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L PASO HERALD 16 Saturday, February 24, 1912 SPRIN NDS J? ALE BEGINNING MONDAY, WEEK OF FEBRUARY 26TH Gxnmands the attention of all interested in large and postive saving, no matter how little or how much you need Our stock of "Odds & Ends" is immense, and .we must have space for tremendous new stock arriving. This is certainly buying time, for we intend to impress upon the minds of everyone that this is an opportunity for immediate attention. Remember, Monday morning at 8 o clock our doors are thrown open to the thrifty to "clean up" our desirable stock of "Odds & Ends" at unheard-of low prices. Come here and see everything advertised sold at advertised prices. The following can convey only a slight idea of the immense gathering of values that begins Monday. HH P&fBfe UUU5 This Handsome Vernis Martin Bed $8.35 Look at the Picture. Full size 2 inch con tinuous posts. Seven plain fillers and orna mental chills, ball bearing castors. An exceptionally hand some bed, well worth double what we are asking. Better come Monday as our sup ply is limited. This handsome Vernis Martin Bed, $6.35. Dining Chairs Mr" i w Dressers GENUINE QUARTER SAWED OAK DRESSER Full serpentine front top 19x40 large beveled French plate mirror che very best value we've ever offered; worth $22.50; reduced to SIS 00 1-2 SALE PRICE FOR STRICTLY ODD LOTS OF CABLENETS AND NOTTING HAM LACE CURTAINS. These are "Odds and Endg," a pair or two of many beautiful designs, rangiig in price from $1.50 to $1 An assortment of many styles dining chairs, not many of one kind, but one or two and three of many kinds with and without arms, in golden oak, fumed oak and Early Eng lish AH go at stu pendously low prices, ranging in price from misr To Undarprioed Eilll c A handsome quarter sawed oak chiffonier Beveled French plate mirror 18x30 top; worth $22.50, reduced to iisiii I nil I ESS J Golden oak china cabinet, curved front. A big value; worth $25.00. Reduced to Finest Quality Reed Rocker, Now $2.75 Finest quality Pima Indian Reed, natural finish Large Comfort Rockers, worth $4.50; reduced to $2.75 Reed Chairs Our entire stock of Reed chairs is unlimited and will be in cluded in our tremendous "Odds & Ends Sale," ranging in prices from 350 Sl Golden Oak Extension Dining Tabie $9 6 ft. Extension Dining Table, golden oak, 42 inch top, worth $15.00; reduced to ' 8,00 6 ft. Extension Dining Table, golden wax, 45 inch, worth $30.00; reduced to 216-18-20 San Antonio St CKa. B,A B Furrs Co 22.50 Inc. 216-18-20 San Antonio St. Rome, First City In Italy, Live Much In the Past Too Busy Speeding Money On Its Ruins to Have Any Time Left to Spend On the City of the Present By La HEINE HELEN" BAKER. Fewer Children, Better Developed, Is the Need THJE last census shows that Naplas still stands ahead of all Italian cities in population. Rome has liad half a century In which to Justify Its selection as the capital of new It aly. Has it failed? 1 think the an swer must be in the affirmative. Of course in one sense the choice of Rome was inevitable, who could think of Rome relegated to the role of second Place in the government of Italy? Anyone who .has lived in Florence most regret that the experiment of i making that city the capital was . abandoned. Florence would have been I an ideal Italian Wasaington, as the center of government. The history of j Florence justifies its selection except ! against Rome, while its art traditions rendered it as worthy of the highest honor as any city could show. Florence probably had a lucky es cape. It can now continue to be the shrine of beauty It always was. Hod era conditions have touched it little, let it remain the gem of cities, holy and dedicated to painting and sculp ture. There are no streets In the world like the Florentine streets with their great openair sculptures. Now that Michael Angelo's immense nude David again dazzles us with its white marble poetry in the open market place, we can well believe that Flor ence is herself again. David was re moved (wisely I think) to the indoor c!t- museum. The new replica, unlike its fig-leaved confrere in the beautiful Piazza Michael Angela exactly imi tates the original, and puts "shame to shame" at the door of the old palace where Savanarola spent his last night. Old Street Renamed. Before I leave Florence, I must mention that the principle street Is to be renamed "Via Roma." Originally t was "Arhcblshop street" Two years ago, in a fit of socialist enthu siasm, it was renamed "Via Francesco Fe-rer." Now it is more soberly re christened by common consent. .Rome is a ruin: that is the impor tart fact about Rome. It is a most VKturfSf-ne ruin and nobody wants its ru.ns remc-ved. But ruins do noi at an hflrmonb.o with the needs of a great ' nv The imperial Romans, when Rome -. at Ita r.nnith. did not have to I lacmon their cltv in accordance with ' the ruins of earlier buildings, although t we know there were such ruins men. ' TKa.. ,i.a. dAatrnvMi thf ruins or built new temples on their sites. The historical value of Rome's ruins rte manHo tiiofr fa pAf ni nreservatlon. In- eent Trajan's column and an Immense space in which broken pillars of great antiquity occupy a leisurly roominness in the midst of a living city which can hardly find a place to breathe. The living sacrifice for the dead In a. city that aims at modernity. In the metropolis of the Caesars there are such numerous trophies of king, warrior, pope and statesman of the great period of Rome that it seems blasphemous to build new mon uments. The gigantic Victor Emanuel I. .memorial looks down on the capltol. which it completely dwarfs. This me morial can be seen irom very .point in Rome and from every hill within miles ground. From far Tre Fontane (the traditional place of the execution of the apostle Paul) St Peters' itself is hidden, but Victor Emanuel dominates the horizon. From San Pietro Monto rlo (where St. Peter was martyred) the capltol barely shows its basilica, bat Victor Emanuel can be seen in all its hideous gilt Marcus Aurellus, on horseback, still stands guard on the hill where the geese cackled to save Rome. He looks on the dignified old city, his glorious charger still -bearing its precious burden; the noblest and best king earth ever prodnced. But if you wtnt to see Aurellus you. must climb the capltol hill, pass toe she wolf (still kept to commemorate the wolf which suckled Romulus and Re mus), and stand near the Tarpean rock, from which malefactors once were thrown. To see Victor Emanuel well you cannot avoid the sight go where you will. Statue of. Aureliu.i. By the way, that statue of Aurellus has a history. The column of Aurellus, which still stands In the Piazza Colon na, was diverted from its true signifi cance. A pope placed a statue of St Paul on its capital hoping presumably thus to sentence the greatest pagan to oblivion. In the meanwhile the pres ent capitol statue of Marcus Aurellus, bearing no name, was ignorantly sup posed to represent the Christian em peror. Constsntine. As such . it was preserved for centuries at the papal palace, until new times brought sim ultaneously greater knowledge and greater charity. The popes preserved much that was fine of ancient Rome, particularly the Pantheon and Colosseum, which they consecrated to Christian uses, thereby continuing the general transition of ideas. You have "only to look inside t. Peter's and see the perfect Venuses and Jovea with nothing changed but their names. The Saint Veronica of St. PeterV is the finest statue of a heathen goddess in any Christian church It bears no cross, its attitude Is a dance, she is sinirinsr. There is no ecclesiastical background to it and U must shock many a sensitive ascetic by its magnificent proportions. The nude fleshy angels am the Stuart tomb In the m cathedral are a more mod ern Instance of a similar tendency. Too Late to Classify TOO LATE! SOLD AGAIN. That 4 room red pressed bungalow has been sold, but we will build an other one for you in the same block on Montana St, a corner too. Come in and see our plans. We know we can please you as to price and terms. Anderson-Filler Realty Co.. S R003I RED PRESSED BRICK. Close to high school, south front be tween 2 paved streets, at a bargain price of J3850. This is an excellent buy. Come in and let us show you. Anderson-Filler Realty Co. RIO GRANDE ST. BARGAIN. You can't equal this in the city. S room house and 45 feet ground for only $3750. You should see this to appreciate its value. We can show you. Anderson-Filler Renlty Co. Too Late to Classify FOR REST. Swell S room lower flat 1048 N. Florence, in' fine condition. $30 mo. Austin & Man. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. City and suburban property at bar gain prices. D. G. Helneman, 269 Mills St. READ THIS LIST. BLV. STOP PAYING RENT. 10 ROOM 2 story red pressed brick home for sale on Rio Grande. Furnace heat and all modern conveniences; been built only short time; east front, 3 full lots beau tiful lawn and parking; convenient to school. $12,000; terms. 5 ROOM Red pressed brick bungalow on Rio Grande, new and has never been occu pied; modern conveniences. $4000, $300 down, balance easy. ' 3 ROOM BUFFED BRICK On Newman; modern. $4200 will take JRt for first payment balstnce easy. 4 ROOM FRAME. Close in, in Highland Park; 2 full lots, chicken house and large chicken yard. $1600 $100 down, balance like rent 6 ROOM Red pressed brick. Upson Ave., mod ern conveniences. $5500; tertns. GROCERY STORE. Small stock of groceries and flx ,for sale cheap; good location. Choice building site on Mesa Ave J. V. McClurc, -" 412 Mills Bldg. Bell 4354. VAI.LBT LAND BARGAINS. 52 ACRES. 2 miles from Camttfllo. alfalfa, stock and tools. Orchard. SO ACRES 4 miles from Canuttllo. New alfalfa. $104 acre. X 6 ACRES. Chamberino. Alfalfa. $70. N Come in and see all our listings. Blevlns-Maynard-Ghlld Cn i 312 Mills Building. Phone 38. Too Late to Classify deed every decade adds to their vast ip you NEED aw rimoi vrv.nrKn immensity, for excavators and explor-Ai-e ova .nntantiv -finriinff more and in teresting additions to these relics of past civil nation Rome can be an art gallery, a museum, a library of an tiquities, it an never oecome a s'"" ii pnono 102b. we will upholster our lurniture and make It new. it L. Daniel Fnrnltnrc-Mattre.s Fcty. Full mcaaurr n- Southwestern Fuel Co. lecuriia ;- nnn t-, - : modern c'tv unless it swept into limbo i."w """housekeeping rooms, S06 it own irnn.krfiii monuments, which I - -Missouri St. Bell nhone lsSs. MR6. LA. REINE HELEN BIKER ! are its onl- claim to fame. Million Spent On Rnlns. Naturally Rome spends so many millions on its ruins, it cannot afford j money for its own streets. Rome is I the dirtiest drabbest nnd most deprese- 5S2ST.i!UBSIDBXCE FOR SALE ZWZl iy 30 tlPson Ave. New and never occunleil - .. ' T..VJ - - ir tt-v. it "It ! rwr. hr r-harltio. on 'n- ln,. l i ' 7 ",. 7 -.-. ,1 V." " V jT.. Lum..,. . . 3 " "" - ""J, lull ev ion, r. i ro " " " " . ;.-. ...-.-., .., ,!,,.. u, Uinn, ing capuai cn in i-.urope. naruij nj"""". oeorooms. etc: all strlnt- . . t uiniifi rcnnfiAVAit a arTafu- An .... ..-. t ..ta , w f wi,amb ... - ,., nf ,- children of tne wona were ,, V " .. ... -.. ,, w sireei nus a omewain. iou scramuw cent I ." VL. ' rc Dunnles ,Wo rtce a.,c,We u wrong." said among street cars, wagons and omnl- reared with the same care as puppies Mrs Baker "Poor parents should not buses while you ga-ie in its poor shop and horses, the children would be bet- attempt tp raise large families. Rich window, except in the Corso, the one ,er off and the betterment of future parents invariably deplore raising promenade street, where there is not ,..,,, 4n-. naKured. saia Jars, a- cwiurcn. viuauiv, not quantity. in Rei'ne Helen Baker, who, although a children Is what we v.ant. If we would millionaire many tunes over, spends have fewer children and pay more at larVe sums vearlv in bettering the con- I tention in developing their mental and cV Vns of children, building homes and physical power, it would be a great ac-aVv'u-is and who is known to news- ' compllshment and ore of reat benefit tk s "irom Maine to Washington for to future generations" room for two people to walk abreast so narrow U the sidewalk. Twice a day I barely escaped being crushed to death between the electric car and the walk in the tiny space allowed for traffic beside the wide square of Tri- l Jan's Forum. There is that magnifi- ho0Jse Rfa-2Iodern 4 nTDrlck house. 2320 Wyoming Phone 1914. TV mod. "XW ": " ": paved meat ' "" """ Ws- on H. L. noTrell, 383 Herald Bide-. DESK ROOM$lo month. Herald building. Apply 303 FOR RBNT Beautifully furnished home, furnishings are new; has never been occupied. For Information call 310 W Missouri Full measure at Southwestern Fuel Co. BRING IN YOCR TRADES. The Trading Bureau" Is very busy, but we dan steam up a little and han dle more, if none of these suit you we can show you a hundred more. All con ditions and descriptions. WILL TRADE - 6 R. IIoueN. Virginia St, for vacant lots. S R. IIouic Wyominer St, for valley land 4 it. House N. El Paso St, for valley land. 6 R. Hoiif e Bassett Add. for valley land ' . " '5ant clo8 n lots for Gov't. Hill vacant 5 R. HouMe Newman SfT for vacant lots. i Stock of Groceries and' dry goods near smelter for improved city or subur- i ban. I City Grocery for small '. Improved. We have good land ! trades. extending from ' East Texas to the San 1 Tinnuin vflllev rtlaA ' Come in and let us help yen. Austin tfc Marr. THE BIGGEST BARGAIN EVER. Eight room bouse in 3fundy Heights. Rast front House completed only two months ago. Furnace, sleeping porch, every modern convenience. Every piece of furniture is new, used about sixty days. The furniture alone would cost $3800.00: the house and f rounds are worth $7000.00. Total $10 -00.00. If sold In the next few dars $8400.00 will buy it. This is your opportunity. Investi gate. Wa guarantee this is a bargain. AnMIn & Marr. Sole Agents. 304 San Antonio St Telephone 451. .11AST PI I'ASO BAROAEf. $650 buys 3 lots 'In block S3, dose to shops; good terms. D. G. HeinemaH- una trm. r Southwestern Championship in BASKET BALL Representing Arizoaa. New Mexico and West Texas. Ten games to be played. Y. M. C. A. GYM. Admission: Day Periods .... 25c Night Periods- 50c Two gases each period. Friday 2 p.' as. and 8 p. st Saturday 10- a. nt, 2 p. el, and 8 p. m. I - 49 3IAXWBLL TOTTRI-Vfl n n 5 passenger, 4 cylinder. 30 horse- imoT 'priceOo ,a C0B- Jay F. Knox Auto Co-315-31 1 Texas St Bell 4179. NEWMAN INVBST3IENT COMPANT RaBHOVAL NOTICE. We have moved our offlois from the An3Bank bniM1R to 104 San Antonio St. ground floor. First Na tional Bank building. ab. Newman Investment Company, Too Late to Classify OLDSMODILE 4 PASSBNGKe. , Fully equipped and In good condi tion, having been thoroughly over hauled. Price ;. Jay F. Kaei Ante. Ce. 315-31? Texas St Bell 4170. FQR'-iHJSVT. 1M3 Prospect S rtotn 519 Presneet S rooms 905 Montana, $ rooms 1030Texas, Tooaas 29 Gcaad Vlovz. rooms . ... 100S X Flereaeo. 5 rooms (flat.) 10XS Texas. 5 rooms 111$ Brown, 5 rooms Ml Wyoming. 3 rooms 511 Texas, 3 rooms Austin & Marr, 304 Saa Antonio St. Phone $50.00 50.0o 65.0O 30.00 25.0u 30.00 se.oo 30.00 15.00 10.00 4350. Fnll measure at Southwestern Fuel Ca YOCR FURNITURE NEED RBPAIRrvQ Ana" brightening up for spring? call .ykone 10M Danlel Fnrnltnre and Mattress Fcty. SPECIAL FOR SMALL INVESTORS. Pavs 15 nercent net ' hntU An 3 lots, east front, $1500. l-j easb, lbaL L a,,U at RUd. Tit. Minil T.i . 21S-217 American Bank Building. A RK.VL BARGAIN, -ill 7 5 roo,n. rd Pressed brick with f itS! -L POh. south front close In. $3500; easy terms. Turner Davis, 100 Texas St . " nWSS ROAD BARGAIN. A few of the best lots on the drle Tke only $350; good terms. D. G. Helneman. 2e 31111s St. TEXAS OUT FLOWER"! at n. ti Grande bank building. The freshest in Out city. Funeral wreaths and wed dtag doclgns our specialty. Give us a trial order and we fill promptly. Vou wfll be a regular customer P. C Kappas, the Flower Man Ahead. Phone 3SC. Full measure at Southwestern Fuel Co , , FOR RENT. Fine suite of offices. 407-403 Ameri can Bank building, for rent Apply to Newman Investment Co.. 104 San Antonio St FOR RENT Modern furnished for 2 gentlemen best location in Jthe city S-j W Missouri, or phone 10 , "WANTED. Roofs to paint and repair. Any color. Finest and most datable paint Known good honest work. All at the MMTMaf nju.IL!. kt WA - .--.. iiwmiuio JlflCB. All w guarantee. , r. ir I- ? Roof Paint Co. 1502 Magoffin Ave. Phone 39. .. - vIrABLE COnXER. is Oregon S-. close in, east front 100x120. make an offer Tt is a bargain. D. G. Helneman, 209 Mills St. RBWARD Will pay $5 for return of open face silver watch. Illinois move ment gOHt cnain: no questions asked Apply Cashier. Herald. 18ft ACRES. 30 cultivated, good water splendid location. For particulars ad dress Owner, box 205, Silver City WASTED A man with $500 to Invest in proposition that will pay $300 per month. Write 377, Herald. FURNISHED ROOMS with board. Arizona. 215 rdll measure at Southwestern Fuel Co FOR SALE One Jersey cow. one good work horse, one gasoline engine 1 1 horsepower, one light wagon Bell phone 2S35 3212 Rosa St. 1