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L PASO HERALD Saturday, February 24, 1912 15 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE The St Aut Herald was established in March. 1SS1. Tho El Paso Herald lB etttdoe also, by absorption and succession. The Dally News, The Tele snapk. Ttje Telegram. The Tribune, The Graphic The Sun, The Advertiser, the Independent The Journal, The Repub lican, The Bulletin. KEXBBR ASSOCIATED PRESS .U'D AMER. XEWSP. PUBLISHERS' ASSOC. Entered at the Postoffice in Kl Paao. Tex., as Second Class Matter. The Dally Herald Is issued six days a week and the Weekly Herald is published 'every Thursday, at El Paso. Texas; and the Sunday Mall Bdltion Is also sent to Weekly Subscribers. ,I?6lL Circulation Department 303 Business office 115 Editorial Hoomi 22 Society Reporter 2M Advertising bepartraent US HKRALB TBLSPHeKES TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION-. Daily Herald, per month, oc; per year $7.00. Weekly Herald. pr year, $2.03. The Daily Herald Is delivered by carriers in EI Paso, East El Paso, Fort Biles and Towne, Texas, and Cludad Juarez. Mexico, at CO cents a month. In ordering a change of address please give the old as well as the new address. TELETHONS , COMPLAINTS EARLY. Subscribers failing to get The Her ald promptly should call at the office or telephone No. before 6:M p. m. All complaints will reoeive prompt attention. FOREIGN BUSINESS OFFICES. The John Bwdd Co, Brunswick Building, Mow Tprk; Tribune Building. Chicago. ML, and t"eraleal Building. St. Louis, v3tfa. Announcements - I hereby ansotanee as a candidate for the office of Associate Justice of the Court of Civil Appeals of the Eighth Supreme Judicial district of Texas, at El Paso, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary. I am a candidate for position No. 1 as such A Msorlate Justice. J. F. McKensie. I hereby announce as a candidate for the office of Associate Justice of the Court of Ctvil Appeals of the Sghth Supreme Judicial district of Texas at El Paso, subject to the ac tion of Che Democratic primary. I am a candidate for position No. 2 as such Associate Justice. B. r. Higgtas. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of constable, pre cinct No. 1, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. July. 112. Roger W. XeCown. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of commissioner precinct No. 17. subject to the actios of the Democratic primary CeclUe Cadeaa.- ANTI-RING DEMOCRATIC TICKET". District Judge 84 th District. Dan M. Jackson. District Judge 41st District. A. M. Walthall. Sheriff. i F. J. Hell. District Attorney, C. L. Voire!!. District Clerk, laaae Alderete. County Clerk. Harry Turner. County Assessor. T. J. Cassidy. County Collector, "V". E. Ware. County Treasurer. County Attorney, W. EC Fryer. County Judge, R. V. Bsndes. County Surveyor, A. S. Albro. legislature. Charles Owen. Constable, R. G. Gonzales. County Commissioner Precinct One. Charles H. KseetL County Commissioner Preclnot Two, George Buchanan. County Commleetonor Precinct Three, JbHib Alareen. County Commtoaioner -Precinct Four. Toa Love. Justice of the Peace. Precinct N. One. Place Two, W. B. Sweartnger. Answers to Herald Ads. The -allowing- list . of uncalled for ...iwtrs to Herald -SWmt Advertise-me-Sfiare1 nowSng beg tor delivery at The Herald business office. Simpson . V. A. 422 141 J. - 150 M MS J. . 2i" 5- w 227 ? 300 I D- 277 I r 257 L. C- 306 S. B. B. 69 . 253 96 W. 1 1JJ X- 22S Owner X- Soda Fountain X. f9 Lost and Found LOST Gold heart shaped locket and rharm, ZeU engraved on locket; re ward If returned to owner. Bell phone 3334. 8tl Federal St. Personal ... nnvc nira WOOL-FAT OINT MENT never fail to quickly relieve. XSs ao diffom. I-n't it worth vmir trvme : owe ioi.k-. . " wraDoer. West Coast MIg. Co. 701- 703 S. Griffin Ave- Los Angeles. Help Wanted TRUSTWORTHY MBN ""J" wanted as local reprei4ves of re sponsible manufacture. High claas nrchandise and clean soiling methods. $12. per week gusranim rrf Id- e'iopnVr wTh"poSSiavw -: !1 T FAffTTWKR box 278. PhWdelP ixistj-, Ti. .v- ""' rr :-- j j -i VAA. annrtan VniL imklubim j -- Help Wanted Male MEN if you want weft, jll guar anteed hosiery to wearers; J".00; mission: make $10 daily :qenc unnecessary Address INTERNATION AL MILLS. 303S Chestnut. Phtla. Local refrikntative wa-vtbd Ko canvassing or soliciting roqulrea. ?LT,SS asauredUAddress National fXTHva Realty Co,, V. 1198 Mar den Building. Washington. D. a . rri.lMOTUTBD BOOK telU ioout over S60.0W protected positions fnUSservlc More tlian 40.000 vacan- Inu-CK""- .. i- ,, K1 .hanna aere for you. uro and generous pay. fifeUme Imlfloyjnt. Easy to get lust ask for fooofcxOt C 632 No obll gaUo" ri Hopklna. Washington. D C. BIG MONEY WRITING SONGS Thou sands of dollars for anyone who can write mccessful words, or music pasi experience unnecessary. We want or iginal pong poem, wltt or wJttout music. Send us your work today. WSSTfor free partlealsrs, E JWw iugdale Co Dept. 363, Washington. P. C KAILWAl MAIL CLERKS WANTED $S00 first ear promotion to $1800. KxaminaUuni Mj. 4 in every State. '" mmon education sufficient with my - 'Ail.iriR Full information free. Write i if j 63-' Earl Hopkins, Auto. 1115 200 2020 S Jc'te The Association of Axncr- S ivfilal cn Advertisers has ex- ? WhiV (unmed and certified to C Txr tho circulation of this pub- (' S lieation. The figuro of circulation i ' J eonteiaed in the Association's re- I J pert only are guaranteed. i ( AsstiatiM ef Aaerran Advertisers j No. 97 WKtesaJI Bldg. H. Y. City ! Help Wanted Male MBA' A5D BOYS to learn automobile repairing. driving on uptodate cars; electrical, civil engineering, surveying. Methods most practical; room and board while learning. Positions se cured; satisfaction guaranteed; catalog free. National School of Engineering, 2110 W. 7th, Los Angeles. WANTED PERSONS TO WRITE and copy letters. $10 to $25 a week read ily made by following our practical directions. Send self-addressed envel ope for particulars. Brooks Copying Co, 1C9 Pa. Ave.. Washington. D. C. BECOME OCR REPRESENTATIVE Position permanent: double your pres ent Income, others doing it making $10 to $20 daily. Experience unnecessary. Write today. Davis Toilet Co 1492 Carroll Ave.. Chicago. DON'T "WORK FOR OTHERS Start mail order business at home. I made $8500 last year. Let me tell you how. Instructive booklet free. Voorhies, Desk 14, Omaha. Neb. Siea MONTHLY and expenses to travel and distribute samples for big manu facturer; steady work. S. Scheffer. law Bldg, Chicago. WANTED Railway mail clerks. Ex amination soon. Trial examination and hook. "How to Secure Government Position" sent free. write unnont, ; 303, St Louis. 1 WANTED AT ONCE. Mill Foreman $10.6 i Filer and Foreman 150.W Woods Foreman 126.W locomotive Engineer 1W.00 Stave Filer 1M.M Chief Engineer ltB.OO derating MiUwright 0.0fl Stationary Engineer 75.00 Cost Account Clerk 75.00 Track Foreman -. 60.00 Circular Sawyer 6.00 i Edgerman - - 3-50 ' McGlffic Loaderman 3 50 I.ath Mill Foreman 3.00 Extra Sawyer 2.50 Salesman. Manager of Sales Office and 100 other high clsH- "positions which must be filled at once. Address Mack's, Beaumont. Texas. s Help Wanted Female WANTED Lady to travel In Texas for 1912. Soaps, Grocery Specialties. Can dies, etc. Good pay and tailor made suit in 90 days. Experience unneces sary. MeBrady & Co.. Chicago. WOMEN Sell guaranteed hose: 70 percent profit; make $10 daily; full or part time; beginners investigate. STRONG KNIT, Box 4029, West Phlla delphla. Pa. Agents Wanted AGENTS 100 percent profit. Brandt's Automatic Razor Stropper automatic ally sharpens any razor in the world. Big seller. Every man wants one. Retails $2. Advertised in leading mag aainea. Write quick for terms. N. E. BRANDT CCTLBRY CO, 42 Hudson St, N. T. AGENTS WORK HARDER and get less than government employes. Hundreds of appointments will be made soon. Full particulars free. Write today for booklet H. 632. Earl Hopkins. Wash ington, D. C. AGENTS wanted as local representa tives. No canvassing or soliciting re quired. Good income assured. National Cooperative Realty Co A. 1193. Marden building, Washington, D. C AGENTS MAKE BIG 3IONEY selling our Metallic Letters for office windows, store fronts, and glass aitrns. Anv i one can put them on. Samples free. I Sf?1"0 &sn Co- 48S N- CJrk St, Chicago. AGENTS WANTED in every town and county to sell our famous Quik work Vacuum Cleaner; guaranteed to do the work of the high priced ma chines; sell on sight for $7.66. If you have a small amount of capital and appoint subagents you can easily make from $76 to $108 per week. Self interest should JH,i -c-oh to Investigate why 100 of the largest house to house agencies in the Cited States now are selling the QuikwoiTc. ONelll-James Co, 337 W. Madison St Chicago, ni. AGENTS 70c profit. Universal de mand. Sells like wildfire. Can be carried in pocket. Write at once for free sample. H. Mathews, 7927 Third St., Dayton, O. AGENTS New catalog and samples FREE. Make big money, act quick. Io experience required. Photo pillow tops, portraits, paintings, frames, at low prices; easy to sell. Write Rit ters Art Studio, Madison St, Chicago. AGENTS $24 a week. New patented Automatic Cleaner Curry Comb. Takes just half as long to clean a horse. No ciogging wun hair and dirt. Big de mand: big profits. Free sample to "workers Auto. Comb Co, 7827 Third St . Dayton, Ohio HE WHO HAS A PROSPEROUS new year is the Davis agent. Join the happy throng. Postal puts you next Davis Soap Works. 592 Ttairi. tm.4. Chicago AGENTS JUST COINLNG MONEY sell- ling OUT new mnnvo. . j hosiery direct from mill at half prices. Make $26 daily. Everybody buys. Over 100 percent profits. Outfit free Credit given. New Improved Knitting Mills, Chicago. A MONEY PROPOSITION Do you want" to own a mail order business be independent your own boss? Would you manage an agency for me in your vicfaity or elsewhere? All printed nM,ttX-5,rnUhea for one-half the prof its. Write for particulars. Hazen A. Horton, Desk 140, Tekonsha, Mich. LADY AGENTS AReIeARXtxc $4o"a week selling my new patented arti cles Every day necessities at bargain prices I make and sell exclusively to agents. 10 percent profit, credit plan and liberal terms. No offer is better or as good. Mine is by far it" best. so write quick. A. M. Voji 611 Yc.ung b Bldg, Chicago. Salesmen Wanted ESTABLISH A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN WITHOUT CAPITAL. Our original plan of selling grocer ies by sample to farmers, stockmen, restaurants, boarding houses and other large consumers enables energetic salesmen to establish quickly a per manent business of their own yielding a splendid income. Commission ad vanced. Semi-monthly settlements; goods sold subject to trial; experience not essential. Write for particulars today, giving references. JOHN SEXTON fc CO.. "WHOLESALE GROCERS. Lake and Franklin Sts.. Chicago. SALBS3IEN Wanted No experience required. Earn good wages while learning. Hundreds or good positions now open paying J 1000 to $6000 a year. Write today for particulars, list of openings and testimonials. Address nearest orilce. Dept 390, National Salesmen's Training Association. Chi cago, New York. Kansas City, Seattle, New Orleans, Toronto. SALES3U3N WANTED as local repre sentatives. No canvassing or solicit ing'; good income assured. National Cooperative Realty Co- B. 1193. Marden building. Washington. D. C. Legal Notices No. 10140. TREASURY DEPART3IBNT. Office of Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D. C Feb. 16, 1912. WHEREAS, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that "THE COM MERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. OF EL PASO," in the City of El Paso, in the County of El Paso and State of Texas, has complied with all the provisions of the Status of the United States, required to be complied with before an asso ciation shall be authorized to com mence business of banking; Now, Therefore, I, LAWRENCE O. MURRAY, Comptroller of Currency, do hereby certify that 'The COMMER CIAL NATIONAL BANK. OF EL PASO." in the City of El Paso, in the County of El Paso and State of Texas, Is authorized to commence the busi ness of banking as provided in section aids ot trie revised statutes of the United States. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal Qf. office this 16th day of February", 1912. (Seal.) LAWRENCE O. MURRAY. Comptroller of Currency. Rooms, Board, Etc. "WANTED Two gentlemen or couple to room and board in private family; large front room. Phone 3937. 916 Magoffin. For Sale or Exchange FOR TRADE The best business and resident property In San Angelo, Tex. Address Box 612. Del Rio. Texas. Mining NEW STATE COPPER Mining and Smelting company, stock) only 10c a share; 109 to 1000 shares for sale; company owns 33 claims and is mak ing a shipment of ore. Adjoining prop erty shipped car load, returns were over $600 net. New State on same vein. Address Box 1 304. Miami. Ariz. Cattle, Hogs, Etc. BULL SERVICE Pure bred registered Jersey and Holstein bulls. Apply El Paso Dairy Co., east end Second St. HEREFORD BULLS FOR SALE Six 2 years old and five 1 year old: all registered. C O. Thomas, Marfa, Tex. Wanted Situations A YOUNG COLLEGE GRADUATE In electrical engineering wants a position by June 1st as electric lighting super intendent, or as traveling salesman of electrical supplies. Write C. X care Herald. , Automobiles BARGAIN In 2 seated auto, almost new, in good condition and complete with windshield, speedometer, etc; cash or trade for suburban lots. See Donald son Auto. Co.. 401 Texas St. Farm Lands FOR SALE 160 acres Mountain Park fruit lands. 4 acres ready for cultiva tion; good reservoir sites available: also S acre tract, well -watered; has 5M 3-year old fruit trees. Address Inquiries to box 34. Mountain Park, For Rent FOR RENT Store room suitable for grocery store or saloon; corner of Mis souri and St. Vraln Sts, $22.50; also 2 4 -room houses with baths at S10 and S18 E. Missouri St, for $15.00 each. Apply 300 S. Stanton St, corner Fl rst. For Lease. PASTURE FOR 200 CATTLE S months or less. 25c a head. Nothing on It this winter; good grass, write A. 60, Herald, Business Chances $700 BUYS a well established and pay ing business. Write 618, care Herald. FOR SALE Uptodate moving picture theater in growing town near El Paso; ean be used for vaudeville; best of reasons for selling. Write L. C, Her ald office. FOR SALE Grocery at BiaUo, Calif, doing $20,000 yearly; cheap rent, good "toTrn. .About $4000 required. J. W. Parker, Albuquerque, N. M. FOR SALE Rooming house, 13 all out side rooms, -close in, doing good busi ness; must sell. Call room 9. 112 E. Missouri St. ARE VOU LOOKING for a general merchandise business. Firstclass stock, sale average $1000 a month: cause for selling, want to leave El Paso. $4000 cash, or will trade for good rental property. Property muBt have perfect title. Bell 3341, Auto. 2117. 4217. care , Herald. FOR RENT IN CHIHUAHUA New built hotel in Liber tad St (the main street); second floor with 3S rooms, ?L a"St thHe,,"rei- U Ji ! improvements, dining room, kitchen. pantrs on the first floor, and a base ment for store room. For further In formation write to Lidolf Couttolene & Cia, P. O. box No. 10. Chihuahua. WANTED Resident sales manager for leading manufacturing corporation to open 'office in El Paso. Will allow $150 to $20 monthly, also authorized ex penses and extra commission; must carrsf $600 to $1000 cash stock accord ing to territory, contract, etc., to sup ply demand created by our advertising and Bgests appointed. Superintendent, PeptT 14 A. 228 W. Huron St. Chicago. Jeweler CGHES cleaned. 60c: roalnsprina-s. warranted; $1 pwt for old gold. El Paso st Denvery Jevry Co. Financial "WrlLL SELL 1500 SHARES Washougal golii and copper stock, $2000 cash. Box e nutu, ArKansas. Dltl. LEE HrlNTOSH. Painless Dentin Ro bru VWS, American Natl. Bank Bldg. I 75. IL.1W j Dentists Special Notices Splrelln Corccis 214& Tex. Ph. 34S1 CHIMNEY SWEEP Bell phone 4115. CARPETS cleaned, sewed, layed. Steam Carpet Cleaning Works. Phone 3399. BEAUTIFUL RUGS made from old car pets. Phone 3999. i7itTtiT"K PI.EAXED and housecleaning. Duntley Vacuum Clean- ing Co. Bell phone 321S. - - . FULL GROWN DEAD CATTLE, horses and mules tanen away iree Kcy l t days. Phone Bell 74. SPECIAL NOTICE Before leaving town sell your furn'ture and clothing for a good price to the El Paso store. 4W El Paso St. Bell 3491; Auto. 249L Hack and Auto Stand NEW AUTOMOBILE CO. Rates $3 per hour. Phone Bell 610: Auto. 1321. Dressmaking FOR NEAT DRESSMAKING phone 3258. WANTED Cutting, fitting, designing; to house. Phone 4426. Warehouses STORAGE El Paso Trunk Factory. Typewriters DALTON Adding Mach. Co. 121 Mesa. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. 39 N. Oregon. Bell 565. TYPEWRITER & OFFICE SUPPLY CO. Typewriters exchanged. repaired. rented. Agent for the new model 5 Royal for $75. which Is guaranteed to do as much work, for a longer time, with less expense for repairs, than any other machine regardless of price. 421 Mesa. Phone 832. Electrical Engineer. CONSULTING Electrical J3nglnee,r Henry JR. Randall. Deming. N. M. IV. H. LBDFORD, consulting power en-,; glneer. Steam, electric tana on power especially. -Room IS, Chamber of Com merce. El Paso, Texas. Civil Engineer. A. S. Albro, C. E. Geo. G. Ehrenborg, C. E. Civil Engineers. Bell Phone 167. S01 Mills Bldg. Public Stenographers PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS AND TRANSLATORS. Tennyson. Pogue & Co.. 609 Mills Bldg. Bell phone 1942. Educational THE SOUTHWESTERN EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE solicits enrolment of those seeking employment as teachers, gov ernesses or private tutors. P. O. box 1 1 26. El Paso, Tex. Contractors W. R. ALLEN Painting, rapetnaub ing. tinting. Bell' phone 3429. SEE C H. WILLIAMS for reasonable nrices " en wall paper and paints. Painting, papering and tinting. El Paao. Phone 40S8. 515 S. Plumbers NEW YORK PLUMBERS 615 S. El Paso St. Bhone 1891. Jobbing prontP.t ly attended to. Work guaranteed. Mercantile Agencies LOCAL 3IEBCANTTLE AGENCY. Reports and ratings on Individuals. collections. Member of the National Asss. of Mercantile Agencies. HARRY FATEMAN. Mgr. nooms 321-332 Herald Building. R. G. DUN & CO 3IERCANTILE REPORTS. Bl Paso Office. 501 Guaranty Trust Building. , BL PASO REPORTING AGENCY Is sues complete ?Sl Paso commercial re ports; Poultry, Etc. SETTING HENS WANTED Drv Homan. GUARANTEED 3646. YARD EGGS Phone FOR SALB Hatching eggs. Poultry Yards. Phone 3820. Gemoet's FOR SALE Rhode Island Red hens and eggs. Sam B. Gillett. Phone 2614. FRESH YARD EGGS 611 N. Florence St. Phone 3141. EGGS FROM SELECTED LAYERS White and B. Leghorns, 6c each. 1119 San Antonio. 31 ANDY LEE INCUBATORS and poul try supplies. Clifford Bros, 39 Over land St. PHILO WClBATOn Firstclass condi tion with asbestos lined box, $5. Mc Loughlin. 718 N. Santa Fe. INCUBATOR WANTED Second band: give raeke, capacity and price. Box 72, Altura P. O. EGGS EGGS EGGS. White or Black single comb Mlnor cas. $2.00 per setting. Phone 406' or 146S. EGGS DAY OLD CHICKS from my first prise R. I. Reds and Barred Rocks. They can't be beat. They are winners and layers. Mrs. Clem Pollock. 1230 Wyoming. DAY OLD CHICKS 15c each, $14 per 100. Orders set in turn; safe delivery Reds, B. Minorcas, B. and W. Leg horns, B. P. Rocks. Eggs, stoci. MeaBdays "No Lice" Poultry Farm, Alpine. Texas. MONEYSTRAIN BARRED ROCKS Trap nested, pedigreed breeders. Baby chicks, hatching eggs, X-Ray incuba tors. Catalogs free. Parsons Chicken Ranch. El Paso. Phone 4222. BLACK AND BUFF ORPINGTONS a specialty. Prize winners; best strains on the coast; heavy layers: special matlngs: eggs and chicks for sale. Write for prices. RELIABLE POUL TRY YARDS, Pomona, Cal. CRYSTAL WHITE ORPLNGTONS-We now have in our yards every blue rib bon winner at the recent El Paso show; cockerels $S to $16; puiiets $2 to $5; eggs $2 to $6 per 15. A few utility pens at $10 and $12. No better birds in the southwest; satisfaction guaranteed. Correspondence solicited. Stevens Poul try Plant Las Cruces, N. M. PURE BRED BRONZE TURKEYS. Improve your breeding stock. 45 pure bred turkey hens, 20c per pound 36 gobblers same price as hens. No more easy money made than a flock of turkeys. Will book orders for eggs. $5 for 15. W. N. Hager, Me6lllaPark. N. M. For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE BY OWNBR Asents not wanted. 160 acres improved ranch 1 miles from thriving city In New Mex ico will take part cash and part stock cows Address Claude L Bowles, Campbell, El Paso. Texas FOR SALt: An exceptionally destr ame leased ranch In nt7 i.,-.i.-. k iiy on luresi can be fenced reserve Til sections Lease u- nei ... ... Write Texas. i see H M. Pattersun. H W - For Sale Real Estate SO ACRE RANCH FOR SALB-Riacon valley; cleared and fenced, me jew- nntt inii nd improvement Co.. P. O. box 132. Rlncon, N. M. FOR SALE My Half Circle N ranch In Pecos county, Texas, containing 55.000 . acres, of which 17,348 acres are pat- ' ented. 15,680 acres school land pur general chased, balance of land leased. Price $66,056, and purchaser assume lndebt eanes6 to state oi m.izv. ,well improved cattle ranch. i UonSf Ei paso, Texas. This is a J. H. Na- A II03D3 OR INVESTMENT Both oa& A ......milant atttliArllM VI1A to offer 35 acres mile from depot, i 9 n nw uthiwi in lUAnillg TArtr Var I sale until March 15th at what I call a very cheap price. 20 acres In al- faTfa. balance cultivated. 5 room well finished house, barn and chicken house. All new, cost $2000; telephone, electric lights if desired; on main ditch and road: sisrned ud. $500 casn rent in advance if desired. Price $7000, $4750 cash, balance easy. Can show place on Sunday only, busy farming. Real estate' men save time and post age. Address C. W. Davisson, Supt. Boyd and Wardlow Farm, Mesilla Park. N. M. FOR SALE. A snap In good cheap rooming and j Doaraing nouse, s diocks irora pvai office; modern, nicely furnished. $39 per month. Rent total $360. For Sale A first call restaurant. 17 months lease; rents paid March 12. This Is a bargain. Come quick, owner leaving city. 32 lots and good room house, all nicely furnished, for sale. $2000 k cash, balance to suit. I have a large assortment of bar gains in all kinds of business chances. It will pay you to see me for any kind of real estate. List your property ex clusively with J. L. Dbcen Realty Co, 212 Vt ,San Antonio St. Call, write or phone Bell 143S. NEWMAN INVESTMENT COMPANY. 104 SAN ANTONIO ST. REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOANS. $5850 Large and perfect ? room up todate home, Nevada St.; terms to suit. 53675 6 room uptodate home, built in features. Myrtle Ave.; terms to suit. 4200 A bargain in vacant prop erty, lots 26 to 30, block 10, Franklin Heights, Missouri St. See us about terms. $3000 A splendid 6 room 1& story modern home, new, 75 feet frontage, car line, garage, stationary tub. $400 cash. $30 per month. $3000 Fine 6 room red pressed brick home on car line; all modern conveniences, any reasonable terms. $2750 Finest chicken ranch near El Paso; modern 3 room -house, screened porches, 3 sides, stone wall surround ing premises, 50 feet stone building on rear, chicken runways, stables, sheds, hydrants all over the premises, 5 full lots, small cash payment, bal ance monthly. $2350 New 4 room bungalow, 50 feet front, pebble dash upon brick; all the builtin features, 50 foot S. front, 100 feet from the car line, strictly modern. $250 cash. $26 per month. S160O 4 room brick, modern con veniences, 2 full lots, south front, 2 ! blocks from car line. $300 cash, bal- I ance to suit. A bargain. 5S50 2 room brick house, sleeping porch. 2 full lots, N. E. corner of block: small cash payment; term3 monthly. $S58 2 room frame building, sleep ing room, bath room, fenced, chicken house; 1-3 cash, balance terms. $1400 9 acres fine valley land. Hi miles from Ysleta, fenced; s acres un der cultivation; easy terms. $2900 18 acres fine valley land, mile from Belen. 9 acres in alfalfa, fenced, 1 room adobe house. ( acres In other cultivation. We have a 32 acre tract right at the town of Ysleta all In alfalfa, a 5 acre tract, an 8 acre; tract, along the county road. See us about prices. We have some fine propositions for exchange for El Paso property. Some . farms near Carlsbad, Phoenix and Texas points. I The best and most profitable invest ment in city or suburban property is in Highland Park or Grand View. Let us drive vou out to see how thotu. art- ilttTa b.V. Ptf. mw T we tIA aamI. tC ' a month. NEWMAN INVESTMENT COMPANY. Too Late to Classify FOR SALE. $8706 i LOTS, COIL WYOMING And Newman Sts. $3766 Sxl2S FT. CORNER. Prospect and Corto Sts. $S75 PER LOT 5 LOTS ON CORNER. Boulevard, Bassett Add. $4000 NEW 6 R003I Bungalow, Sunset Heights Add. terms. easy MONEY TO LOAN On El Paso real estate security. Jas. J. Watts, 106 a El Paao. Phone 454. ARE YOUR GLASSES 3LVDE RIGHTf Is of far greater importance to you than the price you pay for them. A wrong glass fitted wrong and made wrong win do irreparable Injury while the right glass fitted right and made right will strengthen th . made right will strengthen the over worked nerves and muscles and the eye will regain it normal condition. This is the only Lens Factory In El Paso. It Is not possible for any other socalled Opticians to grind Special Lenses. Gee. D. Kendall. 208 Mesa Ave, Makes Glasses Right, f FOR SALE. MODERN S ROOM Cottage in Sunset Heights, with screened sleeping porch. cement walks; lot 37 k by 120. Only $3150 on terms. BIG BARGAIN In East El Paso. 5 room red pressed brick, with modern bath and toilet: city water, electric lights, large lot, 60 by 140 feet $2250. $500 cash, bal ance rent and Interest i 7 noosi Red pressed brick cottage on X. Flor ence St with modern conveniences; on lot 39 by 122 feet $4750. Only $500 cash, balance rent and interest FRONTING SOUTH On California St, lot 37 H by 120. 5 room modern brick house at $3350, $500 cash, balance easy, to suit pur chaser: close in. K ROOMS, HALL AND ATTIC. Brick home. Magoffin Ave. 37 1, by 120. $4250 1-3 cash, balance easy. N. CAMPBELL ST, East frontage, modern brick cottage. XSsSO: terms 1-3 cash, balance 1 and 2 years. i MUNDY AVE. I Close in. I room modern brick home at S3800: on terms. t BEST BARGAIN IN TOWN For tht money. E. Rio Grande St. 8 room 2 story brick with lot 46 by 120 feet rented now at $37.60 per month, and 'will bring more as soon as pres ent lease expires. $3750 1-3 cash, balance long time. INVESTMENT PHOPBIUTY bringing income of $15 per month. good location, close in. 2 houses on r l-s $1350 cash takes them, but dci. i v alt. LET I S SHOW YOU Ki' u. have in valley land. You will nrver buy for less than the prices we ask In I. in Heal Estate Trnst C, I . 1 Tob.n Arcade. Too Late to Classify i B CASKLb YOU AWITAUC " .-. wwm ,.... w. """l . It s a 4 room modern brick. .ray i " 5250 cash and take possession, bal- I AIJIJG V fl II1VUUL Lene Star Land Ca 310 American Bank Building. ' FEET FRONTAGE ON BOULE VARD "WITH 4 ROOM COTTAGE AND 9TONK BUILDING for gasee. This fronts on a paved street, pav- ing and walks paid for, renting for $45 per month and growing in vaiue t every day. See us about it. Lose Star Land Ce 310 American Bank Building. 4 ROOM COTTAGE IN EAST EL PASO j FOR $24. I This is a modern brick, south front, terms $150 cash, balance $20 per mo. ' Loe Star Land Co.. 310 American Bank Building. FOR RENT. Two 6 room flats in the Lucerne March 1st. Lone Star Land Co 310 American , Bank Building. FOR RENT. Furnished 5 room cottage for 6 months, $50 per month. Leae Star Laad Co 310 American Bank Building. 11 HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION. LOCATED IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. Our homes are all well built and artistic, and we have them at all prices or will build to suit you on your lots. Easy terms if desired. Mayfleld Realty Co, The Heme Builders. 5 AND 8 ROOM BUNGALOWS UNDER CONSTRUCTION ON MONTANA ST. Take a good look at them while they are being built. Note the firstclass foundations and brick work, heavy timbers throughout, cement plaster, woodwork hard smoothed down, hard wood floors scraped and polished, and an uptodate job of painting, and then too each one has a basement and heating plant. Prices $4500 to $4900, complete with walks, fence and elec tric fixtures. Mayfleld Realty Co. 5 ROOM BUNGALOW N. CAMPBELL ST. JUST COM PLETED. Large lot, east front, hardwood floors. Price right. Mayfleld Realty Co, 613 American Bank Building. RIO GRANDE ST. BLDG. South front on 1300 block. Mayfleld Realty Co. SITE. 7 ROOM 2 STORY HOME BASEMENT AND HEATING PLANT. Faces south on Arizona St. It is a lovely home in an excellent location and is offered at $6500. Mayfleld Realty Co. MWB BUILD AND SELL HOMES" And will build to suit you in any part of the city on easy terms. Mayfleld Realty Co. CASSIDY & DAVIDSON'S LIST OF BARGAINS. Read them. You may find just what you are looking for. ' FOR SALE 10 ROOM HOUSE. Four blocks from Southwestern building: has all the modern conveni ences, 2 baths, 5 mantels and grates: basement, lot 39x120. The price is right and easy- terms. Casaidy DstMsob. FOR SALE BUILDING SITE On Neada St, 1100 'block. 50x120. $1725: terms. Cawtldy A Davidson. WE HAVE PLACED IN OUR HANDS For Immediate sale a swell little home of 6 rooms on "Rio Grande: modern and I uptodate in every detail, only $4200. Can glve terms. Camidy & Davidnen. WOULD YOU BUY A BUNGALOW! 4 rooms, modern, hardwood floors: has all the builtin features. Only $3600; easy terms. CasKidy it Dai-idjteB, 211 Mills St. VALLEY LAND SPECIALS. 7 ACRES Near Ysleta, highly Improved. Price $2200. I 14 ACRES Up valley near Chamberino. Price $7 per acre. 25 ACRES Up valley, highly improved, near An thony. $3250 26 ACRES Down valley, 16 acres in alfalfa. $3150. 40 ACRES i Up valley at La Mesa: finest 40 acres of alfalfa In the valley. Price $550. le ACRES Up Valley at La Mesa; 65 acres in alfalfa. 15 acres in apple trees, pump ing plant, 16 h. p. engine: farming implements, including hay press, wagon, mower, etc.; good house and outbuildings. $160 per acre. W. F. Payne. Valley Lands and City Properties. SOMETHING WORTH WHILE. A 2 story 9 room modern brick, sta tionary wash stands in upstairs rooms, large screened in porches, large barn or garage, south' front, with t full lots, close in on Rio Grande St. Price $6300 on reasonable terms. This conservative estimate is worth $8009 or J9000. , is surely an elegant Dome, and at a or $9000. Ask Hedge Realty Co. Phone 815. 202 Roberts-Banner Bldg: FOR RENT. 1127 Magoffin. 10 rooms $65.00 918 San Antonio, 8 room 50.00 526 W. Missouri. 3 nn. fur. flat 40.0 1307 N. Oregon. 5 rooms 30.00 209 Grand View Ave, 6 rooms . 25.M 2SJ0 Wyoming. 4 rooms 2100 2629 Boulevard. 4 rooms 1 6.00 1220-1222 Missouri. 4 rooms, each 16.00 1410 Myrtle, 4 rooms 15.00 3716 Alameda. 3 rooms i oo 811 Second (warehouse) 50 00 411 8 Sltantnn (itirl ,- t I 916 8. Virginia, store. 5 rooms. 30.00 i 621 N. Campbell (store; 20.0 O'Neill Lyons. Bell Phoae BUNGALOW DAILY BULLETIN. WE SELL HOMES CHEAP! WHY? First Because we have been here for 26 years. Second Because we are satisfied with a reasonable profit Third Because we will not sell a property that we cannot recommend to you as a bargain, rr will ni l or to investigate. Don't pay rent when you can own a home by paving for it with rent money. Call on us today. We take pleasure in showing our bungalows, building sites, plans, etc Don't fall to call. W. F. Payne. Angelus Hotel Building. DO YOU THLVK OF THESK PRICES? Splendid 5 room brick. Highland Park, which cost the present owner, who is now a nonresident $2800 must be sacrificed for $1700. Terms attrac ts e. Beautiful 6 room brick cottage Newman St, rents for $35 per month. ' . This one eoes for 13300 . This one goes for $3300. o room brick cottage close in on L'pson Ave. For a few days this one can be had for $4250. Fine building site close in, worth $300 You may have this for $1900. j out j ou li nate to nurry. room brick close in on N. Stanton for $7000. This will net you $l ner month and ive you all the room you need besides. 'wu These dre just a few of our manv bargains Our list is unsurpassedind before buMns it will be money to you to see us. .wWe,1Ca". l0cate ou on I6 acres of the finest government land ln New Mexico: shallow water and near 'he railroad Always glad to see ?ou a? 30" MiMs building " u ar t WHAT Too Late to Classify BLIND PEOPLE Who have left town own this 3 roo-n furnished brick in East El Paso and have permitted us to offer it for $UT5 v ..j v. .-... .u. Ask Hodge Realty Co, Phone 815. 202 Roberts-Banner Bids OIK BEST OFFERT 3 room house in 1100 block on Ari zona St. one of the finest small homes in El Paso: modern in every detail, garage, fine heating plant, etc , lot oOxU'O. Price $4200. W. F. Payne. Angelus Hotel Building. FOR S VLB New furnace heated boms furnished or unfurnished. For Sale Lots 5 and 6 in block 7L Franklin Hta. $1500. Stenographer employed forenoe wants afternoon work. Chauffeur wants position with pri vate car. M. F. Collier. 41T Mesa. Phone 615 PARTY LEAVING TOWN Will sell their elegant 10 room resi dence, close In on Campbell St.. every thing modern and uptodate. 6 rooms now rented for $92 per month. Price $10,500; reasonable terms. This is m opportunity to pay for a home in rent als and have the use of 4 large fine rooms. For particulars ak Hodge Realty Co, Phone S15 202 Roberts-Banner Bldg. Gee. D. Kendall Makes Glasses Right. WANTED FURNITURE Am furnish ing 15 rooms and will buy by the piece any thing you have. Auto. 1105. FOR RENT Furnished rooms and housegeeplng suites, am papering, painting and furnishing. Come have rooms furnished to suit you. brick building, water, electricity, gas. 609 Ochoa St. WANTED Laundry girl for plain clothes Ironing: best wages paid Highland Park Laundry. 2520 Ken tucky Ave. WANTEB A girl to do dining room and chamber work. 411 S. Ochoa. Bell phone 3109. Auto. 2360 FOR SALE Extra fine Barred Rock cockerels, Thompson strain; one-half price for quick sale. 3512 Tularosa St. Phone Bell 1727. WANTED Woman for general house work, must live on place. 803 Upson. Phone 947. FOR RENT i rooms and bath, up stairs, very close in on N. Florence: 2 large porches; no children. Inquire 608 E. Missouri. FOR SALE One incubator, 25 egg capacity. 1 dozen S. C White Legho-n hens. $12 If taken at once. Address Chickens, are Herald. OWNER has 10 days to sell modern S room brick cottage, north side, lot and half, south front; desirable. Inexpen sive; terms. Phone 264. BARBER SHOP FOR SALE netting over $200 monthly, cheap for cash. Inquire at 704 San Antonio. Geo. D. Kendall Makes Glasses Right. FOR RENT Furnished room, private bath, with private family. 3 blocks from plaza. Particulars 410 Mills Bldg ANSWER TO YESTERDAY'S PUZZLE. Upside down, in girl's hat. BLACK imported registered stallion t years old; good Individual. Will take some trade. St. Louis Sales Stables. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, mod ern conveniences. 1011 N. El Faso. TOO LATE AXR FOR sale Good grocery story on north side, Write B. 403. Herald. FOR SALB Rooming house, steam heated, doing good business. Phone 4499. "WANTED Room with sleeping porji and good home cooking. Will pay liba erally for same. Address Miss rtc-'s May, Altura. Texas. FOR SALB Harvard piano used oat short time; splendid condition c- $450. sell r?00. Phone 3906. FOR SALE A general merchandise business and meat market averaging about $1509. a month. Write 4036 care Herald. AGENTS WANTED New household necessity soils for 25c: costs 5c "Will pay you handsomely to Investigate. Keystone Mfg. Co, 945 Jackson. St., Muncie. Ind. Gee. D. Kendall Makes Glasses Right. WANT proved TO BORROW $50 on unim- real estate. Will pay 8 per C 373, Herald. cer.-. I WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE for " fin" lots In Highland Park. Write " 372. Herald. FEDERAL Telegraph Co. has moeT offlc-- to lobby of Hotel Sheldon. For messenger telephone 1769. WA"Vl"KD American boy with wheel to learn the typewriter repair bus -ncss: muse be quick and neat. Undr--wood Typewriter Co, 309 N. Oregon ?. FOR SALE Good milch cow. Inqu - Engineer. Ft. Bliss. fok s.vlk standard ount (not fcun- f10) rd pressed brick cottag. Iaig! rooms, etc, 2 full comer 1 1 o-s i southeast face, Nevada St, I block "O car line; fine location, admiral neighborhood. $4750. terms. If not taken before June 1st price -a ill i e 24KA. Ihoae 3437. FOR SALB 20 to 1000 shares .if j Douglas Copper Co, only 25c a sha- 1 bank references. 50 to 2000 New Stat j 10c a share. Send for full part'. :- tars. .Must raise immediate cash A p Arizona topax in the rough or.l : .c each, 3 for $1.00. Address box'l". 4. Miami, Arizona. 3 n IT" ,2a.ll Ual.. m --.. ,-. -- " -- . " micui. ""O RENT Concrete building about t- e constructed on main thorough - nare. exceneni location for bakers general merchandise Btore, etc pla made to suit acceptable tenant o' building. 26x65. M. A. Graham, t x 100. Miami. Arizona. FREE HOMESTEADS and buslne"! opportunities in the great San SimT valley artesian and shallow pumpi-g belt: greatest opportunity in -he southwest, soft water, no alkali best land; finest climate in United States free. Write Bowie Commercial Club, Bowie. Ariz. I.A MODE BEAUTY SHOP (Sue Posener's) Facial massage, scalp treatments, electrolysis, shampooi-g manicuring, chiropody, cosmetics ha r goods, etc. Entrance 103 Mesa we Take elevator to basement. Bell phona 133Z. r9rr,i? WAXTE b young man thoroughly acquainted with city work of any kind. Address Burnham tms Magoffin. Bell phone 3683. ' NICELY furnished front room for gen tleman -n V Ox,-.,.- "' en- I ,-v ... OUMIIV.JI. FOR SALEGasoline enTine77 .j . . "("ne, g gooa oraer. complete. 31 "Pi,i, i. Geo. D. Kendall Makes GUJjjjpR ..?, FOR RENT Furnished "rooTpriv--famlly. 402 Montana. Phone' 2540 Lodge Notices 8SEra r Kdw. W. Pew. W. ' Mason.- JLPSl! &'. hoi rurs 10 a. m. o is. " ' Ave.; TnXrL2SSl ADEMT the c.I.-. y-""&T t lioeuuroug& & Der. Phone 30. i Wednesday and SaSrdaV .?