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El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931, February 24, 1912, Week-End Edition, Image 3

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Saturday, February 24, 1912
Proclamation Declares He
and Orozeo Will Lead
the -Hosts.
(Continued Xrom Page 1.)
was iput up'ibny wouH accept Mtn. Thl
fact that tb7 have fKoeiaimei Gen. Tre
rino as thefer taau for president and hat
he had already been suggested by the
Mexico .(Sty ooofcraeeBt, leads to the
llief tfcat it ia a comeromise and that
M adera it J Ret eat.
fceu. Trevino is so Jreal army offieer,
over 70 years old, and fc at preseat com
mander of the thwd Mexican military j
rone at Monterey. He baa wrved his
country lonjr. is recognised as a capable J
man and a brave general, and is loved
by many of the e9BJe of the country.
A nusabex of venrs ago be married an
American woman, a dejjbter of Gen. E.
O C. Ovd, at that time comcnandin: the
flfpartmnnt of Texas. Gen. Old is wr ,
dead. i
Tip Proclamation, j
After accusing Madero of being a i
traitor to his country and false to his
people In almost every conaelvable j
particular the authors of the remark- j
able circular aay. I
"1 As Initiator of the revolution j
Francisco I Madero has been false to
the principles and has failed to carry
out the provisions of the plan of San
Luis Potosl.
Anti-Alan-lcaH Sentiment.
"2 Madero carried on his revolution
with the aid of money furnished by
American millionaires and with the
Indirect approval of the government
of the United States, as has been
demonstrated by many personal declar
ations made by Madero.
"I Madero welcomed to the ranks
of his army, filibusters of American ?
and other foreign nationalities, who
were employed to murder our Mexican
brethren .
"Debauching the Nation."
"4 Madero robbed the nation of its
best blood upon pretext of discharg
ing from the service the foroes of the
"o Madero debauched the nation,
n hen by use of armed force he nulli
fied the effect of the recent election and
brought about his own election to the
presidency and that of J. M. Pino
Juarez to the vice presidency of the re
public "
"Wall Street Millionaire."
Paragraph C of the document is of
much the same tenor as Is paragraph
B. and paragraph 7 charges that within
two days after his election he was paid
$14,000,000 by Wall street millionaires
under a pretext of using the money to
Improve the service of the national lines
of Mexico.
'8 -Madero is prejudicial to the na.
t:on and calculated to humiliate it In
the eyes of the world, for he has placed i
in the hands of the United States the 1
destinies of his country. I
"Madero Traitor and Ontlarr.T
"9 For the derelictions and crimes i
stated above Madero Is proclaimed a
traitor to his country and an outlaw."
The election of a vice president is de
clared a usurpation" of authority not
warranted by law and under the new
revolution there 'will be no such officer.
Keforma Demanded.
Much space is devoted to declara
tions of reforms which the new revolu
tion will put-in effector it succeeds.
State control of public utilities, par
ticularly of railroads. Is especially
featured. The present Inadequate sys
tem of popular education will be great
" improved, it Is promised, and sweep
ing refoms In the administration of the
land department will be Inaugurated.
The. whole concludes with an appeal
4o the -people, with special reference to
the soldiers of the nation, to give their
aid to the bringing dboct of an era
of peace and prosperity by the over
throw of Madero and the election of
r,en. Trevinlo to the presidency of the
Net Credited In Capital.
Mexico City, Mexico, Feb. 24. Min
ister of foreign affairs Calero laughed
at the reoort that Geo. Oeronlmo Tre-
i ino had Joined the revolutionists and j
expressed doubt of the truth of the j
Fforv that Oroaco bad proved dIsleyaU .
Hts opinion was shared by other mem- j
" ts of the cabinet. i
Gomez Is Skeptical. f
San Antonio. Tex., Feb. 24. Kmillo
"Casque Gomex does not credit the re
T'ort that Gen. Pascual Orosco has
Inined the rebel ranks. He raid he be
lieved the rumor would prove untrue.
Madero the ingrate. That Is the label
lme Powan horse nail merchant from
Mexico baa attached to the former hero
of the Mexican revolution, whose star
5k fading like a peroxide blonde In a
sh ower.
Tnaratitude is the undoing of the
Mexican president. Cowan says. He ar-rivf-f)
in El Paso Fridav from a little
trtr. tbroueb Mexico which Included a
mils down the west coaat. a launt on
mulebacV across the dvide and a brief
trip bak im the east coast from Teplc
to the Bio Grande.
"You fear ! in the club in Mxlco
ctf you e it In the streets, and you
listen to t over the strong Mexican
(r.fr.e in the aclendas of the Interior."'
Towan avs "Madero Is beilved to b
nrTeteful to the friends Who starved
and froe and fought for him In the
i ,,rth when fie was struggling to make
1 s little revolution take its Jlrst in
fant steps."
White Suits for Spring ,
We show a beautiful line of whit wool suits in Bcrgo, Bed'
ford cord, whipcord. oline, ratine, etc Handsomely trim
med in lace, fringe, braid, battens and ifetine in colors. All
exclusive styles.
Tailored Suits for Spring
A varied collection of women's fashionable spring suits ol
novelty mixtures and mannish effects, stripes and cueelvs
and double face cloths. You will also find all the newest
and most popular spring shades of sge, diagonal, worsteds,
etc. All styles are exclusively our awn.
Changeable Taffeta Suits
Paris bad New York are fairly wild over these garments.
We have them in the changeant brown, green, blue, corona
tion and the 'chameleon like taffeta. The new cutaway ef
fects predominate. 'Many are trimmed in fancy bnaids. f
Changeable Taffeta Dresses
These models run from tie extreme simplicity to the height
of elaboration. Laces are very extensively, employed the
many varieties ctf the Macrame and Cluny feeing most fa
vored. All the two-tone shadings of the new spring season
made up in charming styles.
The New Lingerie Dresses
These models will give you an idea of the season's vogue.
There are dainty and fashionaiblo gauments of lace and eaa
broiderr and lingerie and marquisette in styles and models
thwt are correct and wonderfully beautiful. There's a splen
did array to choose from. We invite your inspection.
The New Serge Dresses
Exquisite models in plain white serge and pin snpe serge
dresses, also blue and black serge (models. Jiest of them
are the popular coat styles, having round collars, -4, sleeves
trimmed in Mack satin, colored broadeJottis, Cluny laceuad
colored silks. Women's, misses and junior's sizes.
The " Popular' s" Ready-to-Wear Sec
tion Is a Garden With the
Daintiest Blossoms
of Springtime
...... . r4" mvaeY"a-&n2 t . "Z i
fl r2aflUL, -JfJ 1 lM0.2i.lKaa. I I .'jg&g
v V
An Unequalled Display of the New Millinery
A Trn nnn fi?FATenVGoW11S At preseatrthew is perils no subject more interesting to he women n the caareet styles ia miltoexy for
VHCrnOOn & J- V Cll tj VJ U W il apnW-Sd THE "POPULAR" is an ideal place to gain first hand knowledge. An advance showing of the new ad rutfled.
spriBg models in millinery has no equaL There is an innumerable -variety ot fcecommg na noaz. creptct we Tcry
latest fcahioiis for spring, 1912. '
The shapes and stvles are varied enough to suit all f sees and to please woe of all tjpes. Vjsfc eur ffiilHaery
depaicmeat on tae seeooo. now ana see uus ziKuresvii mrajr ui cawibwc ctv uaaj - ..,-w
Spring Wraps and Coats
You will want one of these light spring ooatenad trf wt
llnedTrorst and saw wool reps, fflaeuatefe teraeda, iKhite
serges, bhic serges, ote. The low front oloaiBgsstyks are the
favorite, nsmUy closing with a single high, oraaaneat or
button, low at the left side waist ftoe or.eveR-krw a the
knee. You're welcome-to look.
The New Waists & Shirts
Our waist department is unusually active for so early ia
the season a. natural cause for never have we shovpi sueh a
diversified stock. Bverythiog is hers in silks, BHSsjanBe,
rolls, lingerie and tailored waists a the nesv madras, Hna
and silk shirts. Te Kpgerie wawte are profusely- tckaawd
wkfe kce and embroidery; chiny, Irish. as Val lace ca
bined with embroidery; etever initations of band work.
We- also shw tie allover teceand net (wiafete with, .the sty
lish 1'epJum elfeats.
Separate skirts contfaiue to-be cu&on Barrow, etraBht Bnea,
baok panel, eide plaits, simuteted tunte esta?. Hfe fta
pire top is again to be popular. Abo side front closing,
hafelt feack; also popularj largC hjaJf xoand pearl and
erystal taistona are fovoxed tite latter being lixanspacent,
take on thq color of the garment. Nickel asd-quartcs- sirw
are most ipopular.
The materials are (white serge, .whipcord, dfeonafe and. Bed
ford?, hnkline stripes, ateo B&ced wDrstedin tfee popwlar-tpwo-tone
corded variety.
Silk Pettic'ts Tea Gowns
Silk petticoats contwue-the staaat Knea. Wo.arewhowkjg
. . ; .. . a -- i j ti ;
a aaaasoHie eoiieuuon ox aaesuniie, nint am xtaanai
shirts in black and the season's' wanted colorings ;f ringed
We feature three modete one to, J&yer model of Maerame
lace over white satin; another, a Haffe model made of Co
penhagen taffeta trimmed in Irish ktce, and the third a
Poket model of cream chiffon over canary satin, rose point
lace trimmed with tinted beads forming fa. tunic effect.
The anost beautiful line of tea gowns ever -brought- to- SI
Paeo. Hade of crepe de chene, chiifbn over &, hica arts
chiffoa, etc Some fringed aadt ribbon rosette trkamed
othess with wide kce collars sad cuffs. Ask to. see tfcedu,
Fashion Favored Wash Goods
blind emhroidery; small and medkwi figures; beautiful sheer material
adapted to the nuking of lingerie dresses; 33 inches wide and 'J C g
worth to SL0O. Special for Monday, a yard e
fects. These pieces only come about two dess pattema to tfee piece. A
recent import shipment makes our stock complete with many gn
' dainty new dtesigns. Values to 75c Special, a yard
NO. 388 PLAIN WHITE FL AXON 36 inches wide; very heer and
pretty; regular 20o quality. We suggest you buy this by the bolt which
rams 30 to 36 yards. However, you may purchase as much as -j Ojfcs
you please at, a yhrd I
WASH FABRICS A big collection of 25c (fabrics now in and being sold.
Any one of which is exceedingly good taste for wardresses for the com
ing' season: Lorraine tissue gingham, silk stripe, voile, Won. Anderson's
supeos zepnyr gingos, uesrasi, jinttH, umuvj, vumw. c, i.f
t sa
woven wash voile, etc A yard
rf3 -T
Grold . and pink satin,
beautifully' embroidered
at a pair $4.50. Also
white satin slippers ar
stically tiTmmed in
gold. Pair $5.00
The Newest to he Had
w4th a very beauti
ful rhinestone orna
ment; the newest
thing for evening
wear. Pair... $4.00
new lot just opened Fri
day, consisthig of white,
pink, blue, red and black
satin; newest styles, at,
a pair "..$4.00
The, Spring Season 's
Newest Silks and Woolens
In the most beautiful color combira
tions. This soft, lustrous silk does
not only" denote style, but also dur
ability. Combine the two and you
have satisfaction in dress. See Mesa
Are. window display of
these ilks; special
of summer silks. Qome, make your
selection while our stock is com
plete. We show the newest designs
at special prices: 65c grade 35c; S5c
"Sbedwater" foulards 4Se; $1.00
otproaf . fiwlards 85c; $1.25
"Spotproof foulards SSc; and $1.75
changeable foulards d?1 QQ
at, yard JAOi7
a trip this summer, a dress or a coat
made from this material is just as
much of a necessity as your lunch or
auit case. Why not have it ready. We
import this silk direct. All weights.
Prices $2.00, $1.75, $1.50
$1.26, 98c, 85c and
inch black chiffon taffetn this is a
soft, lustrous finished silk, worth
SL25 iper yard, ilondav and
Tuesday special, a yard. .
WHITE WOOLENS We call partic
ular attention to our window display
of white -woolens, all of which will be
shown at a special price this wedk.
Bedford cords, whipcords, French and
storm eerge, diagonals, basket weaves,
herringbone white suitings with nov
elty borders and- many .other beauti
ful weaves suitable r one piece
dresses, skirts and coats.
wide; ideal for skirts, dresses and
coat suits. A beantifol range o new
cokrrs (fawn, reseda, ,for-get-e-not
bhie, nickel, Copenhagen, navy, leath
er, helio and sand brown. Hegukr
$1.25 value. Special, QQ,.
a vard ..J70C
Specials in Embroideries
Nothing appeals more strongly to a woman ssense
of refinement than dainty new embroideries. To
begin with ,tMs is not a sale of old stock or last sea
son ?s numbers- It is a sale of the seasonsnewest
and best products imported direct.
LOT 1 45-inch Swiss and baMste fiomieing in
baby Irish patterns. Excellent quality; material,
worth to $3.25. Monday, 1
a yard JdmL O
LOT 2 3 to 5-inch embroidery galloons in .baby
Irish patterns to match the above flounc- - q
ings. Values to $1.00. Monday, ayard-.-iOlvC
LOT 3 27-inch Swiss and batfete flouneings in
baby Irish effects; an exquisite range of patterns.
Values to $2.00. Monday, -a 1 tL
a yard v. 3p i. O
LOT 4 45-inch x Swiss and batiste Bouncings in
baby Irish effect ; gorgeous 1912 pat- . - fotL
terns. Values to $2.50. Monday, ayd..vD
LOT 5 2 to 64nch Swiss and batiste galloons and
bandings in baby Irish and filet effects. Atr
Values to-$l a yard; special Monday r? V
Our Letter Order Service
Beady to serve you. Requests for temples of the new patterns, wool
and silk fabrics promptly -billed. Kindly state shades prefened. We
pay espres changes en all orders of $5.0 and upward. A safeguard of
your money back on any goods bought if not satisfactory.
Mexicans Prom Mexico in;
Upper Valley Cause
Uneasiness. j
Anti-American feeling continues to
Increase in the upper valley from An
thony, on the Texas-New Mexico state
line, to Las Crnoes, according to the
acts enfyyei promptly
on ike towels, cleanses
Vsxz system effectually
assists one in overcoming
habitual constipation
permanentl.To get: its
beneficial effects.buj
'fclie genuine.
f-feoufacfured by ihc
$oU W leading drtKjgisjs -50j?er hoHle.
Cruz Gonzales, brother of Gov.
Ahrara Gonzales, of Chihuahua. Is ex
pected to arrive in EI Paso Saturday
pvening- with his family and will be
t the Fisher hotel. Xr. Gonzales has
Tn 111 at his Homo in Chihuahua and
T.-U reman, m an j-aaoxwjinnisiani- i . . ,Qi, rrh-v rp, armine
. .MA i ffci iMl. - Uvw.Je - n-iMA-o. cm-.. -
tneme elves viaa rmes aaa nuiumauu
revolvers In order to be prepared for j
any trouble which may occur in case i
of Intervention or an anti-American .
demonstration. i
A shipment of 1 rifles was sent from
Bf Paso to one of the valley towns Sat
urday, and by Monday practically every
ranch house will be an arsenal, to be
-need In case of trouble. The Americans
are arrang-ing; to send their families out
of the valley should any signs of trou
ble occur and a number of women are
now in K Paso from the upper valley
ranches, where the Mexican population
outnumbers tbe Americans in many In
stances. An uely incident occurred at the
ranch of Jfoet Longuemare neac.3Ion-
A Beautiful Bungalow
Home Furnished on
Mundy Heights
This is the largest and most
attractive bungalow in the
city, and located in an exclu
sive residence section, has 7
beautiful rooms, also, large
basement with large rooms,
furnace heated builtin book
cases with beveled plate glass
doors, builtin buffet, polished
floors throughout. Oriental
rugs, tapestries and curtains.
Early English oak furniture
with Spanish leather uphol
stering, is on 2 south front
lots 60x120 feet, terraced,
magnificent view. Not less
than J3500 cash will be con
sidered, balance easy. See it
and make an offer. Tel. 657
or 2005 Bell.
the country for the border to 5oin the
Mexican army
The native. New Mexicans are tak
ing no part in these demonstrations
and are loyal to their adopted govern
ment It is the floating laboring popu
lation from Mexico which is causing
the unrest in the upper valley.
Capt. JT R. Hughes and command of
rangers were sent up to Canutlllo Fri
day afternoon to investigate condi
tions. They found an ugly sentiment
among certain oi tne .Mexicans, but
ea mat iney am
resence necessary,
If you do, you'll save both time and
money by coming to us and getting
our prices first. Our prices are guar
anteed to be the lowest in the citv--
quality and workmanship considered. We use John
Boyle's awning stripe exclusively there is no better
and we guarantee every job we put up in every derail.
Phone us and our man will call.
Pass City Tent & Awning Co.
Roll 4.1 AA
klUii A AA
u". L, Gilliland, Mgr.
416 N. Oregon St.
toya. according to one or tne vaiiey i returned and report.
ranchers. Mexican "floaters" or tran- j not believe their br
slent laborers from the Interior, ap- Ranchers In the lpwer valley are also
plied tor work. When the report reached J buying arms and ammunition to pro-
there oi tne crossing oy misiaae or mo : tect themselves.
aeiacnroeni ui iuo 1010 iino-ucf into
Juarez, the men quit work and de
manded their money.
Longuemare was at the ranch alone
and paid them off. As they left the
ranch they shouted "Death to Ameri
cans," and other offensive names in
Spanish against the Americans. When
asked why they quit they said that
they -were going to fight the "grin
goes." Another incident is reported from
the same neighborhood In the lower
Mesllla valley. One Mexican boasted
that he could get 50 Mexicans, mem
bers of the famous "Bosque gang,"
which has terrorized the community
there for a number of years, and each
would pledge himself to IciH two
Americans and take as man horses
Philip Bowman, former sheriff of
Otero county, is hero from Madera.
Chih. He says that if Gov. Woodrow
Wilson wishes his daughter out of
Mexico he. Bowman, will be glad to
act as her escort and will guarantee
her safe delivery In El Paso.
Anfn 11 OR
Former Mexican ' consul Ellas, of
Tucson, is in El Paso on important
confidential business connected with
the present condition of affairs iiJ
Ellas is reported to have received a
number or telegrams at Tucson Frida
as possible and then "beat It' across from Mexican consul K. C Uoreut
and other prominent Mexicans in El
Paso, urging him to come to El Paso
at once.
'Silas is neither a Maderjsta nor a
Vasqulsta. according to the reports in
Tucson, and it is believed that his com
ing means the crystalization of a
revolution broader p scops than any
yet contemplated. Ellas Is said to
have made a statement to this effect
before leaving Tucson and to have come
to El PaBO at the earliest possible
moment to consult with the men who
summoned him here.
wwrYfw .'-, II nnrik. ?
a. -ujo n Jit ui'iy
Washington, D. C, Feb 2
Judge William H. Pope, the first
district judge of the state of
New Mexico, took the oath of
office before chief justice White
of the supreme court toaaj and
ten ror rania x e.
Sweetwater Loses Head
quarters After Long
Legal Fight.
Austin. Tex, Feb. S. .The attorney
general's department today approved an
amendment to the charter of the Kan
sas City. Mexico and Orient railway, of
Texas, providing for a change In the
? company's neaaquarters from sveet
i water to San Aneglo. This means the
-. end of much litigation on the part of
4 I the people of Sweetwater to resist the
4. i moving of the headquarters, but the
4- I last injunction against the companj 's
4 change has been vacated, and the head
4 ' quarters will now be at San Angelo.
The Yawman and Erbe
Manufacturing Co.
'Are the largest manufacturers of high class filing
equipment in the world
Nothing quite equals them.
Jhere is a
Record filin
Write Us.
w f ffwr ASrTf ri t W mlrArUu f I rit frlt.r "I rnr tt T
i liia
Full measure at Southwestern. Fuel Co.
Iry The Herald Wanfls

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