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EL PASO HERALD Saturdav, Febniarv 24, 1912 4 WATE We Have Solved the Problem A ready, plentiful, and inexpensive water supply for our lands lying from one to three miles east of Defning is the task which we set out to accomplish. We Now Announce That We Have Solved ft. We Have Adopted a Method Which Discounts Fifty Percent- every other method that has been tried. We Put Two Tremendous Welis Behind Every Acre By developing water in large quantities for a large tract, important economies have beeieffecied. That is why we can put this choice land to you with water ' developed at such astonishingly low figures." We Have the Choicest Siit Loam Soil in the Mimhres Valley We have a location near town where you can have the conveniences of both the town and the country. We are selling in small tracts with water developed so that this thousand acres will be fulty developed when other lands in the vicinity will remain in their raw state. If you buy one ten-acre tract, think what it means to it to have 1 00 other such tracts fullydeveloped in the immediate neigh borhood. That is what is being done. We still have a number of choice tracts to sell. $150 Per Acre Small Cash Payment and Terms to Suit Don't overlook this we expect to close out our holdings shortly. Write at once, or see us. The Little Vineyan Mahoney Block Deming, N. M. A hjch XL STDeparfeent of Agriculture. J V - vu WEATHER BUREAU xr m"0 92J r-p- 9 ' 30--2 . ' -&&? -1 j "i -r 2fe . 1 s- n, o., J 2.0(3 ( P Yr """T -J J Vi --AT""fl iN-J r-ftrtff- L4 if) tteO I & riHoPe-wrl EIPLAXATORY KOTJS. 1 92C. ,fco km ri WtllMIB tkaK t ft n .!! ItflTl rldUn tim. Atr piewniw ndoced to 1L Ikibxbs (eoBttaooos Haw) pass tiuongk patats of eqnlmlrpi me. IwnEBHUiS (dottod lteart passthroutf) pofntiaf eoakitaqpenitnn; dtcwB on lr for zero, beeriac, 9tf, ad 10CP. O cler; Q parOr ekradr jctoady; nin; anow; report mbmias. ArnmsarwitaOMWtad. Hat kjm, temper ature: aaeond. preetpitetton of .01 Inch or bom for part 91 boms: Hurt, to. " wiad -reloe- E; Paao. Texas, Satirrdar. Feb. 24. El Paao and vldalty Falr tonight and Sunday; colder Sunday. New Mexico Rain or snow tonight or Sunday. Colder. Weat Texas Tonight and Sunday fair In aoathwast portion, rain in southeast and snow In north portion tonight or Sunday; colder tonight In north portion; colder Sunday. Weather Xete. The principal precipitation area of the past ti hours extends from south eastern Texas and the, Gulf of Mexico northward to the upper Mississippi alley. The following heaTy- rainfall was reported. Montgomery. L90; New Orleans. LJS. At time of morning ob servation snow was falling at Dearer, Vorth Platte. WUliston and Montreal, and rain at Montgomery. Memphis. Oklahoma. St. Louis. Kansas City and l.s Moinoe. In the eastern half of -L- rountrv no freezing temperatures i-r rg the night occurred further - south than North Carolina and Tennes see, xne lowest temperature reported was zero, at Winnipeg. Local Data. Bl Paao Readings. Today. Y-strfy. 6 a. m. 6 p. m. Barometer (sea level) 29.59 29 53 Dry thermometer 4 '57 Wet thermometer.......... 34 ii Dew point . ... 36 u Relatiere Iramldlty.i. ...... 64 v is Direction of wind...... .. NE. SW. Velocity of wind 6 26 State of. weather Clear Clear Rainfall last 24 hours 0 Highest temp lact 34 hours. 62 , Lowest temp, last 12 hours. 18 Pasteurised milk, fil Paso Dairy. FhII measure at Southwestern Fuel Co. Good cleaning phone Wrlxht. His Scholastic Progress. "Yes, Johnny's doing nicely at school," Mrs. Lapsling said; "and he remembers everything , es pecially In history. L the story the other day about Alexander cutting the accordion knot" Foundations of Empire. The foundations of the Britteb. em pire ar laid In the cottages and kitch ens of the people of England. Loa don Dally MalL Pull measure at southwestern Fuel Co. ; C! . BJTTRXJBS FOR THE . J 5 JTJAIIBZ JOCKEY CLUB, O SeveBtx-fifth Day, Feb. 23. & ! z t c o t z z v First race, selling, seven furlongs Odelia 9. Mary Emily 98. Thistle Rose 101, Gift 103, Wrai 103, Guaran ola 108, Gus Hartrldge 10it, Booger I Battle 10. Second race, selling, one mile and a furlong Strite 93. Tahoe 106, Cameo 105, Mauretania 108, Marigofc 108, Pe dro 110. High Range 113. Third race, selling, six furlongs Wild Bear 88. Dottle B. 100, nil Con nor 102, Mamac 102. Yo Solo 102, Zahra 103 Novgorod 105, Brave Withers 105, Antigo 108. Tallow Dip 110. Fourth race, selling, Mbctezuma stakes, one mile and a sixteenth Un cle Ben 103. John Lewis 105, Axasee 109, Irish Gentleman-110, Injury 119. Fifth race, selling six furlongs Fer rona 91. Morallght 93, Clint Tucker 105, Tim Judge 107, Marie Hyde 111, Gelico 113. Sixth race, selling, one mile and a . furlong Whiddeav 98, Dutch Reck 99. A20 103. Wicket 106, Wolferton 116. 'Apprentice allowance. Friday's Reaults. First race One mile, selling, three year olds and upward, value $300. Bob Farley, 107 (Keogh). 2 to 1, won; My cenae, 94 Oiadtke), 8 to 1, second; Cam to, 112 (Burllngame), 30 to 1. third. Time 1:40 2-6. Minnolette, First Fashion. Heart's Belief. Rubinon. Miss Miller, Greenbridge, Tom Franks, Chess, Hiccough ran. Second race Seven furlongs, selling, four year olds and upward, value $300. Abound. 109 (Grand). 3 to 1, won; Her etic 109 (Gross). 6 to 1, second; Jim Cafferata. 107 (Hoffman), 4 to L third. Time 1:2 2-5. Yankee Pooh, Emma G., Novgorod, Keep Moving, Allanfearn, Marlgot. Virginia Lindsey ran. Third race Five and ope-half fur longs, selling, three year olds and up ward, value $800. Gus Hartrldge, 106 (Hoffman).) 8 to 1, won; Sidon, 112 1 (Keogh). 10 to 1, second; Hardy, 97 1 (Carter). 4 to 1. third. Time 1.08 2-6. j Bill Anderson, Hasel (X, Gift. Hugh 1 Gray, Raquette, Flying 'Or. Freewill ran. 1 Fourth race Six furlongs, handicap, three year olds and upward, value $400. 1 Enfield, 113 (Gross), 6 to 1, won; Irish I Gentleman, 108 (Murray). 13 to 5, sec- ond; Sebago, 116 (Taplin). 9 to 5, 1 third: Time 1:13 1-5. Vanlr ran ' Fifth race Six furlongs, selling, three year olds and upward, value $300 John Griffin II., 112 (Murray)., to 2. won; F&neull Hal. 112 (Gross); 4 to 1 second; Tim Judge. 104 .(Hoffman). 10 to 1, third. Time 1.18 2-6. Pit-a-Pat. Frank G. Hogan. Meddling Hannah, Lady Tendi ran. . Sixth race One mile, selling, four year olds and upward, value $300. Mai sle Girl, 107 (TapUn), 7 to 5, won; Ma mac, 104 (Hoffman). 8 to 1, second: Zulu, 114 (Gross). 4 to 1. third. Tfane 1:41 2-5. Judge Walton, L. M. Eckert, Flgent, New Capital. Ed Withers ran. fir TWO BARGAINS IN LAND NEAR DEMING &PT3ai 00 PER ACRE Buys sixty acres two and a half miles southeast of Deming in the big water belt, rich, heavy soil, level as a floor, and in the midst of the most rapidly developing section, of the valley. Buy It Now It's a Bargain Won't Last a Week tw Qi6y $45.00 THE RUSH IS Investors And Home Builders Buying Many Lots In Cotton Addition Per Acre The most desirable warehouse and factory locations in Bl Paso are on the Cotton Addition trackage, and as a re sult of the ideal situation of this prop erty they re being rapidly closed out. El Paso has many good things in store for her In the near future. Enterprises that will employ many workmen, an increase of 2o.00 in the next two or three years Is within the reasonable limit, and that increase will mean more than the doubling the value of Cotton , Addition lota, which is In the heart of j tne city, oujj iu rammee uuiu me yroi office. These lots are now being sold on easy terms one-sixth cash, balance in 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 years. A. P. Coles &Bros, 204 North Oregon street, are the agents. tJ. S. ARMY NOW K.B.VDY TO ACCEPT XBGKO RECItriTS. Orders have been received at the V. S. army recruiting station to accept ne gro applicants for service in the army, who meet all requirements. For some time negro recruits have not been sought or accepted at the local recruit lng station. 1 i Men's suits cleaned. Wright. Fnll menjBre at Southwestern Fuel Co. Ladies' skirts cleaned. IVrlgfct. Forty acres of splendid sandy loam soil three and a half miles east, big wells all around it, ideal for fruit and garden truck and alfalfa. -- - CAN'T BE BEAT Forty-five dollars per acre buys it. These two superb tracts won't last at the price we- have placed upon them. . ' They Must Sell and Sell at Once Don't wait a minute. Write or wire Homeplot Company DEMING. N. M. Pasteurized milk. El Paso Dairy. moval HiHIlBBBSHHHimMiHA Greatest reductionsthe price of Furniture ever known in El Paso. We had to have larger quarters for our fast growing business, so we are building our own building, which will be completed in about 30 days. While waiting we will sell furniture at the lowest prices ever sold at in El Paso before. Princess Dressers, 18x36 mirror, highly pol ished, ami a regular $ 1 4.00 value; Removal Sale price Heavy, well made bed springs, regular $5.00 values ; Removal Sale price. Elegant quarter sawed oat Buffet, highly polished and was good value at regular price $25.00; Renoval Sale price. 19.85 Sewing Machines aD makes .and styles at a big saving. We have them from $6 up TTk price k cut deep on everything ,....,,., ...... L The price k cut deep oa everything in the bouse. We don t vani to move it. Verms Martin Beds. 2 inch post, 7 fillers, heavy and howe. We iont tmt io move it Come and see. well made, real beauties; regular flj C E Come and see. - $ 12.00 beds; Removal Sale price... 9JuJj JlJitt JLj tewart Furniture 310 South Stanton Street Co,