Newspaper Page Text
yll!S' We Moi;e to the New Store March 1st Next Friday we begin moving to our new store, and in the interim, that is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, we will, offer Removal Sale values .that will easily surpass any of the sale. Nothing Reserved Ail New Goods Are Included A strong feature of Removal Sale has been and will be during the next four days that all new spring goods of every description are included. This means that every need of the new season can be supplied at a considerable saving. Removal Sale of 1 adored Suits in Svnnsr Styles iAmO. There is a Removal Sale price on every tailored suit in., the store. This includes aH spring ants. Never before in 1 Paso has new spring mer chandise been offered i& a Removal Sale. You must not miss this oppor tunity to seenre the new- suit and other new garments needed for spring. In the four groups noted below you trill find serges, Bedford cords, diagonals, wiiipconis, cheviots, worsteds, tweeds, etc, etc. They come in every -wanted color- grays, tans, watmy shades of blue, pink, lavender, two tone effects, blade and white stripes, also white and btaok novelties. We have a latge assortment of white suite, in plain aad fancy styles. Tbeee also are offered at Removal Sale prices. Suite -worth to $82.50; Removal Suits worth Sale $11.95. Sale $19.S5. &aits worth to $29.50; Removal Suits worth Sale $14.95. Sale 24.85. AH higher priced suite xedaeed for Removal Sale. to $37.50; Removal to $50.00; Removal Removal Sale of Skirts $5.00 SKIRTS $2.95. A special lot of skirts m gray, tan, brown and 6Wfc colors, not one in the lot worth less than $5.00.- Also, some brown eonhtroy skkte are included. Removal tiQ AC Sale P&i.20 $6:50 SKIRTS $3.95 Hack Xew spring tunic effects, Removal Sale $7.50' SKIRTS $4.95. Ramans, voiles and fancy mixteres, many new spring styles are included in this offer. Come in black, blue, gray, tans and many mind, etffeote. Worth to $7.50; Removal c-fe skirts and diagonals in black and blue. lea, high waist effects with paaaefe, side pieate, overlapping at naps ana Buttons, worn to s.W). rt o q j- $4.95 Removal Sale of Summer Vests Low neck, sleeveless vests, well tafd. Buy your summer supply nowiat Re- tnoval Sale price. 25c Grade 19c 36c Grade 29c 50c Grade 39c 75c Grade 59c $1.00 BRASSIERES 89c "H. W." asd "B. A J." feast eoa finecs and imesieres, sevenal sltyies, all sues, regular $1.00 values; Re moval Bate Monday .Special Extra Special 65c TIGHTS 38c Women's Jersey ribbed, me dfem weight cotton tights, pure bleached, worth regularly 65c a pair; Reavoval Sale Extra Spe cial, 38c, 89c W0MEHS SOFT SHIRTS The new soft shirts tor women, with soft eoQar and tucabaek cuffs. Made of plain madrasv J figured and striped sotMkas. Values dj "1 tZf to $2.00; Removal Gate. .- J 1 ;OU $4.96 SILK PETTICOATS $3.95. Pettfcoats made of extra heavy znes satioe sUk. Hushed with deep noanee. Coae in. all colors. Special -values at $4J&; Re msml Gale prioe...... $o.l5 Extra Special $6.00 SPRING LINGERIE WAISTS S4.95 New spring styles in lingerie waists, some trimmed with Chury lace, and others embroid ered. High neck and long sleeves, but a few with Dutch neck and short sleeves. These waists were part of one of our most recent spring shipments. Values to $6.00; Removal Sale Monday Special fyycSv- riJnJUk -Mil fMimtL-'-'' , ' Wm&SmiA aaw IIkW4' ! flH If lwBi Kb KaJra TiBmmtofcaarafcHal Removal Sale of Dresses $10. 00 Net Dresses $6. 95 Embroidered net dresses. Bottom of skirt and waist are embroidered. Dresses alto have extra drop of net. Finished with satin girdle in white, pinkr ur blue. Altogether, they are charming dresses and &(2 QjE Road $10.00 values; Removal Sale PO.7v Foulard and Pongee Dresses $995 Dre of silk foulard ratede in the newest spring styles and trimmed with daintv laces. Come in fancy foulard designs in brown, blue, gfeen and Oopenhaeen. Also at $9.95 we oflfer natural color poncee dresses with flounce ot brown satin. The skirt is one of the envelope tunic effects. The waist is a cutaway style and trimmed with buttons and the brown satin. Removal Sale Price $9,95 All silk dresses axe offered at Removal Sale prices. The above lot of foulard aad pongee dresses is an example of the attractive pricing. Wash Dresses $2.95 Without exemption, this is the best value ever given in wash dresses at $2.95. These dresses are made of chambray and Anderson's Scotch zephyr, and will wash without fading. There are some in blue, tn, lavender and black and white stripes with large rever of plain color ma terial to match. Another style,' developed in chambray, in pink, blue, tan or toveoder, has large fichu collar tend eufis of embroiderr. There are other equally attractive styles, but it would take too long to de scribe them alL Come and see for yourself. Removal Sale price $2.95 $6.75 SILK PETTICOATS $4.95 Superior quality petticoats of extra heavy mescaline with, deep fancy flounce and silk drop. Come in all colors, light and dark shades. $6.75 Removal Jg LONG SILK KIMONOS $2.95 Full length silk kimonos, made Em pire style and trimmed with stttin. (Vmf in beautiful floral designs in light blue, pink, lavender, red and navy. Removal Sale C?Q AC price Piit0 35c TAILORED C0LLARS-18c Embroidered linen tailored collars in various styles and heights, values to 3dc each; Removal Sale 10c 18c The New Store It hardly seems possible that the new store, on' Pioneer PJaza, will be in readiness next week. But, the contractors say that such will be the case and we invke your interest in advance. With the opening of the new store we introduce to the public, among other features, a display of millinery really marvelous. It will pay you well to wait for White House millinery. In fact, you should awak the opening of oar new store with the greatest possible interest. Removal Sale of SILK HOSE Black silk boot hose at, per pair 25c. Silk beot hose, finebeer quality, in black and col ors, at, per pair 50c. Plain and embroidered silk hose, in black and colors, worth to $1.50 a pair; Removal Sale price 79c Best standard brands oi silk hose in black, white and colors, worth to $1.75 a pair; Removal Sale 95c. Beautifully hand em broidered silk hose, hand some heavy quality, worth to $4.50 per pair; Removal ale $2 95. New Handbags VALUES TO $1.95 AT $1.25 Leather, linen and crochet baadbags in the newest spring shapes and styles. Bags that have arrived during the past week and -represent the very newest spring ideas. Would seil in a regular way to $L95; Re moval Sale Monday Special i 50c $1.00 35c NECKWEAR 10c Dutch collars, bows, jabots, stocks, black Dutch eohars, ribbon, bows, in short, tell kinds of neckwear in all sorts of styles, values to 35c; Re moval Sale, C2HMCE FOR $1.00 NECKWEAR 50c A new shipment of embroidered wash stocks in all-white and colored ef fects. Also; jafcots, frills, collars, etc, in all sorts ox dainty styles. values to $1.00; Aemoval Sale, CHOICE 25c HAIRNETS 6 FOR $1.00 Full sise, full length nets made of' real human hair, in all shades, sell regularly for 25c peh; Removal Sale .Monday Specie! 6 for 5Cc TINSELED HAIRNETS 35c Silver and gold tinseled hairnets for evening wear, values to 50c; o jj Removal Sale 3QC 25c HANDKERCHIEFS 19c AH-Mnen hemstitched handkerchiefs with hand embroidered corner and some with embroidered initial, regu lar 25c values; g Sale 19C 10c HANDKERCHIEFS 5c We have 50 dozen new white cambric lawn tod crossbar handkerchiefs, full slie, nicely hemstitched and regular 10c values; Removal Sale Monday pedal . v . . r.. .-" r, . -O C- CHIFFON VEILS AT REMOVAL , SALE PRICES All ehifion veils are included in Re moval Sale at from 1-4 to 1-3 reduc tion. These are full size veils, made of imported all-silk chiffon. Are nice ly hemstitched and come in plain and two tone effects. Supply your spring veil needs at Removal Sale prices. h Four More Days rMre h L! v. fjtf fflt? v 3i1J "The Store of Service' rrm mi.iii mjnyraJT.Tn iinnnn rrmrrrm-trnri in. im .i.niii BUSINESS WA Nothing Advertises Your Business Like A HANDSOME DELIVERY WAGON We hmdlr every description of this chSiaf wagoa, Inlite for Laundry, Dairy, Bakery, Grocery Dry Goods, " Stake and Baggage "Wagons, Ice Wagons, etc. ' We are the Largest Dealen is Fine Vehicles ike Southwest Seadforour Bttotrfal Descriptive Catalogue with WfaetMftle Price List PARLIN & ORENDORFF IMP. CO., "BBS ' ZLvV'y St liNBZrir DALLAS. TEXAS ANOTHER CRISIS IS THREATENING CUBA Unrest Breaks Out Anew Following Supreme Court Decision. Washington. D. C, Feb. 14. Another crisis in Cuban affairs apparently is at hand. Reports from the island In dicated that the unrest temporarily quieted by secretary Knox's recent note of warning is about te nrealc oat anew as a result of the Cuban supreme court decision Invalidating the law ousting office holders who were Span ish sympathizers during the revolution. Literal execution of the court's de cree would inolve the reinstatement of a large number of displaced officehold ers and dismissal of the socalled veter ans who were put in their nlaces. With this In prospect the 'eadera of the j Veterans' association are satd to be in i an ugly humor and If the should at tempt to resist tbe decree, serious ' trouble would ensue. I ORDERED TO CT'T HATES OX IRON .VXD STEEI- TO DEWER. Washington. ! r , Feb 24 Trans ci.nt'nental 'a' -were ordered bv t e 1ntrstate njrrrf rn .-nmnusiori to tJ 10 rtJu e tin Ir ratcg f-oia st jLouIs and other Mississippi river transfers to Denver on iron and steel bars from 63 cents to 52 cents a hundred pounds, and on steel plates and sheets and struc tural Bteel (not fabricated) from SS cents to 43 cents a hundred. The exist ing rates were attacked by tie Vulcan ironworks of Denver. MILLER H03IESTEJ.VD CASE VP O.V APPEAL 3I0XDAT The suit of Mr. p8l. P. TUlHer. wife of Dr. Miller, against J. H. Xatlons et . for the possession of land on the Uon'inWlh.C07,e. u, for flnal o8Pst San aA. clv11 conrt ot appeals at win t-t " week- Or. Miller Antonio . turd8y evening for San 5T.- t0. aPPer S a witness in a ranrolS 7 as!,nst the G- H & S. A sa itMn5. W,1L 8tay ther ror tha homesteL86810 l ,la,ld "-' " Mr Miif" R E,wardB will represent lilf vi,ei at th hiring ad will iae Monday for San Antonio. Not Always. Opportunity doesn't always present an engraved calling card. FOR THE ENGAGED GIRL We offer for your selection one of the &asd- sotnest collections of bine-white solitara dia monds to be found in the United States. Not only do fwe sell perfect stones, suitable for engagement ringi, but particular attention is paw to arasno mountings. WEDDING RINGS We nave received a complete sew stock of gold wedding rings. These are shown in 14, 18 aad 2 karat. n,e mere thousht of bsytas a diamond s&osld KUggeat sierners-." TEXAS MESA Oat-of-toTTB orderm filled promptir r LIABILITY Has it ever struck Jkh-3 Perhaps not, but have you considered the chances' of your striking ihe other fellow. You are driving your car with the constant risk of injuring someone. Why run the risk of having to pay- for personal in juries caused by your car? Accidents of thk sature happen every day. It may be your turn tomorrow. You may be a most careful driver but you- cannot control the careless pedestrian. No matter whose fault the accident .may be the responsibility is usually placed on the owner or driver of the car. The result is always annoying and often the expense amounts to thousands of dollars. The "Common&eeltk" Automobile Liability Policy protects you fully against thk hazard at a cost, which compared with what you may have to pay is a mere trifle. Investigation c&sls nothktg procrastination may cause you endless trouble and expanse. Commonwealth Bonding & Casualty Insurance Company, For New Mexico and West Texas. - DOUGLAS C. CROWELL, General Agent 208 Mills Bldg. I Tr- I i Four More Days Q 9HHBHHI JBSSJBKKmimmmsmm HI W ONE BANDIT SHOT; OTHER CAPTURED Kresh buttermilk TI Paso Dairy. iSetter clj.iii' 3 i.liune A right. Murderers of Silver City Men Caught "While .Escaping to Mexico. Silver City, J?. M Feb, 24. The two bandits who held up the Megollea Mer cantile company and killed C. A. Free man and cleric Clark, " surrendered BboutJB miles from here after a battln lasting- three hours. In which one of the bandits was killed. The other, who Calms bte Bane Is Rodriguez, a mere boy, surrenderor! and wss brought into town by sheriff McGrath last night. lie refused u talk. Three thousand dollars la green backs were found on the Mexican who was killed. They have been ll-5ntl-fied as wood cutters and were attempt ing to escape into Mexico wlienr the capture was made. Pir.KS CURED rx C TO 14 DAYS Your druggist will refund money If PAZO OTJTTMKNT fails to cure any ease of Itching. Blind. Bleeding or ProtruS inz Piles J-tj 8 to M dun B'c 1'rPbh buttermilk. El Paso Ia!ry. "-' - - Full mranrt at So ithwestem Fuel Co. Come to EI Paso for the Cattlemen's Convention Reduced Rates East of E! Paso One Fare Tickets on sale March 3, 4, 5. Inal return limit March 11. 1 1-5 fare for round trip from all points east of El Paso. 1 1-3 fare for round trip from all points west of Ei Paso. Far farther iafcraaatfea ask year local Ticket Agent c H. D. MeCREGOR, C. P. A., RICHARD WARRBN,G. A. Roberts Banner BaiMiag. BeJf 594. &WP M 'JIli J lJ4irfSF Offi Supplies ice If you are in need of anything for your office', or feel that your office is not quite so handy as it should be, step into our storeand see the hundreds of little things to make the office handy, and light en the work, too! Currants Btiok Store 108 MESA Dr. H. A. MAfiftUDER DENTIST I Don't Work For Nogroes Bafere&ccsi ASS ANT0KE. COLES BLDG. tOth Year SI Paw 5