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EH PASO HERALD Saturday, Februarr 24, 1912 Or 7 ' Htffc3ffio3 1 -s- - f 1 .. T T Amusements allar Agents jfer Keo and R. & G. Prices See, S1.M, 55we iStVVy $2eft an &a. New goods of all kinds bw la and arrrrlng. Very strong line of ngrrr Ginghams. "The Barrrier" Sunday Night II '2-1 14 Sbuth Oregon St., Offers Special Inducements to Saturday Night and Monday Shoppers Tickets are now ou sale at the oflfice of the Crawford theatre for "The aulKAt niUIW'ITfUaac aornj &, 14IC 'I aj lirtsitir xvuivivn, m-tmtm j y m - e for one performanee only. The prices for this production, which promtee! " ' to be a real dramatic treat, range from 5 cents to $1.50. 3l 4 jfhargainj In lie sla - JH9k Halak HsssaB 25c fine sheer while linen laws, 96 i notes wide ... .-.30c -20c qnattty of sheer Hnea kint, 98 inches wide ..... . 16c 2Se Sbs waisting, 96 inches wide 30c 16c ifeens writable for skirts or waists, for ...... ....12-1-3C 80s floe nice quality ef India Btnen for . . 16c 15c India Linen, nice, soft finish, for ,.. ............ . ..... . . .....11c I lot of good white crtHteta Swiss .... 12-1-9 ariafe Swiss, ok salefor Me $L50 Hack petticoat, 16 inch flounce, for ..... 81.13 $20 Hack petticoat, on Bale at SL95. Black sBk patttsoats ........ $L6, $2,S i $3.95 -. JVTVH IKCHES OF SNOW PALLS Tiff SEUYHR CITT SUrer City, K. K, Fofc. 4. Nine Inches of enow fell In Riinr rtt-r this morning from - .C t-nrn nnlnalr until rtuvlirEt It - is still snowing- . .... WRINKLES GO QUICK Beauty Dorter and the Medical Pro fession Stand Ac bast In Amazement, Mnr-rellBf- at this Wondrous New Method of Removing Wrinkles, Which Has For Ages Baffled the Leading Experts sf the Earth. WRINKLE BOOK FREE) ?JCClDCQ p THE PRINCESS TOKIO Aew Method of BnoTln WrinHeal So Creams, So Plasters, o Hassase- Xo Masks, Xe Kellers- AbsotetelT New Treateasn. NeTer Before Offered hy Others In America. I Did you ever see a Japanese wo-Baa -with a clouded complexion? Jidrou evr see one with wrlaklee, Irreepectlve f"aeT The learn how they achieve and 1 maintain these Unea of" aplendld iomlnlne beauty. For the flrst Umeln America! the Prtaceae Toklo methods are being made known, and they are revelation. Never before have Christian women been able to solve the secrets of these oriental beauties, forms have been the marvel through the area. But at laat the treasare troVe 1S bee uliteaked. aad there Is wteSmeSIaSly?1 U& U a measare fun of atsteriy feeltag and svmpathy for the American ladies. It f iUaTwlUiout hesitation, all about the Princeas Tolcto new method of remev Ine wrinkles without harmful creams. pastee. lotions, ur !"" Seal aopUaaces. tSert t Ladles Orer 16 The Princess Toklo book la FREE to very lady who writes, except those over severity years of age. To these the Princess ToKlo methods eviend no hope i5or they have neglected themselves for such a long period, it la impossible to benefit through this knowledge aft er TO years of age. If you are a matron, would you like to look like a girl again? If yon aw fifty yeare af age, would you wish to look like a splendid young woman p twenty-fire? K you are lorty woald ylu like to look like a girl Just out of t teens' Then to you this book will be of lnesUmable value. Do not send a SInny Keep that in mind. There is Jo charge for Princess Toklo Book af Beautt It U a rare message for ladles wishing to learn of the new way. now d in that far-off sunrise land. Japan, where womanly grace and beauty have bn the guiding influences for count less ages. sbnd XQ MOOTBt. Under no circumstances will money bo Accepted for the Princes Toklo Book about wrinkles. Do not even Bend a stamp It is yours 22ue,2Lt,rt It will be glvaa to you wtltt a wflltag nand, by one who beUevea that thora to dawnaTthe moat apJewHd day for American women of aU ago to seventy. It la a message of. the Moat hearty good cheer, and 0 waKfca ! thing Amarican. It it a treat fc lis r rect instmctiona All yo JMf is to send and aak for a FRISB copy. addressing the Princes ToMoiBeaaty Co . Suite 151 Central Bank BttDdMg. 2nver. Colo Tou may rest assured that this book will be sent in a plain wrapper. It tells how to remove every wrinkle br entirely new treatment in only eight lavs In the same time blackheads I pimples and all facial blemishes f w ilisaopear It explains the new t- '-tA of beautifying the skin and r.--t.ig it soft ana smooth. 1 3 3S -- s-$-I&&i&&8il auraneww mi wm 1 i.-, $125 fine damask table linen for 9sc $1.00 fine, nice bleached table damask for .' .. 80c 66 inch fiae bleached mercerised table linen lor 50c 1 lot 55 iotk'iaW Hhen for . 21c 9-4 Meatied PeppereH Sheetasg"' for 24c 10-4 bleached Pepperell Sheeting for ,-..-..26c a 42 ineh FsfpareH PQTew Casings for .' . 12c 42 inch Atlantic Pffiew Tubing for 131-3c 81-80 heavy; linen finish sheets.. 62c 7290 sheets, good fair quality.. .37C 42-36 Pillow Cases on sale for ..10c 42-33 Pepperell Cases, each 15c; doc. $1.75 Boose Dresses for ladies $1.00, $1.25 and Sl.50 . . J..,,.MM.,,,,--M,M-M-t-Ma m waiaaaMU a SNEED CASE GOES TO JURY THIS EVENING F-ort "rabrth, Tesi. Feb. S-U The J. B. Sneed swrder case will go to the jury tonight Attorney "Win. XdLean jr., who began speaking this morning; will exhaust his time at : oclook. making the last argument for the -defense. Attorney "W. A. Hanger will close for the state and has three hours ana a half at his disposal. The trial has now been in progress 2? -days, Including three Sundays and ene holiday, and the Jury la beginning to show the effects of the long grind. Several of the attorneys also have been ill during the progress of the trial and unabln to nroceed. Judge Harry Hendricks, of Amarlllo. who was making an argument for the state at a night session last- evening, was taken ill and court had to ad journ. One of the Jurors fell asleep yes terday afternoon and siumoered peace fully for half an hour, while a lawyer was speaking. Jodie Hendricks, the last speaker for the state, this morning asked fer jl verdict of first or second degree mur der. Win. lacLean jr, snaking today for the defendant, asked an acquittal, say ing jails and penitentiaries were not built for men like J. Seal Sneed. He asked the Jury If It wanted to punish a man for defending his home and his wife, saying Sneed was the greatest home protector any country had ever ?een or heard of. A scandaloUB remark J about a woman from some rattlebrain young fellow, he declared, might not merit death, but when an old man of wide influence made such a remark, his gray hair aught not to protect him. "We have beaed all our lives," he HHpLyA WMssMU 7 ! aii jCrc Wi JFNfyi TEEonlrlra- S A t Wh fnl effect ef mWmiW akohel is ra fo a- Fs V $ffi B3e PP0"' seckraie ao&srfs, R is I 1 F ee of tfee greatest mis tokeakk ksewae jk ST No eiberagezt kHerrfB to science is s 7!akae jL at m praM&g good (eetie asd csxstqteak geed j El heAh ag pere alcdboL M tin It kaly k large amoaofe, eoued to& tamk f Wi acid aad fasel oil, tfeat it kiajarioHS. M O. Ib saderate amoats before meals andTHpareforas rS vl k kkvaksMe is cesaess kaaan ailraests. . II Pare Mal WMsicr n Li k wjdmg bt waklcey contammg alcoiol in fjjr j 1 ,tke purest, possible form, free from adulter- If n axis. Itissogoodawiaskey t&at it canbe Lj T msed.eTeaiaAfcseTerest cases efilkess. Pm mTl Bat fte kmaam beiagwho JXA I- v&ts alcokol k "abssiv e" ' dpfe. 1 I n aaSHaS9lHMfeaYefc y daWS Js n adeae entirely. m L 121-Sc best dress gingham for 10c y 1 lot of good dress gingham for 8 l-3c 1 lot of Cfaallie, nice for kimonos, for , 4c 1 lot crinkle kimono crape doth.. 14c 10 yards of best calice for 50c lOe double fold "dress and : skirting percales for .....8c 1 ' $2.00 boys' pants, all wool materials , $1.50 $L50 boys' pants on sale for $1.15 $H36 boys.' pants on sale for. ...95c $1.00 boys', pants for .-75C 18-36 inch, cotton hack, each 9c; dos. ..98c 20-36 inch bleached bath towels 15c Ladies' silk hose, strong top 35c and 5w declared, "that self-preservation in the first law of nature, but slnoe I have bean in this case I have reached, the conclusion that the protection of the home should be the first law efpa ture." MAIDEN LANE SCENE OF DARING- BURGLARY Great Jewelry District in a Panic Over Repeated Robberies. New York. N Y.. Feb 2t. Big Jew elry houses in tho Maiden Lane jewel ry district are in alarm today over the announcement of another diamond rob bery which occurred some time yes terday in the heart of that supposedly burglar proof section of the city. De spite the watchfulness of the police and numerous private detectives v. ho are constantly on guard there, the rob bers sained entrance to the 'vaults of the building- at 49 Maiden Lane and wallked away with a handful of gems valued at fli.ftM from the safe of Bmanuel S. Rose, wholesale jeweler. The burglars worked qrickly and skillfully. They were compelled to use an explosive in getting to Rose's private safe, but no one has been found who heard the muffled explos ion or suspected that anything was wrong. The Jewelers board of trade has employed private detectives to run down the robbers, who are believed to belong to the same gang which ex ecuted another clever burglary In the same district a week ago. Our Specialty is argains. Th best spot In the city bargains in real For The estate- pudding is the eating ofjt. Come in today and let us shoW you some bargains in that beautiful built-up addition, El Where every City Improvement is NOW. 10 DOWN, 5 A MONTH We haoe what you want. Austin Copies Building. SHOP IEINKTIIHS HIDO WILL OLTIMATELYPUTDDWNTHEREVOLUTIO ChUTChman Distinguislied Just from Interior of Mex ico, Is Optimistic. Biabop E. R. Hendrix, D. D., missioa ary tMwp to Mexico of the Mfitbcxfet Gptecs)al church south, .who is in El Paso presiding over xhe 21st annual confer ence of the Mexican workers of the M. E. cirureu, is of the opinion that tlie disturbance in Mexico will fall fteit and that Madezo will brine Mexico through, the disturbances. Bishop Hendrix has been holdi&c con ferences of the Maohodfct workers in SaKilto and Guadalajara, and went through to Mexico City before coming to re sMed States. Bishop Hendrix coosidors ou ambassa dor, (Mr. Wilson, a better informed mail on the condition of Mexico .than any other person in the republic. He says that Mr. Wilson has a very fevorajble opinion of Madero and. the men be has chosfea for his calbtnet, and believes that if 0veo. time the presidat will make Rood, as he bus not yet had a cianca to prove himself. "In Mr. Wilson's opinion president Madero is facing the same conditioa that confronted Diaz twhen he beOaane preai- HEADS ARE BROKEN IN TEXTILE STRIKE Effort to .Send Strikers' Children Away Causes a Riot. Lawrence, Mass., Feb. M. Heads were broken' today n a riot wHleh re sulted from an attempt to send 30 chil dren of striking textile workers to Philadelphia, contrary to orders from the authorities. Police and military took' the children into cusxoay and arrested several persons. Mlnq Workers Protest. Springfield, 111., Feb. 24. Announce ment of the action of the lAwrenoe, -Mass., authorities in preventing chil dren of the textile strikers from leav ing the cltv. broil Tilt at arm nf nm. 1 test from the convention of the Illinois uuue worxers nere today. Resolutions were adopted denouncing the authori ties for what the resolutions termed a Tnost dastardly outrage." "By uch acts a stbeae are the Mc Mamara outrages prompted and those .tV1"8 the affairs, as welt as the mm owners, should be eharged with the most contemptible of crimes, which will hasten the day of the torch and the bomb, if an enlightened people do S2LH onc ri" UD ,n their might and 2S t r aI1 Dut end t these Rus taawed methods," says the resolution. DEATHS AND BURIALS mv PABLO lALVARGZ. waVX!!rU ,.of Pmbl AIvex, who was Stabbed about two weeks ago by an unidentified man and died Thurs JLm.?3 nW this morning from bis IVfe .n Snt Fe street Inter ment was in Concordia cemetery. J. r. T-TT.T1 SfffZJp. I ALBERTO GOES ACK streeT '- ?& Sd" ! TO JUAREZ FOR TRIAL J?e 8'?!!ce- The body was buried in ' Alberto Apodaca went back to Jua ooncordla eemstery. ; rez Saturday. He was escorted aa far TTt- ! as the international bridge by El Paso OiJ.i'MK OASES OF SMALLPOX. policemen and went the remainder of MOSTLY XEW ARRIVALS IN' CITY the -wav alone. Apodaca is alleged to Fourteen eases of smallpox are now j bp wanted in Juarez on the charge of confined in the city eruptive hospital. shnnt)n? A man rame,! Garcia last ren or these are Vmerican, three M- i WMrteo.ii and he ha-, one back to This i proof of the Phone 4350 . i61, f .J firt, time." says bishop iicuuiu. ue rwwwa element mat nas neither traininx nor inclination for ia duatry will take some time to be put under control. Church Work Uninterrupted. "Aa to the work of the -Method church in Mexico, it has not so far fceen interfered, wrnh bv the disturbances. TVro floiirishinp schoois are conducted in Cbi huahua and Duraneo, wfth aa enrolment of about 200 pupils in each." The bishop had first called the eon mention to meet in Tonreon. Tfce lfs- tanbaoces there made him chance it to niiwswrua, ana wnen mat etcy became the trouble seat, the eonferaeeBiiras aajaia brousrht to 1 Paso. Many of the minfe tors from Duraago and Torreon who had expected to be present have been pre vented by the diaemfoed ooadKkm. The session this morning was called to order by bishop Hendrix at 9 oclock and after transacting routine business adjourned at 1 .oclock. The afternoon session is being devoted to unfinished business. Tonight Rev. R. Bi Ortega win de liver the annual missionary sermon, at a missionary service. The conference will ckfe on Sunday afternoon with the ordlnaUpa of a Mex ican aeacon, ev. jf ranciscp Olazabel to the ministry. Bishop Hendrix will leave for his home in Kansas City Monday morning INSTITUTE . IS NO W LEADING TOURNEY Beats Y. M. OA. in Cleverly contested U-ame John son theBig Star. In a hard fought game the B. P. M. I. shoved the Y. M. C. A. down U second place this morning with a 'score that read 55 to 2 at the close. The T game was all Mortimer Johnson. He eluded every attempt to cover him, and shot 8 or the points made. Robert Hoover also JJyu a great game, making 10 of the Fs nolnta. Th rm , -...... from the start The "Y" did some n-ood ini, out lost out on the baskets. IiviJluJ?8y'" e-oardlng held Cheno wath, the little star of the "T down to &Marr one basket "Cheny- shot three free ?""emenJ r -r mes m throws. The llneupi ve the salne SLeaue club wolud be begun. uoubi. nonioaon rerereed. The "Hl"-Blsbee game was the most evenly matched pne played so far in the tournament The teams ran neck and neck for awhile, ending the first quarter in the "Hrs" favor. 11 to 8. The Shamrocks gained in the second, clos ing 18 to 15. The last of the game was repeatedly tied, but Bis bee enh-d a neck ahead. Will Taylor, of -the "Hi." made the most baskets, five, and two free throws. The scoring of the Shamrocks was general, every man making at least two. The standing of the teams now is: Games. Won. Lost Pet J - -. xn. i . . . - J o iww Y. M. C. A 3 2 1 .666 Blsbee 2 1 1 .500 E. P. H. S. . .'0 2 .000 A. & M 2 0 2 000 The championship trophy and title will be awarded tonight to the winning team at the close of the tournament The games tonight will be Blsbee and "Y" and High school vs. A. A M. sHlannraa& ' ItjWaBRF JSHsbHRSIbB ' laMHsKSIl'TCglr . I wKlmmt4KlmS laHna- J HbSk VHBMn 3TnBar & akfcsS. sSH wHMBsMp?fe&&KB 'HaBaaK1 aWlw'ssi 9GW '" ' , WanaK ' v"" JHDHM, HeB 1&&& "V - " '" aCuflaf '--'" " sBEl .. X 'aa;:2'? Bffk E- " rsu'.5' jt& r L m- SasaaWaal I HrWS v. " -A-iJIS " w11 " i?jtJnaanaMariWal -9bBHSsbbIbB a mSSK"l f' 1L 'P ' , - flaJaHHalHsSK -ras&aKSiSaBBl9H aHr3SiS!S&r " vC" 4" JaS r, 4atkX saBaalBaBnaBaa9iBBF';BPBanS??QBSBa9aai 8rwjr jJ"? v Sr - m.LHRiJB HSBn iMUm If ' ' ' I i i , i ii ', .I, I in i JMiWBSMMamSSm 4. HMyHHHaBBaBsaHBa9aBaaSaHaH Scene from "The Barrier''. Company, Kl Paso Theatre, Sunday, Feb. 25th. . Bex Beach wrote not only a beet seller, but a strong story of the Northland when he wrote The Barrier. There are many thrills hi it, and Mr. Presbery, who dramatized the novel, retained the thrSls and seat out a play of considerable dramatic intensity. It tells of a young American army officer's love for an indian maid, his natural repugnance to marry her and become a squawman which is the Barrier and the final adjustment of affairs by the fourth act re vealing that she is white, the daughter of a fine and beautiful mother, her father being the villain -of the play, who had murdered his wife eighteen yearsbefore, when the heroine was an infant in arms. When this is definitely dantonetrated, the army officer who is some thing of a prig, by the way takes the girl in his arms,, and the curtain falls with the American flag in the background, and the pleasant announce ment that the couple are to be married that very evearing. -r r -f- 4- 4' "The Wolf" Sunday at Crawford Theatre Tomorrow, both matinee and night, Mr. Albert Taylor and his com pany will present Eugene Walter's great play, The Wolf." Mr. Walter, who wrote "Paid in Full," is one of the greatest living playwrights, and The Wolf" is regarded by all erities as a great Ameriaan play. It has' never been seen in SI Paso, and is presented bow obsj- hoeattce Mr. Taylor is willing to pay & high royalty on each performaneo. The play will be presented on Sunday only, and there wffi bo no in crease of the regular prices of 10, 25 and 35 cents for the night and ten and twenty for the matinee. Next week will be the bat week Mr. Taylor and his company will appear in El Paso, during which time he wfll present .two of his strongest bum; beginning the week with "Because He Loved Her So," and eesefedmg with "We Are King." ' J- 4.4. HINES SUES FUNK; ASKS FOR $100,000 Suit Said to Be Outcome of Funk's Testimony In Lorimer Hearing. Chicago. I1L. Feb. 14. Bdward Hinaa, the wealthy lumber dealer whose mem bership in the Onion league dub here was cancelled yesterday, today filed suit against Clarence & Fung for $100. 000 In the circuit court Funk, who la general manager of the International Harvester company, tes tified before the senatorial committee in the Lorimer inquiry that Hines told him he had "put Lorimer over," and had reuuested that the Harvester com pany contribute $10,000 to the expenses of the election of William Lorimer to the senate. According to attorney C L. Allen, who filed the suit, the action' la for slander. Attorney Allen declared it was prob able that no further steps would he taken in the case until the completion of the Lorimer hearing in the United States senate. He declined to state what specific ut terance of the defendant waa the cause of the suit and refused to say whether any proceeding looking toward the rein statement or .Mr Mines in tne union STORM DOES HEAVY DAMAGE ON COASt Mobile. Ala.. Feb. 24. Much damagik it is belleted. has been done to Mobile and surrounding towns by a windtorn that blew in from the gulf early toaay. While reports from the country are meager, it 1s said Goden. Bay MnetM- and several other towns have sustained heavy damage from the wind. . TO EJECT SQXATTKXS - FROM COTTON PROPERTY Sures are being made i the Cotton addition preparato ry tu ejecting all of the set tlers on this tract who have no 1 ! legal claim to the land which v tney occupy The work Is -be- lng done under the direction of y Frank Coles and judge Walter B. Grant, who Is attorney tor the Cotton estate. Y .j. . j. . .j. . .j. . .;. . . : - LE KKBYRJt, THK FAMOUS FRKXfH RTISrT. DKAD , - Paris, France. Feb. 24- Jules I Joseph l,eK Hire, the well ' 4- known I,--n i Painter 3nd ami incmVi. r ' te institute. & llOi1 tO.lT. O0oeo0a ' 4- -i"i"r' 4- RESTRAINED FROM CONSTRUCTING CANAL Colorado Court Itaaing Af fects Maty Reclama tion R-ojects. Montrose, CohH. Fa. . Judge Shackleford of the United. States dis trict court In chambers at Delta todav made t sstnit an injunotton against the United States government to pre vent officers of the reclamation serv ice front constructing a. large canal through a quarter section of homes toad land which had been proved up bv John A. Masters. Thouc-h natents for land issued by the ' government since 1 contain a clause ' -KA Wa k... MM. 0 ,.lll I1 I1 II I 1 Ii ii 1... the government to rights of way. Judge Shackleford held that the reservation clause is too indefinite to be of anv purpose .and the only way the govern ment ean construct a ditch through the land la by process of law. The coal is the uncoaaeleted portion of th Uauuainajlgiw valley project The anestton affects every reelama tWjroJect In" the west ROOSEVELT IN BOSTON MEETS MANY FRIENDS Boston. Maaa.. Feb. 14. Cot Roose velt's arrival here today Drought mam poltttrtans and-others eager to fathom the tenor of the exuected nnw t th.. eulssahalratloB of eight governors wh.. deanahorn him a statement of his atti- tnee regaroing acceptance of the presi - i nomination. The replv Is to I a public Monday. : believed that Col. Rnomwitlt vr While here with n-overnnr Rnsr: ox mw xiampsnire, ana other politic.! friends. He probably will be enter rained by E. D Brandege. judge Robert Grant and Grafton D. Cushing. speake ef the Massachusetts house of repre sentatives TO RESTORE a healthy appetite and then see that the food is perfectly . digested has been the success ful work of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters for 59 years. Try a bottle. It is for Indigestion, Costive ness. Dyspepsia, Colds, Gnppe t ,r lean and one negro trial.