OCR Interpretation

El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931, February 24, 1912, Week-End Edition, Comic Section, Image 24

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88084272/1912-02-24/ed-1/seq-24/

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Saturday, February 21, 1912
lens of Thousands of Grateful Patrons Proclaim This
Wondrous Drugless Fat Treatment the
Climax of
No Starvation Diet; No
TWv- W Pills:
sons; Wo Sweating Jack
ets; -Ne Bandages; No
.vntt .
Rollers: No
No Nerve-wrecking Gym-
nasties or Harmful Exer- V.
cisea; No Capping Cups;
Kooap; No Mental Heal
lBg; flo nypnousm; xiu
Itethhia; Harsh or Harmful
Staply DfllRktfal
Treatment, and Jotou
Result) for Slight Effort.
Yn Can't Get Mr Treat
meat From AnyOne Blue
la the -Whole Wide
I looked an Fat m an
Ox Before I Reduced
Sfy WeJebt with
Mv Great DrugleM
,. ,wr ts THE HERI-
.. -..7. ' ,h.r,tlble md UW7
vAineuu. -.--. 4 t m
called it !njhmmLwm
". ",?",.: i .miserable you,
-. TV. roriiire vour
ro - i ---
weight you mast find the
cause ou m -at get at
iff verv reason I
Before I sue eeded 1 tried
(irruhiog i Mn reason
nd ome ns bevond
reaoc It a- madden
ing disgu-i n k Bui, X
found a we' ojt.
A!i I had do was to
r,.,,,.' the uise, and I
B-wear under oa'n that b
jnT simple ue'-iod with
out drur15 medicine,
Jiarmfu' oie'ctaes, oj
starvation diet I reduced
in weight "" pounds in
ftie weeks and 1 guar
antee that 1 an do te
same for .ju I do rot
use medicine of any kind,
or worthless stuff to rub
Vt'J.o.i'Lft X't THIS BOOK
en a chila can use without harm
Thrmiirh (Ms marvelous combination
Sow SUSrent I succeeded because I
had founa the right way I can now
If you are interested in your own
ppineas. heatth and re, you rfW
uTweTghtaWay-the trl
ard sure way.
Tularosa. X M, Feb 24 Three boys
ae keen arrested charged with
eiooting a Mexican named Jose Mo
reno in the leg Moreno was found
Iving wounded beside the railroad
track between Tularosa and Temporal.
Mr and Mrs Lupton, Mr and Mrs.
Howard Hant and daugnter. Emellne,
an-i Ms Bertha Eisenbers. all re
t'ves of E T Gunton, have arrived
hero from El aso.
Miss Marguerite Gunton. daughter
o' E T Gunton, has arrived from El
aso where ne has been attending
bc' ool
A part of four men from Iowa was
lier- to look oer the town and sec
tior L. E Lumblej and D T Hark
iifs accompanied them to the Kecon
athe'? land tract
H E Lwis is improving his honie
etead northwest of. town. Ollie WTUte
1s assisting iim
An-iy Litt'e of La Luz, is here look
ine after bu-iness interests and vislt
'? friends .
t IV Prude is at nome nam "
lero where he has been on business.
'.ittie Jennett Jonea Is verv sick
m t . a se ere cold-
George Elkins is here from his U
rsrn abo Me&calero to visit with his
S"ilU - .
Maud Abbott, who has been Tery
rick is lmpro-.Sng slowly
Mr and Mrs. W S Hollowav are
Home from Turan. where the went on
a bhort visit to friends
T ? .ganders is shipping a trioa
of ha to the El Paso market.
F H Simmons is kept busy pruning
fru orchard on his farm west of town.
Tv nmas Rjtherford is assisting him.
Mr Frank Coffman and children
Jave left for their home in Sprlng
r,e d Mo , w here she will join her hua-
alter Pickard is putting in alfalfa
or is farm northeast of town.
Traveling El Pasoans can get Tie
Herald at all prominent newsstands In
Texas New Mexico and Arixona, and
also at the stands mentioned below.
Ton-t miss The Herald when you are
Sri) from hone. ... t.
Clip oot this list sni look up The
Herald agent wherever yoa are stop-
Co . Empire News Co, 28 South Geor
gia' street
ATLAXTA. GJ-Worfd .ews Co.
AtSTIX. TECAB Hotel DrlnkllL
An- HO North 19th street.
30ST0S. MASS. Touag's hotel;
Eagle News Co, IS Sumner street.
BITTAXO Iroquois, A. Schurman, EI
W 1 ar-i street
CHICAGO Auditorium, Great North-
with, etreagtii and a
they always ploaao
No Poi
After Reducing ?lT
Welsht 37 Lb.. InvFIve
Week.3 with My. Harm
less Home Treanncm.
Whv permit too much fat to make
mlnole, whe my drugless com-
binat,on home fat-reducing treatment
will mak vou happ. bringing you
peace prestige power and poise and
propCr nroportions m lace ana uBuit;
prop as'tnlshln& tne thousands o
s - aful 1-tters 1 am receiving
i 1 AIM 5.I
422 Groat Bend.
Boiselle Box
Kan .
writes that he has lost
fifty pounds with my
harmless treatment. W.
L. Schmiti, Montevideo,
Minn, lost thirty pounds
m thirty days. Mamie
JlrNelly. Desloge. Mo.
writes that she lost 65
iho ti.ith mv Treatment.
and I can gi.'e you thous-
ands or names oi -fied
' I have prepared "a book
for vou entitled, -We.ght
Reduction Without
rrugs. which I am giv
ing away free and send
'nj prepaid, so tht you
ma-i know of my success
ful treatment and quick
ie reduce your fat. se
cretly at your home,
without harmful exer
cises, starvation diet,
pills, drugs or medicines.
I will send this valuable
o tntAreHn? HOOK
A J Burn c&iiu. .. ..- --c
-'Ri i ta all fat persons only who ask
' r it so write this very day for your
cop, It w,l, surprise you
I offer 55,000 In cash If I fall to prove
It. sincerelv vour friend
S-H. CentraBank BM Dv,
era. Congress hotel, Queen City News
stand, corner Clark and Randolph: Em
pire Newsstands (wagons): Chicago
Newspaper agency. 170 Madison street
News Co.
COLUMBUS, O. Central Ohio News
Cow 6S North ttlgn sireev
Sta. Co. Roberto ScheWer, Caideron
Hnos., Calle Cuarto, No. 156, Felipe
RiakJose Blias Ariz. Calle Victoria
No 110 .,.-.
CINCINNATI, O, Fountain News Co,
th and Walnut Sts.
DALLAS. TEX-M. B. Ifeyer. 318
alaln street: XIOBS News Co, 103 South
Ervay: Texas News Az?. r. C. Mc
Carroll. 902 Main street; Oriental ho
tel. Southland hotel.
DENVER. COLO-The Albatyr. S.
Wldom, jWestern Newsctandi; Katz
News Agencj, 6th and Champa streets:
Davis Newa Co, Orpneum news Co,
DETROIT. MICH. Metropolitan
News Agency, corner Woodward and
Michigan streets: Triangle News Co.
Co, 709 Main strtet; Stockyard Ixewa
& Co ,
TinTTCfrnx tft.:. f. i;onwaT. m
ternational News company
ESDIANArOLIS. 1XD. Paul Selgle.
Illinois and Washington streets; Ttima
News Co.
KANSAS CITT Hotel Baltimore,
Coates House. Ybma News Co.
LOS ANGELnS Indepenaent News
Co, Kemp News Co (wagons). Hoff
man News Agency. 224 South Spring
street: Alfred Wimbush (wagon;.
LOAG BEACH Kemp News Co.
LOUISVILLE -International News
stands. MINNEAPOLIS West hotel.
MEMPHIS World News Co.
MEXICO CITY The Altec, Blue Book
Store, Am. Book & Sta. Co, Ave. Ban
Francisco No. 25.
MILWAUKEE, WIS-Hctel Pfister.
REW YORK Imperial hotel, Ar
thur Hotaling, No. 1 Park Row, Broad
way and 32nd Btreets. Broadway and
42nd. 1400 Broadway, Grand Central
l station.
f Tt-ctiT- nxjTP'A'VS ."World Tfews Pn.
OAKLAND, CALIF. Enquirer Newa
Co. (wagons).
Newa Agency.
PITTSBURG The Lincoln, Fort Pitt
News Co
PHILADELPHIA Th" Bellevue. the
Quaker News Co, 60C Green street; Ar
thur Hotaling, Broad street-station.
PARRAL. MEX. Parral News Co.
PORTLAND Bowman News Co.
SAN FRANCISCO Hotel St. Francis;
United News Agents, 11 Eday street;
Fairbanks News Asency; N. Wheatley;
Golden Ga,te News Agency, 789 Market
street, Panama racine Newa Agency.
714 Market street.
SEATTLE Eckart News Agency, cor
ner 1st Avenue South and Washington
streets, also 2nd Avenue and Cherry
street. Acme News Co W. O. Whitney.
SAN ANTONIO, TEX, Gunther hotel.
Hotel St. Anthony, Louts Book Store,
Sam Rosenthal. 236 East Houston
street, W. C. Burns& Co, 240 East
SAN DIEGO K- M. Child.
SACRAMENTO Capitol News Co.
ST. PAUL Hotel Ryan.
ST. LOUIS The Planters, Southern,
SALT LAKE CITY Frank Polanakr.
Chas McGillis, H. W. Hanson.
TOLEDO, O. World News Co.
VANCOUVER. B. . C-Wlde World
News Co.
WASHINGTON. D. O The Raleigh,
Columbia News Agency. Ebbitt's.
Substitute for Soap.
Boiled potatoes make an excellent
substitute for soap if your hands have
become bteckened with contact with
pots and pans. Take a little of the
potato and rub well into the skin,
then rinsa, it off with warm water.
, .
Secrets Of A
Cookln- Advice to Gtrltt. and
J Hints on Preparing Chicken
and Fish.
(By Emlle Bailly.)
JN , Germany there Is a proverb to
the effect that no girl should marry
until she knows how to cut bread
properly not that cutting bread into
thin, perfect slices Is a high art. but
It does require practice, and if. young
woman can do it properly It shows at
once that she has had some .experience
and is at home in the kitchen.
I do not' think any young woman
should marry unless she knows some
thing of the art of cooking.
No matter how exalted her station in
life, her success will depend upon the 1
excellence of her cuisine if she Is a
woman of wealth. Just as a good deal
Wtx' M i 'HlfainniiiHB' it "x -' .u -
r)gsa6i -a oaar
jT- i iMs rHJiiWTTI T ZilliyfcfvrCLA-Z3wTgJaJ K , 'VsBR.
lii jrmBSiwmms:
DtUi-2sr II Mil I ill I f Jf JMfy; U-T1 . ( ?! s II mmrj der the direction c
B : V?SflK& W: & Z
- " s . JT r I jWTWSBKb. I I-VBl. ft .
JH -finSEx '
of her happiness does if she is the wife You must consult with your eook.
of a man in modest circumstances. i getting at some mutual understand-
Thlngs She Should Know. I lng. All good cooks have a kind of pri-
The woman who is to dispense large ' vate code Their recipes ar like,
and royal hospitality needs to know I sketches made for a big painting-,
how to 'order, the woman of lesser J w"iich can onl be filled In by a per
means should know now to cook. son who understands tne art of cooking.
In France the young women of the j The follow. nr recipes are amplified
best society, when they are engaged and completed to fit the needs of the
to be married, come to the well known ordinary cook and amateur:
chfs for instruction. ) BREAST OFy CHICKEN JOSEPH
You will frequently see classes of , HAAN FOR FOUR PERSONa
these charming young women working ' Take two broiled chickens and slice
Woman Who Retains Love For
Unkind Man Deserves Ridicule
-This Is Reply to One Who Says She Preftels Death to Being Deserted by the
Object of Her Affectione.
I HAVE received a letter from a wo- This is called the faithfulness of wo
man who says that she thinks that J men- and, believe me. If there's one'
men like Rlcheson .in Bvattle. who1 .ei0?.ely, ,n tSe,world- U C8 wo"
viii iTAn.an .i.n i- . ...j - I mans falthfulnesa. Before there Is anv
them, are really humane comnared to
the men who simply love and then ride
away, and leave the forlorn damsel
whose affections they hayjs won to live
through long years of loneliness. My
correspondent goes on to say:
"A few vears ago a man came Into
my life who bent every thought and
care to win my heart. He did, for then
and always. I tried to keep him. I
loved him so, but he left me. In the
bitter years that followed I tried to for
get him, but the love was still there.
"I married and did my duty as wife
and mother, but the .man I married waa
.. W 1 a - , j. .V , ,
a drunkard. I hacF been so wrapped t)
up in tne memory ot tne man l loved
that I had not studied the man I mar
ried, and when I turned from the crave
. of our child I went alone, and I have
not seen my husband since.
T wrote to the other man and begged
him to meet me once a year only once
a year to sire me courage to go on
through my life, but he never an
swered. Cruel, cruel: Last week on
one of those cold nights I stood next
to him in a crowded car. I wanted to
speak to him, but I did not dare. I
touched his sleeve, so gently that ho
did not know it. Even p be near him,
was heavenly. I must so on and on,
living out my dreary life, but I wish
that he had killed me when h bade
me goodby. It would have been better
than this living death without him."
What do you think Of that for a
heart wail? Doesn't it sound like an
echo from the kind of nosels our grand
mothers used to read, where the proper
jcaper was for the heroine to have the
cringing spirit of a whipped dog, and
the more she was kicked the better to
love her master?
I had supposed that the race of such
lackadaisical women was extinct and
that the art of pining was a lost art,
but apparently there are a few cave
women left in our midst who are still
capable of cherishing a blighted af
fection. She Dnenm Ridicule.
I don't like to seem unsympathetic,
but to my mind If there's any one per
son on earth who deserves our ridicule
and not our pity. It Is thewoman who
continues to worship as a' hero and a
god the man who has proved hUnfelf
a dastard to her. It la easy enough to
see how any woman raay fall mistaken
ly In love with a mant and attribute to
him qualities he does not possess, out
why she doesn't fall out of love (with
him when she finds out that her Idol
not only has feet of clay, but Is made
of mud, is one of the Inscrutable mys
teries of life
How many women can continue to
love a man w-ho abuses and misuses
her. who insults her and neglects her.
and' who shows that he Is dead weary
of her and wants to get rid of her. Is
something past the comprehension of
anything except a worm of the dust
Na een a worm would turn under
sui.li treatment
Famous Chef
away in the kitchen of a hotel or cele-
uraitsa icttiiiuiiini, unuer . uucutiwu
of a chef, watching him and learning
how to order a well balanced dinner,
and to discriminate between what is
really good cooking and what is merely
good food spoiled by over-elaborate
Her they learn the combinations of
food and vegetables, salads and desserts
which later on make their dinners sue i
gastronomic successes
Mutual Understanding
It, is largely because the French hos
tess and her chef or cook understand
each other and because the woman of
the house discusses and advises with
her cook that the Fxench cuisine In
private houses still ranks higher than
In other homes.
If you want good cooking and un
derstand anything of the subject, ou
will know that to get the best re
sults from your cook you must do more
than write orders on a slip of paper or
hac them transmitted by the house
keener or maid.
er,t '"b1? faithful you must have
some object that Is worthv of faith.
Why should a wbman spend the bal
ance of her life In wearing the willow
for some cad who has amused himself
by winning her love and then Jilting
her The more fool she. If she ever
gives him a second thought except to
be glad that she escaped marrying a
man who was selfish and cruel enough
to find amusement -in plajing with a
woman's heart. .
Why should a woman who Is married
to a laay, drunken loafer rend the air
with her walls of bereavement when
he finally Joins the ranks of wife de
serters? She should get out a brass
band and celebrate her TJellverance.
1 et she is expected to be brokenheart
ed over his loss, and when he comes
Dck after years of absence, she is
thought very hard and unwomanly if
she slams the door In his face instead
of taking him In and coddling him up,
and slaying the fatted calf for his re
turn. Why should the woman whose hus
band has wearied of her and fallen In
iove with an other woman break her
heart over his faithlessness? Nine times
out of 10 he's a good riddance, and she's
better off without blm. Yet in the
past a woman who didn't take It hard
when she lost her husband no matter
what sort of a husband he was was
an object of suspicion.
roriunateiy nowadays women are
learning to take a more sensible view
?Lsucn matlers Tjiey have found out
that when It comes to changing the
mental attitude tdward love thy can
beat men to it. Broken hearts have
gone out of fashion, and Instead of
wasting her time pining after a man
wao hag wearied of her. the madern
woman charges the account off to
prorit and loss and opens a fresh
A Skin of Biauty is a ley Forever.
T. Felix Gouraud's Oriental
Cream or Magical Boautlflor.
EesMJrel Tin. maples.
Freckles, Uoth Patches,
Bask, sad bkln Dlsruea.
ana erery uexaisa
on beaatr. and tie
fie detection. It
bu stood the twt
ot 64 yesrs, and
is 10 Harmless we
tastelt tobesnrelt
Is properly made.
Accept so coaster
felt of sialllr
name. Dr L. A.
Sayre said to a
lady of the kaut
ton (a patiestl:
"As roa ladles
will me them,
T r,,nn tn .n A
GoDrnuds rr..Mi a. tl,. lt hlrmfnl nf u thn
ekio preparations y,-r sale by all dnigliiU and Fascy
Ooods Dealers la the Vt -ed Stares. Canada, and Europe.
FEflD.T.HBrtJKS, Prop, 37 Br-ai Joan Strut, KnrToiL
553 !Z ffe-S&
d v sy jf
2?y mfe Bailey W
'tllllHTWAXm .mUi.. .W K'7VnHl I W ' I n j 7- . 4w.'AJk haAlh
In France you
classes of youns women norklnggm-J
off the breast, making four perfect
pieces one piece for each side. Re
mo e the skin Hare ready four crusts
of bread the exact shape of the chicken
breasts and about four Inches thick
Put the, yolks of three eggs in a
deep dlsn. add a little salt, stir well
and add sloil six soupspoons of
beaj cream Now place the cfrusts In
this mixture and let them soak for a
few momenta Remove the crusts, dtp
them qulckl in bread crumbs and place
them In a pan with clarified butter.
Fry to a nice brown color. Place a nap-
Dance Of the Ancients Will
Be the Dance Of the Future
Present Day Dancing Inartistic, Inharmonious With Nature and Decidedly De
forming, Says Writer.
HE dance of the future If we go
bai k to the fountain Jiead of all
dancing, as of every other art.
or rather, the dance that has been an
always will be the same. Do not the
waves, the winds and the terrestial globe
Itself move In unchangeable fc&rmony?
We do not ask the ocean how its waTes
used to move In olden days, we know
" "" - -
only this motion, which is the result
of the nature o" tae wa'er, and which
will always be the same In all eternity.
In the same way the movements of
animals, when roaming about in full
freedom, are the result of their very
nature, their shape and their relations
with life. It is onlj when we human
beings tame and train animals and im
pose upon them the artificial restric
tions of our civilization, that they lose
1 the faculty of moving In harmony with
1 nature, and their movements become
unnatural and devoid of beauty.
The movements of the savage. In per
manent contact with nature, were what
they ought to be and consequently har
monious and beautiful. '
When we remember this. It will be
easy to understand the short definition
in which It Is possible to sum up the
principle of the dance of the future
the true dance Is nothing hut the trans
portation of the gravitation of the unl
verse into the human Individual.
Present Dances "VVronjr.
Well, the movements which are
taught In our present dancing schools.
movements which In vain struggle
against the natural laws of gravitation,
against the natural inclination of the
individual and which do not harmon
ize with the movements and form cre
ated by nature, are necessarily sterile.
No other movement can spring from
them, no future evolution of them Is
possible. They languish and die without
renovating themselves. The expression
which the art of dancing has found in
the modern ballet, in which there Is net
February 24, 1525.
KB battle of Pavia fought 97
years ago today Friday. Febru
ary 24, 1526 will always occupy
a distinguished place in history. The
victory won there by the Boucbon and
hls imperialists over Francis the First
of France, while not followed by the
far-reaching results of some other
battles, was yet one that changed the
current of events and made Itself felt
in French and Italian history fqr many
Francis the First and Charles the
Fifth were both ruthless exploiters of
humanity, willing. If they could add
to the "glory" of their "crowns," to
have their subjects murdered right and
left, and It made but little difference
to mankind in general which one won
In the game of war Whether It was
Charles or whether It was Franfils who
was on top. the people suffered all the
same Neither or the rat scounarem
cared the toss of a perfhy for human
rights or human happiness.
When, therefore, at Pavla It befel
that Francis" was defeated by Charles,
no great principle was won or lost
The result of the battle was that
Francis was whipped , captured &n
held as a prisoner for something more
than a year, at the expiration of this
ttm. h.. was released, after promising
to let his ambition run no more iji the
direction of Italv
But Pavia I" f Interest to us-from
the fact that it itai the last great
battle that was fimght in armor the
last contest in whte'i the knights,
plumed and steelclad. dashed at each
other with mace, lance and- battleax.
-Vfter Pavla the use of firearms, hith
erto in its infanc was to become gen
eral ml lhat fact had -i f-aning that
t e Dfa v ho f night at l'-tvia kcw
f Ae ote StRegis
o Rlrl should marry until she
knows how to cut bread properly.
kin In a dish, arrange the crusts on
1 it PutVhe broiled breast' ot enicK-en
' on the crusts and spread a little drawn
I butter mixed with bread crumbs over
it; garnish the dtsn with par3iey
With this serve, a sauce Bechamel
made of two ounces or nutter, mo w
I blespoonfuls of flour, a pint and a half
, of bolMng milk and seasoning Place
the butter and flour In a saucepan and
stir onstantl;. for five minutes. Then
irmriiKiiH nmir In the milk, stirring
brlskl with a whisk Add salt. Whole
black pepper, about 12. and a little
mushroom liquor or other flavoring If
at hand 9I1UI ' hoUOUet COmD03ed Of
six pa'sley stalks, stalk of pure cel-
r nne haA lear UQ SDflK VI lJ "
leat ana spns 01 mj.c
one clo e, and tie together and put in
the sauce Let it cook well lor i nun- i
utes Then strain carefully . I
Serve th!s"auee with a garniture of
mashed red pepper and cayenne. '
camoise for four people, I
Take- two kingfish or bass, each
piece aooui one pouno, jka.n.e on wc
filet, salt and pepper them and cover
wiin nour inen coon. m in wvi..
Hae ready four pieces of eggplant cut
I lengthwise sail ana pepper ie.
"'.. ,hM,h nnnr- and frv them
I In oil.
Ju.0 .. -w 0- .. . -- w
IX C 1VUI IV -Jl.vin, b..f. ..- .
aAAa aAnr tkAm In a tVlll ttrith SL llttlft I
butter, oenner and salt.
To serve Place the eggplant on
a long dish and put a filet of fish on
each slice of eggplant. Cover with
the stewed tomatoes and over this
spMnkle cheese, chopped very fine and
some fine herbs. Fine herbs, utvd so
much In French cookery, consist of
half a small onion, two shallofc. two
sprays of parsle, two pieces of chives
and the cloves which already figure
In this recipe. The "fine herbs' are
chopped very small.
a movement, not a pose, not s rhythm
which is a necessary result or-a logical
development, this art is only, an ex
pression of degeneracy All the move
ments of our ballet schools are sterile,
because they are In conflict with na
ture, because they strive to establish
the illusion that the law.of gravitation
does not exist to tbem.
The first or fundamental movements
of the new art of dancing must bear
within themselves the germrf rota which
; witmn tnemseives tne gernyirota wnien
I may spring the series of ale the ulterior
movements which will In turn engender
thtft hiirheRt forms. tll4 ArnrpsslAn of th
loftiest motives and ideas ad. infinitum.
Ballet Danelnjr Deforms Body.
To those who. in spite of all, find
pleasure in looking at the evolutions of
our ballet dancers. I will say that they
look no further than the ballet skirt
and the tights. If their ees were able
to look further, they would discover,
under the ballet skirt and the tights,
the deformed muscles, and under the
muscles a skeleton equally deformed.
1 It Is a deformed body that dances be
fore you and this is what condemns the
modern ballet.
Every pose. eerj gesture of ancient
.sculpture shows uasan example to imi
tate Among the thousands of figures
handed down to us on Greek vases and
has reliefs, you do not Ifnd one move
ment which docs not suggest the ones
that preceded It as well as those that
are to fellow jit. This is because the
ancient Greeks -were excellent observers
of nature, in which ei erything. Is the
expression of an evolution, which never
stops, which progresses Incessantly, and
which knows no end or stagnation.
In ancient times, the dance Was the
noblest of all arts. It must regain this
position or honor once more. The iinc.
lng gri or tne future must attain a
position so high that all other arts will
get new Impulses from the one she
cultivates. Her mission is to express
by her art all the moat beautiful, most
healthy, most mora tn art. and It Is
to this mission that I am Consecrating
my life.
nothing about. It meant the end ot
the knights, the plumes and 'the ar
mor, the end of the aristocracy and
t?l1L.,nherUea Privilege, and the final
establishment of the democratic rule
which was to sweep away all kings
and nobles, all artificial social and le
gal distinctions, and make all men
equal before the law
. Before and up to Pavia. the Impor
tant military arm was the cavalry
The best results
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ER BAKER (Ei CO. Limited
' Healthy Mothers and Chil
dren IViaKe nappy nones
Hotherhoodtewoman's highest sphere
in life. It9wriirnitkn of her dearest
hopes and greatest desires; yet thou
sands of nol&wofliea through some de
rangement bawe been denied thi3 blesing.
In.many boraea once childless there are
now children because of the fact that
Lydia E-Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
makes women normal.heal thy and strong.
San Antonio, Texas. "To all women
who desire to have children in their
homes and to be well
and happy I recom
mend Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Compound. I suf
fered from a dis
placement and other
female weakness.
Lydia E. Pinkham's
was the only remedy
that ever helped me,
and nowl am ahappy
mother and highly recommend your med
icine, to all my friends." Mrs. A. B.
Martinez, 121 S.tLaredo St., San An
tonio, Texas.
Brooklyn, N.Y. "I was ailing all th
time and did not know what the matter
was. -1 wanted a baby hut my health
would not permit it I was nervousmy
side ached and I was aH run. down. I
heard thatLydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound was good and took the medi
cine. I have now a beautifaHjaby and
your Compound has helped me in every
I If -r T T &.....H . ...w OOQUm.
i j
uuhilou, xruoujyn, xx. i .
" . t. ,ij. -i
11 JOB TTant Special aaTlCe 1TTlte-9
Lydia E. Plntham Medicine Co. (COaf-
' . i 111
dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
foe opened, read and. answered by a
.o.,, afl T,Plfl ln strict ranMMca.
I TTOEian ana fleia III SIT1C. COHJMlfcace,
After Many TriaJs, In Which
Her Daughter Also Fig
ured, Help -Comes at
- Last to Mrs. Smith
of Goldsboro.
GeWshoro, N. C T was forty-eight
years old, and suffered greatly from
aeuralgia." writes -Mrs. Btta A. Smith,
of Goldaboro.
"I also had many other distressing;
symptoms, not uncommon among ladles
of my age.
TheyKwere pains lr. shoulders and
arms. In the left side and left thigh.
My head ached too. occasionally
A physician treated me and tried his
best to help me. but could give me no
I. then, took Cpirdui. the woman s
tonic, with the result that I am now
' My daughter has also used it and
was greatly benefited.
I can recommend Cardui to other suf
fering women. "
When a lady, who has had to suffer
from troubles peculiar to her sex. finds,
at last, as Mrs. Smith did. in Cardui. a
medicine which restores her to health
ana energy, can you oiame ner, tor
wishing others to know of her good
of afrs. Smiths helpful ex
perience should encourage you to try
what Cardui will do for yon.
Try a bottle today. At any druz
store. m '
. N. B Write toi Ladies Advisory
Dept. Chattanooga Medtelne Co, Chat
tanooga. Tenn, for Special InMtrnetloa,
and tH-page boofc. "Homo Treatment
for Women," sent In plain wrapper, on
the armored height on his armored
steed was afcle to ride down e poor
devil of a foot soldier who, tike
enough, bad on nothing thicker than
a hemnen shirt.
But, wmi tne in-
I fantrvman cot a gun in We hand he
was more than tae M' 01 tne
knight, and with his gwapowder ally
he shot his way to freedom.
There would have bean plenty of
Francis the Firsts and Charles the
Fifths today, buf for the discovery of
gunpowder the greatest - all the In
strumentalities of hawKin progress.
Britain's Tongues.
Wlbta the aaijow tjoiapass oX tat
British Isles np fewer than seven lan
guages afe sfjoken. They are Bag
113b.. Welsh. Brse in Ireland). Manx
(In tbe Isle of Man. where, until re
cently, church services were conduct
ed in that tongue). Gaelic (in Scotland
French in the Channel islands, and
Cornish in Cornwall. Though the to
tal tor bis own Islands is seven
tongues, yet is the Englishman said
to be the poorest linguist in the world.
M 9f.
V 'r
Highest Awards in Europe and -America
.uJKni' 1 Jt,K, MA55.

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