up at 52 to 62fcc and S05. fed wethers and yearlings. S4.00 ascended to 2. . 6 5.50. fed ewes. S? 75 4.08. lights, $5.5096.05: pigs. ton closed quiet. 5 points lower. "Mid dling uplands, $10.40. middling gulf. $10.65. Sales. 110 bales. XA5TT PHOPI.B SBB FATM, TO DEATH FROM WIXDOW Trinidad, Colo., Feb. 24. Scores of ' pedestrians this morning saw Mrs. i Frank Lewis. 45 years old, fall from , rise second story window of the J Lebartbe Institute to the psniMBt be- low. Her skull was fracture and neck I broken, death ensuing instantly. She is .believed to have been seised with an epileptic fit. LIVESTOCK Grain anu Provisions. Chicago Grain. Cloe. Chicago Livestock. Clone. j Chicago. Ills.. Feb. 24. Cattle Re- ! riiMf- ceipts 300: market slow, steady.. Mar N $ 1 00U CAXI. ISSUED FOR BASK STATKMEXTS BV COXTROLBR Washington. D. C, Feb. 24. The rontroler of the treasury today Issued a call for reports on the con-3'ti.n of national banks on Febracry ro Knnn City Ureitock. Close. Kansas City, Xa. Feb. 24. Cattle-rr Reets. 200, including 10- southerns, market steady. Native steers. $5.25 8.00. southern steers, $5.60(H.25; southern cows and heifers, $3.00 5.00: native cows and heifers, $S.00$.75: stockers and feeders, $4.256.50; bull, $3.755.40; calves, $4 00 7.25, west ern steers, $4.7507.20; western cows, $3.005.00. Hogs Rects. 4500. market 10c low er, bulk of sales. $5.$56.20. heavy, $6.1006.20, packers and butchers. ueeves, 4.&uo?s.u; Texas steers, .o Jnlv 5.75; western steers, $4.9007.00: stock- , por i ers and feeders. $3.90.25; cows and, May . nejxers, calves. $a.O0.;. July - Hogs Rects. 23.000. market dull, Oats mostly 10c lower. Light, $&.Ste.15: u.- mixed. $S.90C.2: heavrr SS.fSjiB: ! Juii- " rough. $5.956.05: pigs, $4-254 90:J ""' bulk of sales. $6.0596.20. , Chicago Provisions. nnecp xvvci.e. in; mirRei sceaa. i i'orK Native. $ western. sz.Tsfp 4 85, earllngs. $4.0.75; lambs, na tive, $4.40O0; western. $4.757.10. 68 67 52X9&2K 7 COTTON Veir York rattan. New Tork, X. V.. Feb. 24. Spot cot- Close. Mar S15.15 Lard Mar - .$ 9,W Ribs May $ 8.50 MONEY AND. METALS G 00D NIGHT SHIRTS MADE OF GOOD QUALITY CAMBRIC ALSO SPLENDID QUALITY FLANNELETTE NIGHT SHIRTS FULL FASHIONED GARMENT A BIG SPECIAL TONIGHT FROM SEVEN TO NINE 40c THE SOL ammeSSZ - -,- sera Showing of Spring Clothing Clonlncr Quotation Today. New Tork. X. T.. Feb. 24j-Call morey, 2 peioeac- - - , Bar sllreiy.'Wte. -,. ,..,.. J'rime mercantile paper. S4 percent. , Desilverized lead (Xew 3JexIco) , $4 004.1L - , ( Copper. S14.m.H.. I Tin. $42.90943.10. , Spelter (St. Louis quotation) $6.60. lead, $4.00. " Mexican dollars. 47. j Current Smelter Quotations. (Bl Paso Smelter.) i Bar silver 58 j Copper (wire bars) 14.075 i Copper Cathode (cts. per lb.) 13.95 Lead (X. Y. sales prices) S4.M I Lead (London) 15, slff. d3 "Weekly Averages. Douglas Smelter Ouutations.) Silver !... .-v 62.05 Copper (wire ba-s 14.00 I Fresh buttermilk. El Paso Dairy. j Full measure ft Southwestern Fuel Co. j Fresh buttermilk. El Paso Dairy. Full steaaure at Southwestern Fuel Co. Surpasses All Previous Efforts and when youtake into consideration that I sell only the finest in America you can come here expecting to see something out of the ordinary and you will not be disappointed. Besides being absolutely the, finest clothing it is corrrect to the smallest detail. Only the latest styles and patterns are included and you will find just what you are looking for. And another important consideration when you buy a suit here you know that it will fit you better than you can possibly get else where. Come in today and look over my spring line whether you are ready to make a purchase or not. It will do you good to know that such clothes can be had, and. a visit does not obligate you in any way to make a purchase. f GET THE 1 IH aH HABIT: , i GOOD NIGHT shirts tonigh only either cambric or fianneilette only 40 The "Rio" Habit, and open an account' with this Bank. No matter how small, it will be appre ciated, and be given the same special atten tion which has been the means of our growth. Over 6500 accounts. Resources $2,500,000.00. 4ac on Savings 4 Rio Grande Valley Bank Good Laundering Doesn't Happen It's the result of steady, determined effort along correct lines: You get it when you send us your bundles. Try us. Eiite Laundry 4 Sanitary and ' Fireproof 412-414 S. Oregon St. n ' s- :tA on.fiURMMa toccwggffs ews N Brevities Train Bulletin. Southwestern train No. S. due at 3:5 p. in., was reported to arrive at 4:15 p. m Southwestern train No. S3, due at 7:40 p. m., will arrive at 7:40 j. m. G. H. train No. 7, due at 6 t- -. ,ai arrive at 9:46 p. ns. All other tsalas are reported on time Saturday after noon and evening. 1 ! I & Trust Company I j H "Bank of Service" S Phone 1 or 1001 and you'll get the bagsagre wagon you want. Mexlcen Herald on Sale at Ward's Pharmacy, m El Paso. Complete and rellabl newa ot what happens In Mexico. Dr. Gerber, J1S Mills Bldg. Two Dlrorce Suits. Frank Hill has filed suit for " from Dora Hill In the 41st .district court, and Winnie Porter has filed suit for divorce from W. Ft Porter In the 34th district court No delay in getting your bagsaga It you phone 1 or 1001. H. F. Wright, M. R. D. O, osteopatily a specialty. Herald Bldg. Drs. Schuster & Relncmnrid. Roberts-Banner Bldg, Providence Hospital. For honae wiring and fixtures sea the National Telegrsphone and Supply Company. 317 Jtllls street. Covering nn Byesore. Park commissioner R. A. Harris has a force of Mexicans at work construct ing a niftv little pile of.brlpdle racka from Mundy Heights over tie rewaMm of the McGlnty band stand In San Ja cinto plaza. The rocks ape to he- cov ered with a too dressing of morning glories, four oolocks and other temporal floral effects Dr. Klein. ptiToloian. internal medi cine, special attention jriven to tuber culosis Office. Koberts-Banner Bldg. Dr. Jnmlennn, genlto-urtnary, skin and rectal diseases. SIS Mills Bldg. Dr. J. IT. Fwcet. dentist 501-501 Rob-orts-Bann.r Tttriir nhnn. 15A . ' I eiriiboys at Shoif. T o nf-rsbn s of p.ibo had an in "'te tn en1o. th final performance of i the Su-nnier . i at '( n Paso the- j The Sunset Limited Train de Luxe Through ihe Sunny South leave El Paso 9:30 A. M. Thursday-Sunday. Arrive New Orleans 7:20 P. M. Friday-Monday. Leave New Orkaas S:0O P. M. Priday-ilond&y. Arrive Xew York-12:12 Noon Sunday -Wedaesday. Dining Car a la Carte Service. Observation Car. Electric Lighted Sleepers. BAEBER, STENOGRAPHERS, LADIES' MAID, MANICURIST. 0Q Burning Locomotives. Excess Fare to New Orleans $5.00 CONNECTIONS AT NEW ORLEANS WITH Southern Pacific Steamships for New York Full Information Gladly Furnished at CITY TICKET OFFICE,, 206 North Oregon St W. C. McCormick, Cfl A. J. E. Monroe, C. P. & T; A. tn ysSt ater Saturday afternoon as the guests of the Shrlners. wo staged the mu sical comedy hit. The matinee perform ance was repeated by special request The vellow baggage wagons are the wagons that give prompt service. Phone 1 or 1W1. Dr. It. 31. Hall iff. dantist. successor to Drs. Paget RatlRf. 24-5-6 Caples Bldg. Dr. Cameron. Dentist, 22S Mesa Ave. Dr. Pcarce. osteopathic physician, Roberts-Banner Bldg.. phone 346. ASSAYEBS & CHEMISTS Independent Assay Offle D. T7. Bicxsast. EJ, ProsrieteR f'JU'JortU Opau JuH Work OSeeaadLxbontory: Car. Ssa Fmdsc t CUteakM Sk KLPASO. TEXAS. New Jan Ambaxsndor Calls. Washington. D. C. Feb. 24. Vis count Chinda. the new Japanese am bassador to Washington, made his first call at the state department today. A date will be vet later for the presentation- of his credentials to president Taft Hare your electrical work dose by the old reliable Texas Electrical Snpply Cc 119 N. Stanton St. Both phones. Dr. FrentWa. diseases of stomach and (ntestines. Roberts-Banner Bldg. T. W. C. A. lunch, 11 SO to 2. Women and men weteoaw. 4th floor Caltaher Big. Pr. A T. Still Osteopathic. Infirmary. Br. Ira W. Collins, physician la ohief; Dr. Amelia Burk. Dr. Grace Parker. Dr. Paul R- Collins, consulting physicians; 201 West Missouri street. Kacape Marriage By Going- to Jail. Fort Morjaa, Colo.. Feb. 24. By rushing Lawrence T. Putney, convicted of booHegglng. to the penitentiary, the sheriff prevented his marriage. alias Zoe Brock asked th i-nnnti otsrir t- a license to wed Pu'ne-v but was re- fused te peTnit beraue It was a I holiday. The clerk tula the sheriff of j Custom Assay Office CRITCHETT & FERGUSON Amyers Chemists MetallnrEists AGENTS -OR ORE SHIPPERS 210 San Francisca St Bell Phone 334 Auto Phon 1334 tiriThngn tr ..,, ladlan Metereyeles. Allen Arms and Cycle Co PAIR MBBTIXG POSTPOXED r'resn b itterEUk. El paso" V -