Saturdav. PVI.ruarv 24. VV2
Weir-Drilling Methodl-In the Mimbres Valley
By K. Beiiekek, Deming, N. M.
-j. hhhhhk immammmEgesgittM&BBBSgtt'IISflB&KKEm''''''-! ggsjMga
wells form the basis ,
of the farming: development In
tli- Mimbres valley. It has bee
d monstrated, and the reports of vari
c engineers of national reputation
a - 'nnclusl-ve. that the water supply
of the Mimbres valley is ample to con
fer: the entire area of Ue valley into
c n- huge alfalfa field. We know where
the water is. and the character of
strata in which it occurs. Therefore
the matter of reclaiming: the Mimbres
i.-'lley resoUes itself Into the mechan
ical proposition of devising cheap and
effe tive rr-ans of getting the water
into the top of the ground.
There are those who claim that a
I i 'jerly constructed wen in mis vaney
jld develop artesian water. Two ar-
tsisn well experts who have recently
sited th. valley are of this opinion.
- W Bramlette. of California, who
i s b-en in the artesian well business
t r , ears states that there is abso-
lu-U no doubt that this region ha
tes:an water. He outlines the fol-
1 'ng method for developing it. The
v 1 drill needed, according to Mr.
H amlette, is that known as the Cali
fornia type. Stovepipe casing should
t ued and forced down immediately
ft ilowing the drill.
Shoal CteyBeep.
The hole thould be.pat down 808 or
i oo feet, .nd an accurate record of tha
m a Vrt A r Ant W kun hsa W.&1 a la nnvnatLaaar Aj4
it is. of course. omaM from top to hot-
torn with stoe-pipe casing.
f ' rator should then be
(side the casing, and the most
kely stratum let In by perforating
t e casing For instance, say that It
U found that bj perforating a stratum
at 520 feet, the water Is forced up to
within 10 feet of the surface. The then knows that the 520 foot
stratum has artesian pressure. Say
i: at ne nrxi periuriieB uie siraium ak
30" reet, ana rinas tnat tne water low-
,-. u tutu. ftr ...oh urrnnttton Thin .
shows him that in subsequent wells,
tre 300 toot stratum is to be left cased .
off He next perforates the stratum at
the 740 foot level, and finds that the ,
water rises This shows him that this
stratum has an artesian head. Thus by
e' urinating those strata which have no
artesian head and merely allow the I
water frpm the well to flow out, and
hi determining whach strata have ar-
teslan pressure and letting them and
i' em only into the well,- Mr. Bramlette
It of the opinion that artesian water
can easily be developed here. No such
well has been attempted as yet.
T Ij. Grimm, an experienced deep
wfll man. of Sapulpa, Okla.. visited
I'eming tni week, and expressed ex
aitlv the same conviction a that ex-p-essed
by Mr. Bramlette.
Paap Beat Artesian.
However, there Is little interest in
Pimpfes All Over !t. Used Cuticura
Soap and Ointment, Disfigure
ment Disappeared as If by Magic.
Now Entirely Wait,
IS W. llh St.. New York, X. Y.
"Abcut a year ago, after betes shaved, I
noticed lMrimfrrHrBertU)e, wMefer -
coauncaosd to nca me
terribly. I tHBk I must
have scratched it when
asleep. My tece got swoBes,
and soon after many other
pimples also began to ap
pear, so that they wen all
over my face. I tried aH
kinds of medietae and salves,
but without any effect.
Noticing the advertisement
of Cutieura Soap and Oint
ment in the paper so many times, I decided
to get some. In a little while the itching
stopped entirelv ami' the swelling went down.
I kept on using them ana K seemed a fa all
my disfigurement disappeared as if by magic.
In all it too'., about one month to get rid
cf it Now I am entirely well, thanks to
the wonderful Cuticura Soap and Ointment."
(Signed) Louis TaubenteH, Nov. 11, 1911.
Kept Scratchiag ad Making Sores.
263 Southampton St Buffalo, N. Y.
' For the past eight years I have been troubled
with dandruff and scaly places on the seaip.
I k(t constantly scratching my scalp and
making sores. I had tried a gnat number of
remedies but to no avail. Now my scalp is
perfectly dear, after usinc we box of Ctrtieura
ointment aado cskss o? CnMcnre Soap."
Signed) Mbs L &&&&. oc. 24. 1911.
ruticuta Soap and Ointment are sold
rve-rwhere. Sample of each mailed free,
w tr 32-p. book. Address, "Citicuri,"
Dep' T Boston Tender-faced men should
shave with Cuticura 'Soap Shaving Stick.
Bookkeeping, StenoBrapUy, Snciun,
R F' Davis. Manager. Thones 14SI
Trast Bid. HI Paso. Tex.
Ladies' Panamas
ar-I straw hats-ateo all kiads o!
mens hats eleaupd and re-btoojced.
Mail us your hats.
105 Texas St ;
Western Moter Supply Co.
Special attention given to majl ejiW
406 Saa Francisco St El Pase, 1Us.
Pbeae fell 536.
Automobile Supplies and Accesenes.
Axeofe for tjoofr "res.
Globe- Wernicke
Files and gggkeases
ellip" BROS. PBOrTUrG CO.
Asa any business man or educator la
I . Taso as to ttr best School tor 7a
J P Wuiiin, Freslaeatt
' ' ' - - -
this valley In artesian water. The
nnmnime nrAimnnmi le rflnHlflereu iae
Safest, the least expensive.
ana 111-
around the best proposition. So there
is much more interest In developing
in artesian water. At the present !
tiipe there are more auger-outttts in
the valley than any other type, and
many pood wells hare been put down
with tti.. 4r. rpha wualt Af tsh TJt-
awi llltC A saw nw wa. a-asiw - .
tie Vineyards Co, probably the largest
wall in the valley, was put uown oy
one of these rigs; the wells of M.L Mc
Brlde, P. K. Connaway. J. M- Snyder.
W. F. McRoberts, all good wells, were
put down ''with auger-outfits. Still
there is considerable dissatisfaction
with these rigs, on account of the
length of thne necessary to complete
; wen witn one. ween me waier-
strata are encountered, iney exramw
' tremendous reservoirs which later la
many Instances must be filled In with
fvej to prevent caving. -They have
j h advantage of putUng down a. large
hole and thus Rowing the InstaHHon
I ' the pomp at almast any level de-
! -"
Rotary Rigs Abandoned.
Rotary rigs for well-drilling in the
Mimbres Valley have practically been
abandoned. While drilling with this
character of rig. the sand and graTel
strata carrying water are clayed up so
as to are vent caving until the hole Is
completed and the casing Inserted.
Then the -clay so used must be pumped
i through the screen In order to develop
i me weu. n nas oeen iouna tnai some-
times Oils works and sometimes it does
qui. ai any rate, ma ciaius ul wa
in order to make the hole stand up Is
considered a dangerous practice.
There are many ordinary dug wells
In the Mimbres Valley furnishing water
for Irrigation. The well of Reed" and
Carter, a .mile west of Demlng, Is a
good example of this type of well. It
is dag with pick and spade down 65
feet. Then the pump was pumped on
to keep the water out of the way, and
well-diggers dug as much deeper, as
possible, about five feet A perforated
cement brick curbing was used In the
bottom of this weU, and it has Proved
- successful. The plant at present
delivers about five hundred gallons of
water per minute, and tie well itself
cost not to exceed J 10000
The lUr-TIgM ," ell.
A nw type Of well known as
air-tight well" is now being tried out
here by Messrs. McMath Bros., of vaea
ville, Calif. They used a No. 5 Key
stone rig operated with a 26 horse
power steam engine. A regular drop
drill is used for ordinary boring, and
the drill is replaced by a sand-backet
when caving strata are encountered,
the casing being1 forced down right
after the sand-bucket. The ordinary
well of this type is cased wiyi twelve
Inch casing down to the bottom of the
first water-bearing stratum, and the
hole is then reduced to eight inches
an? continued on down as before
through, the second water bearing
stratum. K the two strata thus far
encountered seam to be strong enough
to furnish tne amount of water desired
the well is stopped at this point. A
niece of eight ich casing is cut just
long enough to reach from the topf
the second stratum to the top of the
first stratnm. -This piece of casing is
dropped down in the eight-inch hole.
The larger twelve-inch casing is then
tacked np nntll Its lower end Is Just
Below the level of the first waterbear
ing stratum, thns leaving access for the
water Into the well between the lower
end of the twelve-inch casing and ttae.
upper end of the eight inch casing, and
also through the lower end of the eight
Inch easing which is embedded In the
second stratum.
DIksIbc; the Pit.
A nit is then dug around the easing
of sufficient size to allow tne lnstala-
Uon of the character of pump desired
' down bo the water-level. At the wa-
'ter-teel the twelve-incn casing is cut
anji the pump Installed, using tne cas
ing below as a suction, and reducing
from the pump to the regular twelve
TncH casing which acta as the dis
charge. This type of well has not been thor
oughly tested Here yet. The only one
now put down is that of Dr. O. O. Os
born, four miles east of town, and the
pump is not yet installed, so it is im
possible to say what the well will de
liver. There are now some fifteen well
rigs in the valley all wfth contracts
ahead, on firm having as many as ten
contracts to fulfil. As expedience in
this field is enlarged. better and
cheaper wells are possible.
Roswell Humane Society
Elects Officers For
the Year.
Ros'weU, N. 1L. Feb. 21. The Pecos
Valley presbytery of the First Pres
byterian church will meet here the
2th of April, continuing over three
The wives and slaters of the local
Knights of Pythias are making prepar
ations for an organization of Pytntan
W. It Shelby & Sons, owners of the
Las Lunas farm, having 100 acres,
make a' specialty of chickens and
have received 50 fine prize winning
If hite Leghorns from St. Louie. They
have ordered a carload of young apple
trees which they will set out. Mr.
Shelby is president oi a shoe company
of St. Louie,
The Retailers and 'Merchants of
Roswell baTe organized an association
with- Sam S. Toms as secretary. Clark
Dilley of the Dilley Furniture com
pany is president
I The Rosa-ell Humane society has
elected the following officers this
week: President. Mrs. John T. McClure;
rice president at large. W. E. Rogers:
l lce president ward -No. 1." Mrs. Grace
,. "2, y?.e President ward No. 3.
v"'sS-iE.JIThMTl,TTiS Prewwt ward ,
No. 3. lira Joe J. Jaffa: vice president
1 dent ward No. a. Un w' r- -aSt '.
vice president outlying school district!
Re. A. E. Crile, vice president outly-
"K cmi amino, w. ju. Hodges- sec
retary. N. O. Shanks: tressm' ??.
I Maude B. Keller: board of directors in- I
eluding, the officers. G. TTeilfVrs.
! S",Ki VT."' ? . "ervey and J. S.
"). w one 10 be supailed. itrhii.h
will in all likelihood be iauVe cltu
bua district0- ' Mrr the lSS-
Austin. Texae. Feb. 4!. gdwin it
Freeman, who, as a, member 7th" vlel
torloue debating team of the JM tX
ht?h school, lalt year won a hit
ship ot the unlverilt? or Tex J T? th I
truulonai college fraternities. l x e
i David Mulcahr. of Bl Paso -,. ftn
rnnlntAj Ab9tnnOM - . v, wag ap-
Somilttee for tl , annual rSSSSSJ
given by the fresgwjM of tbe?&n
stty. lorman MoIrW01 , Vaj7e
Paao. served a bualness maSiireV for
the freshmen etfltlon of UitrSutn an5
ha been elected to maraVarAI in -press
club All three of 2?
" aTnVTr -SZ. 5?ty.
A standing-room crowd snMt i- f.'-
I laughter in the auditorium !
'""PHI Its Sl(
ie aaouorlum ot the
the Curtain Subpre
rlio' (The Fan), trans-
anoitorlnm oi the
ersitr wane t
neniCTi mi6iiu lineman I trans.
lotaJ hv lrrtf RtarV V... -" . .n
ItalUn. Thornton Hardie, t Splao
was a jMtrtlcJpant. " Jil a-
Students of the university of Texas
are almost unanimous in the supaort of
Got. Woodrow Wilson for the presi
dency of the United States and his
most enthusiastic supporters have or
ganized themselves into the Woodrow
U ilson rlub Thornton Hard'r, or El
Paso ts chairman of the press com
mittee. ",
II m, UJHbbP ' I
I! This Car Costs $1500
OU must
Demlng. K. K.. Feb. 22. J. H.
O'Reilly, of Albnquorque, N. M vice
president of the Occidental Life In
surance company, has been in Demlng
fflr several days Investigating the val
ley ffcr the purpose of .adtftslDK his
company as to the advlsaUnity of mak
ing loans on farms lajKU In this vicinity-
Mr. O'Reilly states that with
out Question there has been the most
phenomenal development in the Mim
bres valley of any portion of New
Mexico. He says that he will recom
mend Mimbres valley farms to his com
pany as first class security for loans.
"I was here 10 years ago," said Mr.
O'Reilly, "and drove all over this
country from the upper end of the
Mimbres to the Mexican line and from
T.ewis flat
to tne western portion of
the county.
and In those years it was
Spanking does aot care children of 4
wttUae. Thm is a ceattltuUonal easse fer
tola trsable. Mr. M. Saaraen. Bx w,
Notre Dame. lad.. Trfll sead free to any Better
her fsecessfal bcoe treatment, wha fail
laatroctlens. Send no mosey, bat write her
to4ay if Toor children trouble tob la this
way. Don't blame the calld. tbe chances are
It can't help it. His treatment also cures
sdolte aad ared people tronWed wltt crine
dlfflcnlUej by djr, 55 nisit.
i i&V yJ W&B
What More
judge v values by comparing values. A dollar
article from one man is worth only one dollar from an
othernot a dollar and a half. Smith, who pays a higher
rent, operates extravagantly, and does little business, must take
care of his " overheads " by inflating values. Therefore, he tacks
an extra ten to twenty per cent, on everything he sells. But
Jones, who sells the same goods, but.sells more of them, and does
not have the additional rents and numerous other overhead
charges to take care of, sells you his standard goods minus this ten
to twenty per cent, inflation. Jones is the man to deal with.
Apply this to automobiles.
The car shown here is our famous, forty-five horsepower
touring rar. It is priced at $1500. . This'car "has everything of
any practical value that any $1800 or $2000 car in America has.
Do you question this ?
Then run over these facts:
First of all, this car has a powerful forty-five horsepower
motor. It seats five large passengers. The operating levers are
in the center where they should be. The selective transmission
is fitted with the finest F & S annular bearings the best made.
It has a full floating rear axle. Both front and rear axles are
fitted with the famous Timken bearings. The pressedsteel frame
has a double drop. The magneto' is a Bosch. The tires are big.
The bpcly is'finished in deep rich Brewster green trimmed with
heavy nickel plate. The lamps are dead black trimmed with
nickel. Self-starter only $20 extra.'
It is a magnificent, strong, powerful car. It has all the beauty
and comfort that is possible to get in a popular priced car. You
cannot find a weakness or a flaw. It is sound and thorough.
Neither the chassis nor body could be improved upon. It is
The Willys
The1 Demlng office pi the 1 Paso
Herald Is room 11. Mahoaey b.lock.
Roy Bedichek Is agent and corre
trpondesk The Herald's distributor In Deem
ing Is C C Rogera. room 1. Deck
en bulldB, telephone 213. The
Herald will he delivered to all
parts of the city s&ttie night of pub
lication, at SS cents per month.
a day's trip with a good horse from
one ranch house to another. Such a
thing as farming was unheard of. the
entire valley was given over to range
cattle. I have made several trips out
of Deming in the past few day over
your splendid roads and- hays seen an
agricultural development that has as
tounded me. Without the witness of
my own senses I would not Tiave be
lle ed such development possible. Tour
Immense pumping plants, orchards,
gardens and farms occupy space which
but a few jears ago was given over to
the cactus anj mesqutte I am familiar
with all parts ot New Mexico, and I
can sa without fear of overstate
ment that development In this valley
has exceeded in rabidity that of any
section of the state. I have been Im
pressed als' with the superior ring
of farrin r who are now operating !n Mimb'es alle I'undit mi a-f
such a1; in fncourage "ulentif' fi "
ing, and )ixe doubtless st.j t a.t
- Overlaiicl Company, Toledo, Ohio,
fft Distributors J15IN
LV wU Geo.L.
Model 61-T WheeJfcase. llicctes. r??y 5-passersertourS:2: raptor. x4K. horsepower,
tS; Bosch magneto: tires, 5tx4 .m Q I . fico. Brewster green. Jvpry stripe, all bricht
parts nictej-plaied. Three black and nickel cii lamps, two black aad niciel gas lamps,
with gas tank and horn. Price. J1500. Self-starter. $20 extra.
tract just this character of men. This
valley, in mv opinion, is destined to
become one of the choicest garden
stots of New Mexico. I shall recom
mend warmly to the Occidental lft,
Insurance compan; the advisability of
entering this field with money to loan
for actual development work."
Bays Meter aad Pump
O. H. Cooper has Just purchased a
SO horsepower electric motor and a
No. 5 turbine pump for equipping a
well on bis desert claim three and a
half miles southwest of Demlng. He
has 20 acres of land broken and ready
for water and Is having another 40
acres put in proper condition.
Howard Dudley, of Los Angeles. Cal..
Is in Deming on business.
Mrs. J H Rogers, of Portage. Wis,
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A W
pollard of this place.
Frank DeLaunay. who has been em
ployed here as assistant In the South
ern Pacific roadmaeters office, has
taken a position in Benson. Aria
chief car repairer and has
gone to
Benson to live
The remains of F. C Freeman, who
was Killed at Jiogouon the firs of the
ween in a niu"'. were snipped tnrougn
here en route to his old home In Pasa-
dena, Cal . there are hundreds of genuine letters
Mr and Mrs Oeorge R Weed have -received bv him and which Mr Fow K r
returned to their home in Brooklyn. 1 is proud ot and which would make m
N T. after spending Reveral days vis- terevinir reading for s'omach suffer
ing their old friends Thomas and . er It Is this honestv in dealing that
P.ichard Hudson na hroust Fowler s" IndlKestion and
John manaerr of the western Ston 1, ' Vafers to tKe attention of
di!s!on of t'i Har.j house system, the ; .bl k. within t' past year and
1800 Get You? 1
11 I
made of the best material on the market by the most modern
Can you pick any $1800 or $2000 car that gives you more than
this ? To be sure, you might get a few inches Jonger wheel base,
or a little larger wheels, but what does that amount te ? And at
that, you will find the car with a little larger wheel base has a
much smaller motor. For all of which you are asked to pay any
where from $300 to $500 extra.
We repeat, there is not an $1800 car made that offers you any
more than this one for $1500. '
It is made by the largest factory in -the world. These enor
mous plants, by reason of their huge operations, can buy mater
ial, handle material, make parts, and sell cars at smaller costs
than anybody else in the business. We make 25,000 cars a year.
The average standard plant turns -out about 5000. That's tho
Right now we are shipping eighty cars a day. In round fig
ures this, is a business of about $72,000.00 a day. In a short time
we will be shipping 150 cars a day. This is a business of
$135,000.00 a day. Would these thousands and thousands of
shrewd people select the Overland in preference to all others if
we did not give them more car and a better car for less money?
There are over 2000 Overland dealers. (
Let our dealer in this city (name and address below) take
you out in this car and give you a thorough demonstration. Let
him show you the unusual value. See this car, then see some of
the higher priced cars. This will prove to your own satisfaction
that our $1500 car will give you all the power, speed, comfort,
service and wear that you can get in any $1800 car made.
Phone our dealer for a demonstration at once. t
spent several days in Demlng this week
on business. .
R. C. Edwards has returned from a
three weeks' trip to the Mimbres Hot
Mrs. V. & Hints ana Mis Anna L.
Chase have returned from two weeks
trip to 1 Anrelea. Pasadena and
other California points.
Charles Hutchison, route agent for
the Wells Fargo Express company. Is
here on business.
William Archer. weU expert for the
Santa Fe railroad. Is in Demlng on
Da. Warnock, dentist, at tasth. $10.
Plans are belna
for the
construction tff a SI
lagr at San Antonfa.
office build-
Says to tell Your Friends
If You Have Been Helped
av 1 ts
People who have been cured Of
stomach trouble by the use of Fow
ler's Indigestion and Stomach Wafers
are asked tto tell their friends about
it There are manj people in this
city who hive done this already but
as 1 there MH many stomach surfer-
, ers who should know of this remark-
1 aoie cure. x fr ui ruwivi o
Indliresttnn and Stomach Wafers does
not use testimonial letters on account
of their great misuse by irresponsible
-v-AnAT st? stiiesrlnnnhlA rampiIlM but
, I
m in i
- 1Jrp!?n St
risher, Manager
.p ,
A lawyer, noticing that the court
had gone to sleep, stopped short in,
the middle of his speech.
The sudden silence woke the judges
and the lawyer gravely resumed:
As I remarked yesterday,
The Bottle Post.
The "bottle post" is an old Institii
tion on tbe soatb coast of Ireland. Let
ters are pat into corked bottles, which
are waited by tbe wind to the opposite
roast. Tber also contain a clgur or
stber trifle to induce the finder to de
ltas: tbe letter as addressed.
dlcinmBnd "0t known before b?
any medicine.
'owler's Indiaeation o,i
Wafers are rrmirW.Ki. ,r piomact
The-. Uttle waferTaVeconvenUnV"
S have no bad taste of med'
,c,Ltybare bel up and swal
lowed, quick ry aaslmilatIn with fj.
atnmateh tnlco. .- vT J? witn tea
d brinsring Instant
indigestion, djspen-
hearthurn. wimn.
reller. xney cure ir
sia. gas. sourness.
from overeating.
rn. cramp
stomach catarrh. Evm" h-i . a',"1
under an
ron hninJ ,.. 'a 5"ii
If the onrchs. 1; ..r "t,'nJ.e t ii
Is not satisfied
Harry I Fowler Sor. Vi' -
. and enclosing 10 cents in stamps.